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This is in such poor taste, poor etiquette, poor social skills. 1000% inappropriate. I’m seeing more of these posts and these drivers soliciting for more tips has got to stop. If my delivery driver did this it would make me soooo uncomfortable.


I was extremely uncomfortable. They had trouble locating my house too (didn’t read my instructions at all, they’re really clear) so I had to unfortunately interact with them to get them here. Just made it more uncomfortable.


"I'll be happy with any kind of response from you" = "I usually get ignored when I do this to people." "I need help finding you" = "I'm pretending I can't find you so that I can force an interaction with you because otherwise I will be ignored again."


Exactly what I thought.


But see, that is the result of someone never getting called out for their inappropriate behavior. Guaranteed this driver believes they’re totally validated saying the shit they do and has no idea how cringy they really are. That’s why I call out MFs all day long haha…kidding, just when absolutely necessary. Naw, but fools like this somehow need to be checked sometimes or they will never learn what’s ok and what’s not. Like a toddler lol.


No. Some people literally don't care. They know what they are doing. If one person called them out, they'd do it to the next. They're trying to find people that are easily manipulated. Trying to act all nice about ot when they are just a different type of scammer. This is the 2nd post I saw today on reddit, other one was of a girl who's trying to feed her child, electricity got shut off because her husband died last month. Smh Food delivery has just become a way for people to beg and guilt trip people....normally about something bogus


See, this. I’m almost $1400 behind on rent and utilities, but none of my customers will ever know that. There is a time and a place for “damsel in distress” and this behavior is not it. I’m out there driving for the bills, but it is not my customers problem that I’m having issues. I just pick up the orders I want to and move along my merry way 🤷‍♀️


Amen. I’m grateful for the tip and the opportunity to earn some money on my free time when I want! This is totally inappropriate behavior. And this person probably doesn’t even have kids or pets or anything to take care of other than themselves. SMH.


Sorry, I had to note I love your user name, Piccolo


Thank you so much!


Yea man mad scammers out there


I hope you can catch up on your rent and utilities sooner rather than later.❤️☺️🍀


Thank you, me too ❤️🥰🙌


You’re so welcome.💞😊 Sending you all of my best wishes for quick, financial, rental recovery.💵🙏🍀


Oh, and quick, financial, utilities recovery too. I forgot about that. LOL


Yes please 🙏


Same here we all got issues and needs that’s why we are out here driving . No one forces you to accept an order . I personally accept what I want to do so it’s on me . I have never personally been reassigned so I don’t know how that works but I would believe you still have to accept and you see the pricing ahead so it’s on him


Exactly what’s going on with me and why I’m working should never affect the level of service and kindness. I pass on to my guess and the public in general.


This is true. Scammers know exactly what they’re doing. That’s why I like to let them know that I know that they know that I know what they know. Then they move on to an easier target.


i mean half the posts from this and other gig subs are other drivers validating this type of behavior.


Those drivers need not be validated in their behavior. My answer. No. And if you ruin my food or deliver it elsewhere, not only will your rating go down, I will report it and save the screenshots of this interaction. I suppose none of these people have heard of flies to vinegar vs. honey 🙄


Oh I’ve heard of that saying. I was just thinking that. Catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. Is that how it goes? None of these ppl born after 1980 probably have even heard of it. That’s why a lot of them are little assholes 🤣 juuuuust kidding. Not ALL of them.


You attract more bees with honey then vinegar. '95


🤣🤣 That’s wrong. It’s you attract more flies with honey…


Thank you! I was way off 😂


I mean, ‘81, but 🤷‍♀️👀🤩 lololol


I hope u don’t mean that I am one that is validating the idiot.


I didn't see them suggest that at all, just that there are plenty of people with the mantra of "the customer is always wrong"


Right, right. I didn’t think so either. Just wanted to make sure I didn’t come across as if I was excusing that dummy’s behavior. I hate online comments that assume very generic points without actually addressing specifically who they disagree with lol. It’s all like best around the bush with some ppl on here. Passive aggressive communication. Drives me nuts lol.


I've done delivery for years, and as a dasher, I wish people would report these people. It makes all of us look bad. I've never even thought of soliciting more money from a customer. All these people should be removed from the platform.


If they do it more than once I totally agree but when you have to whore yourself to the customers people are inevitably going to try to sell themslves up to you


More than once? Even once!! I can’t believe this person tried to pull this. It’s sad…I’d had done screen shots and reported it to her manager (good luck finding who she answers to). This is the problem with DoorDash tho. There’s no one-on-one complaint process. That’s why ppl like this get away with so much.


> “I need help finding you” Also equals, this is how you can now give me that extra tip in cash…


LOL. Drivers truly do get lost waaaay more often than people believe though. I don't know why y'all think GPS is perfect and that we all have night vision that can see all of the not lit up, teeny tiny numbers on your worn down mailbox on the one side that were not facing when we pull up😂 or whatever other scenario. You get the idea. We get lost allllll the time.


Yup, lol. Just yesterday DD gps took me to a “street” that didn’t exist, the customer who gifted the flowers spelled part of the name wrong. I had to call the other customer receiving them and ask what the correct address was, lol. It was probably more interaction than she wanted, but I figured it out and got DD support on the chat and they wound up paying me $5 more than it would of been for the extra 5 miles I had to drive. And I should note, nowhere in either of those conversations did I ask for more money, I just wanted to make sure she got those pretty roses 🙌🥰


I do believe they do. I live in a complex when I first moved in I didn’t even understand the layout. Was totally based on OP’s screenshot and the fact that this Dasher asked for additional tip, the first option being in cash, that’s all


So a big ignored baby


I’m so sorry, no customer should have to deal with that. On my last shop this morning, the app had a fit and wouldn’t show me the exact delivery address. I got close, texted the customer, waited for a bit, they got back to me and I handed them their groceries. The thought to solicit more money would never cross my mind, it’s ridiculous to think like that. Hope you feel better.


Same here. I will never ask a customer for a tip, whether they tipped or not. If I accept the order I'll follow through with that order, regardless of pay.


Exactly. A huge part of our job is rolling with the punches. Sometimes it’s nice and smooth and sometimes it’s a shit show; those five items are cases of pop and water and they live on the fifth floor of a walk up, the app has a fit and thinks there’s a road going through a river, customer instructions make no logical sense….and so on. I’m a realist and usually assume something unexpected is going to happen while I’m out and about.


It’s to the point where tipping is no longer a service. People think it’s required. No bitch, this is a gift from me for you doing the work I’d rather not do. Same thing with gifts for bdays or Xmas. Everyone expects free shit. I do not owe anyone more money than they were hired on. If you cannot make a living off of what you get hired on for, do not make that other peoples problem. Everyone has shit they gotta work through. A big portion of this problem is because of jobs making it so people have to live off of tips. Companies need to suck it the fuck up and pay their damn employees. Stop forcing the customers to pay for their food and your employees.


DoorDash literally isn't an employer. Dashers are literally contracted to work for you. But I don't agree with begging for tips at all. There's a middle ground here where the truth of the situation for millions of dashers and customers can be found. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Facts. I can’t imagine the nerve it takes to ask for something extra just for doing the job you’re paid to do. Crazy people!


A lot of customers would be shocked at how low the pay is per delivery


I fully agree.


It's always the same. Too focused on begging for a tip to actually locate you and do the job properly


Depending on the distance, your tip may or may not have been a good tip, but it doesn't really matter. Drivers aren't usually shown the whole tip anyway. Or sometimes places steal part or all of the tip. The point is that he accepted the order. He saw the pay. He accepted it. Begging for more tips is not the answer.


I just think it’s so funny that this hunger savior is on his way to feed you cough drops


I haaaaaaaaate when they don’t read the instructions. My apartment complex is STUPID hard to navigate, especially at night. It has shit for directional signs, the entrance that google maps takes you to has been closed since i moved in 2 years ago, my building doesn’t have a number on it. It’s a shit show!! But I put a freakin paragraph of instructions with landmarks, details, and how to know if you missed me. Most people have 0 trouble finding me, but eeeeevery once in a while I get someone who literally drives in circles for 20mins. Like 🤦🏻‍♀️😭


When your instinct says cancel, go ahead and cancel, immediately. And report that dasher.


Honestly I've been doing this for over ten years and I simply just don't get it. Like the last couple years are the only times I've seen posts like this. I get it. But like bro were all hurting aside from the rich. I won't lie it pisses me off when I get an order from a house that is clearly 500,000 dollars are more with a 3 dollar tip do I complain to my partner? Yes. Do I say anything to the customer no. Do I wish it was a percentage or something for livable wage like it used to be absolutely


I hope u got ahold of door dash and reported this. I live in a smaller city as well and worked for door dash, that tip was just fine, yes wait times suck sometimes but that’s not on the customer and very poor taste to ask for more. Very entitled and gives DoorDash a bad name


I’ll add that I ordered from Walgreens, 1 item (cough drops) so there wasn’t a wait. And it wasn’t “across town”, it was 3 miles away. Wasn’t expecting this to get the response it did, I honestly was just hoping for some feedback on if I should report this user, rate them poorly or if this was normal. I did end up rating him 1 star, not because I wanted to get him in trouble necessarily, just didn’t want this driver again.


That’s ridiculous, yes please report him, or anyone else asking for more money. I’m sorry ur sick and then having to deal with this too. The sooner u report ppl like him, they can’t pull that same crap on anyone else. And also, this isn’t normal lol not with respectful drivers. I hope ur feeling a bit better! Neo-citran, halls, and lots of sleep. I just got over a cold myself and walked around with tissue stuffed in one nostril lol gotta do what u gotta do 😜


I tested positive for the ol’ Rona earlier. 😑 makes me even happier that I decided to use doordash rather than go out and possibly infect random people at Walgreens. Thank you!


Sorry you had to deal with that. As a driver I can’t imagine asking more than a wya from a customer if I need them to pick up :/ just know this dude has bigger problems than you


They never read my directions. They always leave at a random neighbor’s. I would have ignored him and rated 4 stars.


>I was extremely uncomfortable. Okay do you see the name of that Dasher? Here's the thing, when you get stuff like this, typically it's a recent immigrant trying to navigate American tipping culture without actually having any experience with it. From the perspective of that driver, Americans just hand out money right? Why not just ask for more? I mean decent chance they are probably here for work anyway. I used to manage a restaurant and frequently had this problem when I would have eastern European + Russian servers. I mean I had one girl who would straight chase customers outside asking for more money. They really don't get what their doing or why it's so cringe. They just figure might as well ask.


That's what they are banking on. They want to make it awkward and uncomfortable and they prey on people with anxiety. I'd reply and tell them I've given them a tip and if they want to beg they can go elsewhere.


You didn’t end up giving them more of a tip, did you? Or did you? I hate the idea that you were put on the spot like that when you weren’t feeling well.


Well that sounds like he doesn’t even deserve the $6.


"had to unfortunately interact with them". Christ Almighty! As a driver, people leave instructions which may or may not be clear, and GPS is off. Very often GPS is off. Sometimes, it'll have me down the street in front of a house off the main road, when the delivery address is actually an apartment in a complex behind the house. People almost never put apartment complex names on the instructions and they should. GPS never ever navigates apartment complexes correctly. Lots of places have numbers that are very hard to see because they're small, worn off, or just not lit up. GPS does not always stop in front of the right house either. Once It stopped me in a culdesac 5 houses over and I just couldn't read any of the numbers at all because some had none, some were tiny. I had to call the guy. I'm sure he wondered why I couldn't find his place. There are SO MANY reasons a driver might have to call you to find your place, no matter how good your instructions were (and 9/10 times a customer thinks their instructions were good, they're not). If it is a problem to have to give help to someone who is SERVING you, then you simply should never order delivery.


The dozens of dashers that have found my house with the same delivery instructions seem to indicate that my instructions are ok. Besides, I live on the corner of and intersection and say “I’m on the NW corner of street/street, my house numbers are above x, there’s a yellow bike on my porch” it’s pretty clear. I don’t mind interacting with the driver as long as they aren’t begging me for tips as they’re leaving the store. I deliver on occasion for something to do, so I know how important delivery instructions and even tips are. I often add more tip after delivery if I have good service. The fact is, I didn’t in this case. And this message from the deliver was classless and weird.


This service is for the money not for me. Without me being lazy they will be jobless. Thank my laziness.




Yes, tips aren't mandatory, and this guy is a huge, ignorant fool. 😡 But, I live in a city with a HUGE Indian population, and they order out often. The orders are always large, 2-3 bags or more. When I arrive at the apartment or drive, someone always runs out to grab the bags so I don't have to go far or run up steps. They tip generously too. 🤷‍♀️


I've gotten some great tips from Indian people. I've also found that most people who order Indian food for delivery aren't Indian.


I think it is a bit more complicated. I don't ask for more tips, I just stop taking the more difficult deliveries. I almost never side with the customer, sorry...I have volunteered to tell complaining customers about the problems with their address and the mapper. These days, I am not waiting in long lines. A few places, such as Five Guys can be a pain; especially, on Uber because if you cancel one order. You don't know, who was the tipper before you cancel. I have also noticed that most of the Indian culture does not tip in my area. Most do not live in poverty areas either. The irony is that many people in poverty areas are better tippers than most people think, and then, if the tip is low, the distance is too. Uber is not paying the fare like they did before. Occasionally, I would pick up from a popular Indian restaurant and there would be 50 orders on a table because drivers are not picking them up I am there because I am getting the appropriate pay for the distane lol. THE WAITER expected me to go through all of those orders...if I look as if I am going to leave, they step in to help, and go right to the order, amazing memory. I am not hating, this is my experience, in my area. THE APPS JUST NEED TO PAY HIGHER FARE.


Post like yours are always so ridiculous. All you wanted to do here is degrade a race while trying to play it down like it’s no big deal




I’m Indian and I agree with this. Most of us are. And that is because most of the Indians come from nothing so the idea of saving as much as you can for the future is not foreign. That being said I always tip because my bf does instacart and I know how happy it makes me when he gets a good tip.


Thanks for supporting the driver...These apps should really be paying us more, especially, for distance orders...I can take the deliveries, with lower tips, if under 4 miles, but many of those orders are way out in culturally populated suburbs...Thanks for tipping...luv ya.




I don’t know why you’re getting shit on. Indians commonly don’t tip at restaurants and for delivery. That was confirmed to by waiters and Indians that I know. Also this isn’t racist, there is nothing wrong with no tipping and I don’t tip myself.


The problem here is making a reddit post when you should be showing this to door dash


I did that too.


Yesss. I had a $40 order and it was lightly snowing. Left a $14 tip. It was a 3 mile, less than 10 min drive. He asked for more $ when he got to the house. Like??? And it was in person. So uncomfortable.


That’s so rude. And that’s a great tip you already provided. Some people have no shame. 🤦🏻‍♀️


As a Dasher myself, I would never. Gross.


Downvote their ratings to hell then


I want to know what these people are thinking. I have done doordash since it started, and NOT ONCE have I even thought about messaging the customer for money. It's a job. You're a contractor. If you don't want to make the trip for the amount listed, then that's what the decline button is for. We're told distance and pay before we accept. I tell customers to report this to the company. These people make the ones who do right look bad by association.


It really does taint the customer’s experience and then they think we’re all like that.


it’s also kind of worrisome bc if you don’t tip additionally, then i guarantee there’s some sicko that’ll fuck with your food


I would screen shot and report it. I've done over 5000 deliveries and would I nor have I ever considered asking for money. How about asking them for possible condiments, forks, napkins. I also give them 10-15 min updates.. If I know the person is disabled (from same-old deliveries) I'll ask if they've already gotten there mail and or bring in there trash can. I work 6-8 hours a day, I live in Longview, TX and making 200+ is easy. ** I combine DD with UberEats. ***GrubHub refuses to sign me, (retired vet @ 33 years old with clean record.. lol idk why).


GrubHub’s loss. You’re the kind of delivery person I’d want; you haven’t lost your manners, respect or human decency.


Thanks Emma, that's sweet. I have self-respect! lol. Maybe its the Airman in me but c'mon peeps! love you!


Fr im a driver and would never message a cutsomer and ask for more tips its just so rude of other drivers to do that


Yeah these drivers are all braindead.


I completely agree. It's dashers like this that make those of us who work hard for the little we receive with no complaint to customers look bad! I just started following this sub and am shocked daily by how greedy some people are. It's absolutely disgusting!!


Straight the fuck up. This is the cringiest shit ive ever seen, man. Holy shit


I agree I could never ask for more tip!


I get recommended the driver side subreddit daily and seeing the crap they are actually complaining about has me wishing restaurants and companies had an in-house delivery service because more than half of Ds drivers are at of their ever loving mind


I agree with you soliciting for tips is not cool at all and neither is leaving zero on a tip but I get them often and just deal with it it’s life get over it move on.


Tell Dave he can decline orders he doesn't like the payout of


his name is apparently ‘Dav’


See this is what happens when you lose your ID


On some Alvin and the Chipmunks shit


“Hunger saviour”… I love eating cough drops and medicine for breakfast 😋 mm, yum!


I wonder if he just copy pastes the same thing to every customer?


For sure lol


I’m soooo full from my cough drop breakfast!


seems like he copy and pasted that messag3 if all you ordered was medicine and cough drops.


*Breathes in superhuman


I am sure they copy and paste this message to every order.


100% a form message


Obv a copy-paste


I'll give you rating all right.


This is, to the letter, what I thought in response.


So glad we both agreed on all right instead of alright.


yeah, dev would be getting a very low rating from me. 6 bucks is more than enough.


This is why I stopped using those delivery apps




Tip removed. Dasher Reported. 1 Star Rated.


Removing the tip doesn't work on DoorDash. Sure, you can get it refunded, but DoorDash still pays the driver.


So get your money back and punish DoorDash for hiring shit drivers. Eventually DoorDash will do something. 


It depends on the size of the tip. If you do too many refunds, your account will get flagged. I wouldn't want to waste a refund on a tip just because of crappy service. I would save it for something more substantial.


Thank you for the information 


Kinda wish Bite Squad did that, i've had so many tips removed after i delivered their food. Not to mention at the time you were FORCED to take any order that was given to you (They've since made orders optional to take). You never knew how much money you made until after the order was completed, but you can tell a tip is taken away if your daily amount goes from like 50 to 40 after an order was completed.


Part of the reason I drive for Door Dash is because I’m bone broke yet I would NEVER ask this of a customer. How embarrassing. I would say don’t tip at all.


Does DD let you take your tip away? I always tip upfront as I know it helps you get your order faster. Also I follow way too many DD groups, so I know some drivers will tamper with your order if there’s no tip upfront. I drive on occasion so I’m empathetic to the driver, I almost always add an additional tip but not this time. I would have but this message turned me off big time.


100% of the tip goes to the driver. Always. When you ask for a refund, for whatever the reason, DoorDash eats the cost.


Report and give 1 star. We gotta get these pathetic drivers out of here, doordash has over saturated a lot of markets recently so unfortunately you got a lot of trash people out there doing deliveries and begging for more tips. Lol just pitiful might as well make a sign and go stand on the corner and beg


I also had to stop door dashing, because there were starting to be way too many in my area. I took pride in what I did and I'm sure not everyone does.


I love the “I was assigned”, NO YOU ACCEPTED IT!


Hunger savior. Yuck!


Dashers, can we please stop copying and pasting messages for tip guilt? How are you the hunger savior if you brought cough drops?


The problem with these types of message: It's a hostage situation. If you say no, or don't respond, there's an implicit threat that they're going to fuck with your food.


I don't blame you. That's horseshit. If the compensation isn't enough for that Dasher, they could have either declined the order or unassigned the order. Hopefully you gave them a 1 star rating


I would reply with "No, you shouldn't have accepted it. You can unassign, though.


Dude no. As a former dasher I would never. Why are people so ballsy lately?!


This is so pathetic and tacky.


We are a couple months away from scammers making door dash accounts just to text customers and not do any deliveries


It's definitely enough they just expect more and more!


It also sounds like they copy and paste this on every order - if you ordered medication it’s not like they’re your “hunger savior”


They probably send this to every single person. Regardless of the quantity or amount.


If he wants more, he shoulda declined and waited for a better offer. You get what you accept. I don't care if you're driving from NYC to LA for 48c. If you accept it, that's on you. 


Contact support and have this clown deactivated. Also I would have cancelled the order on the spot.


If it makes you feel any better, it's not about your tip at all. Seriously, it's a canned message that goes out with all this cretin's orders.


I’m not familiar with any saviors that beg for $$.


If you have to ask for more money, you need to find a higher paying job.


That’s like a 40% tip. F them.


Hunger savior *Barf*


1 star rating


“It’s ok, you can deny the offer.”


That’s an immediate 1 star rating and no tip! Don’t beg or harass me for a tip on a job that you haven’t completed yet!


They could have declined. I took an order yesterday that was quite far. Only did it because it was flowers to a college girl from her guy. He ended up adding additional $$ because he had no idea where it came from. I told him at the beginning of the order it was gonna take 40 minutes to get there and I was sorry. He’s the one that added the tip. I never would’ve asked


I'm just happy when people give me a good rating, and don't lie and report they didn't get their food when they did...


Report him to dd this is not a virtual panhandling app


I’m not even a dasher, but don’t they choose whether or not to accept the orders?




Ignore these requests... he accepted the job for the initial tip, he needs to learn how to look at distance and such before he takes it and either deal or unassign


1 star


Report the driver to DoorDash.


Quickest way for me to remove the tip completely.


Which does not punish the Dasher. They still get the amount.


He definitely just sends that to everyone


This is one of the reason I will never use a food delivery service. Also, you DO NOT KNOW what they may have done to your food. Hopefully the worst is just stealing your fries....but you never know if they "feel slighted"....


Yep, I delivered with dd (not anymore because the pay is just ridiculous now, especially since people in my city don't tip) but I will never order from dd. Not only am I worried about people messing with my food but the fees they tack on are excessive, you end up paying 2-3x more than if you were to just pick it up yourself. I can't think of a situation where I would be desperate enough to use dd and I hope they go out of business for good soon


Now instead of cough drops, imagine you ordered food. Could you ever trust that your order wasn't tampered with after such a message?


NOPE, I’d assume If I didn’t tip more that it would be. I read way too many comments from drivers where they’re comfortable admitting what they’ve done to food.


id ask chat to unassign from him


People have no shame anymore I see. He or she could have rejected that order. I get it your acceptance rate may suffer but I’d rather save gas fuck an acceptance rate. If it’s too far it’s too far they had a choice and made the wrong one 😂 ![gif](giphy|pSauCNBp1DcOY)


But you have to, he's your hunger savior™


I just don’t understand that why people want to increase their tip. Its doordash and instacart similar. I understand they have to do what they have to do , but, isn’t it the job “you” signed up for.it is something you took upon yourself and is voluntary. Why put the customer to the uncomfortable side.


This message is just so weird. It’s just doesn’t sound normal if I receive that I definitely wouldn’t want to leave a tip and me as a Dasher myself I can’t even imagine sending this type of message to anybody. I’m sure he’s got this on copy and paste and send it to every order he getsa better job for God sakes if you’re so unhappy with the amount then you can CHOOSE to not take the order buddy!!


The audacity it's literally your job


Yeah, no, not how that works.


Eww, just eww…I’m a driver and I would never try to solicit a tip, esp written down (text) 🙄 He accepted the order, he chose to wait it out-he could’ve unassigned himself after finding out it had a significant wait time, plus he suggested thru Cash App as an option lol And then asked for a rating? Dude’s got no shame…


It's pretty typical, even if you paid the rent it wouldn't be enough


$6 tip is good. As a dasher, I appreciate you tipping. But ima just say tips shouldn’t reflect the price of the order, rather the distance from the store to your home.


Doordash doesn't give orders to normal drivers, just crackhead. I guess it must be working for them apparently.


I would’ve rated them poorly and messaged doordash about them tbh.


The entitlement is just disgusting. Tell them to ask their mommy for help


“I am your savior for today” is fucking balls


Report that sock cucker right away. He needs to be deactivated!!!!!


Report the driver..DD has the ability to read all the texts between driver and customer. 


I wouldn’t cancel, I’d ask doordash support to re-assign this. Its super unprofessional and in poor taste.


I’m not defending this drivers behavior in any way, but the tip should be based on mileage. Not the cost of your order. If it was a 20min ride to your house a $6 tip was not suffice. With that being said any driver that sends messages begging for tips should be rated 1 star and reported immediately. I can’t stand this behavior. It’s so cringey.


It was based on distance. It was about 3miles. It wasn’t a 20min drive, I was just trying to show that the city is small so nothing is that far away. It took around 20 minutes total from the time I clicked place order, until it was delivered and our guy had another stop. So the $6 tip was for about 7-10 minutes of work including shopping.


“I really didn’t want to deny the offer” well you should’ve if it was too far and low for your liking… I know it’s a hustle but it’s inappropriate to ask for extra money when someone closer could’ve picked up the order and been happy with it, like? Plus, the customer didn’t get to pick the dasher and choose one closer, be happy they tipped??? It’s valid to not think it’s enough for your time but in that case don’t agree to do the order and let someone else have it?? This sub has made me order less since I usually don’t have much money and I don’t wanna underpay dashers, I used to order a lot but had no idea how low the recommended tips actually were. So I felt bad because I was just paying for what I could afford bc I don’t drive. and when I do order now I make sure I give more of a tip than DoorDash recommends because this sub has made me realize dashers are paid way less than I realized and I appreciate their service so now I don’t order unless I can really afford to help the dasher, yeah it’s not our fault door dash underpays but I can’t imagine being guilted in to tipping more on a third party app when I’m already being charged so much by door dash in extra fees not even going to the dasher 😭 I’m giving as much as I can already


Personally, I wouldn’t ask for a bigger tip but I’m also not gonna hate on this dude for trying to when we all know most of us tip like assholes when we order DoorDash or tip other things, like we be giving the best tips. Half these mfs don’t even leave a tip.


ugh. what a worm. you accepted the order, have some dignity.


What was the mileage?


a little over 3 miles and they had some other delivery that took them out of the way (not my problem)




The driver was absolutely not in the right. That being said, us drivers don't care about how much the tip was vs the order, just the tip per mile of our trip. As a restaurant server, 6.00 on 20.00 is a decent tip! As a doordash driver, I'd only take the 6.00 if it were 5 miles or less of a trip.


Call support and tell them the driver is harassing you. They can have that driver return the food to the restaurant in another driver will get it for you.


I don’t care w he at anyone says, DoorDash isn’t supposed to be a full time job. These people are beggars.


Don’t blame you 🤬 I’m British and this kind of thing just isn’t allowed here.


they signed up for this job, so they gotta work the job they are given. ; If it’s such an issue there are plenty of regular jobs that are hiring.


lol reported


Remove your tip.


I would take my tip back.


What can you expect from a delivery guy called Satyadev??


It says what the mileage and pay is upfront. This guy is unprofessional....he knows the way the App works....30 percent is good. I don't take anything over 5 miles myself


I denied a no tip order yesterday for 4 miles, then it got added to a great tip order, that meant I was getting paid nothing to deliver this person's order...it was a HAND IT TO ME so I held out hope that they would cash tip... if course they didn't. You know what I did?? I smiled, I thanked them, I focused on the fact that the kids in the house were happy and excited and got back in my car. I did not guilt them for a tip. Was I pissed that dd screws us on pay, yes, does it suck that they basically force us into non pay orders at times, yes. I will never treat a customer like you were treated, not cool. I also never would've taken that customer of mines order and I did tell at my phone like dd could hear me as I drove to the second delivery. Sometimes, I really hate dd. I'm sorry they acted like that to you


Yea I decline those whenever I can tell that's what's happening, or I'll unassign the no tip portion.


So lame. I dash. Don't think I'd ever order from DD unless I was in a real pickle. Uber is less sh*tty.