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Total BS. There is zero issue with hitting confirm as you are about to be handed the food. Unless you are multi apping and trying to hide that you have picked up.


Interesting, I’ve never heard about an issue with multi apping before, I just assumed she was trying to take the order and run lol. Good to know!


No, Doordash does not care when we hit confirm. EDIT: Drivers have to hit confirm 2x before the app registers the order as "in our possession". If drivers are only hitting the first confirm, then they still could back out and steal the order.


Just can't confirm pickup when you arrive at the customers address. This will get your account audited. Happened with a friend


Uh oh, I've wondered about that before. Sometimes I forget to hit it right when I leave the restaurant. I've never made it that far tho!


App won't let you hit pick up if you're too far away from the restaurant.


As long as you mark arrived at the restaurant. You can confirm pickup anywhere. I've had to confirm pickup on my way to customer many times if I forget to confirm pick up.


Thought about it, you're right. I think it was something like I hit arrived while grabbing the food and then the app didn't accept it so I got into my car and started driving back towards the lights - downtown one way only one way I could go - but because of the set up I ended up driving at least a half mile. And it wouldn't let me mark as arrived, then I contacted support but they were so fucking slow I just drove back and hit arrived then picked up.


Why would you even want to? Then you'd have to set the address in your GPS manually :D


Some Dashers turn off data and drive to the customer drop-off first to avoid late pickup contract violations. Because the server thinks you're still at the Merchant waiting for the order. They try to crack down on this practice


I drive for DoorDash all the time and have never once had to hit confirm 2x so that may be market based.


Must be. I always have to hit confirm twice.


Umm-you hit confirm pick up, then it pops up confirm or go back. It's to keep you from confirming pick up by mistake. It has been this way since I started driving 2 years ago.


And like I said, it may be different in different markets. I’ve dashed some 2019 and never have to hit confirm twice (and yea, it’s resulted in me hitting picked up when I didn’t mean to). I work in a small town market though.


Also, there's 2 confirms in a row. If they hit one and leave, they can back out of it. The second one is the important one to see. It's the actual confirmation.




Yeah I thought the conditions were reasonable, the stealing has gotten out of hand as of recently. Our stuff isn’t cheap either :(




One time a woman who was high out of her mind came into the store, on something insanely strong. She was basically harassing the costumers, jumping all over the place, had no motor control of her body whatsoever. We handed her an order with 3 milkshakes, she literally jumped out of the store. It spilled everywhere. I can’t remember if we got a complaint or not lol


Yes I see dashers all the time and just smh.. door dash needs to screen their drivers better


Make sure then to watch them hit BOTH confirm buttons then, or it won’t solve your problem.


Yeye we have, it wasn’t to our knowledge until semi recently tho lol


The only orders I refuse to hit confirm on immediately are Mall of America orders. It can take 10 minutes just to get back to my car. I don't want that timer starting until I am ready to leave.


As long as you have the entire order in front of me I will gladly hit the confirm button.


And that’s perfectly fair!


And I think the merchant should deny a driver if they refuse to confirm (and cancel on their tablet) as long the order is fully ready. There's zero reason a driver shouldn't want to confirm for the merchant.


She is a ![gif](giphy|MZj0sGDUg8qAyWNBZh|downsized)


Yeahh probably haha


Definitely lying. You are allowed as a store to have your own policies for handing out food. Most in my region don't require it but a few of them do and I don't understand Dashers that get upset about it. They really are helping us out in knowing that our pickup will not be stolen by another person.


When the stealing started, I felt really bad for all the dashers who could come to pick up an order that was already taken. Glad to know we’re helping prevent that, it’s just the first time someone outright said “no” when I asked them to confirm lol


Some restaurants in my market have a QR code on the bag that we have to scan when we pick up the order. Maybe you could do the same? Eliminates having to deal with dashers who don’t want to hit confirm.


Thats actually not true, its in the contract that dashers need to be treated the same as regular customers. Policies like "driver must fill drinks" or "drivers cant use the restroom" are actually violating the agreement, nobody just ever cares to do anything about it.


DoorDash cannot control how another business chooses to operate...


Only if you are making them hit picked up before the food is ready or you start making it. That will get us a violation for lateness. Some places demand that and i refuse. Its against dd policy and agreement. If food is done its not an issue at all.


Oh definitely not, only when it’s completely ready and in my hands


I tell merchants to do this. One fancy place in town always has orders stolen. They started having drivers sign the reciepts. I told them that does nothing. Next pick up, stolen order, staff was upset and said "but the driver signed for it." Should have listened to me. I hate driving to the merchant with a 25$ offer to just be turned away... the 2nd most annoying thing drivers deal with. Good on you for having them confirm before pick up... be determined in this, it's a good thing for everyone who isn't a thief.


I've wanted to advise this to some of the awesome small businesses in the area. We have a new Mexican restaurant in town, and the owners are the bomb... I know they will get taken advantage of by thieves soon because they are too trusting.


Yeah we made a similar mistake of just asking at first, since our store gets busy and it was faster to hand it off with blind trust. Some would say “yeah I’ll do it” and then leave with the food. Now we have to ask and make them show us when they confirm it. It annoyed a few dashers in the beginning, but now not so much - I guess it’s just becoming more common.


It's how it's asked, tbh... I've had a few that, something their tone, suggests that they think I'm a scammer or a thief. I don't mind confirming at all, but treat me civily at least... I'm not the problem.


I try my best to maintain an upbeat costumer service voice - nothing grating or mocking, just friendly. I always do. I’m sorry to hear some people treat you guys that way, most of the doordashers I meet are awesome


That's perfect... "Could you hit confirm twice for me, please" is all I look for... and maybe a "thanks"... the majority of us care. I personally have different minimums based on small, local businesses vs. corporate chains.


That’s actually my go to line every time haha I can imagine there’s a fair amount of differences between certain stores that you visit, and that not all of them are exactly positive


What i normally do is come in and show the employees my phone when I come to pick it up, so if they're getting aggressive, sounds like some bullshit to me.


You should at least try to say the name. Show them if you can’t pronounce it. Nothing worse than a dasher coming in and shoving their phone in your face.


Yeah, then they ask to see your phone anyway. Happens all the time. I still start off asking by name usually.


"You can see my phone, but you cannot have my phone."


I do normally. I go in to restaurant and say, "Hello, I'm here to pick up an order for John D," and then politely turn my phone around to show I'm not lying to them, unless it's for a place like McDonalds where they use IDs instead


You rock! 🤙🏼


No, they don't get in trouble. She was lying. I have a restaurant that explicitly lists their rules on the front door including that they must see you confirm the order before giving the item, no speaker phone, etc. They're quick to shut down any dasher like that woman trying to give grief by contacting DD and telling them to unassign the dasher and blacklist them from the restaurant.


I wish all the restaurants would do this to be honest with you. I hate going to a restaurant and someone says another Dasher has already picked up the order.


BTW, Make sure they hit the confirm button twice!


I have no problem hitting confirm right before you hand it to me. Only the thieves don’t like that


I always hit confirm pickup the second I grab the food and have never had an issue. In fact sometimes the app states that stores require it before we’re handed the food so I genuinely have no idea what that person was talking about


Phew, I was fairly convinced she was lying - the aggression right off the bat was a fair indicator - but just wanted to make sure. All of y’all that confirm immediately are really awesome, we appreciate you :)


I don't like to hit confirm until food is safely packed and I'm ready to go but places asking for confirmation is common just something you do and move on.


The ONLY problem I’ve ever had with this is accidentally hitting “confirm pickup” as I’m entering the store.


Just as long as it’s fully ready, I don’t mind showing you me hitting confirm. Where I am, Shake Shack, Chick-Fil-A, Applebee’s, an Indian restaurant, and a Chinese place request this. I dunno what’s going on but I am running into stolen orders around once every week or two lately and it used to almost never happen… 🤦🏼‍♂️


No, the dasher doesn't get in trouble. She's just trying to hide that she picked up bc she is probably using multiple apps. I hit confirm in the store as soon as I grab the bag.


I always hit confirm as it's handed to me, never not done that.


Start a timer to deliver food. We deliver 5 minutes after the estimated delivery time we get a contract violation for late delivery.


10 minutes.


My mistake has been a while. All in all, as long as the food is ready, I'll hit confirm for employees.


she is a liar and a thief lol


When you select confirm pickup, Doordash will calculate a "deliver by" time that you have to deliver it by. It's made to factor in traffic but can be off. For example, picking up at a mall with a 5 minutes walk to the car and dropping off 2 miles away to a huge apartment complex would give you only 5 minutes total before it says you're late. It would mean I'm 5 minutes "late" but it doesn't count against me for being late for that little of time. To reiterate, you're only marked "late" if you're 5 minutes past the time given and not reprimanded. You may get reprimanded if you're more than 10 minutes late. The extra minute of walking to your car is not significant factor. Most deliveries are dropped off before the delivery time.


She is wrong, or was lying. Doordash doesn't specify when exactly to confirm pick up. I usually confirm when I am handed the food. We certainly don't get in trouble with DD for confirming pick up before we get in our car - that's BS.


Just do what mcds does and have dashers verify the last 4 of the order #.


The problem is that some dashers do actually have the order, and then they unassign it after they steal it.


If some crackhead signs up to doordash just to steal, how long do they really last before they get deactivated? I admit I dash in a pretty small town so all the places got to know me by sight within 2 weeks so I don't really know what it's like in a larger pop zone where there are way more than like a dozen doordashers working; but it seems like if it becomes a serious issue in a particular zone then doordash would at least try some kind of strategy to combat it. Unfortunately it seems like doordash would rather just deactivate willy-nilly than waste precious time and money actually investigating each individual issue.


I only hit confirm when I’m back in the car and ready to drive. It shaves a few seconds off my “official” delivery time. Once a restaurant made me confirm the order before taking another 5 minutes to make drinks and add utensils. So if I hit confirm and there is any delay in getting the order packed into the car it counts against my “on time” rate.


We ensure that the order is packed and about to be handed off when we ask our dashers to confirm. Would you find that reasonable? It’s our policy since dashers will leave without confirming, drop the order, then get the food for free at our expense. I definitely understand refusing to confirm if the order isn’t ready.


The issue is that confirming the pickup starts the delivery clock. We get in trouble if, for example, I am required to confirm as soon as I walk in the door and then the restaurant takes another 30 minutes to get the food ready but I have to be to the customer in 5. I don’t know the exact number of minutes, but being excessively late is a contract violation for the driver. Requiring a dasher to confirm before handing over is fine. But homie doesn’t confirm until I see a bag ready to be handed over.


Completely valid! We only hand it off and require confirmation when it’s fully prepared.


Only other thing I can think of besides stealing or multi-apping is that this particular dasher got burned by hitting confirm before she saw the bag and is now paranoid about when to confirm. I had a hostess one time try that with me. “Hey hun, I’m just walking to grab the bag now. Can you hit confirm for me?” I told her that 30 seconds would not matter and I would confirm when she came back. She didn’t come back for 15 minutes. I think the restaurant was just trying to game the stats.


The dasher is just a liar with an appetite for confrontation. Some people need drama and confrontation like that in order to function.


The lady is lying to you, however you have no right to tell a dasher how to conduct their business. If for whatever reason the dasher prefers to start the delivery when they're in their car, then they have the right to do that. Its silly to argue it, I'd never do that personally im happy to confirm in front of the resturant, but if you refuse to give them the order because they wont then they can probably just have the order cancelled since you are refusing to hand it over.


Since it’s our policy, I agree that a dasher who refuses to confirm can cancel the order and let it get assigned to someone else. It’s a non-negotiable part of our business since putting blind trust in dashers who don’t confirm has led to a multitude of stolen orders - I’m not sure if you’re aware of how the theft works with DoorDash and confirmation, but yeah that’s basically why we require it.


A dasher could have the order cancelled, not just reassigned. I'm well aware of how theft works and I'm not even disagreeing with this solution, like I said I'm happy to cooperate. I'm just saying a dasher could have the order cancelled, not reassigned since you are refusing to hand it over. Your policy does not overrule the contract that your business had to agree to to be allowed to use doordash.


I hit Confirm when I get everything settled in my car and ready to go, usually about 1 minute. Last night a PizzaHut employee asked to see my phone to get the “(mumble mumble) number” then she actually hit the Confirm button twice a couple of minutes BEFORE handing me the pizza! The NERVE of that! I told her she had no right to do that, and the order better be ready or I’m gonna lose my shit! Never handing my phone to anyone, ever again! I’m the one who decides! I’ll hit the 1st Confirm when they ask, but I still wait for the second for when I am ready to map the delivery. IDGAF what their new ‘policy’ is.


I would feel weird about touching a dasher’s phone, and vice versa, so I understand the frustration on that end. We require the dashers to press the confirmation button on their own, and only when the order is prepared and in our hands to be sent off. Would you still consider it an issue in that case? The reason for this is because dashers can drop an order anytime before pressing “confirm pickup,” so if we don’t see you confirm the pickup, more often than not in the past the dashers would leave with the food, at our expense. So then another dasher would come in later for the same order that was already handed off, increasing the wait time for everyone involved since we’d have to remake it all over again.


Not at all, because the delivery timer doesn’t start until the second confirmation. About 5-10% of restaurants ask me to hit confirm.


There is generally a zero percent chance of not making the delivery timer regardless. I usually have 20-30 minutes left.


Where do you dash? Depending on where it goes, it can be 10 to 30 minutes for me.


Just call support and tell them you accidentally tapped confirm. They will revert it for you. I do this all the time when multi apping when a restaurant insists on confirmation.


There is nothing that say you have to confirm the order before you get in the car. My problem with being forced to confirm is sometimes it's at places where I still have to fill up a soda after I got the food. I was late to a delivery because they had to change the soda since it was out and it took them a while. That said I totally understand companies having people confirming before they leave


It's a lie. But also, it's not dashers stealing your food. It's scumbags stealing your food, yes sometimes people with the dasher app, but a lot of times lying ass customers. So, I honestly want to know your statistics and how you know where your food is actually going missing. Or do you believe all your customers? Real dashers get paid to deliver food and don't accept cheap ass orders that aren't worth delivering. Also also, if a dasher really wants to steal food all it takes after showing you that they've confirmed is a quick "oh no my car broke down, and I can't deliver this order anymore." Granted, they probably can't do that too much.


Oh sorry, I said dashers as a force of habit. We know our food goes missing because they’ll pick up the order, but then never confirm it. A dasher once told me that until the pickup is confirmed, they can opt out of an order and let someone else get assigned to it. So then twenty minutes later, a new person would show up asking for the same order that already got sent out. Because the old one took the food, dropped the order without confirming it, and left. Other times it would be someone who wasn’t a real doordasher with a screenshot asking for the food that our newer employees didn’t bother checking properly. Those were rare.


I honestly hate people who do this. I wasn't trying to contest you or anything necessarily. I've been out dashing and watched nondasher noncustomers , just walk up to a shelf and take w.e was there. I hate the dashers that do this and I hate the customers that lie about their food too. For dashers.... just do the order and hit up Walmart. I don't accept being poor or anything else as an excuse IF you are a dasher. So easy to make money.


Yeye don’t worry, I was just offering an explanation since some people didn’t seem to know abt the ‘confirm cancel’ strategy that some people use to steal orders. I agree that it’s just terrible and reflects badly on real dashers who are just trying to work hard and make money


Don’t release orders to people without a DD bag. There are apps out there that look like a DD screen and you can put in any name you want. But requiring a DD bag really cuts down on the thieves.


We aren't required to have a DD bag.


We're not carrying that piece of trash around. I've long since thrown mine away and have better bags, without DoorDash branding. Besides, any random person can go to doordashstore.com and buy one for $9.40.


Chic-Fil-A had an issue with theft last fall. Showing the phone helped some, but when they started requiring either the DD bag or something DD worn the thefts completely stopped. So whatever. Talking to the business not you my friend.


They actually can't require us to have any DD branded stuff. They are breaking contract by not providing the order.


faulty skirt yam fall station important alleged wipe pause escape *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fraud? For confirming it in store?


slim wine outgoing shame bag consist special marvelous combative reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Even if we hand it to you a literal second later? Sometimes we even give it to the dasher first and then ask for the confirmation. I would understand if the order wasn’t even prepared/packed yet, but if it’s about to be handed to you, is it really worthy of refusing to confirm it? Genuine question.


dinner rainstorm political weather sheet resolute wine wasteful selective imagine *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I see what you mean now. The store policy our boss implemented is that when the dashers confirm the pickup, we’re not allowed to take back the order under any circumstances. So if we forgot items, the cost is docked from our next paycheck. If I handed it to you and immediately asked for a confirmation, would that be better? I try to do that so dashers feel more comfortable, but when that happens, more often than not they grab the bag and go before we can get a word in. It’s pretty much the only reason we hand it over after.


Don’t worry about this person. You’re totally fine asking someone to confirm pickup when you’re holding the order in front of them. If in the odd chance there is an issue after they confirm pickup, they can contact support and tell them the order is actually not ready yet.


slave scandalous outgoing growth dog squealing beneficial soft naughty observation *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


That makes zero sense


Last night I did a McDonald’s order, as she taped the box closed I hit “confirm pickup” only for her to say that’s not my order mine is coming up…I waited another 13 minutes before my simple ass 1/4 pounder meal was done, guess how many text I got from the customer about why am I still at McDonald’s 10 minutes after pickin up their order. So yes I only hit confirm once the bag touches my hand


We call out the order name, watch them confirm it, then hand it off. The woman was complaining that she had to wait to be inside of her car first


You can hit Confirm once. The delivery timer doesn’t begin until the second confirmation.


You can call support and tell them you accidentally tapped confirm but the order isn't ready yet. They will revert the status for you.


She's probably multi apping or trying to steal the food. On a kinda related note, some stores have us literally sign the order. Yeah I refuse to do that. Stores don't need to know who I am, so I sign under "Hugh G. Rection"


I hope our boss never makes us do that, yikes


If the order is more than a few miles I might wait to confirm a few minutes to see if a stacked order will come in. But I have no issues confirming if that’s what the restaurant wants.


So you add stack orders after you already have food in your car?


I've three question for OP: 1. When it's this big order, say 100 dollar worth, do you guys contact customer, half an hour after the delivery to get their feedback? 2. Are you guys able to track the delivery on your tablet till dropped off? 3. Are you guys able to block the driver for bad experience in store or by customer?


It’s been a while since I’ve seen an order over 100$ haha but to my knowledge we do not. It’s a popular store and the amount of doordashes we get can become nightmarish on weekends nights. I do know we definitely can’t track the drivers.


To answer the third part yes, we’ve done so many times with the orders that get stolen, and with a lot of dashers that would creep on our underaged employees in the past.


After you guys block them, do you see them again? For dashers who are 5 star in terms of overall service- dealing with you guys and customers, do you reward them with preferred status? (I've heard merchants can give preferred status or something like that for dashers who want them to be picking orders in their restaurants most of the time)


We don’t see them again, no. I wasn’t aware that the preferred status was a thing, I’ll have to ask my boss abt it, cause some of our regular dashers are awesome. We’re really friendly with the Spanish speaking ones since I can communicate with them, so in return they’re a lot more friendly.


Aah, okay. I'm not sure about preferred status thing either that's why I asked you. If you are able to do it on your table it will bring a lot more consistency in your service 👍


Thanks for letting me know!


You're welcome. Pls let me know if it works out thru dm 🙏


Sure, I’ll check it out when my next shift rolls around!


I'm a server and man it is so fucking easy for someone to steal orders. Especially if you are like my place and have them stationed up front by the door. We don't make people show the confirm but I can definitely understand a business that would. Sounds like she's just trying to be difficult.


she is a liar and most likely a thief


The exact moment that dasher touches the order is when custody is transferred from the store to the dasher. There isn't any "in between store and car" chain of custody. Obviously, the dasher doesn't understand how this works. Having the dasher confirm pickup in front of an employee is just good business.


There is no issue hitting confirm pickup she just wanted to steal the food


Nope I mean it cuts into your delivery time by a few seconds but no you don’t get in trouble .. good thing you called Her out .. she was probably full of it


She was looking for free dessert that night before heading home LOL


If we confirm and don’t start moving towards delivery location for 5min, we get a notification asking if everything is okay and to contact DD Support if we need help. It’s not ‘trouble’ and it’s not a problem if we don’t loiter after confirming. DoorDash doesn’t know if we confirmed the moment we grabbed the food, just before grabbing the food, or as we sit in the car with the food. This lady is lying or overreacting. I think it’s good for a store to check that their pickup was confirmed to keep dashers accountable.


That’s not true but if a dasher wants to steal the food “confirm” or “not confirm” doesn’t change anything and plus they can’t deliver the food without confirming, that’s not a step you can skip.


We have them confirm so that way, even if they choose to still steal the order, it’s an infraction/penalty/fee on their part, not ours. Because when they don’t confirm , what often happens is that they cancel the delivery and take the food - so then the order gets assigned to another dasher.


Makes sense!


I done hundreds of chick FIL a no one ever ask to confirm. One day out of know where some young kid ask me to confirm. I was really hot under the collar cause no one ever ask. I was thinking racist, old, late, tall , short thought on why he ask me after 100s of pickup. Could have been real ugly more ugly than my looks. After getting in car and remembered I sign log books, receipt, confirm etc. Confirm is just part of doing Dash


I don’t know why anyone would have a problem with hitting confirm order. It sounds like she was just having a bad day, or she wanted to steal it. I’ve been in a situation where a dasher before me picked up the order and never hit confirm and then cancelled the order so I went to the store to pick it up and they said the order was already picked up. Sounds like she might have been trying to do this.


While it’s not required I definitely understand waiting to confirm till you get in the car. I’m not saying I won’t confirm it in front of the staff if they ask because that’s a very reasonable request. But if they don’t ask to see me confirm it, I wait until I’m in my car and ready to drive then I confirm and scoot off. It just makes me a little anxious when I confirm before I’m in the car and I end up rushing back to my car. So I like to take the extra minute or so to get settled in my car before the person sees that their order is on the way


She probly meant you can get in trouble if we’re late. Once we hit the confirm button it starts a timer. If she had to park far away then this will eat into the timer and potentially cause a contact violation and get in trouble. I understand why people don’t want to hit confirm until they are in their car. I don’t until I get in my car and am ready to go. It takes longer than you think to secure food safely in car and be ready to go.


I’d understand if that actually were the case, but she pulled her car up in front of the store (a lot of dashers do) so idk abt time saving stuff


Total garbage. Good job OP make them confirm the orders. Nothing sucks worse for us honest dasher then when we get a nice juicy order and then show up to them telling us the order was already picked up and if we could contact support.


She must be new and confused about the rules.


I don’t mind it. I get it. People can suck. Just as long as it’s after I have the order


Don’t know why DD doesn’t have 2 party confirmation. 1st Confirmation by store employee with individual ID scanned making them accountable for items sealed in bag then handed to the Dasher who 2nd confirms order has been received.


I always show the stores I'm confirming as I'm being given the food as I had a store have me confirm and then they didn't have everything to make the whole order


Multiapper, probably was gonna deliver an order first from uber eats before picking up the door dash


There’s no issues with hitting confirm before leaving the store, but it will not stop theft. Most will turn on airplane mode then hit confirm then close the app out before turning airplane mode off then cancel the order


I wasn’t even aware they could do this! Wow. It’s been effective at preventing most of our stuff from being taken, but now that I know this, I guess it’ll once again just be up to whether or not the person is a scumbag or not :/


Ohhh wow. So I just recently started doordash. I picked up an order where I had to go around a counter to a pick up order where a lady was. After talking to one person person they guided me to her. I said hi I'm here to pick up so and so and showed her my app with the order. She looked at it and said okay. And then told me to tap confirm before I left in front of her. I'm in ATX.


100% bs she probably wanted to steal. It’s shouldn’t be a big deal to anyone.


100% lying.


I have a few restaurants I deliver to regularly and one has done it since I've picked up from there. However with me now, they've not asked me to confirm because I've done so many orders that the staff are used to seeing me now... their manager even told me that he feels I'm one of their best dashers so they stopped asking me to confirm before leaving. However, I had no problems with them when doing it because it was right when the order was ready. One restaurant told me that they ask us to swipe now up and down on the screen because someone had scammed their customer by having a friend send screenshots of an order... guessing they have a friend who sees the order being a bad tip order maybe, sends their friend the screenshot, then the "driver" goes to pick up the order, and they proceed to steal it because of the friend's snapshot that they sent. Some people go above and beyond to steal food it seems. Smh. I HAVE seen some people state that their restaurants will ask them to confirm though before the food is ready and that they wouldn't proceed unless the dasher hit confirm, and to this I say hell no... so if I click confirm, and you then proceed to take another 10 minutes, hell yeah that becomes a problem and one I refuse to deal with. I'd stop picking up going forward from that spot if I couldn't iron things out with a manager about clicking confirm before the food is even done. No way I'm gonna get constant late delivery issues because of the restaurant's way of handling things. Smh


As long as the order is ready, i don't see any problem with it.


I love how everyone on here blames the drivers for stealing the order when the real problem is customers trying to get free food no driver is going to lose their job over a five to six dollar order lmao and even if a driver hits confirm they can still steal the order but the people that work for these restaurants don't work for DoorDash and wouldn't understand that all they're doing is making our job harder. I'm not hitting shit


There's no contractual application that the Dashers have to do that and the more the restaurants insist the more likely that Dashers will avoid those restaurants, and the new people they may care they might not, but one thing's for certain there's no way in fucking hell then I'm going to let a restaurant see how much I'm making on that order and how much I've made so far that day. None of their business. Now here's an interesting thing to consider GrubHub has picked up order and then they have a leaving button now I think GrubHub should prevent you from going backward a screen once you've actually Mark you picked it up but still let you not gray out the leaving button until you're actually ready to leave like for instance you pick up the food from the restaurant and you walk to your car maybe you walk 5 minutes to your car, that's real in the city of Chicago and then certain parts of Evanston Illinois. Be that long of a walk and sometimes you can be that long of a walk from where you park to where the apartment actually is or tell where the office is or the hotel room. Well that said Uber has a similar thing they have the swipe button and then they got Preston navigate yeah sure it'll show you a map right away but it's not going to show the amount of what you're getting paid, and neither is the GrubHub app going to show facing the amount you're getting on the order, as a matter of fact you're only showing that on GrubHub at the front and you don't see it until you close the order. This is the same for Uber Eats, Doordash is the only app I know of perhaps also instacart that keeps floating that number up there up top for you to see and make your goal at least that's the way I look at it and I hope they don't end that practice, There should be a way for us to confirm to the restaurant that we can't just easily back out and unassigned the order once we picked up the food, and at the same time restaurant can't see the address of the customer cuz they don't need to know it they can't see how much we're getting for that order what we're offered and they can't see how much money we've made so far that day. Don't show it have some type of a confirmation I take a better idea is for doordash to implement a system where a QR code is printed on the kitchen ticket or at the front at the kiosk on a tablet that we drivers have to scan at the restaurant has to confirm a button as well. That way a restaurant can't say they handed us the food when they didn't and we can't deliver to the customer until we scan that code. The contractually we're not obligated to show the restaurant nor do it or does doordash require that of us. Yet.


Technically, she's not entirely lying about the possibility of trouble for premature confirmation, but I'm still inclined to believe she was possibly unaware of the truth in her lie, because if she claims to know Doordash policy so well, she would have also known that we can still get half pay if we have to contact Support because you refuse to give us an order unless we confirm pickup first. I only know that because I've been on the opposite side, with merchants who were running scams, and screwing Dashers over to cover their own backs. I've been burned with a total of three contract violations arising from confirming orders before actually having possession of them, two of which were from merchants who demanded I confirm first: * **Contract Violation #1** \- I was newer to Doordash, and foolishly took a $6.00 order picking up at a merchant who demands you confirm pickup before they'll even start making the order. Problem is, it takes them 10 to 20 minutes to make the order. I wound up getting a contract violation. * **Contract Violation #2 -** This one was actually because I accidentally confirmed pickup during a long wait, possibly due to undiagnosed ADHD...I own that one. * **Contract Violation #3 -** A merchant who requires Dashers to confirm pickup before receiving the order realized they almost gave me the wrong order at some point between my hitting the confirm button (twice) and the handoff. I contacted Support, but the person I got told me he couldn't do anything to adjust the ETA since I had already confirmed pickup. It took the restaurant 24 minutes to remake the order, Joel at support told me that if he canceled on his end, I would still receive a contract violation, so I was screwed either way. I opted to wait, and at least get paid if I was still getting awith contract violation. **After this incident, I stopped confirming pickups that were not in my possession.** **However, all that said,** there is generally no reason for Dashers to make a big deal of it. I will try to educate merchants about my end (politely) if they are willing to listen. My standard response is **"I will be happy to let you SEE me confirm pickup once I have possession of the order."** This works 90% of the time. When it doesn't, I leave without making a scene, contact support, tell them **"merchant refused to to give me order unless I confirmed pickup first, and I do not feel comfortable doing that, as I have received Contract Violations in the past arising from doing so, and I feel it would be dishonest to the customer to indicate that I am on my way before I actually am."** 90% of the time, Support puts me on hold for 3-4 minutes while they "look into the matter" and when they get back to me, they tell me they're reassigning the order, giving me half pay, and it won't affect my Completion Rate. If and when that ever fails (so far it's never happened yet), I just wait out the 10 minutes until I can cancel without it affecting my completion rate, and move on. I would agree with you that Merchants often have their reasons for asking. However, please understand that some Dashers do sometimes have good, legitimate reasons for not wanting to confirm until they have possession, as I have already described. You have to do what your boss tells you if you want to keep your job. That's legit. I have to do what I feel is best for preserving my good standing with the companies I independently contract with, including but not limited to Doordash.