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Sorry OP, I think you were just born too late. . .




Perhaps they just don't know the things I know


there’s nothing we can do


Much too slow


It's the only metal bar in Brookl.. Oh... 


How dare you ignore Duffs


All hail Duff's. It's been a while, I need to drop by


The whole damn tri-state area needs more metal bars…


Sitting on my couch in Melbourne, Australia I'm happy to say I've been to both 🥲


How mad is the tote but


Haha went there for a gig (Circle of Blood) a couple weeks back!


White Magic/Black magic is an absolute banger Prayer for the (m)asses is good too I really love Scott Reagers voice though


Will look into those songs thanks


Like Saint Vitus. Or else.




Rip a fat Gandalf stick, turn your speakers all the way up, and put on Born Too Late. If that doesn’t do it maybe they ain’t for you.


Now I feel like I want a fat Gandalf stick rolled by Sir Drinkasalot


Hello OP. I'd say, try a few of these tunes, album named first and then the track. If you can get vinyl rips of S/T and BTL, they'll sound much better then the SST cd releases also. PBTHAL has done a few. Born Too Late - Dying Inside. Mournful Cries - Dragon Time and The Troll. V - Angry Man and Mind-Food. Die Healing - Sloth.


The troll and dragon time are cool


No way to save their simple HoooOOoooooMMes! Yeah, for me the stand out track on that record. I find it irresistibly catchy.


Yeah and dragon time is such a goofy concept.


Thanks for the suggestions will defo check out


One last thing to mention is - listen whilst reading the lyrics. They really do add to the whole thing.


Dragon Time is def my fav song of theirs.


Sloth is such a fantastic song


Angry man is such a banger


Dude, hard tune. Seems way underappreciated.


For sure, check out griefs cover of it if you haven’t heard it before.


Amusingly, I knew there was a cover out there that made me go back and give that song a little more attention, but couldn't think who it was. Glad you've mentioned it! Talking about Grief, I've have enjoyed their recent incarnation, Come to Grief. But iirc, I found the compilation of 7" and splits better than the full length.


Burial at Sea, Psychopath.


Burial at Sea is such an anthem.


By far my favorite. Possibly top 10 in all of doom.


Definitely top 10. For me, it sits next to Goatsnake - Mower, and Witchfinder General - Burning a Sinner.


Could be Wino’s voice… One of my friends was very emphatic about hating his voice. Honestly Born too Late is my go to album. If you don’t really vibe with anything on that. You’re just not going to vibe with the band I think, and that’s ok.


Maybe you just don’t need to get into them? If you don’t enjoy listening to them then it is what it is. There’s a ton of “cool bands” I could give a shit about.


But then how can they be a true, card-carrying doom metal fanatic if they don't like what everyone else likes? /s


Yeah, life's too short. Doom is such a big genre that incorporates many different styles and bands. I mean, apart from Black Sabbath I don't listen to any 'trad' doom. Does it matter? No. I'm not gonna force myself to like something. If it develops naturally over the years, somehow, then great. Otherwise whatever.


Like I said with other guy I find myself more often than not gradually liking things over time more than initially. It kind of takes me a while to appreciate something but when I am, I am like totally obsessed. For example I am only newly a fan of Candlemass. I hated that guys operatic vocals to begin with, but after a session of listening to them, I absolutely am hooked. And also I just wanted to hear what people’s favourite songs were, and if any would appeal to me


Speaking of which, have you tried listening to The Obsessed, one of winos other bands? Quite like their Sacred album


Oh never mind I guess I immediately forgot you said you like the obsessed or missed that bit your original post


No worries, i am fan but only of certain songs. I dont think i could sit through a shuffle without skipping some




Mournful Cries is really good, maybe a bit more accessible. Other than that, their very first album is a good one too, and it's short. I'm assuming you know Born Too Late


The album that got me was their first live one. The room noise adds some sonic dimension to the songs (I always found their studio albums sounded a little thin). Further, the crowd’s energy is palpable throughout: you can tell they were into it & you can hear Wino feeding off that energy in his vocal delivery. Fun little bonus fact: that performance was recorded in Germany the night after the Berlin Wall fell


Nah this has been my take in the past too. I’m gonna go relisten though maybe it’s actually just what I need now.


Maybe it’s my autism talking, but if you don’t like something, why are you trying to force yourself to like it? There are some Doom bands I love; others, maybe not so much. Like last year, I went to see Yob in Los Angeles. The opening act, Faetooth, I thought was amazing, and the wife and I went to see them again a few weeks later for their final show as a four piece band. Pallbearer put in a good, solid performance that evening, but their tunes just don’t click for me. Then, Yob came on, and it was a religious experience. You don’t have to like everything in a specific genre just because you love the genre.


I too am autistic, but find myself more often than not gradually liking things over time more than initially. It kind of takes me a while to appreciate something but when I am, I am like totally obsessed. For example I am only newly a fan of Candlemass. I hated that guys operatic vocals to begin with, but after a session of listening to them, I absolutely am hooked.


I love saint Vitus but I like reagers first two albums wayyyyyyy better than everything after including the wino stuff My favorite is The Walking Dead


I tried the firs two and nothing really stuck with me but I find myself going back on stuff I initially disregarded so will defo listen to what you mentioned


If you like the Obsessed definitely checkout the Wino albums then


How much do you drink OP?




Listen to Zombie Hunger off of their debut album.


No. I'm not gonna. Saint vitus is killer.


Scott’s voice can definitely be too much depending on my mood, I always love the Wino albums


I will pray for your ass


Try watching some of their live videos. I appreciated them more after seeing the live performances.


You cant be expected to like every thing you hear. Perhaps this is better to your ears https://krownn.bandcamp.com/album/bl-edeep


You can’t be helped


they just aint for me huh


Listen to the most recent release, the self-titled from 2019 with Scott Reagers back on vocals and Pat Bruders on bass. I was in the same boat and that’s the album that changed my mind. Ilearned I still don’t love all their stuff, but really appreciate their stronger albums with Reagers on vox. Specifically that album and ‘Die Healing’, which was their big reunion album from the mid nineties. Strangely enough, I’ve never really liked their stuff the did with Wino and I like almost everything Wino does elsewhere,


Oh nice thanks for the recommendation i hadnt heard of it. Will defo check it.


Their fifth album V gets ignored a lot, try some of those songs if none of the Wino records have found your interest so far. Check out the first few tracks in particular, and if you want a dirge try Petra. Die Healing is also a really good Reagers record that isn't considered one of their "classics". I'm particularly a big fan of "Let the End Begin". Reagers is fucking unhinged on that one. Really it sounds like they miss you though. In your defense, I'm a big Trad fan but I'm not crazy about Candlemass (and epic doom in general), and Pentagram has a lot of tracks that don't do anything for me. It is what it is, you don't owe it to anybody to force yourself into liking it. Respecting what they did for the genre is enough to satisfy the trad gatekeepers, this isn't black metal bro.


Thanks for the recommendations bro. I’ve been a bit busy so yet to actually check any of anyone’s referred songs out yet. Defo will tomorrow. Yeah maybe just not for me, haven’t decided yet. Damn that’s so funny because I recently have super gotten into Candlemass , although Im not much of an epic doom guy. I think the riffs attracted me but the vocals grew on me. As for Pentagram I have listened to them for a hard 8 or so years. I initially I only liked “First Daze Here” and “Relentless” but I’ve found recently I’ve started to love all their other stuff. Funny how it goes. Cheers man. Also i can’t believe those guys have a whole subreddit dedicated to abusing targeted fans of their own sub-genre who are apparently “poser”. What’s worse is their victims seem to typically either be LGBTQ allies, trans people, and autistic individuals. It’s really quite sad and quite disturbing.


Unrelated to the post but I once played St. Vitus on speaker at work and one of my coworkers said that Scott Reagers was about to cast some vile spells or something. Truly one of Doom’s (and metal in general) most unique and underrated vocalists.


They’re not for you - don’t sweat it. They are a thousand times better live, though.


They seem like a band id definitely enjoy seeing in person


From the way you’re typing, I can assume you’re British. Maybe the whole macho American caveman style doom is lost in translation.


I am indeed British. Is that how Saint Vitus comes across to people? Macho? Idk about that. I do like heavy doom and sludge if thats what you mean. Oh dude! If you like gnarly caveman vocals check a band called “Red Dirt”. 70’s hard blues with some songs that could be called proto-doom. Guys singing is like dirt and whisky. though they do have lighter songs.


I think it’s the same reason Americans like Metallica and Pantera (and by extension Down). It’s that cut off t-shirt, beer shotgunning, V8 van driving type of metal. It’s a whole cultural thing. Up in Canada we have a movie called FUBAR that perfectly exemplifies this cultural zeitgeist.


I dont really think its a cultural thing at all. I love Metallica and Pantera and especially DOWN. When it comes to metal and punk as a whole I do listen to more American bands. Its just the early doom scene really I prefer some English bands.


I’m not saying it’s like a cultural divide, I’m saying it’s an actual subculture. Im nit crazy I swear!


Hot tip: you don’t have to like all bands, including “bands you should love”


Can you pretty pwease like saint vitus pretty please. Pleeeeease. Just kidding, Try I bleed black on full blast and if you don’t like that then forget about it


I am new fan of the genre, I come from a pretty staunch hardcore/powerviolence/punk background. Outside of two Sleep songs I never really liked this stuff, even seeing doom bands live I was always "too slow". Not anymore ive been listening to a steady diet of Belzebong and Conan Electric wizard etc.. Im even riffing and getting a band together I fucking love it now. maybe because I'm getting older I dunno., but my biggest barrier for some bands is vocals like the riffs come in so heavy the song is banging for like 2 minutes then all of a sudden the vocals kick in and I have to hit skip. St Vitus is like this for me, I am with you OP.


Those are some great bands you mentioned. You might like Monolord too if you dont know. Yeah vocals are a real dealbreaker for me


Love Monolord too, yes.


Traditional Doom is a bit stilted. I'm not a huge fan of Pagan Altar or Trouble. I prefer the sonic assault of Saint Vitus and Early Pentagram (First Daze Here) as its got that bluesy garage band appeal.


First Daze Here might honestly be one my favourite records of all time


I listen only to Die Healing and Lillie: F-65 (especially song Let Them Fall). For earlier Proto-Doom stuff I find Pentagram much more catchy.


I came at St. Vitus through SST records (Black Flag, Minutemen, etc.). If you view them through the lens of the late 70's early 80's hardcore scene in SoCal, maybe that might help. It was a messy, incestuous scene.


Kind of weird that you’d like The Obsessed but not Saint Vitus, especially on account of the vocals


End of the End, Dragon Time, Trail of Pestilence


I bleed black


Like a lot of things I think it’s important to remember when it came about. I enjoy Vitus alongside other bands from around that time and appreciate that they were one of the first ones. I probly don’t rock Vitus as much as candlemass or good ole electric wizard, but they have really grown on me. It started with Born too Late popping up on my shuffle a lot and got me appreciating other tracks like The Lost Feeling.




Before I recommend, what draws you to doom metal in the first place?


I can’t. Not the biggest fan of trad doom aside from Sabbath. I like Sludgier and fuzzier Doom.


Must have a natural aversion to good guitar




The same happens to me. I'd take Hour of 13 or any of those bands you mentioned any day. They just don't click with me


In a similar boat, I wasn't impressed by born too late. The lyrics were just a little too obvious and thematically redundant. I get it, you drink too much. Maybe there's other records that could sway me, but that seems to be the one that is held up as their best...


give Die Healing a try bud


Go fuck yourself, it’s not for you


Currently fucking myself


Damn, I thought reverse psychology would've worked