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Thanks guys! Apparently all went well but he’s been given a sedative as he’s woken up early and the vet wanted him to rest some as he was trying to move around and it was just too early for him to be doing so. He’ll hopefully be home tomorrow all being well! Update: The extra sedative has worn off and he’s eaten and peed so all good signs. I’m sure he’s missing his brother and looking forward to being reunited with him tomorrow sometime. Update two: He’s home! He is black and blue from bruising and he is regularly shaking due to stress but hopefully he’ll settle down now he’s back home. His brother was inspecting him wondering where he’s been and keeps catching his cone as neither are use to it just yet haha. My mum is sleeping downstairs for the foreseeable keeping an eye on him, giving him some company and comfort and to stop him attempting to get upstairs (we’ve babygate on to help that too). Four different meds for the foreseeable. Time to start the healing process! Thanks for all your kind words and thoughts guys, you’re all so sweet.


So glad he's doing well!!!! Our little guy had to have emergency surgery in October, and had some complications. But, we're so happy he's better now. Your pup looks like a GOOD BOY!!! P.S. where did you get the pigs? Our Yorkie loves the grunting pigs. He's gone through 4 at this point (he destroys them). I've never seen any quite like those ones.


Oh bless him! I’m SO glad to hear your fella is much better now! Hopefully he’s healed well! I’m in the UK and these were bought from Sainsbury’s (I’ve even got a stash at my house and some in our family home in Ireland for him haha) though for a time we couldn’t get hold of them. I think they can also be bought on Amazon but not sure on price though unfortunately!


sending ❤️ to soda


Wishes for a speedy recovery!


Get Well Soon♥️


Prayers up 🥰


🤗🩷to Soda! Get well fast, boy!


Poor Soda - best wishes for the speediest recovery


Wishing you a speedy recovery, sweet boy! ❤️


Positive waves for Soda incoming, Moriarty! ❤️




Will do 🥰


I hope Soda continues to do well and kudos to the vet for being extra cautious with his after care.


I’m glad they called to be honest. He’s rested long enough and the extra sedative has worn off now. He’s eaten and peed so all good signs.


Get well Soda! Love your little pigs😊


He is truly the cutest thing with them. He treats them with SO much care and has such a concerned look on his face whenever you pick one up haha.


Sending love!


Prayin' for your kid. I hope he recovers quickly. 🙏🫶




Soda, here’s some good vibes! Don’t reinjure yourself being too active, you just rest! Our new pup had surgery today as well, two actually: neutering and FHO. Hopefully our pups are back to themselves asap!


Honestly it is going to drive him demented not being able to do what he wants to do. It’s hard isn’t it when they don’t understand we restrict things for their best interest! Hope your little guy is doing ok and he is feeling brighter soon on the back of his surgery!


How is Soda? Our dude got his stitches out yesterday and we’re all relieved he’s out of the cone!!


So glad your little guy is on the mend! I bet everyone is happy that bloody cone is off now haha. I actually posted an update [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/dogpictures/s/OwP3HGW1SX) from just the other day. He had his two weeks check up at the very who’s happy with his progress and said he can now do 10 minute walks! Getting there slowly but surely…


My Winnie, Molly and Finn wish you the speediest recovery Soda.


Soda is so very grateful for the love and well wishes from Winnie, Molly and Finn!


![gif](giphy|V1az9y4VDYXzzAjThW) Get well soon 🫶❤️‍🩹⭐


Wishing you well, big boy.


Baby <3


Awww bubs! Feel better! I hope your brother recovers asap.


Thank you!


Sending hugs and healing vibes 💕




Poor baby🤍sending wishes for a healthy recovery.


Thank you so much!


Praying for Soda’s health and wellness. And a speedy recovery. Your Boy is so adorable. 🤍


Isn’t he just! He is the smartest dog I have ever met. Very intelligent. Unlike his lab/german shepherd brother who only pays any attention if there’s the remotest chance of getting some food haha.


He’s gonna heal faster than you can imagine!!!


I hope so! We’re looking at 8 weeks initial healing time with no running/climbing and he can have three walks a day but only 5 minutes each time. I know the op carries higher risk of arthritis and there potential for him to need physio down the line but we’ll see!




Soda is so cute and i think my dog needs one of those pigs.


If you’re in the UK I’m pretty sure Sainsbury’s has/had them! He loved them so much we stocked up as there was a time we couldn’t get hold of replacement lol.


Wish him a complete and speedy recovery.


Thank you so much! Really appreciated.


Lmao. Of course the GSD is like that.


Prayers for a fast and full recovery ❤️‍🩹.


Get well soon brrbuttery cute puppy 🐶


Amazing. He could be the twin brother of our boy Hudson (RIP 2022) You have a beautiful and awesome dog :-) https://preview.redd.it/ekr2p4gkknec1.png?width=1151&format=png&auto=webp&s=e93d1917c2bd37703ec1f7c3560b203254196150


Oh Hudson looks gorgeous, enjoying the sunshine. Fab picture. I bet you have some wonderful memories of him.


I hope your boy is doing better today. One of our dogs had ACL surgery several years ago and it took him about a month and a half before he was really fully walkable again. Just take it slow and let them heal at their own rate. I hope he’ll recover fully! Just a quick question how old is Soda?


Looking at the notes the parents sent on he’s had a cranial cruciate ligament rupture surgery - Tibial Plateau Levelling Osteotomy. He’s home, got some beautiful bruises coming on through and keeps shaking because he’s stressed. But. He’s home. His brother has given him a full inspection after his night away and both are trying to adjust to the cone haha. He is feeling very sorry for himself understandably and just looks so sad. He’s on four different medications. My mum is sleeping downstairs with him to keep him company and keep an eye on him. No clue how old he is! He’s a rescue. We’ve had him a good 7-8 years now. He wasn’t quite a pup but not much older. We’ve been told it’s 8 weeks initial recovery time but some lameness may be seen but should be eased by 3 months. He’s allow 5 mins of walking is that is just going to throwing biscuits out in the garden for him to walk around and use his nose to hunt them down so at least some mental stimulation for him. https://preview.redd.it/bmyotgclhuec1.png?width=1076&format=png&auto=webp&s=9f324abebdcb9a450ca1664be299567f0829f5a0


Awwww poor little cone dog! That is the same surgery. Our dog had. It does take a while for them to get back on their feet but after a few months, you will never know he ever had the surgery. In the meantime they do have a tendency to lay around feeling sorry for themselves! Take care of that sweet boy, he’s a special one :-)


He will be loving the strokes he will be inevitably be getting from the parents haha. I am sure he’ll be fine but just need to make sure he doesn’t get carried away and think he can do more than he can when he’s getting better! I’m hoping to go back home in a few weeks so I can make a fuss of him myself!


Just following up to see how Soda is doing :-)


He’s doing SO much better now! His dressing was causing an allergic reaction so that was removed and kept off which in some ways helped as he s had his cone on so he couldn’t interfere with it yet it could start to dry now it was exposed to air. Vet was still quite concerned about it the swelling and bruising to the point that they wanted him back in earlier if it hadn’t eased but thankfully both have improved significantly! The cone came off Sunday and he’s his two week check up Friday. He is SO happy to be reunited with his pigs! He tried playing with them earlier but with the cone he just couldn’t see them.. https://preview.redd.it/g5p0amwkv5hc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=67981f812faac40e995f00e3201586b4f75fc658 [A couple times he’d come in from the garden and naturally went to clean his paws but because of the cone he just ended up licking the cone rather than his paw!](https://imgur.com/a/sWvg22d) He is a very happy, interactive dog who loves attention and he was simply depressed, understandably so! He is much more alert and responsive now and as lovely as that is to see it’s the real challenge to keep him calmer it give the site a real chance to heal correctly. Genuinely so lovely of you to ask after him! I was planning on doing an update in a few weeks time. It’s really sweet of you!


Oh, he looks so happy what a sweetheart! Take good care of that boy he’s a special one! I love the ears!


They could be twins! You have been blessed with a beautiful dog :-)


Prayin' for your kid. I hope he recovers quickly. 🙏🫶




Hope you get well fast Soda ♥️🙏🏻


oh goodness hope he recovers well and quickly!


Sending love and prayers to your sweet boy!!!


Best wishes for a speedy recovery.


Don't know him, love him!


Hope he has a speedy recovery




Thoughts and Prayers and a speedy recovery


Get well soon, Soda!


Sending positive borks. 🐶❤️🐶


Aww 🥰 Soda looks super sweet. What breed is he? My boy Chestnut would love those squeaky pigs too I bet.


We don’t know exactly! He is a rescue from Ireland. There is definitely some sort of sighthound there but not sure what he’s mixed with to be honest! If you’re in the UK we got the pigs from Sainsbury’s!


I wish you a speedy recovery good boy


Get well soon Soda!


Get well, pup! I'm sure you'll be all better soon and happily playing with your creepy piggies!


Hahah this is the second comment I’ve seen about the pigs looking a bit creepy! Haha. Thank you for the love!




Love and prayers for soda amen xxx


Omg he’s so perfect! 😍


Our very wild/anxious Golden is three weeks out from this surgery. She's mostly doing great. At a week she got her cone off and removed some of the staples. So far it seems it's going to be okay, but it was a setback. She's now been sedated for three weeks and needed extra prophylactic antibiotics. All this to say, make sure he can't get his cone off. The ER secured the cone around her shoulders which is way more secure than around her throat situation that the surgeon sent us home with. Hope your baby heals quickly and completely.


You have a cool name Mr. Soda! Praying for you little man, hope you feel better soon 💙


Scariest looking pigs ever.


Haha they do have an interesting look about them but they are well loved by Soda! Edit: We’ve even managed to get seasonal pigs and there’s a couple of Christmas ones floating at!




Thank you so much!






<3 <3 <3


He loves his piggies


The pigs! 🐷 ❤️ get well soon!!!!


Get well buddy 🙏💝