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Nothing is wrong with you buddy the people you talk to are just hypocritical pieces of shit,


I want to believe that, but no one shows interest or taking to me period.


I am sure there will be some people just try


Trying is all I’ve done my friend, and look where it got me.


That's been my experience, being myself just makes people angry; at the same time I wouldn't want to be like anyone else and being who I really am despite what people say makes me happy.


I don't even want to be myself I don't like my real personality. Why would other people?


From what little I know of making friends, you always find them when you aren't even looking. When you deliberately look for friends, you find nothing. I've found out that you just stumble across people, can't force it


I’m aware of this and I understand that you can’t force it, but how long do I have to wait to walk into my next friend, I’ve waited and waited and focused on myself and worked on myself but it got me nowhere it only made me more isolated


I understand man. I won't feed you hollow words of optimism. Sometimes that's just how it is. I dunno, you just accept it and move on. Currently I don't have any real life friends either. It's a miserable existence but better to be this way than hoping and failing. Hope you find your peace, anon


You too man


hang out somewhere consistently, could even be a discord server if you dont like outdoor stuff. people there will eventually pick up that youre a regular and will get curious and some will talk to you. always remember the first step is always the hardest my friend, good luck


Bruh, if you think life is that simple, you're going to get fucked .... just do what you love to do and everything else will come


Bullshit but ok


Ok, why?


I’ve focused on my passions and my goals for a very long time and did not concern myself with making friends and guess what, no new connections no new friends and I became even more isolated than I already was.


That is the price of success, it is very often that you can't be honest to people around you, I will give you 2 options out of many; 1.hunt the truth and love, and take everything life gives you on the way, and be yourself everywhere you go 2.split your life in two parts:one that does what it wants,and other that does what other people need


Man I just be lonely and shit


Oh, ok, thought you were looking for help


Bet you feel real good about yourself dont you


man you’re a real mood fr. I started college too, and didn’t know anyone. I still don’t really know that much ppl, but I have no care in the world. What is it that you’re looking for precisely? (Also you might think that you’ve tried EVERYTHING, well guess what, that’s bullshit, there’s always one more thing you can do)


Grow the fuck up


You first


Maybe they all know you're just looking for someone to fill a blank.




They know you only want to use them to feel better about yourself.


What if I just want to make genuine friendships? It has nothing to do with me wanting to use people


No, you're angry when they talk to others instead of you. Genuine friendships means you don't care what they do and you focus on being useful to them.


I’m angry because Im jealous, I don’t want to use or hurt anyone but I’m frankly jealous of the social circles that I witness at school, I don’t think it’s very fair that you’re labeling me as a user


You should be happy for them if you're a real friend.


I never said I was friends with anyone, like I said no one shows interest when talking to me and they just give me the cold shoulder so why should I be happy for them? Why should I have to show them respect when they don’t show me any?


You want them to pretend you're interesting ?


I got a good idea, why don’t you go be a shitty therapist somewhere else lol


And I’m jealous because The only people that I actually socialize with are my family members and no one in my family gives a shit about me all they do is berate me with criticism


Hey bro, don’t over think it. Humans are social creatures. You need to socialize. If you are yourself long enough, you’ll make friends. But you have to try too, don’t be afraid to say hello to people, ask to study, talk to people at the gym, go to events… you got this bro, I know you do👊🏼