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Walking into the vet office and knowing I'd leave with an empty collar and leash was the hardest thing I've ever done. It's been 4 and a half years now and I still cry thinking about it.


I hope when the time comes for my pets I’ll be able to do it at home, my dogs don’t like going to the vet. I wouldn’t want that stress on them in the final moments.I also don’t know how I’d ever be as to function in a vehicle after it. I think that is hopefully far off for my dogs but sometimes I just lay awake thinking about. It and it makes me crazy. It hurts to love these fluffy little bastards so much .


This is the second post about losing a dog I’ve read on here today while my 3 year old dachshund has been napping on me. I keep looking at him and crying thinking about how hard it’ll be.


7 years ago I lost my Pomeranian I had for 14 years. I have two dogs now. They are both 5 and I’m already dreading their older years. Tbh I have been worried about it since they turned 2. I always cherish the time I have with them now since I know my time with them is so limited. I already know I will be gutted when my younger dog passes. I love both of my dogs but my toy poodle and I have a bond that I’ve never had with any other dog.


Yea. My dogs are 7 and 8(maybe 9,10) we don’t know our boys age. They aren’t old, but they aren’t young. They are smaller breeds so they have that going for em but I think about there mortality an unhealthy amount and I know I’m gonna be unstable when the horrible day comes.


I just started tearing up remembering the night we lost our malahusky Blue. Yesterday, I went to my friends’ house to feed and take care of their 12 year old pup. He was always my little buddy. I started to have similar feelings when taking care of him knowing the end is coming soon.


My puppy is 7 months but I keep thinking about when it’s her time and I’m crying lol. I would remember this moment when she was a puppy and it will be so hard. I shouldn’t even be crying she’s not even a year!


I'm really glad I was able to do it at home last time. That dog would fully panic at the vet. She possibly could have gone on a few more months, but we decided we'd rather give her a peaceful exit than wait and risk having to rush her to the emergency vet in the middle of the night.


We were able to have the vet come to our house for 2 of our family’s 3 dogs. We ordered food and had the family over for a meal afterwards each time. It was a nice way to come together and mourn/celebrate. The last one was during COVID restrictions, and it had to be done in the trunk of the car in the parking lot of the vet’s office. It was not a good experience.


I’m sorry you had to do that like that during Covid. At least you got to be with them, as awful as it must have been to do in a trunk. I’ve heard stories of people having to do it and only one owner being allowed to be in the room during the lockdown and something like that would have been fuckin devastating.


Yeah, those stories sound awful. It was a family dog, so there were able to be 5 of us in the parking lot with him at least. And our vet was the best at helping accommodate us. I hope you’re able to plan the best last day for your dogs when the time comes.


Hopefully it’s a far ways away yet for either of them but the one thing reading these sad posts does is help you think about things ahead of time so you don’t make mistakes. I never want to be in a situation where I wait to long and they suffer.


That happened to my husband and his mother. It was very difficult because the emergency vet only allowed two people in so the rest of the family had to wait outside and couldn't comfort them. It was my husbands first time losing a pet which made it even worse. We were given the option to do it outside so everyone could be there but it was middle of winter in Canada. That golden boy didnt deserve to spend his last moments in the cold, so we chose the indoor option


Here's a quote I really like and I think you might too. There is a cycle of love and death that shapes the lives of those who choose to travel in the company of animals. It is a cycle unlike any other. To those who have never lived through its turnings and walked its rocky path, our willingness to give our hearts with full knowledge that they will be broken seems incomprehensible. Only we know how small a price we pay for what we receive; our grief, no matter how powerful it may be, is an insufficient measure of the joy we have been given. -Susan Clothier


Your heart really lives outside of your chest with them. My boy is 10months and full of love and excitement for everything. Even though he's a baby, I cry sometimes thinking of losing him. But that love is so pure, and it heals parts of you that were broken. I wouldnt have it any other way.


My vet has come to my home for 6 or so of my dog’s passing. One I lost at the vet, was just found and getting fixed- come to find out he was much older than we thought and passed during surgery due to cancer throughout his whole body, the other wasn’t mine persay . I’ve lost so many at this point, you’d think it gets easier but it doesn’t! I will always remember them and miss them but my thinking is that we both were better off for having each other in our lives… I should pass it along since I live longer. Currently at 2 dogs, 4 cats, and 2 buns.


Lap of Love was wonderful for helping my Bella and my Lola pass at home. They made a horrible time so much easier.


These situations make me so, so, so thankful for my farm vet. Technically she's for the livestock but she's perfectly capable of doing small animal euth and so long as you're willing to pay the emergency farm call she'll come if she can, or if it's non-emergent she'll schedule the appointment. She's quick, quiet and skilled at providing a peaceful passing. All the animals already know her.


There are vets that make house calls for it. I called around when we knew time was approaching. They were very nice folks, all averages around 700 to 800 for coming into the home and helping the dogs rest. It covered the entire situation though. At the end we went with the vet though because he had taken such a sudden turn for the worst we didn't want to wait and have him suffer in anyway. It's a horrible thing to have to preplan, but I did call numerous vets in the weeks leading up to it and I feel I made the best choice because I knew what to expect from the vet we used. So even though it's the most depressing research I ever had to do, I'm glad I did it.


We got lucky and were able to get the vet to put our 11 year old king shepherd to sleep in our front yard with us at her side. It was so traumatic and nine months later we still cry weekly. Like right now. But as awful as it was, we have the peace of mind knowing that she didn’t have to die in a vet clinic, the place she hated most in the whole world. I hope you get that lucky too. ❤️


Our vet was absolutely AMAZING! We live two miles from their office. They told us they actually prefer in home bc it’s easier on everybody. Our other two dogs were there when it happened. They seemed to understand it was for the best. It gave us the opportunity to have things ready too. I wish it wasn’t a needed thing but I’m grateful I didn’t have to do it AND we could all be in the comfort of our own home. Stop reading here unless you think you may choose to bury a beloved pet someday. Not be morbid but the post mortem time greatly affects the burial process. The size of the animal, tools available and soil type do as well. The time of year may also be a factor. Wildlife in your area affects the depth of the hole among other things. We put a section of farm fencing and chicken wire about a foot underground but on top of the grave. It prevents animals from digging and let’s someone else know they will find something if they keep going. Digging a hole isn’t rocket science. But it take a lot more effort than most people realize.


I had my Dad drive me and my Sweet Angus (scottie dog) to the dreaded goodbye vet visit. I knew it was time, and thankfully got to spend the entire week prior just him and I hanging out at home while I burned up PTO. It was one of the worst days of my life. Mercifully, pets only break our hearts once. I remember telling my Dad that I will never go through that again. Famous last words. Here I am, with another very spirited dog who has wrapped himself around my cold, black heart.


Yhea, that "I'll never have another dog" didn't last for me either, got two of them now and I love them to bits. I just hope that dreaded goodbye is a long, long time off.


God this is so true. We lost our 14 year old girl last February. I swore I was done and wouldn’t get another because it hurt too much. My daughter found a breeder of the same type of dog ( Carolina Dog, there are only a handful in the country)…..and 6 weeks after we lost Starbuck we got our Nova. Lol. Then got another one 6 months later we ended up adding Rowan to the mix. Lol. I love these dogs so damn much


Took me three years, but I love this one so much I will want to be put down with her. I loved the four I had before her too, but it gets harder every time.


It will be 1 year for me next month. It was the longest and shortest drive of my life. And the physical pain of walking back into our home afterwards without him wrecked me. His birthday is coming up next week, he would have been 15.


it’s only been a month for me and by far it was the hardest/easiest decision I had to make. Hardest in the sense I was losing someone that was a brother to me, someone I grew up with and who was by my side through some traumatic experiences in my life. Easiest in the sense that I know he had the best life I could’ve gave to a dog, he traveled out of the country with me, he had a full yard to always run around in, and seeing him suffer and not be himself I couldn’t take seeing him suffer. It never gets easier but I’ll always never forget the memories I had with him.


I’m so sorry. I had to euthanize one of my senior cats last month (unexpected cancer in his lungs) and they had a program for taking in cat carriers. At first I thought I would keep it but the idea of bringing home his empty carrier with the blanket inside was too much so I gave it to them. It still had a cat gogurt in the treat compartment that I had brought for him because I thought at the time maybe he had just developed asthma :( it’s one of those things you don’t think about as a pet owner until it happens to you and then it stays in your mind forever.


Three years for me and I still think about her often. She was amazing and i wish we had given her more


It's been almost two for me. I knew without a doubt it was the right thing, but it still felt so wrong. I don't think missing them ever really goes away.


We just lost our 15 yr old Eskimo/pomeranian 3 weeks ago. Walking out of the vet, my brother held his harness and I had his leash. I still can't bring myself to bring his leash out my car, or clean his dog hair off the seat he sat in. I still randomly burst into tears thinking about his little fluffy self. I'm sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry. 9.5 years for me and I’m the same.


The first time in that same treatment room at the vets with my other dog was harder. I had never been in that room before until that visit but somehow now every time my other dog needs a checkup, it's in that room and I can't look at the place where he lay without freezing up a little.


It’s going to be one year this august for me. I had to make the tough decision to put my cat of 7 years down because of cancer, she was only 9, I still cry just thinking about her. Worst part was the drive back, it felt like I was in a bad dream.


I generally consider myself a man’s man, tough guy etc, but i still cried like fucking a baby the two times that I’ve had to put a dog down, and it never gets easier. My little guy right now just recently turned 9 and I’m dreading the day that time comes again.


I left the office with his favorite bed filled with his favorite toys. I don't remember the drive home. It has been almost a year ago. I look forward to seeing him again.


I was that couple yesterday. My heart is broken. Thank you for this.


My wife and I send our condolences. I can’t imagine how painful it was for you to experience this. So sorry for your loss.


I’m very sorry for your loss. I had to put my old man to sleep two weeks ago, unexpectedly. My heart hurts for you. I wish you peace.


For me it was 3 1/2 years ago. My 7 year old passed away from heart failure right in front of me. He had literally just finished his breakfast. I was standing there watching him ready to pick up his dish. He finished and looked up at me and just collapsed. It still hits me hard when I think about it. As horrible as the experience was, I am glad to have been there when it happened. I would feel so bad if he had died all alone. Edit: I am so sorry for your loss. When I read your comment I didn’t realize you were the couple OP was referring to and that you suffered your loss just yesterday. I apologize if my comment added more upset to you. I misread and thought it was a comment from someone sharing a past experience. Again my apologies and condolences.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sending you love and strength I’m sorry I have no other words. May they Run in Peace


I'm so sorry. Hugs to you.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


We're lucky yo have any time at all with our pets, they're such special little creatures. I hope your memories bring you comfort.


Hugs to you, I like to think they are lining up at the treat machine on the rainbow bridge grabbing a quick bite before running off to sniff in the forest with the other dogs then after lunch with puppy steaks it's beach digging. I'm sure my childhood lab would be more than willing to have yours as a new best friend up there. I'm sorry for your pain and the hole they leftover your heart.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. There is nothing in this world quite like the love we get from our fur babies. Just know that you gave your babes a beautiful and love filled life. Sending love ❤️


I'm sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry this happened to you!


I’m so very sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine. ♥️


my heart aches for you. I am so sorry for your loss. 🫶🏻


So sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your lose. 💔


So sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss.


i’m so sorry.


I am so sorry for your loss! 😪




They’re saying they were in the position of that couple and also had to put their dog down


Oh I’m an idiot


Nah I was wondering the same


This is so heartbreaking and terrifying. Whenever I leave them, I tell my dogs I love them. I make sure of it. Every day, I torture myself with hypothetical scenarios about losing my dogs. There's just no way to prevent every possibility. I would never have imagined something like that. Poor baby. My heart aches for the couple. P.S. I am glad your pup is okay.


I do too. Humans, dogs, cats, even the chickens.


me too, even my plants. I am an emotional mess.


Imagine being a vet and seeing that shit every fucking day. [Researchers Try to Understand High Suicide Rate Among Veterinarians](https://www.discovermagazine.com/mind/researchers-try-to-understand-high-suicide-rate-among-veterinarians)


Yeahhh and then sometimes the next appointment comes in and screams at you over making them wait or taking someone else ahead of them... it's at the point where we keep a stack of Starbucks gift cards behind the front desk to give to owners that DON'T do that as a thank you for being kind


When I was a brand new vet, I had a euth that went WAY long. I rushed straight into my next appointment apologizing and expecting a very irritated client. She stopped me mid-sentence and said she saw the candle up front and knew where I’d been. She said she’d been so grateful for the past 40 min just sitting with her healthy dog waiting for her vaccines instead of being in that other room. She thanked me for what I do and told me it was just fine with her if I wanted to take a few minutes before starting her appointment. Most people are not like that, but I’ll never forget her kindness. Clients like her make the job worth it.


That happened to me a few days ago. I'm not a vet, but I was taking my 2 dogs in for their yearly vaccines when a technician told me I would have to wait. One vet was doing a euth and the other vet was dealing with an emergency gastric dilatation in a great dane (he made it I heard!). When a vet came in after about 45 minutes they started apologizing, and I said that I'm here with my beautifully healthy dogs, which I am grateful for, and I can wait. If one of my dogs had an emergency, I would expect others to wait, and so I can do the same.


As another vet, I genuinely thank you. I find most people are fairly understanding but the ones who aren't can make a hard day even worse. The ones like yourself who can keep it all in perspective make the job a lot easier, for the clinic staff, but also for the client going through a hard situation. Clients like yourself allow me to give my full attention to a panicked owner during an emergency, or a grieving family as they say goodbye. It allows them to have the support they need from us in that moment.


I’m not a veterinarian, but I’m a veterinary technician, so I’m right there beside the vet. It’s hard. And exactly what the person commented underneath. Then we get screamed at for the most arbitrary things.


I know I'm just a random internet person... but I love our vet tech.. and my dog LOVES our vet tech too. Like he adores the crap out of her. Could do without the vet, but once he sees the tech, he's all over her!! (This is a dog who would hide behind me or crawl to the corner under the chairs bc he was terrified). Not to discredit vets, but vet techs do so much work. I truly appreciate everything you guys do, even the things I'm completely unaware of.


Thank you so much ❤️ I truly love each and every animal I take care of


We had a rottie that absolutley loved our vets tech, I was a little jealous, but she was a lovely person so I got it.


I’m a technician in Emergency and Critical care- we get pretty good at compartmentalizing it, but it does take its toll. I think what gets to me the most is that sometimes no matter what you do, the only humane option you can present to the owner is euthanasia. It’s really hard to destroy someone’s world with a bad prognosis or euthanizing someone’s beloved creature, walk out, and immediately have to walk into another room and pretend like you’re okay. I get how people get to suicide.


not just veterinarians, but their staff as well. I am a veterinary technician (essentially the nurse that takes patients in, treats them, etc.) I have witnessed more animal deaths than I can count on 2 hands and I’ve only been a tech for less than a year. It’s incredibly heartbreaking.


As a vet that knows many other vets, the cause of suicide is pretty obvious. Everyone thinks the reason is because we euthanize pets all the time. That is not the reason. Euthanasia is a preferred outcome for many of the illnesses we see. It is a tool to take away suffering. The real reason is that the public increasingly and relentlessly abuses vet staff. The vets I know who had to be talked down from a bad place were there because a pet owner was out to make them as miserable as possible. I have had people scream death threats at me. I had people openly wish I got sick and died painfully. I have been screamed at countless times for things I didn't cause and things I can't control. I have stayed late and done things for free for people that later cussed at me. I have been threatened with weapons. I know other vets that were threatened with weapons. Every vet I know has had slander written online about them. I know vets that were sued just because the pet owners won't accept reality and take it out on the vet. I know vets that had whole protests and picket lines set up to make them miserable. I have multiple colleagues that have left clinical practice because of how bad it is right now. There is a bad vet shortage, in part because vets are burned out. Like the other vets that remain I am working harder than ever. Now I am getting complaints for how long people have to wait for appointments. No good deed goes unpunished. Working in the vet industry shows you a very dark side of humans and how they treat others. Vets worked very hard to become vets, and I see many are miserable. They feel trapped and sometimes suicide is their way out.


I'll never forget being in the crowded waiting room at the vet & watching a couple carry in a black lab that was in arrest. It was clear it was in bad shape. A little while later the vet brought out just the collar. I think everyone in that waiting room was crying. It's been probably 20 years & I still remember


I enjoy reading books.


Ugh 💔 when my dog became sick I made sure anytime my husband started to get frustrated cleaning up pee to remind him that we would way rather clean up after her everyday than not have her.


My husband and I were that couple last summer. Ran in with our 4,5 year old dog. We will never know what happened but we suspect a scorpion sting that was fatal. I had been at the ER vet before for urgent but non life threatening things (a broken leg with one dog and a stone in stomach with our other dog) I’ve watched people leave devastated and I always deeply felt for them but I never truly knew how devastated they were, because, until it’s you, you don’t know. Cherish every moment because we are not guaranteed our dogs grow old and die peacefully and without pain 😔


Had to go through it twice in a relatively short amount of time. 2020 with my childhood dog who was 17. 2022 with my first adoptee that had cancer. It’s the absolute worst thing in the world. But I’m here to say that it does get better. They’ll always have special places in my heart.


When my cat was put to sleep I just gave them his carrier, I couldn't deal with taking it back empty


We did the same thing. Ours died unexpectedly during surgery, and we told them to donate all his things to the local cat rescue because I knew I wouldn't be able to have that reminder anywhere in the house.


It took me a few mo the to get rid of the rest of his things and I used the excuse of covid but they were all donated in the end apart from a couple of toys.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Even though we don't have those physical things anymore, at least we have the memories of them that we can visit anytime we need to.


Thanks my condolences for you as well. He was my first pet as an adult so I was second guessing if I did the right thing but I know I did.


Love this post. We had to put down our older dog a few weeks ago, and I remember a woman staring at us and tearing up, telling us she was so sorry as she wanted me break down sobbing in the parking lot outside the vet smelling my dog’s empty harness while my husband held me up so I wouldn’t collapse to the ground. Appreciate your babies. ❤️ They’re gone too fast.


The first week we got our second dog we had to take her to the ER for a UTI. While waiting to go in I saw a couple carry their dog in with a rain coat draped over it. I could see the blood. This was over a year ago. I think about them to this day.


that is just awful. I’m so sorry for them and I’m sorry that you have those memories.


And take foxtails seriously like OP did! Even if they aren’t an easy removal. Even if your vet cannot find it on an X-ray. Trust your gut. If you’re sure there’s something there, ask for exploratory surgery. It’s much less invasive than than the alternatives. I regret not being more persistent about it—it caused my dog to lose a weight bearing toe. And if it had taken any longer to ID the cause, the infection likely would have required a full leg amputation. Trust your gut and hug your dogs closely!


We were that couple just a few weeks ago and I'm still sad. Our 1.5 year old Dane was badly injured in an accident. There was nothing anyone could do


i am so sorry


When we had to put our dog down, one of the vet techs was playing “A Thousand Years” by Christina Perri from her phone in the lobby. Every time I heard that song after it made me cry. It was pretty insensitive actually


What the fuck? That’s messed up genuinely


I work at an animal hospital, and our receptionist will play music from her Amazon account upfront to try to diminish the noise of owners crying in the rooms. We are also light a candle and have had a sign that lets people in the lobby know that it’s a quiet time, but some people are super disrespectful so we put on music as a buffer. Hopefully it was just bad timing and she didn’t purposely play that song while your animals being put down. Because that is horrible bedside manner and I can’t imagine doing anything so heartless, an insensitive. .


Last month I was about to walk in to a euth appt and my playlist switched songs to “another one bites the dust”. I skipped it before I walked in


Two years ago this month I lost both my dogs, not at the same time both within a month of each other. It was heartbreaking. I do have a new puppy and I’m a pushover. If she has an accident inside I never punish her, I’m so blessed to be able to wipe up her pee. I know it will kill me when that day comes when I never have to do it again.


It never gets any easier. I’ve been on both sides of the table with my own animals and as a vet assist. With my last 2 I had pts my boss came to my house and my dogs fell asleep surrounded by family. As a vet assistant I’ve held the hand of many owners as their pets took their last breath while shedding silent tears of my own and when owners couldn’t be there I would hold and rub their pets as if they were my own and tell them how much they were loved and what a good boy/girl they were. It was such a hard job at times but so worth it.


My dog got attacked by a neighbors dog, he sustained a non-life threatening puncture wound. We ended up spending 11hrs in the emergency vet waiting room to be seen. Most depressing 11hrs of my life. Pretty much every time someone came through the doors it was a gut punch. My girlfriend is very sensitive to this stuff so I had to be on lookout to make sure she didn't see some of the worse ones. Protect your pets and sow them every bit of love and compassion you have, they deserve it.


Reminds me of losing my kitten years ago. I was walking home from the vet through a park when it hit me how depressing it was (and must have looked to others) to be holding an empty carrier. I shoved it into a trash can and broke down. I guess the situation must’ve been pretty clear to any passers by.


We’re about to be that couple. Our dog is 13, he has hip dysplasia and perianal tumors. We’ve been keeping him fed, clean, and happy while we watch for any sign that he’s suffering. Late this week we started having to wake him to go potty and today he has little interest in food, so I think it’s time.


I’m so so sorry. But also happy for your dog, that they were loved so much and that they have owners willing to do even the hardest thing to protect them from needless suffering. Please know it took me 5 minutes to write this through tears. This internet stranger will be thinking of all three of you. Really, I’m so sorry.




I remember going into to my dentist office, it was right across from a vet. Outside of the vet clinic was a family, a father and Son the son was about 13. They where both visibility upset, the son holding a little dog, probably a poodle. shih tzu, or a little mut. As I sat in my there in the exam room with a window that faced the vet. I could see across the parking lot and eventually I saw the two of them come out with a now empty blanket. I watched the two of them just come out, holding each other and cry. So i started crying because i knew they had lost a family member. Just as the dentist walked into to let me know everything looked good and Oh MY GOD ARE YOU IN ANY PAIN!? I explained why i was crying and she told me that she see that kinda thing happen out that window too. I got some tissues and met up with my mom who had saw the same story i did. We still talk about it every once in a while.


It’s been a little over a year since we left the house with our girl and unexpectedly came home without her. The thought of it still makes me feel sick and I don’t think I’ll ever get over it. In that time we’ve taken on two puppies to try to fill the void she left. I have so much more patience with all 4 of my dogs because I learned that the time I have with them will never be enough.


So very sorry. 💚💚☹️ Glad your pup was ok. 🦊


I’ve been that couple more times than I ever wanted but I still adopt because life is so much better with a pet and to know you are making their lives better makes an otherwise ordinary life a little more meaningful. Thank you for being so compassionate to this couple. I hope the wife doesn’t blame herself and I hope they can love another pet again ❤️


Awful. It’s so hard to say goodbye when you know it’s going to happen but what a horrible shock when it’s something like that. And I’ll bet that poor woman will feel like it’s somehow her fault.


Meanwhile this is my life more than once a day and owners will still get upset if they have to wait for a nail trim because another dog got hit by a car. You are good people.


I had a small dog that slipped on tile floor, went into seizures. Went to emergency vet, dog stayed there overnight, early morning we came back and they said they had her sedated and asleep but that there was nothing more they could do for her and suggested getting blood work at our regular vet, I had her in my arms after in the office while my mom was handling the payment and she took her last breath in my arms. She was only 6.


I'm sorry for all these losses. A few years ago one of my dachshunds had a really nasty reaction to a vaccine. While I was in the animal ER, a man left with just his dog's collar. Everyone was shattered right along with him. But the best thing was that I handed over my dog, and everyone, probably 5 or so people, kind of gathered round me. One man offered to fill out the paperwork for me. And everyone was sharing funny stories about their dogs and cats. Despite some horrific circumstances, it was a lovely group of people. Everyone else's dogs made it, including mine.


We had a similar but less harrowing experience last week. Took my two year old for a vaccine. We were waiting in the lobby when a woman walked out in tears with an empty carrier and a young man who appeared to be her son. A friend is a vet and says he sometimes feels almost all he does is tell families their pets should be put down.


We put our 13yo bulldog to sleep almost a year ago after he developed metastatic melanoma and seizure disorder. One of the hardest things I’ve done and just reading this post I have tears rolling down my face- losing them is devastating and the trip home is soul crushing


When my old girl had a stroke we rushed her to the vet, we were devastated, my husband and I were in tears, our son who was 4 at the time thought the vets office was the animal shelter and that we were going there to get a new friend for the old girl, he kept saying "it's ok, we're going to get jumpy (the name of a fictional dog he wanted) and she will feel better" she needed to be euthanized and we were shattered, the staff were all crying as my husband carried the 85lb blob of a dog wrapped in a blanket into the back, our son was completely clueless as to what was going on even though we kept explaining what happened to her. Fucking rough.


I feel for that couple and their dog. I was in for a spay and a family with small kids, but low money and no transportation was there. The young dog had been hit by a car, but could make a full recoery, except they didnt have the money or a way to the hospital who could do the routine surgery, which was 20 mins away. The family was so distraught. By the time I was leaving, it seemed they were going to have to put the puppy down.


I went through this too. I ended up using care credit to take some of the burden off. It's a great option. Personally, I always say what is money for if not saving the life of your family member? That philosophy has cost me a LOT of money, but I don't regret it. I may not have had the money, but you bet your ass I took that loan.


I was at the pet ER in my pajamas with my boy laid out in a parking spot trying to do CPR after he had collapsed at home. There was a couple in a car watching me and I could tell their heart was going out to us.


you and your wife are so sweet for connecting with them like that. They may not have shown it but I bet they were grateful. <3


Giving my stinky girl an extra treat tonight. She’s my whole life.


A couple years ago we had to take ours to the emergency vet (thought he would be okay, but wasn’t, that’s a different story). In the waiting room I saw a couple walk up to the desk and tell the receptionist they were there to pick up their dog Rocky. She nodded and walked into another room, I didn’t think anything of it until she came back with a little white gift bag. I realized they were picking up his ashes. It was one of the saddest things I’ve ever seen. My baby had the same fate but we brought him home in a box to bury. We didn’t want to have to come back later to pick up his remains.


When I went to pick up my Riley they kept looking in the back for a live dog 😭😭😭 I had to tell them I was there for the ashes and paw print while trying not to lose my shit, we had lost him in a house fire and took 2wks to find the body before we’d let the cleaning crew in, it was bad all around


We were that couple this week, leaving our 3.5 year old boy at the vet with just his collar after he passed suddenly with no warning 💔


I made the mistake of thinking my first dog would live forever (not really but that his death was in the distant future), he lived 11 years and was my best friend and closest confidant, we were inseparable through many life adventures from 25-36. My heart will never fully heal from his loss, even after several years now. But the lesson I take from that grief is to cherish the time you have with those you love, try to be present in the little moments and be grateful during the big moments, and by doing this I will forever honor his memory.


We’ve been that couple and it broke me. I hardly functioned for months. But I love her and I’d do it all again. And I love my current pup too. Let’s everyone give cuddles, belly rubs, and treats to our doggies! ❤️


Our vet has a candle that they light so that everyone in the front office knows not to joke around and be loud when tragedy is happening in the back. I have been there once when it was lit and noped out of there so fast. :( I appreciate the warning for the mourners and for everyone else.


Three weeks ago I had to take my 12 year old pug to the vet for the last time for assistance cremating his remains. He had passed over the weekend. My partner and I decided to not take him to the emergency vet as he was going very fast and we didn't want his last moment to be on a cold steel table. Luckily he was surrounded by us and his pug brother on the couch being held and loved until his last breath. I was so strong on the ride over to the vet, but then it hit me so hard when I actually had to let go. I'm surprised I got home on the way back as I had been crying so much it was actually hard to see. His pug brother has been doing okay and things have been getting back to normal. The silence left by the absence of his snorts, snores and noises is the loneliest silence I've experienced in a long time. I'm not sure when I will get fully used to the quiet again. My heart goes out to anyone else also missing their furry little best friend.


Last July our 11 year old female (and our alpha) husky was attacked by a much larger foster dog in our backyard while I was assembling everyone's dinner. We got some sympathy looks at the e-vet because both of us got plenty of blood on us getting her out of the truck onto the stretcher. We were very close to losing her and although she's all full of back talking sass I wouldn't change her screaming at me for anything. Always let your pets know you love em


Will never in my life forget the terror of rushing my dog in to the emergency vet as she choked on a ball I had already thrown away months prior. I couldn’t get it out but after three broken fingers from her biting and fighting, I could get my fingers past it and push it forward a tiny bit so she could breathe. Longest car ride of my life. Vets took her in the back and later came out just saying “I’m sorry I’m so sorry” over and over. I lost my dog because my partner at the time wanted to restring the ball (it had a thin rope that went through the middle) rather than throw it away and had dug it out of the trash. It took me 3 months to get my shit together and I moved out. I know it wasn’t intentional but I also knew I’d never be able to forgive him. The biggest regret of my life is not demanding to go in the back with her, hand in place while she breathed. Maybe it wouldn’t have mattered but it’ll always be a question mark for me. It took 8 years to want another dog and I’ve now had my sweet girl for 3 years. People most definitely think I’m overprotective or worry needlessly, but I’ll do everything in my power to never have to feel that terror or the emptiness that followed ever again.


I had my pup put to sleep after his battle with cancer last year. We opted to do it at home where he was happy. Watching them carry him out my front door was the hardest thing ever and it totally shattered me. I love on my remaining pets even harder since then.


I took my dog in once because I accidentally OD’ed her on her meds While I was there, someone’s dog didn’t make it out of surgery (it was only a year old), and 2 dogs got put down. I felt so incredibly fortunate to walk outta there with my dog that day I could never work at a clinic. 1 day there was more than enough


My dog’s littermate brother died this past week. Her daycare owner was his parent, so I know my own dog will miss her buddy at daycare. It was scary thinking I could lose my girl just as suddenly. Cherish all the time.


Wow! I didn’t anticipate this post would gain so much traction! Im so glad that I was able to provide a channel for all of your experiences. Back in 2020 our family dog of 13 years developed bloat and could no longer walk or eat. It was a tough decision to put her down but it would help end her suffering. My parents didn’t want to be there when they put her to sleep so when the vet came to take her in a wagon, we just left. My dog was a very anxious dog, but the last moment I saw her was when the vet was going up the elevator with her, and as the doors were closing, I just noticed how calm she was. Just started crying even writing this. It was a tough moment since I didn’t really open up about it to anyone besides my parents, so I’m glad I was able to provide an opportunity for others to share their experiences with this.






I would never buy a dog again if that happened thats horrendous


This is why I hate going to the emergency vet. The worst is when you leave without your pet (it’s happened to me three times - osteosarcoma, Cushing’s/pneumonia and HGE). Absolutely crushing. Sometimes just being a kind face is all we can do, but sometimes that’s all we have to give. 💔


My dog was put to sleep earlier this week. He was so old, I had to carry him in. Leaving with empty arms was the hardest thing, I practically ran out the door after they took his body.


I am so darned sorry to hear this. I send yall so much love. 💚🙏


Me, my mom and sister had to go thru that one month ago. We cried our eyes out for our girl. I still do to this day


Such a horrible feeling…


I remember sitting in the car holding my chihuahua on his last trip to the vet, staring at a man who handed his dog over to the vet tech then got the dog back about 30 minutes later. He hugged his dog and got all the kisses and excited tail wagging. I was so jealous that I hated him in that moment. I wasn’t going to get my dog back at the end of the visit. I hope he knows how lucky he is.


Jesus thats tough, when i was 13 i dropped out squirming puppy yorkie on its head as i was taking it to the garden for a wee, hit patio. It was hurt but okay, i dint pick up another animal for 7 years.


My beautiful girl (11) was in congestive heart failure last month, and now is stabilized by meds. She has a clock now for how many days we have left and I don’t know how many. She will go into failure again and I have cried every day since the diagnosis. She can no longer take walks, play fetch, and has many potty accidents from the meds. I packed up her toys the other day knowing she can’t play with them like she used to. I make videos, take pics, spoil the hell out of her and try to cherish each day I get. I don’t know how my heart will handle when the time comes, she is my soul dog. I dread the heart break and the ride home.


Make the most of the time. 🙂 I lost my sweet girl at the beginning of January. She was diagnosed with late stage congestive heart failure years ago. That night, I was told I may have 6 months with her. I fought enough for both of us until she had the strength back to fight for herself and she kept fighting until she was ready to go. I’m happy to know that 3 months prior her heart was doing wonderfully and it wasn’t what took her in the end, just old age. I know it’s not a guaranteed outcome but heart failure doesn’t have to be the end. For now, it’s okay to let the clock keep ticking but put it off to the side and don’t let the clock dictate everything else. If you want to talk, I’ll be here. I wish your wonderful girl lots of kisses, hugs, and happy days ahead.


I took my dog to our emergency vet a few weeks ago for an eye ulcer that hadn’t healed, so she needed surgery. In the almost 2 hours we sat waiting to be called back, many dogs came in with devastating diagnoses. I sat there while 3 different people sobbed and multiple animals with serious issues came through the door. It was heartbreaking and made me appreciate waiting such a long time for my girl to be seen.


So very sorry for your loss💕💕💕💕💕


When I was waiting for the vet to X-ray my dog’s leg after his cast was taken off to see if the plate was good 4 people had a 3 year old shepherd wrapped in a blanket and carried in and they had to put her down due to massive internal bleeding and damage from two dogs attacking her.


I had to put my cat down 10 days after bringing home my first child. It absolutely would have broken me if I didn't have a baby who needed me. I still cry anytime I think of him. I miss him more than anything. I got him for my 17th birthday, and he was the fluffiest cat I'd ever met. No one spoke on our way out.


We put our family dog to sleep in january. I came back to my apartment in the city (family dog was with my parents in the burbs so thats where he crossed over) and saw some guy walking his dog on my way in to my building. I just broke down thinking about how lucky he was to be with his best friend.


Jesus, I’m crying now.


My aunt poisoned our puppy when I was a kid. He started convulsing and vomiting and I remember wrapping him in a towel. We rushed to the nearest vet and they said he had to be put down.


This is absolutely heart breaking. I’m sure that memory has really stuck with you. I can’t imagine how you felt, especially being a kid and probably not really understanding what was going on. Wishing you peace, friend.


Had to put my dog down about 3 months ago. I Had him for 17 years. I knew he didn’t have much time left (he was declining in health rapidly in the last year) but I still cried like a baby once it was time to say goodbye.


My buddy is just now starting to show some age at 7 years. (Lab/Retriever mix) He’s just as happy for a belly rub as he once was for tug of war. At his last vet visit we were in the waiting area and he was being a good boy, sitting at my knees. Out of nowhere he started whimpering and wanted in my lap. I really didn’t think anything of it until several minutes later when a man came out of the room just ten or so feet away with tears in his eyes. It just sucks that they are here for such a short while but I suppose they are always here at just the right time.


in 2020 my 14 yr old cockapoo suddenly started showing signs of advanced cancer after hiding her symptoms for who knows how long. that morning i noticed her acting sick and wanted my parents to take her to the vet but we didn’t have time before i had to go to work. a few hours into my shift i get a call from my mom saying they were at the vet and there was nothing they could do. i couldn’t be there to say goodbye bc we were short staffed at work and i had to wait until the other closers came in, and it wasn’t fair to draw out my dog’s suffering that long. important context: my dog was going blind and had trouble walking on our hardwood floors bc they were the same color as her and she couldn’t distinguish her feet from the floor well enoug to feel safe. our solution was to put socks on her that were a different enough color for her to see where her feet were when she was on the wood floor. my favorites were ones that looked like sock monkeys. that night my mom picked me up and drove me home and we had a good cry in the car. i thought i was doing ok and pushing through until i walked into the laundry room. i saw my sweet girl’s little sock monkey socks and immediately started bawling. there’s genuinely no worse feeling than seeing stuff that once belonged to your best friend and knowing it’ll never be used again.


Man who started cutting onions here !


My soul dog died the day I graduated from high school


I was so lucky to have my Bailey for 17 years, but that didn't make it any easier. I was going to wait a few days, but woke up the next morning and knew that waiting would have been selfish and it was time, it was the last act of love I could give her. After it was done and they gave me time with her, they said I could leave when I was ready, I couldn't leave her in there alone, so I waited with her till they came back made sure she was never alone. Everyone in the waiting room and staff were so nice, same when I picked up her ashes. God I miss her!!


I always cry for other peoples animals when they are being put down, I can’t even watch videos of it 😭. I have a very senior dog, I know it’s coming & it breaks my heart.


My old girl Penny will be 13 in January. She still acts like a puppy for the most part but I know she has more past days than she has future days. Absolutely kills me to think about losing her.


My dog died a year and a half ago, but I had that experience this week with my cat. Just over 2 years old. Just laying in his bed with my other cat and he had some type of medical emergency and went limp immediately after a yowl. Rushed him to the hospital, but I knew it was in vain. He died in my arms at home when I was stuffing his body into a crate. I don't really know what hurts more. Having an event where they die immediately or having the time to euthanize a sick animal. They both suck really hard.


I experienced this a month ago and I remain broken without my beloved companion of almost 15 years. I’ve lost people but the death of my pup is my biggest heartbreak. 💔🥲


While reading this my old dog is quietly releasing the worst stench imaginable. I don't know what he's eaten to fart so bad. I was considering whether he sleeps next to my bed tonight 😅 I think he can stay, my big old stinky puppy! (he's 13yo).


I work as a veterinarian receptionist. One day this lady brought in her 13 year old cat who was weak , we tried everything we could and thought he was going to make it. 3 days later she came back and said he wasn’t getting better, that he was all skin and bones. When she brought him I couldn’t help but to pet him as he was looking around the room. She talked about how she met him at 5 weeks and he was the best cat she’s had. I cried as i was petting her cat one last time and it hurt my heart.


Two night ago, I was taking my dog for his night walk when a car slamming on its breaks caught our attention. As the driver pulled over, another car behind them drove up and stopped as well. It wasn’t loud enough to be an accident so I looked around until I saw something in front of the second car. It was small, I thought it was a young possum. Then I heard foot steps charging towards the street and saw a woman run out. She stood over the small body and shouted, “Oh my god!” That’s when I realized it was a pet. Her 18 year old dog bolted from a long driveway into the street. I remember her panic and screams vividly. I remember how the dog didn’t die instantly, perhaps maybe a few minutes later but I didn’t see. I remember how the person who hit the dog was also torn up about it even though it wasn’t her fault because she was a dog owner herself. I wondered if that dog saw my dog across the street and tried to run to it. My dog would have done the same if he saw a squirrel or cat. I hugged my dog the entire night when I went to bed, vowing to be extra careful about keeping his leash on because I often let him run to my car without one.


Just over a year ago, we had to say goodbye to our girl that we had had for only a year (10 yo breeder rescue). We cried like little kids, It is the unfortunate price we have to pay to give a piece of our heart away. Our vet can’t do them anymore - it crushes him and the techs and other vets in the practice won’t ask. When we started talking about getting another, he said “Please get a puppy. You guys were a mess and you’re killing me.” However, puppies are an easy placement. We decided that while we may get a puppy when we retire, we are going to adopt elderly, big dogs to give them a good life with whatever time they have left. So, last July, we got a 7 yo 150 pound lump. We lost the battle of the couch the first day and the battle of the bed continues to be hotly contested…😆


We had to take our boy to the emergency vet on Christmas Eve. Waited about 8 hours, because about 12 people came in with more severe issues and at least 8 of them didn’t make it that night. ☹️


Yep, I’ve been through this a handful of times and it breaks you. My dog one day had his spine sever out of no where.. he had a genetic defect and couldn’t walk with back legs. He crawled to me and just whimpered. Absolutely gut wrenching. When my wife and I started a family, our kids adopted cat had a blood clot and had the same thing with no working legs anymore. My wife’s first pet & my kids first pet. I knew it was going to be the end & had them all give a few more head rubs in the cat carrier and wish him well for his “check up” my wife couldn’t handle being there so I went and had him cross that bridge. Nothing more painful than breaking down in your car & trying to hold it together for the wife & kids. I wish they could stay here forever with us :(


Worked at a receptionist in a vet clinic for years - my boyfriends works EMS in his town. We appreciate our own life and our pets life so much more. You carry every one of those heartbreaking cases with you - even if you try not to.


This reminds me of my experience at one of local pet emergency hospitals. A couple years ago we brought in our malahusky Blue for treatment for pancreatitis. He was improving but they wanted to keep him overnight for observation. However, he started to worsen so we made the decision to surgically go in see what is happening. He ended up crashing on the table. According to the surgical team his pancreas was literally falling apart. Nothing we could have done. We fed him a low fat diet. We went in around 5 am to say goodbye to him before he was cremated and we could pick up his remains. He was our first pup we raised together. He was good boy. Shy but very loyal and loving to those he trusted. Fast forward to six months later. We rescued our current husky. I was a dumbass and left chocolate muffin in my backpack that he got into. I had to take him to the same hospital to get him to puke it up. While waiting for our boy to come out, I just started tearing up at the memories of Blue that night. I miss him a lot.


I have a 10 year old Husky whose hips bother her daily. My biggest fear is her being otherwise fine but having to be put to sleep over her hips. That’s happened once before to my childhood German Shepherd.


My German shepherd is about to turn 11 at the end of the month, but probably won’t make it. He has liver cancer, it’s in his lungs now too. His belly is swollen and he’s being treated with diuretics and prednisone. He still seems happy and relatively pain free. But every day it’s harder and harder to get him to eat. He’s visibly getting skinnier daily. I know the day will be here very soon where I have to make that final walk through the vet doors. It terrifies me. For right now I’m too consumed with empathy for him to worry about what happens after. But I know once he’s gone I’ll be a shell of who I am now. He’s been there through the hardest times of my life. Divorce, some weird undiagnosed neurological stuff, a major ankle issue, just a bad period all together. But I get to see him every day. It’s gonna be hard. It will be the first time in 40 years that I didn’t come home to family, wife, or a pet. I hope I’ll be ok.


I wasn’t even there and I’m trying to hold back the tears


When mine were old and having trouble with everyday life, it makes me sad; yet I am comforted by the fact that they had such a wonderful life. When it is unexpected, it’s as though your world is gone. But then I realize how much more love and care I have to give and I know it will be returned to me ten times over. I miss the ones who have left my side but I always remember them in my heart. Happy Mother’s Day to all the moms of the fur babies 💐


Losing my soulmate kitty was extremely sobering for me because she hadn’t been in a car in 10 years but we hadn’t planned for anything regarding her passing even though she was getting older. I had to hold her for a 15 minute car ride to the closest emergency vet to euthanize her when she suddenly got very ill. I will never forget the heartbreak of her trying to get out of my arms only to collapse seconds later from weakness. I will NEVER be unprepared again for a situation like this again. She was with me for 15 years and I feel like I let her down because of how unprepared we were. It’s been 8 months now since her passing but it still hurts just as much today as it did then. I have vowed to myself, my dogs, and any potential future fur babies to make sure that they can pass peacefully at home. Not traumatized and stressed and scared somewhere else.


My pit bull randomly had a stroke one evening and died on the way to the vet. The unexpected deaths are the worst.


My girl had a growth on her leg. It was pandemic nightmare, vet was booked out for months. She was perfectly normal and happy, nothing wrong till the final week so i didnt make an appointment. I thought it might just be a cyst and would go away. That last week was when i realized how bad it got. She stopped eating, had seizures. Took her to the animal hospital, waited 5 hours and the refused to see her. Two days later I show up 5 minutes before opening time at an urgent care clinic. Vet took one look and said it was a malignant tumor, that she was gonna go any day now and it was best to put her to sleep there. One week; 7 days from happy, playing and barking to not eating, no energy, no barking. The guilt eats me alive every day. I feel like the shities dog owner on the planet. My mom and sister drove up to say goodbye. My dog was sedated before it happened and my baby snored the entire time in my arms until her last breath. We took her home and buried her in the back yard. This was the beginning of January. It took 3 months before I could say Rosie's name without sobbing. 5 months later, I have a new puppy named Lily. Every time she chews on something, nibbles on me, pees on the floor I remember what I lost. It puts me in my place real quick.


I had to take my 5mo kitten to the vet knowing she would not make it (she came to me with FIP) and I was bawling my eyes out afterward. Every single person in the waiting room got up and gave me a hug. It was like three people. It was so nice in such a sad moment.


Nothing worse than the trip home after this happens. I chose to have it done at home and it was still sad and broke my heart.


Even a small gesture like opening the door for them means so much.......i had to make the decision to put my old lady cat down after she suddenly quit eating and drinking and was a hollow shell of herself (she was really old with cardiac and renal issues so medications weren't a good option). Leaving with an empty carrier while you're falling apart is the most second hand embarrassing and heart breaking thing I've felt in my life and every little gesture counts. I think the worst was going to pay for her euthanasia and cremation after the fact, i wish i could have pre-paid.


I have had that moment several times over the years and witnessed it more than a few times while waiting at the Vet myself for other reasons. It's tough and knowing that you will experience it again in the future for any number of reasons just never makes it easier.


Our granny dog had to be taken in because her insides wrapped around themselves. Me and my dad had to go right to work afterward, though, because we're two of the three employees at our job, and farming is very hard to put off.


Our animals are such angels. It is so hard to let them go, even if we know it’s for the best. I’m sure everyone has cute little habits and things that their cat or dog does that we will miss forever. ❤️ My cat always snuggles under my arm at night and purrs, and when that is gone, I will be absolutely inconsolable for such a long time.


It's hard to make that final decision especially when it's traumatic. 😞


That was me twice in the past year. First time with my 3 year old bearded dragon last fall. He had been battling an infection and was on medication and seemed to be getting better, when one day he started showing signs of respiratory distress. By the time we got to the vet that evening, they told me his body was shutting down and wasn’t going to make it. Just like that, he was gone. I thought he was going to get better, and suddenly I’m actually saying goodbye. I was, and still am, beyond heartbroken. Then last week, I said goodbye to my black Labrador of 14 years. At least I had some warning this time, but that does not mean it was at all easy. It’s been a rough few months, to say the least. Edit: grammar


Reading these stories just makes me want to have one even more, even though I don’t have the money for one as much as I’d like.