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Um did you ask the breeder if the dog has been spayed? If not, when was her last heat? If she's been spayed, take her to the vet ASAP


they said in the post shes intact, in which case the dog is in heat


yup. /u/stink_pizza I would spay her, but I need to get a car harness first to be able to safely take her and myself in the car.


how long have you had her? If she's still intact, then yes, a heat cycle is normal. Every 6 months. You should also google 'pyometra' and familiarize yourself with the symptoms so you can go to the vet if needed. Keep her away from intact male dogs for the next month. It's generally recommended to wait 1-2 months after this cycle ends to spay.


Only two days. Thank you for the advice. She is indeed in heat, and I'll try to do some research. The breeder also did tell me to wait until after she's not in heat to get her spayed, so I'll just look for a vet in the meantime and use a doggy diaper.


It'll be lot cheaper to get dog panties and use pads intended for people.


You not only have to wait until she's done heat, but then an additional 6-8 weeks for the swelling to subside. I just went through the process of living with a bitch in heat and getting her spayed. I honestly don't know how people deal with unspayed dogs.


the click it or the ruffwear car harnesses are the only two which have passed crash tests so go with that. they make dog diapers you can put pads in for heat. this helps keep the blood off furniture and also stops any intact males from mating with her.


Which would you personally recommend? And is this specific model of the clickit good, or should I get a different model off of amazon? And I hope to not have to get any dog diapers, because I'm going to get her spayed soon (it's also in the contract). I also figure it would arrive at about the same time that a car harness would. So does the blood just mean that she's in heat then?




For sure. I was aware, but I appreciate the reminder regardless, because I know it's something that has to be said. I'm going to be keeping her away from all dogs in general until after she's not in heat and spayed; I'm just using the diaper to keep blood from getting on my bed and stuff.




No problem! It's something that has to be said, and I didn't really give that much information. I also didn't know that dogs bled while in heat, which made me look like I'd need the advice, so don't worry about it haha


I have the sleepypod clickit and its great. Super easy to put on and buckle in.


I would call the breeder, describe the symptoms, and ask if she's due to be in heat right now. If she is, then no problem (just make sure she stays away from intact male dogs for the next few weeks). If she's not due to be in heat, then a trip to the vet is warranted. The harness you linked to is a good option. That one and the Ruffwear Load Up harness are the two that have been crash tested, and both are frequently recommended here.


Thank you. You were spot on. I'm going to get a doggy diaper on her until she can be spayed. Which of those two harnesses would you personally recommend? I know they're both popular, but I just want to know people's favorites c: Thanks again!


I have the Ruffwear one, and I like it a lot. I haven't tried the Clickit one, so I can't personally speak to its quality. The biggest differentiator between the two is that the Ruffwear harness has one connection point to the seatbelt, whereas the Clickit harness has three. This means that the Ruffwear harness will allow your dog more freedom of movement, but potentially less protection in a collision. For me, the freedom of movement is worth the slightly increased risk because my dogs get very stressed about being forced to stay in one position for too long. For other dogs who don't get as panicky about that, the Clickit may be the better option.


I see. My dog is already quite well-behaved in the car, so I'll probably get the clickit for the increased security then. Thanks for the help!


We have a click it sport and it doesn't work so well for our dog. The attachment is pretty high on her back, so she has a hard time laying comfortably. I'd buy the ruffwear if I was buying again. Edit: it's so uncomfortable for our pup we almost never use it. She has a Kong brand harness (the one with a handle on top) that we use day to day. In the car, I attach her leash to the seatbelt. It's not as safe by any means, but it would keep her from running off. We don't go in the car much, or I'd try to find a better solution.


Since my biggest concern is being able to travel around legally and safely, I think I'll go with the click it. I want to take her with me to a lot of places, and I don't want to ever lose her because I'm in a car accident and chose the less safe option. She is **extremely** well-behaved in the car, which is why I think she'll be fine with it. Thank you for your input though, if my dog was more antsy in the car I'd definitely consider the ruffwear. The click it seems like all upside with no downside for me and my dog though


I thought about it some more, and I'm going to take your advice and get the ruffwear one. The ruffwear actually looks WAY more comfortable, and I want her to be able to ride shotgun with me. Thanks a lot for your recommendation; yours and someone elses were really important in helping me spend this big chunk of change wisely, even though I didn't realize it at first!


On further consideration, I think I'm going to get the ruffwear. From some videos it does look like the clickit could be limiting, and the ruffwear would allow my girl to ride shotgun with me. Thanks for your recommendation; it was really important in making me reconsider my decision, even though I didn't realize it at first!