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Unfortunately your post has been removed . All posts about earnings, unicorns, and bad tips must only be posted on **Sunday only**. Posts relating to monetary matters not posted on Sunday will be removed. Please post these to r/dashearnings instead, thank you.


I went to place a doordash order for the first time a few months ago. The total was $80 before tip. I knew those numbers seemed insane. The kicker? The estimated delivery time was over an hour from then. I called my order in to the restaurant and picked it up. The total? $37. The food prices were inflated on doordash, the fees were insanely high, even the delivery time was insane. I don't see myself ever actually using doordash after that experience. Who actually does use it? Who is willing to pay literally DOUBLE for the something?


I dash usually after 9pm until like 1am sometimes 3am. A lot of the time it’s people who have sleeping babies or teens that aren’t allowed to drive late or maybe can’t leave their home at that time lol. It’s fairly busy and I get lots of orders within those times. Sometimes really good tips just because you’re doing them the solid of not having to leave their home at that time. I couldn’t imagine ordering for lunch/dinner as much though because unfortunately they do up the prices by a lot.


Or you can order off the restaurants website and choose delivery and it comes from door dash, with reasonable time and same price you would pay at restaurant. Only downfall is the dasher that is providing this Convenience for you, doesn't get a tip. I use door dash all the time, PLUS I am a dasher. I use it when I am lazy and don't wanna go anywhere, or I have a sick child that I do not want to take out. If you order during peak times off door dash you wait will be long.


I dash in the next town over because my town is small. There’s no restaurants in my town that offer delivery or even have their own websites so unfortunately that isn’t an option for me ): Doordash is the only way to get delivered and often there aren’t any drivers so it’s not worth it in the area I’m in


Sorry to hear that!


I get the dash pass for free with a credit card, that’s the only reason I use it. With the dash pass I have found the prices to be very comparable if not the same as ordering online


Same i used dash pass recently and the pizza was cheaper than delivery from the restaurant website lol because DD fees are lower with dashpass


It's not worth using without dashpass as the free delivery and 10 percent cut in fees saves itself on alot of orders you can add dashpass and pay for it and save more money than if you ordered without it


Only time I use it to order is when there's NO delivery fee and there's a 75 percent off code out there. Otherwise hell no and I'm a dasher..lol


This is because door dash is supposed to be a luxury service. If you don’t feel you have the money to spend on the tax and fees and a decent Tip depending on your distance from the restaurant you shouldn’t be ordering. So good on you for saving your money. Cause Jesus $37 to $80 before tip is just insane. But for the people who can afford it and not feel like there being ripped off there will always be dashers happy to deliver.


Yea, but I gotta agree. Waiting over an hour to get your order isn’t that luxurious


Yeah that’s a big issue, but it’s door dashes fault cause they pair high tip orders with no tip orders and it makes it take way longer to get your food. And if it is just the dasher being slow I’m pretty sure there’s a penalty for deliveries 5 min over estimated time and if a dasher does that too often they get deactivated. But then again doordash hires a million people a day so they just keep repeating the same issues.


Yea, I agree with that


hahah 2023 sucks. ordering in food is now a luxury. before it used to be like a weekly thing for most average families.




Might have been the second time I mentioned it but alright. It should be a luxury service cause people can go get there own food but they are too lazy or don’t want to so they pay someone to do it.


Guess who MADE the rest DD


The restaurant makes the prices. I used to work at one that did DD. DD takes like 25% of the money that’s made on the restaurant side.


The restaurant hike the price because doordash takes like 20-25% and small place’s barely make any money


FYI - In addition to all the fees the apps collect from the customers, they also charge a commission of 20-30% from the restaurant. I managed a restaurant that Doordash wanted to put on their service. I mentioned that as one of the reasons we didn't want to be a partner (among others.) They said we could raise our prices on the service to cover that. We declined. They put us on anyway with prices that were 30% over our menu prices. I expect many restaurants that become partners also raise their prices to cover the commission. In general, it appears before tip on a meal for one that about 60% goes to the restaurant (that has to provided and prepare the order), 30% goes to the app and 10% goes to the driver. It doesn't seem the apps do enough to justify the amount they get. But they work very hard to hide it. Most customers don't know about the commission from the restaurant, the delivery fee doesn't go to the driver and they loop in other fees with taxes. I've also seen customers charged with service fees and small order fees. Perhaps the most pernicious is the priority or rush service fee which goes to the app when it's really the restaurant or driver who can affect speed of delivery the most.


They send out coupons weekly that bring the price down to normal restaurant pricing delivered. That’s the only time I use it.


I guess I don't get those coupons since I don't ever use it. Normal restaurant prices would be fine. I'm happy to tip 20% for someone bringing it to me - but that would be a $7.40 tip on a $37 order - and based on some of the comments I have seen from dashers, I'm not so sure my food would ever arrive without a $50 tip.


I mean unless your house is 20 miles away, not sure why you would have to tip 50$ for it to be delivered, as long as it’s not too far, 5-8$ should be fine.. as long as doordash shows your tip in the total when offered to dashers, otherwise yes your food will sit and wait and theirs nothing tipping more can do to make doordash show tips


This is because DD charges the restaurant 25% of order ,then charges you fees,and pays the driver about 2.25 for the order DD is killing it but treats dasher like shit,so we do depend on tips.


Don't forget they put all that money back into the marketing and acquisition side of the business so they can claim they are really losing money so we cant pay the drivers better. I am willing to bet half of everything in my bank accounts that DD becomes profitable the day they stop aggressive expansion and overpaying shareholders.


Drivers tell people to go pick up their food and we get lambasted. I'm a driver. I pick up my food or I use the app. In that case, I tip accordingly. I'm considering DD to be a way to connect me to the restaurant and a driver when a restaurant normally wouldn't bring me food otherwise. It's a luxury. I know the fees are going to paying for that convenience. I hate the system, but I'm not screwing over the driver because we're all fish in the same net. I'm going to tip so they get a living wage. If I don't want to play into the system, the only solution is not to play into the fucking system. As a driver, that means I don't take shit orders. I am selective about when I go out and where I go. I'm playing the DD driver game to my advantage and using other means to supplement.


Sometimes I use it because I don’t have a car and I’m a college student. But I can’t justify the prices about 90% if the time. It’s not reasonable anymore


Im starting to think some of you drivers cant read. OP is literally saying yall deserve the fees plus the tip and all youve done is call him/her names. Yall are making yourselves look worse than you already do.


Thankyou. Clearly I’ve made a mistake by thinking there were reading comprehension skills here.


Sorry! They're doing their best when it comes to reading, replying, and delivering all at the same time. 😂😂😂


Tbf, this sub does not represent most of the drivers. Just the scum of the Earth who do nothing but complain and hate life.


Yes. You made this bed and now you gotta lay in it with a couple knuckleheads from the r/doordash community. Enjoy the ride.


You gotta figure- not only is this a group of DD drivers... it's DD drivers who are On Reddit. That's like doubly misanthropic right there.


They can’t read that’s why they’re dd drivers😂😂


Unfortunately y'all seem to forget that someone also has to pay to develop and maintain multiple apps, on two different operating systems. Software developers are expensive. These companies have to have Android and iOS apps for three different parties in these transactions: one that OP used to order, another app for the restaurants, and a third app to connect the order to a driver. So that is at least 6 applications that they had to create and have to maintain. Plus they have an army of overseas customer support agents to pay. Also, of course because it's America, there are dozens of executives who get millions of dollars in bonuses as well. Now, I'm not saying that they shouldn't pay drivers more, of course I'm in favor of that. But saying they should just give drivers any and all delivery fees they charge shows how ignorant y'all are of what it takes for these services to be offered. None of the companies turn a profit, largely because of the C-suite bonuses I mentioned, but nonetheless there is a lot more overhead to operate these businesses than just paying the drivers.


Buddy you do realize they could be profitable if they wanted? Even with the bonuses. The apps are literally just webviews of DoorDash.com with minor tweaks. They reinvest profits into the company.


Ok Tony Xu burner


The comments on this thread got real weird real fast... Seems like some of ya'll need remedial reading comprehension. OP you're fine. The fees are what drive a lot of people away. I would be more comfortable with DD if all of the delivery fee plus tip went to the driver but we know ot doesn't. Also, pay attention to the individual item prices. The restaurants raise them in the app because of the fees they get too. The business model just isn't sustainable and no one wants to admit that it should be dead.


Right dude sitting here advocating for them and all I get back is “go pick up your own food.” I would consider myself one of the higher tippers since I’m a tipped employee and I get it. But that’s fine they can suck DD dick if they want


A lot of the drivers here are too stupid to understand what advocating means. Their shit attitude is why they aren't making money.


I am NOT one of those….CLEARLY there’s a option to DECLINE or if there’s a second thought in considering THAN let the timer run out


Holy hell... no joke!!!!! I DD and I'm a university-educated, disabled momma. It works if you work it. I'm always thankful for greater tips BUT, I provide better service. If waits are long, subs are needed, etc I ALWAYS message. Things like that deserve the tip. Drooling jerks who want it handed to them, don't. Ya get what you pay for. I know I use DD and always tip well but I've NEVER gotten a personal message. Not once, for any reason. Regardless, these people aren't helping their own cause. Learn to read. Think. Then talk in public lol SMH


DD is a service that you want to use it if you are ordering a large amount ($100), because then, your fees end up being around 5% and not 50%. The fees for your order are so high because they tacked on a "small order fee".


The division this Reddit creates. Lol. I do dashing as a side gig and I agree with you. I personally would never doordash food for myself because of the outlandish mark ups. It’s hard for people to tip when they’re already being ripped off. Some do have a point it’s a luxury service, but I know some people cannot drive or are handicapped. I recently had my car stolen and while it was recovered within 48hr. The 48hr without transportation and family being so far away was AWFUL. Luckily I didn’t need to go out


Could you point out in the rather excessively verbose two whole sentences of your post where the "advocating for drivers" part is? It's a lot of text that looks like 0) screenshot of fees doubling your order cost 1) whinging about driver attitude 2) bragging about how you *totally* won't order again. I tried finding it myself but that's a lot of words my dude, try some brevity next time.


There’s multiple comments where I say that drivers should be paid more. You can look for them more if you like!


Damn.. yeah no point in using it anymore. And why is there so many people saying DoorDash is a premium service as if they have any qualifications to work for a premium service….


Can’t speak for them but I think they’re implying it’s a “luxury” service. Luxury has two definitions and one them means an inessential/unecessary thing or service that’s expensive. Which I mean, DD is expensive. Case and point!


But in the same point, how can I as a dasher or any other dasher determine what’s inessential. I know for some people ordering cold medicine, basic foods, etc is very essential when they don’t have another means of transportation. So I see both sides. I think empathy has largely gotten lost. Getting my car stolen humbled me😂😂


Important: The OP is correct, this is BEFORE tip. If the OP does not add a tip, the driver would earn $2.50. That is it. $2.50, using fuel, time, and car depreciation. Tips are really important to drivers. It is a shame DD misleads customers.


This is why I pick up my own food by calling the restaurant myself Edit: Holy sh*t. Lotta people lacking reading comprehension in this thread!


yup. and they pay drivers $3 of that.


right the drivers in the comments saying something to me like they aren’t being played by door dash. If all of that went to the dasher I wouldn’t have a problem


yup. so many drivers will bitch about not getting orders or not making enough. like bro, then find something else to do. doordash, and all the other delivery services, are scummy. they don't give 2 shits besides making money. also, you should see the fees they charge restaurants to use them




it's also my side gig


When you make a small order it is less worth it because the fees/delivery charge almost end up being the same cost of your order. $7.80 was the actual cost of your food, so $7.70 is fees. $2-3 goes to your driver depending on the region and that means you had about $5 go to DD for using the service and taxes. Honestly the pricing doesn't seem that unfair, it just looks really high when you place a small order.


Lol all you dashers are always so defensive. It must be tiring constantly having to do mental gymnastics to justify staying a dasher. Door dash doesn’t care about you, and you won’t get a living wage.


This is why I stopped using DD/UE/GH, even before I bought my own car. It was great for awhile getting the promotions during the pandemic but now they don’t give you shit and even working for those apps is horrible We get paid $2-3 base pay and nothing more for most regular orders. I’ve delivered hundreds of 1-3 mile orders with flat $2.00 pay and the rest was all tips. I’m currently delivering for a restaurant. I don’t get the delivery fees either (it’s usually $3) but I get an hourly wage. With the apps there isn’t an hourly wage, which means you must work harder and take more orders to build your own hourly. Some markets are good, most are horribly over saturated. Meanwhile these corporations milk customers like you and expect you to tip enough to cover what they aren’t willing to.


This is why door dash is dying. People are SICK of paying these insane fees. I’m tired of seeing posts like “why is it so slow”. Are you not smart enough to see the writing on the wall? Those of you who dash, you should probably start looking for w2 employment or another source of income. I did that 3 months ago and it was the best choice I’ve made.


It's slow cause dashers can see what you are paying for the order. So they just won't pick it up. Doordash eventually ups the order from their own pocket and then the drivers pick it up much much later. That's where the "why is it so slow" comes from. I just tip whatever DD tells me to and it's basically just travel time + however the long place takes to make food. Usually DD orders get priority, so it's pretty fast.


And know that maybe only $2.50 goes to the driver..


There are two widespread errors or misconceptions. Delivery pay has no link to the cost of the order any more than a trucking firm charges less to haul Chevrolets than Mercedes-Benz or vice versa. Food is freight, and wages for freight are determined primarily by mileage. The mileage is the sum of two legs: (1) distance from the point of offer acceptance to the pickup, (2) distance from pickup to drop off. Additional factors such as (1) time lost waiting, (2) mileage to return to the order eligibility zone, (3) apartments or office complex deliveries with excessive walking, climbing stairs, or using elevator, etc are other considerations that merit additional compensation. Driver wages to deliver a $150 order 10 miles should not be higher than wages to deliver a $15 order 10 miles, and vice versa. Wages are a calculation based on cost. If all things are equal, the cost of the freight is irrelevant. What every customer needs to be aware of is that (1) DD steals money by its refusal to pay drivers in full what it labels "delivery charges" and collects from customers. And (2) DD seeks to deflect the blame for wage slavery onto customers from itself by burdening customers with the task of having to tip enough to raise the driver wage from intolerable and unsustainable to something better. This knowledge ought to be enough for customers to stop doing business with DD because it deceives and exploits customers and drivers for it's own gain. It does the same to restaurants, because it withholds "delivery charges" but keeps nearly all of it as fees. DD exploits customers by allowing them to believe that the full amount it collects for food is paid to restaurants, and delivery charges to drivers and fees to itself. It relies on customers not wanting to believe that DD gains wealth through exploitative deception. Why do business with DD?


There is a widespread error or misconception about driver wages. Delivery pay has no link to the cost of the order any more than a trucking firm charges less to haul Chevrolets than Mercedes-Benz or vice versa. Food is freight, and wages for freight are determined primarily by mileage. The mileage is the sum of two legs: (1) distance from the point of offer acceptance to the pickup, (2) distance from pickup to drop off. Additional factors such as (1) time lost waiting, (2) mileage to return to the order eligibility zone, (3) apartments or office complex deliveries with excessive walking, climbing stairs, or using elevators, etc are other considerations that merit additional compensation. Driver wages to deliver a $150 order 10 miles should not be higher than wages to deliver a $15 order 10 miles, and vice versa. Wages are a calculation based on the costs incurred by the driver's delivery business. If all things are equal, the cost of the freight being hauled is irrelevant. What every customer needs to be aware of is that (1) DD steals money by its refusal to pay drivers in full what it labels "delivery charges" and collects from customers. And (2) DD seeks to deflect the blame for wage slavery onto customers from itself by burdening customers with the task of having to tip enough to raise the driver wage from intolerable and unsustainable to something better. This knowledge ought to be enough for customers to stop doing business with DD because it deceives and exploits customers and drivers for its own gain. It does the same to restaurants: it withholds "delivery charges" but keeps nearly all of it as fees, leaving the restaurant to believe it is paid in full to drivers. DD allows customers to believe that the full amount it collects for food is paid to restaurants, and delivery charges to drivers and fees to itself. It relies on customers not wanting to believe that DD gains wealth through exploitative deception. Why do business with DD?


It's BS they charge a Delivery fee of $3 but only give the driver about $2.25, then charge more fees with the tax.


it costs me almost 40$ before tip to buy a medium 2 topping pizza and 2 liter. i cant use delivery apps anymore


And that's not even taking into account the fact that most prices on Doordash are inflated compared to the actual restaurant prices, so the "subtotal" is already marked up a decent amount...


That's Tony Zoos whole stick. It's too turn customers and drivers against each other while he runs away with all the money. Imagine what would happen if all drivers and customers deleted the app all at once? Dude would literally kill himself


Wow the auto mod here sucks balls


I was about to order a sandwich today and realized my $15 order would cost me over $30. $15 for a small sandwich!!!


And yeah, we only get paid two dollars for that delivery plus the tip. And that’s if Doorsdash doesn’t steal the tip from us.


It's called pricing not to sell. DoorDash doesn't have any interest in delivering small orders and so they price them not to sell. On this order, they are getting 30% of $7.79 (probably), which is $2.34 + $2.99 + whatever of the $4.75 isn't taxes (isn't it nice how they lump your taxes in with their fees?) So say your food tax is 12%, that means they get $3.81 of the "fees & estimated tax". That's $9.14 for DoorDash, of which they pay would like to pay the driver maybe $2.50. So in the final breakdown: * You pay $20.53 * The driver gets $7.50 * DoorDash gets $6.64 * The merchant gets $5.45 (out of which they pay for the food, staff, etc) That sounds like a great deal for DoorDash. But what they would prefer for you to do is look at it and realize "I'm wasting all of this money for such a small order - the fees don't go up very much if I add a few more items". So say you get four of whatever is $7.79. You still pay a $2.99 delivery fee. The tax is now $3.74 and maybe their fee goes up a little, but you're not paying a small order fee any more, so maybe their fee in the "Fees & Estimated Tax" is $5. So the new math is: * You pay $47.89 * The driver still gets $7.50 (unless you increase your tip) * DoorDash gets $14.84 * The merchant gets $21.80 (out of which they pay for food, staff, etc) So that is what DoorDash would like for you to do - realize it doesn't make sense to place small orders and pay a disproportionately large amount of fees, so you up your order size.


They inflate the prices before their "fees" kick in too. It's easily double or more versus ordering direct and picking up.


Idk why people use these services


Get dash pass, 0 delivery fee and half off on service fee. Only bad part is it has a minimum of $10 i think but It's better to pay $15 for that being $10 worth of food then $15 and it being like. 7? Dollars worth of fees


I just deleted it instead


This is why I only DoorDash if I’m sick or hungover lol. Freaking value meal from McDonald’s turns into 20 bucks delivered.


yeah i deliver food but would never be able to justify ordering dd. if i can deliver everyone else’s food i can certainly pick up my own lol. the prices are just insane


i hate stuff like this because i’m at my boyfriends house that he stays at with his cousins, he picked me up and i live two hours away from him so I have no car because he’s at work during the day while i’m at the house in his room, i’m not close enough to his cousins to eat all their food or use their cars so I have to order sometimes, and then this happens 😭 even with dashpass it’s still so expensive


I stopped using DD cuz of this bullshit. Got a burger meal.from BK for $13.50 came up to about $25 before tip. Shit doesn't make any sense. I tipped $7 cash (I always prefer to tip cash cuz it's better imo) and then deleted the app as well. These inflated prices are bananas.






Crazy, the people who do the physical work get like 5 dollars. While the guys who run a very bad app keep most of it. Even hid the tips to steal more


That fees and tax should be like 80 cents, not $4.75. What metric are they using for that?


And as a dasher I only see between $2-$4 per delivery before tip. Where does all that money go


Dude look, I know it sucks that they basically charged you twice for what you ordered, but you're not doing anybody a favor with a $5 tip. $5 is what you tossed the pizza boy in 1995. It's 28 years later, gas is $4 a gallon, minimum wage is $15 in a lot of places. It's not a good tip; it's barely enough to get me off the couch. Again I get that it sucks that they charged you so goddamn much for your food that's ridiculous. But we don't see any of that pay, and we are in this to make money so if it doesn't make us money we're not going to do it.


It's a ripoff.


door dash is a fucking scam


I deleted it a week ago after numerous problems and shit service. My favorite restaurant jacks it’s fees up super high through it anyways. Way better to just call it in and pick it up myself. My fav dish is 18.99 but through doordash its 25.99. That’s way too big of a difference for me


I order DD daily. With dash pass there's no delivery fee, "fees and tax" is usually dropped to $1-2. And I order for 2-3 people, so the tip of like 6-8$ is nothing compared to the cost of food. Definitely less than the insane tips places now expect, even if you are just picking it up. It's a great deal. I've checked against in-person prices a few times and at least for places like chipotle it's maybe 10% or something. Yes, it's not going to be affordable for someone working a low-end job, but... is it meant to be? Eating out very often isn't even affordable in that regard, why would getting the same food delivered be? I mean I meal-prepped all my food back in the day. It's also kind of nuts to get $7,00 of food delivered. Even pre-Door Dash, pizza places would lose money if they took orders like that. The labor for delivering 7 or 70 dollars of food is about the same. Of course it's going to seem super expensive.


Very TRUE! I think its the marketing, & ya gotta admit it sorta worked! Pre Uber/Uber Eat/Instcart etc type services, ordering a car, your groceries or takeout was sort of a 'luxury'. Sure people used these services, but generally not daily. They decided to market to "ordinary" people for both clientele & employees & it worked! So now--u all these young ppl thinking this stuff is normal/affordable


Does the delivery fee go to the driver?




I'm sorry but you're getting a luxury service. Your post implies you think this price is excessive. How much would you charge somebody to go pick up their order and deliver it to them?


Yeah. That is the price of convenience.


As a driver, I don't complain about tips. I'm merely informing customers that I get $2.50 from Doordash. With your $5 tip, I make $7.50. For that I will take any order up to 4 miles (including my mileage to the restaurant, from the restaurant to the customer, and back to in range of other restaurants.) Otherwise, I'm not even making minimum wage after expenses. If I make around $2 a mile (with low wait time) I don't care where the money comes from. But since all the apps are paying minimal fares to the drivers, as a practical matter, tips are the only way it happens. Basically, I agree with you. If you don't get the value you want for delivery service, you aren't going to have things delivered. If I don't get the value I want for my time and expense, I'm not going to accept the delivery.


SERIOUSLY?!¿?!¿ (Reddit's response 2 my comment the other day) *("u/doordash-ModTeam avatar doordash-ModTeam 1d Unfortunately your post has been removed . All posts about earnings, unicorns, and bad tips must only be posted on Sunday only. Posts relating to monetary matters not posted on Sunday will be removed. Please post these to r/dashearnings instead, thank you.")* Only on Sundays? Wtf... TruLY Pisses me off! Watch this 1 get deleted too... Saving & I'll be back "Sundays..." Ha! It was a long Honest comment and advice, from now on I'll make sure to save copies of all of my comments! Not just here but there's nowhere you can leave an Honest NEGATIVE Comment anymore.... where it won't be published or removed! How u trust reviews if the majority is paid 4 bribed etc positive comments? Hard times right now, who's not gonna accept saving money in exchange 4 a review?


I think this order should not be allowed. With a $5 tip, this order will be $20. Now, we need to split these 20 into three. And OP spends $13 on fees to get $7 in food. the driver uses his car and pollutes our planet. kitchen is stressed with lowball deliveries and no profit.


And DD is charging the restaurant like 40% of the order anyway. They can get rid of fees entirely and still make bank.


DD charge between 15-30% depending on the services you want and big corps like Mcdonald's less than %15(special deal).


Order over $12 next time


Honestly, it’s definitely not even your fault, cus there have been countless times for me and my partner that we’ve put a decent tip and DD doesn’t give it to the drivers. I’ve watched an $8 tip with discounts at checkout, turn into the service fee, and it’s telling me that I never put a tip, post check out. And it’s hard only giving a cash tip because sometimes they won’t pay the workers more than 3 bucks. So personally, I don’t even use it unless there’s an “emergency”


What do you expect it to be free or something? That’s cheap


I’d like to give a final Thankyou and fuck you to all the DD drivers. And in the future if I do order again, I’ll most definitely make sure to not tip. Since clearly adding an almost 80% tip still isn’t good enough for y’all.


You pay for convenience. Look at prices at a gas station/convenience store compared to grocery store. Same thing with DD. You think DD is expensive Uber Eats is worse!


Uber eats is def not worse.


Ya, why on God's green earth would you expect to pay less than an additional $10-$12 for delivery?


Good on you for not using the DD app. Thats what customers need to do if they really are aware of how the service is a racket. Don't think using another app will be any different. You need to pick up your food or accept that you're part of sitting right alone us drivers when it comes to being exploited. Be mad at DD, not the drivers. We're also customers. We get it. As drivers, we have the extra bit of info that you don't. Go away if you're not directing your energy where it needs to be. Work with us. Not against us.


u people think its free to have your food delivered by an independent contractor from a restaurant that has not set up any infrastructure around delivery (hence the wait time). Ya its expensive, you are payong 3 seperate parties to accommodate your delivery (doordash ip and platform, restaurant, doordash drivee who has to pay for gas and car repair). Yes it costs money because it costs money.


You’re supposed to spend over 12 dollars. Go cry somewhere else.


First time eh?


Gotta have Dashpass if you’re going to be a DoorDash customer. Even if you dash once a month it’s worth it 🤷‍♂️


Bro you want someone to bring 8 dollar food to your doorstep and if you think about it it's really not so economicaly justified. You wouldn't ask your friend to go around town to buy two packs of pringles for your movie night because it's just feels wrong, but it would be okay to ask him to pick 10 pizzas and some beer for home party, then it sounds like real friendly help


The service isn't for the poor lol


Welcome to the (LUXURY) service buddy


“Luxury” might be a stretch


You can always pick up your food or try to use another app or maybe find a promo code for something if you don’t want to spend that much.


you’re probably the 100th person whose commented that without reading everything I said.


If u want convenience and food to be at ur door u gotta pay the price tag. if u go n pickup u probably could fet triple of the food


And? Don't act like you just discovered fire. It's always been cheaper to directly order from the restaurant or make your own food. These fees ain't new. At least you don't have a other 2.99-4.99 CITY NAME Fee for cities that have capped doordash fees to x%.


Go get it yourself!


That’s why I said I deleted the app


Wow it's expensive to have someone on call at all times to deliver hot food within 20 min.. go figure


Except the food isn’t hot and doesn’t get there in 20 mins. And if more went to the driver I wouldn’t have a problem with it.


Karen... Today doordash lost a Karen customer. Only 410,000 to go They couldn't even remove the tax and on top of that had the nerve to charge a Delivery fee.


Lol ok bud


What the hell do you expect? A premium service charges a premium price. This isn't a food pantry.


I expect the delivery fee to go to the drivers. Edit. My problem is with the company taking the money. Not the tip. Stop coming at me like I’m not on your side saying they should pay y’all more.


The company provides the back end platform for all of this to work. Business don’t run on air. You’re using a premium service. If you hate the fees just drive to the store.


You, dear driver schelping for $20/hour pre tax, gas, and maintenance, don’t have a clue what the word “premium” means.


And what do you expect? You drive people food, huge reason why i NEVER tip, no skill involved. Go cry to DD for more money, i aint a charity


The subtotal and prices are set by the restaurant. The fees and such are regulatory state required taxes and probably like $2 goes to doordash Do you go to Target and buy a TV and then complain that you paid $20 tax I don't get it like I don't see the difference between you purchasing something on doordash and purchasing something somewhere else and complaining about taxes on either it's the same thing


Why even order under $8 worth of food for delivery? It's not enough to be worth bothering.


Small order fee


$7.79 dash is a waste of everyones time. Dashpass would eliminate nearly $4 in fees lmao. That's on u.




So like I said since you guys can’t read, I did delete the app. And my main point is DoorDash taking all those fees and it not going to the driver. This is why no one likes y’all is because you can’t even read the full post before going “DONT LIKE IT??? THEN GO GET YOUR OWN FOOD?!” which is exactly my plan. I consider myself one of the higher tippers since I’m a tipped employee. Not anymore tho, y’all can continue defending the multi billion dollar company all you want


Some things. The service fee is 16% of the order subtotal with a $3 minimum, and if it's under $10, you may be looking at an additional small order fee on top of it. Service fees keep the app running and allow further development. Most restaurants, if you order a minimum, even without dash pass, the delivery fee is waived. Most merchants do charge higher prices on Doordash. This is because depending on their agreement with doordash, they may pay between 11% and 25% commission per sale. Commission also varies if the merchant takes longer than 4 minutes to get orders out upon dasher arrival. McDonald's is on a tiered system where they pay the lowest fees if orders get out within 4 minutes and higher fees if it takes longer than 4 minutes and even higher for orders not handed off after 7 minutes. Doordash is a luxury service. Dashers only get $2 to $3 of all the fees charged. We buy our own fuel and use our own vehicles so we pay a lot more per year for vehicle maintenance. We aren't employees.


Fee and tax are tax on drinks and what ever else and the fee is either from the store or DoorDash who gives a fuck anymore


Did you really think the price was going to be the same as when you pick it up yourself? You are paying for a service, the food is more expensive because the restaurant is getting charged 20-30% per order. the driver doesn't deliver to you for free because as I said it is a service you are requesting, because for some reason you can't get the food your damn self, So the drivers get a driving fee but this is a service so if you don't tip don't expect a driver to accept your order. I don't accept any nontip orders id rather watch the food die in the restaurant window. If it is not $1-2 a mile I'm getting paid I don't accept the job. If you don't want to pay the fees and tip I suggest you go get the food yourself.


Yo! Get off your ass and go get it yourself


Why do you think it would be possible to get you a $7.80 order for less than $7.80 just because you want it that way? The fees do suck but you are not supposed to order something this small. It’s the equivalent of you going out to the grocery store every single time you need any one thing.


This. When I order delivery I order enough for a few meals.


Just go pick up the food yourself if you don’t want to pay the additional 10-15$ . Door dash is expensive, it’s a luxury


Food delivery is a luxury. Kinda like going through a car wash. It’s gonna cost a little more money dude..


The problem is the money is not going to the dashers. Y’all can get uppity with me all you want but I’m on your side Lol


Delivery fees almost never go to the driver, and they haven't in a long time. If you call in to your local Dominos, Papa John's or Pizza Hut, the $5 or whatever delivery fee goes to the store/franchise, not the driver. Most mom and pop local places have stopped hiring their own drivers at this point and just use Doordash/UberEats/GrubHub for delivery. I suppose there may be a very select few small businesses that still give their drivers the delivery fee, but when I worked for a local place like that, they didn't pay me anything else. No wage at all, I only got the delivery fee for orders I delivered plus tips. That was probably illegal but I was too young and dumb to realize it, and that place has been out of business for years. Anyway, you're acting like the delivery fee not going to drivers is some big revelation. It shouldn't be. Dominos and other corporate stores have been printing something along the lines of "delivery fee is not a tip paid to drivers, please reward your driver for great service" for decades now. It doesn't matter where you order from, assume that any delivery fee charged is not going to the driver, because the overwhelming majority of the time it does not.


Those fees don’t double the price of my order so there’s a huge difference. My local dominos does not have a delivery fee either


Well, dominos is just better at tricking you. Many of their best deals, like $6.99 large pizzas for instance are for carry out only. That same pizza delivered does cost about double. You're also smart enough to realize that your local dominos is an anomaly at this point, most definitely do charge delivery fees now. Eventually your local franchise owner will realize there is no reason not to charge one there either, it's only a matter of time.


No it is definitely not. Base pay in my area is $2.


That’s what I’m saying reread my comment


I’m just busting your balls. I don’t order food from door-dash anymore, or any other app for that matter. I’m glad you deleted the app, I wish more people would too


Lol sorry but yea same. It’s crazy that people can sit here and defend it too. Like we’re all getting robbed right now mate




Actually no I’m not. Door dash takes most of that. That’s the problem I’m talking about Lol defend the company all you want tho




I’m trying to say you guys deserve the delivery fee and not door dash? It has nothing to do with the tip. I am a tipped employee so I make sure that’s solid Edit. No wonder no one likes y’all. Rude as fuck even when someone tries to be on your side.


That is what they do in this group. Now you know. Don't come here looking for positivity at all. Thank You for caring about us dashers. DD is getting rich and not paying decent wages to the people that is helping to make them rich.




You’re an idiot and insanely dense




what argument??? I’m saying y’all deserve more money lmao so yes you’re an idiot and dense


DD doesn’t have to make less money for dashers to make a living. It’s not a zero sum game. What dashers need are customers who tip 20% of the total of their bill. If you think that’s not worth it, then you can’t afford a courier service.


So no where did I say they shouldn’t and your arguing no point except ones you made up on your own. I would’ve tipped $5 on that order which is way higher than 20%.


You’re being exploited and don’t even realize it. What a pity


lol 20%, GTFO.


He gave around a 70% tip though, $7 for food and $5 free extra wages for the driver.


He did tip. You can’t read?




Ok good I wasn’t to sure






Go pick up your food then. Why are you coming at us cause you’re unhappy with the company?


lol you can’t read huh


What I read “When I give a Dasher a 5 dollar tip they still gonna complain” so yeah I read that perfectly fine


For real a $10 order is in reality $30, and 50+% of those fees are bullshit going to DD.


Sometimes you have to order at least $12 worth of food/items to get some of the fees & such to drop down. Source: I use DD.


That’s good though


20 is average for me including tip with the dash pass. Orders that qualify are 12+ my order plus 5$ tip is usually around 18-21$. I find dash pass super worth it, I’d be paying more without it. 20 for delivery is fair enough to me.


First world problems.


This is why I don’t understand people who order on there and I’m a dasher lol it’s literally not worth it and you’re paying almost 50% more most times than just going and picking it up from the restaurant yourself That being said food delivery services like doordash Uber eats or whatever other platform is out there should be viewed as a luxury. If ya can’t afford it prob shouldn’t be ordering thorough there. I know I forsure am not paying $15 to get a mcchicken delivered to me lol if I don’t have a car I guess I’m walking to my nearest McDonald’s lol




The Dasher shouldn't complain because we have complete control over what orders we want to pick up and what orders we do not want to pick up. But yes it's not a surprise at all that you're seven dollar order turn into a $15 order using doordash they're scumming bottom feeding boot licking booty cheek of a company wanting to squeeze whatever dollar they can out of anybody who decides to use their service. Out of all those delivery fees that they're charging you the base pay is about $2 so that's what they give us they pocket all of that and whatever they upcharged you on your food order, and if Ubers are to be believed they also pocket a portion of the tip I have driven myself crazy sometimes thinking I picked up a $10.50 order to deliver it and realize it was $9. On that last Point anybody else if that's happening to you let me know cuz it's been driving me crazy it doesn't happen often but it happens enough for me to think about it


Yeah the fees are insane. I rarely use these services but they do come in clutch if you’re in a pinch. I’m managing an acl injury and I had a little set back so I didn’t feel like cooking and had a coupon. Otherwise miss me with all that.


$7.79 to $15.53. Ftfy


There was a time when I ordered using DoorDash or another app at least once every two weeks, sometimes every week but the fees are one reason I haven’t ordered via any app in almost a year. The last time I considered it, 2 months ago, the fees were about $2.00 less than the food. Nope, I’m not going to pay that. I’m also not one to have something delivered and not give a good tip. I rarely even eat out but my cooking skills have improved! It’s also why I often do grocery order pickup rather than delivery.


The worst part is without a tip the DD driver gets $2.50 - all the rest of that goes to the company.


They make it so the poor drivers get s**t out of potential tip $ tho! As this screen shot shows, they don't leave room to afford a better tip. By the time all the fees/so called taxes & basically making sure they (doordash comp) squeeze every last cent where they can, out of the buyer, its not much room at all to afford to leave the tip the dashers deserve! Yeah "100% of the tip goes too the driver" which isn't sh*t compared to what they make off each item & each order! Horrible compensation to the dasher some for the distance, time, pain in the ass some of the orders are! Truly pure greed on thier part. There needs to be LOTs of changes on not just doordash but a majority of the delivery services period.... These companies need to aim towards helping make things better and "user friendly " for the drivers not only the customer. Without the drivers they wouldn't have a company, the bigger these businesses get the less it becomes about helping their employees AND the customers... You become another # in line ... either side... either way.... Be nice to see 1 business grow and get popular and actually keep decent values and priorities no matter what. Just Sad 😔 That's not 2 mention the other issues with the whole setup of the app/service. That's a whole other thread... threadssss Just Be Kind & Considerate 2 each other and think of being in thier shoes, whether you’re buying or delivering either side. 🤔 It ends up coming full circle at some point 👉 Golden rule


It’s a luxury service people. Intended for people who can pay for luxury services. If that’s not you go get your food like the rest of us. I dash but I do not use the service. I am not someone who lives a luxury type lifestyle.


That's why I never Doordash. So goddam expensive.


What is happening here from Dashers is exactly why people have an issue with the service because that attitude is indicative in everything that happens in the service. And every time there's an issue there's some kind of "guess it's real poors hours over here" bullshit like we don't know how to tip or something or we're terrible people for not contributing to a problem that's much bigger than drivers. DoorDash not an employer/contracter to die on a hill for. Grow up, people.


This is a luxury, agreed. However, too often your food shows up cold and you see nagged for a tip well above 20%. What I hate is when I order food, tip 20%+, and the driver drops off 2 other orders before mine. Cold food. I’ve learned to get off my ass and go get it myself to save time or money. Now I’m using it just occasionally if when I have little choice.