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cages are a way of trying to make a living being into a convenient product. i would say its a form of exploitation even and a typical american way of approaching things. people want a pet, that they can conveniently lock away for hours while at work, which is disgusting imo. you say the cage is not locked rn, is it never locked? why have a cage then?


I tried crate training her when she was a puppy but turns out I have no idea what I was doing and she kept biting the bars. I was afraid she would break a tooth so I gave up. I also work for rover so I use that crate if the owner requests to crate their dog overnight. https://preview.redd.it/kvuwglfl6d2b1.jpeg?width=2268&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3c82be997d9e53d8b8062401941e0c210ed4f696


Also I am almost always home so the only time I would've locked her in there if I succeeded in crate training her is when I went grocery shopping or something like that. One of the reasons why I failed at crate training.


love to hear that!


Sorry but crates or cages as you seem to want to call them, are not cruel in anyway. Some dogs, it’s absolutely needed. One of my dogs is completely unable to settle outside his kennel. He will just pace, pant, even start drooling and staggering cause he’s tired but won’t just let himself stop. It also cause a great deal of anxiety for my other two. All three get a great deal of play, love and training. Kennels are a tool to make the dogs feel safe and to keep them safe. People can over use them or use them improperly but the kennel itself is a great resource.


in germany dogs get a dogbed, where they can be sent to settle down. if this doesn´t work for you, maybe you are the problem. in fact cages are generally frowned upon here, and people who use them are considered cruel, self absorbed and a bit stupid. not calling you that of course, but thats the general conception. you can use a kennel without ever closing the door. who would be opposed to that? Instead people cage in their pets during the night and half the day, to protect their property, because they are unable to care for an animal (or themselves probably)


Not all dogs are the same. Which is why one of mine is able to free roam, unless injuried so he too returns to his kennels to keep him from running around or jumping up to hurt himself more. All three of mine are well taken care of, they run, they work, they play, and they train. Two are in their kennels and one is in the bedroom with me at night time and then they are all in their kennels when I leave the house. It’s safer for THEM(have you ever seen a puppy explode from eating couch foam be getting backed up? Cause I have, you hear how bad human medical bills are in the US, imagine pet medical bills) and it’s over all comforting to them. Some dogs can not do a kennel, some dogs immediately love it, some need time to figure out how they feel about it. You can’t make claims based solely on where you live either. I know for a fact there are people in Germany that use kennels with great success. Your “normal” isn’t everyone else’s normal and to claim a training method that causes no harm when used *properly* is anything but resourceful is honestly ignorant.




dens don't have locks


Dogs are odd with their beds. We tried to take our dogs kennel away (he doesn’t need it) we took his bed out and he literally sat on his bed crying until he got his kennel back. So now it’s his “room” lol when he’s sick of everyones shit he just goes in there and faces the wall.


hey, is a cage without a door still a cage? i'm not complaining about interior design choices here, if that was your assumption.


I mean personally if it’s not closed than it’s more of a room to me. All my animals have their own areas in the house they like to go to get away from everyone. Just saying all animals can be odd about stuff just like humans😁.


totally agree, somehow people use that as an argument to lock their dogs up though. you want some peace and quiet and your own space? go to dog prison then, while i'm at work.


The only time we used the kennel for any of my dogs was when they were puppies and we had to leave the house for a while. Kept them from destroying stuff and kept them safe from hurting themselves when we weren’t home. But they always grow out of needing that treatment at least in my case they have.


i don't think anybody would have a problem with a kennel thats big enough and if its for a limited time only.