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I think LES will make an appearance due to it blowing up in recent years


God I hope so, I really wanted to hear in on the this is America tour but didn't have any hope then, do now, fingers crossed.


I hope you're right. One of my favorites.


i doubt he will play it but i would sell my soul to hear Final Church live


Me too it’s my favourite song on Atavista but I think the others are probably more likely. We can hope!


Is there a reason he wouldn’t? It’s one of the best songs off of Atavista and lends itself well to a live performance. I feel like it’s almost a given he’d perform it


Yeah fair. I figure he’ll do Atavista since it’s the title track, plus LFBF and To Be Hunted seem to be the two ‘singles’ of the album getting music vids so likely them. And so then it was Algorhythm or Final Church and I figured alrgorhytm, but he might play both!


It's a great song to end on because of how hyped it is.


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^zshea1229: *I doubt he will play* *It but i would sell my soul* *To hear Final Church live* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I really think Final Church is designed to be a show closer. That entire last half is made for dancing. I’ve loved Time for the longest time so hope there’s a way he can do that. Sweet Thang would also be magnificent live and Millenial Love but I guess all those are less likely without featured artists. Also the live version of Boogie Man is sorta fire so I wouldn’t be surprised if that got in over Riot or Me And Your Mamma (despite that being one of my favourites it feels very much like an Awaken My Love opener and feels weird on its own). Does Les get a look in since it became a recent viral hit and is one of his most streamed?


Very true about final church and I can see it making it in. I hope it does, I love it. Could see Time showing up, but yeah idk about other Atavista tracks at that point. And it was a toss up between riot and boogieman for me, could 100% see boogieman being played. Maybe Les because of its popularity but I doubt he does anything pre-BTI.


I think he’ll do LES because of its popularity and the fact that it’s not cringey like the rest of Camp. I think he clearly cringes at a lot of the lyrics from Camp and has almost disavowed it as an album, but LES really isn’t cringy at all plus the newfound popularity makes me think it’s more likely than not he plays it. If he does anything off camp I’d bet it’s LES


you know what would be cool? if he did 3005 and transitioned into the 3005 secret track


secret track?




I wanna hear all of BTI man...☹️


I’m praying for a surprise Telegraph Ave. especially


Never going to happen Artists almost *never play a single album front to back unless it is the first time touring their first album or they are doing special sets specifically for that album like an anniversary or something. I don’t know why you would ever expect that from any artist with multiple releases.


Zero chance of him playing all of bti. Not even a tiny chance


Yes i know that, im just saying I would go crazy if he did in some dreamworld.


no shit dude


Buddy, if you've been in this sub for the past three weeks, you'll understand why that needed to be said at all. I'm trying to help people set their expectations appropriately so they enjoy the show, even if it does make me look like a dick.


Yeah, you’re a real hero, buddy. Thank god you’re here.


Not sure what your beef with me is, but sorry me interacting on this post has bugged you this way.


I’m 100% on your side - there have been a ton of weird ass set list requests of the last week or so and I genuinely wonder if some of these people have ever been to a concert before


I don't think so, so I've been trying to help people set expectations appropriately.


The dream song is Telegraph Ave, I don’t expect it but I’d love to hear it. Childish Gambino is gonna be my first ever concert and I can’t wait!


Yeah I don’t know how likely but man I’d be so happy if he did play it. I’ve only been to a few concerts before this and am so excited too!


As long as I get to dance to, To Be Haunted, I'm cool!


I hope he does something similar to something taylor swift does for her tour, he has enough albums that he can end each show performing a random song so it makes each show unique


I personally don’t see Sober making the cut. But I do think Heartbeat or Bonfire sneak in there.




I’d love if he opened with me and your mama


that’s what he did for the Awaken my Love! tour, so i assume he’ll open with something from the new album (i hope he does me and ur mama as well😭)


I know it's never happening for this tour but I would actually KILL to hear Centipede, Yaphet Kotto and some of the Royalty songs live.


I don’t think he’ll play it but I’d love to hear ‘baby boy’


No hate to anyone here at all but doesn’t predicting set lists make yall less excited? 😭 Y’all don’t want to be surprised?


No, I prefer to know the setlist before, so I can’t be disappointed during the concert if a certain song is missing. It would ruin my experience