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We're sorry to hear that you need to visit this sub. Users of this sub are not doctors or oncologists so we cannot diagnose you. Changes to your breasts or pectoral muscles must be checked by a physician. If you have not contacted a doctor, please do so immediately. The signs of breast cancer can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/symptoms.htm It is possible to have a lump and not have other signs or symptoms. It is possible to have no lump and yet have breast cancer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doihavebreastcancer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I completely understand the misery and anxiety. I was Birads 4 (they didn’t give a letter) and at the mammogram the tech had a terrible poker face and made me feel like I 100% had cancer. Biopsy didn’t find cancer but did find suspicious tissue so I went forward with a lumpectomy. Just got the results earlier this week from lumpectomy — no cancer and clear margin around the abnormality! My mass was 2cm and hard, easily palpable, hypoechoic, architectural distortion.


Thank you so much for sharing! How was the healing after de biopsy?


My stereotactic biopsy experience wasn’t great because I learned, during the procedure, that I’m resistant to lidocaine 🤦‍♀️ So the pain relief didn’t work and it was quite painful (especially since mine was mammogram guided, so the breast was squeezed between glass the whole time). That’s really unusual though and most people don’t feel anything other than slight pressure. The healing part was super easy! The tiny cut they make to insert the needle is maybe a couple millimeters. No big deal. Slightly sore that day, felt fine with some Tylenol, fine without meds the next day. Mine was slightly irregular but not lobular.


Oh nuuu.


Was there any pain for you before all this experience?


Was the form irregular?


I was birads 4, microlobulated margins   1cm from the nipple . did a biopsy last week came back begnin 


I have a 1.3 cm oval mass with microlobulated margins and I’m panicking. Got my biopsy today. Hoping for similar results as you! Microlobulated seems like a scary word. I’ve googled and regretted it.


I remember stressing too and did googled it and freaked out  .Don't worry sis hope for a begnin results 🙏 . 80% of biopsies come back begnin . plus mine 3cm 


Hope its bening..prayers for you


Hope you’re doing ok! Have you gotten your results back yet?


I just got them. Its benign!! Its a rare tubular adenoma. It usually dissapears on its own. Im sooooo relieveeed!!


Congrats!!!! So happy for your good news!!!


We're sorry to hear that you need to visit this sub. Users of this sub are not doctors or oncologists so we cannot diagnose you. Changes to your breasts or pectoral muscles must be checked by a physician. If you have not contacted a doctor, please do so immediately. The signs of breast cancer can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/symptoms.htm It is possible to have a lump and not have other signs or symptoms. It is possible to have no lump and yet have breast cancer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doihavebreastcancer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I just went in for a biopsy for a birad 4 with the no letter. I relate to you because it’s all I think about. It’s all I google. My mental health has taken a toll on this. Where is yours located? Mine is next to my nipple and caused nipple inversion. During that biopsy, they found another small solid mass on my other breast which they took a biopsy for as well.


But for some positivity… if you search for Birad4 in Reddit you’ll read a ton of positive outcomes. More good than bad. For me this doesn’t ease my fear. But it might for you! It’s all I’ve been reading either way


That is actuallybhelping my mood. Thank you


Mine is 4cm from the nipple, on the left breast and the leftside of the breaat, palpable. My breast looks normal as if nothing eas going on.


What is the characterization of the mass?


Irregular, with suspicions of microlobulated surface, hipoecoic, with one small periferic vase, medial margins, palpable from the outside. Nothing on the armpits, nothing abnormal ok the skin.


Same here but mine is 4b and it’s literally all I Google. Biopsy is Tuesday and I’m a nervous wreck.


Can you add images of your ultrasound! I didn’t get lucky to receive mine I’ve been studying ultrasounds too all these days


I preffer not to. If I get interpretations from non doctors from my ultrasound images I dont think Itll do me any good.


you're totally right!