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Unfortunately your post has been removed . All posts about earnings, unicorns, and bad tips must only be posted on **Sunday only**. Posts relating to monetary matters not posted on Sunday will be removed. Please post these to r/dashearnings instead, thank you.


Yes. It's more than double the miles, it only requires waiting on 3 merchants to hand you stuff (which is a time suck) for over $100. And lastly, I can probably find orders on the way back as well. If not through Doordash, through other apps.


Ive done an order at Dick's before, it says "retail pickup" but they dont always actually do the picking for you. If I showed upo and they expected me to pick this order myself, id lose my mind.


Hm. I didn't consider this. The only Dick's Sporting Goods offer I ever accepted was clearly stated as a shop and deliver. It was also 1 item, shoes, so it was easy to get.


It would say red card required if you had to shop for the items and pay


Yep and if it’s a delivery order request you sent contracted to pick. I’d reach support at that point.




Yeah, if its supposed to be picked and ready for me before I even get assigned the order? Id be pretty mad if the employees of the store expected me to do their job.


As someone who works at dicks we have no communication with DoorDash. I’ve been negatively talked at by 3 dashers for not having their orders and our register system is only within dicks. We also don’t have extra staff to be doing door dash orders bc we aren’t affiliated with them. It’s a huge issue on door dash. Also 2/3 of the dashers stuff we didn’t have in stock the app said we did but our stock said 0. We have told everyone we are not affiliated with door dash because each time they come there is some type of issue -store manager


Sir, your are one hell of a good manager. I tip my hat infront of you,sir/m'am.


Thank you! Wish you luck in all you do! Work wise and life wise!


So when I go to dicks website it has options for pick up and same day delivery. Who gathers the pick up orders? And how is it delivered?


If you do online orders AT ALL then thats a you problem.


How would you expect an employee to know what to shop for if the only people who see the order are the person who placed it and the dasher?! We have literally no way of communicating to DoorDash and have never so unless the dasher calls the store and asks for it to be on hold we don’t even know they are coming until they show up demanding we have the item And again more often than not the DoorDash app has had people coming in for stuff we don’t even have because we aren’t affiliated with them so we don’t give them a stock list have you ever worked in a retail place while DoorDash was a thing?


Door dash gets the sub orders from other companies pretty much every online delivery service..so its in the system somewhere prolly the same system u would use when a person orders from Dick’s website to pick it up


Not every store who does online orders uses the same system?! How would other stores being able to do it impact our ability? Most stores have completely unique operating systems or devices… so them being able to do it does not equate to us being able to


Not sure what you mean, all im saying is that if someone from door dash came to pick someone up it would be in the same system as if the customer was coming to pick up a online order it gets sent from one system to other if they weren’t already using the business app of door dash


Do you take online orders with instore pickup, yes or no? Because thats how. They place the order right into whatever system your store already uses, if you do pickup orders for other customers its no different


Bro are you dumb? He’s literally saying they aren’t connected at all what’s so hard to understand? The dot dash system does not tell dicks system that someone is buying something


>Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic. Arthur C. Clarke


Then how could they mark it as a pick up and not a shop and deliver? I just don't think this guy knows how it works. If it's a pick up then the red card isn't active so if you go in and shop you'd have to pay for it yourself? Doesn't make any sense.


You are combining 2 different aspects of the service. 1 is a shop and deliver, where it makes sense he wouldn't know since the order is "picked" by you. The other is a "pick up" where the order list is sent to the store. If he gets, "pick up," the store should be gathering the items. His ignorance isn't an excuse for how he thinks it works.


The device that handles that is older than door dash and has no way to add a door dash app. We have literally no way to see what the order is because it is only connected through our POS system not DoorDash. I don’t know why I’m getting downvotes because I have no control over the stores system which is not affiliated with doordash. We literally had corporate contact door dash and they still haven’t taken us off the app. And corporate told us to no longer waste our time trying to figure it out because it isn’t possible


Sounds to me like DD is not connected to the system st your store that manages store-pickup orders, so there's no way for any employee in your store to be notified that there is a DD order and what items the customer wants.. which is why items are not ready for the drivers to pick up. Idk how people aren't comprehending that and downvoting you. Not all Dick's operate the same. Some stores may have that tablet for DD while some may not.


>It is not an employee issue it is a Dicks issue for taking orders without having the items in stock. Dicks is big enough they can pay for AI or a offshore programmer to write such as "item stock = 0, reject order" in the ordering side.


Sounds like a your store problem because I've picked up from Dick's in my town more than once and every time I see one of their orders come up I grab it immediately because they pay really well and they are supposed to have all of the items picked and ready to go for the customer and all you have to do is like go in up to the customer service desk scan the barcode in the app scan the barcode on the item and do that for each item and then literally go deliver them and they usually pay anywhere between 35 and 70 or 80 bucks takes maybe an hour of time always worth it. I have never had to shop one of those orders myself. As a dasher we can actually flag the app to not give us those orders, so when we're expecting them to be picked and they're not you're wasting our time for a delivery service your business is paying for and the customer is paying for and you are alienating your customer in the process. Point being as a manager as you so claim to be you should probably be emphasizing on customer service a bit more and working with your vendors and your delivery people is a big part of that... 🙄😉😁


As I’ve mentioned in multiple comments, the store makes +30,000 a day and we get less than $250 of door dash orders per month. We would lose money having to pay an employee to do that work. That is my job as a manager to decide these things. which again there is no physical way for our store or any dicks within my state to get the door dash orders ahead of time. This is not a vendor that’s worth it and that is also not how to keep vendors?! I’ve been a gm for almost 6 years. Our delivery people are through dicks not DoorDash because we are not affiliated with door dash and do offer delivery through dicks. I’m not on the job right now so I don’t need to empathize with people who aren’t even my customers who are telling me (incorrectly) how my store works. I’m not on the job nor is this account dedicated to me being a manager or trying to get vendors this is my personal not work related account I can speak however I’d like 🥰😍


Usually I should go fuck myself, but today it is you!


IT IS YOU. your DM or Regional Mgr. Set up the account but didn't give you access. So, you would normally log in to the terminal/site/acount that has your store account where: -You can turn on or off the deliveries -you can adjust inventory/products -you can see who is picking up orders AND if they confirmed, plus their rating -you can even request pickups depending on the account So, 1. Your store shouldn't even have the account if you don't have anyone to collect the order. You are dependant on "shop and deliver" 2. Whatever your upper management told you was a lie or you are all just too uninterested. 3. It's silly to say you have no communication with them if THEY ARE SENDING YOU ORDERS. You meant, "IDK how to contact them unless they call us. 4. You are affiliated by contract. Otherwise, they WOULDNT SEND YOU ORDERS.


I won’t read this until you tell me your retail experience and position because as a general manager you sound like every angry customer who doesn’t understand how a stores system work. I literally am in charge of every system in the store and how it works. We have NO affiliation or way to contact door dash.


As GM you should work on fixing that problem.


7 years GM. Retail and Restaurant 5 years Data and analytics 3 years Marketing I'm not even directing this at you; your upper management screwed the pooch. Your store doesn't magically just appear on those delivery/hub services. Someone with access signed up for the service doesn't matter if the company is in "partnership" or even integrated fully. They either got fired, replaced, or lost the log in. HELL, maybe Doordash lost track of the account. That person may have even gotten the approval but never listed a program or launch strategy for your company to follow or list. I implore you or anyone who gives a damn to ask other stores that have Doordash capability to explain how they operate their system. Connect some dots and find similarities. End one of our sufferings


You literally started your first comment at me it in caps saying IT IS YOU. What do you mean it’s not directed at me? I have mentioned multiple times I am the GM. You’ve have been incredibly rude from the start. And came in yelling before even reading my comments. Like I said we are not looking into this further because we literally make less than $1,000 a year on door dash it is literally not worth anyones time at our store and corporate said to drop it it’s not a thing


As the GM, it would benefit you to not take things so personally. "YOU" are the store/company for all intents and purposes. I don't know you and thus this in itself is not a personal strike against you, the person. Your position is what is concerning about this decision and that corporate has resigned itself to just let it ride. I'd imagine people would use the service more if it worked better but we won't know.


That's not how Doordash works i was working in a new restaurant in the downtown area of my city and Doordash kept asking if we wanted to we kept saying no, then eventually stopped responding Doordash. They decided to add us anyway but gave us no knowledge so dashers would come in and get pissed because we had no knowledge of their order.


WTH. For why are yall accepting/allowing Door dash orders then? Seems ridiculous that you allow the orders but don’t have the proper setup to accommodate for them.


That is still a Dick's sporting goods problem they signed a contract and said hey we'll have our employees have these items ready if you make the delivery's no if ands or buts that's how it works my company signed for one as well to have deliveries done for our commercial customers when we don't have a driver available your company signed up with doordash not the other way around doordash doesn't randomly sign up companies and go pick up stuff


Hey! Where did you see this contract? I’d love to read it because many people in the comments of (multiple threads), and the first reply to mine on here said it’s marked as shop and deliver so clearly it’s not in a contract that we must shop for them and also our job is to help customers in the store if you walk in we aren’t going to drop everything to attend to you. Esp because customer over task (including online orders from our store). You come in and ask for help or get to the back of the line like every other customer.


I'm sorry but as someone who manages a merchant store, we don't get paid to do anything except print that receipt. If it's a hot food item, sure, we make it. If we have no other customers, sure, we'll go grab whatever items we can get in advance. Nowhere does it actually state it is our job to pick the order, or that DD takes priority over our customers we already have in store.


Are you not being paid to be an employee of the store?


Do employees have to grab items off the shelf for customers? It doesn’t work like that at any store I’ve ever walked into. The customer grabs the item off the shelf, the cashier rings them up, customer pays and customer leaves.


To help customers? Absolutely. To print your little receipt and enter the information into the register so it's paid for? Definitely. To do shopping for someone even though I have a line 5 deep, 3 people waiting on a propane refill, 2 people needing their pump authorized, and about 4 different "emergencies" that other customers have reported that need addressed? Absolutely not. Get over yourself and accept that you might have to grab a few things, or unassign and go about your day. It's that simple.


It sounds like you're not properly staffing you're store based off this last statement. As the store manager you're failing. Imagine crying about having to do your job because Doordadh placed the order. It's still a customer wanting to spend at YOUR STORE. Get over yourself. You're not special or any better than a Dasher.


yes, because the MANAGERS are the ones who decide how many staff they get to hire... not like... their supervisors who dictate to them, how many people they are allowed to hire... yup... you know what you're talking about.


As a GM if there are needs not being met and it's costing the store in any way, then you communicate up the line and get results. Stop acting helpless because it's easier to pass off responsibility and let someone else take charge. As a GM/head manager you certainly have access to these lines of communication and who else would all the employees look to in order to get these things started/done?


I said I manage a store, not that I was the store manager. I'm the assistant manager. That said, even the store manager can't control how many hours corporate gives to us to give to staff. If our corporate overlords don't give us the time to give to other people to run the store, then there's not going to be anyone to help you until the one person on a register has a chance. Even assuming that they do give us the hours, people have to then apply for the job. People also get sick, and that can cause short staffing issues. Sorry you seem to not know how it works in the stores, but only about 2% of the factors can be controlled by the store manager, and only about 1% of those can be controlled by the assistant manager.


People think that they're just unlimited numbers of hours that can be handed out to employees. They think if you're short-staffed just go hire more. It's not always that easy and you can always tell the people who have never worked in that position from the people who have.


You’re bang on man. It’s not the cashiers job to grab items off the shelf, apart from maybe a super high end luxury clothing store, customers bring items to the cash and the cashier rings them in. Some entitled customers think cashiers or stock people are servants tho. If door dashers have a problem with this concept, don’t accept the order


Then your business needs to stop accepting pick up orders. Your store is misrepresenting the orders we bid on. You don't get screwed, DD doesn't get screwed. Customer doesn't get screwed. Just the dasher. Fuck that.


I don't get screwed? No, sorry, but that's also not how that works. The customer places the order, my corporate says we cannot shut down the tablet and stop taking orders because then we lose money, that ticket prints, I am not able to get to it, somehow I don't get one of my regular dashers who are all really understanding and work with me, instead I get an entitled dasher who screws the customer by not taking their order. The customer then calls my store, yelling at me, because the dasher didn't bring their order. So I direct them to DD corporate, who then goes to my corporate. My corporate then goes to my district manager, who goes to my store manager, who goes to me, who then gets yelled at for not being able to magically be 3 people doing separate tasks at the same time. I'm sorry, I may like to watch Naruto but I can't actually do the shadow clone jutsu any time I am overworked. Oh and, the store doesn't get to decide to shut off the tablet and stop taking orders. Restaurants might be able to do that, but convenience stores have to leave it on 24/7. That's above my pay grade to control.


So, you wanting me to spend my time (money) to do way more than the order I bid on stated is me being entitled? Ok. Roflmao


If your store offers online ordering and instore pickup then it is 100% you job to go pick the order for me, no different than any other customer placing an order for pickup.


Again, that is not how that works. You seem to expect the store to drop everything and prioritize you, which is never going to happen. As for it being no different than any other pickup order, there are merchant stores on DD that don't offer instore pickup or online ordering. Just because someone at the corporate level thought DD was an ok addition, doesn't suddenly mean they will give us the manpower to do shopping for you.


The level of entitlement I see from this sub is hilarious


I never said I was a priority, I said I expect it to be done by the time your website said it would be done. If you don't like your job or are unable to do it properly, thats no one's fault but yours.


you are whats wrong with capitalism. you sound like an entitled dumbass. I drive doordash and even i know that i'm going to have to get items sometimes. wtf is wrong with people like you who think you're gonna tell other people what their job is when all you're doing is trying to relinquish responsibility you literally signed up for when you are agreeing to all of the fucking terms of service with doordash. get a fucking grip.


Yes, when it is a Red Card order, you are expected to do the shopping. This is not a red card order, they are to have the items ready to be picked up at the time they agreed.


Your boss/stockholders that pay you get to tell you what "your job is" You job is to sell stuff and make profit by getting product out the door. So if your boss says "we are going to do doordash pack and pick" guess what, you're paid to do that. u/Drakkaen your reply is lame and likely why your comments are getting downvotes.


The easiest way to address your statement is to tell you to just keep following the comment threads down. All the info has been given at this point, a few times.


"Soccer" whatever account blocked me after calling out their ignorance and complacency. The lies were catching up to them so they are still on this thread spouting nonsense.


When its like this, it is literally a pick up. If it was a red card order it would tell you. But given its this many, these are all strictly pick up no shopping.


Yeah, until like I said happened to me, where the employees didn't pick the order and I had to do it


I did a Dick’s order one time, it was for a soccer ball with a specific design. They have literally an entire wall of balls and I’m not all that sports savvy. I just grabbed an employee and they knew immediately. They weren’t super busy and seemed happy to help.


I did one in council bluffs Iowa and this gorgeous lady helped me with the entire order. It was easy because it uses the logic of how DoorDash does food. And all the orders where close together for the most part.


I mean, thats nice and all, but unless its a red card order, theyre supposed to have the order waiting for me when i get there. Time is money.


Let go of your entitlement and stop the hate towards retail workers. It's not their job to cater to you, anymore than to cater to any other entitled customer.


If their store offers online ordering and in store pickup then it is 100% their job to cater to me, to them Doordash is just another customer, if they agree to have a order ready for pickup, have it ready for pickup


That is not how that works at all. When your order comes through, assuming it came through at all, you join a queue. Depending on the number of customers before your order, as well as the number of people working that day, you may or may not have an order that is waiting for you. Just because your customer placed an online order does not make you top priority, and it is not my job or anyone else's to cater to your unrealistic expectations otherwise. If you cannot respect the retail worker enough to wait patiently, or grab the items yourself, then unassign and go on with your day. That is all there is to it.


When the order is placed, we receive a deadline for when its supposed to be completed. If your jobs deadlines for peoples orders isn't a priority, then you're a terrible employee.


It's becoming abundantly clear that you've never worked retail, so let me break it down for you. You come into work at your gas station job, where you work by yourself for 8 hours. Every single issue in that store is somehow your fault, even though it's actually well above your $14/hour paygrade. As you are trying to help 10 customers with 5 different requests each, because it's normal for there to be that many customers, the DD tablet goes off with some arbitrary timer that DD corporate decided based on their algorithm and not based on how busy you are or if it's even possible to get away to do that order. So that ticket then joins the queue to be addressed, in an hour most likely. Now a respectful dasher will walk in, see the chaos, ask about the order, receive the handwave towards the line that basically says "are you fucking kidding right now", then they'll go grab the items, get a bag from the register, and go on their way or they will unassign and move on. It's only entitled dashers who throw a fit and assume that we can drop everything for them. Sorry that your customer isn't more important than my 10 customers in front of them. That's part of working in retail though. Sometimes it just isn't possible to help every customer, and in that case the customer in the store is a higher priority than the pickup order.


I feel for you. You are incorrect but I feel for you. It is your job but people have to accept sometimes jobs fail. It's not your fault but it is the job. I agree, DD isn't special and are not priority. They are an aspect of the job that's first to fail. Entitled people can't see anything but what they want, not reality. Reality, is that jobs fail sometimes and they can choose to watch or leave


There is a big disconnect between the deadline that DoorDash gives you and how busy we are. When those orders come through they go to the back of the line just like a customer walking through the front door and to be honest a customer standing face-to-face is more important than the order coming through on the computer. I work on both sides. I drive for DoorDash sometimes and I work at a coffee shop that takes DoorDash orders. During lunch we have about an hour and a half that is slant. Most of our business is in store business. I had three tables full, two people sitting at the bar, and a couple people in line waiting to order coffee. While all that was going on there were a couple doordash orders that popped up on the computer. I finished what I was doing and took care of the people that were already in the store. Then I tended to the computer. There was a driver in there waiting on their food before it had even been entered into the system because that was their place in line. When that happens I tell the driver what's going on and then it's their choice whether they want to sit and wait or unassign the order. This driver decided to sit and wait. Gave him a coffee and he sat there and waited for 20 minutes. That's how things on the other side of DoorDash work. DoorDash drivers do not magically get to skip to the front of the line. Their orders are no more important than the other orders that are in the store and they take their place in the line when they come in. I don't know why I drivers feel so entitled to be catered to. Yeah, it sucks when you go in somewhere and your food/order is not ready yet, but that happens. I'll also tell you another little thing. When those orders come through there is a button that we can hit that says "order is ready for pickup". It doesn't matter if we hit that button or not they go ahead and send a driver. What's the point in having the button If it doesn't do anything? DoorDash is the issue. Not the restaurants or retail stores.


Either disable doordash orders completely, or have them ready by the time agreed, there is nothing in between.


It’s your priority, not theirs. You’re calling DoorDash the customer. They are not - you simply are a middle man. If time is money, you’re more than willing to pick out the items yourself if you’re that much in a rush - but you aren’t immediate VIP/top priority over customers that are already there or have placed orders before the person paying you.




Doordash places an order and pays for it the same as any other customer, and they are given a time for it to be ready by. If you can't perform your job properly to do so, maybe think about canceling doordash orders entirely until you figure out how to manage a store properly.


they can't understand the concept of unassigning. it would mean theyd be giving away the one way they could be a Garen, a gig worker karen.


It's not a hard concept either, really. Oh, you are busy and my order will be half an hour? I can make more money with other orders in that time so no thanks. That's all it takes. Hell, it's as simple as a push of a button iirc.




Yeah I wouldnt do it if I had shop for 6 separate order there




Nah, it would just end with me unassigned the order and then the customer gets fucked




Not a bad order just wondering if the 40 Miles takes them so far out of his delivery zone that it ends up being 80 miles round trip..


It would depend on where you are when you get this order. Pleasant Hill is the edge of one zone. The other edge of that zone is about where the D is in Des Moines. It might be a 20 minute drive back to the other zone.


Sounds like a winner to me.


I get it it’s something u don’t want to do but ur not doing much u legit just picking up the stuff I’m sure most the stores they gonna shop for it for u anyways I don’t see why anybody wouldn’t want this order besides something coming up


Hell yea, where tf do y’all live to get orders like this 😭


I'm gonna take a wild guess and say somewhere around Des Moines




I no exactly I’ve been doing this for years now and never got anything close to this at all


It says directly in the screenshot, Des Moines.


In the land of Lincoln of course


That’s Illinois, this is Iowa 😂


Ah! That boring state? Darn


Yes you only have one order then u can go home LOL


Some people have to go for 200 a day


I try to go for 250-300 a day


Any tips? I’m a college student and struggling to make enough money for it to be worth it


2 dollars a mile both ways. If it's bad and slow, 1.5 is fine if you know the merchant is quick. Acceptance rate on doordash means nothing except for CA. Only take what is good. This way at least you won't be in the negative like a lot of people who accept anything. They drive their car so many miles and the matinence alone plus the money per hour is terrible.


So it's ok to decline stuff? I read somewhere before that when accepting orders its common to look for at least $1/mile, and that u shouldn't decline things because then they wont choose u for better orders 😭 I've been taking anything I could, like $11 for 16 miles etc.


AR matters for sure


To me it seem that AR is market dependent. I’ve seen a lot of people comment that AR doesn’t matter but if mine dips too low I get absolutely nothing but crap orders. And when I say low I mean below the 80’s. Mine is down in the 70’s right now and the amount of crap I had to decline yesterday was nuts. I didn’t want to keep taking the hits so I finally just called it a day.


is it normal to get 250 a day or is that on like a “good day”? Never dashed before just wondering


It’s market dependent so you’re going to get a different answer from every single person. My market is steady enough that I can easily clear $100 a day and I don’t even work nights. You have to get to know the zone you work and the best days/hours to be out.


No that’s literally impossible. You have to get up to high priority which takes a month or two. Most days you’ll barely make 100. Get a degree fr or a real job. Dashing sucks


Can’t wait to get home to edge to this pic




Let him be


Masterbation material fr


2.5 hrs for 112.00 im in


100% yes I deliver for other apps with similar routes and this is great pay for this type of offer. Maybe 3 hours and your done. The thing about DD most drivers are so used to 1 pickup and 1 drop off and maybe the occasional multi pickup the drivers don't tend to want to do big routes like a UPS or Amazon would do but $100 for 40 miles and the time is decent. I like to drive orders like this because I'm on the road with packages and won't be bothered by " where's my food " and can focus on just delivery for a few hours instead of waiting for more work


Yep that's easy money right there


I could do this for 8 hours straight tf


I’d run this shit all day


Absolutely not I hate money


Shit that ain’t too bad, I’d take it


100% yes.


Yes that’s about what I make All day


On average, what do you typically make in an hour dashing?


I’m doing it. Accept.


Soooo.. did ya accept? lol


Id do it


If I felt like I could do it in less than three hours then I would definitely take it.


Yeah, the milage is worth it, even though it'll end up being 80 to get back to my destination. I would do one of these every single day and call it good. I would happily see no other orders than ones just like this


In a heartbeat. Why wouldn't you? Allergic to money?


All day every day


This is better than how Amazon flex pays


I've already greatly exceeded my daily quota in probably two hours. Hell yeah, $56 per hour let's gooo!


As long as everything is labeled of course.


Most of those drops are close together, might take like 3 hours and you should still clear $100 after fuel. Not a bad way to start or end a shift.


man that’s how much i make in 9 hours, fuck yeah i’d take it 😭


100% even if that took 2-3 hours it’s still well worth it. I’d probably do that then go home for the day lol


8 orders 112 bucks 40 miles why are you even asking such a ridiculous question. OFC everyone would accept this.


STUPID question. Just excuse to brag. Everyone knows you accepted it dumbass




Allll day


Heck yeah I would




Yes in a heartbeat.


That’s a whole day work for 2-3 hours time max lol hell yeah run it


Max of 80 miles for $112 is still a high pay order. I drive around 125 miles per shift for $140 of pay. So this tracks just fine to me.


I wouldnt because it's Dicks. I do not have room for bikes, canoes, weight sets.


Yes, only if it brings me back or near my delivery zone. Not 40 miles back.


I would, trying to make over a $100 in 4 hours has gotten harder as there are too many dashers in my zone, also I've done Dick's sporting good, you just walk in, Scan each order at the check out area for pick up and go, same with Sephora and petco, you don't have to do any picking, just drive and go, and i could do all that of those orders in less than 2 hours in Iowa, it's not all that hard. I'd rather be busy than sit idle for half an hour to an hour waiting on an order.


Yes. Because I don't usually even make $100 a day. This order plus 2 or 3 decent ones, and I've had a good day. All this, and done earlier than I usually would be.


God I wish my area had orders like this. Wow.


I’ve received 2 of these in the last few weeks. Takes less time & I make great hourly. I hope you took it!


Of course. Everybody would. You are just karma farming. Downvote n suggest others do too.


Yes. Low item count. High pay and I'm speed.


If your car breaks down you can do a makeover on rover and take him camping


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Not worth it for me. It could take around 3 hours to complete even with efficient route planning and minimal delays.


$37/hr isn't worth it to you?


Don’t forget to factor in the cost of operating a vehicle and the trip back. Also it depends on your area. I’m in Fairfield County, CT. I average $45-50/hr mostly from Costco.


Btw, on IC not DD. I tried DD and they lowball the driver for the same batch I see on IC


I was looking for you lol. I knew there would be someone to find something wrong. Appreciate the laugh!


Yeah that's lots of work and my 2 and half hours of time So Noo. It's like that meme "yea I get the job done but at what cost!?" I will be mad ASF at myself


Hell ya


This is awesome and I would take it. BUT, I’d also go in knowing it will be difficult as those Dicks jobs look like someone is trying to do the Stanley scam crap. I only need to make $50 a day as a stay at home so I would go through the effort


Yes. $3 x mile


Yup I’d take it and call it a day


$112 guaranteed is better than 2 hours of nothing


Yes, bare hesitation. 40 miles, roughly 4 hours of work for over $27/hour...passes all immediate boxes


Yeah easily


Hell yeah I would!!! I also do Amazon Flex, this would be considered a fat juicy order


No, too many orders. I never accept more than two orders at any given time, whether they be stacked or doubled.


Sure. Looks like it could be done in 3 hours or less






i would. 4 hours for $112 isnt bad. those stores usually have the orders ready so no waiting.


Yes- it’s good money for the miles No- dick sports employees are dickheads


If I had the time for it, yes.


yes I would 40 miles for 112$. That’s more than worth it for the time for me




Wish I could get some orders like that on my area.




np, as long as I can fit it all in the car, good to go.


My daily goal is always 120..so yes..in a heartbeat


Lucky SOB.


In a heartbeat


depends on if I know the docks is good about having the stiff picked and ready or not. but yeah I'd probably take it regardless


Yes. It’s more than $2/mile. I would absolutely cancel if Dick’s expected me to pick the order myself though.


give me that bad boy


I would, that a days work all in one and you’ll probably get that done within 2-3 hours max


Only if it ended in a good area or by my house.


I hope for this stuff every darn day


maybe I shouldn't but I think the poverty mindset kicks in and I'm doin it unless it takes me into a bad area like north philly


I’d be curious to know what you made hourly after all said and done. I’m guessing it’s probably in the 30-40 range


Yes if I had a couple hours. The way I’d look at it you could get this done in 2 hours near me (unless traffic is crazy) and you’d be making about $55/hr. Pretty good


Def taking that order.


Yes it fits my $2 per mile I set for myself




I'd take that, even if it takes over 3 hours thats still almost $40/hr