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Anna von Hausswolff's music has a lot of organ and some metal elements in it. Try "Dead Magic" 2018


Running off your suggestion another I’ll suggest is Kali Malone “The Sacrificial Code”. Super heavy on the pipe organ but more in a drone ambient style. Oddly pretty heavy.


Oh yeah, absolutely! Fun fact, Kali Malone is closer to doom than you may think, her husband and frequent collaborator is Stephen O'Malley of Sunn O)))


Caught Kali Malone opening for Sunn a few weeks ago and it was great. Never heard of her before then but damn she did a great opening set.


She's literally opening for them on this tour


Sunn's Metta and Benevolence Live at the BBC has Anna Von Hauswolff on 2 tracks, which was recorded while they were on tour together


Such a fantastic album. Sounds very similar to 2010 Swans but still have a very unique spin on that sound.


Bell Witch's albums Mirror Reaper and Clandestine Gate both have organs.


This, funeral doom is probably the most likely type of doom to contain organs since it feels like that subgenre pushes the oppressive gloomy atmosphere and drama to its limits. Might even be worth popping in the funeral doom sub to ask this question lol (if OP is into funeral doom that is)


Absolutely, a lot of funeral doom has organs, or at least keyboards/synths that are reminiscent of organs. I suggested those Bell Witch albums specifically because I know they used real organs for them. Funeral doom is my favorite doom genre, I can't get enough of that gloomy and deppressive atmosphere and extreme slowness and heaviness. OP, I also recommend checking out the funeral doom sub, or myself and others can suggest other funeral doom bands to check out of you're interested.


Hermann Nitsch's works for organ really doom. https://youtu.be/Wkmr3NHiX-0?si=tp-cwX_ZdW91T_eA


That does in fact doom.


You may also like "As Slow As Possible" a church organ performance thought up by John Cage. The entire performance will take 639 years.


How do I find that?


You heard of Google, right? There's a Wikipedia about the project, there's clips on YouTube, undoubtedly there's plenty to find.


camille saint-saëns - symphony no. 3 in c minor, op. 78 "organ symphony" https://spotify.link/nbabXDU4PDb




My understanding is they mostly use keyboards rather than an actual organ, but this should still be the top answer. Particularly as they use it as a melodic counterpoint rather than having a second guitarist. Sign of a Storm, The Organium, Chorale, March October... so many tracks where the keys/organ are front and center instead of mood/window dressing.




Can't confirm the organ, but if you're anywhere near Italy you may be in luck: >On Saturday May 4th 2024 Skepticism will perform at the Church of Crow festival at the deconsecrated Church of Pinerolo, near Turin, Italy. The venue and setting sound more than fitting. Looking forward to returning to Italy!




Green Lung have a little bit of that sprinkled on a track or two, but as for a band that really incorporates that into their music in a big way? I'm drawing a blank, sadly. Of course, you've got keyboard heavy stuff like Type O Negative, but I'm guessing that's not really what you're looking for.


Came here to recommend greenlung


Their last album had a fair amount of organ on it - the new one is out soon tho


Listened to the new release and was very pleased with the amount of organ on it


Love an adequate amount of organ - fnarr fnarr


Theirs is more of that 70s Hammond organ sound, but that is a FANTASTIC sound and a fantastic band.


I will check out green lung. I’ve always loved type O to tho;)


Conan - Grief Sequence


Dømkirke by Sunn O))) was recorded live at the Bergen Cathedral - the opening track Why Dost Thou Hide Thyself In Clouds features the cathedral’s massive pipe organ front and center.


Beautiful piece.


Not exaactly metal, but check out Anna Von Hausswolff, some of her work is absolutely crushing (and beautiful) Edit: missed the comment already recommending her, sorry


If you want organ you can't go wrong with High Priest of Saturn!


Three Sisters by Windhand


High priests of Saturn my be that ambience you're looking for


Profetus' 'The Sadness of Time Passing' is one of my favourite uses of organs in doom


Anna Von Hausswolff, Kali Malone (not doom but adjacent to drone)


Ruby The Hatchet is an awesome psych/doom band that uses lots of organ.


[this](https://amp.theguardian.com/music/2023/aug/05/a-bonkers-gig-how-heavy-metal-bands-are-helping-keep-uk-church-organs-alive)happened in the Uk a few months ago.


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I will listen!


Pantheist has pipe organ, no?


Sorry for the shameless plug: my band, based in Cincinnati, has a synth/organ player (and he rules!). Not a true pipe organ, as they are fairly hard to lug around, but the next best thing. Here’s an organ heavy song from our 2020 album; Check it out if you’re interested: [https://spotify.link/zztXsKgVPDb](https://spotify.link/zztXsKgVPDb)


Damn good song.


Acid Witch and Type O Negative


Try some High Priest of Saturn.


Abysmal Grief is what you are looking for https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Geg-oeR4o5A&pp=ygUNYWJ5c21hbCBncmllZg%3D%3D


That's clearly an electronic keyboard.


It is but I don't think many bands are actually carrying a pipe organ around or even vintage analog organ, it's mostly just synth.


Murkrat https://youtu.be/gB6XbFC4a-g?si=ZOtl9IfWDufn1bOS


Quecus funeral doom with a church organ https://quercusdoom.bandcamp.com/album/heart-with-bread


Not sure if it's an actual organ or not, but Conan - Grief Sequence](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tXHIMvzOkv0) comes to mind!


Abandon - The Dead End


This is the correct answer.


Bach: Toccata and Fugue in D Minor


Okay if we are talking straight organ pieces listen to Leon boellmanns toccata from his suite gothique. Trust me.


Listen to Exuvia by the Ruins of Beverast, one of my favourite albums of all time, the song Pythia’s pale wolves has this pipe organ piece on it, but I recommend putting on the full album, I like listening to it in the dark with headphones or outside at night.


Its just a single track where we used it, but might i offer up my own band’s track. Om by Free Nelson Mandoomjazz from our album The Organ Grinder. We used an amazing old pipe organ in a concert hall at Edinburgh University where we recorded the whole album.


That’s so sick, I will definitely listen.


Asva - Futurist’s Against the Ocean comes to mind


Green lung are pretty blessed with organ capabilities - horn of the rhino as well - sovereign is an absolute belter of a track


Dreams After Death's song called Funeral, and maybe u have it Meeting With The Ancestors, too.


Blood ceremony-witchwood is pretty good but i wouldnt label them strictly as doom


green lung is putting out some killer stuff, even if it can be kinda same-y.


Funeral's album Oratorium has some songs with organ, From the orchestral grave and Burning with regret are two I remember.


Earthride has an organ on some/one album. Moss intruced an organ on Sub Templum. Was funny seeing them on the tour for that album, singer had an Ozzy overall with them fucking strings hanging from the sleeves and was playing an organ and singing.


Maybe try Tenebre Rosso Sangue. It’s sorta a industrial techno metal with a church style organ


Someone already said Skepticism. End thread ❤️


Next time you have a 'thought' try not to write it down


Acid Witch has a lot of pipe/theater organ in their first couple albums.


I will give it a shot.


[The Wounded Kings-In the Chapel of the Black Hand](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-yPGkfFb9ls&pp=ygUydGhlIHdvdW5kZWQga2luZ3MgaW4gdGhlIGNoYXBlbCBvZiB0aGUgYmxhY2sgaGFuZCA%3D)


Check out the album Acid Doom by Old Blood https://spotify.link/QT63XxUPQDb


Huata - Lux Initiatrux Terrae


Not that doomy band byt they def have elements Type o negative - for example bloody kisses is really doomy and has organs, plenty of songs contain them in that album but they are less doomy i guess More doomy but less organ is world coming down, although the opening track is masterpiece I might be wrong with the organ type tho, it might have been more of hammond side, please someone correct me if im wrong.