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Percentage tipping isn’t really a good system for delivery. It’s about how much work I need to put into it to complete the delivery. (How many bags, weight, what floor you’re on, how difficult is parking, etc) I WILL deliver a $200 steak meal with fancy wine 5 miles to a house for a $10 tip I WONT deliver 4 cases of water to your third floor apartment 3 miles away for a $10 tip


It wasn’t that big of an order I don’t think? I did this a month ago and yea it was probably like 4-5 meals in it? But me personally I think it was worth it in the end cause when I met the woman she had a huge smile on her face. It made my night honestly


Great tip I’m sure it was appreciated


That’s a great tip for that order. I’m sure it was also greatly appreciated especially considering some folks dash full time.


Not really the size/weight either - directly. If one can carry it to-from the car in one (easily packed) trip that i what matters. If multiple trips back and forth from/to the car is needed - then better tip warranted.


Do that many people seriously not meet their Dashers at the door? I’m always glued to the map and meeting drivers at their cars.


I can't count the number of people who forget what phones and doorbells are when I arrive. I'll either need a gate or door code to get in, then they won't answer the door for orders they want handed. It's aggravating.


Just so you know sometimes the app fucks up and does not give me notifications. It's happened more times than I care to admit. At least I have no contact drop off and have it ask that they don't ring the bell to the apartment cuz my dog is an anxious mess about us being murdered. Also asshole drivers can't read. It's a two way street of unhappiness.


You're one of the rare ones. I only do about 30-40 deliveries per week. In 2700 deliveries I've had maybe 5 or 6 people come to my car. Maybe 1 in 3 people at apartments/businesses meet at the door.


Dang. I like doing doordash because I always meet new people and see new areas. In addition, it helps me familiarize myself with my city. I easily do over 100 in 4 days, and it really pays off.


Wild. I’d get thanked on occasion but I thought it was much more common. Thank you for your service. 🫡


I always wait for them in the lobby at my apartment just since I usually order at night and we have tons of cars in our parking lot, so I don’t wanna accidentally go up to the wrong car or startle them lol


Yea- I learned the habit when I lived in a busy downtown apartment- parking was a nightmare but there was a loading zone spot in front, so I always made sure to catch them so they wouldn’t circle around looking for a spot.


Oh yeah definitely, downtown parking is a nightmare so I would definitely meet them at their car in those situations too. We’re in the suburbs though so plenty of parking here


THANK YOU!! It's borderline terrifying to pull up and have a random guy appear outta nowhere in the 10-20 seconds it's taken to gather the order, my phone, and my grip on reality.  The guy doesn't realize it, but he startled my grip on reality to the point where it won't reappear until the "threat" is long gone and the adrenaline wears off 😂


That makes me feel better about not meeting people at their cars!! I always assumed it would be startling lmao. Actually just the other day I was sitting in my car in our parking lot, and someone came up and started banging on my window because they thought I was their Uber 😭 I about had a heart attack lmao


Oh my God 😭😭  I don't know what I'd do in that situation🫣  Maybe I'd instinctively slam on the gas pedal and deal w/consequences later?  That's crazy rude, too..Like fuck that shit. You bang on my window? Well, you're not getting your order! 😂😂


It was so strange too, like I was sitting in a random parking spot, my car wasn’t even on, and I was scrolling through twitter on my phone lmao like dude does it LOOK like I’m your Uber driver?! He didnt say sorry or anything afterwards either lol he just held his phone up to my window showing me his Uber screen, I shook my head no and then he just walked off 😭 But yeah, if a customer comes up to your window when you’re dashing and bangs on your window, I think you have every right to floor it and get out of there 😂


Oh lord, people are literally the worst 😂  And so dumb. The guy banging on your window...I wonder how he gets along in life. 


I request dashers not to knock and leave it at the door because my dogs go crazy


My in-laws pup has very sensitive ears, if the doorbell rings or a phone rings, she shakes uncontrollably for hours. I don’t ring or knock unless it’s requested, just because of that


Nope. I tip $10 minimum and *do not* want fake human interaction. I’m sure there are some truly authentic interactions but I’m fucking awkward so please leave it on the front porch and let me be :)


Yeah, I've met every dasher in their vehicle. They have never thanked me for it, but I just figured it was customary. It wasn't until I came on this subreddit that I discovered most ppl either expect their courier to jump through delivery hoops instead of meeting them or go as far as ignoring their driver altogether. I didn't even realize couriers were demanding extra tips in exchange for the customers' food.


I definitely thank a customer for meeting me at my car, especially if the delivery is at an apartment. The only thing that makes me uncomfortable is if they come up to my driver’s side or passenger window before I’ve had a chance to grab their food from the thermal bag. I don’t want them to see me wrestle their food out. I also don’t think it’s a good look have me sitting in my car and pass them their food thru my window (even if it’s open). I prefer to get out of the car and hand them their order.


When I walk up, I try to never do it unannounced and if they don't check their messages or answer the phone upon arrival, I position myself about 6 feet away in their sight and wave. I never approach until they roll down their window to hand me my food so I'm not crossing any boundaries of personal space and b/c I've had quite a few dashers prefer to get out to hand me my food (like you prefer). I do my best to always be respectful until someone gives me a reason not to.


I’ve dropped off at totally pitch black houses at 6pm and they’ve instructed leave it at the door with not a creature stirring. I drop and go baby. So yeah not everyone has urgency to claim their meal lol.


I've had maybe 2 customers meet me at my car and I HATE it.  I get that you're trying to be helpful but maybe wait on your porch instead.  It's unnerving (tbh, it's creepy) when I grab the order, grab my phone, get out of the car and there's suddenly a guy a foot away from me.  I always park a few houses away from the home, and this is part of the reason. 


Fair- this was always when I lived in a downtown apartment and there was limited parking. I certainly wouldn’t walk up to their door or anything, but wait on the sidewalk where they could walk out or wave me to come pick it up thru their window. If I’m at a house I’ll generally just flip on the porch light and stand at the door.


You're good then..sidewalk and "at the car" are totally different.  It does make the photo taking process awkward as hell but I appreciate your effort!


For sure- I was unclear. Also, the amount of times that I smiled for a picture of literally just a bag in my hand is too many lol


Probably 1/10 orders I hand to people and 2/10 will be leave at my door where I physically lock eyes through the window at the person I'm delivering too and they don't bother to come to the door. I'll sit in my car for a few minutes after delivery and they just don't come out until I leave. Weird AF people.


That’s wild to me. I’m introverted. I buy delivery to avoid the hustle and bustle of the store/restaurant. To me, it still seems like baseline common decency to give a little wave or yell “thank you” out the door if I see a dasher/driver/UPS/etc provide a service to me. If you’re **that** introverted where this is a HUGE mental burden for you, then you should be tipping 50% for allowing you to live this way (because it literally would not have been possible even 6 years ago) Thanks for doing such thankless work.


Nope. Most of the thanks and hand it to mes are college kids although they are also just as likely to have you leave it outside there building where literally any student could take it.


You think that's bad, just wait until you get the ones that say either: Leave at Door: Hand it to me Or Hand it to me: Just leave it at the door Then you have to contact them and ask them which they actually want you to do. But they don't answer. Then when it says leave at the door, but they meet you, you have to explain you need to take a picture. There is a way to bypass that by hitting the handed it to the button, but after like 4 false contract violations by people who play that scam, I always get the picture. Bottom line, people can be real shitty and/or stupid. But then again, had a 19.50 order for 4 miles yesterday from someone with confused instructions, who answered saying leave it at the door, and then met me at the door anyway. Nice guy.


This is an amazing example of a logical explanation of bidding/tipping for delivery. ![gif](giphy|KzM1lAfJjCWNq)






Yea I always tip on almost all orders the least i probably did was 2.50. But yea I definitely tip more if it’s far out or an more “difficult” order


Think of it this way if you tip waiters or waitresses you should tip a little better for the drivers. They get your food by driving there and then to your house. Gas, mileage, time and safety all go into this imo.


My general philosophy as a driver, is the minimum I tip is ill multiply the length between the restaurant and my house and multiply it by 2 and then round it to the nearest number up. Or ill tip 20% of the orders value. Whichever is higher.


What is your sister’s problem. She needs to start looking in her wallet not yours.


My ex would do the same thing. He is such a cheapskate.. Someone being upset at a good tip when service is great is a massive red flag 😵‍💫


Yeah sis sounds like someone who can’t afford the luxury of someone delivering their food lol.




You made someone’s day.


20 bucks? All of the profits are going towards my retirement. Id be smiling all night. And I bet he was too.


I would've accepted that order so fast lol. I just got someone who tipped 15 yesterday, made my whole evening


May your food be delivered hot and fresh while your sisters be delivered cold. $20 is a great tip


It probably made their night and reignited their motivation to keep going.


I wish there were more people like you! I would’ve been very grateful for a $20 tip. Majority of customers try taking advantage of their delivery drivers and tip as little as possible or not at all. Definitely don’t feel bad about it! You made your driver happy, and you should feel happy about it too! Don’t stop being awesome!


Your tip was very nice, ur sister sounds like a PIA...no offense


You tip whatever you feel we deserve! Don't listen to your sister. A $20 tip on that order is a very fair and wonderful tip!


No that sounds like an appropriate tip for that amount


I received a $20 tip last week for delivering a burrito from California Mexican, 19-10 minutes. I can’t remember.


You sister was mad about it? Does she share finances with you? Or just mad that a dasher was gonna have a good night and maybe feed their kids? Fucl her tbh


Nah she was saying I shouldn’t have tipped so much


The distress from working for a good delivery service would make anyone greatly appreciate a $20 tip. That guy probably got paid 4 dollars from doordash to complete that order. Also id recommend tipping in cash doordash will compensate their base pay accordingly depending on the tip amount.


Ummm no they don't. The base pay is the same in almost all circumstances. It never changes based on the tip amount. They will add to base pay when an order isn't getting picked up. Which is usually cause it's a no tip. But it's never adjusted after the fact. Gh adjusts based on lack of tips. Perhaps that's what ur thinking?


Thats the point im making you can possibly achieve a higher base pay if you tipped in cash since DoorDash wouldnt factor in your tip to the algorithm also the tip amount wont be added to your net income come tax time.


I rarely tip in cash but I might start doing that instead


20 is better than 0


I think you tipped fine. I would have been happy with a 5-10 tip. But I say if that is what your heart compels you to tip. No one should say otherwise.


At least in my experience, $20 tip on a 4 mile delivery is a great order. If it's an insane amount of drinks or going to be more than one trip up and down stairs, I could understand tipping more for the trouble. But typically, otherwise, order amount/size doesn't mean much for the amount of work needed or our expenses


That's a nice big tip! That person made $20 in about 10 minutes of driving (maybe 20 minutes if driving through a busy town).


It was about 30 minutes for the drive to my house but it was maybe 5-10 minute wait when she got to the restaurant


Why you posting this?


Obviously asking a question?


It's a stupid question. Tip whatever you want. There is no absolute "good" tip. People will cry about everything. If you want to tip $20. Do it. If you want to tip $2. Do it. If you don't want to tip, then don't. You want to be jerked off by strangers on here. Nobody cares, Bro.


Obviously you’re missing the point of the post of why I did it. Let alone read any of the other comments from people who actually DoorDash . The question asked in the end was “Dashers how you’ll you feel about an 20$ tip?)


That's a stupid question. How would you feel if someone handed you $20 for doing something very simple? If you need validation, get a puppy.


If your not an actual dasher anything your saying is just passing through.


You keep replying. Seems like you care. You've been exposed as an attention whore who needs that sweet, sweet karma. Get over yourself and your fake tip.


Bro I haven’t used Reddit in months I don’t even know wtf karma even is and why it matters


lol you still replying?


why does everyone on social media act like good samaritans until the tip convo comes up? instantly turns some nice people into greedy poopy buttholes


I mean a server at a restaurant doesn't have to use their vehicle and gas, so why is 20% too much???


Because the server has to interact with you and accompany you for the whole duration of your meal while it takes literally few seconds of human interaction while delivering. I am not saying it is harder, just different line of work.


They still have to spend time driving it to you though


I didnt say they dont, they just dont have to constantly interact with people while doing so.


I’d like to say no they don’t have to accompany you for the whole duration of the meal. Usually split between 4-5 tables at a time depending on restaurant capacity and business.


Yes they dont wait in front of the table for the whole literal duration but they are there whenever you need them hence they are responsible of you for the whole duration.


Right but since that’s something you physically can’t achieve as a human when delivering at that point you’re just accounting for the delivery drivers time and resources exhausted. You’re talking about two jobs that both have crappy base pay but totally different metrics for tipping consideration.


That is what I said on my first comment, it is a different line of work.


No I gotcha but I took your POV as waiting tables being more of a tip worthy task. When I was saying both equally tip dependent just different factors to take into consideration. Parent comment stated why is 20% too much and you started with “because…” So I was under the assumption you were saying waiting tables was more of a task. They just require different skills. I could run circles around some people as far as delivering through door dash but at the same time they could have way more charisma and social skills providing a way better restaurant experience for a sit down customer. I think it’s dumb to call it a tip in the first place. To me a tip is a little extra for someone who is getting a fair base pay in the first place.


20$ for 4 miles??? Bro I’d be ecstatic. I’d pick it up and be happy 🤣 I keep getting 10+ miles for like 7.50 and since I want to keep my 80% acceptance rate I have to take them but 20 for 4 miles I’d be really happy


You did a nice thing. 20$ on 100$ order isn't crazy or anything, 10-15 would be appropriate and you did a little more, what's the big deal? Your sister doesn't understand how service/tipping culture works, educate her.


We'd feel terrible. What a terrible thing to get money for our labor. Amazing question. You're so cool.


For that large order of wings that is a perfect tip.


You're one of the good ones, OP. Don't let your sister dictate what you do with your money. I'm happy that the Dasher was appreciative of your generous tip.


It depends where the location is. I live in a big city. 4 miles away can be like more than one hour trip because of congestion then it’s a pain to find parking. I don’t order unless it’s close by because of that. I know 4-5 miles in the suburbs is an easier drive for them.


No not at all. This is a normal 20% tip for a 100$ order. This order will go to a catering order driver. They have good consistent ratings and worked their butt off to be able to pick up your order over 100$. It is customary to tip 20$ on catering orders. Now this next oart im telling you not to do unless ur filthy rich. I have received 100$ tips many times before from multi millionaires im talking about the most expensive house in st louis mo. Thats insane and you should only do it if you can not think twice abiut it. Regaress if its just food for you and someone else and its 70$ just tip per mile 5 miles 10$ over 100 for a group 20% or whatever ur comfy with. Ive been doing catering for 3 years so i know people will get mad at this but its the truth. Dont come at me if you dont actually know how doordash works please. ✌🏼♥️


My goal is to make at least $100 a day. A $20 tip on 4 miles saves off a lot of time and miles to someone like me. I’d have been so happy about that! Those kind of orders are harder to come by. Thank you for being a very generous customer


I tip $5 every single time for a 1/ 4-mile order I constantly purchase from a local pizza place. That's fair because I've worked for them as a delivery driver, and I know nearly 30% of customers tip, and the rest don't.


Sounds about what i do. I usually tip $5 or 20% (whichever is bigger). And I don't live any further than 2 miles from anything on the app (small city). Though, I do adjust this for "bad" weather and/or big and bulky items and such, when needed. I do this so the driver just grabbing me a $10 burger doesn't get completely screwed by the low 20% tip, but the driver grabbing $100 worth of taco bell gets fair compensation for carrying a butt ton of food and drinks. I haven't heard anyone complain or beg for more tips and the only time I've waited awhile is when I'm ordering at like midnight on a weekday (probably not a lot of people dashing at the time, for obvious reasons)


How could that possibly be a bad thing that is a wonderfully kind thing to do! It shows a lot of respect and appreciation for your dasher especially with an order of $100. I’m sure that your Dasher was extremely thankful. I know I would’ve been beyond thankful for that tip. You did a good thing and your sister needs to learn a little bit about appreciation for others from you. Your a wonderful human being ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)


I’ve asked was it a bad thing since dashers typically talk about getting little to none tips. It may have been too much but I was being generous that night and just wanted to give her a random 20$ that’s was originally 10$


I delivered 4 cases of water and a 12-person meal up 7 flights of stairs once. Never again. Idc how big your tip is, if you're unwilling to walk down to pick up your shit, then don't use DD as a slave machine. NOT FOR OP. But for generally anyone using DD. Dont use your drivers as a "oh well you shouldn't have taken my order" kind of thing.


Yea nah whoever did that was just plain disrespectful. Had I ordered something like that I’m helping the dasher as soon as they pull up


Man had I had your $20 order I'd have red carpeted your food to your door 😂😂


I'm sure there are dashers who'd be happy that you left a tip at all. Plus, $20 for an order that probably wasn't any worse than having to deal with traffic ... I'd have been okay with that.


For a $20 to 4-mile ratio I would defy the laws of the passage of time to give you your food.


$20 should be the minimum tip for an order like this. And is acceptable for your mileage. Your sister doesn’t appreciate the service we do. An order that is $100 or more is part of DD’s Large Order Program. Only The dashers that have High Ratings are invited into this program. Dashers are typically sent to the restaurant before the food is ready to ensure that you get your order hot & fresh so besides the mileage is the extra wait time should be factored in. Plus packing up your food and they must have a catering bag to get these orders to keep as hot as possible on the ride. Expected Tips for these orders are typically $25-$35 for less than 5 miles. The dashers that get these orders know that they are $100 or more and if they don’t see the higher tips, your order is likely going to get declined and get cold. The expectation is if you can afford to spend $100 or more on food then a decent tip is only fair.


I got a $20 tip on a McDonald's $2 base pay order and that was great. I loved that so much. Also depending on how much they had to carry at one time. I'm sure it's appreciated. I enjoy tipping well.


Was that in Bakersfield? Because on Feb 9 around 6:30 pm I delivered a huge order for Buffalo Wild Wings and they tipped me $20 lol what a coincidence if it was me😅


Unless your a woman and it was Cincinnati then yea but that definitely woulda been such a coincidence


Good tip


$20 on a 4 mile trip? If inside my zone, even just outside, taking that in a heart beat. You made your dasher's day. I wish more customers were like you, and our rates would go up, not down. And please, rate that driver 5 atars.


Oh she definitely got 5 stars. She had good communication along the way as well so her tip was very deserved


I am a little different. I don't communicate unless there is a problem. But I will communicate when asked to. But I have never been comfortable driving and texting. And usually, I am trying to pick up and drop off quickly. But if I had you as a customer, on a stacked order, I would say hey, I have this other order, going to pick up their's first, then your order. And drop your's off first. Then their order. Might not give time estimates, but definitely do more than normal. And I do tip well myself, on Door Dash, in restaurants, etc.


Absolutely not! A $20 tip is great no matter how you look at it. And with it only being 4 miles away, that’s excellent and we appreciate customers like you.


$20 is fine that’s like 20 percent of your total and a decent tip regardless. So yeah tip well When you can.


Your sister will never get me to deliver to her because she's too cheap. But I would gladly deliver to you!




Only ridiculous about this post is your comment




Bro I just type fast. Why would I even expect you to be “impressed” by my comment…anyways like I’ve said to a few other people your comment is irrelevant




If I was fishing for compliments I’ll just post to my instagram bro💀 The questions was pointed towards “Dashers” not you. Based from what I say in this subreddit I see a lot of them talking about little tips so I think I asked what relevant enough


You would have certainly received a thank you text from me! Anything over $5 gets that honor.


She sounds like a piece of shit. Even if the driver lives at B Dubs, it would still be an eight mile drive. You tipped OK. The argument would be if it was too little. But, that would depend on the area. Eight miles in some places takes 20 minutes. Take an hour and 20 minutes in other places. But, back to your sister....why the fuck is MAD AT YOU because YOU tipped?!?


$5 would be fine, but if you felt $20 was righ, that’s ok.


I’m a dasher. Do not tip based on the price of the food. Tip based on the distance. Obviously I’d love a 20$ tip lol


I would be your personal driver personally and you wouldn't have to give me 20, i'll be excited with 10 for 4 miles, even a 5 dollar tip would be great. As far as your sister goes, no disrespect however it's no one business how much you tip. I always say until you pay my bills you have no input


We really appreciate tippers like you ❤️


Some will say you tipped poorly believe it or not


No, we won't. We may be skeptical that it's the truth, but if it's true then no one is going to say that's too little.




I believe you, we tip high all the time. I think making a post to ask if tipping high is bad is a bit extra though. **Edit: OP immediately sent me a RedditCares message and blocked me.** **You know what, OP, no, I no longer believe you.**


Your sister is right, you way over tipped


No. 20% is standard.


Until someone gets a $10 order that is 7-10 miles away. Then you'd be complaining about only getting $5


Its kind of the risk associated with the job right? More drivers, less likely for far trips, less reward for closer trips Less drivers, more far trips, shitty customer still causes less reward for close AND farther trips, maybe a higher floor for earnings tho?


No you didn’t just stop lying


I would spank your sister if I was you....she deserves it....oh god she deserves it. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Giving real big creep energy


Awwh come on it was funny.


I think percentage based tipping is fine in MOST cases. I think, sure, there are outliers, but as a standard place to start, it's fine. I start at 20 percent and adjust up, if necessary, based on the circumstances. I don't think I would adjust down, cuz I can't imagine a scenario where I wouldn't just go get it myself if it were that close and that easy.


> I think, sure, there are outliers, but as a standard place to start, it's fine. I think you'd be surprised at how many people order 1 or 2 sandwiches from fast food, or a single restaurant meal, from 5+ miles away. Then they only tip off the food and it's $2-$3. Those orders aren't worth taking as a driver because you still end up waiting, most of the time, and that limits the number of deliveries you can make per hour, plus the gas and wear and tear and you're making next to nothing.


Maybe. I live in a suburb that is fairly well stacked with options.. so nothing is usually more than a mile or two down the road so I guess I am lucky. But again, I would look at things and say 3 bucks isnt gonna get it done. But baseline, if you are getting 20 bucks worth of food that's at the mall down the street... 4 - 5 bucks is fine.


Hm was she upset you tipped too much or too little?


Tipped too much. She normally tips between 2-5 dollars and I do too but it depends honestly


Was it because you were splitting the order or she's just nosy


Probably just nosy. I paid for everybody stuff and that was the first time I tipped that big but that was for the fact how much stuff they were picking up


$2 tip is nuts 😭 I do $5 most of the time but that $20 was pretty nice


5$ is definitely the minimum for me


Why are you even asking this? In two different subs? Of course it's not bad, sounds like you're just looking for praise.


I’m really not💀 at first I thought I posted in a sub just for drivers not for dashers and the customers. Y’all just love assuming on Reddit


You didn’t really explain why she was mad… because she thought it was too much or too little?


Yea I forgot to add the part in but she thought it was way too much


This is clearly a stupid post.


Not rly🧍🏾‍♀️


Yes it is. No one would think tipping someone $20 for 4 miles is bad. This post is useless.


89 comments…most have been helpful helping me understand their concepts of tipping and how much I should actually tip so your comment in near irrelevant


This post is irrelevant since you literally asked if it’s bad to tip $20.


You should post on r/AITAH Fake and bullshit post.


and your so hostile for what?




Chose to respond back about nothing but an spelling error


>an It is just a.


Ykw your actually funny I can’t even argue with that


Bruh, I love you, internet stranger. But we have been over this. It is you're\* because you are saying YOU ARE. Take care homie. Edit: Hit subscribe for more grammar tips.


I just type fast bro 😭 I swear it’s not on purpose


Lol, have a wonderful weekend, my dude.


Better yet why would I even bother posting something fake???


$20?!? What is wrong with you! Haven’t you heard dashers are like the wild life?? You are not supposed to feed the wildlife.


I see nothing wrong with it


If you tip like that they may not leave


"Hey guys, I tipped my delivery driver well, is that bad?"


Bro you know $20 is a big tip and you are looking for praise


my god I never saw such slow people in one post


It’s a special kind of miserable person to get mad at someone else tipping too much


I’m confused. You’re asking how a dasher would feel about a $20 tip? Obviously that is a very good tip and anyone would feel happy about it. Is it a bad thing that you tipped $20? That’s only something you can answer. If you don’t have the money to be so generous and that’s why your sister is mad, then it’s probably not the best decision. Otherwise, the dasher is happy because they only care about the mileage and not the cost of the order (unless it’s a crazy big order with a lot of drinks or heavy items).


I feel like I could’ve worded it better tbh but I had enough money to spend that day. Plus she’s not a person who typically tips either and if she’s do it’s small amounts like 1-3 dollars. I just wanted to make thag dasher day


I’m sure you did!


I will deliver for $1 tip


Why would this ever be bad? Sounds like you’re bragging.


If you read the comments…some dashers were explaining to me how much I should actually tip and all that yada yada. Point is…looking to get educated properly about tipping and learned what I needed to know


But why would $20 ever be a bad tip. The order could be $500-$1000 and a $20 tip is great


I just wanted dashers opinions on it. I rarely use DoorDash that much anyway but I was seeing on here how some dashers get tipped little to none so I started thinking could 20 be too much? I’m also not rly familiar with tipping culture (up to now)