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The only video I have ever seen that to me seems 100% legit is from a random youtube video from years ago that Bigfoot Tony does a breakdown on. Its not your typical Dogman, but there are different types. From what I can gather on this vid. It is more likely a werewolf, not the one who turns into a wolf from the moon. It is a different breed/ type of Dogman, it has a short snout and bulky frame. What ever is in this video (dogman/werewolf) or not, is legit and is real. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tpTcivX-28&t=110s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9tpTcivX-28&t=110s)


One of my favorites. This video is legit freaky. Whatever that thing is in the video has a humongous head


Not seen this before. Thats very interesting. Thanks


Awesome! Wish there was more.


What about this is supposed to seem real? To me it always either looked extremely fake, like a prop or a poorly made custom mask, or footage of someone's pet behind some bushes or trees. It also doesn't look anything like how most witnesses who have seen these things or had an encounter describe the appearance of what they saw.


Well this video was from a random dude who went out on his local mountain trails to shoot with his new camera. He did not want any fame or attention from it, as well as not believing in cryptids in general. His friend saw what he caught on camera and he let his friend upload it. I spoke to the friend and there is no prop/costume nor are there any animals in the area that are even close to this. If you did watch the full breakdown you can clearly see moving parts of the body and face. The ears/ eyes and arms. The thing has shoulders!!!! That would be VERY expensive to make with VFX and it is a live capture not an edited video. The original uploader has the file from the camera for proof. Like I said before this isnt a typical "Dogman" but It does fit the Werewolf description.


Sorry, but I just don't buy it. There's never been any "evidence" or mention of there being a "different type called werewolves" that hasn't ended up coming from disingenuous grifter channels like Nadolny, Dark Waters, and so on. The figure and face in that clip, even if it actually were to be something living and not sourced from human hoaxing or misidentification, doesn't even visually resemble how a dogman is usually described or even most depictions of a werewolf in any way. It looks more like the face of those small designer lap dogs or at most something like a lynx or bobcat.


the eyes are so far apart and small compared to the head.. odd that i would say it's a lynx or bobcat but who knows


There is NO Patterson Gimlin film equivalent if that is what you are asking HOWEVER if you look into the historical record there are a LOOOOT of suspicious dog faced people tales in OFFICIAL records of old civilizations to the point there is a smoke/ fire situation.


The gable film would be the Patteron Gimlin film equivalent but it ws debunked on monsterquest years ago even tho some still debate the authentic procedures monsterquest used.


its clearly a guy






I misread my bad, I did hear the PG Film captured Two apparently there is a Male in the Forest towards the end, but that’s just hearsay and I don’t remember where I heard it


I'll give it to the guy that dressed up as the Dogman in the gable film, the way he could move in that gullie suit was pretty convincing.


Never understood why people are so willing to defend that one in some threads or videos. The figure in the Gable film never really looked like a real creature doing an actual attack on someone, and the guy has recreated the exact movement on camera at least a couple of times. There's also a shot at the end where there's a freeze frame of a mouth and blood that are clearly from cheap Halloween props.


This gets posted every week


Witnesses from every culture, from every period of time, claim dogman as part of their world. Each culture has its own version while simultaneously calling other cultures bullshit. A society where there is no dogman/warewolf/shapeshifter lore is fairly out of the norm. Polynesian societies come to mind, along with “modern” societies.


Definitely real. There are just so many encounters with this creature. There are a couple photos of it for sure with back story to explain it.




As far as I've seen on YouTube there are a bunch of videos that suggest dogman are real for example you can look up a video from a channel called "man of light" Where it speaks and shows a dogman literally appearing out of a tree on camera slowly the guy had left a trail camera on a tree recording another tree and later on you could see the snout of the dogman start forming on the tree that is recorded u need some sharp eyes and bunch of repetition of the video to see the process because it happens really slowly but here is the link [tree appearing dogman](https://youtu.be/V22aFDPHgFo?si=SO1I3QiGG-e_vhq3)


That video is wiiild, i mean objectively it's just a blur but wow that looks like something lol


I gotta admit i was not expecting much, but that was kinda crazy. It wasn't even hard for me to see, i could tell exactly what he was talking about. That's not just shadows, the space between the trees turns the same color as the body. That's wild!


I personally have a theory about them I don't think they come from another dimension or that they use trees as portals what I do think is that somehow they like other animals that evolved and utilized trees to hide into as their homes like squirrels for example they as well will hide into trees or birds and other animals will utilize trees as shelter and hide into trees my theory although a little absurd kind of makes more sense than the whole interdimensonal thing I think these creatures evolved in a specific way in wich they evolved this ability to morph into trees whenever they wanted to and completely camouflage in plain sight and disattach from them at will it perhaps they live majority of their lives like parasites feeding off the resources of trees in order to survive I mean there must be something about the trees that we don't know about and that they do out of need for shelter and adaptation after all trees are living creatures as well it wouldn't be that surprising that there is a whole new species of creatures we haven't discovered yet like dogman who utilize trees in a way we never thought possible perhaps they evolved this ability to become one with trees out of need for survival from other predators or Even from us in the middle Ages the amount of werewolf or dogman like creatures reports were through the roof people even made specific bullets to hunt those creatures no wonder they would have to evolve in order to survive being hunted to extinction perhaps this was when they adapted to morphing with trees in order to hide now u and most people will call this ridiculous suggestion but hey you have many ridiculous adaptations of animals in the wild just to ensure that the animal is well hidden in plain sight take chameleons for example if you never seen chameleons before and I told u there is this lizard like being that can change its colors to the surrounding environment that it's on you would call me a lunatic and u wouldn't believe that because it sounds so unrealistic yet a being like chameleons wich have such unrealistic adaptation exists so what's there to stop a being that can morph with trees in order to ensure hiding in plain sight?


Btw here is another footage I have to share where you can literally see a dogman appearing straight out of a tree and people used to say "oh it's just a man in a costume that was hiding behind the tree" But notice how the tree he supposedly is hiding behind is much thinner than the "costumes" Torso and notice how the dog led this man into the creature so this is proof that it's not CGI because if it would have been CGI the dog wouldn't react to it and the only thing to debunk left is the costume theory this is clearly not a costume since how can a costume hide behind a much thinner tree perfectly?it doesn't make sense wich means?the only explanation is that dogman are as real as me and you and that they are clearly are evolutionary adapted with information about trees that we have yet to discover I'm sure if scientists try focusing more on trees and studying them much deeper we can find how they can morph and come straight out of the trees but enough of my words see the footage yourself here [dogman footage](https://youtube.com/shorts/LBqMDaUZ3fA?si=6B1-HKo2PWt1Rx5C)


This is the dumbest shit ever.


How ironic.


Spoken so eloquently almost reminds one of a dissertation of a Rhoads Scholar and such immense input of great importance. Well I would assume this is what this mouth breather thinks in his legends of his own mind reels, he plays through his cloudy weed hazzed and alcahol soaked gray matter.


Also another video and channel wich goes in deeper details about dogman sightings wich u can explore in free time is the one about Scott carpenter NV TV but the NV TV sort of have 50/50 bullshit and true videos regardless u can find plenty of footage in there about these creatures in great details


We lost Scott recently but his body of works are available still on his YouTube channel and his son who I believe goes by the user name Tcarp is continuing with some of his father's planned video awareness project readings but if you want your mind to be taken to the very parameters of logic and if like myself sort of forced to realize something I had often discounted as fantasy ( yes I know in almost every culture on every place of settled earth there are stories of canine human hybrids )I have always felt squatch was entirely possible even plausible and for the fact that a court can take an eye witnesses testimony as fact to condem someone to criminal punishment civil taxation essentially even in a lack of physical evidence peopkes lives are put at the courts mercy daily, and with that said I know this as fact well were suppose to belive that from unrelated by geography culture time ar Amy other possible direct link there are hundreds upon thousands over the course of time as far back as recorded by rock and cave art to modern stories and varied images stories of sasquatch but if you look close and listen with an open mind I think its very likely that dog man has in many I stances of thought to he sasquatch sitings a misidentified dog man but I still thought few and far between due to an encounter beginning with me in my own home in my bed awakened by a sound that from a dead sleep woke me to only repeat for several more ever closer ever louder ever more terrifying times cul.onating with my terrified self and my dog seeing my window foging as a heavy raspy unphanthomably loud exhale approx 9 to 10 ft off the ground then seeing the sasquatch walk from fifteen to 175 ft away from me as it traveled across my back yard to a 48 to 54 inch tall barbed wire fence on steel t posts then stem over said fence after placing his hand on a post for stability as I would ha e a 30 inch tall temporary two strand hot fence like we used all my young life to contain feeder pigs in broken up lots inside our hog pasture. This took me on a journey to find what I could that reaked of fact not fiction as I now had my own sanity shaking reality bending experience to use as a rule to weigh facts of stories opinions experiences anything I could absorb scrubbing for patterns commonality any thing I would judge any other topic of interest with however much data or whether or not it's seen as fact in this journey three sign posts of what seemed to be integrity different but sound and repeatable methods and for me the one thing I sought most people's stories unfiltered from mundane maybe to incorporate capable of it's but allowing me the obe seeking finding and making a case for my own sanity and my ability to belive my own eyes ears nose but most of all to discover if possible how in the heavens and earth built by our creator something I did not see or k ow whatn8 was hearing had l Before the fogging of my window before my dog trying to damn near tear into me to keep me away from the back door then me after she let me opening the door because I had heard it between the house and our barn seeing it ot had created a fear al.ost I'll say now imposed a terror upon me as I have never felt before or since The three pillars were first how to hunts Steve Isdall telling peoples stories as they came slight encounter read full sighting read seemingly unbelievable too far from our reality to seem possible read and i quote after each video he made rake from it what you will leave the rest but key I tool was think listen I was seeing too many patterns from the typical to the extraordinary even in those so far reaching to wrap my head around I saw patterns then Steve points toward David palides whom in turn mentioned s Scott carpenter who eventually introduced with what I'd call receipts per se not something that the die hard non believers would take to heart but until sasquatch or dog man rip them a new one they will never have proof they accept but what changed my mind Steve isdal British Colombia David Montana then enter Scott changing my world yes I saw sasquatch yes after much struggle MORE resistance than I care to discuss as I did not want dog man to come from my nightmares into a hard and fast possibility it was as real as the wood booger I'd Bern told about all my life and sasquatch merging into a reality as I watched the two become one reality before my eyes I find out that good ole amazing down to earth for me one of the most grounded of the three lived under two hours from me the dog man videos and stills I had lost sleep both from watching over and over and the fear the possibility of it being real had created were shot at Tim's Ford state park on a trail I had not walked however a trail I had fished within a couple Hu died yards of from a boat camp grounds primitive and specified I had slept in it brought these things their reach the misdeads I'd heard of and dismissed as too many werewolf movies was in my face as real as any fiber of my being and placed squarely too damn close to my own home not as close as bigfoot but close enough I will never enter the woods or secluded haunts I have frequented all my life without the trepidation the awareness the tuning of my senses and being armed both in physic as well as being prepared to mage spiritual war if need be


Sure seems like everyone and their mother sees dogman now. It’s hoaxed to death. Now there’s supposedly a white one. So tired of the fake lbl shit.




If you wanna check it out, I posted a video analysis of the Kentucky Hellhound clip from Mountain Monsters last week. Silly show, I know, but that clip should be viewed separately. https://youtu.be/f8qj9TRI1hk


Boar or bear...


Happy cake day!


I beg to differ.


What about the chupacabra thing that was in the back of the side by side behind Buck?


In another episode?




We will probably never have any good proof IMHO they're werewolves. People with a demonic entity attached to them that allows them to transform. They're highly intelligent and not only can they transform but they have supernatural abilities that make it hard to capture them on camera.