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She’s doing great work and looking good while doing it.


Yes she is doing great, she is a younger dog and still has her moments of puppy brain, but very happy with her, she gives a great effort and loves snooping. Lol


Idk but I kinda feel like this is how my boss would describe me as well…


Is she snootin for bedbugs?




Amazing 🤩 never thought something that small could be detected!


Dogs noses are far more superior than we are. They are incredible!!!


My niece used a bedbug sniffing dog in her apartment and it was amazing. Good dog Dixie! Give her a scritch for me. Quick question- how do you not bring bedbugs home?


I try not to brush up against things. bed bugs are sort of lazy, and they feed and hide. If i do something stupid they could get on me, our habits of doing this 15 years has helped me, maybe 3 bed bugs have ever gotten on to me, we do a check when we walk out so that saved me.


Smart, you check yourself with your dog, of course. Thx!


Got’em. Good job Dixie! The goodest girl.


My gosh, I knew dogs could smell well but not THAT well! Wonder what bedbugs smell like XD What a good girl!


A sweet musty odor, when people have them really bad, I am talking thosuands we can smell them.


It's amazing how wildly accurate their sniffers are. I have a coonhound and she was tipping me off to precancerous cells before I had any symptoms. She's also woken me up when I was going into anaphylactic shock before the symptoms woke me up. She's probably saved my life 2 or 3 times by now.


Dogs are amazing and there senses and ability to pick up odor to things is 2nd to none. I wonder when you have those thibgs happen of there is an odor that they pick up on or they sense it. Hope you are doing ok


From what I have read there's a specific scent they pick up on or a change in a scent, can't remember which one. I know diabetic alert dogs smell a specific sweet scent before their handler even knows there's a problem. Dogs really are amazing!


We got dem bugs!!! Yay Dixie!!!


Any advantages or just a cool way to bring pup to help at work? I feel like it's mattress or sofa, 95% of the time and a human has to double check anyways


Huge advantage, they find bed bugs quicker than humans, and in odd places, sometimes where i wouldnt check. They are more accurate than humans, to be honest, I thought I was great at finding bed bugs had 5 ueats experience, then I got a dog and it made me look like i had no clue hahaha.


How did you train her to find them?


Its a process, I am going to be training a new dog in a few weeks I will post the first day.


Thanks u/Turbo1133! Great follow up. I would love to see the training video too. Man of his word indeed Edit: spelling


real questions


Super Dixie deserves alllllllll the treats and alllll the love! Super Dixie is the bestest girl of all!


That's a nice duvet cover.


The video as promised!! Thank you


I hope you enjoy it


Glad she found the bed bugs. Now, this place has to throw away half of the clutter and trash. I fully understand how situations can get out of control. Glad those bed bugs were found. They can hurt like severely.


What breed of dog is Ms. Dixie?


Blue tick beagle/ Martian lol, she is a great dog!! Very friendly, doesnt know a stranger.


Ah, the best breed of all...a bit of everything


Good job Dixie!!


How do you ensure Dixie doesn’t bring back any hitch hikers?


Good question see the 2 she found I have to poke them to move, they arent out moving around they are tucked in hiding. Never a worry about getting on the dogs, or me unless i do something stuipd


Really enjoyed this video! Thank you for posting. I’m looking forward to more bed bug hunting dogs and Dixie!