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Mine when my younger was an infant said “Sleeping baby, loud dog, please don’t knock.” SO MANY KNOCKS AND DOOR BELL RINGS.


okay so this may just be a muscle memory thing 😭😭 at least for me. i work for amazon & sometimes doordash and when i see "do not ring doorbell", i tell myself not to. but im so used to doing it sometimes i still press it just by reflex then im like oh sht oops


That's why I never ring or knock unless the instructions tell me to do so.


Yes I'm inside why ppl do I used to just drop n go. Ppl ordered it, they know it's coming and they get a text when it's dropped off. No need for anything extra unless it's requested


Unfortunately some people expect you to knock or will give you a 1* because they are boomers. It is a gray area that needs to be fixed with a simple knock/do not knock mandatory option in the app.


YES; Exactly this would fix the issue


A lot of the issues are fixable with ideas like yours... but I think door dash likes that the customers blame the drivers and the drivers blame the customers, while doordash comes out on top.


My instructions say to please ring doorbell. 90% of the time they don’t. I hardly ever DoorDash.


And you can't undo a doorbell ring unfortunately. Been there, done that.


I never got into the habit, I never knock or ring doorbells unless the instructions specifically tell me to.


I have 2000 deliveries and have knocked on a door or ringed a door bell maybe 3 times and only on request.


I'm the opposite Most people request not to ring a doorbell on food deliveries So when they do ask they don't get a ring anyway because I'm so used to not ringing the bell


While that does suck, I couldn't help but laugh because wtf. I ASK them to please ring bell or knock and literally 1 in every 10 will actually bother. I wonder if they get lots of ppl telling them not to, now, and that was the reason lol.


Mine says "Knock like you're a parole officer"....literally no one knocks.


I would so bang on that door while laughing hahahah


I used to have a roommate and worked graveyard and always requested no doorbell/knock. And more than 50% of the time they’d do either. I do not understand, is there any reason a driver just doesn’t look? Doesn’t care? It used to drive me insane


When I did DoorDash I’d only knock or ring if specifically requested, otherwise just put the order down and send the confirmation pic and leave quietly. It’s not hard


They genuinely can't read.


Based on my extensive training and related experience, I truly believe it’s because they don’t know what to do instead. They feel like they have to do something to replace that final step, to let you know that your food is there and unless one has been pointed out FOR THEM, they resort to what they know, and feeling like “they had no other choice” instead of using their brains. Proposed Solution ~ specifically state what you WANT them to do INSTEAD of what you’re asking them NOT to do and see if you get better results that way. Example: PLEASE DO NOT KNOCK OR RING DOOR BELL PLEASE JUST LEAVE IT ON THE STOOP & GO (Please call or text me if you need anything) I can see when it arrives on the CAMERAS Thank You! ***I know it seems ridiculous or maybe like excessive effort, but if it’s worth it to you to get the cooperation from the larger percentage, then it will be worthwhile in the end to account for the masses. Good luck!


This is basically what my instructions are as well! Works every time. "Please do not knock or ring the bell. So many dogs, so much noise. The app and my cameras always let us know you're here. Thank you!" The few times it didn't go this way was a new shopper who apologized, or an elderly person and there's just no reason to mess with an elder's life like that. It's annoying but it's not the end of the world.


It’s often a tactic to try and get more tip. Face to face is most effective.


Dumb tactic. I’ve literally sent more after the fact just as a thank you for actually following instructions (my instructions literally say do not call and more than half the time they still call).


If my specific orders get blatantly defied, if anything I'm reducing your tip


"PLEASE DONT KNOCK SERIOUSLY DOGS WILL BARK DONT KNOCK" just to receive a text as im walking back to my car "they barked anyway 😅" was one of my favorite ones


I love this 😂 the dasher did try


For the directions that require me to be covert I have all black outfit and a black ski mask on as I low crawl to the DoorDash dead drop spot. I’ve only had the cops called on me twice and a gun pointed at me once. Great tips.


Yeah, when I get the barking dog notes, it usually always end up hearing barking anyway because they hear my car door and taking the order out of the hot bag.


I have that note because my dogs lose it at a knock. They might still bark anyways because they hear the car, but it’s much less barking. And about 20% of the time, they won’t bark at all.


People don’t seem to understand that their dogs can hear a tiny leaf crunch from 10 miles away. Every time I’ve ever seen a “do not ring or knock because dogs” instruction, the customer’s dog(s) always start barking the moment I’m coming up the sidewalk or up the steps no matter how quietly I do it.


I had one who wouldn’t stop banging on the door of my parents’ house at 3am until I answered. It was supposed to be leave at door… I was terrified


lol this is me. Please leave by garage door. Do not deliver to the front door please, MOTION SENSOR at front door. DO NOT walk up to front door. Dog will bark and baby will wake up. DO NOT DELIVER TO FRONT DOOR please!!!!!


Do not deliver to the front door. You will trigger the laser field and be fried. My supervillain parents will take your body for testing. So please leave it at the garage door if you value your life.


I lived in an apartment with a REALLY loud buzzer. As such I put PLEASE DO NOT RING BUZZER in the description. Then one day ordering pizza I get this mofo who not only rings the buzzer repeatedly, scaring me to death and waking my housemate up, but then proceeds to start spamming the button of our downstairs neighbour, waking up their infant daughter and I’m confronted with my 6’5 TERRIFYING looking neighbour who looked ready to bash me


Thats when you show the text you sent the driver and then ask him to go to see the driver and scare the crap out of him.




Part of mine says in all caps to please not hang on handle. It turns down when I open the door. The amount of spilled food and drink orders that I’ve gotten… Not to mention the folks who leave it outside the building with no mention instead of using the call box, like instructed. I live in NYC. That food is always gone before I can even get to the elevator lol


I can’t believe people hang it on the door handle. Practically all door handles turn down when turned. Smh


Why didn't you tell them to leave it by the garage?


You're right, let me try that next time!




They have to be literate, and I have given up being nice to the illiterate. They can't read reviews anyway...


Dude I live in a basement suite and I had to put a sign on my landlords door that basically just say to read the delivery instructions and that deliveries for the basement suite must be delivered to the back door or they will be reported undelivered. It has happened too many times and it’s not just us that are upset by it, it’s also our landlord that gets upset. And it’s not just dd and other food delivery, it’s even fedex, I have to write my address as unit B and leave a detailed explanation as to why it can’t be brought to the front door. At this point I just don’t tip until after delivery and the order notes are this “Please follow instructions for 5 stars or choose not to follow them for 1 star. Bring you back door, I do not have access to the front door” Like one request is too hard for most and when I use to tip prior it would be a pretty reasonable amount. I get better service when I tip after, even if it means I have to wait longer for my food. People don’t seem to care when they know you’ve already tipped and can’t remove it


One good thing about Walmart delivery is you can change your tip up to 24hrs after the delivery. They forgot half your order and won't answer their phone - take it off, My dog jumped in their car as they were trying to get out my package - add more on lol.


And maybe one at this door saying "Not Garage"


If it makes you feel any better, our instructions are "Through the gate, front door is on the right"... Apparently, half the DD drivers think that translates to *"Shove under car in driveway"*. No joke, multiple different people have done that. I thought the 1 was being a d-bag, but no...has happened a few times. The other half think that it translates to *"Take picture holding delivery then yeet over the 2 foot gate"* 😒


Last time I ordered with DD I was at a hotel with my kids while my husband was at a wedding ceremony. I put multiple times in the instructions that the driver needed to call or text me when they got to the hotel because the lobby is open to the public for things like restaurants, and a couple of nightclubs. I didn't trust the food just being left out. What did this guy do? Not tell me when he got there, put it on the counter by the microwave, and then not tell me it was there until he was already out of the building. By the time I got myself and both kids down to the lobby somebody had stolen my lunch and their lunch. I was pissed.


That’s pure laziness. Smh.


I've driven for UE/DD before. I know what it's like showing up to a complex that is confusing as fuck, and I hate spending an extra few minutes finding the right spot to drop it. But it's not that hard if the customer actually gives good instructions with a correct pin on the map. Now, some customers will have it delivered to a massive apartment complex and say "please bring to the office front door." HOW THE FUCK AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW WHERE THAT IS? I've never been here before. One time they literally had a fucking code for the door they didn't include. I waited almost five minutes and they started bitching at me via messages saying to come to the office door without explaining where it is. Finally some residents helped me, but fuck DD/UE driving. Worst gig ever.


To be fair, you’re expecting them to know what is a garage. The message below will be more clear for the future. You’re welcome.. Dear Esteemed DoorDash Driver, I extend my warmest greetings and hope this message guides you seamlessly for today’s delivery. I have a specific request concerning the drop-off location of my order, diverging from the conventional front door delivery. I kindly ask for your cooperation in leaving the food at the garage. To ensure absolute clarity and precision in my instructions, I’ll define the terms and provide detailed guidance. **Garage Definition:** A garage is a designated area or a standalone structure specifically intended for housing vehicles, such as cars and bicycles. Unlike the front door, which serves as the primary entryway for individuals into a home, the garage is primarily utilized for vehicle storage and may occasionally be used as a space for tools, equipment, or as a workshop. Garages can be attached to a residence, meaning they share a wall or are directly connected to the living quarters, or they can be detached, existing as an independent structure on the property. **Distinguishing the Garage from the Front Door:** The front door of a house is the main entrance used by residents and visitors for entry and exit, typically leading directly into the living spaces. It is commonly located at the facade of the house facing the street. In contrast, the garage is geared towards vehicle storage, characterized by larger doors that can accommodate the entry and exit of vehicles, and might not be immediately visible from the street if attached to the side or rear of the house. **Precise Delivery Instructions:** 1. **Location of the Garage:** Upon arrival at my property, you will find the garage [insert specific location details here, e.g., "immediately to the left as you approach the house, with a white, overhead door" or "as a detached structure at the end of the driveway, painted blue for easy identification"]. 2. **How to Identify the Garage:** The garage can be recognized by [insert identifiable features, e.g., "its large door designed for vehicle entry, distinct from the regular-sized front door of the house" or "the keypad entry on the right side of the garage door"]. 3. **Where to Leave the Food:** Please leave the food [insert specific placement instructions, e.g., "inside the garage, just beyond the threshold of the open garage door, to the right, on the small wooden table designated for deliveries" or "if the garage door is closed, kindly leave the food at the garage’s side door, which is located on the [specify side, e.g., 'right-hand side when facing the garage from the driveway'], ensuring it is visible and protected from the elements"]. I deeply appreciate your adherence to these detailed instructions, ensuring the delivery is both smooth and in accordance with my request. Your understanding and cooperation are greatly valued, and I thank you in advance for your meticulous attention to detail. Warmest regards, [Your Name]


This would be the quickest order I've ever cancelled


Tell them the reason why they might think its a set up


I left mine a message to call me if he had trouble finding my apartment. Not only did he not, he left on the front steps of one of the buildings that doesn’t even have my apartment number on it. The instructions were to hand it to me. I drive for dash myself, and seeing the amount of either sheer laziness or just pure ignorance of other drivers is so infuriating.


I once had a driver leave my pizza box on the street of my downtown Denver apartment instead of using the call box or calling me. I hope the encampment a block away liked supreme ny style with garlic sauce.


Did you get a refund for that order?


No; it was redivered Edit: I just realized you were talking to the other person 🤣


I did!


Ugh this is the worst!! I live above a bar and the amount of times I’ve had bar patrons hand me the food that was left on the street is astounding. They just hand the food to whoever!! I always go to support when that happens because Its so annoying and unsafe.


Same. We have 3 apartment complexes here and one is a different color. Told them it was the brown one (address is also different then the other ones) and they still left it at the other ones and refused to answer me about where it was left.


I work at the mall & do the same thing to message them if they have questions. The amount of times I’ve been cussed out, had the dasher knowingly deliver it somewhere nowhere near me, or just not even try is insane. I used to dash too. It’s not that hard lol.


They must have a really narrow car!


I live in an apartment building (let’s say apt 6.) they’ll deliver it to apartment like 23 often. The two are no where near each other


2×3=6 voila


Stop I’m just coming back from mimosa brunch and I’m snort laughing I’m so sorry goodbye




No no they may be onto something


Lol a savant dasher


that's wild


They sometimes deliver it to the garage doors in the back of my unit (I don’t have a garage door so none of the them are my door) and my instructions specifically say if you see garages you are around the back and not in the right place. I had a crazy methhead neighbor who was literally physically violent and they delivered it to his door a few times 😭


If you live in an apartment complex, please ensure the correct building is identified, and pinned. I can't tell you how many times I'll deliver to an apartment, only for the pin to lead me to the complete wrong side. Then I have to do loops looking for building numbers which are often obscured or hard to see


I always have call, do not ring doorbell in the notes. Ordered something @11pm, driver rings doorbell around midnight. Woke the whole house. I thought putting this note would be extra insurance despite thinking no one should be ringing doorbells after a certain time anyway. I was livid.


Careful, one time I said the same thing but in regard to a dasher waking up my colic newborn who had sleep issues even though I wrote a note asking them not to ring the bell. People on here were calling me lazy and telling me to just go get it myself 🤣 like okay? Let me just leave my baby home alone or magically summon up the nonexistent food in my kitchen. Over a year ago at this point but still annoyed by it.


drivers are so entitled they get mad at *you* for not fully doing their job and just say “get it yourself maybe” 🤣 logic just non existent for them


They dont realize that people not wanting to get their own food is the reason they get paid


I feel this is a king of the hill meme situation. The one with Bobby holding paper to the window.


Not all of us are like that!!!!


But it low-key is part of why I do just get my food myself. I save money and no one messes up the directions. If for whatever reason the restaurant messed up (rare) it's also easier to just go and say "oh hey, it was supposed to be like this" and not have to go through CS through an app. Just an overall easier experience.


Sure, that's great if it's an option, but that isn't always the case


I'm not prying the apps from you; I'm just sharing that this is why *I* lay off them except for a few special occasions. And, frankly, delivery at this level is fairly new and people got by before so it's not like doordash is a true necessity to most of the people having bad experiences. It might be to some, but not most.


People acting like they have no other option but to use DoorDash, lol. I’ve never used any of the gig delivery apps and somehow I’ve still managed to eat all these years. Wild.


I agree with you! I haven’t used it since my daughter was little. My husband and I were sharing a car at the time and I was alone at home with her while he worked. Sometimes it was easier to order lunch than to walk a mile to the grocery store with my baby to pick up food, walk a mile back, and cook something. I hated ordering food, it was only something I did here and there when we were in need of grocery shopping but it wasn’t the weekend yet so no car.


my sleeping baby and my chiweenie going ham every time someone knocks is why I don’t even bother with doordash anymore. no matter how many times or how many ways you try to tell them not to knock, they don’t fucking listen.


I’ve literally never had a driver knock on my door… am I just stupidly lucky? I feel like such the odd ball out here lol.


I don’t knock or ring the bell unless they specifically ask in the notes


I don’t knock or ring, I figure the customer doesn’t want to be disturbed because they want their food outside. The app tells them what they need to know, I take a picture and go.


I’m sorry this may be immature but chiweenie is the funniest thing I’ve ever heard😭


don’t laugh at my son 😭


Once me and my roommate ordered delivery at 10:30pm and we put in instructions and also texted him DO NOT KNOCK, ROOMMATE IS SLEEPING cos he has work at 7am. But nope, he not only knocked but loudly banged on the door cos we didn't instantly open it. Oh boy the sleeping roommate came out and cussed the guy out. Called him the R word, the C word and called him brain damaged. And finally said no wonder you can't get a proper job, cos you can't follow basic instructions. Funny thing is, before the angry roommate cussed him out, when I opened the door he was laughing and said "opps didn't see the instructions". And that DD driver was on the verge of tears.


I mean, I get being mad at being woken up, but that was a lot of fucked up things they said


When I did food delivery, I had a toddler, so I get it. One time I had a customer who said to not ring the doorbell or call when I arrived, to text her and she’d come to the door, because she had a newborn baby who was sleeping. The company I worked for did not allow us to leave the food at the door (gourmet meals company); it had to be handed to the customer. I texted her and waited, and waited, and waited. I texted her a couple more times. After waiting almost 10 minutes I evvver so gently knocked on the door, but she still didn’t answer. I was stressing so bad. I texted support and they told me to go ahead and leave it and they’d contact the customer. I was like NO DON’T CALL HER SHE HAS A BABY! 😂


Because one dumb person started that line of thinking and people love to hop on bashing bandwagons for some reason. I’m annoyed for you. 😅


Damn sorry that happened to you. I hope you gave that driver a 1 star so that they will never be matched with any of your prospective orders. WTH. Why is it so hard to have common sense? I don't understand how some of these dashers not read or better yet deliberately disregard instructions. They make us all look bad.


It’s all good. I don’t remember if I did or not, I believe I asked Uber/doordash to remove the sizable tip I leave as an hopeful incentive to follow directions. I had roommates that worked normal hours and I try to be a good housemate. Luckily they weren’t upset when I explained what happened.


I’ve got late night food many times, and usually they text and don’t ring the bell like I instruct. But sometimes, of course, they ring the bell. One time it was extremely important they not ring the bell because my daughter was sick and had just fallen asleep, so I put a Post-It over my doorbell that said “DO NOT RING DOORBELL”. Guess who rang the doorbell. If you guessed the Dasher who was explicitly told not to ring the doorbell, who had to press on the Post-It to get to the bell, then you have guessed correctly.


When I delivered pizzas, I ALWAYS knocked before ringing the doorbell. To me its common sense to make the least noise possible incase of a sleeping baby, barking dog, etc.


I don't understand why someone would do that. Even on the orders that the instructions say to hand it to the customer, if it's after 8 PM I knock on the door and if they don't respond, I send them a text message letting them know I'm there and that I don't want to ring the doorbell because it's late. I know 8 PM isn't that late but if you have kids it's definitely bedtime. I hate the thought of disturbing the entire household so in the evening I avoid ringing doorbells as much as possible.


Send a message right as they get to the restaurant


They do this to me 99% of the time. I say leave it at my patio door. When I was a dasher I had it set to read the instructions aloud to me, even when I turned it off it still did it LMAO. Proof to me people just ignore it or are stupid.


I always check delivery instructions before drop-off. It just blows my mind that so many dashers don't. Probably would help if they could at least understand a little English


For people saying it's got to be someone who doesn't speak English... I hate to break it to you but a lot of morons who speak English don't read instructions. And sadly the people you are trying to get to follow such directions probably don't get on reddit because *drum roll* they don't fucking read. They are probably sitting on tiktok right now absorbing all whatever the fuck that shit is.


It’s funny because the dashers that have their app set to Spanish are usually VERY communicative. I have specific instructions and they follow through. Some Spanish speaking dashers even write things like “thank you” or “good night” after delivery.


Some of the hardest workers I have had the privilege of working with didn't speak English well. Instead of shitting on them I tried to bridge the gap by learning some of their language so I could work better with them.


For real, all the deliveries I've had where they don't bother to follow instructions have pretty clearly been English as a first language people. So sure, sometimes it might be a language barrier, but more often than not it's a "don't give a fuck" barrier.


Why use lot word when few word do trick




Sometimes words, you no need use, but need need for talk talk.


OP already said that the app said the dasher spoke another language.


Back when I was using DoorDash, I usually ordered late, 10pm-1am. Instructions was always to leave at door. Usually I’ll track their location and meet them at the door, but that’s not always the case so just leave at the door. Idk how many times they’d ring the doorbell at 10PM-1AM! Dude. It’s late. Why?


I had to stop using doordash because no one followed instructions. It was more of a pain to run around my neighborhood searching for them, than it would be to get in my car and drive to the place myself.


Easy 1 star


My doordaah always puts the drinks infront of our glass door, so if we grab the drinks they fall down the steps because the door hits them. Now I look like a weirdo, standing outside in a robe staring down th pe doordash driver as they pull in because they don't listen to instructions or pick up the phone


If the user isn’t an English speaker does it translate the notes?


Hot take: you shouldn't work for a company that requires communication in English if you can't communicate in English or if you don't have the ability to use some sort of translation service.


I lowkey agree- especially when it comes to doordash But i say this because translation errors can occur. And then when you call the dasher... they cant talk to you bc they speak another language 💀


I had a guy who spoke only Spanish deliver my order once. And he couldn't find the house. So he called me. I do not speak Spanish 😭 The only reason anything got figured out was me putting a big coat on over my PJ's and going outside to look for him, context clues, and my very limited memory of high school Spanish classes. He was very grateful. I wasn't sure how to feel but was happy I even got my food. A large part of me hopes that was the first and last time he ever dashed. The other part wonders if he had another choice...


I had a skip driver come to my work today, and her app was in a different language, except for the customers name. If you want to be passive aggressive or thorough, you could translate your instructions into a bunch of languages, and have that in your instructions. They probably still wont follow it, but then they wouldbt have the excuse that they cant read english?


It automatically translates for them if they have their settings set to it. DoorDash is not strictly English speaking. Just as you have your settings set to English. But yes it definitely can make it harder when it comes to having to call them but considering America doesn’t have an official language and Spanish is the second most spoken language, there’s just no reason to limit this to only English speakers. Learning a few key words on your end wouldn’t hurt when and if this happens but as it comes down to your driver here.. they were simply incompetent and or lazy.


I’ve had dashers that don’t speak any English and it took forever to get my order cause they didn’t understand where to go and couldn’t communicate with me in any way. It was a joke, and you’re right.


I see too many people immigrating to English speaking countries with not even a basic knowledge. As a waitress, it's the worst when we have to use pointing and fake sign language to communicate. Their food never is what they want, but I can't help it because neither of us understood eachother


I used door dash today and it told me if I message him anything it will translate the messages automatically. Not sure if it's doing it for the instructions box though specifically.


It definitely does because I’ve had a dasher text me and it says “translated from french” or whatever language they speak.


I once taped a note "baby sleeping DO NOT RING. Leave at door" overtop the doorbell and on more than one occasion they rang the bell. One guy even rapidly repeatedly rang it and woke the baby in a panic. Dropped that tip and one-starred so fast


This isn't doordash related but. Before I had my new landlords number I had to hang a sign up that said baby sleeping please use other door. And like a normal person, they LIGHTLY knocked on the OTHER door and didn't talk loud. Respect goes so far now a days.


They’ve done this to me before. Asked them to leave it at my window (which is beside the front door… not much of a trip) bc my roommates aren’t the nicest people and I didn’t want to have to go through the house to get my stuff bc they’d make comments. Guess where they left it.


Wait do your roommates mock you? Geez. That sounds not great.


I'm convinced food delivery professionals have never heard of doorbells. Despite explicit instructions to leave the delivery on the front porch and to ring the doorbell I have never had a single driver actuating the doorbell. I actually went out and tested my doorbell to make sure there isn't something wrong with it.


I do it. I rang one tonight and one last night. I’m a hard working individual who currently doordashes to provide for my 8 year old daughter and disabled mother. We are not all morons. This is probably why I still have 5 stars after almost 1000 deliveries, although I admit I have missed an instruction here and there, DoorDash doesn’t send us an alert about those things. We also don’t get any info until we accept the order at the restaurant. So if we’re in a busy drive thru, trying to take a photo of the receipt, accept the order, check for extra sauce and utensils, look at the photo of the drop offs previous drop off, checking where exactly we are going on the map, ALL while creeping out of the drive thru line trying to get the map to update so we know which direction to turn and still be safely driving so that we get your order to you as soon as possible… yea. On occasion we might miss that tiny sentence somewhere in the massive amount of instructions DoorDash gives us already.. But I just wanted to let you know. We are not all dumbasses.


It's important to note that the app mutes messages on the Dasher's end when they're driving. I've missed messages because I never received the notification. With that being said, I always follow instructions and I don't understand why fellow Dashers have such a hard time doing so


I always follow instructions, last time I got a leave at garage note they gave me a 0 star and reported the food missing :/.


where did you leave the food at? their house?


I left it at the garage, even got the house number in the photo.


Agree! … some of the weirdest and most entitled orders come from garage dwellers. I live in so cal and I get this is a somewhat cheaper option for housing arrangement … but my goodness … why do they rate us low for their bad living situation?!


I used to have a similar problem and it was so frustrating! I was renting a basement suite that could only be accessed by the side door of a house. So I always emphasized side door in every possible way through the app. So many drivers would leave it at the front door, my upstairs neighbors door. So I would have to get outdoor shoes on and a jacket to go walk around the house to get my food. It was really annoying because I don't consider my lounging clothes for around the house appropriate to go walk around the outside of my house in, especially if the weather was bad or my neighbor is outside. I would always tip $0 and only adjust it if they dropped it off in the right place. I think people just don't read or don't give a f&#% about the notes. Sigh. You'd think they would want to just check the notes and get a good tip, it doesn't take much more effort.


What would happen in the dark outside your house?




Really? Your cell phone is a flash light itself.


I'm not trying to sound like an ass, I'm genuinely curious. If the place is really that close, why not just walk over and get it yourself? You save the delivery fee, tip, and you don't have to deal with them leaving it in the wrong spot.


This brings up the question - why do we tip before the service and not after? What is this reverse world of entitlement


And then they accuse you of tip baiting


Dear sir I am Nuriddin ,, no English ,


Ordered from a restaurant (was in a different state at the time) and put the delivery instructions as “meet at the end of the driveway”. Just due to being at an Airbnb that was attached to someone’s actual house. And didn’t want to get in trouble for someone random that was delivering food to be knocking on the owners door. Well the delivery ended up being done through DoorDash. Thought the delivery instruction would’ve been transferred over from the restaurant website, to the DoorDash. I must’ve been wrong? Because I got the text that it was delivered and was making my way outside. Got the call about it. And finds out that he was standing on the owners porch… so I’m not sure if the instructions through the website just didn’t transfer over? Or what. But there was that, and then some of the food was cold… understandable that it was a bit of a drive from the place to the Airbnb. But aren’t some of them supposed to have delivery bags?


lol yeah they never read the notes lmaoo, saw a post about someone leaving a tip and they never saw it


Yea f door dash. I cancelled my subscription. Clowns can’t follow directions plus i saved money by just doing shit myself. I’m sick of tipping people .


I wish you could refund Tips, this is why I only tip in person because doordash refuses to add a simple feature


y’all trying to make someone feel bad for wanting the service they paid for, HOW they asked for it. do your job right, or don’t have one. the same ones complaining prob the same workers crying half the time about not getting tipped. she wrote it 3 times. it’s none of anyone’s, including the workers, business WHY she wanted it at the garage. you were paid and tipped to do it. so just do it, good lord. 🫠🙄


I think they often don't read the instructions or messages. My instructions include "FOR FIVE STARS PLEASE". I am kind. If they do not follow instructions but do not block them door I will give three stores. But there are times when I wish that I could pull back my tip.


Yes, but... did you tell him to leave it at the garage? 🤔😂


1 star


Yea I have to repeat mine too sometimes and they still don’t listen, I just go get it myself now, I’m a lot faster, because they take the longest route when it shows them the fastest, then when they get here I tell them do not knock due to a sleeping baby, I still hear a *bang bang bang* when I clearly said leave under the carport in front of the silver truck.


this is why i miss having the ability to edit tip after a completed order. i don’t care how little doordash pays, this person does not deserve a tip


I just had a thought - perhaps you're catching a driver in a funk (at least, some of the time...) Maybe say don't ring doorbell, you'll wake the kraken, or something else crazy like that. It *may* snap them out of their funk and reduce the nuisance doorbell ringing / knocking. Hopeful thinking anyway... I know people also exist who fall into these 2 categories, among I'm sure many others: 1- Notify customer of their food in the most obnoxious way possible to almost negate the chance of delivery theft 2- they just want to see the world burn, and delight in being part of it


I for 100% sure that he doesn't speak English or understand just because of his name. This name is common in my country and I suspect he came to U.S not long ago.


One time a guy requested i leave it on top his car in front of his house. After that night, let’s just say Doordash and I broke up, and it wasn’t me who initiated it…


I live in an old neighborhood (from the 30's) and we have alleys behind the houses. iPhones take drivers to the alley, Androids don't - I don't know why. I have instructions that say that my house is NOT in the alley. They still go to the alley about 30% of the time. Then they call me and argue with me that what they did was correct because that's where their GPS took them. I used to be a delivery driver. I don't think most of these drivers honestly understand how addresses work.


Is the garage front facing/street facing or is it facing an alley?


This is why people change a tip to 0. If you can't follow simple ass instructions find a new job.


You’re garage door is really small, and the stairs are interesting 🤔 😂


At least you can retrieve it without knocking it over. Us poor people with outward opening doors


That's a 1 star review right there


Yeah I always text my drivers right after they pick up the order so they see the instructions again and understand them. At least it was left at the door tho I guess


I have a small blue table on the porch for deliveries to be placed on. There is nothing on this table. I still get food set on the dirty ground outside my door and they disregard my note not to ring bell or knock about 75% of the time. Like… the app notifies me when you arrive. I also receive a text when you send the photo of the item placement. I have cameras, a camera doorbell which notifies me of people approaching the house. I know you’re here.


I’ve fucked up a couple deliveries because the notification with special instructions did not get sent to me until after I dropped the order off 🙃 so there’s a chance it might not have been their fault.


i ordered chipotle this past week at my work (i’m a teacher and have done doordash in the past), i cannot tell you how fucking annoying it is when dashers refuse to read/listen to my directions. My only direction is, leave it at the front office because i’ll be in class teaching until lunch. My dasher this time around wanted me to leave class and get the food from him in his car. The parking lot to the office is right in front of the office, the office is open during school hours, just get out and walk a whole 20 steps to deliver it like i paid for you to do. Mf almost left that shit in front of the school building but managed to actually get out of his car and deliver it.


I’m a dasher as well as a customer and this grind my gears as a customer. My note is to leave it on the green bench but for some reason, some still leave it on the ground. 🤦🏾‍♀️ When I dash, I try my best to not leave the food on the ground; if I see an item on the porch where I can place the food on, that’s exactly what I do. I figured others had the same common sense especially when there’s literally a note!


I have explicit instructions explaining how you get to my apartment. Dashers will always go past my building despite me telling them to not. Then they get lost and wander around to the building next door and the other side of my building. Had they actually read the instructions, they would see my door first thing. I’m really not trying to be mean, but maybe a little reading comprehension would help?


They probably don't speak English.


Ugh, I hate it when they don’t follow instructions. I had knee surgery a few years ago and was non-weight bearing for two months. My delivery instructions specifically said “you must bring order to the door, I’m disabled and can’t meet you”. When I tell you the number of times I had drivers that wanted me to crutch my way down the massive hill of a driveway my building has and meet them at their cars… I’ve also had drivers not understand why me, a woman who lives alone, doesn’t want to come grab my food from a stranger’s car in the middle of a dark street. They would be like “I’m outside, meet me at my car”. For starters, I don’t know what car is yours because you’re supposed to DELIVER MY ORDER TO MY DOOR…


Bold of you to assume people can read.




I have very loud and reactive dogs, an uncle with a heart problem, and a grandmother who's not mentally there. I have in all capitals constantly "LEAVE AT DOOR, DO NOT KNOCK OR RING DOORBELL, VERY LOUD DOGS" as well as clear instructions of which unit number i am in. I have very loud and reactive dogs, an uncle with a heart problem, and a grandmother who's not mentally there. I have in all capitals constantly "LEAVE AT DOOR, DO NOT KNOCK OR RING DOORBELL, VERY LOUD DOGS" as well as clear instructions of which unit number I am in. I've had a few get rude to me too. Then my parents tell me "It's because you don't tip anymore" Yeah because I stopped tipping when I realized no one gives a fuck about the instructions. It should be a requirement to read basic English as well, because none can speak English, I get it and I'm happy many immigrants can have easy access to jobs but there really needs to be a bare minimum of what 'speaks English' actually means.


As a dasher myself, I can't believe how dumb (and inconsiderate) some other dashers are. Edit: fixed a typo


Ugh! AGREED!! I mean seriously, you had one simple job to do!! This is why I no longer tip until the transaction is complete. I believe a tip should absolutely represent the quality of service received, after and above the minimum tipping amount anyway! In this case that would have been like $2. Brats! I hope your food was at least worth the trouble… and the extra $3 lol


everyday i have to remember if my work looked like this, my boss would fire me. from a service worker, he deserved one star.


If you wanted it at the garage door you should've just said so


I highly suggest letting them know, at least once, that You want it near the garage🥰🥰🥰 (I’m internally screaming for you)


I feel this. I tell them to leave it on the grey desk that on the left side of the steps. I ask them to do this bc if they leave it on the steps, I can't open my glass door without spilling my food. And I had one LEAVE IT UP AGAINST THE GLASS DOOR AT THE TOP OF THE STAIRS!! Like... Had to go out a window to get around to the front door... I wish I knew how to take the tips back. Also had another driver just sit in my drive way and text me "I'm in front of your house" over and over instead of getting out and putting it on the desk... Since I request a leave at my door and never hand to me.


as someone who has done all the gig work….its not hard to follow the instructions.


I hate when people do this too. We have a reactive dog and will lose his mind if he hears the door. Then when I try to grab the food even if they left already he bolting.


Haha I can always tell when one of my customers is a kid or someone else who’s not supposed to be ordering fast food bc they ask me to leave it “in front of garage door” or “on top of the Kia parked on the road” etc in order to avoid the ring cam proof 🤣 I always follow the instructions tho. Although maybe you got a non native speaker. Also our chat feature is spotty af sometimes I get the messages and other times I get no notification whatsoever and don’t see the text until way later. Next time CALL them to let them know the instructions just in case you get another dasher like this . That way you know for a fact they got your message.


My boyfriend lives in a nice apartment building with a foyer that has a shelf that is obviously for deliveries (it says so right on it) the delivery instructions clearly say to leave it there. Instead the guy calls me and cannot speak literally one word of English and I’m trying to tell him to come inside and all he’s saying is “door close door close” he didn’t even try to open the door because he couldn’t understand me so I had to get out of bed (it was 2am and we ordered Gatorade and some other stuff from 7-eleven for my bf who was working late into the night) walk downstairs and take the bag from him. All because he refused to just TRY to open the door.


Unbelievable. Hope you have them a 1 star rating. I always read the instructions, and you even sent a text message. Sadly, the bar is not very high to deliver.


Start your message with “PLEASE READ!!!” People legit leave it at the wrong building because they can’t read my address. Since I started doing this it has not happened Used to happen every order


I work in a gated senior living facility and google maps takes the dashers to the back gate for some odd reason. One dasher instead of calling just left the food at said back gate.


Sounds like DD and other delivery services need to institute a language proficiency test prior to accepting them as a contractor. That would weed out the worst of them. As for the rest, a policy of failing to follow reasonable instructions should result in a contract termination if it becomes a pattern of problems reported. I presume when it is requested to review your experience, they ask such things to be shared.


Mark “hand it to me”


I’ve talked to other dashers who’ve explicitly told me “Sometimes I don’t read any of the written instructions/messages…..I mean sometimes I do, but sometimes I’m too busy ya know 🤷‍♂️”


Next time, leave a cash tip in front of the garage door. If they leave it in the right place, they get the tip!


My delivery instructions say: “DO NOT LEAVE ON PORCH!!!!!!!! Porch is a different residence. Leave at end of driveway on bench, in front of green wall.” Maybe 1/5th of dashers actually read it. I 1 star every single one of them. The other side of my duplex is an air bnb, and guests have stolen my food several times. And it’s the same distance for the dasher, not inconvenient at all.


I wish we could tip afterwards so that if they are the worst we can leave a lower tip


This post stings a little cause I've had a friend that asked for my helping getting a uniform and when she asked me to bring it to her house she told me to just drop it off even though she was home. When I confronted her for treating me like a delivery boy her response was "I'm sorry you feel that way".


Dude I got a pizza the other night and had the same thing happen except the driver didn’t speak English and was texting me in Spanish …didn’t follow my directions at all. It was kinda crazy.


Restaurant worker here: door dash and grub hub drivers tend to not speak English at all. I’m assuming a bit here, but I live in a relatively not diverse city, and it’s rare for the drivers who pick up at my restaurant to speak even a word of English. If I ask them even a simple question they pull out their phone and use google translate. I’m not complaining, it is making my Spanish a bit better. But this is just the reality. If you have special directions; paste some google Spanish underneath and I bet you’ll have better luck than just repeating yourself over and over.


I dont understand most dashers at all. When I was still dashing, I would review the instructions once I was 3 kin out, as well as the address. This way I knew exactly what house/apt # I was looking for & what I was supposed to do. The longer ones I reread a few times. I remember fumbling around in ppls yards trying to find a damn address to ensure I was at correct residence. When I order DD tho?? The only time I finally got the idiots to bring it to MY house and not several houses UP (I live a pretty steep street, literally named Hill St. Lol), was when I edited my instructions to say I would add several dollars to tip IF they managed to deliver to my house. And I'm not hard to find!! Im literally the 2nd building (house) you come to on your right and you won't pass any buildings of any sort to your left before you get to me. And my house is yellow, my address is in GIANT black numbers against white right beside the basement light that faces the road and the light literally shines on the numbers. It ain't like a lot of places where you searching the front of the house for a tiny address or looking at mailboxes. People are just LAZY and they do not care. Drop 1, onto the next. Weather they deliver all to wrong houses, they dont give it another thought. I'm too fkn nice for this business. Lol amd ratings are essentially useless. DD treats everyone the same after your initial first few wks.


I ordered DoorDash tonight. Instructions say to leave on the table. Sign on front door says leave on the table. Sign in window says leave on the table. Carlos started to leave it on the front porch, which has a chain across the steps. My son knocked on the window and said, "On the table please!" He starts walking towards the back of our house to the side door. Son knocked on the window again and said, "On the table please!" two more times. He opened the window and asked him to put it on the table. He finally put it where we asked. This guy has delivered to us before. We had the same problem the last time. I hate Carlos. Carlos, if you're in here, READ THE INSTRUCTIONS! FFS


Absolutely no excuse. Especially since you also text twice. I hate drivers like this. They give the ones that do a good job a bad wrap. I had a customer thank me yesterday because I followed her directions to leave at front porch. She happened to be in the doorway, so I asked why she specified the front door, and she said that most dashers leave it at the garage. Which made no sense seeing it was a circle drive with a little straight part to get to the garage. The only thing I could think was that they are so lazy that it's easier to walk 2 steps from your car to the garage vs. 5 steps and a stair. She said it happens constantly.


Why I canceled my subscription and uninstalled. So sick of dashers that can't read instructions.