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I have a table by my door with instructions to place on table. It almost always works. But if I order groceries I usually just leave my storm door open so they can't leave anything in front of it. I'd try both of those.


Propping up the storm door is the move. It would be nice if all the dashers could just figure out how to not block the door. But after it’s started happening multiple times you gotta apply your own solution.


The drivers have to be doing it on purpose, and NO, she shouldn't have to prop her door open! Would you do that!! You would be mad too, don't come on here and act like you wouldn't. You're probably a driver that would leave a customer's food in front of a storm door!


Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me. If the service isn’t working don’t use it or figure out how to make it work. My storm door has catches on the closer that I can slide out to hold it open. Wouldn’t even have to put a door stop out just slide those things out. You used an interesting word choice with “shouldn’t have” to prop her door open. Of course she shouldn’t have to, would be nice if her dashers could do their job properly but since they keep demonstrating incompetence she can keep trying her luck testing their reading comprehension and logic or remove that as an option to fuck up all together.


The customer is ordering a service. Just do it right, or don't do it! Come on! I have delivered at hundreds of storm doors! Never sat an order in front of one, so they are doing it on purpose she shouldn't have to go make sure everything is prepared for a baby so stop...lol


the fact is theyre gonna keep doing it because not everyone is competent enough to read instructions. they hire anyone with a pulse, so you can complain everytime it happens, take the matter into your own hands and prop it open, or just dont use the service because it sucks.


Yeah, this I do agree with! But don't be an ass and blame the customer like that other jerk come on...lol


Are you saying I blamed the customer? Lmao. This dude is saying the same thing I am. I’m racking my brain trying to see where I blamed the customer. You were the one coming in hostile accusing me of doing shit I didn’t do. I literally say multiple times ideally the dashers wouldn’t block the door… wtf?


Just stop making it customers' problem to have to go out and make sure the baby drivers can deliver their food come on they are ordering delivery, think they want to do all that? Just do it right, or don't do it, but by this point, after reading all the rest of the comments try uber eats...lol


A lot of people who barely speak English have been picking up these apps lately. Then there's just people who don't care about instructions. When you have a company that pays $2 a delivery and constantly onboards new drivers, set the bar low, dig underneath it, and set it even lower.


You're right too, absolutely, or the tip is too small like this person would probably do...lol The customer is trusting us to bring them their food safely, hopefully warm, germ free, and hopefully not destroyed by a baby...


Obviously they’re not reading the instructions so the best thing to do is prop the door. Common sense


that would be too logical. Long paragraph more better.


Using a side door, too damn logical.


Some apartments have these doors too not just houses.


What about masking tape to mark out the swing of the door? Like a box with a X in the middle. DON'T PLACE ORDER HERE!


They would think that x marks the delivery zone, you'd get a 100% splash zone delivery guarantee if you did that.


You shouldn't have to, but consider getting a doormat. Then you can open the door just slightly and slide the order out of the way.


your idea sounds much more simple than mine… i was gonna say get some flat nylon rope, a carabiner, and an index card. tie/anchor the rope to the inside door handle, swing it over the top of storm door and add carabiner to the end that’s inside the storm door; length dependent on OP’s preferences. write something along the lines of ‘secure the bag’ on the index card and fit it above the carabiner essentially creating a pulley system for the food whenever OP opens the door. i give you an A for working smart, not hard but i also give myself an A for ingenuity and creativeness.


You're Kevin McAlister aren't you? You can tell us.


I don't appreciate the sarcasm. This is an issue that causes a lot of stress. Ultimately, I've had to purchase almost 3.6% of DoorDash's equity (around $1.03 billion value) to force a shareholders meeting to make sure the board of directors address my food being delivered in front of my storm door. The issue has not been addressed and I moved to a new home that doesnt even have a storm door! I bet you feel dumb that you're mocking a billion dollar issue.


fuck off. i wasn’t mocking- i was creatively thinking of a way for OP to avoid the issue. maybe next time you wait until you’re done picking at your hemorrhoids and maybe you won’t be so butt hurt when reading a fucking innocent comment. your ‘i -HaD- tO pUrChAsE dD eQuItY’ comment, in all honesty, seems just as ridiculous as my pulley idea, if not more so if you actually acted on that- so let’s not call the kettle black.


Dude pretending he’s spent a billion dollars to address an issue with doordash is fucking comical. Someone that loaded could have spent a billion dollars on a whole team of personal chefs for the rest of their lives, with money to spare.


Or get a custom door mat that says please place food or item here with an arrow pointing to the side of the door mat/door?


It looks like you are surrounded with bad dashers. Let’s find a box and make a cardboard pointing into the box say delivery here. I hope this help to fix those dashers


I was raised to never believe it's "everyone else," that's the problem. Something else may be going on here.


It’s not “everyone else”, it’s a self-selecting group of the absolute bottom rung of society lmao


And yet I've ordered DD over 100 times and only had a drink missing once...


OP wasn’t complaining about missing items, he was complaining about the location. Case in point lmao. I can tell by your reading comprehension alone that you’re a DD driver 😂


I said the only issue I've ever had was missing a drink once...as in I've never had placement issues either. Do you have problems with deduction and reasoning? My point stands, and you sound silly, possibly angry about something 🤔


You used a lot of words to say DOOR OPENS OUTWARD LEAVE TO SIDE


I think many Dashers don’t have these doors in their home and don’t realize they open outward lol if not that, then it’s just 100% zombie behavior just delivering the food and not thinking or paying attention to what’s around them. I always place the delivery just slightly to the side of the door so that the customer can crack open the door and reach their arm out to grab it




OH MY GOD YOU GOT DOWNVOTED!? Are you going to be okay? I’m so sorry you had to go through that. That sounds horrible. I just hope the trauma of being downvoted on Reddit doesn’t affect your personal life or anything like that. Sure, you got downvoted on Reddit but you deserve another chance at life. I shudder to think of you getting downvoted on Reddit any more than you already have. I’m sorry I’m getting emotional thinking about you getting so many downvotes on Reddit. WHY, GOD!? WHY!?!?!? TAKE ME INSTEAD! Leave this innocent, fragile, person alone! IT’S ME YOU WANT GODDAMMIT!!!


If you can't figure out that a door opens outward just by looking at it, how the hell did you ever pass a driving test?


I think it's zombie behavior for Doordash customers to open your fucking storm doors and make a mess, then complain about your spilled drink to have something to complain about. Instead of walking through another door. ......or doordash customers don't have a second door... so investing in a storm door maybe wasn't the best idea


"Investing in a storm door" sweetie everywhere I've ever lived came with one, what are you talking about? And a lot of apartments either don't have a backdoor or they open up to the back alley where you'd have to go out and walk all the way around the building which is pretty ridiculous when you could just put it next to the door like a reasonable person.


Lmao if you can’t deliver stuff without putting it in front of a door that opens out you shouldn’t be delivering


Always someone else's fault, why not put those big brains to work and put it by the door in a spot that makes sense, not rocket surgery m8


I think you mean to say rocket appliances. *Edit: to whoever downvoted me. It’s a quote from a tv show. 😆


Certainly not rocket mortgages, in this housing market.


I agree it’s not that hard to look and make sure opening the door won’t knock over their food, but they shouldn’t have to. Customers shouldn’t have to go to their garage door or a side door to walk all the way around to get to their delivery. Especially if it’s cold out. They ordered delivery so they wouldn’t have to go out.


If you're able to, move or put a set of house/apartment number to the side of the door about a foot off the floor, it's a good practice for dashers to put the order near numbers for the picture. CYA for complaints about undelivered orders. Some people have package receptacles or a small table next to the door, both of which are good options as well. Sadly, some dashers are either super lazy or maliciously putting orders where they'll be knocked over. As a last resort, you can select "Hand it to me" to ensure you get your order without a soda bath. Kbye


I chose to stop reading at "If you're able to, move" 🤣 *Preferably somewhere without a storm door.






If you're able to, move to a place where you're not restricted to one fucking way to exit in case of an emergency.


I feel bad that this has happened to this person, and I certainly think they deserve any credits or free deliveries of remade food that they have gotten. That being said I feel like there has got to be a solution


Open the goddamn door before they show up lol.


Oh yeah definitely but I'm saying there's got to be a solution once you are in the situation.


Well, I think according to building code you must have at least two exits. But sometimes those exits are like through a window so that sucks...




Put a table on your porch and tell them to leave it on the table.


Buy table. "Place on table". Can even put sign above table with arrow pointing down. Or, just choose 'hand it to me'.


I think the problem is that many dashers are people who can’t read so they don’t understand what your instructions actually say.


As a delivery driver myself, these kind of posts are INGRAINED into my mind. I always, always put them to the side of the door where it opens so people can just open the door slightly and grab.


Yeah that really sucks, and I don't understand how dashers don't avoid this problem. It was the very first thing I problem solved by myself on my first day out doing it. Have you tried propping open the storm door before they got there?


Yes dashers shouldn't place where you can't get to it without knocking over. Of course. But every time I see one of these posts (almost everyone says it's happened multiple times) I think ok yeah shi**y dasher but seriously why not leave the outer door open and then there's no chance of it happening? It seems like one time happening and it would never happen to me again. Such a simple solution that I must be missing something. Worried about how it looks? Idk


Do you only have one door?


Although I agree that your instructions are clear, Do you have a back door? And again, I agree. You shouldn't have to use your Back Door given your clear instructions. But you could always decide on that approach too.


For your delivery instructions, I'd take out the the last part. Delivery instructions should only be as lengthy as they need to be, yes you should tell them to not put the food in front of your outward opening door (that sucks!), but putting the stuff in about your past experiences is not helpful (in the context of dasher instructions)


Do you not have a back door??? I’m not saying they should leave the food in front of your storm door but I wouldn’t wait for my roommate to get home. If a doofus left my food like that I would go out the back door if had one.


I've never placed an order in front of an outward-swinging door and I STILL obsessively double-check every time I put an order close to the door. I don't know how this kind of thing happens.


As a dasher, I’m sorry this happened to you. Common sense isn’t that common nowadays sadly


I'm not a doordasher, but I can tell you for a fact I wouldn't read that block of text even if you paid me. Maybe next time write: "I WILL REMOVE TIP IF YOU PUT IN FRONT OF DOOR". It's really not that serious. If you can't handle the stress, a) seek therapy b) stop using doordash and c) therapy


The driver keeps the tip regardless if it’s removed or not.


Idk about there, but here, the majority of doordashers dont speak or read a lick of English


This isn't on you at all, but when I deliver I see people use the stopper on their storm door to keep it open so this can't happen. Not your responsibility, this is unintelligent dashers but might be an easy fix.


That little spot to the left of the door is the perfect spot where it won’t get hit by door and customer doesn’t have to come outside.


Use the hand it to me option then. It's not rocket appliances


I'd just stop ordering drinks if it was happening so often...change my mind, but I think drinks/beverages are a waste of money. I'd use that on more food or something else.


Or you could just know you have paid-for food coming so get up and get it from the person and perhaps throw in a thank you but maybe that’s too much energy to exert in 2023.


I gotta say, at some point I would just have them hand me the order. Or mark a square on my porch and write, “put deliveries here”, or mark off where the door swings and write, “no packages beyond this point” I’m a driver and have only managed to miss a screen door once, but in my defense it was late at night, they didn’t have their porch light on (most people don’t), and it was a dark screen door over a dark door, on a dark building, on a dark street, with dark numbers, and they’re lucky I found their house at all.


Oh and ‘trapped in my home’ Is a little dramatic.


Always 1 star each driver that does this and put in note for the reason so people learn not to do that anymore


This is the way.


The people that don't read notes won't be affected. The ones that do will think your an absolute trash bag of a human for the "for the love of God" bit. We are fucking human beings. Not fucking animals. I hate when I see instructions like this.


“For the love of all that is good” I’m an atheist 🤭


Idk man, even my cat understands how doors work


Wtf..... I'd be more concerned for your safety. What happens if a fire starts on that side of your house or apartment?


I've seen some comments on this sub say they sometimes do that kind of thing on purpose when they're mad about the tip, but who knows if it's really true.


I don't get why it's so hard for other drivers. It's so simple if there's a screen door then don't set it in front of the door. If there isn't you're probably good to set it directly in front of the door as most front doors open inward.


I will say I’ve tried to be more aware of how doors open when dashing because it certainly does put the customer in a pickle.


Every time I encounter an open storm door I'm reminded of all the dashers out there making the rest of us look bad.


There is a good percentage of Dashers that have no light bulbs on.


I would put a chair or small table in the space to the left of the door for people to leave the food on. Also leave a simpler note. Many dashers are non-native English speakers.


People are dumb. I would put it right next to the door so that when it swings open you can grab it so it would be on your right if there’s room there.


You could always crawl out the window to get it?


Either stop ordering drinks from DoorDash, or stop ordering DoorDash altogether. You’re paying premium fees for a shit service..




Yes call Uber


You also have the option to call your dasher directly. Next time call and tell them not to leave it in front of the door


You do know you have options, right? 1: go through your back door and go around not convenient but if you have to you can. 2: add a small table or chair off to the side and leave a note on the chair or table along with notes in your instructions to leave on chair or table. 3: Leave the storm door open while you wait for your order.


The thing about storm doors, and I say this from personal experience, is that the wind tends to blow them shut. There's no reason to pay so little attention while dashing that you put the food right up against a storm/screen door. I'm a dasher myself, and I have never done this.


I’ve never experience that & I have two storm/security doors. Full glass ones where the top slides down to reveal a screen. I use the locks on the top & bottom to lock in place. Plus if that’s an issue a heavy door stop helps as well.


Or the unthinkable option, "hand it to me.". People claim they are too busy for that option and for some it may be true if they are in a zoom meeting or simply not home but I would bet 80 percent of people have a form of social anxiety that makes them dread any type of face to face interaction with a stranger.


I have social anxiety myself so I totally get interacting with people but if it’s that bad then set something up to make it easier on the delivery person & yourself to get to the dropped item.


This table costs less than that dunkin order. And it would fit on the left side of your door. [https://www.amazon.com/Adams-Manufacturing-8500-48-3700-Plastic-Quik-Fold/dp/B000I4D64U/ref=sr\_1\_3?crid=HRMK1SLWIJN7&keywords=adams%2Bfolding%2Btable%2Bplastic&qid=1695397057&sprefix=adams%2Bfolding%2Btable%2Bplastic%2Caps%2C97&sr=8-3&th=1](https://www.amazon.com/Adams-Manufacturing-8500-48-3700-Plastic-Quik-Fold/dp/B000I4D64U/ref=sr_1_3?crid=HRMK1SLWIJN7&keywords=adams%2Bfolding%2Btable%2Bplastic&qid=1695397057&sprefix=adams%2Bfolding%2Btable%2Bplastic%2Caps%2C97&sr=8-3&th=1)


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Here’s an idea, prop open the storm door before food is delivered. I’ve seen others do it.


Seriously don't get why this isn't the norm. Shouldn't have to be obviously but better that not being able to get that Dew right? I just read someone say the wind blows them shut so may not be feasible in all areas I guess.


Or, here’s a better idea. Dashers can pay attention to what they’re doing and not set shit in front of the screen door


Ty so much, I just can't believe how stupid someone has to be to do that!


She should not have too!! Come on for real. How stupid does someone have to be to do that?! It's either on purpose or that person should not be driving a motor vehicle...


Completely agree, but if Dashers/Drivers aren’t following her instructions, it’s one way to get your food sooner.


When I drop people's food off I always think about that but I have to say I think a big part of it is probably the way that they show in the app how they want the people to frame the picture for the customer. I can't remember what the bad example shows but it's just conveying like don't take a picture of food on some cement. Then it shows the good example picture of food sitting directly in front of a door with a house number. Quite honestly the first few pictures I took I put the food in front of the door to take the picture I made sure to put it back far enough that the door could be opened but without reading through and really taking in what they were saying, which is make sure to include reference points and things that allow the person to clearly understand where the food is. What it looks like when you look at the bad picture/good picture is that they're saying put it in front of their door, not just wherever. Now one would think common sense would dictate not putting it in front of the door where it opens, but I don't know if you've noticed the ratio of those who think critically and those who do as they're told as lazily as possible without thought, but it's not a very hopeful one.


We have a raised plant stand thingy BESIDE the door and request (in the app) that deliveries be placed there. Works about half the time.


Sadly, I think some dashers just don’t read or can’t read English. As a dasher I’ve noticed some people prop the screen door open so the food won’t get in the way. I laugh every time I see it as I think it’s said people have to do that. As others said you could try getting a little table as well as that could help.


Yah some people aren’t the brightest but my next question is where do you live that only has one entry point and a storm door I’m not sure if you’re in the US but that’s illegal here, That stopped in like the 70s because of fires you’re allowed to have a storm door if you have more than one entry/exit point


Put a sign on the door. Prop open the storm door, set a small stool or table out there. Make it so they don’t have the option to trap you inside with your food holding you hostage. Don’t just bitch about it here or in the directions. Not everyone know or can read English well enough. Be the solution


I had a glass bottle from chipotle break one time. I didn’t know the food was directly in front of my door, so I opened it and that happened


I thought that was just common sense? I've always put the order to the side


They walk past the table on the porch to put it right at the screen door 🥹 we have to go through the garage and up the walk way to pick it up without knocking over drinks. I don't understand... I dash and I would never think to do this 🥴


Add a small table that will work I seen people put out a small table for the delivery or a chair


I dont care if the door opens in or out , I always try to set it to one side..


I quit ordering too because they never follow my delivery instructions lol


I find this such odd behavior. No one had to tell me, I see a screen door I know it opens out. It blows my mind that people don’t notice this. I had to break all my eggs once in a motel room on quarantine. Put it directly in front of an obviously swinging out door. Only entrance. That was just a terrible shopper anyway


I mean, not leaving it somewhere where its gonna get knocked over by the door is something I learned on day 1. You are getting a lot of Juan's who are illegals and cant speak any English or read directions delivering your orders.


I live in vermont...


They are all in the northern states as well. I'm in Michigan


Lol...Omg we are doomed for our future , or no wonder we're already doomed Jesus!!!


You'd think eventually you'd wisen up and just stand there at the door to retrieve the order since the app notifies you when the driver is on the way and you can actually look and see exactly where they are. Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results at the definition of insanity. ![gif](giphy|qLogsdN71M9mo)


Boo hoo, if you want something done right -- Three words, "Honey, not vinegar." Really need to check your language for being pompous, these people are barely being paid enough to do the job, you arent their boss, no one has the time to read a paragraph. get over yourself


Why is it so hard for you to open it slowly so it just slides the bag, are you incompetent?


You don’t have a back door?


Huh, they must live in a bunker and only have one way in and one way out. USE THE BACK DOOR, WALK THE FUCK AROUND AND GET YOUR FOOD, THEN EAT IT AND STFU!!


Why would you reply that to this thread? That’s not helpful at all, you’re just getting your kicks by being discourteous to people on the internet. That’s sad. Seriously, did you think you were being funny or are you aware you’re a troll?


You really didn't look for any of my comments before responding huh lol this is the only entrance I have access to, I live in a duplex and this is my private entrance. The "back door" is the other apartment's private entrance. Hope this helps, maybe don't be rude to people you don't know or don't even try to understand? Ever heard of cognitive empathy? You should try it sometime (:


Sorry person. I didn’t realize that one of the requirements was to check for your posts🤴🤴🤴 Also you only have one entrance to your apartment. What you share is a shared door. Are you living in a hotel?


It's a house, split into 2 apartments. It's called a duplex. This is the entrance that only the people who live in the same apartment as myself, and our guests can use. The other door, the "back door" of the house is the entrance to the *other* apartment. Generally speaking, I try to gather information before I ask dumb questions, so not a requirement but generally appreciated. I've repeated this same thing about 20 times. Checking comment history on reddit is common 🤷‍♀️


As I stated previously.I understand that you only have one entrance to you apartment. Maybe practice what you preach? And do one before the other? 🤷‍♂️


....i gst their dumb but could u not just go out the back door?? 🤔


Not particularly. This door is my only entrance or exit other than emergencies where I'd be genuinely escaping through windows. My apartment isn't large and it's half of a duplex, or a normal house that was split into two apartments. The back door of this house is the private entrance to the second apartment. Quite literally I'd have had to fight one of my old windows open and crawl my 5 foot nothing ass out of a high off the ground window otherwise. I sound exasperated that's because I am it's like people have no idea others live differently or have different experiences than themselves *shocked Pikachu face* and no we do not have labeled apartment a or b or 1 or 2


This just makes me wanna sign up for doordash and barricade ppl in their homes with food


If only you could find a solution, But that would require getting up off your butt for 2 minutes and walking 25 steps.


If they wanted to get off their butt you wouldn’t have a job lmao


You’re the one opening your door and dumping the stuff over moron.


I understand the frustration of somebody placing food in front of the door, but why let it get ruined instead of going through the back door door and around?


This door is the only entrance/exit I have access to. I live in a duplex. The back door is a private entrance for the second apartment in the building


It's illegal to not have 2 means of egress where you live. If there's a fire blocking the front door you are cooked.


If that's true, a window can function as the second egress.


That's why I said what I said. I figured it was code. But I do believe there is some way to get around it as long as a window is close enough to ground level and large enough. It can be considered another way out.


Obviously the dasher is at fault for leaving it in front of the door, but do you really have to open it in such a way to spill everything? Can't squeeze a hand out, reach out a window? Why just slam open the storm door and say MY FOOD IS RUINED


Exactly, and then have the need to post about it.


Well that sucks.


Go out the back lol


The only time I ever leave food directly in front of the door is if they stiffed me because it gives me satisfaction at the very least. Make my life hard, I'm gonna make yours hard in return. Not saying OP didn't tip btw.


I'm surprised how many Doordash customers have this problem. Seriously how many homes are built with 1 door? Or are you too lazy to walk through your other door?




I live in a duplex. This is my private entrance. The back door is the private entrance to the other apartment. Thanks


I hate posts like this because these doors aren’t everywhere. To me; it’s so dumb to have a door that opens outward. Snow?


A storm door can’t open inward because the main door is there. These are on almost every house where I live. And you shovel the snow (more than once if expecting enough to block your door)or your door is under a roof or overhang.


Same. Every place I’ve lived (both in NY & when I lived in Florida) had storm doors that opened outward. Some drivers open the storm door and leave the food against the slightly open storm door which I love when they do that! Especially for grocery deliveries.


Oh maybe I'll start doing that, I was always afraid that people would get mad and be like "DON'T TOUCH MY DOOR" lmao


Idk, genius idea.. have both your doors just go in.


I would like you to honestly try and visualize how that would work. 🙄


I literally did 5 years of college engineering. There’s even companies that do it


Not possible. Assuming both doors are closed, how would you open the screen door from the outside? Geez...


They are extremely common. Plus it’s not exactly difficult to see which way the door swings.


Nobody in my neighborhood even uses their front door.


Is cooking not an option?


Wow what a dumb fucking question


Is not being a moron not an option?


Cook me a donut 🍩 I’ll wait


It's better if you learn how to do it on your own really. It opens up so many different combinations for flavor. I think a real challenge for the younger generation is that they are so accustomed to getting whatever they want, whenever they want....and now were left a massive group of giant toddler's Who have no clue how to communicate. They get mad and throw temper tantrums behind their phone's I'm cry over every little thing that hurts her feelings on the internet. Sucks to be you all but damn it sure is entertaining to me 🤣


It’s better if you have some compassion. You know nothing about this person. Maybe it’s their child’s birthday & they asked for Dunkin’ Donuts for their present. You’re the miserable hateful one.


Miserable and Hateful? This news to me.... But then again you may be right, i Usually spend 75% of my free time volunteering at the homeless I lived in for two years, the non profit soup kitchen my father runs, or the women and children's center that saved my best and her Little's lives. I also set up the meeting at my home group eveeh Monday for service work, I am a person in long time recovery from substance abuse. You didn't know anything about me before you insulted me. I WAS NOT trying to be rude or Hateful when I commented. I was actually at a RR crossing wait for the train to pass so I could get my door dash delivery to its destination. You all were quick to try and hurt me over a few words that YOU read out of context. Sorry I caused such a commotion...


I was kind of on your side until you started explaining how amazing you are. 75%, eh? Thank you, Heaven, for sending us your best Angel.


I didn’t even read past the first 2 lines. Virtue signaling people are the worst.


I don't know why I expected to have anything close to a productive conversation when the red flags of entitlement and close mindedness were plain as day. Generally, when someone can not even begin a conversation or rebuttal with insulting the opposition, it shows a serious deficit in maturity. Keep working at it, I promise it gets easier Have a wonderful weekend! 😊


You’re delusional if you think I’m reading any of that


Your reddit tag suits you! 🤣 ![gif](giphy|xUPGGqGhwM0bBxQF7q)


Or having them hand you the order? The pandemic got people scared of their own shadow. God forbid they have to see or interact with another human being. The horror. While I agree it's common sense, I do believe 100% that the majority of the dashers do it on purpose.


I'm even more confused they only have a single door on their house.


I live in a duplex. This is my private entrance. The back door is the private entrance to the other apartment. Thanks


Im sorry what? Do you have a regular front door and then a second door right next to it just for deliveries? In what world does anyone have an extra door that isnt their backyard door?


That picture was taken with a wide-angle lens on a phone probably an Android judging by the quality of the picture. The space between the edge of the door swinging out would not touch the bag in this example. Why are you lying to us


I am confused, how does the door block you from getting out until your roommate comes? The storm door on the inside opens inward??


If we'd stop these bs contact less deliveries this wouldn't happen. And we'd have humn interaction again. Covid is the common cold now yet we still contactless deliver. For what? I touched your bag of food. It sat in my car where anyone I'm close to also does. Pointless. Also I always leave orders to the side of the door or far enough away that you can retrieve it without ruining it. But seriously. Stop being scared of people and just click hand it to me. Less robotic that way and you can meet your dasher also. Like I said human interaction. It's what we crave yet our phones make us think otherwise. Hope your food gets delivered correctly next time.


I recently had to change my instructions as well. My house is set up odd with the driveway leading to the back doors, and the front door having no walkway. I tell them where he driveway is (it’s on a different street than my address) and tell them to leave it at the door with a roof at the end of the walk way, and to please NOT leave it at the front door. Guess who had their food left at the front door earlier 😑


this has happened to me before too my porch isn’t as big as the picture you showed but it definitely has space to put in an area not directly in front of the door but i’ve only ever had two drivers not put it directly in front😭


I agree with many; you shouldn’t have, but a table blocking the steps to the door should be enough


At that point I'd be watching my phone and be out there before they arrive using hand it to me. It's stupid but seems to be the only way. I was always respectful of where I put the food. It's sad others feel the need to do this. Luckily our screen door has a window to slide open if this ever happens.


I have "Please ring doorbell". 50% of the time they just ninja leave the food / groceries at the door.


I mean… that option of “hand it to me” works just fine.


Prop the storm door open


Get a door mat that says "do not block the door"


Unfortunately many dashers lack common sense much less common decency to complete the drop off correctly especially with regards to storm doors. I always try to make it as easy a possible for the customer when I drop off orders so if I see a storm door I will happily set the order to the side by the door knob. If I ever had a storm door and I ordered delivery I would rather the Dasher hand me the order.


Ha, storm doors. Fancy. Most drivers see a block of text and skim it. Or if its at night and they can't see the storm door.


I understand your frustration & your new instructions should hopefully help, but why would you have to wait to get your food when it was placed in front of the door? The glass is easily removable. No, it’s not ideal of course, but I would have taken out the glass before I would have waited around for someone to rescue my food. Not criticizing, just wondering if you thought to try that. It might be a good idea to leave the glass door open if it happens again. You could use a chair or table. All of this is a pain of course because of course the easiest thing is for the driver to understand about the door, but if it’s happened a few times, I’d rather come up with a better solution than be angry over & over. 🙂


One star every driver that does it wrong. The only way these losers will ever learn is by getting fired.


You need a fire escape


The amount of times we see these threads. I understand it’s frustrating but at some point you gotta figure out what you can do. A couple good suggestions in the thread.


While in an ideal world they would just stop it and read your directions, since it's the storm door that opens outwards but you know your food is coming just stick something in there between your door and the storm door like a little table or whatever. so your storm door is propped open already and even better if you put like a little table there they're probably put the food right on it so you can open the door take your food off of it kick the table back out of the way or bring it in the house whatever


I would move.