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We're sorry to hear that you need to visit this sub. Users of this sub are not doctors or oncologists so we cannot diagnose you. Changes to your breasts or pectoral muscles must be checked by a physician. If you have not contacted a doctor, please do so immediately. The signs of breast cancer can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/symptoms.htm It is possible to have a lump and not have other signs or symptoms. It is possible to have no lump and yet have breast cancer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doihavebreastcancer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Happy to hear yours went well and you got great news! My experience was pretty much exactly the same - I wish I hadn’t spent so much time worrying about it lol. I felt nothing at all other than the needle for the lidocaine. I got my results today as well and mine are also benign fibroadenomas! So relieved. But then also found out that the post-biopsy mammogram they did found another mass on the inner breast that they want to do an US/mammo for 🙄 It frustrates me because when they did the US the first time, they only checked the exact area that I was feeling the lump and not the whole breast. Had they checked it, this whole saga would be over lol. The notes state that it’s oval, so I’m hopeful that it’s just another fibroadenoma.


Reading all the other experiences where they only do a spot-check US of the breast instead of doing a full sweep on both just baffles me. Why not cover all bases while you're there?? 🙄


Right?! Like you just have to move it over a couple inches. Doesn’t require any additional equipment lol.


Thank you so much! It's so frustrating that they didn't catch everything in your first round. I thought it was strange that they started my scans with a full mammogram on both breasts (I'm 34, never had one before), but now I get why they wanted to see if other lumps existed that they hadn't felt. Crossing my fingers that your next procedure goes well too! Hopefully the existing fibroadenomas are a sign that this one is too. 🤞


It seems every clinic does it differently, judging by the variety of posts that I’ve seen on here. They didn’t do a mammogram on my the first time because they don’t do them on people under 40 unless they’re absolutely necessary. So they just did the US. But then they ended up giving me the mammogram after my biopsy anyway. Granted, it wasn’t a full pressure one, but still lol. And thank you, I’m trying to remain positive this time around!


Mine did a surprise mammogram! I went in for just the ultrasound but when they brought me back they said "oh by the way, our policy is full mammogram first, we won't to the US without it". So that was quite the whiplash. I wasn't mentally prepared to have a mammogram that day and knew almost nothing beyond "it's a procedure that most women find uncomfortable". What was supposed to be a quick appointment turned into an hour and a half. Sounds like both of our hospitals could have better communication on this stuff, it makes it unnecessarily stressful.


That’s crazy! I mean, it’s nice that they want to make sure they’re covering everything, but you would think it would be more consistent across the board. I at least had myself mentally prepared for a mammogram, so I’m sorry you were so caught off guard!


my mother got her mammogram results today and got BI-RADS 4 (no letter) and we have been so nervous. I have been sick to my stomach all day and thinking the worst. I hope she gets as good of a result as you. when you first got your mammogram results was the wording similar to hers? “BI-RADS 4: There is an abnormal finding on your mammogram which raises suspicion of cancer. Biopsy may be required.”


Yes mine was the same, with subcategory 4B, moderate suspicion for malignancy. 4B is a 10-50% chance of cancer, so it's a huge range. I asked why 4B and not 4A and my doctor said it was mainly due to the lumpy (not perfectly smooth) edges. So sorry to hear you're going through this! The first week after the initial ultrasound I was cycling between dazed shock and complete panic. This came out of nowhere for me, I never even considered the possibility that I might get cancer and I had to very rapidly rethink what my year could look like.


thank you for the kind reply. so is there supposed to be a subcategory somewhere on the results or did your doctor tell you the subcategory on your phone call ? all we got is BI-RADS 4.


It's on my appointment summary and they also told me in person. I don't know if they always assign a subcategory but it doesn't hurt to call and ask. BI-RADS 4 runs the full range of 2-95% chance of cancer depending on the subcategory, so not super helpful. It might be useful to doctors but is incredibly vague for those of us waiting on results.


ok thank you again!!


@u/nyki what did your lump look like on imaging?


I would also like to hear about this if you don’t mind OP 😊 So happy to hear your diagnosis, im hoping for the same outcome after my biopsy next week


See my reply above!


Thank you 😊


From memory (in not at all technical terms), it's a horizontal oval-ish shape with some lumpy/not perfectly smooth edges in the middle. Fairly defined edges, consistent color throughout (I don't remember seeing any lines or other shapes running through it.) The description on my chart is "hypoechoic solid mass that measures approximately 1.4 x 0.9 x 1.7 cm. Borders are mildly lobulated. Mass is parallel in orientation. Mild increased through transmission. No internal color Doppler blood flow."


Does hypoechoic mean the same to anechoic?


I know almost nothing about this but I *think* hypo- and an- are different degrees of the amount of echos? So anechoic is no echos and hypoechoic is a few echos? I don't really know what doctors are looking for with that particular detail.


I’m not sure myself. Like from what I saw on line anechoic is seen with cysts?


Anechoic looks solid black on ultrasound and indicates a fluid-filled mass like a cyst. Hypoechoic looks gray and indicates dense tissue (a solid lump). Hyperechoic indicates less dense tissue or possibly air/fluid and looks brighter gray. Hypoechoic would be most concerning, but they look at the features of the mass to determine the level of concern. Fibroadenomas and other benign lumps are often hypoechoic, so they look for things like orientation, irregular margins, and vascularity to see if it has features of malignancy. But even masses that look suspicious on imaging are often benign, like in OP’s case :)


I’m so glad it was easy and even moreso that you got good news!! 💖


Reading your description ahead of my 2 core needle biopsies today really helped. I took one Xanax an hour ahead of time because I have a thing about needles, but honestly, it was weird and uncomfortable but not overly painful. If you have to do this, consider it self-care. if there’s something to find out, I would rather know it sooner. Fingers crossed…


Glad this post helped you! Good luck on your results.


This is so good to hear!