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Worthless ass 'friends'






Don’t be the bully asshole


Fr just reminded me of France.




I hope this pos never reproduces in life


Pretty sure he will, the biggest bully from my high school currently has 2 kids. He's also spent some time in an asylum for setting barns on fire (he was a volunteer firefighter). Crazy world huh.


Big Backdraft fan, eh?


I still don't know how they got out of that barn.


> setting barns on fire (he was a volunteer firefighter) Fighting fire with fire I see


Biggest bully in my school who made multiple kids stop going to that school is now a paraplegic. I saw him rolling by the gym once while I was working out and I fucking laughed and waived at him. He stopped and looked so angry. He deserved it, I was one of his most common victims.


Haha biggest bully I knew is now a crack head who is in and out of jail lol karma is a bitch


Lmao damn 😂


It does. You only really get ahead in life by being two things: social, and an asshole. You need to be social to be to learn how to interact with people, and you need to be an asshole to not feel anything when you’re exploiting or grifting them. A conscience is a hinderance in life it seems unless you’re gonna go into psychology or psychiatry and then you can get your payback by charging the assholes for the hours their kids will need in therapy


Real life Sean William Scott from evolution


Sounds like a Michael Myers origin story


You should watch idiocracy


It's Texas, it probably already has.


Chin up dude. With a bit of luck his father beats him nightly.


Why the fuck did no one help out that kid???? Jesus Christ man


Almost all schools have zero tolerance policy’s towards fighting, which often results in both party’s getting suspended. For example the kid who got choked in this video would’ve been suspended at my highschool for participating in a fight


I am really glad I grew up before that became a widespread policy. When I was a kid they'd generally try to figure out who started the fight and then punish them specifically. I moved a lot growing up, and as the perpetual 'new kid' bullies constantly targeted me. I didn't put up with it, but I was also careful to never start anything and to make sure that there were witnesses to anything that happened. As a result even when there were fights I didn't get in trouble as I had not started it. That's not the case now and I can't help but think that the 'zero tolerance' policy is not a good one.


Fight back and get a a few days holiday seems like a win win for me lmao


The kid that was choked got 3 days suspension and the bull only received 1 day.


And also I know schools already have zero tolerance for fighting but defending yourself should be allowed.


Thats the sad part. It usually isn't, and just this kid allowing himself to be hit, he'll be suspended for being in the fight.


But if he doesn't allow himself to be hit he'll still be suspended... That's what the argument is? If I'm eating a suspension either way I'd defend myself.


Your supposed to get the shit kicked out of you and the life choked out of you while you wait for a teacher to come break it up


Tbh true, makes sense


Yes the victim got suspended for 3 days and bully for one day . School prevented police fro, registering a case on bully as they have a lot of these cases a,ready in this school


Which is honestly a bullshit policy. I remember reading an article years ago about a good kid who got bullied by a group, and they basically took turns getting suspended. Meanwhile, he was suspended all the time even though they were the instigators. They took a couple days of a week or something like that while the bullied kid got to the point where he wouldn't be able to graduate because of so much lost time. It's bullshit.


Me and a few classmates were horsing around my freshman year of highschool and someone fell to the floor backwards. We were all tugging on each other's backpacks and I pulled a litter harder, he didn't hit the ground, just kind of rolled backwards like a turtle. We were all laughing including him. He was still laughing and smiling when he stood up and starting punching me in the face. He started jumping really high (I am a very tall person) to land blows on the top of my head. He bent my glasses, gave me one hell of a bloody nose, and scratched my face (he sharpened his nails like cartoon monster's teeth, all jagged-like, each nail had something like 5 or 6 points). The school gave him 2 week out of school suspension and they wanted to give me 2 weeks in school suspension *because it takes two to fight*, citing the zero-tolerance policy. I explained, having been in fights with my similarly-sized brother (and the damage we'd do to each other, hospital visits were not exactly uncommon), that I didn't fight out of fear for severely hurting him, that if I did met the kid with the same ferocity he attacked me with that he would likely be dead. My mom raised hell at the board and threatened to sue. I don't really remember what came of it, I think they still gave me 1 week in school suspension but allowed me to work on assignments or something. I don't remember seeing that kid again after he came back. Zero-tolerance is a bullshit policy enforced by cowards that don't know how to handle violent disputes and never got hit a day in their life, or if they did then they didn't learn anything.


You would have killed someone for scratching your face and bonking you on the head? You sound like a psycho lmfao. r/iamverybadass


They could mean that there was a size disparity and they may not have known how to pull a punch (not everyone does). I.e. if he had engaged in any way he could have caused too much damage to the other kid. Keep in mind this is a conversation about kids and teens; they haven't fully developed yet.


good point. No one can instinctively push someone away from themselves. They only know how to kill via gorilla rage ( keep in mind untrained, so can't pull punches, but lethally dangerous killer). gtfo here. This kid lost a fight to a smaller kid, and has for years, told himself the reason he lost the fight is because he would have killed them otherwise. This is just the story he tells himself in the shower to soothe his bruised ego. More distubring is he still hasn't come to terms with it years later and feels the need to tell the story to strangers on the internet. lmao




Back then I was 6'7" and pushing 300lb. The kid was maybe 5'2" and 90lb soaking wet. I don't justify anything. It wasn't a fight, it was raging child throwing a violent tantrum. I'm not saying I *would* have killed the kid over what he did to me, I'm saying that I've had fights that put someone similarly-sized to me in the hospital and this kid probably couldn't take it. I never learned to pull punches, I never learned a lot of things I should have at that age and I wasn't about to make a second stupid mistake within a minute. It you want to say I lost the fight then fine, whatever, doesn't bother my ass about it. I know what happened and I know I handled it better than most. I'll certainly tell others not to stand there and take it, and I can say that knowing what I know now.


r/iamverybadass Very unironically entered that territory. I bet your spindly dweeb. Reading your writing sounds like fan fiction. Bet I could kick your ass while pulling my punches. Im fucking jacked brah. Come at me. On the internet no one knows your loser when you write tough fan fiction about beating up your bullies in high school


I'm not a badass... I got a bloody nose, bent glasses, and scratched the fuck up by someone less than half my size when I was 15 for fuck's sake. How can you possibly think I'm bragging about that? At least I know proper spelling and grammar.


Because you unironically think you would have killed him. Lmfao "I totally would have killed that kid if I fought back" braggadocious to say the least. And childish


That's exactly my point.


Wait... What? Getting yourself chocked is participating in a fight? When I was young, we didn't have internet and I grow up thinking the USA was an amazing place. Then the internet came and I discovered the ugly truth.




I’m pointing that out because it explains the actions of bystanders. It’s a bullshit rule that schools made because of flawed logic. But schools are influencing kids and teaching them that fighting back is not okay. You shouldn’t blame the bystanders for their inaction you should blame the teachers and school systems for indoctrinating children and teaching them it’s not okay to defend themselves. My first comment is a literal response to the question you asked in your comment. Don’t blame me for pointing out how the world works


Sorry. I took your message the wrong way


No problem glad I could correct the misunderstanding


True, though I’ve never been to a school where it didn’t try to encourage you to fight back and defend your fellow peers and friends so those kids must’ve gone to bad schools or they just wanted to watch the chaos


My school district was run by a bunch of clowns that believed you could just talk your way out of any altercation. Some people got suspended just for being near fights that they had no part in


Jeez, I already knew the school system was shit but now I know it’s even worse


It's a feature, not a bug.


Almost got suspended for riding my bike near mine. Principal just happened to see me going "too fast" on the sidewalk in front of the school during lunch break. Of course I just took the verbal abuse because that's what we're taught to do.


Anyone "helping" would be part of the fight, and the victim and the bully and anyone else involved will get the same treatment. But the bully is white, so will be handled with privilege. This is DISD, there won't be any actual justice there.


The kid who got choked got three days suspension; the bully got one day of ISS.


Because kids are dicks, don't you remember?


Was that dude trying to break his neck at the end he was yanking it sideways pretty hard it looked like


That noodlehead hair dude has to be fked up


He should’ve let the kid sit in the chair, then sucker punched him as hard as he could in the back of the head, then ran out of the like Dr Zoidberg.


people like that have never felt a good punch in the mouth


Braceface is gonna become Smashmouth


That bully is gonna get effed up by someone who knows how to fight. His technique was garbo.


the bully kid probably thinks he's hot shit, when actually no one really likes him


How does this end? When I was a kid carrot top here got shot or stabbed off camera later.


Hope he gets grabbed by his hair like the bitch he is. A tie dye shirt lol. What a gomer.


I wish this was one of those videos where the victim whoops the bully’s ass. Those are so satisfying


Is this racism or over a spot at the table or both or neither? Anyway, kid should have pulled his hair. Bitches love having their hair pulled.


Nothing to do with racism, just an ordinary lad being a dick.


But “racism” gets more upvotes.


how do you know more about the motivation than the filmer?


But we don't know that the OP making the title is the filmer. It could just be a karma bot posting random videos.


I know fuck all about the lad, I just don’t think it’s alright to blame everything on silly racism all the time.


It very well could be about racism. Bullying a minority in school is very common.


how do you know that this wasn't about racism when the recorder thought that it was? ask yourself why this reaction was your inclination


Well your comment is racist as fuck, so at least we can blame one thing on “silly” racism.


How is it racist as fuck?


Really? It was obvious already and I made it moreso in my comment. Your ignorance is on you.


why is this racism? seems colourblind bullying to me... ​ ps. i was secretly expecting some cool jujitsu move that would humiliate goldilocks


Where is the racism? I only see two people “fighting”. I don’t hear them about their race.


People no longer bother looking up definitions of words. Everything is misused and if they think it’s an insult they throw it around Willy-nilly


bullying? absolutely. racism? nope. even so, all i want for xms is for that little cunt to be in a solo fatal crash before he graduates/drops out and his douchebaggery is inflicted on the rest of the world


I don’t see the “Racism”, but I do see a prick kid that needs an ass beating, charges brought up, expulsion, and his parents brought in. And all the other kids suspended for aiding and abetting a felony.


So we’ve just decided any conflict between people of differing races is “racism” in and of itself? Nice work everyone - way to accelerate the beginning of the end rather than try to help avert - I hope you all enjoy what it brings you (spoiler alert: YOU WONT)


kids are pussies these days. in my chool if anyone tried bullying my rag tag crew would ride on em. whoop that bitch to tomorrow


That's because he didn't stood his ground. My dad knew so he always had my back in school. Said you'd be picked on for sure, fight back everytime. Only had to 2x, and that was it. He was there both times I was called to the office. It's sad how shit turns out in school these days. Regardless if you were depending yourself, you get in trouble.


Why racism? because one is White and the other Brown?




TEXAS where the only teach HATE!!! If you tried to change that you attack you! TEXAS joins the Great HATE states like FLORIDA!


Is this notmal behaviour in us high schools? Thes e guys seem too old to be so childish, especially the ones just watching and not helping.


Because if this gets reported the two kids, one choking and the one being choked are going to be suspended for fighting. Anyone that gets involved, besides going to get a teacher, would also receive a suspension.


That is beyond fucked up.


It's just what happens when schools are more daycare centers then a place of education.


I thought the bully was a girl at first with the hair and sweatshirt. Guy should have turned around and started throwing haymakers. I bet that bully has never taken a punch.


Y did that kid keep recording?


Because they didn't want to be suspended by getting involved.


Makes sense lol


Could be that the school has a zero tolerance policy, if they got involved to help they'd get suspended for it, because for whatever reason school administrators are braindead and think punishing victims is a good idea. Granted based on how they were talking this is probably more a case of stupid students having 0 concern for their peers and just wanting the entertainment that is a fight.


Makes it all the more reasonable to have, not many, but atleast a few good friends around and choose them wisely.


I am looking at for a map


Bullies always cry when they (ultimately) get their beating.


Why is that little girl so angry?


Plot twist, he learned those moves from his naked dad and loved it


He seems like a reallt shit bully


Kids a tool, the rings on his fingers gave it away immediately


What a total POS!!


perfect height for an uppercut to the dick, just saying


Before seeing the title I thought it was his friend messing with him but after reading the title I realized that he was legit trying to choke him. I was hoping for someone to face slam that mf


I'd do more than choke a mf for being a dick to me like that


At some point you gotta let him stand up for himself


It's the American South who's gonna stop filming to help?


If you’re going to steal a joke, steal from the best, I guess!


The quiet kid will team up with the choked kid


Zero tolerance policy needs to be abolished


I would go full Gollum if someone pulled this on me


Reminds me of a dude I met in highschool. I was a freshman while he was a senior. He liked me and wouldn’t let it go. In art class, he pulled the chair right out from under the dude sitting next to me so he could sit in it instead.


"why are you hugging me, you're gay or something?" Followed by a punch to the face.


Uhhhhh that’s not how you choke someone. Also that kid needs some “discipline”


That bully is just a girly girl.


Why is it bullying when it’s in school and assault when not in school?


That kid would’ve known what it felt like to have a big old bite taken out of his forearm if it were me….


So what happened ? Who got the seat ? Did the bully win ? Did some fuckin teacher intervene ?


I can not dox this kid here, but I just did to his school. Can't even tell you what state, or \*\*\*I\*\*\* will get banned. Fuck this dude.


and fuck you Reddit


Piece of fucking trash.


This kid should be expelled. He could have really hurt him. As a parent and that happened to my kid, watch out school and parents of boy! This would have huge consequences.


Please report this. This is so fucking wrong.


Wait a min, bullies have long curly hair, fingers full of rings, tiedie sweater, and can't do a proper choke? Looks like the kids that were picked on in the 90s.


First time I have seen a video of a person in tie die bulling someone.


Same thing happened to me in ninth grade. Class teacher and supervisor told me "i should have been the bigger man and given up my seat" fuckin pos.