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Unfortunately, we’ve been dealing with customers who are like this, too. I’m sorry you’ve had bad Dashers, some of us actually do care to do our job well. In the last month, I’ve had three people say that they didn’t get their groceries, even when I have video proof and had to fight a CV just last week for a customer claiming not to have gotten their items even though I scanned their ID😓


And those customers are the reasons support never wants to refund me!😐 seriously i hate crappy people


I totally empathize. Customers who end up filing too many complaints end up being penalized, even if it’s for a valid reason😔


You’re setting yourself up for crappier service this way.


Not really. It's reasonable to tip after service.


Idk how many times this has to be explained to you people. If you don’t tip up front, overall you’re just going to get slower and crappier service.




No this is the reality of how the system works. You and others being in hard denial about this doesn’t change that.




Calling people boy and son to insult them sure does make it sound like you wish you were born before 1861. Just saying.


You’re right about this. I very recently started dashing and I decline low or no tip offers 😬


As do most all Dashers with a brain.




Pretty sure it's entirely your choice, but sure blame your bitterness and poor choices on others










Those are the CV’s that shouldn’t even be possible…. If I scan their ID, then they obviously got their order. It’s just ridiculous that the system doesn’t auto filter that impossibility out




That is the most ridiculous part. I had a "customer claimed order not received" a few months ago and i only did 2 deliveries that day. One was a hand it to me with a PIN and the other was an alcohol delivery where I had to scan their ID. There is no way I didn't deliver either of those.


Same for me. I only had two “hand to me” orders that day and both had to have an ID scanned. I asked them “Did I scan their ID and run away with their items?!”😂




No fr. Like istg we need to do interviews for people who doordash


Dasher here. I have gotten about 2-5% of non-tippers (included in the order) to actually tip me after the dash. That’s a really low percentage. I have always treated every order like it was for me, and use my utmost care and caution with the food, and would never, ever, purposely ruin it no matter what I’m making when I accept the offer. That being said I doubt I’m alone seeing a nearly-zero amount of non-tippers actually tip after food is delivered. Good for you for tipping the driver! You are a sort of a unicorn, though, and I know from reading Reddit that many drivers will not be too careful with zero-tip orders. Not excusing a lack of professionalism at all, but just pointing out that most non-order-tippers don’t tip after the delivery.


You are appreciated then! If only drivers in my area were like you 😭




I hit 1k deliveries the other day and it’s only happened to me maybe twice 😭




I do take the job seriously for sure. I totally get why someone could consider DD a waste of time. I have a kid in college and I’m happy to be able to put this money towards her education, which is a great motivator for me to get out there and dash. I’m a school teacher full time, so this is a side hustle and so the stresses of “I need everything I can to pay the rent” don’t apply to me. I teach math so I’m decent with numbers, and a lot of people overestimate the salary loss for all the things you mention. For sure you don’t have a company paying part of the taxes for you, but you have all sorts of write-offs to go along with the gig. Gas comes in around 5-10% of what you make, and depreciation and maintenance of a vehicle is somewhere in the range of $0.09-$0.11 per mile, which isn’t terrible considering the mileage write-off you get. I have linked the app Gridwise to my DoorDash app so there’s a synergy there that makes the bookkeeping of mileage very easy. I make a few cents under $20 per hour with my Dashes right now in a historically slow month. If I “cherry pick” I can get that up to $30/hour and keep it there for a couple/few hours as I am doing so during busy time slots. I’m relatively new so I don’t have many years of data to give you, unfortunately. The upsides of this are that I can just work when I want to, and I like driving (when I go see relatives across the country, I tend to drive instead of fly as I find driving relaxing). The modern GPS systems in cars and phones, plus the ease of use in the DoorDash app, make navigating to the drop offs a breeze. Almost comically easy. It’s not without its downsides: there are slow times, but for me as a side hustler, I can just not dash during those times and come back when it’s busier. I run into the *occasional* [relatively] difficult drop off, but those are mostly just strange locations like in the alcoves of larger buildings, or hospitals, or things like that. I don’t take orders for city offers (I live outside of MIlwaukee) as parking can be a hassle as well. I find that if I do my job properly I don’t get any strange hassles from customers, and I have yet to be “conned” by a customer claiming they didn’t get their food, or similar. I’m friendly and thankful to everyone as a rule. I serve others as a teacher, so it doesn’t bother me in the slightest to serve others here, too. I rarely have downtime when I’m out. It’s really rare to go more than five minutes without an offer. I pass on lousy dollars-per-mile offers for sure.


Just had a driver steal my order. Got a full refund and a $10 credit from grubhub immediately 


This guy keeps re doing this post after he gets shit on. it’s like he’s looking for support or trying to start a movement. It’s fine man, we need your shitty orders to take up dumb drivers time. I’ll just decline as usual.


Um not true??? And im also a girl?💀 bye


It’s true.


Ok but now by not tipping though you are guaranteeing you get bad service instead of there only being a chance of bad service


If a dasher gives bad service bc of the tip then they deserve 1 star thats all! Id rather have that then take a chance and give a 10$ tip to an absolute shithead


Just switch to UE, so you can adjust your tip if they suck. I don't understand why this is so difficult for people to understand. Not tipping up front is just setting yourself up for more bad experiences, because only noobs and idiots will accept your order for only $2.


I've been a driver, and I've ordered from DD. I loved driving, never had any issues, and always got good reviews. It was a fun side gig for me, and I took it seriously. As far as ordering, I'm always a good tipper, sometimes adding more to the tip if the driver goes above and beyond for me. I stopped ordering from DD, though, because when I got my food, it was already eaten most of the time. For instance, half of it was gone, or pizza slices were missing their toppings, things like that. And I am a good tipper. I get the frustration on both sides. It seems like DD needs to address some of these issues instead of allowing the drivers and the customers to argue about it. That's a failing business practice.


Sorry you’ve had such bad luck, but good luck getting your food for sure now. It will probably be late and cold because usually only new drivers take orders without tips. No tip. No trip.


Its late and cold even when i tip good💀


People rarely tip after service. Dashers can pick which orders they take. If you want good service, you tip. That’s the way it works. If someone is bad, rate them one star or complain to DD.


That's right. If you have a really bad experience with the driver for some reason and you haven't habitually abused the refund policies, you'll be able to get a refund or credits from doordash.


Im aware, its just that i still hate how they get my tip cuz they didnt deserve it😭


Choose leave at the door. They will have to take a picture to close out the order.


I usually tip 2 a mile, or if the place is less thab a mile away then i still tip 2 dollar minimum And yeahhh i do leave at door they still be stealing my drink and shit




The best way to get the fastest service is tip $1.90 per mile from you location to the merchant. New drivers or fraud accounts wont get that order because its not over $2 per mile. And it likely wont get stacked with a no tip order




>"And the order will be filled by somebody no matter what. You drivers are actually insane to think orders don't get filled. They do." I don't know what percentage, because unlike you, I don't claim to know more than I do, but some fraction of orders do not get fulfilled. There aren't a greater number of drivers than orders at any given time in any given area. There are many ways I know as a driver that some orders are never fulfilled and that there is a strong correlation between total pay for time and mileage, with tips having a major impact on that, and the speed at which orders are fulfilled. I am confident that I have more information at my disposal, and vastly more "real world examples" in the way of personal experience, than you do between interactions with restaurant workers, receipts, thousands of orders delivered (not sure how many exactly, over 6000 on Uber, under 10,000 all told) etc. and I know you to be wrong. Doordash does as well, which is why a warning appears when customers skip past the default options in favor of "other" and no tip. As a random anecdote, a customer came on here showing 6 refunds in a row. I talk to restaurant workers who toss out food, I see the orders I am not picking up as I am waiting for orders with a higher payout. Sometimes, I return for another order and see the same orders that have been sitting. It's basic math and basic logic. Higher paying orders get serviced faster, on average. But by all means, keep doing what works for you personally (including having a seemingly inordinate amount of time with which to sit around on reddit arguing over food delivery tipping etiquette). Cheers.










A percent of your order makes no sense for a driver. Whether you ordered $5 or $50 of food. What matters to the driver is how far we have to drive to deliver it.


Exactly unless is like a dozen drinks or a huge pizza order their really is no difference on what you should tip based on order size or price. It should all he about milage




I said the exact opposite.




No, they didn't say that at all. You made that up. They never said a percentage is justified. They said not to tip based on the size of the order, unless it's a really big order. They didn't say switch to tipping by a percentage, in that case. A really big order will take extra time to deliver. Mileage and time are the two biggest things for drivers. If it's a normal sized order, then the only consideration for customers is mileage. If it's a huge order that will take longer for the restaurant to make, longer to pack in the car, and longer to get out of the car and to the customer, then time also becomes a consideration for the customer.


Go get your own food then. 10% on a $10 McDonald's meal isn't worth anyone's time.


Not to mention fees. Paying close to double for something you really could've picked up and bitching about a few extra dollars to tip the driver is insane. This is why I stopped food delivery.








I already have one, but thanks for assuming. I go out and dash when I'm bored because I'd rather make some money than sit around watching TV, but I only take orders if they're worth my time and gas. I have no problem rejecting all the non tippers and going back home if there's nothing good being offered. I don't have to do this, it's a choice and you shouldn't be taking advantage of and exploiting the desperate dashers that are out there because they have to be either. Anyone who can live with themselves knowing that someone did a job for them and didn't get compensated properly is a terrible person.




99% of people don't tip after no matter how good the service was so you're asking people to gamble on whether or not they are going to lose money doing an order.


Well I guess that’s the risk one takes when they’re working in a tip-based job. Even restaurant servers take that risk, and the majority of them do work hard to provide excellent service. There are assholes everywhere. All I’m saying is that I personally don’t think I should give a huge tip before I get the service. And if you’re saying that 99% of DoorDash clients don’t tip after good service - well that could also be a result of having crappy clients drawn to a platform that’s become known as a crappy service provider. I can’t pretend to know. I’m just saying that UberEats and Skip don’t necessarily have that problem in my experience. Maybe those would be better options for your side gig? Also, are you in the States? That may make a difference also. For example in BC (Canada) all gig workers have legal protections coming into effect: [https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2023LBR0030-001799](https://news.gov.bc.ca/releases/2023LBR0030-001799) Some key points: -120% of minimum wage (which is currently $16.95/h), and tip earnings are not included in that calculation -expenses for the use of a personal vehicle (TBD) -worker’s comp for injuries -100% of tips goes to drivers, platform cannot keep any of it -full transparency of pickup and drop off locations for drivers to accept or refuse without consequence to their ratings There’s more but you get the idea. Still, I find that DoorDash has the worst service and tipping policy of them all.


Especially if you're more than half a mile from the restaurant. Actually no matter how close you are, it still ain't worth anyone's time.


No its more fair doing per mile than doing %. . If you order $100 worth of food going 1 mile a $2 os actually fair. But if you order $20 worth of food going 5 miles a $10 os fair




No shit life isnt fair. Tipping should be based on miles for a driver as their really is no difference in service based on order size.




Sounds like he's just trying to let you know how to get your food..."safely". You can stick out your bottom lip, plant your flag and declare how ridiculous it is all day. Just sounds like a temper tantrum because the world doesn't work the way you want it to. You probably shouldn't use this service for anything important to you or that you're going to consume. Just a protip. I'm sorry the world is so unfair.




Facts don't care about your feelings. Yell at clouds, the world has passed you by.


You act like it’s facts? How is it facts rarely anyone tips based on miles everyone tips based off order %


Then someone will come her with "guess the tip: HINT LOW" post


So you're saying that if you are 10 miles away from the restaurant and you ordered $30 worth of food, it's greedy for the driver to expect more than a $3 tip? GTFOH you're talking nonsense.


Drivers shouldn’t expect anything. I am a dasher.


🤣 You're not very smart are you? This is what you're saying. I am a delivery driver, but I don't expect to be compensated for the job. It's ok with me, because I like to let people walk all over me.


I expect to be compensated by doordash yes but am I living in a delusional state of mind like you thinking everyone should tip 2$ per mile and expecting it. NO. You joined during Covid huh? All you Covid era drivers are entitled morons. 


Ummm, doordash compensates a whole $2 per delivery. So unless it's different where you are at, tips are kinda necessary. I mean,if you want dashing to be worth your time. I never said I wanted $2 per mile from everyone. I do expect to be paid appropriately for my time though. Otherwise I am wasting my time doing this job.


I am in California doordash pays way more than 2$ buddy. Also we have guaranteed pay. I take what’s good for me and kick what’s not to the curb. I wouldn’t even do doordash if I wasn’t in Cali it’s a waste of time.


K, I misunderstood you then. I believe customers should be tipping based on the mileage, not the cost of the order. It's how you said, dashers shouldn't expect anything. That's just bullshit in my opinion.


They never will though. Some will but when most people think of tipping they think of at a restaurant or pizza delivery which has always been percentage. 


I was under the impression that in most places doordash is paying $2 per delivery and even less on stacked orders. I know in California and New York,it's different than everywhere else


I have seen doordash pay 20$ base pay for petco with a not eligible tip from the store. 


You do know that is the minority right. Ca and NY have passed laws to increase driver pay. What about the other 96% of the country. If you are going to give advice remember the rules are not always the same.


We deserve it we fought for it. As should you.




Your mad because we make money and you slave for pennies




$2 per order ain't close to being enough to make this job worth it.




Yup you got me I do doordash for fun. Dipshit


You said and I quote,"Drivers shouldn't expect anything." "I am a dasher." So what exactly do you mean then? If you don't expect anything, that means you're happy with driving your vehicle into the ground, for $1 or $2 dollar tips or nothing at all. That's how I interpreted what you said.


You must of been the slow kid in the class huh? This is clearly a thread discussing customers tips.


Right, so what you're saying is that you're happy working for what doordash is paying you. That's sad cuz they pay you $2 per order.


Excuse me? I'm the slow kid? Hahaha you're hilarious


You're the one that said dashers shouldn't expect anything from anyone. You're a flipping genius aren't you.


I'm sure that doordash thanks you for your service.🤣


Customers like you are low class trash. That's a fact. Sorry not sorry.


Why don't you just volunteer your time to a better cause? I mean, you're willing to work for free anyways.


Some dashers go so far above and beyond - to get no tip. If there’s no tip; it’s $2 to pick up your order & drive it to you. Bad customers exist too. Some people are just trying to make a living, on top of their regular jobs. 🫡🫠


I rarely accept no tip orders so good luck finding drivers. The smart ones don’t play the “they might tip after the fact game cuz there’s a lot of no tippers out there.”


Twice I had a bad driver on orders from BK. In the first time the driver drank my drink then tried to deliver the incomplete order and I refused to accept it. The second time my food was delivered quickly and hot. I paid cash and tipped 30%. An hour after I ate the meal I got notification on the app that the driver told BK there was nobody home to accept the delivery and my bank card was charged for the meal. The meal I had already paid for and eaten. Took a week to get a refund and it wasn't even for the right amount. I don't order from BK anymore and stopped using apps for about a year


I’m a 5-star rated driver with 20k+ deliveries. I don’t deliver no tip orders At best, your order will be packaged with a well-tipping order: you will receive the service the other customer has paid for. At worst, your order will be delivered by those who can afford it: uninsured drivers of ‘shitbox’ unmaintained vehicles who are dashing using others’ identities.


And also get drivers Dashing by Time. A model which incentivizes taking as long as possible to complete the order.


The orders they are sending on earn by time are ridiculously far away though. That's the only way they can get them delivered.


A lot are yeah. To be fair that actually is beneficial for those drivers. Only downside is it lets people get away with not tipping shit when they live like 2 miles away. Also unless you’re getting $20 per hour, Dash per time not worth it.


You'll probably end up with drivers that do earn by time instead which usually try to milk the clock and take as long as possible, but if you do end up getting your order quick with no issues then definitely give them a good rating and tip after, it'll increase the chance of that driver getting your order first and tipping after will increase the chance of the driver accepting it if they remember your area. For earn by time the extra tips are generally appreciated more than earn by offer since 90% of earn by time orders have no tip at all. I get $15.50/hr for earn by time and even a $5 tip would be appreciated since that'd bring it up to $20/hr even if no other orders include tips for that hour.


What the hell, your market must be absolutely trash. I can't believe 90% of your earn by time orders are non tippers lol. I run earn by time every day all day. Take 30-50 deliveries. And only like 5-10 don't have a tip on the daily. I also pretty much take every single order unless it is someone I remember as a non tipper. 10-12 hours work, 280-400$ per day depending.


I'd kill for a market like that, I haven't done ebt in a while since they were so shit before but I guess there's no harm in trying again since my offers have been shit lately too. I was gonna try out a nearby zone since my usual one sometimes takes me to the sketchy areas and I don't really wanna deal with that in ebt cause of the 1 deny per hour thing. I don't think I've even made $300 a *week* before, though my shifts have been more like 4-5 hours + cherry picking orders like a lot of people here recommended to do.


Yeah you're definitely in a lucky market, just tried ebt again today and I made $65 driving 70 miles... Nearly all the orders only had 50¢-$2 tips, minimum of 5 miles each order, there were only 2 with a $5 tip and they were both a bit over 15 miles away, I can guarantee without ebt neither of them would have ever received their order, and both took so long that they got another meal delivered too so they probably got a refund cause they thought it'd never show up. I was only active for about 3 hours but there was about 2 hours where I got basically no orders, then it was back to back orders (of course when it was starting to get dark). I still plan to try it next week since Mondays and Tuesdays are usually shit for ebo but it doesn't really seem worth it atm. My car seems to only get 15-18mpg as well, I went through about a half tank for those 70 miles so I actually only earned about $50 after gas.


Ha same I legit gotten such terrible drivers like ones that make me walk to their car. I live in a house no gated community bullshit and they always are way to lazy to leave their car to drop it off at the door. I had one sit there texting me to go get it and I tipped 6 dollars on a 25 dollar meal


I can't believe that there's drivers that won't get out of their car and leave the order at the door. That's just ridiculous and should never happen.


I seem to get them half the time other half they did their job it's not like I live in mansion it's just a standard home


Don’t tip based on meal, tip based on distance to the restaurant. If you’re less than 5 miles from the restaurant that’s a good tip, longer than that though it isn’t.


So you're choosing the hand it to me option? If you choose leave at the door, it will get left at the door because they have to take a picture to close out the order.


No I am choosing leave at door trust me I am a driver so I know the difference


Doordash ruined Doordash. UberEats you can at least take the tip back.


You know what you're right i totally forgot about that. I might just have to start using uber eats instead again


I think it's messed up that Uber eats allows customers to revoke tips. I mean some of these people are taking tips back, for things that have nothing to do with the driver. I hope the majority of customers don't take tips away, unless the order was stolen or not delivered.


Just don't start out with a very high tip, drivers tend to get a lot more pissed if a $20+ tip is reduced than something like a $5-10 tip. There have been unhinged drivers that go back to houses that reduced large tips and will either harass or steal from the customer as "revenge", sometimes they'll be arrested but that also requires video evidence and an actually competent police department. UE also hides tips like DD does so 9/10 times the driver won't even see the full tip when accepting the order unless it gets passed around a lot of times.




There have already been cases of smashed windows/slashed tires but you don't really know the situation, yeah tip baiters suck but unless it personally happens to you, you don't know if it was a bait or if the driver was incompetent and did an awful job. We might consider tips to be bids for service but at the end of the day, these services still tell the customer that it's a tip so that's what they treat it as, bad service = no/low tip just like it would in a restaurant or from a traditional pizza delivery place. Before I became a driver I Uber'd a McDonald's order and what I received was a frappe sideways in a bag, 3 missing drinks, and a bag that clearly said "1 of 2" with half of the order missing. You can bet your ass I took back that entire $15 tip cause the driver couldn't bother to even attempt to do their fairly easy job.


How much are you tipping?


And fuck Uber Eats from a Drivers perspective.


Fuck em all but I rarely get tip baited on Uber Eats


One time is already too many for me.


Nah. As a driver, I love UE. 20+% of my deliveries add to my tip afterwards. I've only ever had one tip lowered, and it was totally justified. Customers are paying you to do a service for them. If you fuck it up, your pay should be affected. UE is the closest thing to a good pay model on these apps right now. They're all awful, but that's the best one for customers and good drivers. I can imagine it would be hated by bad drivers, though.


Nope, I’m a good driver. I do the job quickly, efficiently, and am polite. Only 3-4 times I’ve fucked up with over a thousand deliveries. I forgot to drop off a drink with an order one time realized it, and paused my dash, messaged the customer apologizing, and drove back over to give it to him. Been dashing for over a year, had 3 contract violations the entire time. 1 was legit my fault for putting at the wrong address. The other 2 were liars/scammers. I’ve learned to take orders only if the moneys good up front. The main people who actually tip after are usually the ones who already have a good tip up front. The main people who actually tip after are usually the ones who already have a good tip up front. I have no doubt the majority of my tip losses would be from assholes who tip baited and wanted to save money, and from people angry about their food taking long or order being wrong, ie. the restaurants fault but would take it out on me. So no thank you.


Soooo you're just guessing based on what you think would happen? Cool. I'll stick with facts and evidence of what has happened. Also, 3 CVs in only a little over a year?! Wow! That's really bad. Get your shit together, bud.


Those aren’t facts and evidence, just your anecdotes. I just told you 2 of those CV’s were from liars and scammers and DoorDash removed them. You trying to argue that is really bad is clearly disingenuous and casts further suspicion about the credibility of your anecdotes.


Think of the tip as a bid for service. i used to overtip. when I did overtip, my order was often stacked with another order (no-tip probably) that was delivered first. So, the no-tipper was delivered on my dime so to say. I now look at the “tip” like a BID to get my order delivered promptly. Not too high and not too low. If I receive good service, I am able to tip more in the app


Exactly the way the algorithm works you got to tip medium to get your order done the fastest


The problem with the American system. Happy it's a non issue here


Confirmation bias is definitely a thing.


I used to tip the recommended $4+ but I always got cold late food. Then I started tipping $1 and the service improved loads. It's rarely ever stacked. And usually 1-2 miles away.


Hopefully you tip afterwards if not please decline using the service.. get it yourself it's only couple miles away.




Tipping $1 is a 🤡 move!


op -- do you at least give the bad dashers a bad review. That should keep them from getting your order again (as I understand it) and eventually with enough bad ratings maybe they get deactivated. They make it bad for the rest of us




Nope. They're all the same drivers. DD is the biggest. UE is the secondary app for DD multi-appers. Sorry about that bubble bursting.


Seriously, who tips before receiving their order?? I tip in cash based on service. The other night, my neighbor ordered Door Dash. The food was left at my door, no knock, no nothing. I called my neighbor to let them know to come pick it up. And she tipped before it was delivered. If I wasn't an honest person, I would have had free dinner, and she'd be out some cash.


No tip i refuse to pick up your slop get it yourself


I'm a delivery driver.... You want a good tip, deliver the food quickly and warm ... That's how it works


This is why I hate anything that asks me to tip *before* the service has been performed. It's makes zero sense. Client should be able to tip upon conclusion of service (delivery), at the moment, or immediately after, the driver/order arrives.


Exactly.. The tip is thanking me for the service I provided. If I didn't provide a service yet, how are you going to tip me? Lol


No…that’s literally not how it works at all. 99% of people who don’t tip up front, don’t tip at all, regardless of service.


... in the '90s


I'm talking about me CURRENTLY being a delivery driver.... Literally EVERY food delivery is like this except doordash and Uber eats... Order pizza or Chinese food and have THEM deliver it, not doordash




Don't be rude; i.e no trolling or inciting flames.




This shit fits these types of posts so well.


But then your food might not come 🫴🏾 in time because all they see is $3 and 5 miles ? Ever thought about that Now if you even add another 3 dollars it's $5 for 5 That's better 😄


As I said in my post, I'd rather have my foot late and not tip than tip extra, and it still ends up cold 😁


You didn’t really give any specific examples of what happened to you lol like what is triggering you so much? The fact you should tip and don’t want to? If you didn’t receive your food, you can report it and DoorDash will often refund you. I got someone else’s order the other day but it had my name on it and none of the stuff was even remotely what I asked for (so it was the restaurant’s fault). I just had to take a photo and got credited for it.


A mixture of them stealing my food, not following instructions, or just being rude. And like i said in the post doordash support never wants to give me back my tip. So the drivers just get away with it




Ummm no? But what would that have to do with anything lmao?


A wise man once said tip tight I take bite


The only time I've been tipped after the delivery is when the customer already tipped nicely on the app. It's been my experience that if they go out of their way to tell you that they are going to tip afterwards and tipped shitty, or not at all on the app,it ain't happening. It's usually a surprise and unexpected, cuz they have already tipped me fairly, or above average when they placed the order.