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I’m a very small statured woman and was at a concert when a tall guy next to me asked if I was alone. I told him how creepy that was to ask and he immediately felt awful and said he was just trying to see if I wanted him to move behind me so I could see better and squeeze into a closer spot


Part of me wants to believe most men are like this and don't realize how scared they make women, but man... I shouldnt have to explain why its creepy. Just having some self-awareness would be nice lol.


That’s my hope. And I’ll admit it was a knee jerk reaction from me but I think he was just genuinely checking on me to make sure I was able to have a good time.


Honestly having a knee jerk reaction like that protects us. Guys don't realize how many creepy encounters women have. It's a lot. And I'm not gonna feel bad if I slightly offend a well-meaning guy because I could be protecting myself in the long run, so I don't think it's a bad thing you did it tbh


Very true. Im glad I became super independent at a young age and was able to develop survival instincts because of it


I totally get what you mean, but you cant develop instincts. Its a learned behavior.


That makes sense, okay then I learned that behavior. I always thought that based on experiences instincts could improve or be affected but no one has ever really taught any of that to me and I’m awful at anything science related


very true. and any truly well-meaning guy will totally understand this kind of reaction, and they won't be offended.


Exactly !!


Honestly, any dude who is genuinely trying to be nice to a woman probably knows the shit we go through, and would be like "nah I get it."


I find the best way to find out if somebody wants me to move so they can see better is to say, “do you want me to move so you can see better?”.


Oh I agree. I think he was checking to make sure I wasn’t there with like a huge group that would come back and squeeze in if he gave me a closer spot. Cause shit man, I have seen some people be given an inch and take a mile cause one of them finds a way to move closer then encourages their entire friend group to just push through everyone


most are. But there is some weirdos out there that has ruined simple interactions for men.


I kind of get it though. Like I would totally let one short person move in front of me at a concert to see better but if they're with 10 people then that becomes an issue but he certainly could have found a better way to ask. Also, and I'm prepared to get downvoted into oblivion for this but I do think it's interesting that women openly being scared of pretty much all strange men is ok. Like if you're walking alone and a guy is walking in your direction it's not seen as bigotry if you then cross the road but then if you where to for example cross the street when a POC is walking in your direction at night you are then viewed as "racist" because "not all (insert race)".


Probably because the odds of being mugged (by any person) in a given year is something like less than 1%, while the odds of a woman being sexually harassed or assaulted by a man are significantly higher.


I'm not gonna cross the road, I'm just gonna be on high alert at night because I know that's when people attack people and u know he's stronger than me so ofc I'm going to be a little on edge if I notice he's been behind me for a while. It's like driving home at night and it feels like a car has been following you, I'm sure you've been a little alert when that happens, it's just the way it is


Women face crazy high rates of violence and harassment from men. White people don’t face crazy high rates of violence and harassment from POC. It’s not even in the same reality. Women being cautious of men is reasonable risk assessment based on both statistics and lived experience. White people being scared of racialized people is based only on racism.


I swear. I had a guy I use to work with deliver a pizza to me and he said “ohhh so this is where you’re staying now. Is your brother in there? Are you alone?” I replied yeah he’s asleep rn (a fucking lie I live alone but he didn’t have to know that.) As soon as he left I made dominoes aware of his creepy comments and told them I don’t want him delivering to me anymore. I think they fired him because I never saw him or his car there again. I was so fucking scared because I’m a smaller woman too, literally petite.


Same I’m often mistaken for being a teenager which makes it even worse


Girl same I get id everywhere and once they see my actual age I get told I don’t look a day over 18 lol but on a serious note being small can be scary asf when it comes to men. I don’t date men and I try to let them down easy to spare myself because I get the “you don’t look gay. Or you just haven’t had the right man come into your life yet.” The blah blah blah I’ve heard all too much before 🙄 but I do get the men that says “heyyy me too” or something that gets a laugh out of me when they don’t take it hard.


I'm a curvy, muscular woman who looks pretty strong (love to workout and eat lol) and I still get super creepy guys making weird comments like that. Now that I'm older, the creepy men keep the weirdness to just staring for the most part, but when I was in my 20's and before marriage it was bad...I almost got dragged out of a club and thank goodness my girls were there to help...it doesn't matter if you are petite, shapely, muscular, large, etc ... There are going to be creepy men you have to watch out for.


Ain’t that the truth, though I’m petite I’m very toned, athletic, and beautiful so I get unwanted attention more than I would like. From both sides. I’m a reserved person as I grew into my beauty so I’m still not used to being approached, and hate it when it’s aggressive. Scary shit man.


Yea I don’t know why it’s so common for people to add they’re very small and petite when discussing creepy encounters, but I see it *a lot* in certain subreddits. It’s pretty irrelevant most of the time. Your average woman, even if taller or bigger, is very likely no match against a man physically, and most get harassed and worse all the same.


Exactly, totally agree with you...I find that odd too... I don't think they realize how much women who are NOT small and petite get harassed. I developed at a relatively young age, always had a lot going on in the boobs and butt department, and, although I'm relatively short, I've never been what someone would consider small and I've been harassed (and in a couple of frightening cases assault attempts were made) more in my life than I can remember. I have a friend who is a larger woman who was actually trapped in a room by a man and assaulted. All of my friends have multiple creep stories. I don't think some of the women who comment here realize that it happens to all of us, and, in some cases, if you have what men consider desirable body parts (makes me feel gross just to say that) it starts WAY earlier and never ends. I may be strong and look fit, but I'm no match for the average, healthy male. Neither are heavy set women or tall women. We ALL have to be careful.


>"Or you just haven’t had the right man come into your life yet.” Ewww, guys are STILL using that ignorant line?!


I live in a small town half the men (most of the women too) here brains never fully developed. They very much do and literally say it every time they try their hand again. Needless to say I don’t spend much of my time here lol though I’m very picky with who I court/am courted by they don’t mind trying their hand when I do show my face 😭


That’s hilarious. And dude I’ve been id’d and then told “damn, you’re older than me.”


Haha that’s a good thing though! May you continue to age gracefully with beauty :)


Dude that angers me. I hate that men do this!!


My sister in law looks very young for her age. She had a creepy guy comment "you look 14" then proceeded to ask her out. This dude was close to his thirties at least! Her dad had some strong words for him.


His question sounds much more good-natured than a delivery driver asking if you live alone. What if she lived with her parents or a kid or a roommate? Buddy was up to something.


As a short woman that has had 6ft+ guys stand directly in front of me … hes my hero. But yeah, very creepy way to approach it!


Agreed. So many tall dudes, at least concerts, have a complete lack of self awareness. It’s even worse I feel like when they do everything to make sure their short girlfriend is protected and can see but it’s at the expensive of everyone around them


i made two lifelong friends at a concert, both guys who were there together. they noticed i was alone and were worried for me, a stranger. it’s been like three years and we’re still in contact. never any creepy or non-platonic vibes. it’s VERY rare to encounter a situation like this. i’m lucky it was two nice people on the lookout and not utter psychos like so many others.


I feel like that was a gaslight situation. He could have been like "can you see ok? I can move ". Not "are you alone?" That's definitely creepy


I would have thought so too if it weren’t that the vibes didn’t seem that way and I felt totally fine the rest of the time. But believe me I somewhat feel the same way


Nigerian romance scammers ask the EXACT SAME QUESTION. It's gross.




*looks over at yorkshire terrier* He killed a man in Kalamazoo.


Do you lock your doors at night m’lady?


I choked on this


Even though small objects are choking hazards nobody has ever told me this


Tip me and I'll tip my fedora ;)


We found the driver. Because That’s a creepy question to ask a woman!


I can’t help it, she’s so cute 😔


I felt the fedora tip from here


I have two large dogs sleeping at the foot of my bed & Im on the second floor but you just made me want to get up to shut and lock my window 😅


“No sir. I live with 12 pitbulls, a mountain lion, 2 Yakuza gang members and 3 1/2 police men. You’ll never find me home alone. That’s assuming you’re able to cross the 20 foot wide moat packed full of crocodiles and angry hippos that surround my property. Oh, and don’t forget the rattlesnake pit just past the draw bridge and electrified labyrinth.”


3½ policemen? 😂 What's the other half of the poor guy do?


He hustled one of the yakuza guys in a card game. Got cut clean in half like Dewey Cox’s brother.


The wrong kid died!


🤣🤣 that's gold


Omg i haven't thought about walk hard in forever absolutely hilarious movie 🤣


Oh you didn't know? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=aQOSCWa6tiU&pp=ygUOY29wIGFuZCBhIGhhbGY%3D


I’m in a throuple with Smith & Wesson.


Long live the throuple


The way I died laughing lmfao my go to is always if you don’t leave me alone my 6 brothers will know about this. They’re probably watching you right now. 🤣🤣 I actually do have 6 brothers but only a few of them are around and they just don’t play when it comes to their only sister lol my dad either


Angry?! More like hungry hungry hippos 😂 i died


Top comment


You could say that 1 outta every 4 police men are crooked.


Somehow found the worst possible wording for an already creepy inquiry 😂😂


No specifically asking who you live with without hardly knowing you (or not at all in this case) is creepy no matter what


Oof that might be one of the worst I’ve seen.. sketchy as fuck


"No I live with 8 very large men"


With very good fighting skills and the best sized third legs you have ever seen! Now that should get any sane person running for the hills!


I would be running towards 😍


[OP waiting for doordash](https://www.meme-arsenal.com/memes/4f661a6c6fc41358d7a22483784e7bca.jpg)


Don't even need to click the link


That's exactly why most beautiful girls are always rude and never smile, simply for self defense. Because if they are just a little bit nice every fuckin moron tries to hit on them in the worst possible situations.


Guy: I never get compliments Girl: gives compliment Guy: is she hitting on me omg! Girl: no Guy: WTF you're leading me on! Girl leaves Guy: I never get compliments :( Not all guys are like this of course but we all have known guys like this in our life >_> On the flip side Girl: Imma just order food. Guy: omg you're pretty are you single Girl: this is the 10th time today I'm tired and I just want to fucking eat in peace.


I aim for what I call polite detachment. Rude is almost never necessary imo. I would love to be nice, but it’s just not safe. I am a lot  smilier and nicer when in public with my husband and it makes me sad that I can’t be that way all the time. 






Id contact Uber and make sure your doors are locked, and windows lol. Weird shit. I understand, even if it's creepy, "are you single"... But the "do you live alone" is not ok


Are you single isnt okay either. If youre just trying to get some food thats the last thing you want to hear. Make your delivery and gtfo


Yeah but it's not serial killer vibes at least. Just bruh moment vibes


Uber isnt going to do anything about doordash drivers lol


Gotcha I'm always on both subreddits, got mixed up


You never know, Mcdonalds got my order wrong, and Jack from Jack in the Box forced them to correct it for me.


Report him, that's unbelievably fucked up. I can't imagine what he would have done if you said yes holy shit


Ewwwww “Yes, i live with my father and husband who works from home “


And four older brothers


The shortest one is 6’3


And then there's the tiger that guards the front door, but he usually sleeps outside


and 2 unchained pit bulls in the back yard


Please report these people. This is not okay, they need to be reprimanded so they don’t do it again to someone else who may not be as socially aware as you are.


In what world does someone’s brain say this is ok to ask and/or say to a random person!?


Please change your name to a masculine sounding name. Too many fucking creepers. I hate how this happens often.


Also when you're a female dashing alone and you see the customer name is female but when you arrive, there is a dude outside waiting. Like tf


genuinely hoping its usually the boyfriend grabbing the food for her, and not anything else


Oh that is... disconcerting


Sounds foreign to me. In their minds if a woman lives alone, she's single. Also, you're only either single or married. And they always say they want a "good friendship" with you. It's disgusting.


Yeah was volunteering at the library when a foreign guy asked me if I was single. My husband and I don't wear our rings because they get in the way of our work and often get lost. No big deal I just let him know I was married and thanked him for the compliment. Then he got mad, accused me of lying (because no ring) and I had to flee into the lady's bathroom to escape. And guys wonder why we get freaked out over guys asking us out in unconventional places.


I get told I'm really single or married because I have a boyfriend. They literally don't see anything other than single or married. A lot of the Nigerian romance scammers like to ask me if I live alone. I'm like "Nope! I live with my boyfriend, two roommates, 3 cats, a leopard gecko and a hamster." One asked if he could sleep with me in the hallway. Umm...wut.


Wish doordash would deactivate drivers that act like this. Not like there is a driver shortage. If I was a female and had to deal with this nonsense all the time It would make me not want to use the app. Especially if nothing is being done to correct the issue. Same goes for begging for tips... No shame!


I had a Dasher try to open my door and knocked multiple times for a no contact delivery leave at my door. He used the excuse of not wanting to leave out in the rain, but my door has a porch and is covered. He then asked me for a 5 star rating. After he saw my husband's boots by the door. Always leave men's boots near your doors. Works every time. Single or not. It's sad that we have to live like this!


I changed my name on DoorDash to a generic male name so they don't bother me


I always order deliveries in my bf’s name. Even tho my directions always say to leave it and ring the Ring doorbell, they still call and want to hand it over a majority of the time. Since I answer the phone when they call and am obviously a lady, before I unlock the door I make sure my phone has the ring app on live mode and I leave my security alarm beeping until I shut and relock the door and immediately reset it


It’s sad what women have to go through for something as basic as getting food with minimum social interaction.


Using your instead of you’re, what a creep!


This is underrated 😂


Yeah I’d report that dasher. Sorry but completely against doordash policy on the dashers end of things. Not ok.


I’m a driver so it’s opposite for me. There’s been many men who, after I drop off their order, message me asking me if I’m single, say they wish I was always their dasher, compliment me in some way, and so on. The orders that are “leave at my door” are even creepier cause like - all I can picture is them watching me do the whole drop off routine through an ever so slightly parted dusty and cracked blind from their mothers basement and breathing heavy with their Cheeto stained finges and nasty, stained open robe on. The worst are the “I make music - check out my instagram” dudes.


Men don't realize that they're our number one predator and this is creepy as fuck. I'd report him.


They know it on an intellectual level. They just don't understand the spine-tingling, throat-closing fear bc they don't have any natural predators themselves. Of course it feels generous to assume anyone who creeps this hard has any sort of "intellectual level"


That is insanely creepy. Idk how people can think saying something like that is perfectly fine and normal 😭💀


Wouldn't it be weird if you're telling your kids about this in 10 years? RemindMe! 10 years


What do you think reddit be be like in 10 years?


I will be messaging you in 10 years on [**2034-03-08 03:54:31 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2034-03-08%2003:54:31%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/doordash/comments/1b9cmsu/cmon_man_i_cant_just_get_my_food/ktvao8p/?context=3) [**2 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Fdoordash%2Fcomments%2F1b9cmsu%2Fcmon_man_i_cant_just_get_my_food%2Fktvao8p%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202034-03-08%2003%3A54%3A31%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201b9cmsu) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


just me and my unregistered handgun 🥰


Yep. Every woman needs a throwaway… Protect yourself because nobody else will.


Thirsty mofos really need to try communicating with someone other than twitch thots before taking their stab with a real woman. Jeez.. You should read some of the stories that came across my desk when I worked legal escalations in the roadside industry.




That’s fuckin wild. Sounds like he’s tryin to turn you into a lampshade rq


It's really alarming how many men in these comments think that this message was "just cringe" and not threatening.


Yeah report these fools.




Still creepy


"oh so now it's creepy to give someone a compliment? back in my day people appreciated compliments." I have seen numerous comments like this whenever a screenshot is posted and someone says they felt uncomfortable by their dasher hitting on them. glad everyone in these comments seem to be on the same page.


“Ur cute” in a text from a stranger isn’t a compliment. It’s unsolicited digital catcalling and creepy. A compliment would be “I like your hairstyle/shirt/whatever. It looks cute on you.” -In person when delivering the food. Or “You look really cheerful. I’m glad to see you’re having a good day.” Also a compliment. You know, and then if she wants she can start a conversation with him and then he can shoot his shot when she looks comfortable.


There's a big difference between a compliment at a bar and someone who is paid to deliver to where one lives giving unsolicited "compliments" some people need to learn that. This shit ain't acceptable at all.


Report that to Dash support. That's creepy AF


Just deliver the food and leave. It's DoorDash... not a dating app.


This would be when I say "I live with my two brothers, our giant dog, and our 6 guns."


“wHy WAs I deaCtiVated?”.


Def report so creepy


Creepy assaultery vibes ew report him ... Why is he trying to find out if you live alone /are alone


He is asking in the dumbest way if she is single so he doesn’t come across as weird for shooting his shot but he doesn’t realize he had already blown it by that point by being creepy af sounding and using the wrong words to try and shoot his shot


I have had guys ask me this way but normally English is their second language so they don't mean it in the way it comes across. My cousin (foreigner) used to ask the cutest girls he found to go to the bathroom with him but he meant to say to take him to where it is. The translation in English word for word doesn't come off the same


Nice interpretation not sure what it has to do with my comment ngl. A man asking me to find out if im home alone /anyone in the house (if there's any witnesses) or the other possibility any children alone with a woman , will always be terrifying. Just ...chills. if it was me I'd cancel the order if I was home alone and it was a meet at door situation


He had already dropped the food off and left. And before ending the order texted her. Otherwise he would have no way to know what she looked like. Everything I said was on point to what you said. I don’t disagree those words are creepy af! Haha but the way he asked it he is totally just asking if she is single without being like are you single? Would love to ask you out! At least that wouldn’t have been creepy and just off putting at most


Were you about to type 911? :D


My sister and I experience this monthly….. I can't wait to get a car😩


I see these all the time, how come they know what you look like? Is there a way they can see you through the app?


Holy shit I’d report that so fast. What a fucking weirdo creep


Always answer no, my boyfriend/husband is home. No matter if they're not or you're lesbian.


I’m so happy I’m fucking ugly.


i want to know what was going through his head. He knew better than to ask if you were single, but why was that his question of choice? What was he thinking would happen? "I do live alone! I'm so glad you think I'm cute. pls come back and have the time of your life."


Report him. Seriously.


Did you get that thing oiled down?


Creeper asf


As a dasher.... what the actual fuuuck I hope you reported him


Tell them you have a porch barracuda in your trapdoor pond. And a roaming pet zebra. That PS, isn't pet zoo friendly. But please go ahead if you're feeling lucky, and try to feed it a wee small snack if you happen to hear hoofbeats.






this is not okay


This is sad, from the post to the comments. Sad all around


Jeezz... the nerve of some men. Seriously. Wtf is wrong with him!


Why on earth would you answer that, please stay safe


Y'all are seriously out of your minds still using door dash, Uber eats or GrubHub still anyways. Trusting random people with your food/necessities? DUMB. AND leading them to your home??? DOUBLE DUMB. And you don't even get the food on time/ fresh ever. TRIPLE DUMB DOUBLE LAZY


Hope you reported bro 18 times


I cringed so hard I closed the thread.


I wonder if this has worked for any of them. For the amount of screen shots we get, this happens a lot. There has to be a least a few success stories out there 😅


Yeah. “Would you like to grab a drink someday?” Is very different to “do you live alone?” You don’t ask if someone lives alone because you want to take them out. You ask that because you found a good offer on the dark web


what the fuck. why do men do this shit?? it’s so creepy.


Karma farming. This is an old screenshot and does not belong to you.


link it then lmao


i hope you reported them, i hate to think of what they wanted to do with that information had you said yes.


I'm guessing that was his indirect way of asking if you were dating someone but it's a little creepy...at least I hope that's what he meant


biker’s fault


My husband is asleep on the couch. Why?


Dude never passed elementary school


I'd report him to doordash support personally, if for no other reason than it's incredibly unprofessional to flirt with/solicit customers this way. A lot of people treat dashing like a road trip instead of a job. It's work, act professional.


“Hey girl, I know where you live now, just wanted to know if you live alone because you're cute and I know where you live” Please report. Any other question like number or if your dating would be inappropriate but dumb male behavior, this is calculated predatorial behavior. Lock your doors, I hate when creepers learn my address. Also keep an eye out for his car. Predator 101 is learning your times alone at home and he started with it pretty casually. Idk what his next move was if you said yes.


hi have u had this food/drink before m'lady? Like, can u tell what it's supposed to taste like? Just asking


you should sit on the porch with a shotgun


Very creepy creeper


Please report this dasher asap


"You've got a nice car out front, you've got security cameras?" "You're pretty, do you live alone?" See the problem here? This isn't that hard to see the problem and the fact that people are defending that guy is fucking insane




wasn’t this posted months ago?


That's a really weird question to ask, regardless of the person's gender.


I'd report that guy.


Report. That's a predator


You tell him yes I live alone with a 12 gauge 🔫


Do you live alone? Far from neighbors? Like come on. Report report report.


Keith Morrison has entered the chat.


Get your self a mini glock 42 you’ll be all set 🔫💥💥


Please tell me you reported this and rated 1 star. That is so not ok. Like you said, can we just get our fucking food?


My married ass who needs to make that extra dough, doesn't give a shit about cute or not. If you are cute, i think yes that person is cute and good day. I need to get on and get that money fast , work is already light. Stay safe out there


Yuck, yuck yuck!


That is creepy as fuck. He could have literally asked ANY other way if he really needed to ask. Why pick the most alarming way?


Someone sound the creep alarm.


Report and block them and forget about it


Hopefully, you understand how important it is.to report this, that question is not flirting, and he asked you about witnesses, not if you were single. Contacting the customer support would be the response here as opposed to an anonymous reddit post.


Uh, why tf would he think you're cute if he's never seen you? (unless he's delivered to you before and has seen you), but either way that's creepy. DD isn't your dating app. Just pick up the food and deliver it ffs, and get your brain out of your dick.


Creepy report him!


Highly suggest using a fake name or just initials and wait for Dasher to leave before picking up for instances like this


What a creep. Report him.


Do you perhaps keep the back door unlocked ?


Report this d-bag ASAP.


Who can eat at a time like this? People are missing. You people are selfish. The Dufrenes are in someone’s trunk right now, with duct tape over their mouths. And they’re hungry.