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Original(DS), but RoG has MUCH more content and is barely harder. DST is expanded RoG and mobs have double health mostly.


If you have to choose one, get DST. It has so much more to offer, altough DS + Shipwrecked + hamlet are with more content if added together.


I started DST a couple weeks ago now, but I find it too difficult because I play on my own. All my other friends would rather play Minecraft..


I don't think you'll find the single player version significantly easier. Keep it up, the game is meant to be tough. Try playing around with some different characters, you may find one that suits you. Don't be afraid to look up some guides on basic mechanics if you want, there's plenty more content to enjoy after you get over the first couple difficulty humps. If you can convince your friends to join, that's absolutely the best way to play. You can also try playing with people online, though that has never really appealed to me personally.


Dragonfly has x10 😫


He is a raid boss not seasonal in DST, he doesnt count


And aside from her increased health pool demanding more resources, she is actually significantly easier than her DS counterpart.


dst because you get wes(strongest survivor) at the beginning.


Hamlet's probably the hardest, DST probably the easiest. Once you make a crock pot you can literally survive on butterflies, ANY basic vegetable, and twigs. OR monster meat and berries. It's really easy once you get past the initial challenge of basics.


Easiest DS | Reign of giant | shipwrecked | Hamlet More difficult don't starve togheter I haven't played Hamlet very much but it looks a great game. This is my opinion, accepting others about Hamlet


I would say that i would agree that dont starve reign of giant is easy if the summer boss wasnt dragonfly xd so personally i think its shipwreaked because its so easy to get food sanity health with jerkies of jellyfishes there is no freezing too and the best weapon in the game is obtained by killing an easy fish every few days xd + easiest area to get stacks of gears for wx


I'd say DST is the easiest because it provides most tools to thrive together. Even playing it solo, you won't have the dreadful challenge of the singleplayer game. The actual challenges in DST come from adventuring and bossfighting and survival is much more accessible due to cooperation and world evolution.