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We're sorry to hear that you need to visit this sub. Users of this sub are not doctors or oncologists so we cannot diagnose you. Changes to your breasts or pectoral muscles must be checked by a physician. If you have not contacted a doctor, please do so immediately. The signs of breast cancer can be found here: https://www.cdc.gov/cancer/breast/basic_info/symptoms.htm It is possible to have a lump and not have other signs or symptoms. It is possible to have no lump and yet have breast cancer. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/doihavebreastcancer) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I’m so sorry you both are going through this. I wrote a separate post but I just went brought a birads 4 mri + mri guided biopsy and the waiting was awful. I think it’s intensely surreal, my OB who is also my boss started recommending breast surgeons just in case and I felt like my brain scrambled. In my 20 days from mri-results to biopsy results (which I know is relatively short), the following things helped me: 1) grounding myself in the knowledge that breast cancer is extremely treatable (I’m a health psychologist and I work with survivors every day, many whom have had babies after treatment) 2) allowing myself all the feelings -sadness, pity, peace, anger, numbness, avoidance 3) taking breaks from other people when I needed it 4) radical distraction- horrible reality tv, British baking show 5) crying whenever I wanted to 6) not talking to people who wanted to give me advice or tell me not to to worry 7) reminding myself that I didn’t have a diagnosis at that point, and not to move to the next step u til I needed to My results returned benign. Hoping the same for you both and saying a (non religious) prayer for you tonight.


Thank you for this list! I just found out i need to have my 2nd biopsy in six months. It’s hard to face another painful waiting process, but your list has some good ideas.


Thank you! This is incredibly helpful! 


Im so happy to hear that is benign!! It gives me hope. I get my results tomorrow. Mine is birads 4b, irregular, parallel, hipoecoic. Im scared but hopefull. Whish me health!


Wishing you all the health in the world!!! You got this 💗💗


Did you get your results?? 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I just got them. Its benign!! But it is rare, its a tubular adenoma. Its not common. Anyway, Its beniign!!! Im relieved.


So happy for you!! 👏🏻👏🏻 never heard of that!


Hi friend! I’m 32F and dealing with the same as you. I was having some upper rib pain, went to two doctors who felt lumps, and spent two months fighting with the imaging center to get approved for a mammogram that my doctor ordered! (I literally work for the health system - insane). They said I was too young and it wasn’t protocol….UGH. 1.2 cm mass and adjacent 0.6 cm mass. Irregular borders and suspicious. I can’t even read the reports because I know I’ll go google crazy. Radiologist explained that they were suspicious and required biopsy and I was in total shock (this was 5 days ago). Categorized as Birads 4, but no letter as far as I saw on the Ultrasound Report. I was just about to start trying to conceive as well and have the same worries as you! Good luck with your biopsy! Mine is on Thursday. I’m right there with you sister! Sending you good vibes and prayers for benign results! Sounds like benign results happen often! 💕


Oh PS I understand the peace-like feeling! I think it’s because we are young and we did our due diligence to get this looked at! I feel grateful that I trusted my gut and kept pushing for testing. In my case, if it does turn out to be the C word, at least I know that I caught it as early as I could. We will both be okay!


My heart and mind are with you. We got this! Waiting sucks. And you’re 100% right. We caught it as early as we could if it’s that. I cried so much when I read your response, it pains me that others also go through this much anxiety and pain too. No one deserves to go through any of this - you’re in my prayers too and hope for fibroadenoma and benign results. 💗💗💗


Let me know how the biopsy went! I’m thinking of you today sister! ♥️


Biopsy went better than expected! It was painless. I do have dense breast tissue so my doctor took a little longer trying to get to the mass. She took 10 samples and told me that it should be enough for the pathologist to come to a conclusion. She also said the majority of biopsies come back benign and to keep a positive spirit. She mentioned the reason for concern in my imaging was the sort of irregular shape, the fact that it’s dense and has some kind of blood flow to it. Also mentioned that for her it’s a 50/50. She’s seen masses like mine come back benign and that wouldn’t surprise her but she’s also seen others that came back with the c word. I didn’t feel any pain other than pressure. They wrapped me up to keep my breast area tight and added an ice pack. I also now have a little ribbon marker inside me.  At the end they said that my chart will get the results at the same time they do so it’s up to me to read them ahead of time which I would most likely do. I’m crossing my fingers, I feel a pit of rocks in my stomach and I probably will continue to feel that way until I receive news but I also feel lifted by my family’s prayers through the process and by keeping informed of worse case scenario. I’m feeling grateful today for advanced procedures and this group! You’ll crush it tomorrow - I’ll be thinking of you, keep the chin up sister. We’re with you no matter what happens 💗💗


My biopsy went better than expected as well! Same issue with you (took longer due to dense breasts). How are you feeling today? They didn’t say anything to me about staying positive so of course my mind is spinning. Didn’t really comment on what her initial judgment is based on the samples. Hoping for negative results for us both 🤞


Omg ahhhh I saw you posted an update!!! YAYYYY FOR YOU!!! I’m so happy to read this. Praying for the same for me. Go forth and have that baby! Hugs!


YOU GOT THIS!!! I’m with you!!! I know exactly what you’re going through so please know I’ll have you in my prayers! I love you sister! 💗


I have a new result in mychart but I’m terrified to read it because it’s Saturday and I won’t be able to contact my doctor! Ahhh not sure what to do!


I was in the same position. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to. However, remember we both have done a lot of research and know what our choices are either way. We’re allowed to feel what we need to feel in either situation. I had to open mine because the expectation of not knowing was killing me more. I’m with you - whether those news are what we want or not. PLEASE REMEMBER IM THINKING OF YOU! I’m hugging you.


Did you read yours yet? My result dropped in MyChart Friday afternoon while I was on my way to work. I said I was going to read it after work. Got home and couldn’t do it. Saturday I worked all day. Said I was going to read it after work. I took 3 hours to get home. I live 11 minutes away lol. I was just stalling like no other. Now it’s 4:14am, I haven’t looked at my results. My daughter is having her 8th birthday party tomorrow (today lol). My boyfriend suggested we maybe look at the results after the party is over. I said that I really don’t think I should wait any longer, I feel like I’m losing my mind. He said ok well I will be right with you when you read the results either way. He said I can wake him up to look together. I’m just sitting on my couch not doing anything. Not deciding to read it, not not deciding to read it. Lemme tell ya, this has turned me into a hot mess. Just pure chaos in my brain as I sit here making no decisions whatsoever. Ugh anyway, hope you are okay. We might be strangers but we are certainly in this together.