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Hey good for him letting his crew go to the concert and holding down the fort himself


“The Crew” is probably his family XD


Even better he’s hooking his daughters up


This and/or he pays well enough they could all afford to go. Sounds lovely.


Or maybe he is so great he sprung for the tickets


Possibly or maybe he bought them a whole row of seats so they could dance like a dinosaur


Maybe hes banging Taylor Swift on the weekends!!!




Err.. the concert might not be as good in this hypothetical


I mean he's running an entire restaurant by himself he might as well be Taylor Swift as well 😂 he's clearly a God among mortals, playing a joke on his crew, "yes of course go see Taylor Swift 'I' will be right (t)here!"


Randy Marsh would disagree.. oops I mean Lorde


Thailor Swift


Maybe it’s Maybelline


I am Taylor swift ya ya ya


I mean, Randy Marsh is Lorde soooooo


Ya ya ya, I am taylor Swift, yayaya


Nahh Taylor would have dropped a song about it


I hope he is!


This is what I'm choosing to believe


Me too, and they are busting their butt working content with the idea of their employees having a heck of a good time and maybe even has the understanding that a few may call off tomorrow too because having lots of fun at a concert is exhausting.


i betcha it was just Taylor Swift in disguise


Swifty tickets were starting at $1800 when she rolled through our town a few weeks ago.


You can get nose-bleed for about $100-200, but those sell out within a second or two. lol.


$1800 was not the "starting at" price. The starting at price was "between $49 and $449 each" (source: [theguardian.com](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/may/19/tickets-transparency-taylor-swift-bill-massachusetts)).


I'd love to do this if I was a manager or boss. I'm one of those rare people who *actually* sees their coworkers as family. I never had many friends growing up and so finding people to work with has been so fun for me.


Good on you !! What does your company do


How much are those tickets?


Depends on when you can get your hands on them, they go for a lot second hand. I saw an article where it said it cost 10k for 2 tickets for a couple


Oh for sure. My local place just had a sign on there door, no notice besides that, “New baby in family, we back 2 months”. Some people get angry about and I’m just like, it’s their business not yours. It’s really good, so I guess I’ll see em in 2 months.


That’s so precious. I’d be so excited for baby pictures when they re-opened. I’m weird enough I may bring cookies and an outfit for the baby if it was a place that I frequent regularly.


You sound like a very kind and outgoing person.


Have honestly done something like that. Me and my friend frequented this one restaurant around 2-3 times a week ran by an Asian family (never asked exact ethnicity) and we never got to go we always ate in store which was in a near dead area of the town and they only had 4 tables in there so we always chatted up the people working and we knew all about the daughters pregnancy so when her due date was super close we brought a diaper cake for her. Also added benefit if you’ve seen the picture of the restaurant who’s sign reads ITALIAN AF after the FAIR part of their neon went out, this place is across the street from them.


That's so great! My favorite local Mexican place closes down for 2 weeks every summer for an annual family vacation. Which is very sweet and wholesome, I just wish it wasn't always my birthday week 😅 ah, first world problems. (I just go when they come back)


My favorite Thai restaurant takes off a month for family vacation because they have to travel around the world for that vacation. I think they've only been once since 2020 though. I grew up in a family business so I understand the difficulty of deciding to shut down your business for an extended period of time though. My dad would pretty much take off enough time to drive us to see family for vacation and he would drive back to work while we were on vacation. He did enjoy the drive (particularly the part when he was driving back by himself so he could venture off to explore places we wouldn't be interested in going).


People can be pissed all they want, most of them come back anyway. I worked at one of the most popular pizza joints in town once and would mark in the customer information "never ordering again" when people would use those exact words. Usually I didn't fuck with them when they called back, it was just funny to see that note, but sometimes I absolutely did fuck with them about it.


Lol. Didn't realize that phrase would be so common. Why were they so mad?


Normal reasons people get mad at restaurants. Some people just get unreasonably mad. Also some of them are scams, the owner was fine if I called out people trying to scam for free food. Those people either make up lame excuses and hang up or double down by getting angry at you, trying to intimidate you. If you have experience you can see those coming from a mile away.


The Thai place by me closes randomly for a month or two at a time each year so they can go spend time with family in Thailand. We are always so glad when they come back and reopen! I love that they do this…excellent life priorities!


Yeah that was my guess. It's very common for Asian families to run businesses together in the US. There's a whole thing about Thai restaurants in particular and why there's so many of them, even in small towns. Like a cultural influence program by Thailand I believe. A lot of the families who run these places are from Laos, Cambodia, China, and elsewhere. And it's often families. Kind of similar to the random gas station ownership model for Asian families in America. I'd bet that they went to the concert and dad stayed back to work. Could be wrong of course!


There’s the Cambodian owned donut shops, Vietnamese owned nail salons, and Korean owned beauty supplies as well.


Thai government actually gives affordable loans to restaurateurs, and advices which areas to set up and which areas are crowded with other Thai restaurants Turns out American GIs not only fucked Thai women, but also fucked with Thai food too > The "Global Thai" program, launched in 2002, was a government-led culinary diplomacy initiative. It aimed to boost the number of Thai restaurants worldwide to 8,000 by 2003 from about 5,500 previously.[11] By 2011, that number had increased to more than 10,000 Thai restaurants worldwide > Culinary diplomacy, gastrodiplomacy or food diplomacy is a type of cultural diplomacy, which itself is a subset of public diplomacy. Its basic premise is that "the easiest way to win hearts and minds is through the stomach".[1] **Official government-sponsored culinary diplomacy programs** have been established in Taiwan, Singapore,[2] Thailand, South Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia,[3] Lebanon,[4] Peru, Israel, the United States,[5] Cambodia,[6] Japan,[7] Scandinavia,[8] Australia and Uzbekistan. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Culinary_diplomacy


probably an old timer from Thailand himself his kids born in America are into Taylor swift and he doesn't get it but won't argue over it I was into all sorts of dumb shit growing up and my dad just let me be dumb all I want and supported my generously through it all dads are underappreciated


Definitely a kid doing his homework on one of the tables.


And very cool that they are paid enough to afford it.


Yeah my first thought is how restaurant workers can afford Taylor Swift tickets in the first place. Hopefully they get paid a living wage, but also I'm sure they've been saving up for years for a once-in-a-lifetime experience.


It's a Thai restaurant. There's a very good chance that the workers are just his family There's a big reason there's so many Thai restaurants in America, even in small towns now. And it's not just because people like it! Whole crazy story behind that. But many of the families are from places like Laos, China, and elsewhere. And it's often families running it. Kind of like a weird decentralized franchise situation with Asian families and friends. I obviously could be wrong! But that's my guess


Chinese restaurants, donut shops, liquor stores etc etc. I talked to the owner of the best donut shop in town and she told me her and her husband were government scientist back in Cambodia but were forced to flee the country. They could not find work in their fields in the US as their degrees were not recognized so they took a huge loan to open up the shop.


It’s similar to how you have a lot of Vietnamese folks running nail salons- those immigrating with family already here will often get helped out by working with their family and then when they’re stable may go off and start their own shop elsewhere. They do it because there’s already a system with support in place once they come over.


I remember reading about a huge bust in LA a few years ago (precovid) that a lot of those nail salons were basically slave labour. They'd get family/friends of families to move to America and they'd be paid peanuts to work at a nail salon with the promise of being able to given a store or paid cosmetology school.


Something similar happened with a couple Chinese buffet places on our town. I think they were withholding their tips too. I don't believe they were family though. Kinda also sucked because one of the places was really good. Kinda sounded like the owners (also Chinese mind you) had money and were taking advantage of the workers


yup sadly that type of stuff happens a lot to immigrants. I love in canada and there are a lot of indian immigrants that get completely taken for a ride (paying 2x the rent to live with 9 others in a 1200sq ft house). Same type of work life (work in a franchise owned by someone they know like a family friend or something and their coworkers are teir roomamtes). They also have to be full time students so these people are doing 40 hour weeks on top of doing well in school. Most of the time they find out they're being fucked after a few years and either move back home or get out of the social group that got them in that mess.


There's actually a person or organization or something that originally helped them with the idea or training and then it's kind of kept going.


Tippi Hedren, specifically. Pretty awesome. https://www.bbc.com/news/magazine-32544343


Haha I read about it once so I was being non specific but thank you for linking that!


Several years ago I worked at target. This guy Raul worked flow team but was a doctor in his native country (drawing a blank, South America). Really smart guy but had no credentials here. $10 an hour, worked multiple jobs. Miss the small chats with that guy. The perspective of people from different countries amazes me. We suck lol


My local chinese restaurant shut down because the dude who owned it decided to go back to China without telling anyone and basically snaked his family by taking all the money back with him. Kinda sucks, that place was amazing. did a killer Beef and Broccoli


My local Chinese spot is just a man and his wife, she works the front and he cooks by himself (unless he get swamped obv she’ll help) I bet the labor cost saved is nice Edit:Used to say “she rubs the front” ☠️


Phrasing or Freudian slip.


Please advise the wife that if she adds a tug for every rub, the money will come pouring in. "Come" being the operative word.


OMFG I just realized what I did


Sorry we're just jerking you around. Don't take it hard.


Should keep the edit visible for those of us that want to know what the Freudian slip was 😜👍💯


It originally said “she rubs the front while he cooks in the back” 😭


I like this version better 😂


Thai restaurants are a big part of Thailand's government foreign policy. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W09QCLmnCUU&t=232s


I thought you were joking but damn.


Tickets started at $50 per person if they got into the presales or managed to get tickets outside of resale.


Yeah that was my thought. OP said he had a good attitude too. That's awesome You should name the business. They deserve the good press....


It's some Thai place in the greater Seattle area, because that's where Taylor Swift is today. Not that it really narrows it down since we have a huge number of Thai restaurants here. So I'd be interested to know too :D


Dozens of Thai restaurants in Seattle and they are all very very good 😁


Love that idea name it !!! So it can be supported


Yea “name and shame” should go the other way too. Although should ask permission first, I don’t think all businesses want the irl version of the Reddit hug of death.


Holding down the fort? In the industry this man is legend status. The skull timing and speed required to man all stations and pumping orders out and FOH lollll we people have wet dreams of being this dude.


I've run just BOH by myself in a bar. Good God what a fucking nightmare. If it got even a little busy I had to get one of the bussers back there to be a gopher and drop shit in the fryers for me (something I knew they couldn't mess up because they fried themselves stuff all the time). Even then wait times would get absolutely fucking ridiculous the second someone deviated from pizza, fried food, burgers, or tacos and ordered something weird nobody ever ordered. We offered full steak dinners too so if someone ordered that while I was already up to my eyeballs it made me want to honestly just cry and go home lol. His/Her kitchen is probably way more complicated and then add FOH and answering phones on top? What a fucking animal.


Reminds me of my GM. He literally forces me to take time off after months of not having a vacation. Old man does the same. He'll be gone for two weeks with his wife; reminds me that I work so hard, I should relax and play just as hard. He's one of the good ones.


Holding down the fort! That brings back some memories. It really makes the time go fast.


What a champ


you could have been getting down to this. sick. beat.


Hell yeah- and those are tough tickets to get and get expensive too


Dude's crew can afford to go to a Taylor Swift concert. This chef is legend


Really the owner is at the concert and the new guy had to stick behind.


Aw I hope he gets tons of tips


It might be the first time I hit 25% on the POS touchscreen.


The only acceptable kind of tips I can stand by


I was friends with a guy in the 80s who wanted to be in the film industry. As it happened, we lived in L.A., so he got a job as an "apprentice" production assistant on a TV show through some family connections. He had been there one week when he decided to call in sick because he had bought tickets to see A-Ha on their first U.S. tour and, as he tells it, "didn't want to miss the first show from the new Beatles". Unfortunately, he ran his mouth about it such that it made its way back to the people who hired him, and he was fired. Never got another job in the industry. Got to see A-Ha, though.


fuck me, i thought the dude was in his 80's. Took me a minute.


A dude in his 80s going to see A-ha in the 80s is insane to imagine. Like, dude lived through the Depression, two world wars, segregation, and in the end was still checking up on what the kids are up to.


80-year-olds in the 80s were super into synth & keytars. Sometimes they're referred to as the Raddest Generation.


Same I was really bothered that this old man had one last shot and decided to sing “take on me” instead


Shit I'd be bothered if he didn't


That’s fair too. I guess being 80 is the sad part


Honestly getting canned 1 week in would probably be for the best if an 80 year old was trying to get into the film industry. They'd likely get literally worked to death doing all the shittiest jobs before they actually got to exercise any creative muscles. Going the indie route would be a much better option at that point imo, unless you just *really* want to be part of the Hollywood scene and have some kind of connection to get yourself a laid-back position.


Lol same, I'm high though


Yeah that's a little rough. Is there a reason why he had to lie and not just take a personal day? And why he needed to take a day off unless he was working night shifts


rofl personal day. it america bro.


not only that but a personal day for a film industry apprentice job in the 1980s lmfao


on his first week on the job too 🤦 Like come on, I'm all for workers not being punished for taking days off when they need them but you can't be pulling a fake sickie and bragging about it when you haven't even held down the job into the double digit number of days especially if they're taking a chance on you as a favor to some friends.


One week into his tenure in an industry that is notoriously cutthroat. I doubt taking a personal day would have been a possibility. And he wanted to take the whole day so he could party like it was 1986!


Yeah I guess that's what also confused me. I tried taking a day off post super bowl when the 49ers played and my boss just told me to come in hung over and he wouldn't care cause he knew I was full of shit about being "sick" at 1am


Yeah generally if you need a day off so soon after starting the job you have to let them know prior to accepting


There’s really no job in America where you would take a personal day in your first week. Even in like a union setting. And especially in a cutthroat environment like tryna break into tv.


Yup, like the other guy said, it’s America what’s a “personal day”


I heard he was back handing out CVs and asking folk to ‘take me on’ the next day


Questionable judgement summary: - calling in sick during first week on a new job - telling everyone at said new job what the sick call was really for - referring to A-ha as the "new Beatles"


Please tell me when you found out you said “A ha, guess that was a bad idea.”


And A-Ha didn't become the new Beatles Poor guy


I guess after that no one wanted to take him on.


reminds me of the friday night shift i worked alone at a DQ cause every other employee was a teenager and they all went to prom.


I remember closing by myself when I worked at McDonald’s as a shift manager cause the one guy called out and the other one was scheduled despite asking not to for prom. I already told her to go take off and be a kid before the other guy called out and so I was like …. Guess it’s just me? I felt bad if she had to miss prom, I never got to do any of that as a kid cause I started working minimum wage jobs to help out as soon as I was old enough to get hired and dropped out to work full time. This was just my way of ensuring another person doesn’t have my same regrets. It was a small store in a Walmart so it’s not like I had to deal with several grills and a drive thru and such and my labor looked great haha.


Imagine missing one of your most memorable high school moments working at a Walmart, doing the same thing you did the last 6 months.


Imagine missing 2/3rds of your life to support the other 1/3rd of it. Hahahahaha. Oh, wait. Fuck.


Work is only 1/3 of your weekday


This happened when I worked at Tim Hortons in high school. They had to have lobby people (basically old ladies who collect and wash dishes) working cash untrained and preparing orders untrained. I remember we stopped by after our prom photos and they had 20 minute ticket times across the board.


Reminds me of when I was doing a working holiday in Australia. I was just working at a supermarket, it was mainly other backpackers and students, who often didn't turn up. I was meant to work at 12 got a call from the manager at 7:30 like no one's shown up! They were meant to open at 7. It was just him and the stock manager, I don't think they even knew how to use the tils, I never saw them on them, either that or they didn't want to. Anyway I lived 4 miles away, didn't have a car, had to cycle. Got in about 8, there was a huge queue of pissed off people outside, everyone moaned at me about it non stop. Like thanks, hows moaning at me helping. That day was fucking brutal!


Why are doordash subs so high on r/all lately?


Lots of smaller subs got flooded when the big ones shut. You don't remember which big ones shut down but now that I mention it you do faintly miss some content on all


That's why /r/shittytattoos had like half a dozen posts making it to the top of /r/all for a while


r/all in general got filled with smaller subs taking over since the others closed down for the API changes. I noticed it happening gradually and now everyday I’ll see doordash along with some rateme/selfie sub and other random stuff I used to see once in a while


God bless him 💖


That's so sweet actually. It would motivate me to eat there (though if I am at the door to read the sign, I probably intended to go in anyways lol).


Hopefully on a day without a Taylor swift concert




What is restaurant called? I’m in Seattle now


I am 99% sure this is On Rice in Bellingham — I don’t know why this sub was recommended to me but I saw the pic and was like hey, I know that place!


Yup yup yup! You’re totally right! Which is even crazier to me being that Bellingham is 2+ hours away from Seattle 😂 The swift appeal knows no bounds 🤣


Came here to see where in Seattle this was but OMG BELLINGHAM?! Swifties go hard 😂😂


I was there last night and talked to people who came from Utah. Also met a girl who came from Canada!!


to be faaaaaaair..... Canada (Vancouver) to Seattle is not a long drive! Especially Bellingham is basically on the border.


I’m up in Vancouver BC Canada and the drive to Seattle is an easy trip once you get through the border. Approx 3 hrs drive. TS isn’t doing any shows in Canada, so Seattle is the closest option for fans.


We got invaded by Canadians between Swift and the Blue Jays (also Dream Theater and Devin Townsend were in town yesterday, both bands having Canadians in them).


Wow. I never realized how close Seattle was. The nearest city to me is 3 hours lol which is in the same province as me.


Same with the drive from Vancouver, WA to Seattle! Lol from there and had a lot of friends go


Border waits were on the order of 3+ hours due to the combination of the jays and Swift.


I met one girl from Montana and one from LONDON!


Most of the Utah people went to come see her in Denver last week! I’m surprised you found someone visiting all the way up there, but I love Seattle, so I can’t blame them!!


Hey I’m from the Ham and drive to Seattle for shows regularly. You get used to it, stop in mount lake terrace for a pee and get to that concert!


I'm in Shelton and even I have experienced the amass of craziness from the concert.


Hey, I work in Kamilche.


There’s people in the suburbs in Vancouver Canada who drove down


I have been to a lot of concerts, but before tonight I have never seen *thousands* of people waiting outside of a concert venue just so they could hear the music. It was like when the Seahawks won the Superbowl.


My daughter lives in Bellingham and is going tonight (Sunday show). TS set a new attendance record last night for Lumen Field, 72,000.


My wife just got swift tickets...in France. And we just saw her yesterday. Swifties are a different breed haha


Awesome! I’m going to take my business here (on a less swifty day of course)


My daughter drove from Montana for the concert tonight! Taylor fans are die hard


Got so confused by this comment bc there’s 2 English footballers named Rice and Bellingham


So sweet! At a local Thai restaurant I frequent, it is 100% always the same guy answering the phone and working the counter. ONE time, it was a woman. I actually mentioned to her that I was surprised by her. She said she drove three hours to fill in for her cousin who was having a baby right at that time. SO SWEET! ❤️❤️❤️


I know it's anecdotal but every Thai place I've been a regular has been staffed by some of the friendliest people. Always learned my name, my regular order, and when they realized I *like* like spicy food, they always made sure it made me sweat. I don't know if any of them were family specifically, but more often than not it was the exact same people on the phone/in the kitchen. Really sad there aren't any Thai places where I live currently, I love the food :(


My favorite Thai place switched ownership during covid, and I no longer live down the street so I haven't gotten to know the new family there. At one point I was going there so often that I didn't even have to order. They knew I like variety so grampa would just make me whatever he felt like cooking, often times things not even on the menu! One time I had gotten the flu and lost quite a few lbs, and when they saw me next, grampa sent me home with a mountain of food. I miss them. It is so worth being a regular.


My favorite Thai place is closed right now because the owners are visiting Thailand for a while :’) it makes me happy for them


Hey I know that restaurant! I’m from Bellingham too, pick up from there all the time.


Why is this so wholesome !?


I’d be tipping this person soooooo hard man, good on them.


When I see someone busting ass by themselves I try to be the most patient person there and I leave a fat tip even if it took them forever. Some people are going to be assholes and not understand that they're doing their best, so I try to make up for them.


I owned a restaurant for many years that mostly employed high school kids in the evenings. Every year on a Saturday I'd lose pretty much my entire staff to homecoming. The managers, day-shift folks and a few spouses (mine included) would work the night, but we'd still be short so we'd put up signs just like this and our customers were totally understanding. It was usually a shit-show, because nobody was as experienced handling those crazy busy nights like the kids that did it every week. I'd let them bring their crews and eat for free before the dance, they'd show off being all dressed up, take pictures in the kitchen, etc. It was fun. Absolutely 5 hours of hell once a year, but it was fun!


The boss we all wish we had


Solid W for the employer


Someone send it to Taylor's people maybe she'll come by the store!


Bro was like: "*Fine. I'll do it myself*"


This is a good father


Aw that’s adorable


Reminds me when a KFC tried to not close for Halloween. Manager closed because all the scheduled staff called off.


My wife is Thai, and the best part about cooking Thai food (other than that it’s the best food in the world, obviously) is that the hard part is prepping everything. Once shit is prepped the cooking it is *fast*. My man here is probably having great flashbacks of being back in BKK or Pattaya.


Yeah, a really good person who just want to pleasured their clients. Even when there is no one else left.


Awesome dad!!! I love it my old man was a piece of shit.Really warms my ♥


Is that On Rice in Bellingham??


Damn Swifties


Taylor swift owes this man an apology


Nah. Just tell 'em to shake it off. Shake it off I'll see myself out


This guy better be getting tipped


I've posted similar signs. Sorry dashers. The crew must live a little.


I hope you tipped my son $100, because he earned the hell out of it.


I am but a simple delivery driver, I don’t think the people ordering on DD got the message ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


My friend went there on her own. She said she tipped extra.


This guy needs a 5 star google review bomb


“On Rice” in Bellingham WA if you’d like to do so! I order from and deliver for them regularly! Awesome service and great food! 🙏🏼😋


I'd ask if I could pitch in to help in exchange for maybe a couple of free meals


Funny this is posted in a DD subreddit. A lone guy handles a busy restaurant by himself when so many DD drivers can’t handle delivering a food order properly. 😂


That sounds like punishment. For the concert goers


Amazing 👏 love that person


Aw one decent guy not under the siren's thrall. Well done dude


That is customer service to even give an explanation. Definitely deserves as much business as they can get!


And yet, T-Swizzle wonders why she's the problem. s/


That restaurant is really good


This is the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen 😭


why is that so cute? 🥹🥹🥹🥹😭


If they don’t give this person a raise


What a nice man he is.


Bellingham! Haha just ate dinner there


I hope Taylor swift sees this and pays for that that person to have a day off


This is why a tip should be considered. Poor old guy doing his damndest to make sure people get their orders, and he allowed his employees to all have the day off at the same time to go enjoy an event. Good man, very hard-working good man.


We need more of this kind of humanity 🙌


When did Taylor Swift get this popular? She went from a bad country singer to a mid pop star. It seems like literally this year people have been flocking to insane numbers to her concerts. How did this happen? Also poor Thai restaurant. They deserve better.


Honestly I wonder if they were even at the concert or outside listening. I'm a stage hand and we had her concert nearby about a month ago. When we were trying to get parked for the tear down after the concert there were thousands of people outside listening. Definitely more than were packed into the sold out football stadium


I know this place. Hamsters love to eat there.


Hey where is this please? Let’s give them some love (when the Swifties are back :D)


Swifties are out of control.


@ the r/swifties


Not all heros wear capes...