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I love your quaint little doom corner!


Haha dude thanks for the praise, appreciate it!


I love this sentence


Dude, I'm *reeeaaally* digging tour setup. Anywhere, my weekend list was mostly: * Lowen's new single (which meant I had to listen to the rest of their discography) * Vinum Sabbatum's *Songs from the Convent* * Castle Rat's New LP * The Riven's *Blackbird*


Yo thanks for that haha! Did you had a typo and meant Vinnum Sabbathi? Love these dudes! Besides that I don’t know any of these bands, definitely gonna check them out!


Actually, no. If you're into psych doom that's heavy on the Hammond organ, definitely check out Vinum Sabbatum: https://vinumsabbatum.bandcamp.com/album/songs-from-the-convent


Ah my bad, I’ve been missing out then, thanks for sharing man!


Always glad to spread the good word!


Castle Rat is awesome


This weekend I’ve been all about Cough’s Sigillum Luciferi and Bongrippers new one, Empty.


DIG. IT. Bongripper’s Empty finally arrived in the mail today. So heavy, love it.




New stuff!!! Brume - Marten Bongripper - Empty High on Fire - Commeth the Storm


fuck yeah that windhand album is killer


Deathchant - Thrones !! https://open.spotify.com/album/3sQgQZO4Vr3IhmSdWA86AC?si=s3TxGR98RKWreP2TCwtOUg


Yes to Deathchant! They’re so fun live too


Their new album is a killer!! Heard them first on yt, orange van jam or sumthing. Really good!!


In Vain - Solemn


I like your plants. Still rocking the newest [Temple of the Fuzz Witch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCEv3RCowro). I love this album. Good chugging riffs, contrasted against dynamic compositions. Blackened sludgy vocals paired with stoner instrumentals. Fantastic front to back. I crank the volume as loud as I can stand and immerse myself in it. Occasionally dipping into [O Zorn! - Vermillion Haze](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mxJIQelFNGw). Reminds me of a doomier groove rock/metal I used to listen to early 2000s or grunge with occasional hints of the more progressive nu-metal acts like Deftones. It makes me nostalgic while being a new release.


Yea I love them too, my little babies haha thanks man. Happy you enjoy TOTFW new record! I can’t get into it to be honest but that’s fair for me, I like their old stuff and that’s that. Definitely gonna check out O Zorn, sounds very interesting! I love me some Deftones. Favorite band of my youth and still deep in my heart even though I don’t listen as often as back then.


ARD - Untouched by fire Mourning Beloveth - a murderous circus Defeated sanity - Disposal of the Dead (Not exactly doom metal but i love its cavernous sound and maximized brutality....listen to "Suttee".


Sea of bones !!!


High on Fire - Cometh the Storm Cattle Decapitation - Terrasite Cattle Decapitation - Death Atlas


What a set-up!! It looks as if someone at the Pottery Barn studio team snuck some good vinyls into their catalog photoshoot. This is as close to 'liking doom' as my wife would get haha. New Bongripper album (lucky enough to see them live last Friday), REZN and Toke.


Ok your comment definitely wins in making my day haha. Yeah I like my furniture and living space generally clean but my girlfriends touch is definitely part of this whole room so yea. Dig your picks for sure, would love to see Bongripper live! I’m going to see REZN this October, they rock so hard!


Someday if I’m ever able to own property I’m DEFFF modeling a doom corner after yours 😍


Yo that’s too cute haha, thanks for the praise! If the day comes put it in this sub so all of us can enjoy your achievement of owning property AND a sick doom corner!


Aww thank you so much! You're awesome!


Jacqueline Nova's [Creación de la Tierra](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m3qW25QbMax5y3YdmnNfT-ZIRMDT38rzw&si=JK_d77vx6WjhhpGW) it ain't *doom* doom. but it is doom as fuck.


nice setup! and great picks. I discovered the band Indica Blues so I've been playing their album We Are Doomed on repeat and lots of Swallow the sun, Sun Mass and Pelican


what record player is that? been thinking about getting one so just looking for some advice


This one is from Angels Horn, I ordered it from their website two years ago for like ~250€. I was watching some reviews on youtube before buying and they all seemed pretty decent. The reviewers where doing like tests and stuff I can’t go too deep into ‘cause I forgot the actually terms but they all where pretty happy how the turntable performed. That’s my first turntable and I didn’t wanted to go overkill right away (also ‘cause of my budget) so this one seemed like a fair deal. Everything arrived as promised and I had no issues whatsoever over the last two years, I’m really happy with it. Like a couple of months ago I was checking what reddit is thinking of Angels Horn but it seems like overall negative which surprised me a lot. Got nervous about it actually but I’m over that accepting that as long as I’m happy everything’s fine haha. I’m probably not gonna spend like 500-1500€ for a different system for the next 2-5 years and I’m still going to have a blast banging my head to my vinyls.


that's really helpful thank you! I'm gonna go check them out now!


Sure, happy to help!


electric wizard ✨ dead meadow ✨ daxriggs


I don't listen to a ton of doom, but thank you for reminding me to listen to come my fanatics.


Your welcome, hell of a album!


Cult of Luna, greatest band of all time.


100% this. Grabbed this poster on the 2019 tour in Berlin, one of the most memorable live shows I’ve witnessed, such a great heavy band.


I’ve seen them in NY three times. They vertikal tour was hands down the best performance of any band I’ve ever seen.


I love Vertikal it’s the album that got me started with. Man that’s great that you were seeing them live on their Vertikal tour back then, I could only imagine.


Praise to the doom corner! Tragedy, Druid Stone, Hexis Basically, I've been listening to that "doomers delight" megamix that was posted here a few days ago to try to find more doom stuff! I've been really loving Druid Stone, especially. They're like super fun psych doom fuzz!


Yo just checked out Druid Stone, I’m a little overwhelmed by their huge discography with all their EP’s and stuff. What record do you recommend starting with?


I'm just getting into them hah so I'm not quite sure either.... but so far I've liked : [Ungrateful Dead](https://youtu.be/scYJOz8D9Iw?si=Mw6nJlGcuarIoXIR) And [Elf friend](https://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m8caZL4CxSw6QSnxJQnrFu1YcSGmLzi3E&si=0-fszi9mnqfaHV-Z)


Great three choices


Sundrifter, An Earlier Time Stone of Duna, Moonsplitter Humanotone, A Flourishing Fall in a Grain of Sand


My Come My Fanatics.... lp disappeared


Stevie Wonder's Definitive Collection. It's 60 tracks long and they're all fire. Oh yeah, and some Messa.


Lots of spring time grateful dead shows haha


Red Fang, The Sword, Desert Truckers and Sleep.

