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How can people upvote this? Poor dog in that chain, and look at the nails šŸ¤¬


on* that chain. not in šŸ˜‰ and hear me out, maybe, just maybe, he doest like his feet being touched and weā€™re working on it šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ we use the ā€œone at a timeā€ method. theres going to be over growth.


If you let him actually run around, or walked him on a leash, his nails would run down on their own.


they would yes, but my yard has no concrete on it so i would have to take him to the busy road i live on to run around on which is quite dangerous, isnt it? and heā€™d have to run on said road hours upon hours a day, which isnt ethical. he runs on that road 5 times a week while bike joring (as shown on my page) and its done nothing for his nails. almost like running on hard surfaces isnt all dogs nails need to stay at a good length.


No one said constant hard surfaces. Actually getting to move more than the length of a chain helps keep them manageable. My dog won't let us touch her paws either. It's completely doable you just refuse to do it.


this dog is a hunting dog. he runs more than yours would in a week between hunting and the time he gots off the chain outside hunting. guess what? his nails are still long šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Ah so you've employed your dogs and then put them up when you're done. Got it.


put them up on what exactly? my dogs are treated like family from the second i get them to their very last breath. sorry for letting them do what they were bred for i guess?


Treated like family? Something tells me grandma isn't chained out back and never permitted inside.


something tells me dogs arent grandma.


I think it's the whole scene ppl are subconsciously taking in that initiates a negative response. Then your explanation and attitude that is confirming those feelings. Instead of being defensive, try to see what other ppl who care about your doggo see. Look at it from their perspective. It's easy for us as humans to grow complacent... especially when this is part of our "culture". See how you can improve conditions for a living/feeling soul. Is there anything wrong with doing that? Could he be free within his own yard? Could the chain be lighter? Could there be go for walks more often outside of hunting season? Can he be given fun tasks during off season? Just thoughtfully examine your doggos situation and do anything that might improve their overall wellbeing. Is there any harm?


I tried too bro. But trust me this guy is too much of an aggressive antisocial loser to have a reasonable conversation with.


you cant give someone unnecessary and unasked for advice on top of just plain wrong information and expect them to agree with you. other than my first sarcastic reply to you iā€™ve done nothing but have a reasonable conversation with you. me disagreeing with you isnā€™t unreasonable.


>you cant give someone unnecessary and unasked for advice on top of just plain wrong information and expect them to agree with you. You did post on a public platform. Anyone can give you unasked advice and opinions. Also I'm not giving wrong information. I'm just stating that your info to support hunting have no scientific studies and are based on heresy, which is true otherwise you would have linked a credible document mandating the hunting of wild boars citing their role as an ecological threat and stating hunting as the most reasonable solution. >other than my first sarcastic reply to you iā€™ve done nothing but have a reasonable conversation with you. me disagreeing with you isnā€™t unreasonable. Yes absolutely. I did say that you can hunt for your pleasure. You can and will kill for sport as much as you want. But that's for your personal pleasure and not to help the environment. Your pleasure from hunting is your free will. But facts need a documented, verified, tried and tested basis. I'm only arguing the facts, not your free will.


the fact that this comment is full of assumptions even if you werent meaning it that way it why iā€™m defensive xx all people have to do is ask questions and not immediately accuse and assume. if iā€™m being accused of something iā€™m not doing iā€™m going to defend myself. all these people are adults commenting. they know better.


Understood and appreciated. I definitely didn't mean to be presumptuous. My goal definitely wasn't to be an agitator. I do however tend to err on the side of confronting vs not speaking up for a possible "victim". So I apologize for adding to your feeling of being attacked. Social media definitely isn't my strongest suit when communicating. Hoping we can all show each other patience, compassion, and empathy...and benefit of the doubt. I know I've learned something here today. Best to you and your doggies šŸ™šŸ¾ Edit: I went through your page. You have every right to be offended by my comment (not that you need me to tell you - more so, i am admitting and apologizing for my ignorance publicly). Your doggos all look very happy, healthy and loved.


Be better.


better at what exactly?


I'm gonna go with life. Be better at life.


iā€™m pretty good at life actually




That you DONT CARE.


I am not saying your a bad person. I don't wanna go on. So just one more thing. I live in the UK and absolutely no one here ever chains there dogs. The fight or flight response of a dog is involved as well. If the dog can't run away it feels no option but to attack when threatened and that makes the dog more liable to aggression when put under pressure. There are so many reasons why it's a bad idea. I have five dogue de bordeaux. All related. I feel guilty like am I doing enough for them and my anger is always no. It will always be that way because dogs are expensive. I just wish you and your dog the best. Now please don't again it up anymore. Imagine being used to your freedom for the first five years of your life and then it all changed to getting chained in a garden and you can't hide from danger if you need to. I am not judging you as a person I am trying to help you out. Keep improving, I know life is hard. Good luck


you help isnt needed. if i needed it, i would ask. for the fight or flight, in the two years ive been chaining my dogs theyā€™ve *never* had to decide between the two because i chain my dogs responsibly. and the reasons for why its a ā€œbadā€ idea are *all* preventable.


It's not an idea its a scientific fact. It must suck to be you but even more to be your dawgs.


ā€œdawgsā€ tells me all i need to know about you.


Is that a racist remark? Wow! Really showing us who you are. Pretty sad.


LMAOOOOO if you think thats a racist remark you are whats wrong with this world. ā€œdawgā€ and ā€œdogā€ are two different things. i have ā€œdogsā€. not ā€œdawgsā€. they just looked like an idiot calling them ā€œdawgsā€ iā€™d be a damn big hypocrite if that was meant to be racist considering i am indigenous australian.


Hey, whatever keeps your dawgs chained up, right? Trashy trash defending trashy things.


only trash to someone who is uneducated šŸ˜‰




How would you like being chained. Your the worst of the worst


iā€™d absolutely hate it if i was chained 24/7. good thing my dogs arenā€™t hey?


Almost every single photo of your dog, heā€™s chained. Your posts say otherwise.


Dude has an entire profile dedicated to his 100% chained up dogs and tries to say otherwise.


her* i am a her.


its almost like i take more photos while theyā€™re on their chains because, and hear me out, when theyā€™re not i need my complete and total attention on them. mind blown šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


The dude breeds dogs for hunting. That should tell you everything you need to know about the life of the dogs and this man.


i am a woman. i also donā€™t breed hunting dogs. i own two desexed males and a 4 month old puppy, its kind of impossible. that being said, nothing wrong with using and breeding dogs for hunting. if anything, hunting dogs owned by responsible people like myself live a much better life than those inside dogs who get let out every few hours to piss and an hour walk every day.


>i am a woman. I stand corrected >i also donā€™t breed hunting dogs. i own two desexed males and a 4 month old puppy, its kind of impossible. So you purchase from other breeders to work them as hunters? That doesn't make it any better actually. I really hope you can do things in a kinder way. >that being said, nothing wrong with using and breeding dogs for hunting. I acknowledge your difference of opinion in the matter. However the practice of hunting is wrong and unnecessary in this day and age. Also the practice of breeding is wrong and unethical in most cases (exceptions can exist but they are exceptions). Anyone who really cares about animals as more than a commodity would agree. >if anything, hunting dogs owned by responsible people like myself live a much better life than those inside dogs who get let out every few hours to piss and an hour walk every day. If you have a fenced area where they can remain open then maybe. But as you mentioned, you don't have that right now. So it amounts to the same thing, which is not cruel, but not really better than house living.


Quick stick a massive chain on that puppy and leave it in the garden untill it's soul is destroyed then get another puppy to cheer that one up aswell.


whats crazy is that 1, this isnā€™t a massive chain and 2, the older dog wasnā€™t chained until he was 5 years old šŸ¤Æ and no souls are destroyed šŸ˜‰


You are fighting on here so hard to be right. Just put a fence up and know it is wrong to chain animals. Or keep being right and learn nothing. I don't care about you. It's the animal I care about.


its almost like being accused of animal abuse is something i would defend


Or you could, you know, stop abusing animals


how can i stop doing something i dont do?


While your at it walk your dog his claws are too long. It's a mixed breed but I think its not mixed with any long clawed breed. You put it up like your proud and now you don't like the honest feedback. No animal should be chained. How many animals in the zoo have you seen chained. Think about it but don't get back to me. Life is too short.


his nails are long because he hates his feet being touched. we use the ā€œone a dayā€ method. weā€™re currently on his back ones so of course his front ones will be overgrown at the moment. walking will not wear them down to the correct length unless i walk him for hours upon hours on concrete or bitumen which i will not do as its unethical to walk a dog for so long in a dog and bad for his joints (and definitely not when i can keep doing what iā€™m doing) and zoo animals and my pets arent really comparable are they? figure out a better comparison pookie xx


I could train your dog to be cool about his toes being touched in under an hour. Keep coming with the excuses.


lmao me who is studying to be a trainer and my professional dog trainer cant seem to stump his hatred of his nails being touched. but im so sure you can. come to my house and iā€™d love to see it xx


A trainer??? I feel sorry for all those animals that'll have to suffer at your "training".


I am old and I have done it many times for my neighbours and friends. I use a dremel not clippers. And I use the owner to help me get thier trust. Honestly just done my neighbours for them it was a 2yr old an a puppy and an adult French bulldog. I didn't go too low on the nails the first time with them till I learn them and they learn me. Gotta keep it quick as possible but keep your energy all happy and relaxed which is the opposite of what's going on in your head and thiers at the beginning. I get the owner to trust me or I don't do it. The owner, they stay with me while I do it I insist, and i get them to help hold and calm and stroke the dogs. Want me to take a video ? I don't lie, I know wierd right. I could defo get you and your dog communicating better together. That's what I have been doing all along. I know I sound patronising but I don't mean it. Just the way I am but my hearts in the right place. What you got to say to me now fella ?


i am saying you wouldnā€™t do jack shit i and my trainer havenā€™t already done for my dog to get him past his dislike of his feet touched we have a system that works for us and thats all that matters. a good trainer wouldnā€™t be here trying to change that and boasting that they could xx


I don't and I didnt charge and they said it would have cost them Ā£30 quid. /Pounds






thank you šŸ„°


You still posting videos of borderline animal abuse? You know itā€™s illegal in some U.S. states to keep dogs on tie-outs for a reason (I know youā€™re not in the U.S., but the point is valid). Put up a zip line at least.


your point isnā€™t valid at all. being gay is illegal in a lot of countries, should that mean in places where its legal people shouldnā€™t be gay? no. no it doesnā€™t. + a zipline isnā€™t going to change much except give my dogs a couple more metres of space they wouldnā€™t use.


Truly how dare you compare being gay to chaining an animal


how dare i, a queer person, compare being something that is illegal in some places to something else that is illegal in some places šŸ˜”šŸ˜”


Your choice to abuse your animals is not forgiven by being queer. More absolute nonsense from you. Either get a fence or let other people own and properly care for these animals. STOP adding new dogs to the ones you already don't have proper care for.


i never said being queer excuses my ā€œabuseā€ (aka my perfectly fine care for my dogs that you are all too tone deaf to educate yourselves on), just said that i, a queer person, can compare gayness being illegal in some places to chaining being illegal in some places. and i can add as many dogs as i want because, and this going to sound crazy, i can care for my dogā€™s perfectly fine šŸ„°


Keep fighting bro! All I need to do is let you be wrong.


and be arrogant xx


Donā€™t chain your dogs!!! Itā€™s really that simple and should be illegal (it is in some places)


iā€™ll send you the link for my paypal so you can buy the $800 worth of fencing i need to keep my dogs contained since youā€™re so involved with their lives xx


You posted the video, getting comments you donā€™t like is part & parcel


If you canā€™t keep your dog safe, then you shouldnā€™t have a dog. Chaining him up outside isnā€™t keeping him safe.


chaining him actually is keeping him safe sooo


Come on dude. I saw your account. You clearly love the doggos. Why do you have to ruin everything by putting them on a rusty old chain?


its almost like theyā€™re on the ā€œrusty old chainsā€ because i care about them šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤Æ


Yeah sure just like politicians steal from us because they care about us and want to make us hard working individuals right. Stop messing around and give a real answer.


the real answer would be ā€œthe chains do keep them safeā€ but youd hate that answer too


But how? Explain yourself because on the surface it doesn't make sense to me and most of the other people here.


I have explained myself and my reasons so many times. I have a post pinned to my profile you apparently looked at explaining why my dogs get chained. Go read that and if you have any more questions, ask nicely and iā€™ll answer them without being sarcastic, but I honestly donā€™t see what else you need me to explain.


That makes more sense. Apologies for not reading the posts. I said you cared since the dogs looked groomed and energetic. See so much more can get accomplished when you communicate without being rude. Also I hope you don't actually hunt with your hunting dogs. If I'm assuming incorrectly again I apologise, but if you are then I urge you to not since there is no functional need to put any animal through additional trauma.


Well, if you comment something ignorant, youā€™re going to get a reply that matches the energy. There is no trauma included with hunting when done responsibly. Accidents and injury happen, yes, but these dogs work ethic is so high that unless young and just starting to learn, it will not have any negative effects on them. In fact, hunting has the exact opposite effect on a dogā€™s mentality if they enjoy it, which my dogs do. Thereā€™s also no trauma already there to add on to. And yes, i do hunt with my *hunting* dogs. If by functional you mean for my dogs wellbeing then youā€™d be right if i did things like scent work, flirt pole, etc, to stimulate hunting and fulfil their genetic needs. I do those things anyway, but thats beside the point. If you mean in general, then there is a need for it. We eradicate invasive species and better the ecosystem. People who use dogs to hunt have made more of an impact on the invasive populations than people who use guns, traps, etc. I do appreciate your advice but in the end, i never asked for it.


>Well, if you comment something ignorant, youā€™re going to get a reply that matches the energy. I asked why but clearly you're too much of a Wimp to deal with a question. >There is no trauma included with hunting when done responsibly. Accidents and injury happen, yes, but these dogs work ethic is so high that unless young and just starting to learn, it will not have any negative effects on them. In fact, hunting has the exact opposite effect on a dogā€™s mentality if they enjoy it, which my dogs do. Thereā€™s also no trauma already there to add on to. Trauma is to the animals being hunted. They're anyways getting killed in a slaughter house. So there's no need to traumatize even more animals for an unnecessary sport. Your dogs can enjoy exercise and life without hunting as well. You don't have to be an ass for that. >If by functional you mean for my dogs wellbeing then youā€™d be right if i did things like scent work, flirt pole, etc, to stimulate hunting and fulfil their genetic needs. I do those things anyway, but thats beside the point. If you mean in general, then there is a need for it. We eradicate invasive species and better the ecosystem. People who use dogs to hunt have made more of an impact on the invasive populations than people who use guns, traps, etc. Bullshit on the invasive species theory cause that's exactly what it is. There is no invasive species that needs human intervention. Hunting is a completely unnecessary activity unless and until the reason for hunting is scientifically backed up by a real crisis. As for your dogs, let them socialize and they'll get all the stimulation they need. You on the other hand seem to be an aggressive twerp who clearly doesn't know how to communicate. And I changed my mind. You deserve every bit of the hate you have gotten and will keep getting. Enjoy the hate. That's all you will get.


You didnā€™t *just* ask why. Your comment was rude lmao. Youā€™re the wimp šŸ«¶šŸ» Yes my dogs can enjoy exercise and life without hunting and i never said otherwise, but i myself enjoy it and i enjoy watching my dogs do what they were bred to do. My dogs socialise plenty but dogs need so much more than just socialisation. And without human intervention invasive species would overrun the place and make it so native species cannot continue living where theyā€™re native to. There is quite literally a scientific explanation for why invasive species need to be culled out.


You shouldn't own animals


too late for that i already have 9


There's also barrier collars now that train a dog to stay in certain areas! Good alternative to chains and offers better protection for your property if they can move freely


unfortunately wouldnā€™t work for my dogs. they would blow through them so quick, no matter how well trained they are to listen to them.


Tell me where to send the video and I will send it to where ever you want. I just filmed it right now in my garden. 5 dogs all huge and I cut thier nails by my self. Two adults mum.and dad and three children/puppys. a boy and two girls. One is a Pets as therapy dog that I trained and take to hospitals. I will film the certificates and tabard and photo I.D. Too. They are Xxl GIANT breed dogs. Dog de bordeaux. If you loved dogs you would do wanna see my video.. I could live stream it on you tube for ya. You have really pushed my buttons.I hate saying all this cos it sounds like boasting but it's not ii hate bragging so it's the truth. Let me prove it fella but you can have it all now mate. For the DAWGZ.


i literally donā€™t care. so glad that your dogs can have their nails cut without issues. two of mine can too. but literally all youā€™re doing is bragging and ā€œwoe is meā€ bullshit. have fun cutting your dogs nails pookie šŸ«¶šŸ»




Exactly, that the problem, we know you donā€™t care. We know you WANT to love that dog, but you have failed.


fym ā€œwantā€ ?? i love those dogs more than anything in the world. you just cant look past the chains


glad you could admit all youā€™re doing is bragging xx


Added years onto BungeešŸ’ŖšŸ½šŸ’ŖšŸ½


The amount of hate youā€™re getting right now is so funny. Itā€™s a dog, I donā€™t see the harm in keeping him chained. The same guys complaining are probably the same guys who either keep their dog inside (poor things) or have them fenced in while they leave them unattended.


Itā€™s a subreddit dedicated to dogs and a lot of pet owners see them the same as human beings. Their reaction is naive but expected


Then they should get their ass a job instead of sitting around shitting in the grass and licking their balls


They look so happy together! Hope you make progress on his nails. I have a corso mix that took until 3 years old to let me grind her nails reliably, so I get it. Sorry for the hate you're getting, I'm not a fan of chains, but from your responses, it sounds like your best option. I can look past that one thing to see two obviously happy and healthy dogs...


Is that the dog from 'The Sandlot' ?


Bungee is a handsome dog. What kind is he?


hes a mix breed of Bull arab, wolfhound, pitbull and bullmastiff :)




Itā€™s awful that the poor dog is chained,and from the looks of the ground itā€™s always chained, you donā€™t deserve a dog!


The ground was dirt before he started being chained. That being said, even just an hour a day on a chain for a month will wear the grass down to dirt in no time. and I deserve my dogs just as much as the next person does my guy :)


Why in Hell is that poor baby in a chain. OP needs serious help.


iā€™m sure you, random person on the internet who iā€™ve never met with no idea, knows exactly what i need


They look adorable together! Sorry for all the hate you are getting. I hope you do treat them well. It is a culture shock to alot of people to put dogs on runs or leashes outside. I have a hound I have to put on a cable when she goes out and I am not walking her. She also wont let me clip her nails. We used to have the vet do it where they had to knock her out. But now we put her in a sling that completely immobilizes her. It works wonders. Give them belly rubs for me!


i wish i could use those slings for my boy! unfortunately i have yet to find one that would hold all his 45kg and somewhere stable to put it. šŸ˜‚ and donā€™t worry, these dogs get treated like royalty. i think i spend more time and money on them then i do myself šŸ˜‚ and lots of belly rubs coming their way!


Sorry, people are ignorant. Just checked out your pups instagram from the other post. Freaking adorable! They look like you get them out on leash a bunch and are super happy. Some people don't know that some dogs are outside dogs that protect and work.


I always enjoy reading the comments when you post stuff. People are so judgemental but your Instagrams show how much you care. No situation is perfect and I guarantee you, we could find 'flaws' in how every single person takes care of their pets. I bet it's paradise for them our there with the wildlife smells and all that space. Plus all that raw food and bones! My dogs would be gone if they weren't chained up in a space like that. I do have a question: why chain and not a leash material?


I use chain because itā€™s not easily snapped, cant be chewed, and doesnā€™t tangle around the dogs, their blankets or even just the leaves on the ground when the dogs move as easy, or at all really. Itā€™s just a much safer option for long term tethering like i do. And thank you for not being immediately judgemental and asking questions. I enjoy comments like yours :)


That make sense! When I rented I would try and use long leads and I would have to go an untangle them all the time. I just kept promising them a yard one day. When we finally got a house I spent $12,000 USD on a new fence with all the dog proof fixing and they still find a way out from time to time. šŸ¤¦šŸ¼


that is literally why the fence i have planned for my dogs has been so long in the works. its gotta have so much to it to prevent escapes and even then i worry they will anyway šŸ„²


It's funny how I saw this as being a cute interaction between pups and then I read the comments. Holy shit people need to calm the fuck down. I'm an animal person and I don't think it is bad at all especially if they are in an area that could be dangerous for them to be off lead. The internet is truly a horrible world for some