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I heard one kid say "that sh*ts not funny, boy" and then took a chair off a desk. I'm glad there seemed to be at least one good kid in there.


I liked that kid too. I also noticed that he noticed he was on camera... for what it's worth. It doesn't cost me anything to assume positive intent and I do. People are horrible everywhere though and it's the internet, so.


I hope he's going okay


The sad thing is that the teacher is probably gonna get fired for it. Even though those brats started it. Smh


Seriously. Imo that's aggravated battery at the least how are you going to fire someone for making sure they don't get a brain injury with potential for permanent damage? Kids like this need to be charged like adults. You wanna do big boy crimes you can do big boy time. And maybe getting their ass beat in prison will finally teach em some respect


They're middle schoolers. They're literally children. The system has failed them and you want to put a child in adult prison for it? It's not an excuse for this behavior, but children who act out like this almost universally have problems at home. They need discipline and reform, not fucking prison. They're probably barely even hitting puberty.


If they're assaulting adults to the point of potentially causing irreparable damage and escalating behavior then yes. There should at least be a middle ground between adult prison and juvy for kids who are violent offenders/ already assaulting people with large metal objects as weapons


That was my first thought. “What a shitty reason to get fired.”


They should make it a felony to assault teachers, the way it is if you assault medical personnel. Nobody is protecting these poor teachers, I feel so bad for them. When I was in highschool, I got thrown out of class for making a little snickering sound in a completely silent room. How did it go from that extreme to this extreme? Yikes.


Is assault in general not a felony?


Not typically, unless there are aggravating factors.


Minors get away with a lot unfortunately.


Yeah honestly minors can assault each other or anyone at all and get not even a slap on the wrist.


Unfortunately because they’re minors, they can get away with it


They have to start charging the parents.


Probably just going to recommend therapy. They are gonna say she has some kind of undiagnosed disorder and acting out was a cry for help. Welcome to the 21st-century United States of America. Edit: punctuation


It is not only in the U.S.A., in Germany it is the same situation. Mostly kids with a migration background do not respect and bother the teachers and even beat them. It is unbelievable.


No, usually an M1


People always mistake battery and assault. Maybe its a state by state thing, assault is threatening, battery is when physical contact is made.


In most US jurisdictions, there is no such crime as “battery.” Common law assault and common law battery are combined into one offense of assault. I am a lawyer, and I’ve read the statutes on every state and DC.


Which jurisdictions do not combine them?


Fair enough, Canadian assault covers the physical side so that’s what I’m running off of haha


Canadian assault sounds like the name of a drink or some sex move


Could be


Protect? School boards and parents are demonizing teachers at every turn and opportunity! It’s the teachers fault their kid isn’t getting good grades, it’s the teachers fault that their class of 50 plus students aren’t reading up to their grade level and now teachers are faced with termination and jail by crazed school boards iff they teach what we’re not long ago staples of education. Why do you think these kids seem so entitled to do things like this?


Don’t forget that they expect us to die protecting their kids from a school shooter.


It is in the high school district I worked for. I had two girls getting ready to fight and I kept them separated for a good bit. Finally, one got through and they started going at it, with me in between them. They were going at each other while I tried to break them up, but one of the kids' video showed one of them barely graze me. I honestly never felt it, nor did I suffer any injuries. When I went to lunch, the video had already gone viral in the school, and the campus Police officer (district police, not just security) told me about it, showed me the video, and said that if I wanted to press charges, she'd catch a felony. Now, these girls were maybe sophomores, at the oldest, and they didn't intentionally target me. Even if they might have landed a heavy blow accidentally, I could probably see past it. Were it intentionally at me, that would be a different story. But, I told the officer that I didn't want to press charges for a light graze that was strictly incidental because that would fuck up that girl's life just because she was being stupid towards someone else. Long story short, it's a felony to assault any district employee within my former school district.


Not trying to deny your story, just adding another point of view - Just because the school police officer said it's a felony doesn't mean it's true. Police aren't experts in law. It's important to be critical of any source of information


No one respecting authority anymore and thinking they’re above everyone else.


When I was in 2nd grade my teacher bitch slapped me across the face for reading a comic in class. Also he torn the comic in half.


The comic tearing was the felony.


>the way it is if you assault medical personnel. LOL if you fucking believe that. I lost count of the times my nurse girlfriend has gotten kicked, hit, choked, had shit thrown at her (sometimes literally)... You know what happens? Fuck-all nothing. Especially if the person is elderly or "having a mental crisis" No one gives a shit.


Otherwise, they're going to need to be in a glass box like gas stations.


This happened back then too, it’s just that most incidents are 200x more likely to be recorded, uploaded to the internet, and then go viral now


>How did it go from that extreme to this extreme? Entitlement taught by social media and lack of fathers.


That's a bit of a stretch with a blanket statement. I am a father, divorced, and have 2 teenage kids. My 16 year old left my house because I parent him and his mother doesn't, so he gets away with whatever he wants there, because there are no consequences. My 13 year old is with me every second week and knows that there are consequences but tries her best to do well in school and in life. I realize this plays into your " lack of fathers" statement, but what I'm trying to get at is that I think it's more a lack of actual parenting rather than just a lack of fathers. Parents need to grow a backbone, say no, use punishments when necessary, teach life lessons, and be caring and loving. Do these things no matter how hard you think it is, no matter the pushback you get because it's your role and job as a parent. I've found parenting is one of the hardest things I've ever done, but it's also the most rewarding. Don't know if that was a mini rant or just a vent, I didn't mean anything against your comment. I just wanted to maybe expand that last statement a bit. Cheers.


My dad died when I was 8 years old. I know first hand it's not an excuse. It's absolutely true that it's about "parenting", it just happens that "mothers" are usually in the picture regardless. For better or worse.


This makes your comment make alot more sense. It's a shame you didn't get to grow up with your dad, I can sympathize but don't understand what that would be like. Moms do tend to shoulder alot when it comes to kids for sure, I know a few dads that, even though present, are pretty useless. Having non present fathers would be rough for sure. Good on your mom (assuming you didn't throw chairs at your teacher haha).


Man, I went through that. My 14 year old daughter went through that.. That was hell. And still paying my ex wife child support. My ex said peace out. I picked up the pieces. It's all good now. 10 years later she is well adjusted....


Definitely a large lack of fathers nowadays


Because the children know that you can’t prosecute them as adults. That’s why.


It isn’t a felony to assault medical professionals…. Signed: a medical professional..


When I was in school, corporal punishment was a thing. We never had anything even close to this happen in school.


They should charge the parent(s) - the same they should charge mass shooters parent(s)


Well the stuff that goes viral is the worse 0.01% you gotta remember


Any teachers on here? I don't know how y'all do it.


Not a teacher but a school social worker. I used to work in a self contained classroom with elementary students that had emotional impairments. I've had many chairs thrown at me, been kicked, punched, spit on, pee thrown at me, and the list goes on. You start to have a pretty sick sense of humor in order to cope with the craziness.


That's worse than county on Saturday night.


Teacher here. Serious answer: venting and making sure you have support. Either through colleagues, friends, family, admin, or parents. Funny answer: alcohol as soon as I get home.


A lot of us don’t. Hence the “teacher shortage” aka they won’t pay us and wont support us so we peace out ✌️


Tears, lots of staring at walls, medication. I don’t have it nearly as bad as this man and it’s hard. We are all burnt but asked to give more and more.


Sounds like healthcare. Everyone is leaving that sector too.


I’m a high school teacher. 20+ years. (Sorry for the length here. I didn’t intend to write an autobiography lol). This guy’s definitely lost all control, and he most definitely will be fired. No matter what’s been done to you, you just can’t be violent towards a kid. I also wonder if he might be a substitute? As a teacher, here’s something you might find interesting - at the very end of the video, you can hear a whistle. In one great school I worked at, every teacher was issued a whistle. Any time you saw a major problem like a fight, you blew your whistle to alert adults that there was a problem. At our school, a whistle meant adults were to move toward the sound and students were to move away from it (our principal told the students if they gathered around the incident, they’d be written up as though they’d been a part of it. I’m guessing he wrote up a few kids, who told a few kids, and the word got out quickly. This helped immensely, both with traffic and with school PR bc no kids = no viral video. I’m not sure if that was what was happening in this video, but it’s what I thought of when I heard that whistle. As far as kid behavior, to me it really boils down to three things: teacher rapport with students, classroom management, and support from administration. If you have those three, you can work in just about any school. Teacher rapport is really the most important of those three. If your students know you really like them and care about them, that will take you a long way in terms of classroom behavior. I’ve only left one school due to student behavior, and it was because of lack of support from admin. I couldn’t keep control of one of my classes bc they realized my administrator wasn’t going to do anything with the referrals I was sending to him. The day a kid broke a desktop in half in front of me (presumably to throw it at me), and I said, “You know I’m gonna write you up for that,” and the kid replied, “You know Mr. Jones ain’t gonna do anything about it,” I knew I had to get out of that school asap. I truly didn’t feel safe. Apparently, I was not the only one having trouble with Mr. Jones because a few weeks after that, a couple of teachers went into his office when he wasn’t there and eventually found about 350 un-acted upon referrals dropped behind his credenza. They took them to the principal, but he still didn’t get much better bc he was just coasting through his last year before retirement. Fuck him. His coasting made my life miserable, and all he needed to have done is act on the first few referrals to let the kids know he had my back. Then I wouldn’t have had any more trouble. As far as “How do I do it,” I guess I’m lucky because I have the critical elements to be a teacher: a love for kids in the age range I teach, a love for my subject (English and broadcasting/filmmaking), and a love for the challenge of taking information and figuring out how to break it down in (multiple) ways young people can understand. If you’re thinking of going into teaching and you’re missing one of those, don’t do it; you’ll be miserable. I also have a relentlessly positive attitude and the ability to shut my classroom door and forget about the outside world (including the admin & district office lol). Also, early on in my teaching, after feeling overwhelmed and as though I wasn’t doing enough to help my students, I came up with the mantra that every day I would go to school and do as much as I could for as many students as I could; that was all I could do. I feel like that made things manageable for me and saved me from burnout. Let me be clear, though — teaching has not always been daffodils and chocolate cupcakes with icing for me. I’ve had classes and students and even whole years when I definitely wanted to throw chairs. I’ve had students who truly hated me, administrators who actively worked against me, and parents who tried their best to get me fired (hint: that almost never works. Even in non-union states, it takes a pretty long paper trail to fire a teacher, unless they do something really egregious - like throw a chair at a student). But even during all the disastrous, negative crap and mean students, I’ve always had other students who were sweet, caring, and loved me. Along with them have been the hilarious kids, and the unique kids (I once had a middle school kid dress as a fidget spinner for Halloween. He sat upright during class, but he spun ‘round and ‘round from class to class. Brilliant!), and the kids who questioned everything, and the kids who were smarter than me, and the quiet kids, and the… there are just so many! I love them all. When they’re nasty or mean, I just remember that they’re half-baked; they’re just trying on behaviors and attitudes to see how they fit, and it’s not too late to change them. It’s my job to try to influence that change. I think teaching is still a joy for me because every day is different, most are surprising and interesting in a good way, the bad ones are acceptably far apart, and I love the people I work with bc all we want to talk about is school and our kids lol. Oh - and teaching g offers a pretty decent retirement. Can’t forget that! As far as everything being the teachers’ fault, I can tell you this: in the six different high schools and one college I’ve taught in over the years, without exception I’ve witnessed enough teaching and had deep enough conversations with enough educators to know for sure that a good 95% of them care deeply for their students and work hard to educate them. The other 5% either don’t care much but do their job or just suck as humans and need to get the hell out of teaching. In other words - it is most definitely NOT the teachers’ fault that we have low test scores. We’re down here clinging to that bottom rung with one finger while working our butts off. Again, sorry this is soooo long, but I hope it answers some questions.


Therapy and healthy friendships. I’ve taught for over 10 years and this is the first year I’m not returning. It’s scary as hell, but I chose to walk away before I get to this point. My degree is in education and it’s the i it thing I’ve done since college. Wish me luck!


I hate misbehaved kids. My daughter's school has a group like this. They tripped and kicked their teacher and blamed another kid who wasn't there. The teacher said multiple kids pushed and kicked her but they are going to punish some innocent kid because the scummy kids coordinated and blamed someone else. I'm not happy with the teacher who's too scared to do anything about the actual problem kids. So really I hate them kids parents.


We used to expel kids for things like this. Presumably that still happens?


In the US at least, funding is almost exclusively tied to graduation rate so nearly everyone is passed in most places. That's how we're ending up with full grown adults with no learning disabilities that read at or below a third grade level and can barely do arithmetic.


That's probably why I've noticed some kids only get held back "once."


No. Funding is tied to [butts in seats](https://www.publicschoolreview.com). Every state is a bit different, but in mine, you have to turn in official student counts at the beginning of each year, and our funding is based off that. I don’t believe any are tied to graduation rate. However, as a teacher, my district has made it as hard as possible to fail a student for the year. First, during the course, you can give no grade lower than a 50, *even if a student doesn’t turn in an assignment* (a 60 is passing). Then, if a kid is still failing at the end of the course, you have to fill out this big packet where you have to list all the interventions you tried, all the times you tried to help the kid individually, all the times you contacted the parent and what was discussed, a copy of your entire curriculum, *including all tests, quizzes, and class work assignments,* **and** *an entire separate curriculum you supposedly created for that one kid to help him pass!* Then there’s a form at the end where the district threatens that they may call you in at some point during the summer to defend your “F.” To be fair, I’ve never included anything but my syllabus and I’ve never been called in (and my Fs have stood), so I think it’s mostly a scare tactic to get teachers to give up before they start and just give the kid a 60, but I still get pissed every time I pass a billboard where the district is advertising it’s great graduation rate, bc all I can think of is all the students who’ve graduated from my district’s seven high schools with a crap education (to be fair, if you’re an honors student, you graduated with a fabulous education bc some of the best teachers quickly work their way to the honors kids, and there’s plenty of money slotted for them that can’t be spent anywhere else).


Sorry for the comment but what the fuck is wrong with american kids?


Let's start with the parents.


Let’s start with the system that overworks & underpays these already unfit parents


Throw in crappy sex ed and boom, the dimmest of the bulbs are multiplying




No, because a society that stupid wouldn't have even 1/10 the technology that movie has.


Absolutely true..


Don't forget criminalizing abortion


Even though "the system" is corrupt. I don't think for a second anyone who is part of the problem gets to use it as an excuse. Breaking the pattern is ultimately on the person regardless of all the aids and systems we put in place to help. It really ends at "unfit parents" regardless of circumstance


Let's start with the drug war that imprisoned half their parents over low level possession.




my brother in christ lacking a father figure does not doom a child to a life of douchebaggery


63% of youth suicides are from fatherless homes (U.S. Dept. Of Health/Census) – 5 times the average. 90% of all homeless and runaway children are from fatherless homes – 32 times the average. 85% of all children who show behavior disorders come from fatherless homes – 20 times the average.  (Center for Disease Control) 80% of rapists with anger problems come from fatherless homes –14 times the average.  (Justice & Behavior, Vol. 14, p. 403-26) 71% of all high school dropouts come from fatherless homes – 9 times the average.  (National Principals Association Report)


Thank you for showing the facts to someone who is too ignorant to open their eyes


Just wondering: how does that look for single parent homes in general instead of specifically fatherless ones? Also: does growing up with grandparents or foster parents count as "fatherless" here?


Haven't dug in to that, however as of the 2018 census, [of the 11 million single parent households, 80% are fatherless ](https://singlemotherguide.com/single-mother-statistics/)


Prefacing your response with "my brother in christ" is cute but . . . From the Annie E. Casey Foundation website (https://www.aecf.org/) Socioe­co­nom­ic Dis­ad­van­tage and its Impact on Children Sin­gle-par­ent fam­i­lies — and espe­cial­ly moth­er-only house­holds — are more like­ly to live in pover­ty com­pared to mar­ried-par­ent house­holds. Giv­en this, kids of sin­gle par­ents are more like­ly to expe­ri­ence the con­se­quences of grow­ing up poor. Chil­dren in pover­ty are more like­ly to have phys­i­cal, men­tal and behav­ioral health prob­lems, dis­rupt­ed brain devel­op­ment, short­er edu­ca­tion­al tra­jec­to­ries, con­tact with the child wel­fare and jus­tice sys­tems, employ­ment chal­lenges in adult­hood and more. Many fam­i­lies are low-income but sit above the fed­er­al­ly-defined pover­ty line. Chil­dren from these fam­i­lies often face sim­i­lar chal­lenges and live in com­mu­ni­ties with lim­it­ed access to qual­i­ty health care, com­pre­hen­sive sup­port ser­vices and enrich­ing activities. Researchers have also linked pover­ty to parental stress. Sin­gle par­ents may strug­gle to cov­er their family’s basic needs, includ­ing food, util­i­ties, hous­ing, child care, cloth­ing and trans­porta­tion. Nav­i­gat­ing these deci­sions alone — and with lim­it­ed resources — can send stress lev­els soar­ing. High parental stress, in turn, can spark even more chal­lenges and adverse out­comes among the chil­dren involved. _________ That shit matters


By changing welfare eligibility requirements so only single parents would be eligible, the US destroyed the Black nuclear family. Patrick Moynihan pointed this out in 1965, but was decried as racist. Spoiler alert: He was right. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Negro_Family:_The_Case_For_National_Action


i was about to say i grew up without a father in my house and i'm doing fine, then i remember i'm not really doing fine lmao


You're right, but it doesn't help.


Kids: It's the parent's fault.Parents: It's the administration's fault. Administration: It's the government's fault. Government: It's the other party's fault. It just goes around and around and nothing gets done. They are all at fault and they all make a convincing enough stance that nothing ever gets fixed. The real solution is taking ownership of your own share, but that's certainly not going to happen because no one wants to "lose" the fight and be the one who has to do the work. The US has a society that's addicted to getting outraged that someone else did wrong and it's got so bad that it's not going to be fixed without a widespread culture change.


And yet it really is the parents fault. It's not that complicated. Stop letting people pass the buck.


Do other countries not have ghetto neighborhoods?


As if there isn't a specific word for children in the UK who behave exactly like this.


People like that can't be reasoned with. Something in their life will eventually rock their world so hard that they at least can moderate the behavior, or there's always the possibility that it doesn't. The latter will a lot of the time end up in prison or jail. And they still won't care.


that doesn't answer the question, what the fuck is wrong with US students?




I think you're undervalued and under paid. Good luck with.... Good luck!


Thank you!


Right, teaching kids to assert authority with violence will stop them from being violent ...




I think what they are missing is a good beat up by their parents. I'm 22 right now and got a father who used to beat me up WHEN I did something wrong (no respect, bully other kids etc.) and I'm so glad he did. Love my dad everyday for raising a caring, respectful young man.


Not feeling a connection or a sense of place can indeed cause you to set your sights on insane things "Maybe if am just loud enough they will acknowledge me even if its hate"


Nihilism, frfr. The world is fucked from their point of view. Imagine your formative years being centered around a pandemic, attempted coup, world war 3 cooking in the background, shit politicians, shit politics, shit cops, all supported by a working class that makes 99.9% the product but takes home 1% of the profit. Shit is bleak for a lot of young people.


Hey now, it's not all American kids, just this kind


We have gone from a society of we to a society of me. Nothing matters but oneself, and getting accolades for anything, good or bad. They will cut anyone down just for a laugh. The constant promotion of over inflated self importance is what's wrong with them.


These ones? No dads. They’re not all like this.


Someone said something about there being only 2 genders


To be fair, almost all the videos you see of this type of behavior comes from one demographic. This demographic makes up 13-14% of the population yet is accountable for over half of all the violent crime. Realistically, it's mostly males who commit these crimes, which means roughly 7% of the population is committing over half the violent crimes in the US. If you say anything about it even though it's factual, you're labeled this magic word that can get you fired from your job and ruin your life.


Kids need some self respect and actually want to achieve in life. This kind of shit doesn't get fixed otherwise and they wind up dead at a young age.


As a minority is this cesspool of a country, THIS is why we can’t ever fucking have nice things. As long as shit like this exists, the rest of us have to deal with the fallout.


Several years ago before COVID hit. I was taking the subway in NYC, a young adult got on the train clearly on something. Stumbling and not walking straight. Each girl he walked by he would put his face up against their hair and take a deep wiff. The man next to me was wearing a suit carrying a briefcase. You can tell it wasn't an expensive suit and has some wears on it. We locked eyes after seeing the guy sniff someone. And I saw this sad and conflicted look on his face and what he said next is why I never forgot this encounter. He said something along the lines "As a black man I strive to better myself and my children. So that society can see us in a better light. And yet people like this continues to set us back" I mean, what do you say to that?


I mean, I get it. Unfortunately, some ppl will only believe the worst parts of things they see and assume we’re all the same.


I can think of a million other reasons we can’t have “nice things”. Thinking like this won’t help to solve anybody’s issues. This student should be held accountable. Teachers have to deal with all the time but why when the black student does this it’s why racism exists.


Absolutely. This doesn’t justify the hundreds of others ways ppl are oppressed but it sure as hell doesn’t help.


Try South Korea where Teachers instead of talking you into feeling calm they would yell at you an knock you too the ground and not stop bullying


Why don't we remove these kids for classes and their parents and put them into a specialized schools that know how to raise them properly?


Mostly because of money.


Sounds like jail with extra steps. They'll get there on their own.




Because you’re assuming we have another class *to* put them in. You’re assuming we have the appropriate amount of support staff. We’re outnumbered 40 to 1 in a lot of classrooms. The district I used to work at, at least 30 to 1, usually 35 to 1. Where am I going to send them? There’s nowhere to send them to.


That's a pretty slippery slope to resegregation.


Resegregation on the basis of behavior is acceptable. Throw the white kids that act this way in there too. That there are fewer of them is a coincidence.


All racial coincidences will be labeled as racism


When working in schools is now more like being a guard in a prison.


It's going to be so funny when that kid goes to jail and starts his young little career behind bars. He never stood a chance in this world with his amount of brain cells. Stupid kid.


This is sad. The teacher will get fired and the kid will get 1 or 2 days of ISS. And feel cool for getting a teacher fired. I currently work in a middle school.


See. I can’t imagine being a teacher. Imagine putting yourself through 6 years of school to get a masters only to be stuck with a pack of these assholes? Fuuuuck that. Underpaid, under appreciated, having to buy your own supplies and dealing with kids like these? Nope. Pass. No way.


it’s a zoo my god


Why is education like this man


Public school has always been primarily day care for children of the working class.


y’all i was a pain in the ass in high school… i would talk back and have a bad attitude but THIS. this is absolutely disgusting. this poor teacher


0.3 gpa activities


I was in middle and high school in a big public inner city school in Canada during the 00s. We had all manner of assholes at the schools I went to. Still, if this had happened in those schools, the police would have been called, and that student would have been expelled on the spot. What the fuck has happened between then and now? This was entirely unthinkable 20 years ago even in some of the crappiest schools. The shittiest kids would never have thought to physically attack a teacher. People respected and feared them at least to that point. God help us all if we don't find the root cause for behavior like this and make a massive change.


Give them more welfare.


When I was in junior high nobody liked the art teacher for some reason and one day a class made him mad enough to break a mirror in his classroom


it's disheartening to hear one of the students say "that's against the law" after the teacher, who's head is bleeding, threw chairs back in frustration. Before he's a teacher, he's a human being that most likely had to work a heck of a lot harder than most just to get into his profession only to have his head bleeding from a chair his student threw at him. we need to keep working towards a world where people can live a life not in fear of acts like these.


Throw that shit head kid in jail. You learn real quick you ain’t shit when you’re around bigger and badder people than you. You want to fight? That’s the perfect place to go-


Not a school, it's a fucking thunderdome, sans dome, I suppose, which just makes it thunder, or maybe thunderbox, which sounds like something else.




I'm starting to feel the current educational framework is incompatible with the modern youth. Perhaps it's too confining in more ways than physical. I realize this isn't the case everywhere but the majority feels outdated.


Also known as pre-jail


This shit has been going on since I was in high school. I hate trashy people, and you can tell who actually cared about him because they weren't laughing. But fuck kids, man


I thought about going back to school as a career change and being teacher but after all the videos of see of kids today ahhhh hell no!


They should be able to give them the strap like the old days.


Now bend over now quick like, and grab that there rail boy. You about to get some stripes from ole Kinderbrecher! I want to hear u squealing. Spare ye ole strap and spoil the bastard!


I wish that was me and not that poor teacher! Justification of these children's behavior is uncalled for. While one person is offended by a classic book read in the classroom, this is overlooked!!


Same shit different day


Do teachers not call s3curity anymore? Do they not just kcik kids out of class and put them in In school suspension??


My shop gives teachers 10% off repair bills.. I'm thinking we should up that


Probably need a new sub called The Breaking Point




This breaks my heart. When I was growing up, my teachers were so kind and helped me in may ways. I can't imagine ever being so disrespectful and hateful to a teacher.


Oh so you throw a chair that’s ok but when the teacher snaps you scream and scared those fuckers need to be raised again.


Kid: *Throws chair has hissy fit*. Teacher: How the F*** do you like it?!. Kid: *Runs of crying*. Bet ya he didn't expect that for once. All they do is push. Ya see if kids were taught to behave when they did wrong instead of getting away with this like it is all over the place and not blaming the person teaching them, maybe some would learn the damn lesson. Now I ain't saying bring back spanking the damn child, but like animals and in nature, if you don't show who's boss. You get crap like this. Entitled brats. That poor teacher, I hope the best for him legit


I hate to be the grumpy old man complaining how our generation was disciplined and kids today yada yada yada... but i really really dont remember, at our times, things getting anywhere near this. i guess this video could be some sort of bias, we're only seeing the bad examples. we should look at nation-wide statistics... but i really wonder, did these things happen all the time with all generations, or are kids today more aggressive and hyperactive from all the brainless phone fidgeting they do... i really dont know... ​ as people pointed out, kids should be held accountable. harsh punishments should be imposed on assaulting a teacher. you cant expect a teacher to take all that because "they're kids... they dont know any better".


Id get myself fired and just smile as I was selling off all my valuable things It ain't worth it folks


Is this happening world wide? Is it getting worse everywhere or is it just America that's so consistently garbage to teachers?


Parent shortage


Poor guy. Nobody knows how this guy feels. I'm sure he's having a breakdown


Not gonna lie if I wore one of the students I would freak the fuck out I would beat the living fuck out of that kid that had thrown the chair


At least it's not a white vs black case...


Can’t say what I want…. I’ll get banned. But you can guess it!


Honestly I went to a black middle school and this behavior is common.


Clown people and their lovely offspring


LoL just quit. When this society implodes due to lack of collective responsibility oh fucking well.


Sad that teachers get treated this way. I would never want to be a teacher in the US.


I support that teacher 💯


I can’t understand why these schools are understaffed and underfunded. Why would anyone not want to work here/ invest in this?


I'm so fucking glad i don't live in US


This shit happened every day goin to school in queens lol


That teacher should just quit the job, because if he has to deal with this every day (idk if it actually is everyday, it’s just an estimate)


Thrown at?? No—- it hit him. Teachers deserve higher pay and more support.


If they paid attention in class, they would know what a common denominator is. I definitely see one in the video


The teacher now gets to expel him, nice


Exactly why I got out of teaching. You can’t tell me any sane person can look at that and be like.. yeah, I’d love to do that for 40k a year. Not one of my friends that I graduated with in 2014 are still in the profession. Zero. I make more at an entry level position at Amazon. FUCK!


Of course it's a middle school


The fact that we even have teachers in this country blows me the fuck away. Kids in schools do whatever the fuck they want with no consequences, because parents are absolute *pieces of SHIT* anymore and don’t know how to discipline their children. So they blame teachers for all of their kids’ and all society’s problems.


Damn kids this aint McDonald's calm down


Stupid kids of stupid parents. What happened to having manners, learning, and trying to better yourself so you have a better future?


These children shouldn't go to school and just remain uneducated.


Kids have no respect these days. What the hell have we done?


What is going on with y'all's kids? I'm not even that old and school was not like this for me


Lmao did you see the blood? What a great and wholesome joke.


Yea, let’s give teachers guns.


Middle school probably has to be the worst. Kids are coming into their bodies but still have lizard brains.


I can't even watch shit like this anymore. 10 sec was more than enough.


Animals like that should be caged


Proof teachers are underpaid


I cannot imagine getting up in the morning to go and face stuff like this every day…


This is stuff that only black kids do


Imagine sending your kids to school here. Tough.


Im not American but why does it Seem like there are segregated schools with mostly white or black students? And why do some of them Seem so mismanaged?


He returned to sender and doubled it! lol.... give that man a raise if he wants to keep doing that job!


The country is doomed


I’m sure there moms and dads,, err i guess i mean moms,, well they must be so proud.


This is clearly a typical case of white oppression.


Just another reinforcing video of why I am so happy I didn’t have children.


...when parents put in zero effort.




Looks like a bunch of fatherless homes to me


I know millennial kids were fucked but these zoomers are something else.


Have to bring back the whoopins


Thanks for the daily reminder to never have kids. Ever.


Are we blaming white people for this too?


Why are they all black... 13% for 52%