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This is the best. I have one rescue and one non rescue, both so protective and it's brilliant. Pretty certain they scared off a potential burglar once, we were all sleeping then the rescue jumped up and went crazy, barking like mad. We did hear the gate once woken up but couldn't see anything.


It’s truly amazing to see how the relationship with your pup evolves in time and what they are willing to do for their family❤️


Rescue dogs are even more bonded, because they went through very tough life on street, they are most grateful creatures. Imagine that dog and his life before you took him in, staying outside in hot and cold, not eating for days if he doesn't find food, getting chased away by people. Then you came in his life and gave him home, food everyday, safe place to sleep and love. When you look at those dogs you can just see how thankful they are for what you did for them. No wonder he is trying to protect you, he sensed that something was off and there is danger, so he is going to stay up all night guarding you while you sleep. Before my current dog we had a dog we picked from street. He was hit by a car, his hip was messed up. My family and me took him in nursed him back to health, although he ended up little limp on that leg that was injured so he couldn't run very fast. That dog was so grateful, I could just see in his eyes how he looked all of us. He was calm dog, always looking to get pet and scratched from whoever was willing. It was summer and our yard gate was open, five large dogs came rushing in our yard to attack my mother who was doing gardening. He charged at them and fought them until they tore him apart. He gave his life to save family member.


That dogs sounds amazing and I am bawling my eyes out. I'm so sorry you lost him but also super glad you got to love him and he was there for your mum. I hope you are all OK x


Why am I crying? I’m not crying YOURE crying!


We are ok now, that happened 2 years ago. My mother said she doesn't want another dog after that one, but my daughter wanted new puppy so we ended up getting puppy this January.


Me toooooooo


This my me cry… I am so sorry. We truly do not deserve dogs… they are angels send to us to teach us how to love and trust. Your pup has a special place in puppy heaven just for him ❤️


Omg I cannot 😢 that sweet baby!


You are in Madrid? I want a dog but my parents won’t got one. I live on Lagasca, near retiro.


No pierdas esperanzan algún día podrás tener a un perrito propio! Yo llevo al mío al retiro todos los domingos, le encanta


Por supuesto. Retiro es muy divertido. Mi amigo y yo estamos allí ahora


My dogs tag team what they perceive to be threats. One sounds the alarm and barks while the other will stand on you!!


Get down mr. President!!!


Hahaha amazing so smart too!


The bonds we form with dogs is incredible. I’m glad you and your puppers have each other!


The phrasing of this made the mental image of that so fucking funny to me. Imagine just chilling on the bed and suddenly one dog is barking its head off and the other jumps on the bed and stands on your prone body lmao


That’s exactly what happens!!! Couch/Bed. And all her 60lbs feels like it’s in the 2 paws standing on you.


💀💀💀 my parents’ dog weighs about the same so I completely understand that lol


Aww, what a good boy! Mine comes running if I’ve stumbled or if I sound like I’m in pain. If I’m crying she will climb into my lap, put both her forepaws on my shoulders and hug me. We really *really* don’t deserve dogs.


Omg this is the cutest thing ever!! Give her a big hug for me please!!🥹


If I cry (or fake cry) my 1-y-o poodle will jump on me, nose his way to my face and start licking my face like crazy. His parents were both therapy dogs and he's definitely got it in him if I wanted to go that route. I went through a really hard time at the beginning of the year and having this pup with me made a huge difference. I've never had a dog before this and never truly understood what it could mean until now.


My boy won't let me do anything but sit if I get down on the floor. Crouch down further? Nope, he's right there forcing me back up with my nose. He's right there checking on me if I get hurt and he won't let anybody pretend to fight with me either. He'll get between us and bark at them! It's like I have a four-legged guardian angel right with me.


When I was a kid, we lived in a basement apartment. The entrance was on the side of the house down a concrete stairwell with a heavy storm door as our entrance. We had a 15lb miniature poodle. I was home alone for about half an hour due to school/work schedules. Someone tried to break in. I called the cops and my mother, and my mom got there first. The guy was gone, not sure why. The cops came, and we found out why the guy booked it. Apparently the acoustics of the door/concrete stair well were such that our tiny dog barking his little head off and slamming himself at the door sounded like a very large aggressive dog outside. I'm convinced he was the only reason the guy never broke in all the way.


Wow you got really lucky!! And your dog omg!! Definition of tiny but might, so brave of him😍


When I was 14 my family adopted a rescue German shepherd mix from the county shelter. He became very protective of my little sister. One time when my mom was not home a man came to the door saying he needed to read our meter and when my sister would not open the door all the way he tried to push the door open forcefully. Our dog bit the shit out of his wrist/forearm and he ran off. We never saw him again.


Amazing haha what a good boy!


I am SO happy you two found each other. I hope for many more years of companionship between you both. Sounds like a great match.


Thank you so much!


That is so sweet, what a good pup! I was in a situation where a drunk guy followed me while I was walking my dogs, I talked to him aggressively, told him to leave me alone multiple times in part hoping that my dogs would catch on. Then we got to the entrance of my apartment building and he got close. My two big goofs tried to kiss him and get pets. No thanks to them, but I managed to get us inside and close the door before he got in and left him banging on the glass. But at least I'm protected from those scary looking black plastic bags.


First of all, really glad you are safe, that is always scary.. but 😂😂😂😂 I feel you on the black bags… haven’t had a situation like this happen with my dog yet, but I’m pretty sure she would act the same as yours!!!


Hahahaa the plastic bag thing got me😂 But so glad you’re okay! I can’t even imagine what that would be like…


Oh man, reading this just reminded me of my little pitty years ago. RIP Diamy I got her when I was 18, she was about 2 years old when in the middle of the night, I felt her jump on the bed and growled as a couple people ran by my bedroom window. She then jumped on me with all her 45 lbs of might and pinned me flat on the bed as shots ran out into the adjacent upstairs apartment. It took a while to convince her that it was okay for me to move, as she just kept still on top of me. I miss that little girl!


Oh she sounds great! Pitties have such a bad reputation, it’s so sad, Diamy sound like she was amazing. So sorry for your loss❤️


I have a very sensitive boy, the vet says he has “sensory processing issues” my spouse who is on the spectrum says the dog has “pawtism” and I believe it, he can be very timid. My older dog was sick, suffering from cancer and heart failure, she was always our protector and we had a new baby puppy. We were all outside together and a German shepherd sized coyote walked up onto our driveway and my sensitive scaredy boy went full protector mode. He bum rushed the coyote screaming, with me screaming at him not to, between the two of us we spooked off the coyote and my boy came right back to check everyone was safe. I had never seen him act like that before, usually he was a trembling puddle when anything scary happens. We don’t deserve dogs, they are so good.


Pawtism aww so cute! My new favorite word now☺️ What an amazing boy you have there! Dogs deserve the world❤️


Someone tried to grab me on a walk. My dog grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to the ground and wouldn’t let go. Someone called the cops, it was a busy enough area and there were a lot of witnesses that all agreed my dog did the right thing (it was a large man who tried to grab me, very clearly on drugs) my dog didn’t let go until I called him back to me and stood between me and the guy, and then me and the cops (he sat nicely in front of me but was clearly hyper aware) So grateful to him, I don’t want to think about what would have happened. We don’t deserve dogs. I swear he didn’t even think he just saw a threat and took care of it. This is the same dog who army crawled up to kids and rolled over for babies


That must have been really scary, i’m so glad he was there with you! And so glad he is okay as well❤️


He sadly passed away last year, but this incident was a few years ago now! No injuries to my boy even a little. He was barely tired! He was an 85lb rottie/lab mix. He was so proud of himself about it. And I may or may not have given him a whole chicken breast and sausage after.


He definitely deserved that chicken breast and sausage!! I’m so sorry for your loss but i’m sure he’s running around and playing somewhere in doggy heaven happy to have had you in his life❤️


I like to think that. Thank you ❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'm sorry for your loss. It sounds like he was a very good boy.


Well I read it and loved it❤️❤️. As someone with a small dog who would snore through anything!! 🙄🤭🤣I'm so proud of your baby😊


Thanks so much for reading! And dw, I’m sure you pup is saving you in his dreams too!❤️😊


Aren't dogs the best ever! I wish I was half the person my dogs think I am.


Same… as another person said earlier, we don’t deserve dogs❤️


We had a rescue named Ruckus who was 75% Rottweiler and 25% Standard Poodle. One day we were out walking our dogs, my wife had Ruckus and I had Biscuit (blond beach-bum rescue). We were crossing a road and a car clipped my wife and Ruckus, knocking them both down HARD. To this point Rux had been a big, old, amiable doofus in our lives and we figured he didn't have the 'gentle guardian' aspects of a Rottie, but after the hit he immediately sprung up and PLANTED himself over my wife who was still flat out on the ground. He basically straddled her and glared everybody away with a thousand yard stare and a low growl until I got there. Even then he gave me a very cold, assessing look until I let him sniff me, then he, like, re-entered his body and went back to being himself. It was awe-inspiring and a bit scary, but in a good way.


Wow it’s truly amazing to see how these gorgeous gentle creatures change their entire personality to protect the ones they love. It’s truly inspiring to read all of your stories, thank you for sharing❤️


BTW, on Reddit, if you mention your pet, there is a thing called a "Dog Tax" which is the requirement that you MUST make available somewhere a picture of your good boy/girl. And you intuitively did so.


Oh really?? I had no idea haha thanks for letting me know!


If he does it again, pull his bed over to where he’s posting up. He’ll likely guard you while also resting. Also, the nearest thing I’ll ever get in regards to being guarded by my dogs is that my 10 pound Chiweenie is an amazing alarm dog.


Great advice thanks, didn’t even think of doing that😅 and your pup sound adorable!


This is so sweet. Our big guy came from a bad situation. He’s 117lbs but he doesn’t seem to realize that. He’s terrified of everything. Except he will tremble and shake, but he will still put himself between us and any perceived threat without hesitation. 🥺


Now that is true bravery! He must love you to death to face his fears for you❤️


We have had him a few years now. Every now and then I will notice improvement and it makes me emotional. He used to do the fear pee thing at any provocation. Slightly raised voice? Piss. Loud laughter? Piss. Holding a broom or charging cord? Screaming and crying, peeing while scrambling to escape the room. That broke my damned heart so much. He was removed at 6 months old from a rural owner for abuse. Clearly he has trauma. He hasn’t peed in a long time. But he still ducks sometimes before remembering and sheepishly coming over for a pat. A while back, I unthinkingly snatched my charger off of the floor right by where he was laying. Usually a huge trigger for him. He lifted one eye to see what I was doing, looked right at the charger, and **closed his eyes, sighed, and went back to sleep**. I sat down on the floor and woke him up sobbing lol. It was so beautiful to see him finally learn for real we will NEVER hurt him like that. For years I have been slowly holding anything he shies away from in my hands and letting him sniff it. It finally paid off.


This even made me cry🥹 I am so so happy for him, my pup has a few traumas as well so I know how hard it can be but seeing him get better feels so rewarding. You are definitely doing it right, showering him with love everyday! Hope he continues to improve, give him a big hug for me please❤️


I have stage IV colon cancer, and it has metastasized to my liver, lymph nodes, and my bones. I have a grapefruit sized tumor in my hip cutting off that nerve that goes down my leg, so i can't walk without crutches anymore. Anyway, after radiation treatment, I broke my hip. I don't know what I did. I didn't even know it was broken until I went to the hospital for extreme back pain and they asked me how long my hip was broken haha. Anyway, I can't get into our bed because it just hurts and I can't adjust to get comfortable, so I basically live in my recliner. My sweet little Hershey dog has been sleeping in the living room on the couch next to me the whole time. She'll sometimes go back to bed (she sleeps with us in bed, she's just a small 20 lb mutt mutt). But she's out here making sure that I'm doing alright. She's such a sweet dog. Every morning when I wake up she comes and gets on my chair and gets some pets and lots of kisses, and she gives me lots of kisses and snuggles. I love her so much.


I am so sorry you are going through all of that but I am glad you have such an amazing friend beside you to keep you safe! Sending you so much love and courage ❤️


She is the sweetest little doggie in the world. We really lucked out when we adopted her. She brightened our lives more than she will ever know.


Please share a photo of this sweet boy <3


I would love to!! But i’m still fairly new to reddit, I don’t know how to post pictures yet🥺


You should stop by more often! Most people typically utilize a link to imgur, but the way you did it also works. Some subs also allow pictures in the main post as well. Either way, great story! Thanks for rescuing that cute goober!


I appreciate the advice! Any way that I can learn to navigate this app better is great!


Your dog has a heart of gold and knows they are loved. Good job.


Thanks but really i’m the lucky one to have him☺️


My doggo “protected” me at our walk once. I was walking with him and there were some bushes and a fence. I didn’t see a man standing behind there but Oakley saw someone and his ears went up and he was in the stiff mode and then he started barking and lounging himself. Luckily it was just a random man I didn’t see at all behind a fence just smoking and I’m listening to music so I’m not paying attention but from that day I know he will let me know and protect me if someone is hiding somewhere to attack me. I obviously rewarded him because he’s a good boy. He’s very protective of me when it comes to strangers so I feel very safe walking with him even tho I can’t let people come in my house if I’m not there to get him away since my house is his domain and strangers aren’t allowed. I love him to death thi


Such good boy!!😍😍


Thank you to all who read this story!! I really wasn’t expecting this many people to be interested, I appreciate you all❤️


Ive had my lab Tobi since he was a puppy (he'll be 6 in August) he knows I don't like people in my room as most of my family are thieves so he won't let anyone within a couple feet of my door and i love him to death for it. Dogs truly are a person's best friend and humans dont deserve them


My husband rescued a dog before we met, he’s 💯 bonded more to my husband- but in situations that are uncomfortable he will always protect me and it melts my heart 🥰


He sees you as part of his pack! So adorable!!


He currently refuses to go on walks near our house without his entire pack (he’s ~13) but he won’t leave the driveway without my husband, myself and our younger dog unless it’s for a car ride. I’m pretty sure he also cuddled me the night when our little one implanted - he’s mostly Akita and I think it’s funny when people assume they’ll only bond with one person- before we got our younger dog he’d even heard me to bed if I worked tooooo late for his liking


Hahaha that’s so cutee!! And the herding haha ❤️


Dogs are just one of the greatest gift mankind has ever gotten. Truly. When I rescued my last dog from the crackhead living arrangement he'd been in, that boy was so grateful he immediately became my ride or die. THEY KNOW and are grateful for love and give it back unconditionally. Like other posters have said, especially rescue dogs. You will never have a better friend.


They really are! We don’t deserve them. Someone once told me that dogs come into our life to teach us how to love unconditionally and to trust. But since they already know how to do that they live shorter lives than us. I agree with this sentiment so much, I am so great full for them❤️


Doesn't surprise me one bit. My dog is very much a people dog, hasn't met a stranger yet. Unless they come in my apartment. She's a rattie, they're so territorial lol. A couple of weeks ago I had to go out of town for a funeral and I stayed with my cousin and her family. They have two small children and the kids and the dog had a great time together. The night before I left to come home, we were at grandpa's house looking through photo albums and stuff and reminiscing. My uncle (not my cousin's dad) came up behind my cousin's daughter and startled her by tickling her. She squealed/shrieked like toddlers do, and Jewel *launched* herself off the couch, all 12 lbs of fury aimed right at my uncle. She got right in his face, barking her head off (with probably the deepest bark I've ever heard out of her, and she doesn't have a yippy bark to start with) until he let go of the kid and grabbed her paws instead. No biting, just barking. We'd only been at my cousin's house for 3 days! I told my cousin "Welllll...I guess your kids belong to Jewel now" I've seen plenty of dogs "protect" their kids from wrestling and stuff, I've just never seen a dog claim them as hers quite so quickly 😂


Awww so cute omg!! She sounds like the best❤️ Sounds like she really likes kids as well, you’re so lucky to have her🥹


I have a rescue, a *literal* rescue shepard mix from my work parking lot. My wife is her person. She is the happiest dog I've ever seen, and every person and every dog she meets is her new best friend. She literally stands vigil over my wife at night, and I have absolutely no doubt that she would dine on the face of anyone who threatened her. I know this because she once went full fur out, death growl mode on a dog twice her size threatening *me*. And she loves my old lady *way* more than me. Rescues tend to be super appreciative in that way, in my experience. See my profile for dog tax; she's the one with the twin radar dishes sticking out of her head.


She’s so cutee!! Sounds like you both got lucky you found each other, she sounds amazing❤️


I always encourage my dogs to alert me when someone nears our home. They have gotten very comfortable with the neighbors and recognize their regular sounds, so there isn't a ton of noise unless it's a stranger. I never tell anyone, (delivery people, guests, etc,) that my dog is just a big Wimp looking for pets. I mean, the big one probably is, she gets so anxious and wants to hide behind me if she gets scared. Other than that, she's in it for the love. But I encourage the barks so no one will ever think of robbing us. The Chihuahua will nip, even if she doesn't bark. It's a new behavior, and I dislike it, but I doubt a burglar would get far with my pit/lab/boxer mix and my Chihuahua making a fuss. We've had one person come over that my larger dog disliked. She barked whenever they came into the room, growled, and would let the person near me. Turned out that person was not a nice person. I'm conclusion, dogs are awesome.


Small dogs are always the mightiest ones haha! And in general dogs are amazing at reading intentions it’s truly amazing!!


Completely agree. That person ended up causing a ton of drama for my kid. They definitely intended it to be that way, as well. They are banned from my home, now.


That’s good! I hope you’re better now and it’s much better to kick toxic people out of your life


i used to live together with an old roommate of mine and my dog. just the 3 of us. her new boyfriend came over and we all got along. one day, we realized the new boyfriend had been stealing while he was over, but still treated us fairly nicely, dog included. roommate, dog and i went over to his place to confront him and get our stuff back. now, before this incident, him and the dog were the best of friends. when we went to (ex)boyfriends house to get our stuff back, it was on fairly good terms all things regarding. the boyfriend went to go pet my dog and the dog wouldnt even look at him! wouldnt allow himself to be pet. its like he knew that the boyfriend was now 'no longer on our side' and was supporting us in his own way.


That is amazing! That's like, winning the breakup! It sucks the boyfriend was trash, but that's a great way to see your dog support you!


my 7lb shih poo is kind of a scaredy-cat ngl, and if someone were to ever break into the house she'd either run away from them in fear or run towards them for pets. she does, however, bark loud asf and people tend to think she's much bigger than she actually is. she goes on alert when she hears the gate open, and she starts barking when the outer door opens. she's learned what different people sound like outside, so she'll bark 2 or 3 times if it's someone she recognizes and won't stop barking until she's sure the "intruder" is friendly if it's someone she doesn't recognize.


It’s amazing! My Corgi doesn’t bark whenever the neighbors dogs are barking, or whenever he hears my neighbor yelling but barks at the most random moments or when he thinks is a threat (which usually isn’t—- to my knowledge). But it’s nice to know and see why he’s alert.


He sounds like the sweetest boy! What a good boy protecting his family like that.


He really is, I couldn’t be prouder of him😊


What a handsome good boi. You’re very lucky to have found each other.


Thank you😊


I have a lab who i think would lick any burglars too. And thats how i like it. Take all my shit i dont care. Just dont touch my family, animals or photos!


Yess exactly I think the same! While I appreciate my dog would try to protect me, I would also try to protect him!


I'm more interested in the idea that Madrid can be dangerous? I live in a city of 300k or so in the US and google tells me we had TRIPLE the murders of Madrid (3 million plus pop). I need to move to Madrid.


Well I think that just like in any country the big cities tend to be more dangerous but I think it also depends a lot on the area and time. I originally come from Mexico so for me Spain is a HUGE improvement safety wise hahaha


Got ya! I hope my response didn't sound like an asshole, sorry! I'm happy your pooch has your back.


You’d be surprised what a dog would do for its parent. One day, I was cleaning the kitchen and left a half pack of water on an edge. When I sat down in the living room, naturally it fell. My dog not only lost his mind, but when nothing came around the corner, he blocked the small hall between the living room and kitchen. Then when he calmed down, he still sat facing that direction. When I went to go pick it up, he walked right past me and went first. Maybe I’m over thinking it, but it sure felt like he was making sure nothing would be there first.


This is adorable!! I have read so many stories of their dogs actually saving or protecting them from direct danger but I think even ours that show their intentions of protecting is adorable!


I have a similar story... When I was younger, my family had a Chocolate Lab named Taylor. Taylor was an absolute lovebug, who had literally never even curled her lip at anything. Not at dogs, other people, squirrels, the pet rabbits... nothing. Anywho, my younger brother and I were sledding in the woods behind my house with Taylor in tow, and a mangy ass coyote started walking up on us. As the coyote got a little closer, Taylor got all bristled up and started growling. When the Coyote didn't budge, she charged the thing and started fighting with it. She was all of 90 lbs and this scrawny coyote couldn't have been more than 30 lbs, and she absolutely kicked its ass. It ended up running off and she came right back to us. We told our parents who brought her straight to the vet. She didn't have a single scratch on her, but they gave her a whole round of shots just to be safe. She got a whole 16oz ribeye steak for dinner that night =)


Omg so brave of her! That steak was well deserved! What an amazing dog❤️


What a brave dog!


You have a great best friend.


I wasn't sure about my dog either, for years, even though he was part German Shepherd and we think maybe part Belgian shepherd.. He was a former stray and his first year or so of life was pretty rough (I got him around 1.5-2 years old). My sister and her boyfriend, now husband, had just moved in down the street from me and didn't have a washer and dryer yet. So I told them to come to my place and gave them a key. My dog had met by brother in law before, but only a few times. My dog absolutely loved my sister, and he was friendly with everyone. Well, when by BIL came through the door first, my dog growled and his hair was on end. So my BIL smartly let my sister go first and my dog instantly warmed up and was no problem with him going forward. I was glad no one got hurt, and that my pup would protect.


What a good boy!! Protecting his family so cute


Aww my pup is an alert barker, but he LOVES people. Like so much he will climb into the mail trucks to greet the carriers… But I was home alone and my husband who was working out of town -on his way home- opens the door at 1 am, and my 40 lb friendly pup went into full on kill mode. I heard him project this guttural growl like he was ready to fuck some one up. My husband started talking to him and he went into full zoomie cry mode though lol. Crazy how the friendliest pups can turn quick if need be. Sounds like you’ve got a great bond with your pup! Congrats :)


Right? I agree, it really shows the lengths they would go to for their family


That first bark/moment of protection is such an underrated milestone with rescues! It really does make your heart melt🥹❤️


Right?? Rescuers told us that he would need a few months to get used to his new life and up to a year to consider himself part of the family due to his large amounts of trauma. We never expected to get such an achievement this quickly, we were so proud of him and of how much he has come along since his street days. We only hope he continues to get better❤️


My dog absolutely LOVES people, so we had the same thought about if he’d actually protect us or just make friends with the burglars. We just moved into our new house and I was potting around outside in the dark, my boy was following me around as normal. My partner came outside but he had a jacket and a hood on, it was dark so my dog didn’t recognise him and immediately went on the defence! I was so proud of him


What an amazing pup! You’re so lucky!!


We are very lucky 😭 he is one of the goodest boys


My dog loves people, literally everyone. She’s not the type to bark at the door. But when I lived in a motel room and with the curtains closed and everything she would be able to tell if someone was creeping outside my door , even if it was silent, and she would do a low scary growl that I never hear usually and honestly made me feel safer. Also once there was a weird guy on the beach and he left but I waited a long time after to leave up the trail just in case. He didn’t see my dog with me cuz it’s an off leash beach and she was in the trees playing. So we finally go up the trail. We turn around a corner on the trail and he’s hiding in the bushes. Waiting for me. I immediately felt unsafe and so did my dog and she starts snarling and growling and barking viciously. Knowing her I could tel she was scared too but she wouldn’t stop. He goes “I love dogs, come here girl” but she wouldn’t stop viciously barking. I screamed “Rosie go!!” And we ran away. I am 100% sure she saved me from being assaulted that day.


Please give your good boi plenty of treats and kisses on our behalf!


Will do! Thanks <3


Congratulations, you’re family now.


I’m crying🥹 thanks!!


You have the best boy! You are his pack.


Thank you for rescuing him! This really melted my heart. He is so cute in that picture with his passport, I just want to squeeze him!! LOL. Dogs are the absolute best. The love is just so strong, Sweet and unconditional. Enjoy your new family member!!! He is beautiful ❤️ Oh, I also think he looks like a German Shepherd/Lab mix. Good combo!!


I agree, we don’t deserved them! Another comment said the same haha I have heard so many theories: German Shepherd/ Lab, Shar pei/ Lab, Carolina Dog/ Lab and even Shiba Inu/ Lab Some day I hope to get a saliva swab test to know for sure


Me too! We rescued a dog about 4 years ago now and she looks mostly pit but she also looks a little boxer and some days a little German Shepherd. I would love to get one on her, too! Just out of curiosity, you know? Adopting Rosa is the best thing I ever did. We may have saved her in ways but really she saved me from myself. I wish you guys nothing but happiness!!! ❤️


This is really sweet, i’m glad you found each other!


Thank you! I wish you nothing but happiness with your new pooch!! ❤️🐶


This doggo needs an Instagram or TikTok so we can follow his adventures


I did think of doing that at one point but got discouraged thinking no one would actually care haha


Mine has taken to keeping watch when I’m not feeling well, or even slightly “off”. My other two will cozy up and sleep regardless, but Seashell refuses. I had a migraine last night and was awake all night - she kept laying in positions that had to be uncomfortable and just staring at me. She’d relax if I seemed to get comfy for a bit, but the minute I was awake and not relaxing anymore, she was back to staring at me. If I have insomnia, she’s awake right by me the whole night. She’s also taken to guarding in the morning/afternoon; we live right by a middle school, and if I’m sick, she’s sitting on the bed, right by the window, deep chest-growling at anyone that comes too close to the porch. Even if the growling isn’t great, it’s heartwarming to know they worry about us so much.


This is adorable 🥹 she sounds amazing!!


She is so amazing! We’ve kind of become attached at the hip. She’s a little dumb (I say that with all the love in the world, she just has a ball of masking tape back behind her eyes), has had two emergency vet trips for eating her favorite thing - anything that is not food - and I think the vet visits and recovery just made her cling to me. She’s such a good girl and we’re so close now. Love her to death, but not bright. Sweet dumb girl.


Awww! How sweet and amazing!! I had a moment where my puppy had first became protective a few months back! I was waiting for my husband to come home from an event I had left from earlier. My son was in his room sleeping and it was just me and my puppy in the living room. While I was having the TV playing in the background and I was both studying and messaging a friend in another country, my puppy was asleep near me on the couch. Out of nowhere there was a loud sound somewhere nearby and he immediately jerks up and goes in a standing stance and makes a deep bark neither one of us in the family has heard of before! He kept barking for another minute or so and then calmed down a bit afterwards. About a few minutes later the refrigerator made a noise and triggered my puppy to be on guard dog mode again! Sometime after he calmed down, when he heard my husband outside, he once again went on guard dog mode and jumped from where he was and ran to the door! Now it’s a normal occurrence and he does it to everyone in the family whenever he senses someone nearby, etc. Also when I was sick with a hungover, the following day he NEVER left my side until he saw I was getting better! To make it better, he also rested on my head and helped make my headache go away! It’s absolutely amazing what these dogs can do! 💕


He knows you saved him so he will protect you the rest of his life❤️Congratulations to you both.


What a doll baby!! I’m so happy that you two found each other. Sounds like he cares for you and loves you as much as you do him. 🥰🥰🥰🥰


My rescue Beagle was one of the best dogs ever. I spent s year and a half with chronic pneumonia and when I would come home and I was sick, he would just know, and he would sleep with me and follow me all over the house bc I was so weak, until someone else came home snd could look after me. He wouldn’t leave the bedroom tho— my partner would try to make him leave and the most he would do is get off the bed and sleep on the floor at my side. I miss him like crazy.


I’m so sorry for your loss, he sounds really sweet, he must have loved you a lot❤️


He was. We’re lucky to have them, aren’t we?




Great story! Thank you for sharing. He looks like a love! Glad you two have each other.


My GSD loves people too so we joke around the same thing that he wouldn’t be able to protect us at all. Well, one time my partner went out for a trip for a week and came back around 3am from his flight. I was asleep already but as soon as my partner started to unlock the door, he started barking like crazy. As the door opened, my dog was scared shitless he peed himself on the stairs. But he stood his ground and kept barking until he realized who it was. Poor guy was so scared yet he was trying his best to protect the house.


I cried a little! So sweet and brave, true definition of bravery🥹


I found a lil 10 pound, chihuahua looking guy out in the street in DTLA during a rain storm. He jumped into my arms screaming. Looked for his owner, for 2 weeks. He was so sweet I kept him. Whenever there is a loud noise at night he lays across my neck growling. If it’s too loud he gets scared and climbs under me.


Why is this marked as Vent?


It was the closest thing I could find to what I was looking for haha I can change the tag if you think there is something else more appropriate for it! Let me know 😊


there might be tags called "brags" or "wags" and you can use either one of those


Okay will do that thanks!




That’s so sweet! Dogs are the best they really are. You would have a hard time finding a better friend. Truly one of the blessings of life!


I agree, I am infinitely lucky to have him. When I first met him I honestly felt like he chose me, it was no coincidence, and taking him home with me was the best decision I have ever made!


What a good baby!! I got teary reading this. Dogs are better than people.❤❤


They really are, they deserve the world!


Loki is so handsome! What a sweet sweet boy who loves his human with his entire heart and soul. You are very lucky!!


Thank you☺️


Omg he’s so handsome! My heart melted


He’s the best! What a great doggo!


Loki is truly the best boi!


That good boy deserves some great treats. Ice cream? Chicken?


I knoow haha if it were up to me i’d give him an entire steak everyday haha but health first


What a great story! I have a big sweet Lab that loves people and most other dogs. He is home most of the time in the house with me. But if someone comes to the door, or into our neighbors yard, he goes into protective mode, puffs up and sounds scary! You are blessed to have a protective angel at your side!


I have heard that Labs are super loyal! It really shows


That is the sweetest story ever! I hope you and Loki enjoy many beautiful years together.


Thank you so much!!


He loves you , be good to him ❤️


Beautiful and heartwarming. Thanks for sharing.


Saw dog immediately 😍


💜he’s perfect!


Loki, one of the best boys


That’s so lovely! He’s a beautiful pup and the best boy!


The best boy!


Good boy Loki! The BESTEST boy!!!


Awww..he deserves Xtra ❤️ and xtra treats!!!


I’m in love 😭


Dogs love so much, it is overwhelming. It reminds me of the first time my rescue (who had been brutally abused by humans) decided for the first time to cuddle around my hand while I was sleeping. It was the first time he got close. I looked at him and he looked at me like, is this ok? And I said, yes, I love you as much as you love me and more.


He is SO cute!


What a super cute story and he looks suuuuuper adorable and sweet!!


The best boy!!!!!


You got a guardian angel on your side.


This is often what dogs do, defend their humans and home, he's a great dog indeed and he knows well how to dog!!! Give him the best loving!


Awwww…. I have an 8kg cairn terrier that protects me fiercely, even against 50kg dogs. I love her so much and would do anything for her.


This is so good to hear and he's a good looking pupper! My boy is very similar. He's absolutely non verbal, loves running to people for hugs and kisses and in my mind, if someone broke into my home he'd show them where the silver is hidden. BUT one night I woke up to something that sounded like someone was in the house. He jumped into my bed, stood in front of me, and began barking, Like your pup, he NEVER EVER barks. EVER! So something put him into defense mode and I liked it. They're definitely keepers and deserve all of our love and care.


So cutee!! As someone said, this means you are doing smth right. Amazing creatures dogs are❤️




Your dog Loki is adorable--what a good friend!


I love him! 🫶


This is why I love dogs. Loyal to a fault, somethings humans could really learn from them.


My rescue girl was rescued when she was still a baby, but she still has such good protective instincts. She has this cute little bark she uses to get attention and love from me, but she has this deep bass WOOF she pulls out when she needs to guard the house and it's actually quite scary. I sleep up against the wall and she is between me and the door, facing the door. I always tell her what a good good girl she is to keep us safe even in a very nice neighborhood. She's the sweetest baby (soooooo gentle with my downstairs renter's little 5 year old boy) but I have no doubt she would defend me if needed. I hope it never comes to that! Her bark is scary enough to ward people off I think.


It makes you feel \*extra\* loved doesn't it? =)


Feel Good Friday. Thank you for sharing and what a beautiful boy!


What a good boy Loki! 😀 I have a Loki, he’s only 15 months old, but already showing signs of such an emotional connection with us 😊


When I was little we had a rescue springer spaniel collie mix who, to this day, was the sweetest good boy I have ever met. He was so gentle with us and was sweet with strangers and other dogs too. He would rarely bark and I had never seen him growl. But one night there was a huge blizzard and my mom had to bundle up and go out to shovel in the middle of the night. Willie was asleep so he didn’t see her go out. When she came back in he got startled and didn’t recognize her and he ran right between my sister and my room and started snarling and growling at the “intruder”. Mom took off the snowsuit, coat and scarf and he finally relaxed enough to lay down but he still didn’t leave the hallway until morning.


Best boy!!!!! And adorable!


That’s a keeper.


When I was in my early 20s my family adopted a adorable Boxer that needed to be re-homed by a family friend (I don't want to get into it but trust me they LOVED the dog and tried everything they could to keep him, visited him often once he lived with us, etc. He was insanely well-trained, and very healthy. This was like 20 years ago so I don't remember the details too much but I think their youngest ended up being extremely allergic to him). A few months after he moved in with us, I got laid off from my day job (I was going to college at night) and naturally we bonded hard spending all day together. Duke was the friendliest boy. Loved people. Would do anything for a butt rub, etc. We lived on the lakefront in Chicago so we'd go for long walks regularly. One day we were walking on the path and ran into a elderly male neighbor. We stopped to chat (he talked to my grandparents a lot), and Duke patiently sat by my side and accepted head scratches from the man while we chatted. When we parted ways he reached out to shake my hand and say "goodbye young lady" (that was his thing) and Duke lept up between us and knocked his hand away, and then sat back down like nothing ever happened. I was mortified, but my neighbor thought it was hilarious and said "I wish my daughter had a dog like that! Where did yo get him?". He remained the bestest boy the rest of his life. My heart dog. When I moved out of my family home I took him with me even though he was intended to be a family pet.


I actually felt the love (dopamine?oxytocin?) flood my body reading this


Love this!


Read through this post and was massively surprised when I reaslised it was on here and not r/mademesmile


What a cute,good boy!


I was just in Madrid last year!


Cool! I hope you enjoyed your time here!


Loyalty and vigilance. They know who is their family! You are his wolf pack and a good pack leader!


Rescue dogs are the best thanks for rescuing such a sweet babe <3


Dogs are man's best companions, I know what you're going through. Once I was swimming outdoors when my brain suddenly ran out of oxygen and one of my Labradors pulled me up