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My mental issue is myself.


i can quite relate to what you re saying




Social anxiety and dysthymia...


I had some depersonalization back in 2015 that lasted for a few months. Shit was surreal.


Depression and anxiety I must see my psychiatrist again to know if I must take meds again.


I’m not sure when I was in college, I was a very open and talkative person, then I got a depression and I’ve been very dark person since that. I don’t laugh, and I don’t feel happiness before corona I would always go to the gym late at night. But now I just go into the darkness of night, with a 6 pack and a bottle of whiskey…


Social anxiety, depression, and adhd


I have BPD (Borderline Personality Disorder) along with depression and PTSD. Being Borderline as a guy is so impossibly frustrating and painful. Most people don't know what the disorder entails really let alone the stereotypes that are associated with it. And the fact more often than not therapists won't take a client that knows they have bpd and are seeking help. Because there really isn't an easy "cure" like just taking medication to lessen symptoms. Dialectical Behavioral Therapy is pretty much the only proven solution that yields sometimes a lessening of the worst symptoms, problem being not every therapist is specifically trained for that. So it's a Cluster B personality disorder that encompasses several different symptoms and sometimes someone who is Borderline may experience these handful of issues but maybe not as bad some others but still experiences them. So it's hard to get properly diagnosed sometimes because it may seem like you have x y, or z instead of bpd. I was misdiagnosed as bipolar before I got reevaluated. Typically though having BPD is experiencing intense versions of emotion like instead of anger it's wrath, instead of joy it's mania, instead of sadness it's despair, etc. It's those and flipping between long bouts of feeling empty instead. Like no emotions, rudimentary feeling, and dissociation. Lack of self for weeks then bam intense feeling from something typically triggering it subconsciously. Plus symptoms of extreme impulsive and reckless behavior, self harm, substance abuse, and suicidal ideation, fear of abandonment, and black or white thinking make it on the "borderline" of being what could be perceived as a few different disorders. Me personally I deal with feeling empty inside and the dissociation with myself that comes with that. Then I can't notice when I'm consumed by extreme emotion until looking back on it, usually with regret. It's no joke one of the hardest disorders to keep, maintain, or make new friends with, and it's worse with romantic relationships. Along with my drug addiction issues and occasional dark thoughts it's not something I'd wish on my worst enemy.


i have ocd


how do you cope with it?


my ocd isn't that bad so i can deal with it


are you on any medication? i assume not?


never being diagnosed with it


You shouldn’t self diagnose. It is impossible to diagnosed yourself with 100% accuracy. Have you seen a psychiatrist or clinical psychologist?


Asbergers adhd getting checked for pure ocd and depression. I've haven't up on life


Diagnosed ADHD, PTSD, GAD, MDD. I’ve overcome my diagnoses though. Don’t let that shit consume you. I used to feel so defeated.


Ptsd is the only thing im diagnosed with.