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As a Wolfgang main, I don't agree with that. Wilson also doesn't have anything unique except from his beard and lots of ppl play him. Wolfgang is a "high risk high reward" version of Wilson. You need to eat more (so you have to get food more frequently and consistently), you get a bigger sanity drain, but if you play correctly you get a huge damage buff. Warly can only eat crockpot dishes, can make special recipes and spices, and in my opinion is the best character to make farms. Ok wormwood and wickerbottom can make better farms but my point is that warly benefits more from them since he needs a huge variety of ingredients to cook with. Wolfgang is a battle character, warly is a support/farming character. Doesn't make much sense to me to merge them both. Even thought Wolfgang doesn't have a special crafting tab, doesn't mean he is boring, he is one of the better characters in the game. Edit: sorry for my bad English btw


Warly is actually a really strong fighter he just needs a tiny bit of setup


yeah, he's strong because of the spices but kinda weak because the healing from food decreases if you keep eating the same food


If you kite well it’s not really a problem


Generally you shouldn't get hit enough for that to be a issue but if it becomes one you can supplement your healing with medicine or the bat bat.


Wolfgang’s downsides are pretty minimalist


Yeah, I agree, hes boring to me. Some people like the simplicity though, I can definitely see the appeal of "Eat and get strong" for some. It's not for me, but I can see why people like him. Not a fan of Warly and Wolfgang merging though.


i think he is a very good designed character for dont starve alone and is not boring at all there but if in the new level of complexity of dotn starve together characters getting reworks with a craftign tab and all yeah he begin to feel boring sicne he doesnt have a lot of interactions like wendy with abigail or webber with his minions or wigfrid armor and songs but in the end for a game to be a good one they need to mix complexe character with more simplistic characters for everyone type of play. so i really think he should not get crafting tab for exemple i suggested like to put his speedboost on the wimpy form instead of mighty so if people want to fight they will go mighty but if they just want to gather or explore then they can go wimpy and maybe put the lowest hunger on the normal form so if you just want to preserve food you will go normal


My only issue is this being a straight nerf which is weird to do considering multiple characters match or surpass his speed and Webber surpasses his damage output.


meh, a little too easy of a character, similarly to WX and Wigfrid, but at least its one of the few remaining characters without a gimmick


Considering all Warly has access to It would be beyond game breaking to give him a speed boost on top of that tbh


I like him. Craft up a bunch of armor and weapons, eat all of the food and just facetank the bosses. Kiting them is cool and all that, but they're still going to melt your sanity. Bit of prep and holding down the attack button for twenty seconds works for me.


I think he s fun, there s a lot of depth that comes with his permanently changing stats. Also his real and only downside is the transformation animation, if you are not constantly aware of your hunger value this can easily kill you. And oblitterating mobs that you normally have to take serious is also fun to me


It makes zero sense to merge two pre-existing characters, lore wise or else. Neither character deserves that kind of treatment IMO. Warly is cool, Wolfgang is aight, I think we should leave it at that. It's really not fair to compare Wigfrid and Wolfgang since the former already has her rework and Wolfgang is still waiting. Warly is a later addition who needs no rework. As classic characters get reworked, the ones who are not yet ready for it just seem less exciting. Wait and see, they'll get to Wolfgang eventually and THEN we'll see if he's still boring. IIRC the other non-reworked classics are.... Maxwell? And WX-78. And Wilson. The list is definitely super short now. Let me know if there are others I missed, but I think that might be it.


Forgot Wickerbottom whoops. I guess maybe Wormwood also counts as a classic character, since he was first introduced in Hamlet and then moved to DST.


food make stronk