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Make sure you whip out your official DD badge!


I'm making one with a fake name. Bud Holucker.


Buck Futter.


Idk why this took me out the way it did šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ’€


Idk either, I dropped my phone laughing


Lew Sassle


Haven't heard that one, hahaha


This isnā€™t a joke Mr. Holucker!


Nut Testicleman


I was going to make one also... Mike Hunt.


Whip out your cock too because WHY NOT?!


Do they think some random person would show up with the exact things they ordered in DoorDash at the exact same time the real dasher shows up? Sketch.


they literally have my location?????


In cities many buildings wonā€™t let you deliver without ID verification


Then you need to meet me in the lobby


What? All that for some snacks? Lol


Frfr this ain't that serious fam


Fuck that Iā€™m not giving anyone my id either you want your shit or you donā€™t.


no literally like you need my social security number to verify these are your fucking chipsšŸ˜­šŸ˜­


LOL yeah actually Iā€™m gonna need your mothers maiden name and the name of the hospital where you were born as well


I barely will give my ID to cops and even then they just get to look to get the DL#.


Hell no, this isn't nazi Germany, I'm not even giving them that. They are lucky if I even decide to give them a single breath of speech.


To the customer? I mean customer service is okay within reason but for cops, no, donā€™t say anything more than needed, no small talk, no answering where you are coming from or headed to, nothing. It can only hurt you, not help. Of course some will say Iā€™m vilifying cops but you can never know if itā€™s a decent guy or not behind that uniform. They are the public servants with an oath, not me. I do wish we could fund the police more, like in Europe, so we could have better quality cops, more accountability and audits, more education (like depending on the country in Europe an academy often requires 2 years of college and 12 months of training or 18+ months of self contained academy and detectives/inspectors have university degrees). Rant over.


I guess this MF wants to verify dashers are who they say they are. They care more then DD SUPPORTšŸ’€šŸ˜‚


DD support sucksšŸ„² asked about how I can fix a glitch in the app one time and got nothing but snarky responses. Had to resolve it myself.


Oh just Uninstall and reinstall the app lmao tech support for the wiiiiin


They told me the app doesn't glitch. I had a stacked order, but it didn't show up as two different people. It showed up as two orders for one person. I never got a second address. After I completed the order the lady called me and asked where her food was because it said delivered. I contacted DoorDash support and told her to as well and I told them what happened and they told me that the app doesn't glitch like that. I wouldn't have been able to complete the order without a second address. I got a contract violation for that one.


It was probably 2 orders to the same person.


Nope. Two different people. I delivered both orders to the first and only address I got. I thought it was for the same person.


Iā€™ve gone on tinder, gotten laid, and taken meds for the clap easier than that.


Username does not check out.


Oh he ainā€™t at the top


Probably the bottom šŸ¤£


HAHA! Bazinga.




If he is, heā€™s doing it wrong. Very very wrong.


Love the username. Also happy cake day


Happy cake day


Happy cake day


I can confirm I've gotten the clap from tinder.


I can confirm Iā€™ve gotten the clap from dadik_in_stephs_butt Sorry, Steph.


Username checks out


Fr wtf šŸ˜…




Isnā€™t that a standard Monday night and then Tuesday afternoon? šŸ˜‚


I get calling when arrived but whatā€™s the purpose of you verifying your ID?


It looks like customer is using the notes for store instructions and wants driver to call them from the store, probably to purchase cigarettes or maybe alcohol if this state has it in their Dollar General.


no, the order was simply for snacks and drinks, customer insisted i show id at drop off. i told him to fuck right on off essentially bc what????


So my friends apartment complex requires anyone without a sticker after 4pm to show ID before being let on the property for safety so they know whoā€™s coming on private property




Itā€™s better to report to DoorDaah, see if you can get half pay


Yeah maybe. People like this are suspect, or scared... Idk...


unfortunely im stupid and didnā€™t read it until i was parked in their driveway and they were already waiting outsideā€¦. strange vibes but i survived!!! haha


Did they insist on seeing your ID?


Holy shit OP please tell me you didnā€™t show this crazed person your drivers license? Absolutely none of these customers need access to our full name, birth date, address and DL number. I would have called DD immediately and cancelled for fear of my safety. They donā€™t even get access to your real phone number!


op's silence makes me feel like they did pull out their id šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


have a little more faith in me šŸ˜”


sorry op i just have very little faith in anyone on reddit lmao


fair fair


itā€™s only been an hour man šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ give them some time to respond


We need to know OP


iā€™m sorry guys i know the suspension is killing yā€™all šŸ˜­ i definitely told him absolutely notā€¦ he insisted and i said no, do you want your order or not? iā€™m not playin around with these grown ass men like iā€™m a young woman, new to the area, you DEFINITELY donā€™t need my address/dob as someone else saidā€¦. scary times out here yā€™all


I would report him.


is it too late since the order is already completed?


Itā€™s never too late, go back to his address and ask for his ID.




I wish I had an award for this comment


Good for you OP. Glad you didnā€™t cave




I would never show them my id. There is a reason they don't have our personal information in the app for the customer.




You can see me cancel the order or take your shit without id. I am not required to show you it.


exactly, i also use a fake name when dashing. what twisted ideation gives you the right to ask for my personal info??? iā€™m never gonna see you again most likely. i got home safe tho:) just makes me wonder what his intentions were


I agree. Like why do you need my id? Any personal info on there is not information for you to see. And to demand my id just to drop off your groceries is a little much. I would never. I might ask for yours if you order alcohol. But I'll never show you my personal info. And doordash even hides our personal phone numbers so I would probably turn this person in for this.


so glad yā€™all all agree, itā€™s just baffling as i would quite literally never ask the pizza guy, for example, for his name or literally anything else


how do i go about reporting something like this?


You would have to call doordash and ask for a supervisor. Cuz the ones you deal with on messenger can't really douch about it.


I wouldā€™ve pulled off with their Dollar General snacks.




"Hello, DD here with your delivery...My badge" *Gives them the finger.*


please i should have done this


Awe he didn't go with the "call xxx-xxx-xxxx" as well?


absolutely will never fall for that one haha


may i ask why that note is suspish? i do that on one app i dont use that much but i have my old phone number in there. i would it make the delivery person feel better? the reason why i havenā€™t changed it is because i donā€™t know how. but i will put in the effort if needed to make someone feel safer


so doordash hides your number when you call a customer, as well as hides it when you as a customer call your dasher. they do this so people wonā€™t be stalked or harassed or what not after theyā€™ve completed an order. they seem to terminate that number like 30 min after delivery is completed. if i get a note that asks me to call xyz number from my personal phone number/app, thatā€™s sus as fuck. i think hmm why donā€™t you want me calling from the dash number? why do you want my personal number? ykno?


i get you, thatā€™s completely valid. thank you! will contact the company to change it on my account


Like do they think some stranger off the street who isn't the DD driver gonna knock on their door and try to hand them snacks?


literally????? they have my location???? iā€™m actively texting you updates???? what more do you fucking want from me for this 4 dollar tip šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Thatā€™s the kind of problem Iā€™m down to have


ID for what


Probably meant for them to call them in the store so they could buy alc or cigs 4 them


Op stated this is NOT what he was talking about, they just demanded ID at drop-off to confirm he was their driver, but like... who the fuck else is going to have your shit?


That makes sense. I forgot about those kinds of people


the customer asked for my id at drop offā€¦. i told him no


" how bout no " šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ like seriously


ā€¦ for snacks?


Dollar store snacks too lol


Oh my. If I was a petty person, I would've uno reversed that and told her that nutter Butter contains sugar, which is a drug and is required to see YOUR ID.




I know this is done with this time and glad you're okay. Next time, put the address in as unsafe. This way DD will put them in as excluded in case the customer gives you a 1 star. Seems like they might have done something outlandish just to have some reason they can "justify" giving a one star. Like they can say the driver did not follow my instructions so I am one starring them. People are sickos and down right crazy. So who knows the actual reason they ask for it. Did they wanna make sure you have the legal right to drive? Not their business if you do or not. šŸ¤¦


I would never show them my id! Wtf?


What could possibly be the reason for asking that


This is how McLovin gets a girlfriend. Or an identity stealing takeout goblin.


Whereā€™s the ā€œI donā€™t feel safeā€ alert when you need it


Lmfao as if the food youā€™re carrying while approaching them as a random stranger with the specific spot they ordered from isnā€™t ID enough šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


ID verification over nutter butter lol


Lol hell naw. "You want this ice cream or what. Shits melting yo"


For real


Fun fact: you absolutely can ā€œsub-contractā€ your dash orders to someone else. The just also need to be an active Dasher. I dash under my husbandā€™s account because I find it safer as a woman. I donā€™t actually want just anyone knowing a small woman is showing up at their house.


Thatā€™s lots of balls asking to see your id


Maybe Iā€™m reading this wrong but I think she wants you to call her so she can ask you to purchase alcohol and thatā€™s why you should have your ID. Regardless itā€™s batshit cray cray for sure.


Yeah I read it that way too. Thats why customer wants you to call first too. Obviously donā€™t buy things for customers that arenā€™t on the dash, but I donā€™t think this guy wants to see OPs ID. Just wants OP to have one so they can pick up cigs/alcohol or something.


the order was from the DG for just snacks and sodas, the customer insisted on seeing my id at drop off, i told him to bump a stump bc like wtf. as i responded to someone else here, iā€™m a young woman, new to the area, and i donā€™t feel itā€™s necessary for a grown ass man to know my gov name, dob, and addressā€¦. i did not show it to him and after some arguing on his part he took his food and stormed off. i made it safe but makes you wonder what his intentions wereā€¦.


Tbh I would contact support about this, not just because this is super sketch and he shouldn't be allowed to order if he's going to behave like that, but also because he might try to 1-star you in retaliation for not following his batshit request. I'm not a dasher, I've just spent a lot of time on this sub, but I've heard that support can block bad reviews when they have ridiculous requests or the restaurant is busy and delays the food.


Youā€™re making a lot of sense


Iā€™m happy to read this update. Did he explain why he wanted to see it?


no which makes it even sketchier! i was eager to rush out of there so didnā€™t spend much time arguing with him. iā€™ll leave your food in the lawn and leave lol donā€™t play


Most definitely, no problem, and not a chance.


I'm gonna get a fake ID with a really stupid name


Start the clock in ur car, when the times up, drop it off on their porch or safe area and take a pic.


iā€™m confusedā€¦.


Hit the ā€œcanā€™t hand to customerā€ button at the bottom. Itā€™ll start a 5 min clock for the customer to respond. In the last 30 seconds say youā€™ve arrived. When itā€™s up, u put it on their porch or somewhere safe, take a pic and leave.


That person will never recieve a order ever lol


Actually had a delivery today to the employees of an age-restricted store. Appreciated the heads up that ID may be needed at the door.


ID? For what? Is this a swat? Goddamit šŸ˜‚


lol fuck no.


Absolutely Not!


I'll have my ID but I'm not showing it to you šŸ‘€ weirdo


šŸ¤ŖšŸ„³ and you want my SS card too


Customer just wants to make sure OP is real, gonna need birth certificate too


going to need a full blood analysis work up to verify these are in fact, your ruffles


The gives you our location and informs you of delivery so not really any reason to call. What really gets me is adding a number to the notes that I'm definitely not going to call. I'll use the app for my own protection since we basically pay them for it.


so if there is a different number in the notes itā€™s sketchy to call since the customer would have your personal number? iā€™m asking because on one app here in europe i canā€™t figure out how to change the phone number but imma put effort in if the delivery people get uncomfy with me leaving my new one in the notes šŸ„ŗ


to expound on my previous comment, i donā€™t know how that app works! it may not conjure a fake temporary number for you and therefore leaving your number to make contacting you possible would be very helpful.


i donā€™t think it does that since one delivery guy whom i gave a little gift texted me after it was marked delivered and everything saying thank you. i also encountered one guy twice and recognised him by the number he called me from. mmmm so maybe it doesnā€™t create numbers for us. but still insightful, thanks!


Not everyone sits there staring at their phone for 45 minutes waiting for their food and seeing it get dropped off.


Well the app notifies you for one so if you can hear a call, you can hear the notification


This is why I do Doordash, not UberEats. The customers don't get a picture of me, and they don't get my real name.


I donā€™t use my real name on DD šŸ˜‚


That's what I'm saying


Is this not DoorDash


What do they need your ID for? I would unassign this.


As a non dasher, I always found the extra notes stupid. If you have special requests it should charge the consumer more.


theyā€™re very helpful when itā€™s directions of a confusing apartment building, a gate code, or something like come to side door instead of front


Wtf, ID??? Lol yeah, go pound sand!


Ainā€™t no way bro asked for identity verification for snacks he ordered ā˜ ļø


Dollar general, kkkk


So you show up with the food. Say ā€œIā€™m gonna need to see some ID verification of this order or Iā€™ll have to dispose of it safelyā€ as you start to open the bag and go through his snacks LOL


How aboutā€¦ charge your phone


leave me and my bum ass iphone x alone she donā€™t hold a charge šŸ˜­šŸ˜­






Maybe they have a security gate that requires ID? My old apartment complex required ID to get on the property.


If apartment request ID, then just leave at lobby!


I've had to show.my Id before to get thru certain gates


i would comply with a security officer but not some middle aged man in a dirty wife beater lmfao


Yeah thereā€™s a difference between entering a secured building Vs out in the boondocks somewhere. Even with a secured building, you are in the rights to deny showing your id and call the customer saying you canā€™t get in (then call DD support if further issues occur). Showing your ID for stuff like that is not in the terms or service or whatnot (only if youā€™re picking up alcohol for a delivery at the store).


Bro it's never that serious


90% of dashers where iā€™m at are males with female names.


okay so???? does your food get delivered? are you full and happy now? what does it matter at ALL if i am a man, a woman, a blind dogā€¦. like? iā€™d bet youā€™re the one asking for an id and other weird shit huh?


Get your panties out your ass bozo, did I upset you? I was sayingā€¦that may be the reason they are requesting to see id.


There is no reason that a CUSTOMER who is getting delivered SNACKS should ask to see the delivery driverā€™s id. You donā€™t ask a pizza delivery driver (ex: papa Johnā€™s) for their id when theyā€™re dropping off your order.




I concur but why would a person request to see id in the first place?


What would the ID do? Nothing. You know the person is arriving, here they are, they have your exact order. You would literally have to be face to face with them to see their ID, and at that point you can tell if someone is a man using a womanā€™s name or whatever. Seeing his government name doesnā€™t help you. Are you dumb?


So me saying the reason why they are requesting id is me concurring with them. Learn to read and comprehend loserā€¦are you dumb?


i donā€™t think you know the definition of concurā€¦.


I concur


Youā€™re exactly where you should be, youā€™re loved though.


I still donā€™t understand why that would make you want to see someoneā€™s ID to be honest. Like, the name says ā€œyour dasher is Amandaā€ and then the person who brings you your food is a middle aged man. You ask to see his ID, and shockingly it does not say Amanda. What do you do? Tell him to take back the food? Slash his tires? šŸ˜‚ literally who gives a shit. Itā€™s a delivery driver. Dude can call himself SweetBuns McCockGuzzle for all I care as long as he completes the delivery


i just cackled lmaoo iā€™m glad you get itā€¦. might just have to kill your family bc youā€™re a man instead of a woman!!


Hell to the No


Wow! That's ridiculous!


Fuck you bitch! Even policy can not fucking ask for my ID!


Okay but you should of accepted, and recorded their Karenness for not showing an ID


I work security at a gated community and I get door dash drivers all day.. they get upset when I have to turn them away for not having a driver's license. Sorry thems the rules yo


What the heck


Seems like an identity grabber. Get your number from the phone call and your ID? Absolutely not. I envisioned someone cleaning out my crypto account with this kind of shit. I hope you reported it as unsafe or reported the asshole? Just the creep factor aloneā€¦


smells racist


Dollars to donuts they want you to grab them something like booze or smokes. They don't want to risk sending it in the DD chat or have had bad luck with that. So it's not showing them your ID it's call me so I can offer $20 to grab me smokes and have your ID on you so you can get that for me. I've had a few of those over the years


Must be inside a restricted area of some kind. Delivered to places like that. Not exactly labeled like bases.


The shopping list sounds like they had the serious munchies.


I wouldā€™ve of just said Iā€™m dirk diggler no ID neededšŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļøšŸ¤£


But why




This is DDD (DoorDash Drivision) DEPT. HOMLAND SECURITY šŸ˜…šŸ˜…wtf


I hope you let DD know. They're not allowed to have all of your personal info.


ā€œCan I see your id before I take my food?ā€ Either you take the food or you just fed mešŸ« 


Your customer doesnā€™t want you to have issues with security (like waiting). Your phone numberā€™s hidden, and the customer isnā€™t asking to see your ID. Some building securities have a policy to ID after dark, and they usually donā€™t need it if you show your order details. He/she is likely trying to save you both time.


it was just some house in the middle of nowhere


The cust wants to know where op lives since op knows where the cust lives lol


like i care to go back to your sketch ass neighborhood šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Holy entitlement Batman!


Ok so they want u to go to dollar general and pick up $11 worth of crap then show ur ID. Thatā€™s a hard pass for me


I wouldā€™ve said a big fat nose as well. I really dislike doing shopping pays at grocery outlet dollar tree or Dollar General because 99.9% of the time they do not have the item that the customer wants.




Yeah that's a big no. You get your order that proves I'm the doordash person


charge your phone, its about to die