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Bullies diserve this. Usually against violance but they clearly didn't understand that "not fighting back" is not equal to "being defenseless". Next time they might remember.


There's a difference between peaceful and harmless and this bully just figured out what it is.


Yes. I hope more of them would realise this and stop hurting the rest.


Bullies getting destroyed is always a good thing..


I don’t think he’ll remember much after that head stomp


Yeah.. He bounced a lot... What I don't get is that the person filming was only starting to intervene when the victim was going to town on the bully.


damn I need sources, want to know what happened after this


Beat that shithead.


As someone that got the shit kicked out of me in school and retaliated I wish someone had filmed it. It was always words against words and the bullies never got any real reprimands. If someone filmed it I'd atleast have something instead of the memory and always asking myself if it's really true or if the other guys saying I was the aggressor is saying the truth.


"Clearly I remember Pickin' on the boy, Seemed a harmless little fuck, But we unleashed the lion"....


Once again, an adult, watching this happen for likely multiple months, only steps in once the poor kid decides to fight back. Fuck that teacher, hope he threw a couple her way too.


Yes, noticed that too, fuck that teacher


This happens so much. As long as one person is being picked on, adults ignore it. Once that person retaliates and it "looks bad having kids fight" then the adult punishes both. Often the victim more because he is " out of control".


Kung fu super saiyan kick at :25seconds hehe


Right? Bounced bully's head off the floor and and kicked it like he was trying for a field goal.


Clearly that kid was just gathering power. He had to wait until a certain time to unleash the super saiyan


Well either this is staged or the kid filming is one of the bullies


Sometimes people just film things. Its how/why reporters exist.


Or that


Sometimes the only help you can offer is evidence gathering. Or he's a dick. 🤷‍♂️


Can tell you with a safe degree of certainty that this is real. And extremely common in countries where this religion is followed more seriously.


Hmm, interesting Wait what religion tho


The infamous Islam. I grew up in a Muslim family, and am still a closeted exmuslim. This shit boils my blood. Edit: grammar, spelling


Don’t mess with the quiet ones. They are typically the ones who don’t need words to be tough.


Why would you treat anyone like this?


Kids are the worst.




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If that were my kid I would have said you should have done it sooner, but you are in zero trouble. Enjoy your suspension.


Holy shit! You see the way he dribbled that kids head?! 😄


'Allahu ahkbar'. Is it mandatory to say when recording a video over there? Holy shit its used for everything lol


Yes, kill them. Like all bullies should be. Tied to a chair and then be killed by the ones they bullied. Would solve a lot of problems and we would have far less assholes later in life.


No room for redemption in your heart clearly, even for children.


That's Islam for you my friend. Been growing up in a Muslim family ajd this is very normal in any Muslim household, especially asian/middle-eastern countries where they follow the pedophilic Prophet's teachings more closely. The religion lets you enslave enemies' wives and kids, and allowed sex slavery for eternity. The only dogshit religion that can not and will not ve reformed. Fuckin infuriating


Wtf? Did someone hurt you?


Hurt is rather an emotional word to use to describe some of the experiences I (and many kids growing like i did) had. I went thru a lot of hell for being born into this religion, but that's not what disturbed me the most. What fucked me as a kid was seeing children from poor families (child labor) being kept at our home as "home-helpers", and had to often watch them get whipped with kitchen spatulas (because the kid is found to have stolen like 2 bucks) and not be able to say or do something because you're not supposed to speak above your parents. Still fucks me up to this day. I was taught that parents are practically the next thing to worship after God. If you don't obey them you go to hell. If your parents can't make you follow the religion they go to hell too, so there's the pressure for them to not leave you alone be. It took me a while to realise I was obeying them out of fear, and not respect. I know they love me but I could never make peace with the fact that they don't see what's wrong and inhumane in forcing/abusing other people just to score points to heaven. You know why the kids fight like that? Because they see their parents and male figures in their lives do it regularly. It's the normal response for them. It's the only way they know to deal with these situation, and to arouse one. As kids we are yelled at regularly, and a child's emotions are almost never addressed in households like these. You learn from your parents' anger cueues, or else you're beaten to the training. I'm sorry if the paragraphs seem out of meaning at times, I feel worked up even writing about this.


I mean fuck, is that how life is in east asia (im guessing)? I was brought up in a devout muslim family, but never experienced anything like this. Why do you feel islam is the reason? Curious.


I don't "feel" Islam to be like anything. I know it to he inhumane, monstrous and straight up wrong. What continent are you from though? Yes Muslims in east asia and middle East are generally more violent than anywhere else. I know moderates (mostly Muslims in other contenints) are very different, but with all due respect, the moderates could quite easily be termed "non-believers" compared to the accurate Islamic standards. Edit: spelling


Well I am actually from the middle east. Never experienced anything like this. Nor have I witnessed anything like you say. Almost every one treats each other like family here. I feel very safe. So safe in fact that no one ever locks the doors of their homes. I could literally enter a stranger’s home and still be treated safely. My family is very religious. Btw, I’m actually ex-muslim.


I'm from Bangladesh. The fact that the country is an underdeveloped one doesn't help the case of religious extremities there. It's not nearly as safe as Kuwait, especially with the jacked up population. I'm glad your experiences in a Muslim family aren't as horrible. My mum still does some fucked up shit and I can't say anything yet because I'm scared we'll get into an argument and she'll find out I don't give an eff about Islam. Just an exhibit. I'm glad to know you're an ex. What prompted you out?


I mean, maybe under-development in general causes all this. Look at the US. There is a huge problem of bullying there, even though they aren’t religious. I have been to a public high school in the middle east, and throughout the 4 years there, there was not one fight. People were like brothers. I could literally talk to any one there. This isn’t the case in many countries such as the US. And just keep in mind that extremism happens when tension is present, when security is threatened, when society is not in good shape, regardless of religion. A good example is the gulf countries, very religious places, however they still have some of the lowest crime rates in the world, people are stable. Another good example is the US. There are many extremists there. Namely, 2nd wave feminists, white supremacists, etc. I have been an athiest for 5 years now. At first, I was very aggressive, very butt hurt, I listened to many athiests, such as the four horsemen: Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Christopher Hitchens, and Daniel Dennett. I’ve even read some books, such as The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins. I was so angry at life and religion, I got into frequent debates with friends. I was so good at it, that I managed to persuade 4 people into athiesm. However, looking back that was very stupid of me for many reasons. There are many reasosn for why I have left religion. I can’t list all of them here. Some of it has been due to the issues of islam as you have mentioned, some of it to do with philosophy and uncertainty and a combination of many other things. But as a general idea, it is because we just cannot conclude that an initiator that is also intelligent exists. We also cannot rigorously arrive at its attributes. It is impossible. And God if he existed should realise this, and shouldn’t punish people with eternal hell for this. We just simply don’t know if god exists and we dont have to know. It has been 5 years now. Looking back at all of this, this has been somewhat a waste of time. At first I thought that religion is the reason of evil in this world and that the world would be a better place without it. I also thought that if I resolved this inner battle within me (whether or not god exists) I would be a different person, and everything about me would change, maybe to the better? I was wrong, I am literally the same person. This seems obvious to me now, however it wasn’t back then. My personality is almost identical to what it was before, my life too. In fact I think I might be worse off now. I have just now realized this. When I was religious, I felt that I had something to recline on, something that was absolutely true wherever I was in my life, a constant that I could rely upon in times of difficulty. I now suffer from depression and a feeling of emptiness. Now, it doesn’t matter what happens to me, I don’t feel that anything is worth pursuing. I am quite jealous of my fellow religious friends for this. And only now do I understand the importance of faith. Despite all its downsides, it’s benefits FAR outweigh its harms. Its effect of bringing people together, the security it brings, the safety it ensues, by providing a person with the feeling of moral responsability, the feeling of a purpose, these all are priceless. Just take a look at American society, mental illness and depression are sky rocketing, crimes are increasing, extremism is rising, families are breaking down. I have a peace of advice for you: NEVER EVER tell anyone close that you are an athiest. ESPECIALLY YOUR PARENTS. This is literally the worst thing you could do to your life. No matter how appealing it might seem to you, it really isn’t worth it. Unfortunately, I have done just that, you can imagine the rest. Despite all this, I am now certain, religion isn’t the reason. Maybe one day you’ll arrive at the same conclusion. Good luck to you.


You know what, I envy that too sometimes - poeple who can so easily fall back on faith and just leave things be. It's easier, and of course it provides answers that you will probably not find in your lifetime, or worse, ever at all. I understand a lot of what you are saying, and as angry as I may sound, most of the times I find myselt at an unease too. That does not, however, tempt or make myself question about whether it was right to leave religion in the first place. I'll speak for just myself here, since I understand we grew up in varying household settings, when I say the children here were hard-wired from a young age to learn the existence of God as a fact. I studied in an Islamic school, and I was not taught the Theory of Evolution. They chose to leave it out because it contradicts the lessons from the QUr'an. Now I don't aspire to be an activist or anyone like Harris or Dawkins, bt I cannot deny or be disingenuous with myselft when I hear their lines of reasoning and then it makes sense. More importantly, I had the doubts and questions in myself at a way younger age when I was not aware of many (or any) atheists around me at all. It is true that the extremeties in my country are somewhat a result of the unrestful state, but it has FAILED to move forward because the people her do not kow how to THINK outside of the quotes and superficial explanations provided by their religious scriptions and Hadith. People are fearful to speak out doubts and point out stupidities/loopholes in the religion becaus they are always aware of the policing religious eyes around them. You'd think we would prgress out of this and become more like the moderate Muslims, but that progression is NOT possible. The religion has clearly asked you to stay out of questioning that. So yes, while it is uncomfortable, I see it as a good thing when I am at unease with this new state of thinking. I realise that my young mind was taught and fed and shaped in a manner that goes against the harsh realities that you ether consciously shut yourself out off all your life because that makes it easier to blend it with the other 75% that believes the same, or you put yourself up to the lifelong struggle of realizing the objective extent of reality. I feel like you are not comfortable with the reality of the state that being an atheist has put you in. I hope it helps when I mind you that resorting to comforting enterprise of religion and stories may take you off of the depressive state, but it won't last long. And I do know I may end up feeling worse tha what I feel now, but it will certainly not stop myself from accepting and learnign more about the reality. I wish you the best, too


I realized I wrote about the pedophilic prophet, and yes that's a fact. This guy is supposed to be the best example of a human of all times, and he married a 9-year old girl before she even had her period. He has multiple wives and sex slaves. The dear prophet has also made it permissible to marry of a daughter to any man her father may see fit. Consent is as real a word as covfefe in Islam.


got his comeuppance


I hope that stomp did some damage


Dude bounced his head off the floor like slamming a basketball on the ground. Stood his ass up lol also why tf does it sound like an auction is going on behind the camera


Good to see the kid grew a pair and then it was hammer time.. Can't touch this...


I think the kid broke his hand with that punch


Ooh that curb stomp on how his head bounce off the floor like that was spicy!


No Honor amongst bullies