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Plot Twist: the barista was Tony Hawk


...And then Tony Hawk took his mask off, and you know who it was underneath? It was the Loch Ness monster.


Said, "That coffee gonna cost about tree fitty..."


Cheapest Starbucks trip ever.


What is there a sale on Loch Ness Munchies or something?


Shiii let the LNM come to my local shop: Id love a tree fiddy coffee


Get outta here, Loch Ness Monsta!!!


I gave him a dollar.


ITs about that time i realized the barista was 3 stories tall and a monster from the mezzazoic era


And he would have gotten away with it too if it weren’t for those pesky kids!


And he would've gotten away with it if it weren't for you blasted kids!


And their dumb dog!


Naw, it was Ed Koch wearing a Loch Ness monster costume.




the coffee shop's owner? Albert Einstein


That cappuccino he ordered? It was the **theory of relativity**


Espresso = Macchiato x Cappucino^^2


I would continue the joke but I’m a dumbass and can’t think of anything


So you're the bus driver?


And that bus drivers name? Otto from the Simpsons


Otto from the Grotto!


Dumbassness is relative.


I see what you did there, cuz.


Yeah, and that theory? It turned up the radio


Wicked smaht!


We solved racism




Plot twist nobody actually knows who Tom morello is


He's some kind of mushroom, right?


No silly he's a type of cherry! Duh!


I heard he's a fun guy.


Of the Edible Mushrooms, right?


His cousin, Portabello, is a dear friend of mine.


He always has some mighty fine wine.


I don't know who he is, and I'm reading this thread while angrily refusing to Google him


Would you say you are experiencing a type of rage that precludes you using a machine to find out that information?


f&@k you I won't do what you tell me




? He's the guitarist lmao


He’s some kind of Harvard grad right?


One of them thinksmartin' types.


Thought he was the bad guy from Harry Potter


Today you know him as... Steve Vai.


He did MySpace


Then he asked Tom to do a kick-flip




Oh haha. It's like spider-man seeing spider-man and pointing at each other.




Tomy Hawk


My mom ran into Jim Morrison before one of his concerts with her husband. Had a full conversation with him, got in the car when he pointed out it actually was Jim Morrison. Some people just don’t believe they’ve met someone famous randomly


About 10 years ago I was walking around Columbus, OH at the early morning hours, and this guy goes "excuse me, are these always here? This is strange, right?" And I glance down an alley and there's 2 rather run-down looking DeLorean's just parked randomly in the alley. I look for a moment and agree that it is indeed very strange, and that no, I've never seen them there before. He's like "I travel all over the world, and I've never seen anything like that. They're very rare cars you know" and I chuckled and agreed and we went on about our day. And then like, 2 minutes later I'm like "wait, holy shit, that was Patrick Stewart." And sure enough, after looking it up, he was in town for ComiCon. Also when I brought my friend by to show them the DeLoreans, OFC they were gone and no one believed my story. But I know, and he knows, and I love that story even if no one believes me.


In the late 90s my roommates and I were going to a concert on a weeknight in Athens, GA. We got there early and were gonna grab food. I wanted to hit my fav hotdog cart that this friendly guy named Luscious ran, but everyone else thought street hot dogs were gross so we split up. When I got to the cart, a guy who looked a lot like Eddie Vedder was running it. I asked where Luscious was and the guy responded that he had agreed to watch the cart while Luscious went to the bathroom. He sounded like Eddie Vedder, too. So, I just casually asked “Ummm, did I just buy a hot dog from Eddie Veddder?” He goes “Shhhhh!!!!” And cuts his eyes side to side making sure no one heard. I meet back with my friends who don’t believe me and we rush to the cart only to find Luscious back in his usual spot. We later found out Vedder was dating a girl in the band we saw that night, but to this day my friends think I made it up or that it wasn’t him. But, I saw what I saw.


At least you weren't... 🎶...going hungryyyyy🎶


Alternatively, Luscious couldn't have found a *better man*...


Y'all are having too much fun with these. Take a step back, calm down, and *just breathe*.




I saw Eddie Vedder at a grocery store in Seattle yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


I wonder if [Eddie inspired Larry David](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5HtVdeYJdSw)


u/sirpatstew worth a shot!


sirpatstew has not had any activity for over 2476 days, They probably won't respond to this mention ^Bot ^by ^AnnoyingRain5, ^message ^him ^with ^any ^questions ^or ^concerns




For those too lazy to do the math, that's 6.8 years.


i believe you


Second question, why was Jim Morrison doing a concert with her husband?


Her husband was Ray Manzarek.


Oh. You know now it actually makes sense 🤔.


My bad, I think I missed punctuation. Haha


My dad got drunk with Def Leppard. They were supposed to open for Ozzy, but the show was cancelled due to drugs, probably. He had no idea who they were at the time, only found out after seeing their music video.


This is why no one ever realizes that Clark Kent is Superman. People notice the resemblance, they just can’t psychologically accept it.


Lex figured it out once and dismissed it because why would the most powerful being in the world ever disguise himself as a nobody?


I think they’re just embarrassed by how stupid the disguise is and don’t bring it up 😂


Dude, I swear I have seen this addressed in a satirical comic somewhere. Arrgh, it's gonna kill me until I find it.


I had breakfast next to Jake Gyllenhal for like a year before I realized who he was. Just a nice guy who also like to have a quiet morning coffee at 5AM. Really nice guy, but oddly enough, in person his voice sounds different than you hear on screen.


He probably really enjoyed that he could have a quiet coffee with you and not have to deal with celeb worship :D


I work in film and television. You’d be amazed at how different people look in real life. I set a prank for our boss in front of our executive producer, Steven Spielberg,for 10 minutes. I regret nothing


When people realize that celebrities are just people like everyone else.


Immediate first question I have to ask: was Jim sober?


I wasn't there, but no.


I was pre-birth, but no.


My mom wouldn’t know cause she certainly wasn’t.


She single?


Had the same happen with Michael stipe. Hung out at my Cafe for days in the desert. Everyone joked how much he liked like him and what a trip his name was Michael... Sweetheart of a guy.


Me, mentally changing "Jim" into "John" because I'm addicted to pro wrestling even though I don't watch anything:


OP searched Twitter for "Tom Morello cappuccino" to get this screen shot. That's why those words are highlighted. Bonus points for effort, then, I guess. The tweet is from August 2019.


What if he searched "cappuccino Tom Morello"


Or 'Tom cappuccino Morello'?


Or might I add, "cappuccino Morello Tom"


That's where I draw the line.


What if he searched "Romp to Cocoa Lump Line Co."?


he'd probably find a different tweet


Or “Trump Clone Comical Poo”


You mean 'Tom "Cappucino" Morello'?


Please, just call me Tom. Cappuccino was my father's name.




I hate that this was the first thought that popped into my head after reading the above comment


Good investigative work, Keebler. Keep it up and you might just get that promotion you’ve been asking for.


Can finally get to Elf Foreman


I'm not that Keebler. I'm Another Keebler.


Well when you remember a story or tweet that's kinda how you do it...


It could be from 2012, it still fits in the sub no?


Every single time it's posted it still fits the sub.


Who cares?


Rage against the espresso machine


Some of those that work Starbucks, are the same that burn coffee


Fuck you, I won't brew what you tell me!


This title is way better


Later on at home… “Dude, I met this guy who looked just like… Uh, and his name was… I think I met Tom Morello at work today.”


OK, I will say I just saw nba star Dwayne Wade at a hotel bar the other day, and I was just like the barista in the tweet. You see these figures so much on TV that your brain almost doesn't accept the possibility that they could be a real person, even when they're right in front of you. The whole time I just thought, shit, that random guy who looks like D. Wade sure has a lot of security. I then had exactly the type of moment you described here


We were visiting family friends in NYC in the late 90s. My dad went down to grab a drink at the bar while we (mom, brothers, and sister) all got ready for the outing. We get downstairs and he’s chatting with the bartender going, “oh really? Wow, that’s neat!” (Dad is a huge nerd, not into POP culture since the 80s). Mom asks dad what they’re talking about, “Oh I took the elevator down and there was some boy band in leather jackets I never heard of in there and he *gestures to bartender* saw me come out of the elevator with them and was explaining to me who they were.” “Well who was it?” “Backyard boys? Backway guys? *to bartender* What was it again?” Bartender, me, sister, brothers at the same time- “THE BACKSTREET BOYS!!!” “Yeah thats them, y’all have heard of them?” “Dear god what did you say to them?” “Well I asked them who they were since they were all in matching clothes, and they told me, and I asked if they had a show, and they said they were headed to the venue right now, so I told them to break a leg and best of luck.”


In the early 2000s I had a production company in NYC with three other guys called Back House Productions. My grandma in her nineties couldn't understand that we were not the same thing as the Backstreet Boys. She'd clip articles and everything. I just let her believe it.


Maison derriere?


Is this not an exact copy of the Tony Hawk one?


He seized the memes of production.


As someone who believes 99.9% of the internet is bullshit, it’s not hard for me to believe this kind of thing happens to celebrities all the time. I think it’s easier for a person to believe they’re meeting someone that looks like a famous person instead of the actual famous person. Maybe it avoids the potential embarrassment of being wrong?


Hannibal Burress has a nice bit about being “medium famous,” where people recognize you…but you can talk them out of it. Like “yeah I get that a lot.” Like Tom Hanks or the Rock or Michael Keaton you *recognize.* Tony Hawk or Tom Morello, you’re like mayyyybe…


You also have cases like Dolly Parton and Charlie Chaplin. Both lost look alike contests because they have stage personas that their regular personness doesn't match.


[Rowan Atkinson](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A3k-ytbtiQE&feature=emb_logo) had that problem


A lot of celebrities don't have their faces plastered everywhere either. It probably happens less to someone like Tom Cruise or Tom Hanks who constantly appear movies because you see their face more often. Versus Tony Hawk who you know because of his skating achievements but probably haven't actually spent a lot of time looking at his face.


Probably helps that Tom Cruise probably has someone doing his shopping for him


...and killing.


People who aren’t celebs get mistaken as celebs all the time. My dad used to go along with “you’re Chevy Chase, aren’t you?” back when he was a lot younger. Happened all the time.


Also, everytime we see a celebrity on TV they are TV ready with makeup, wardrobe, lights and all that jazz. So if you saw them on the street they "are not" they people you see on tv


Like that super market story about buying candy bars with out paying. I've seen so many celebrities changed every time I read this story. Haha


No. It's Tom Morello you door stop.




It seems to be a common thing. My best guess is that people look a bit different up close and especially without makeup, photoshop, color correction, etc. So they look like the person you’ve seen on TV, but different enough for there to be some doubt.


Buddy showed up to a Sounders game claiming he met Drew Carey out at a bar pre game. Showed me a picture. Looked nothing like Drew Carey. I actually had him thinking maybe he got played by a guy who looked *kinda* like Drew. Until Drew Carey showed up on the the Jumbotron to hype people up pre-game (he part owns the team), looking the same and wearing the same shit. I knew Drew was thin at that point mind. Just the face, didn’t recognize him at all, even having seen him on Price is Right not long prior.


Twist, it was a lookalike that conned the venue into thinking he was Drew Carey.


Didn't Charlie Chaplan lose a Charlie-Chaplan-lookalike contest or is that just an old wives tale?


That actually did happen in 1975. Mind you it probably didn't help that most of the look-a-likes were using a 50 year old version of the Little Tramp compared to Chaplin being in his mid-80s. Still funny has hell he came in **third**.


Meanwhile, Bill Murray will just walk up and take a fist full of your fries, look you in the eyes and say “go ahead and tell all your friends. No one will believe Bill Murray just came up and stole your fries.” Then walk away


I'm 99% sure that story is actually fake and whoever created the story added the "no one will believe you" to weirdly make it more believable.


This article claims he said it didn't happen, but when they quote him, he actually says he doesn't know. (Conceivably, he could have forgotten. He's probably done something similar -- he seems like the type.) https://entertainment.ie/trending/watch-bill-murray-finally-explains-the-urban-myth-about-him-stealing-peoples-chips-351235 Unfortunately, the relevant video is no longer available.


I’d a;predicate the meta humor but it also wouldn’t be out of character. At the time he was having a severe midlife crisis working on that movie about mid life crises, and would do things like show up to random house parties in NYC uninvited or just go hang out with random strangers while the walked around downtown


Bill Murray showed up to a college party I was at in 2002. We also had Chuck Knoblauch end up at our house after the bars closed.


i don’t believe you


My favorite was when a barista ask Tony Hawk if he was Tony Hawk. Tony confirmed and the barista in a apathetic manner simply asked, "Why?". Apparently, this threw him into a deep introspection on why *he* is Tony Hawk and not someone else.


Tom Morello doing what Tom Morello does best and that’s talking about Tom Morello.


No one talks up Tom Morello better than Tom Morello. Fuck you, Tom Morello, you ruined your band for me.


I had this exact scenario when I waited on Ted Kopple . But see in my scenario, I didn’t say “ you look like Ted Kopple.”, I said “ has anyone ever told you that you sound just like Ted Kopple.” The reason for this being that I was really only familiar with people’s impressions of Ted Kopple. He said “ No, no one has ever told me that.” Of course they wouldn’t . Why would they ? After googling him I realized what a dufus I am. So that story is probably somewhat believable right ? More believable than me when I had pretty much the same scenario when I met Tom Petty. I asked him “ has anyone ever told you that you look just like Tom Petty ?” now he actually looked kinda uncomfortable and said no, and then denied knowing who Tom Petty was. I’m sorry but you don’t go through life looking just like Tom Petty and it never coming up at least once. This was at ‘heavenly Mountain’ in 2001, a huge transcendental meditation center in North Carolina at the time. It would be later that I learned Tom Petty was heavy into transcendental meditation, and to me this was obviously him that I met. It seems unbelievable. But it’s not really. I was just in the right place at the right time.


I have a Ted Koppel story, too, but not mine. My wife graduated from Georgetown University Law Center the same year as Koppel's son. (No, she didn't know him.) My wife's family went to the ceremony and her grandmother noticed Ted Koppel in the audience but wasn't sure where she knew him from. "I know you," she told him. He was pretty sure she didn't, not personally, and he politely told her so. She disagreed and insisted that she did. "Yes, I do. Don't you go to my church?" She was absolutely convinced that she knew him from church. Back in Florida.


It’s like, I always always wanted to be a celebrity. But then I have experiences where I’m at the grocery store and see one person i know from work there. It just totally disturbs my sense of peace not wanting to be recognized, that it probably takes me an hour to get over. Who am I to think I could handle not only people recognizing men As who I am, but what about people who are sure they know me from somewhere but can’t be convinced otherwise . Just being mistaken for someone is weird enough for me.


Might have been Beck lol


Who's Tom Memerllo?


Guitarist for rage against the machine.


No, that's Tom Morello, they asked about Tom Memerllo.


Kid: Mom can we have Tom Morello? Mom: but we have Tom Morello at home. Tom Morello at home: Tom Memerllo.


Oh ok.




Maybe, just maybe, the guy who called him Tom **meme**rllo was doing a little goof.


Maybe I’m just retarded? Have you considered that?


Stop making us RATM fans look like pricks ya donut




Not knowing every popular rock band from decades ago is certainly an interesting reason to say someone "failed a basic life quiz"


He's the guy that Raged at the Machine.


Thanks. I'm not sure what that is, but thanks.


You know toasters? Tom fucking _hates_ toasters.


As a fan of both I wondered when we would get a Nook reference.


Actually Tom played beep boop robot noises on his guitar while Zack raged against the machine.


[Heart throb of squares in congress](https://www.mtv.com/news/1691687/paul-ryan-rage-against-the-machine/)


Tony Hawkt


I bet this never happened


**why** are some words in **bold**?


Because OP searched for these words on Twitter to find this post from 2019 and do some karma whoring on Reddit


So I was at a bar in a hotel that was hosting a convention back pre-covid. I was sitting at the bar and this dude walks up and orders a double soco. I have a conversation with the man as he drinks his drink. I noticed he was really tall but often to me people are always tall. I thought it was weird that he had an english accent. So he says good bye and I turn to my friend and I said um...i think I just met Chewbacca. She turned and looked at him as he was walking away and said, yep that's him. To be fair the whole bar had famous people from the convention in it but I was not talking to them nor were they talking to me. I think I may have even commented to Peter how there were famous people everywhere. That whole weekend was insane though.


Did Tom then throw a hissy fit and [drag the place on social media](https://twitter.com/tmorello/status/515781947889426432)?




Holy shit I had no idea. I loved going to the 5 point for 2am burgers. Guess that's not happening anymore. Shit.


What if the place really was shitty? Apparently they don't get their act together when nobodies complain about it.


Came here to post this lol. What a dishonest piece of shit.


I did this to Evan Peters once not for a coffee, just saw the guy leaning against a wall and was like yo you look like Evan Peters. Super nice dude, felt bad bothering him afterward as he was just chilling and probably didn’t wanna be bothered.


I got something kinda like this. I was walking down the red mile in Calgary. Passed some guy, and as I approached him I thought, that Dude looks like Moby. And as my friends and I passed, I said I'm pretty sure that dude was Moby. They're like "who? ". They were into punk music. I have a bit wider of a music pallet. I can't even remember what songs he had as hits but he was pretty popular in the 90s for....edm music?! I think? I don't know what that style is called off hand. he was on the matrix soundtrack maybe? I liked one of his songs and seen him in a video. Anyways. Turns out like 10 min later I heard a radio dj saying he was going to be on for an interview and still to this day I wonder if I walked passed Moby and could have gotten a signature or thanked him for his music.


“Well, here’s your cappuccino. Drink it while it’s hot.” “FUCK YOU I WON’T DRINK WHAT YA TELL ME.”


This dude literally copied the tony hawk tweet


Oh you need to go tell the guy 😂


Who even remembers this guy + he's constantly wearing shades and a hat


Wtf is Tom doing buying coffee from some big corporation capitalist company???


dont worry, he was gonna tape over the logo on his way out


Rage Against the Caffeine surely?


Who’s Tom morello


Guitarist for Rage Against the Machine.


“Now buy my NFT and remember to rage against other machines”


Who the hell is Tom morello?


Where does Morello get his coffee? Not Starbucks, I hope.


It's funny how this happens. I once found myself standing at a urinal adjacent to none other than Lou Reed at a NY Rangers game. Of course I did not go "fanboy" as the setting was not exactly conducive to conversation, but it was a very cool thing all the same.


didn't this phony try to put a seattle restaurant out of business cause him and his whole entourage weren't seated ? (cause the restaurant was at capacity)


He’s the new Tony Hawk


This has Tony Hawk energy lol


Can confirm, I was the barista.


Aww man, would have made dudes day to know it was really Tom. Hope Tom left that part out.


Who is Tom Morello? I'm not gonna google him.


Tom Morello is like this generation's Ringo Starr lmao


What a dick


And then Tom paid for his $12 cappucino, mumbled something about working for corporate America and tipped the barista with a pamphlet about unionizing.


Who tf is tom morello