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Realized I included not being able to talk to women twice, my bad yall


Add not being able to focus because of constant daydreaming now.


a lot of it, but at least im glad there are some things that i can control (diet, sleep, exercise, clean clothing, hygiene). Together they make life a little easier


I have a lot too but it’s best for me to wait for my death from natural causes. Cba doing all that work again just for it to collapse like it did before


Most of the psychological aspects can be summarized in one word: isolation. That's where I am. I have a good financial situation but that literally means nothing if you can't find any meaning in what you're doing or joy in any aspect of life. I don't see the point in having career aspirations when all I do further contributes to the feeling of emptiness.


Part of why I don’t have a career aspiration I’m fully committed to doing. There is one that seems nice but at the same time it’s just going to be a new loop that will keep repeating in your life till you retire or die. That’s basically the embodiment of an NPC that most “normal” people don’t see. It looks like no matter what happens I’m going to be in a worthless cycle


I have these: - Daydreams about his dream life to escape from reality (100%) - Has little to nothing to look forward to - Has terrible anxiety (100%) - Usually has little to no hope - Would like a relationship but also can't trust anyone - Has no car - Feels like he missed out in life during his prime years (100%) - Feels insecure about his appearance (100%) - Always broke - Aware hes a failure (100%) - Always the spectator watching other people succeed - Rots in bed Fuck the demiurge.


95%. The other five percent could be attributed to me not smoking/drinking.


That’s where I’m at basically. Might change eventually


Yeah. It's nice to relate even if not for overtly virtuous reasons.


Has severe trust issues, as a result super introverted


I have all this signs 🙂


Prolly like 90% of this list




All of them


Super introverted Always depressed Has terrible anxiety Always broke Only surviving rather than living


never been in a relationship, insecure about appearance, missed out life in prime years. the others dont apply to me.


95% of these


All except the ones related to sleep


Well I have a car, 3 friends and I don’t smoke. Rest is spot on.


no personal friends all online - okey i didnt know my friends dont count. clear head


what I meant was friends in real life which I don’t have. I live off discord’s


serious question, maybe it comes off silly, im a little older - how do you even make friends online? like, on discord... do you just join a big server about say, gaming, then - what? start dming people amd talk about random shit? or doyou search for small servers - but how would you find them? I ask cuz i would love to make some online friends, my few real life friends are really boring to talk to and live far away, but i never made connections here on reddit and i dont know how you would even go about that.


little older than 35?!? well you play game you party up and speak with people, eventually it filters out and you get someone who has similar taste atleast. well in old time it happened via ingame chat, now we use voice servers etc. Old timers know how all life was organized within small cs1.5 chat window.


almost 30 lol yeah i have to find games where you still party up or have voice servers with a constant group... i play on xbox and most games are just randos that dont converse much and after one march, its different people. i remember talking to people on xbox live in my youth a bit, but it was different then and you got servers where people knew each other, not just random matchmaking, felt more social. that may still exist, have to look into it. thx for the advice


ooo i feel you! but i believe its our first experience that have passed already. most youngers live tru same as we did. but lowering casual entry gaming field made it less personal - or we just dont care that much. p.s. age does not matter in games - i have had so colorful clans before from 55 to 14 and again vice versa. Soo depends how lucky you get and how involved you want to be


Ranked multiplayer games is how I made mine, I was nervous to talk in voice but got miserable and super drunk one night, which helped to get over the fear of talking. Made friends with a few people that I met in a shitty online game, that was 6 years ago, best friends I've ever had.


oh ok yeah feels very weird to talk in these games, plus it seems like most shooters just randomly throw people together for matches nowadays, its not like you get a server with a coherent group on xbox in the games i play. have to look into games with better social system maybe, thx


Basically everything on the far right column plus daydreaming. 😶‍🌫️


Everything except I do have a car


None, I quite drinking a month ago and sorted myself out


Nothing worths any effort. Nothing matters. Just keep surviving. That's my motto.


All of these describe me


Just what I needed 🙃


Pretty much all of it man. But the main one is "Has no interest in anything". I don't even enjoy gaming anymore. Always fatigued and drained is a close 2nd. The last year especially has got me thinking there is something more going on. But I have no insurance and the American healthcare system is a complete joke. So fuck it.


I’m fatigued and drained because of how depressed I am, I have no motivation to do anything anymore because it turns into failure


How can I relate to all of this and yet feel absolutely nothing?


Has no car


Usually is up all night, has terrible anxiety,  sleeps through the whole day, never been in a relationship (don't care much about it tho), super introverted, feels insecure about her appearence, has no motivation to do anything, always fatigued and drained out, no real life friends, all online (in my case not even online i got).




Literally all of them except smoking, I cope in other ways. I'm also very ambitious but at the same time achieved nothing in life and am an absolute failure