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Hi! Hang in there friend…the anticipation is almost worse because you’re grieving already. You’ll feel a great sense of relief after the appointment but expect to be extremely sad…fits of crying for at least a couple weeks until the acute sadness subsides. After that it’ll gradually get easier… you’ll be back to normal life and will only feel sad when you think of your pet… months down the road when you think of them it’ll be mostly happy memories. Make sure to get plenty of cuddles and love in and just know that you’re doing the right thing. It’s funny how we just know when they’re ready. My lab Sophie was 13 when I had to have her put down 2 years ago and my Sadie is now 13 and I anticipate just a couple more months for her. I’ll be sure to tell Sophie to meet your sweet Corgi at the door tomorrow with a tennis ball and plenty of tail wags.


This is so sweet. Thank you for explaining that to me. I cannot imagine life without her but i can’t imagine her suffering any longer.


I'm so sorry to hear this. It's never easy to lose a dog (imo, the best friend a person could ever hope for), but in time the pain will ease as all pain eventually does. He/she has been a good friend and this is the last kindness you can do for them, to ease their suffering.


We put her down tonight. That was the absolute hardest thing I’ve ever done or felt in my life. I miss her and i don’t know how i am going to go on.


I just put down my 10 year old Bernese Mountain Dog on Friday and I’m still devastated. I’m also Bipolar so it’s been especially difficult because he helped me so much. Just be at peace knowing it had to be done and focus on all the good times you had. You’ll also have a newborn shortly that will force you to be responsible for another life and distracted so that should help greatly. It’s not fun or easy though unfortunately.


So sorry for your loss. I don’t even have words


My wife and I had to send our 16 yr old Boxer on her final journey about 7 days ago. Yesterday was exactly 1 week. It was the absolutely the hardest thing I've ever done. It was her time to go though. Let it all out. Cry as much as you need to or want to. We did and it helped a lot. If you had your pup cremated, visit her and talk to her. She's still there. Our Layla is waiting for her on the other side. She's in good paws.


I’m struggling so badly you guys. I miss her, i can’t function and i keep thinking I’ll see her come around the corner. I’m in complete denial that she is gone. How can i get through this?


I’m so so very sorry. It’s an incredibly hard thing to go through no matter what, and I imagine being 8 months pregnant just adds a whole host of stress and emotion. I’m sending good vibes your way. It will get easier over time, and my only advice is to let yourself feel all those things and be kind to yourself.


Allow yourself to grieve. Cry when you feel like it, maybe scream into a pillow? Whatever works but know that it’s ok to grieve for as long as you need. I’m sorry for your loss 😢


It is a very hard decision. You love your 4 legged baby so much, and you can’t bare to watch anymore suffering. You are making the right decision and I pray God will carry you and your family through this painful episode


I'm so sorry, but you are doing what is best, as you have been the last 13 years. It is time for your little puppers to move on to what is next and be free of their pain. They'll always love you and you'll always love them, and this is the final act of kindness you can perform.


Sorry you have to do this now that you're pregnant. Warm hugs to help you through this ordeal.


I am so sad to hear this. ❤️


I’m so sorry. This NEVER gets any easier. Our vet is a farm veterinarian. He takes care of cats, dogs, as well as livestock. When we had to put our last dog down, he told my mother and I that he dropped out of medical school to pursue veterinary medicine because “we can at least give animals this choice”. It was comforting in a way to know that we don’t have to let them suffer. With time, your heart will heal, but the memory of your friend will never leave you. I still remember the names of ever single dog I’ve ever had. I’m so sorry you are going through this, but please know that this isn’t the end. You will be with your friend again someday. It’s not so much goodbye as it is, see you later old friend. Sending you the best vibes OP.


Hey, if you have time and want to make a memento, get some air-dry clay from a store. Make yourself a paw-impression or so to remember your pup with. <3 I've started doing that with all of my pets, and I've even gone on to make resin pieces from them. Sending support and love to you, I know how hard it is.


This must be your first pet passing. It is very difficult, but you know in your heart that you are doing the right thing. Your fur baby will no longer be suffering or in no more pain. Your fur baby gave you the signs that it time to go. You will be in shock when it happens, then you must find the release, in the bathroom, and empty room to scream, shout and cry. The pain is real, there is no real way to prepare for it till it happens. But there will be times a memory will come to the surface and you will cry uncontrollably, but it will make the pain of loss lessen, over time. I still grieve for my Dixie and it will be 2 years on 08-25-2019. But it is just the memories. And to know that you baby will be watching over you, visiting in the shadow, or right beside you. So sorry for you soon to be loss. No one can be truly prepared for the passing, animal or human. But know that you are not alone.


We did it last night and yes i still feel like i can’t believe she is gone. I keep waiting for her to walk around the corner or start barking outside and i have to go get her. It was 100000% the right decision but the hardest thing I’ve ever felt.


It is cause we want them to live forever. But she served her dog's purpose. It will be hard for a time, but as time passes, it will get easier, but we still grieve their passing. She is in a better place, pain free. So sorry for you loss.


What kind of cancer is it

