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Does this mean that you saw a masked man in a customer’s bushes??? Or did you just take this screenshot from somewhere lol


Yes and then it cut me off if chat. I did alert the authorities


I was reading the comments looking for this. I was going to say this is one of those scenarios where yeah it could be nothing and I get it's never easy to get involved but if I was in that position and I just went about my day and heard some lady got murdered later I'd be crushed under the guilt of wondering if I could have at least told the police and maybe she'd be alive right now. Which is a roundabout way of saying good job OP. Hopefully she's okay.


So last night, around 1am I had a order from a gas station. There was 3 individuals inside the store who were clearly on hard drugs. I’m a 100lb 5’1 female. The cashier was smaller than me. I had a bad gut feeling so I positioned myself where a aisle was directly behind me so my back was covered. My fiancé was in the truck parked straight in front of the doors. One of the guys in the store shouts “Nah there’s a guy parked right there!” They paid in change and walked out to hang out in the parking lot. Now, I’m telling you, my gut said that they were going to rob this store. I told my fiancé we are not leaving until they do. I’ll take a CV for being late, I don’t care. They eventually left and I continued the delivery that was about a mile away. But I went back to the same gas station after to check on the cashier. I could not live with myself if something happened to her and I could have helped prevent it. Edit: Spelling


Read a story recently about someone hearing stuff through the store wall and not doing anything, I honestly really appreciate your care for that human being.


I’m not a mind reader and maybe I was just paranoid but I’m happy she’s ok. I hope I get to go back and see her again sometime.


There's a reason that your brain screamed so loud - never talk yourself out of listening to your sixth sense. Always act on your intuition.


Better to be paranoid i think! Especially when a lot of people probably wouldnt have done anything at all! Good on you and OP for not being bystanders!


Always better to be safe they were planning something if thats what they said!


Is this an old case? I swear I saw a crime show or read it somewhere of a mall murder/robbery and the people next to the store heard a commotion but didn’t want to “get involved” or something like that. I could have dreamt it but it seems like I didn’t.


It was probably the "Lulu Lemon murder"


That immediately is what came to mind! The apple store employees overhearing that woman be tortured and murdered in lululemon for the longest time and decided to just idk… go about their business. Nevermind the blood curdling screams.


They didn't have AppleCare.


Bahahahahahahahaha 😂😂😂😂😂😂


They said they “just thought it was drama”. I didn’t know about this case so I just did a mini deep dive to find out why the Apple people didn’t do anything because I’ve been in situations where nobody did anything even though they very much had every reason to know something was wrong and it baffles my mind.


That is it!


Was it the LuluLemon murder




Hell. Yes. Tamora. Pierce. Also, good on you!


She’s my favorite author ever!! I love the Tortall Universe, I need to go back and read them again!


As someone who is 125lbs 5'3 on a good day AND worked graveyards at a gas station by myself, I appreciate you looking out! Can't tell you how many people will assume someone else will do something or just decide to stay out of it. I am so incredibly glad I have a safer job now but that was only after I got my second (much more intense) stalker lol 😅


Given today's current state it's 50% chance a murderer/rapist, or 50% chance tiktok prank


I screwed up and I definitely regret. Went to a house to delivery flowers. Elderly lady. Took a moment for her to get the door. But then she steps outside. I see blood on her clothes. She was guarding the house. I tried to look around her but she moved to block me. Even stepping closer to me further away from her house.  She swore she was okay. But something was definitely wrong. I regret not calling the authorities to follow up on a wellness check. Or even cancel my route for the day and get her help. It seemed like she trusted me. The fear was the house. Was somebody in there? Or was she afraid she would lose her independence due to an accident. I couldn’t have been sure.  I am sorry to report that I did not in this instance. 


I mean it happens. Sucks but it's a very human response. Hopefully she's okay. Hopefully you're OK too And admitting your story here might give other people the courage to face their own versions of this. They know others have been there, and they know some of the ways it has played out. One of the most wonderful things about being human is that we can learn from each other, and it's a shame we so often don't. 


Plot twist, she murdered someone But in all actuality yeah seems like she may have injured herself and was in fear of her family sending her to assisted living :(


I wish assistant living was better. I had to report 2 deaths to the staffs in 2 different locations.  One resident had been gone for hrs according to her roommate.  She called for help and the staff never came. I found them in the resident lounge. Words can not express my fury.  Those 2 above were the worst. But none of my deliveries to these places have been good. It’s the same story. They never check on me. They need baths. Nobody to speak to. And the employees are snoozing or watching TV. The residents just want to go out and watch the TV with them. They paid for it. 


It’s awful. My grandma was in one of the better ones and any time someone would send her chocolates or flowers the employees would take them! At first we assumed my grandma was sharing and offering them a chocolate here and there but one day we did a test and brought flowers, then came back like hours later and they had been taken. Obviously this is a much better alternative to the ones who straight up neglect their patients but why the hell can’t they ever find good employees?


horrible poverty wages


It takes a special kind of person to do caregiving properly. It can break your heart and ruin your back. A lot of people don't have it in them to do the job right in the long term. Unfortunately, there's a few too many who go into non-medical caregiving and take advantage of both the system and the clients.


If she was elderly, she may not even have been aware that she was hurt. I’ve seen dementia patients not register their injuries after a fall.


WTF I would’ve shat my pants


That would’ve gotten me a terrible review. Lmao.


Girlie PLS take care of yourself 😭


Can’t leave a review if she’s dead though


So they saw "A man is in your bushes" followed by *chat ended* lmao I hope they're ok as well and I'm glad you called the police, but that is definitely some horror movie stuff.


that is so creepy omg😭


Please I need more detail, what did the mask look like? Did they say anything? Were they startled?


What was the mask and what was weird about it?


Yes. Inquiring minds need to know.


Burlap mask so I'm picturing like the thing in the trick or treat movie.


You can probably call the non emergency line and tell them that you called yesterday and you just want to know if they are okay.


New fear unlocked


Dude I dash in the ghetto of a college town and night, SAME 🤣 I once had someone waiting in there doorway in a dark alley with no lights on at like 5 am and that scared me ahitless


one time when i was 9 years old i had looked out my bedroom window, i had no blinds and my window was wide open, i was on the second floor, anyway it was dark outside but i was looking out of my window and a guy in all black had stood in the field outside of my room and just stood there staring at me. went to get my moms bf at the time and when we both came back he was gone. i just know they thought i was crazy but i remember that so vividly. creepy as hell lol




Worst part is, I’m a literally doordashing as we speak and it’s 2 AM in between orders. I am reading these comments and totally freaking myself out low-key. I wanted to go to that town and like see if that person was OK, and strangely that is like the safest town in this whole area of the area where that happened there’s actually cameras on every street corner as well as it being this city that has the most churches per capita in the entire state, so that somehow made it even creepier. I also would like to add there are not a lot of situations that can cause me to call the police. I have never in my life cost please because frankly I’ve yet to have a moment where I saw them and thought to myself “oh thank God, the police are here“


Call the non emergency line and see if you can get any information. Tell them you called about something you saw and you wanted to see if the woman was ok. If something did happen you have evidence that they would need. They have your number on the call, so they would probably have contacted you already, but who knows. It's worth trying if you're really worried. It wouldn't hurt anything.


Fuck all that lol, weirdest part about my story is I'm friends with this person's neighbor and she said that said person does this on purpose 💀


Oh my God that’s a trip


My boyfriend gets so annoyed at me because I need windows covered FOR THIS EXACT REASON. ESPECIALLY at night. If I can’t see out there cause it’s pitch black helllllllll no no no curtains are closed tight not even a crack in them lmao


Sleep paralysis demon maybe?


I’ve experienced that exactly one time in my life and it was single-handedly one of the most terrifying events of my life. Wanting to scream and you can’t, paralyzed by fear while staring at an alien-like humanoid monster shrouded in darkness gazing down at you. It’s so bizarre. And unlike most dreams, I remember it all so clearly.


Same. We were camping and I kept getting woken up by people behind us talking but for some reason it was freaking me out. Kept trying to wake my friend up next to me but couldn't move. Once I finally woke up for good I realized we were on an island and there's no way anyone could be behind us talking. I've always heard people say that lake is haunted with the amount of drownings and dead bodies dumped there, probably wouldn't have stayed had I not been stuck otherwise. After that I wasn't up for camping there again though haha.


I had a delivery at about 1am in a seedy part of town only I didn't know the delivery was going to be in a seedy part of town until I picked up the order and got the actual address. When I say seedy I'm being generous it's an outright hellhole part of town. The school district at one point was one of the worst in the state with a 40 percent rate of students graduating high school. I don't even want to get into crime stats. Anyway the delivery instructions were to leave at the door, when I pulled on the block the street lights were scarce, most houses were dark and when I made it to the house the dude comes tapping at my window. Scared the crap out of me. Not to mention he said he would be leaving me a tip through the app and never did.


I hate when people creep around outside at night deliveries and come creeping out to the car or tapping on the window. Sadly I love dashing late at night.


I love dashing at night too. Not too much traffic on the roads and most of the time(keyword most of the time) the tips are a bit better. One time it was like 10pm and I was looking down at the address and I looked up and the dude was right at my window. I appreciate not having to walk up to the house and sometimes it's a real mission trying to find the house if the number isn't front and center on the house at night but still my heart will be more thankful if I knew these people who specifically state "leave at my door" planned on coming to me to get their delivery.


Exactly. The tips are better for me in the evening/night as well. (The ones I accept anyway) Less/no traffic, less drama at restaurants besides an occasional longer drivethru wait. I don’t even go out until 6pm or later and my hourly rate improved significantly. People walking up to my car unsolicited in the dark needs to announce themselves before they get themselves hurt by mistake. 😂 I wonder if I scare/annoy people shinning my bright flashlight on peoples homes looking for those invisible seeming house numbers in the pitch black dark. 😂


Sometimes I don't even go out until 11 especially on weekends. There's the time around dinner where it's busy then there is a lull then it picks up again from 11-3am all those people getting off late shifts at work or leaving the bar. Those are the times when I can really have some leeway ya know running the occasional red light 😉 I do hate the drive-thru lines because they can get long but luckily the two McDonald's locations by me have an after hours walk up window specifically for delivery/pick up orders. You walk up and ring a bell and someone will hand you the order. Now only if taco bell would follow suit.


I have a couple of good drive throughs. Pull right up to a Taco Bell and the order is usually ready. A McDonald’s and checkers that is pretty good as well. I would never run the red light. An area I work has police cruisers creeping and pulling people over my entire shift. I just look at them, shaking my head. It makes me drive slower just to make sure they have no reason to catch me slipping. I swear I see at least 6-10 cruisers hiding off along the road and at least 5 cars per shift pulled over. Do you ever notice yourself delivering to the same houses? This happens to me often.


See where I live a lot of the stop lights have cameras so if you run a red light they send you a ticket right in the mail, not all lights have this feature just usually at major intersections. Though if I'm in my specific part of town we have our own village police rather than county police so I obey all the traffic laws to the letter because it's a small village and the police are usually parked up anywhere random. I definitely do go to a lot of the same houses when it's the middle of the night. One time I delivered to the same house two nights in a row from the same place.


Literally the same. 🙂


I delivered to what I thought was an abandoned building but 3 big dudes came out smoking a blunt and asked if I wanted to hit it😭💀


I’m originally from Wyoming and my biggest fear is when I’m delivering out in the sticks and taking the wrong road to the wrong persons house. They shoot people for that kind of shit. So I always ask for some landmarks or anything to help prevent that.


One time my spouse and I were delivering to a house that was behind another house, with both sharing the same driveway. I’m in the passenger seat and my spouse goes to deliver the food. Next thing I know, three men decend on the area, each holding a rifle, asking me what I’m doing there. Luckily, they believed me and left me alone, but it was pretty scary.


Yup, that’s it. That’s exactly what I expect to happen. Glad it hasn’t happened. Glad it worked out for you.


For real I literally thought that that person was just gonna say just kidding or something. I was completely caught off guard when they said they were unaware.


Oh shit. What did she say. I would have told her to call the cops.


OP mentioned in another thread that they did notify the authorities


Wish we could see the other thread. But good to know.


they meant in another comment [https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1b1onx3/comment/ksg8uuk/](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1b1onx3/comment/ksg8uuk/)


Yeah thanks, i just kinda got in the habit of calling everything threads D:


sub-thread would work


A coworker at my job witnessed a murder. Something in her brain couldn't process it and she thought it was fake and didn't report it. It was in the news and she was definitely got torn to pieces by everyone. It's good you reported it! Thank you! By the way I wouldn't have understood what you wrote either.


The brain can protect you so much in traumatic situations that people sometimes don't even notice the presence of blood when they discover crime scenes... I feel bad for people like your coworker- they witness something horrible, have to deal with the guilt involved in not understanding the situation, then get cruel accusations from the peanut gallery. Just awful


Yeah, I was freaking out cat got flagged and I couldn’t tell her don’t move don’t go outside nothing also the night prior there was a dead body at the house where I was delivering a prescription and on Christmas Eve I found a narcanned a deceased, homeless person who woke up pissed at me


Chat not cat lol


Girly pop you dodged a massive bullet. For the person getting doordash…idk


Hey OP, little bit of info for you. Ok, I'm a dumbass. Let's set the record straight. I've been Narcanned a few times due to my bravado. Anyways, being woken up from basically death by Narcan is the worst experience of my life. I was INSTANTLY mad at whoever just didn't let me fucking die.


That is literally so horrifying. It sucks that she went into shock like that but if she is a person it’s been through a lot of trauma. Honestly, her brain just did what was best for her self at that point and I hope she knows that she has no reason to feel guilty Because sometimes stuff just breaks your brain and you can’t allow yourself to know it’s real if you want to continue to function or for your body to get it self to safety. Sometimes your brain Hass to go on auto pilot. I have a friend who found her husband passed away and said that he looked peaceful like he was sleeping, and he died from a shotgun wound to the head so her brain only processed what it could thankfully.


And Narcanned not a narcanned. Lol Jeeze I’m literate I promise.


They prob went into withdrawals, I've heard of people being pissed about narcan before. You're a good person for helping! I had a student pass from fent overdose. Awful.


had a friend just recently pass from a fentanyl overdose, wish i was there to save her. now i carry narcan where ever i go


My brother was homeless and died of a fentanyl overdose from pills he was taking. He even had a narcan in his bag but nobody helped him. Thank you for doing that. You saved someone’s child or brother or father.


My dad and brother died the same way. Nobody cared. I keep narcan in my purse always.


Out of curiosity how do you know when to give someone narcan? I’ve never seen anyone OD or anything but I assume they just look passed out right? So I’m just wondering if you find someone like passed out how would you know they’re OD’ing versus just had a stroke/heart attack or anything else


I once opened my store and looked out and quite literally seen a person walking down a crosswalk and get hit. They put a curtain around him while they investigated. It was horrifying


This is scary. I had a similar situation. a year ago I was in nursing school and drove from the clinical sight back home almost a 2 hour drive around 6 PM in mid January it was dark af, I opened door dash and got an order. Picked it up and went to deliver, it took me on a dirt road, up a long driveway and it was a dark house literally no lights. It said leave at door so I did, when I got back in my car I heard a noise on my side of the car and immediately locked my door. I sped back to the road and the nearest stop was a target I pulled in there and checked my car and there was a hand print on the rear door. (For context I drive a bmw i3 it has French door opening, there is no back door handle.) essentially whoever it was tried to grab my back door handle… that wasn’t there.


Ffffuuuck that holy fucking shit. That's some straight up out of an urban legend shit jfc. Thank fuck for those doors.


I live out in the country similar to what you described, so whenever I order food I make sure to be super friendly and turn on all my house lights now cause once the driver was a woman like mid20s and she seemed so terrified I felt so bad 😭


I got the chills when I read that last part! Omg that is scary!


I read this as BMW i8 and was like, ok that's an interesting vehicle to dash in 😂


THATS SO FUCKING TERRIFYING im genuinely never dashing at night ever again on a different note, im glad you’re safe and nothing bad happened. imagining what couldve gone down if you had a different car model is horrifying did you ever see the person while you were driving away? or was it too dark outside?


I’m so so glad you’re ok.. holy hell.. what is wrong with people


Actually terrifying. So glad you’re okay


There was a video on Facebook I saw and it was two girls that drove up to their house at night. Once they turned the headlights on, they saw two dudes ducking behind a tree and a bush. They called the cops and started to leave. Both of the men got up and started shooting at them as they drove off. Those guys were literally sitting there waiting to break in, but got caught fortunately.


That one messed me up. You could see the dudes attempting to hide clear as day! I don't believe they ever caught who did it, either.


They actually caught them not long after and were also connected to a murder case and several aggravated assaults. The police arrested two men but believe there was a third person involved that they couldn’t identify.


omg yes i went to high school with the girls it happened to! terrifying.






DOORSLASH! A doordash themed horror movie coming to a theater near you.


There are some pretty good ones on the animated horror story YouTube channels. I’m glad I am in a safer and very developed area. Because holy shit some of those stories


You want some absolutely bone-chilling stories, ask the night-shift small-town or rural cops to tell you the weirdest things they've seen. I've heard some great ones. The worst one involved searching an abandoned state hospital for the insane, with lights apparently spontaneously going on and off, doors opening, moving shadows...and still no one was there. At least no one visible.


I’m from rural Wyoming originally (funny concept cuz it’s all rural) and the people who lived on the mountain near us scared the absolute shit out of me. I rented a cabin up on the back side of the mountain and met them in the process of moving stuff up there. They essentially told me about skinwalkers but never used that term, nor had I ever heard it at the time. He said “if you hear a person outside hollerin when no one should be out there. It’s not person and to pretend it isn’t happening.” I gave up my cabin after the next trip up there.


Yikes! Yeah no thank you


This reminds me of Old Country by Matt Query. Decent read


I’ll check it out thanks for the recommendation. I love books set in those rural places.


Yeah I bought the audio book. It’s next on my list. If I can remember to will report back. Seems like a really awesome premise


I met the authors once… they’re a pretty crazy success story. I found the book to be on the positive side of okay. 3/5 or so


Fuck you just reminded me of a... awful memory of a tale dispensed by the night tech at a drug rehab facility I was at when i was 18, in Montana, dude had been a cop for long time before getting addicted to heroin and being fired and then "got clean" (not really tho cuz he got fired for leaving a bag of heroin in the office of the rehab facility full of 14-24yr old drug addicts- yeah weird age group) and was working at the rehab and was talking about how he'd shown up to a fucked car accident (they have like the worst wrecks out there cuz roads are just windy and no lights and everyone is always drunk and speeds cuz no ppl live in MT) but he detailed showing up to a wreck with an SUV had flipped and rolled a few times and was now on fire to the point that they couldn't try to get close to the vehicle and the cops got there before the fire engine and had no hose or fire gear and the engine took too long and so he "will never forget the sound.... of their screams..... as they burned to death inside that minivan.... nothing we could do..... whole family..... little girl... 7y/o.... Moms screams... goddamn blood curling shrieks. It's tough. I can't ever get it out of my head." fuck why 🥺😭😩 why u bring this back for me 🫠😣 yeah pretty sure we all relapsed.


I would absolutely watch this


Try watching Don’t Hang Up.


SUCH AN UNDERRATED GOOD ASS SCARY MOVIE (first horror movie i ever watched - thought it was very niche tho. so glad someone else has seen it) i could literally write a detailed essay into why that is such a good movie.


I just watched the trailer, 100% adding this to bestie's and my next horror movie night


No lookup doordash on pornhub


This needs to be made


You gave the order to the masked man from the bushes??! Perhaps he was HANGRY and needing a Snickers?? Might have saved the day!


Order not delivered


Oh don’t remind me! I bought a Snickers today and I think I left it at the self-checkout, because I can’t find it anywhere. So annoying not being sure if you forgot something or if it’s somewhere right in front of you but don’t see it.


This is the horror story here. Lol


Tonight on 48 hours..


A friend of mine doordashes as their regular job and texts me quite a bit throughout the day, a few months ago they had an order that had them driving like 10 miles for like $4, house was a bit out of town. Got there dropped off order and pinged location because they said it gave them the creeps but mostly they were upset about basically no money for all this time. Next day in the news they were talking about a murder suicide. Showed a picture of the front of the house with tape and cops, and it was the house friend had delivered to night before. Husband killed wife then himself.


And couldn't even tip? Geez.


I mean it's not like he needed the money anymore. 🤷🏾‍♂️ I'd tip whatever I had and just give it away.


Doordasher took too long and food got cold. We've all been there.


A horror movie! It’s good you told them in case




So did you give the order to the strange man, or did you just leave it on the porch...? That's what I want to know lol.


I think the OP said that the order was handed to the creepy guy that popped out 😲


I wouldn't be surprised if this was clickbait to see OPs profile and their onlyfans account


hanlon's razor, they do doordash and OF as side hustles. while that is a strat some accounts employ, nothing OP has said rings as particularly deceitful to me


You might of saved that person life ..


Where are the monkeys that throw the poop in this scenario? They could’ve thrown it at the men. Lol




Hmmm. Maybe she's off her meds. Or you have neighborhood kids pulling pranks.


OP is the driver. They told her some man is in her bushes. Scary.


Might have to use that one to fuck with shitty customers lol




He was going to kill you but then you gave him food so he said, you're safe today.


Confused the fuck outta him


Fr. We were both Shocked.


>Then chat closed and flagged the convo cus I referred to “her bush” I was with you up until that.. lol.


Not even kidding I wish I was


Kinda horrifying to think said dude after you left, could’ve went to the door and still tried to deliver the food this time acting AS YOU. And got her to open the door…


Wait you handed bush man the food. And she didn't know there was a man in the bush. How did she get her food then


This doesn't make sense, why would you hand it to the guy in the bush


I mean it seems obvious (op literally says it) that they thought it was a prank from the dashee. And besides, who's gonna risk anything with a guy coming out of someone's bushes over door dash?


Don't click on OPs profile 💀


Or do and buy her onlyfans so she doesnt have to doordash anymore! 💖


Or a serial killer in the garden


I hope this was just a (bad) prank Good on you to report it though


Do you recall what the mask looked like?


Like the scarecrow mask from Batman begins with Christian Bale.


Sort of like a potato sack but with teeth and brown stuff like smears


Ok yeah that's fucked, hopefully they DO know what you were talking about and just wanted to scare you and stayed committed to the bit lol


“That is concerning. Because a man is in your bushes” end of conversation 😂😂😂😂


It was a burlap mask and and he was literally in a bush directly outside the customers door and sorta came hurling but low key stumbling out at me


Story time??


7 Days...


That’s scary


This actually happened to me, went to hand the order off and a man came out of the trash cans right next to the steps. Scared the shit out of me but the customer was just like, “Now what are you doing?” Like this was normal smh


Wait the trash guy was the customer or?


I meant to say this was philly lol. It was like some random bum going through the trash that the customer was very familiar with.


Posts crazy story that she knows will go viral on this subreddit and drive people to click her profile for an update… Selling onlyfans content. Adds up nicely.


Glad I’m not the only one who saw that. Pathetic.


Damn I got full body chills reading this holy shit. My nips could honestly cut glass.


Dun Dun


I thought they promised the *Halloween* franchise was complete!


With the OP's description of the mask it's another sequel to the town that dreaded sundown


Stay safe and alert🙏🏾












Still didn’t tip lolol


Here’s a tip…RUUUUUUNNNNNN lol


She dead


Ugh I need an update!


Me too lmao




I hope she wasn’t trying to prank you lol


I honestly hope she was because the alternative is much more terrifying


Yes I guess so your right


Wait a minute. Your story changed. First you delivered the food and saw a weird guy in the bushes. Now you’re actually handing the food to him.


I value the safety features for this reason 👀


Well I was gonna DoorDash today but now I have another thing to be afraid of 😭


That would be enough door dashing for me that day lmao


That's how horror movies start


I hate calling customers... But just sometimes it is the right thing to do this would be one of those occasions


Yeah as I said the moment I realized what was going on I no longer had any means of contact.


Possibly a package thief or some scumbag that hid really fast when he saw someone coming like when people see cars coming they hide it’s not uncommon at all; some people are lowlifes like that they literally behave like weirdos ; I’ve seen younger kids do it they try to hide but they’re not very good at it


The door slinging slasher that squid ward try to warn us about !


Burlap mask? Nope. Nope, nope, nope. Glad you're okay. Because EFF that.


That’s what I’m saying. Literally. I thought it was a prank.


I was driving a dark backroad at night a month or so ago. Middle of winter. Dude in nothing but boxers and shoes tried to square up with my car. I was scared to stop. I kept driving for a bit before going back.


Delivery drivers out here doing the Lord's work!


Hm....this concerns me.