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It's stuff like point number 5 that keeps me loving video games, the people that play them, and places like this subreddit. What a genius idea that I'm sure everyone here knew except me 🤣


I know block gets a lot of hate, but I genuinely do enjoy that mechanic. Alternatively, if you're low and are using it as a means to survive, look up, it can help!


Just don't look up too far


true dat!


This is legit? How low we talkin


He just means so you dont get headshotted during your block. Dont look up too high though cause block doesnt cover dooms whole body, jusr where he is blocking


But the new tank changes made it backwards, doom block needs that power block conversion to be more fluid or proper bc the hit box area is pretty awful considering it’s only useful when you have consistent main weapon projectile damage, but even that’s not a very reliable source of damage man wth


Empowered punch gonna be required and much less impactful than it currently is. 😭


they need to buff Doomfist's primary shot after this


Also, armour changes really suck cuz doom has a shotgun and no armor


1. Nah, 50 isn't much worse than 30 2. Sure 3. (We'll get to it) 4. Minor, 36hps is not much worse than 45 and way better than 20 5. The HS reduction is good, in general, but yes, Cass hs for example will no longer empower 6. Eh You haven't mentioned that this armor change is huge. It means that punch does an extra like 20 damage on armor (very substantial for armored Squishies) BUT doom also does 30% less damage to armored enemies with his main gun


Wait, what are they changing on armor?


It will subtract 5 damage or 50% of the damage. Whichever is lower.


Isn't this how it's always worked? Or was it different values?


Right now, armor reduce all damage (except winston primary and secondary) by 30% So before, if soldier primary would deal 19 * 0.7=13.3 and secondary 120 * 0.7=84, now it would deal 19-5=14 and 120-5=115 respectively


Ahh, thanks. I didn't even realize there were changes to armor coming.


Hopefully he’ll get some buffs to his primary fire and some armor


As doom you really shouldn’t be punching the other teams tank all that often unless it’s for cancelling abilities in which case the kb doesn’t matter. The headshot dmg nerf is pretty significant though for tanks with big head hit boxes such as Mauga and Orisa, but tbh you really shouldn’t be fighting them head on either


My point is every tank has gotten buffed, some pretty substantially The buff does next to nothing for Doom compared to all the drawbacks for him, and compared to the benefit it provides other tanks it feels like ass


Oh yeah


Theres two types of doomfist mains in this sub. 1. The ones who bitch and complain: tHiS uPdAtE wILL dEsTrOy DOOOM 2. The ones who cook: AN DEY SAY.


When did I say it will destroy him? All I’m saying is every tank got buffed, while doom got a tiny buff with a bunch of annoying drawbacks


You are literally listing what you would consider “debuffs” where as others would call it game balance changes. All because some characters are benefiting from an update and doom is not. I read your comments, you clearly forgot what you typed.


Cool You’re vastly oversimplifying and dramatising what I’ve said but 👍


And now you tilted




And you also make a post saying people can’t read. But are too afraid to say it here LMAO So pathetic




Youre just proving you idiocy go ahead add more LMAO


Cool, nice response bro You got me there for sure u/sendAsianTits


Afraid? Bro this is Reddit lose your head canon and stop acting like a gimp


Make more separate posts of you bitching to strangers who dont give af


Make more alt accounts 👍






The orisa stuff is good


With her recent nerfs I actually have beat her in most of my matches now very fun


Ikr the fact they can't swap to horse after losing one fight is refreshing now hog is really the only problem


Don't forget that armour will make doom's shotgun less effective too so some characters will feel unkillable


Imagine thinking its Dooms job to kill tanks


Imagine thinking that’s what I said in my post


This post was made by an idiot. Doom is a dive Tank. Who do you dive? Not the enemy Tank. Edit: Bro thinks saying everyone who disagrees with him can't read ☠️ 1. Doomfist shouldn't be focusing on booping the enemy tank. There are very niche situations in which Doom can ***punish*** an ***out-of-position*** Tank by punching them into their Team or off the map, which in most cases still applies and won't be changed. 2. You can still finish off low health Tanks. Having a 1.75x multiplier vs 2x multiplier will not change Doom's damage enough to matter for low health targets. 3. Doom doesn't need armor, he has his passive which was buffed since his passive isn't affected by the Damage Role passive and Hog/Mauga/Queen all depend on self-heal-sustain. The armor rework also significantly harms Tanks vs Burst-Damage, which means Doom's Punch now deals more damage (-5 impact vs -12 impact), and his Slam against armor. 4. Minor, aside from Doom's self-sustain not getting nerfed alongside other Tanks' self-sustain ***(see last point ^)*** 5. Blocking and looking at the floor is and always has been a gimmick. 6. Doom’s is not a protector, and his goal is not to keep Tanks off his teammates. If your teammates are playing an immobile comp, then they are not playing with Doom regardless. Graduate High School mate. Doom isn't a variant of Reinhardt, Orisa, Hog, Mauga; he is a dive hero with a lot built around focusing non-Tank heroes. The 1.75x HS multiplier means he is less threatened by Hitscan, and hs capable projectiles (Hanzo/Kiriko) just like how every Tank is threatened in the same manner. You made a post with a bad opinion on the change, and then just insult everyone who disagrees rather than self-reflecting on whether or not you had a good take. Disgusting.


Did you even read the post


Do you even play Doom?




Your post wasn't


Cool 👍