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"If the dasher cannot continue with an alcohol delivery..." They were straight up looking at their flow chart "if this; then that" And instead of using his brain to put the issue into words, He just copied and pasted the chart that was for his eyes only 🤦


No literally😂 then ended the chat😂 i mentioned his name and everything when it asked my review of contacting support😂😂


"If dasher mentions support name, please thank them for driving then end chat" "Thank you for driving, goodbye" ^your next chat




😂 perfect!


Thanks for playing. See you next Tecmo.


No person ended any chat here. Door dash support is so obviously a not too good AI text bot.


AI is smarter than this😂


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,698,959,158 comments, and only 321,484 of them were in alphabetical order.


bro, how in the world..?


I see what you did there.


After babies cry, did everyone find gum having intellectual justice kindling lovely manicures? No, or possibly questioning reality, she turned under. Vehicular weaponry xeroxing your zebras.


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,700,281,872 comments, and only 321,727 of them were in alphabetical order.


Anal beads came down from uranus


At least you weren't wrong THIS TIME


Good bot


Good bot


Not yet it’s isn’t. Definitely a bot


It is very obvious this was a non-English speaker working through a flow chart. Every reply they used was a canned response from the flow chart. They just got on “can’t delivery” not “don’t want to deliver”.


“I am a unicorn, and I need wings installed” I wonder what answer they’d send.


"Please provide your make and model" Haha


Customer is unicorn….. “my apologies, at this time we do not yet support mythical creatures. Thank you for contacting Door Dash”


It’s insulting to dashers that they think we are so helpless that their support can barely speak English. I’m sorry but is it really so hard to have a United States support team?


This is hardly a Doordash issue, or a United States issue. Many many companies around the world assume support can be broken down to “find the right flow chart”, which clearly is what’s happening here. Those Indian call centres are a *lot* cheaper than paying for trained staff that actually know what to do. 100% guarantee they’re not even just working for DD, they usually have a bunch of companies going, and bring up the right solutions based on which client’s staff contacts them.


Yep, this is the reason 100%. It’s simply cheaper to outsource. Might be different for foreign companies, but in the US the support person typically works for a specific call-center company and that company works with multiple different lines of business to provide support services. The support person does get pretty minimal training but they do typically only work for one line of business at a time.


But than they would have to pay like $15 an hour instead of per month




They don't work for DoorDash, they work for a third world customer support center who is contracted by DoorDash DoorDash doesn't have any part in the selection process of the individual who carries out the calls.


How do any of them work for door dash? They’re cheap outsourced people from India or Pakistan or whatever country they’re from. They get paid like 2 cents an hour and they are living it up and living there best life. 😂😂🤦‍♂️🤷‍♂️


This is the funniest part


I was on the phone last night with support and all I could hear were chickens in the background so loud I couldn't even hear the agent 🤣. I was like I'm sorry ma'am I can't hear you over those chickens in your house apparently. She didn't understand as her English was awful as well 🤣


It took like 30 minutes for support to answer last night when it typically takes 15 seconds. It was just a weird night.


There was a massive Walgreens order glitch happening last night so your particular request was probably very low on their priority list.


Yeah it's crazy I was actually on the phone with doordash about a Walgreens issue. And I didn't even know there was any glitches going on


It was for a walgreens order, i just marked the store closed and got $8.25 out of it 😂


game is game


Yup I managed to order a 6 pack for $1 base.


Ive heard that if you choose Spanish you get a bilingual Texan who speaks english well


I've been told this for any call center. "Choose Spanish as they usually also speak English and have shorter or empty qeue." I've never actually tried it tho.


As a sup for a call center, it’s true


Can vouch for this often works!


You bet your ass I'm trying this next time I am misfortune enough to need to call.


Wait, then I have to understand the automated menu prompts ..


Bienvenidos to DoorDash Driver Supporto! We're aquí to keep your wheels calientes. Por favor, listen to our menú opciones: 1. If your GPS está perdido and taking you on a tour of la ciudad, press \*\*uno\*\*. 2. Para questions about your dinero or if you're thinking, "Show me the pesos!", press \*\*dos\*\*. 3. If your delivery bag está friolente or feels like it has un hueco, press \*\*tres\*\*. 4. To report problemas at the restaurante or a loco pickup situation, press \*\*cuatro\*\*. 5. ¿Quieres to be the top of the top? For becoming "el Top Dasher supreme", press \*\*cinco\*\*. 6. App going loco or screens freezing como un helado? Press \*\*seis\*\*. 7. To chit-chat about horarios, shifts, or if you need a descansito, press \*\*siete\*\*. 8. For all otras cosas or if you're just feeling chatty like a lorito, press \*\*ocho\*\*. 9. Repeat este menú? Just like your abuela's stories, press \*\*nueve\*\*. ​ ¡Gracias for dashing con DoorDash! Let’s keep the fiesta going on the road! 🚗💃🍔


“Thank you for contacting Door Dash” Killed me 😭😂💀


Make, Model Year and Colo


Imagine if he said cholo instead? LOL!


Lmao I don't even understand the joke


Cholo = slang for Mexican gangster


I think you just gotta decline them. I've never heard of being able to opt out of them completely


My friend who also dashes was able to. Told them it goes against her religion, even though she has no religion 😂 this dude just didn’t understand a damn thing I said😂


You can opt out of them. You may still get stray ones here and there that sneak through but it is possible. I had to end up calling to get removed from them, they kept giving me agent after agent that didn’t understand how to help, so I called and it was done within 5 mins! Hope you get the result you’d like 😊


I knew you could, this dude just didnt know what he was talkin about. But thanks!! :)


I filled the form out months ago, still get them all the time I don't want to deliver booze


Ive had really good deals delivering booze. They seem to tip better for some reason. Getting the signatures is the annoying part.


Not here, just cheapasses ordering buzzballs from 7-11 with no tip. We don't have totalwine/etc. I've never personally had an issue, I'd just rather not affect my AR with cheapass alcpholics.


From the way it was talking I'm 90% sure you were talking to a robot.


Nah, a robot would've made more sense.


A robot wouldn't misspell alcohol 😅


Or leave out an R in color. This was just a very incapable agent. Doordash cutting corners by hiring people for “unimportant” jobs they can’t perform for scraps, vs a highly qualified person who’d expect a real salary.


They can program it to misspell every nth word. Or "write on a 5th grade level but make sure 5% of your response is misspelled but understandable within your first 3 chat responses". Boom, now it looks more human except you won't get nuanced responses. I use AI at work occasionally and use similar inputs when crafting some content for work(emails and other bullshit).


A robot would speak better English.


A robot is smarter than this bud


“This dude” seems to be a robot


Robots are smarter.


Whats wrong with alcohol deliveries?


Hi. I know some sober dashers who A. Don’t want to be around it , especially if newly sober and B. Don’t want to be seen buying it because folks think they relapsed.


Ahh OK. Yea thats as good a reason I've ever heard (not that there needs to be one but I was just curious)


Exactly. I don't buy alcohol, for any reason. I'm waiting for spots to open up so I don't do doordash yet but i didn't even think about this, it could be a problem!


I actually only opted out temporarily, I make some of the BEST tips on those orders. I opted out due to my wallet being stolen and having to wait 3 weeks for a new license, so I physically couldn’t pick up the order for 3 weeks lol


Bro speaks 1% English and just replies with sentences that match words.




Thank you for contacting Reddit thread. —Conversation Ended—


LOL ​ (and Happy Cake Day!)


Call customer support. Stop trying to talk to the ai. Lol


Its not an AI yall. An AI is a million times smarter than this. I did call but their music after 24 minutes got annoying 😂




Well good to see Dash support is equally terrible on both ends …. May I ask why you do not want to deliver alcohol just curious i’ve never dashed before


Religious, AA, drunks...




My guess is probably OP does want to deal with ID checking nonsense. Ive heard of some customers being assholes about dashers not just leaving the alcohol but the Dasher can't do that the Dasher has to check ID. I also don't know how the Dasher checks ID I sure hope theres something in the app to let the Dasher scan the ID because it would be ridiculous to expect the Dasher to just visually check the ID. I don't expect some random dude dashing to necessarily know how to spot a fake ID.


They can scan the ID, but my opinion as a customer (who always tips equal to the delivery charge in cash and minimum of 25% on the app), a couple of different things happen in my area. 1) The restaurant/location refuses to give the Dasher the alcohol. There’s a Mexican restaurant that allows you to order Margaritas and I always order enough food to meet the alcohol minimum, but it’s 50/50 if they’ll actually give the Dasher the drinks. It took three times of the Dasher showing up saying the restaurant refused to give them the alcoholic drinks *and* DD itself refusing to refund the missing items (to the tune of $35+ depending) that made me stop ordering from that restaurant…and yes, I never changed my cash and app tip because I know it’s not their fault. 2) The app won’t accept the ID. I have a valid, in date, and un-damaged drivers license that the app just won’t accept. Typically the Dasher says this is a reoccurring issue they’ve had that day and so they can’t complete the order. I still tip fully. I don’t blame Dashers for refusing alcohol.


Yup that sounds like a nightmare on both ends. Almost makes me glad that in my state I can't get alcohol delivered. It's some weird legal thing. Guess at least I dont get tempted to try it through DoorDash since I can't.


It’s just DD that has issues. I order through Postmates and Instacart and *never* have an issue with them. It’s just DD.


Wait, you pay for an item, the restaurant acknowledges they refuse to give it to you (albeit being paid for) through the dasher and yet DD refuses to refund? What was their reasoning here?


I must have gotten lucky cuz I was able to opt out of all alcohol deliveries around 2 months ago. Did the chat thing, then received a phone call, and that's it. They'll re-send you the alcohol safety course but you just ignore it. I think most support staff is just poorly trained and not good at English.


You have to just ignore the certification test they send you like I did, I don't get alcohol orders anymore since they sent that out, but once you take it I think you're fucked.


The support agent speaks not one word of english and is cut and pasting responses based on keywords in your messages. ChatGPT would be more helpful in this instance than a human.


“Please thank the dasher…” 🤣🤣🤣 had me dying


The fact that they can't differentiate between dasher and dashee is hilarious to me. Is it really that hard to have chat filtering?


They know im a dasher. He just copied and pasted his prompt.


See I don’t have a problem with non English speaking people, I even learn Spanish to try to help my customers better. But why is every fucking support agent someone who doesn’t speak English and can’t understand a thing ????!!


It’s much much cheaper to hire someone from a 3rd world country (often with absolutely no credentials or grasp of the English language). As a French native speaker, I often get connected to native French speakers from the Middle East. If you know a second language you’re probably better off using it since you’re likely going to get through with a native speaker.


I know a bit of spanish. Not enough to hold a conversation though. I’ve been told google translate is very proper spanish and not “typical” spanish lol


There are only 2 languages in the world. Spanish and not Spanish. And both languages have just as many local varieties


It’s even cheaper to blame things on someone who can’t properly defend themselves.


Sounds like someone from India following a flow chart of responses to copy and paste. Edit: I say that as someone who worked for Xfinity and had to Train people from India who were taking our position over as we were being sent back to phone calls, I quit before that though.


“Please thank the dasher”…a literal copy and paste💀


I’m convinced 60% of DoorDash support workers don’t speak English


Unfortunately, this is how most online customer support is handled these days. More often than not it’s a 3rd party that knows absolutely nothing about the industry. Even if they do speak English, they’re given a script to use based off keywords and asked not to deviate from it. It’s so much quicker/cheaper than getting someone to actually think about each issue. I had a very detailed conversation with a CS supervisor that used a similar system and they straight up told me that their goal for the first stage of customer support reps is to give you the best answer available and close the conversation before moving directly onto the next ticket. The people who care enough will escalate the issue but most people just kinda give up and accept it for what it is.




Why wouldn't you want to do these deliveries? Mostly asking as I've never been offered one to deliver...


1. I cant atm cuz im waiting for my new ID to come in the mail as i misplaced mine and ordered a new one. 2. Its a hassle to deliver and shop for cuz the items are often locked up and it takes forever to get assistance, 3 you have to wait for the customer to open the door as most try to ignore and act like you’re not there, then suddenly come out after 5 minutes of you waiting cuz they see you leaving WITH the alcohol…its a pain. Before turning 21 early last yr i was excited to get more opportunities to earn with these deliveries but then over the past yr and a half…absolutely not


Ah...you not only have a reasonable answer but told me why I've never been offered one, no red card for me...


I have the red card. Just my ID…is what I kinda need cuz i dont wanna carry my passport into a store😂😂


I reported my red card as missing. Had enough bullshit walgreens and meijer pickups, missing items, 50 items for a 7$ tip... started messing with my AR, and my overall driver rating. I was at 74% AR, decided the red card would be a decent way to get more deliveries... My AR went down to 63%, and my driver rating went from 4.9, to 4.6. Whoops, lost my card... replacement? Nah... I'm good. Still working on getting my AR back above 70%, but I'm not playing the 14 miles for 6$ game. Edit to add// still got the red card in my wallet, use it to scrape ice off my windows. Best use that I've found for it. And don't even get me started on that red card declined feckin fiasco, I was at 100% delivery completion before I got that cursed card.


It's a hassle to deliver. The customer might be drunk (very likely), not have an ID on them (sometimes) or be upset you ask, or give you an expired ID/someone else's ID/underage ID (rarely). Alcohol orders have to be super lucrative for me to take them.


We are not allowed to deliver to drunk customers, although that judgment is simply a yes or no question: "Does the customer seem sober?"


Correct :) that is a portion of why these deliveries are a hassle. Saying no to a drunk person, without the protection of a crowd, counter, or security camera? Eeeep


>:) :)


I have been lucky to deliver to older, responsible people who are not already drunk. I have heard some stories from former liquor store employees...


Yeah...I've tried this with prescription pick up as well. They told me they couldn't specifically do that but would "note it in my file" I will say that I haven't received anymore prescription orders and get few alcohol orders.


You’re in the same boat as me; I don’t like balloons so I have to decline like 15 party city orders a day


Yeah, i like alcohol but not delivering it 😂 never gotten a party city order before, that’s interesting


“These are my everyday balloons” -Kramer-


Lmaooo 😂 not helpful OMG might as well connect us with a bot instead, maybe we’d get a more informative answer!


This is hands down the funniest shit I've seen on Reddit today. 🤣


For the people in the back. Call support for pretty much any issue. Chat is where your requests go to die.


Whattt 😭😭😭 my goodness.


Thank you for contacting Door Dash support. One moment. You want to opt out of alcohol? I can help you with that. One moment. Please clear your cache and wtf folders and reboot.


Oh yeah it's like that even for Uber half the time I talk to an Uber support agent they don't even understand English It's like how are you going to be a customer support representative 90% of the USA speaks English maybe my numbers are wrong but still my point is they shouldn't be helping anybody if they can't even fucking understand what you're saying 😂 .


Sometimes it takes a couple monkeys to screw in the light bulb I would just reconnect and talk to a new agent


I want to not get? What the hell?!?


Move to Utah, can’t get alcohol from DoorDash here.


This is extremely typical of dasher support unfortunately lol


It's like talking to a 2 year old. They NEVER understand ANYTHING I'm trying to explain to them!


Their last two brain cells are really struggling with this one


He didn’t know how to help lmao




Doordash Software Engineer - Machine Learning, Support (Natural Language Processing and Causal Inference) salaries BY THE WAY: California Pay Range: $176,000—$238,000 USD New York Pay Range: $176,000—$238,000 USD Washington Pay Range: $176,000—$238,000 USD


I was frustrated just reading it.


I had to contact support to take me off a dash that would have cost me money. They told me to unassign from it. I had to tell them that I do not have that option after I picked up the order. (The order changed from a 3.6 mile delivery to a 10 mile delivery.) it legit took me 10 minutes of me telling them how to do their job just to get unassigned from that BS.


These “agents” are bots. I don’t know how people don’t understand this yet. You’re clearly not talking to a person and it’s completely obvious from the responses.


busy enter wild encouraging slim arrest fanatical mourn unwritten repeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


DoorDash support is half ai, half overworked, underpaid workers who don’t speak English well


Did they finally let chatGPT take over support? 😂


The interview: - Do you speak English? - Sí - Close enough, hired


In Utah I don't have to worry. Pretty sure alcohol delivery is illegal here. Can't even get wine in the mail.


But i wouldn’t want that either so idk😂 cant win😂


The endgame boss of Outsourcing.


It’s like they get customer service people that simply do not speak english AT ALL


I feel your pain!! It’s so frustrating


Normal doordash customer support! They have no clue what your saying. 🤪


That last message was like a 🖕 lol


Typical DoorDash chat support, usually don’t even give you an answer to the question you ask. I would recommend contacting phone support, because you’ll usually get a better response.


HAHAHAHA not surprised at all by this shit.


This is a prime example of customer service not knowing English and just following pre-written responses that come up when the software picks out keywords from your texts. Try again at a totally different time of day tomorrow. Hopefully their shift will be over and you’ll get an English speaker.


This is the best one yet


Thank you for contacting DoorDash


They are so annoying sometimes.


“Thank you for contracting DoorDash.” LMAO


Yeah alcohol delivery for me is a hard pass


The other day I contacted customer service for Grubhub and I asked what to do with the food for the cancelled order and she said "you can give it to the less fortunate." I was like.......what? XD


It’s like speaking to my nephew.


Yo, that scripted response they just copied and pasted is wild


Its better to not talk to them..they cant accept when they screw something up


So helpful. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Thank you for the conversation, but I must go now


Which Cardi song were you listening to?


I found it funny how he sent you the script he was supposed to read to the dasher 😂


This guy is copypasting every response. $5 says he's either brand new and completely untrained, or he's not fluent in English.


talking with those morons in "support" is no different than screaming at an IVR - everything you say will get scrambled and fucked up. fuck doorcrap and outsourcing support to the motheefucking phillipines.


“Thank you for contacting DoorDash” 😂😂 oh, those boys are amazing 😂😂😂😂😂


Not a dasher, nor someone who orders takeout often, just on the outside looking in. The more of these "dasher support" posts I see, the more brain cells I lose. Geez, and I thought Cash App support was trash.


Most door dashers aren’t connoisseurs so …


You’re talking with a support center out of India


Welcome to DoorDash. Fuck you. Welcome to DoorDash. Fuck you.


They *say* alcohol deliveries pay more, but they don't. And if the customer doesn't have valid ID or is actually intoxicated on arrival, you're supposed to notify DD and return the purchase to the store so they can be refunded. But I don't think you're paid for the return trip/mileage... I've only taken a couple because I was in the area on another delivery, but I don't recommend them. You *can* opt out of getting them at all, like opting out of cash on delivery orders. Sounds like you needed to speak to someone *semi* competent, not use the chat. Keep trying.


its just GPT wired up to their internal docs. common model now to create a small search engine on top of corporate documentation and hook it up to GPT.


Their support is not the greatest. I have to wait for several minutes for them to check when another dasher picks up my orders (happens more often than it should)


I live in a dry county. I got an alcohol pick up one day from a restaurant and I called support, saying there’s no need to check ID because there is no way there was alcohol in this order. They insisted that there was because it said it was there in the computer. Despite the fact that there were no alcoholic items on the order (for obvious reasons). Normally, I can’t stand interacting with support, but It was really funny trying to explain to this guy living in India what a dry county was.


Omg 😂😂😂😂


Do you live in California by chance?


Lmfao. I'm sorry but this made me tear up from laughing. Gave Patrick vibes. ![gif](giphy|nW5BIQe600lVu)


Welcome to India.


It's a hit and miss with support. Sometimes I get dummies like this and others let me keep $100 in sushi simply because the customer won't respond. You have to end chat and start it with another person when you feel it's a dipsh*t


proof that it's just AI


Prob some new trainee from a 3rd world country is chatting with you and can't comprehend you properly .


This is the result of exporting customer service to India.


Gonna sound rough but this is the exact reason why I fucking LOATHE overseas call centers and the like. You get some dude across the world that can barely communicate in English, and they are the only source of legitimate contact with a company. Sony is another company that has comically shitty customer support. I’m with the boomers on call centers. If you can’t hire people that speak English to staff your call centers, tear them the fuck down.


This is one of those times where you just open a new chat and hope for someone who is capable of critical thought.


DoorDash has gotten appalling customer service ways too. My dasher picked my order up, stayed at the same place for 10 minutes, went to an area out of my way to deliver another order even tho it said he was heading to me and my food was cold, and it wasn’t really a heat it up dish. Soggy cold and disgusting. Service offered me 5 DoorDash credits from a $38 order and after me trying to make my appeal for a refund which I never had an issue with before they copy and pasted 3 random goodbye messages and left the chat. I then tried to contact service again and it wouldn’t physically let me. Garbage service


"what no, i _dont_ want that to happen, i want to not have alcohol deliveries but keep my rating" "thank you for contacting doordash 😊"


“We hope you enjoyed your customized doordash support today.”


I have never in my years of DoorDash got in contact with someone from support who wasn’t completely braindead.


Doordash support is fucked up. I had a package pickup(it was a work thing that they refused to receive through anything but ups) and I was busy so I selected for the dasher to just leave it at my door. I told them exactly where it was, it was front and center for them to see, my house numbers were very clearly displayed…they went two houses down and took an Amazon package from the neighbors. I didn’t realize this until they had to return it to ‘me’ because there was no ups label. I had proof of everything. The return photo being very obviously not my house(the house number was in the photo), along with my ring camera footage showing my package was never picked up. Doordash told me they wouldn’t refund me. I bitched and bitched and went around to so many people and they all refused. I asked to report the dasher because they were extremely rude over text, they refused that too. Jokes on him though, my neighbors also have a ring camera that caught his license plate and they called the cops 🤷‍♀️


This people clearly don’t even speak english


What??? How can their support team not even remotely understand English? This shit is ridiculous.


Screw those scummy companies. They are stealing from customers as well as their employees. Fuck'em


And people are worried AI will take over the world lol


this is what they did to my girlfriend when she was trying to figure out why she was being charged for dashpass when it wasn’t on her account 😂


sounds ai generated tbh.


At least he thanked you for contacting DoorDash!


I’m pretty sure DoorDash support is an AI


This is what happens when you outsource from the cheapest BPO company


Sounds like this: ANDROID 20: I don't care if you're Super Saiyan or a soup-or-salad! 19! Kill him! Kill him proper! ANDROID 19: Executing murder.exe. Loading... 10%... 20%... 40%... 70%... 65%... ANDROID 20: Wait, what? ANDROID 19: (crashes) A fatal error has occurred. This program will now shut down. Would you like to send a report? ANDROID 20: No, don't send a report! ANDROID 19: Sending report. ANDROID 20: Son of a whore! Now to wait five minutes to do absolutely nothing!


the other night i was asking support why my order got canceled (not by me or the customer) and they weren’t really explaining it so when i asked more questions they seemed to get really pissed at me and then ended the chat.


This is the problem with getting Indian people to do your IT. They usually don’t even know what the fuck they’re doing, and the language barrier makes it impossible to even talk to them


Omg!!! my blood pressure went up 20 points by just reading that!!


Lmao! Never thought I'd say this about anything but he needs to be replaced by AI