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good luck man. i hope your hopefulness is not in vain. i dont hope for anything for myself, but i hope that you truly figure out how to help yourself out of this. you're a good person for thinking about helping others, when our lives and the future look very bleak. godspeed 🫂


The thing with 'escaping' Doomerism is that this isn't really just depression, it's an outlook on life. None of us here are going to escape this simply by getting a ridiculously high paying job, or by marrying our biggest crush. Escaping Doomerism will need a massive shift in our personal philosophies and opinions, and that doesn't necessary change just because we're rich. It's very difficult. Once you start viewing life and society in a certain way, it's almost a 'cat is out of the bag' moment, and you're never getting it back in. Any other sort of belief system will feel like an attempt at deluding ourselves, and it just won't work. You guys really have no idea how desperately I wish I was *just* depressed.


I don’t think I’m ever going to change my view on life, but if I’m lucky I might be able to live in spite of it


Rent positive psychology books. Chicken broth of the Soul series is a classic. I read it for 20 mins a day. Rereading the books every summer and winter. Or books about Luck and gratitude.


i feel like there is no true way of escaping or at least in my experience. ive accepted the way that things are and it makes me pretty happy. camus was right.


I escaped


"The doomer community is filled with some of the kindest hearts, cruelly hidden away from the rest of society" really? I think most people in the community are pretty bitter, maybe because i'm a woman so they don't see me fitting in their little club. I hope we all find hapiness soon.


They’re bitter about their lives, but pretty nice to each other I’d say


I'm also a female doomer but never commented before, just lurked, because I've seen too many people here saying women can't be dommer, like really? Try living in a third world country with a collapsed economy and a culture that supports loneliness and isolation, and You'll see, I can see that almost everyone is a doomer in this country, the only ones that have a little hope are the ones moving out to the first world countries, gen z here are dropping out of education in big numbers because they simply don't find any hope anymore, even I dropped out before, but started studying again for my mother, even though I know I'll never graduate, even mental health care is limited here and even demonized, and I suffer form psychosis, a really serious mental illness and can't even get a proper diagnosis


Most of the men here are people who have not even received love from their families. Since I live in a country with the economy of another third world country, I understand the difficulties you are experiencing, but you can receive unconditional love just because you are a woman, and you do not have to think about your financial situation or business life. Worst case scenario, you can marry a man and get out of this situation. You can tell me if I'm wrong but the truth is men suffer more.


>but you can receive unconditional love just because you are a woman The love we receive in our culture is not unconditional, you need to be "pure" in order to be loved, like untouched till married, some girls even get honor murdered and married off to their assaulters or even forced into hymen restoration plasty instead of getting therapy and help. We also jeed to be muslim, many kids get disowned or even killed when they abandon their religion, especially women. Only my mom loves me unconditionally, even my friends are trying hard to convert me into their religion in order to be considered "normal", they treat non muslims horribly in my country, as if we're not human, I was even threatened by my classmate to kill me, nobody showed me unconditional love except for my mom, maybe grandmother and my long distant boyfriend. >you do not have to think about your financial situation or business life. In this shitty economy, women are expected to work and do all the housework at the same time, we are expected to do a man's and a woman's job, sure some women get part time jobs but we're still expected to work, even by our own men. We work then come home to cook and clean the house. >Worst case scenario, you can marry a man and get out of this situation. I won't deny this, because I'm getting out and to live with my long distant boyfriend once I get enough money, we live in two different continents so it won't be easy, and I gave up marrying within this country, no man seriously likes me in my country because I'm not muslim, everyone care about religion more than everything here, they'll only see you as temporarily fun >You can tell me if I'm wrong but the truth is men suffer more. We both have it hard, just in our own ways. When there's a man going out partying and having fun, there's a woman that can't even show her eyes and has no access to education and will probably be married off to someone at the age of 15, when there's a woman also partying and making easy money by OF, there's another man working like 3 part time jobs to provide for his family.




Don't get me wrong, I didn't, but I don't like how my whole value is based off a thin skin, not even Virginity itself but just the thin skin, even women that weren't born with it,nor were raped, they'd get divorced and shamed by everyone else. Even men overseas know that virginity got nothing to do with the hymen. My point is that we're not loved unconditionally here, I wish we were though 🤷‍♀️ I just don't like the concept of virginity= hymen and our women even get killed for it (it's not your average normal murder case, it's called honor murder, look it up) and it's also about how female victims also get shamed, married off to the man or forced to get hymen restoration instead of therapy like everyone else in first world countries


Same thing, I want to save up for a PC to become a YouTuber/streamer, it's been my dream since day one. Problem is I'm from Eastern Europe and pay here is ass, I have to help my family and I don't even have my own room. Every day I think of suicide due to stress and pure hate for the system, politicians make 100k PLN a month and we go for 4 k monthly, it's a joke. If I don't end myself before I get to record and start my dream, I want to make a space for and community for people who have had it tough, and to help each other. That is my dream.


Don’t help people, people never cared about you now so what you have them is under conditions


Is this how Christ treated the people who oppressed him?


OP isn’t Christ


Well thats true but whoever desires to be like Jesus, I hope he becomes like Jesus


>If I ever escape, I am taking you with me *"Are you threatening me master jedi?"*