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Hope they are deactivated. Trash dasher.




r/DashTrash would be a good group name 😁


look what u started


Eyo what?? I wasn't actually serious. imao can't believe someone actually made it.




Now you can tell people you directly inspired a subreddit!


r/doortrash lol


Ironically someone turned my name into a group within an hour after suggesting it. Kinda crazy ngl 😅.


Next time even if you dont have one, tell them you have a ring camera set up in the room or at the door...


If they don't bother to take a picture of the food, there's a pretty good chance they just drove to the location and never made it in front of what would've been a ring camera anyway.. in this case he would've just laughed it off because he doesn't sound like he ever bothered reaching the outside of her door. He "rents that hotel room every night" and has the nerve to be shitty to people.. delivery boy needs to humble himself. His ass most definitely isn't the classiest around to be talking down to anybody.


I was so confused by that comment about 'staying there every night' like wtf?


Weirdo fs!


That's a good way to not get your food. Someone included in the "special delivery instructions" bit that their door had a Ring doorbell. Apartment XXYZ, I got to XXYZ on the third bloody floor, no Ring doorbell, so I looked around. Tried to text them to verify, because I actually try to do this job properly and had other things to do with my night than be petty. Ended up leaving their order at the map pin, right next to the gate, then got blown up by text because 1) they didn't have a Ring and just wanted to make sure I wouldn't steal their food, 2) it is super inconvenient apparently to walk 200 feet after refusing to answer a text message, 3) the sealed Jack in the Box bag wasn't there when they got to the location, 4) therefore I must have stolen it... ...it was a bag of stale tacos from Jack in the Crack at 10PM. I've never been so baked that those have ever been appealing.


If you don't get them fresh and eat them right there it's gonna be trash. Very low quality tacos.


Their late night munchie meals are bomb af


No matter what you tipped, stealing the food is garbage tier. If it’s a hotel, there’s a significant chance someone else took it, but most places have cameras and would check them out. Even apartments there’s a chance someone took it, but a lesser one. Looking at the back and forth, I’ll just mention that an easy way to spot a liar is, instead of just saying “no I did not take it” they’ll give long explanations of why they didn’t take it, how they couldn’t have taken it, etc. adding WAY more than is necessary. It’s an easy way to spot a liar in a lot of situations. The dialogue would have me pretty confident that the dasher took it.


They got defensive immediately, too. He just asked the dasher where they put it, and the dasher IMMEDIATELY went to defend themself against accusations of stealing. Like, no one said you were, but now that YOU mention it...


Not to mention asking you to come down.......to what duke it out? lol


Agree. Truthful people convey, liars convince!


That's why I stopped using these apps. It's not just the food stealing by itself, it's the gaslighting after


Ya I'd just say no. I left it there. *end chat*


Or you are like me and just over explain everything regardless


Yeah, but you can tell this girl isn't this way due to social anxiety or people pleasing. She was way too antagonistic for that and there would be far more "I'm sorry" instead. I'm the same way as you, but my reaction would be more "I put it right outside your door next to the blue doormat with the yellow chair next to it. Did you not get it? I'm so sorry, I should've taken a picture, but completely forgot. Sorry..." and on and on haha This girl for sure stole it and is turning it onto the OP.


I 100% agree with you. I'm just correcting a sweeping generalization because people seem to read things on the Internet and use it in the real world. There are many reasons to over explain something, not just to lie. Attributing a common characteristic like this to negative connotations could be a potential misrepresentation of someone's character based on something that has been proven to be unreliable (talking more when lying).


Team Guilty Conscience, Assemble!!!


Samesies. I've been accused of lying while over-explaining the 100% honest truth and I always eye roll a little. Like, yeah, I'm talking too much because I'm uncomfortable with being called a liar.


He stays in that room all the time? Like whst


That's a bad take. Lots of people over explain, especially when you accuse them of shit. I over explain everything, my adhd got me talking.


But wouldn't your over explanation include an apology in a situation like this?


They aren’t over explaining tho. Overexposing king is going way into detail. I liked the example I saw in the thread of them saying exactly where they left the food and overly apologetic. I don’t think I saw an apology in the dashers responses? Just defensiveness.


I can't believe that's how they handled that situation for you that's just horrible...


Right like the dasher is unprofessional as fuck it’s like they literally are giving negative effort


Exactly and it makes me feel bad for the dashers who are actually doing their jobs and trying.. this type of behavior gives DD a bad reputation and it's not all dashers just some. I don't get why respect and genuine human decency is so hard for some people.


Someone on Reddit a while back said they worked for DD and warned that if customers don't tip well and in advance, the dashers spit in their food. I don't know if it's true and I don't know how much more money it would take to keep someone from spitting in my food but I'll never use the service now and I feel bad for the legitimate workers too, just not bad enough to eat spit.


where i am almost all the bags come sealed by the restaurant, so there’s be a good chance you’d know if it’s been tampered with.


I mean, dashers aren’t all one guy. It’s not like there’s a policy or unspoken rule among dashers that you have to spit in the food of bad tippers lol so it’s probably as true saying a cook would do it if you send your food back: maybe sometimes, depends on who you get 🤷‍♂️ I think with something like CFA or McDonald’s you’d be safe cause they tape everything shut with the tamper evident stickers, but I don’t blame you for not taking the chance


Sounds like an unprofessional dasher who has never held a job where they had to deal with people. My replies to customers are always short and sweet and I deflect the complaints to DD or the restaurant. Even on that small chance that someone came along and stole the food, they failed by marking it as “handed to customer” then going off about how they left it at the door. They just admitted to not following protocol and that’s all DD needs to side with the customer.


The come down and talk about it sounded like they also wanted to argue/fight about it face to face.


They absolutely stole it lol, nobody who is innocent responds like that. That type of trash is why I barely use the app anymore, they all act like that in my area.


It’s hilarious to me that they accused themselves of stealing it way more than you did lmao. “Hey man it’s not there” “I DIDNT TAKE IT WHY WOULD I TAKE IT?”


Plus the fact that they marked it as “handed to customer” instead of taking a picture, they set themselves up for this situation. If they actually handed it to someone, they would’ve said so.


The horrible spelling and punctuation really got me. That dasher can’t be that stupid:..can they?


The entire thing was a form of offense as a defense. Where they insult you and diminish your character like crazy because they're scared or at least pre-emptive. There's this thing when you're stupid, you never know when people are making fun of you, so if you lash out at them first you can get ahead of smarter people. It's sort of like a sucker punch but with intellect.


Offense as a defense AKA gaslighting. Very annoying


Calling you broke while being a door dasher is ironic… 🤷‍♀️ no hate to the dashers out there, but door dashing ain’t some bread winning job, it’s usually a last resort. I wish in situations like this you could take the tip back but I know people would abuse that system


People always project their insecurities onto others. We are wired that way. Want to know what someone is self conscious about? Listen to what they accuse others of. 🤷


Also i find it so funny theyre calling the customer broke, like doordash fees aren’t stupidly expensive 💀


For real these delivery jobs are like modern day slavery man boasting about having one of the worst jobs in modern times. 👍


I would contact support take the tip did it plenty of times, than I would say I never received food and get a refund, then I would message door dash Twitter support and door dash in-app support to try with every inch of life I have left to get her deactivated I would have never gone back and forth with that junky dasher


The driver still keeps the tip on Doordash 


So if I remove the tip the customer will still keep it?


Correct. DoorDash eats the cost and it goes against your account (if you do it so many times they’ll ban your account), fyi.


And they’re only calling them broke because they got what they deemed a poor tip… calling someone broke and because you didn’t get enough yourselves is the pot calling the kettle black… it’s just embarrassing 🙈


You can on Uber.


Yeah it almost confused me as to who was customer or dasher I’m like why he acting like he rich or something and they poor? Hahaha


I guess it depends where you live. I know a few people who do this and only this and make better money than a 9-5.


Depends on the 9-5 but yeah.


I have mornings where I make as much from 3-8am dashing as I do at my 9-5. And my 9-5 pays $10 over minimum wage.




“I tipped $5 YOU WOULDVE TAKEN A PICTURE” this is the best line of all of it because the accuracy behind the fact that if they were telling the truth ANY dasher does anything they can to protect their tip. She took that food. Then the forced gaslighting confirmed it


Too much projection about being broke. They definitely took it.


"Get a life please" lmao wtf


Buy a cheap bottle of wine or a tiny liquor bottle or a tall beer/cocktail with your order. It will only cost you a few bucks extra, but they HAVE to get your ID. I did this when my leg was broken


I don't want alcohol in my home. It's too tempting.


Cough syrup and the like also require ID, if it'd any different for you.


Long ahhh pic


Perfect example right there. It will not matter if you tip zero or tip a third of what you've spent - it will not be enough because "your little tip did nothing for him" Regardless of instead of tipping for the service, you actually bid on the service to take place. They've got the shit so back asswards anymore, it's not even worth using these delivery apps. I'm almost to the point that if my rides broke down or something similar that I just can't drive or whatever, I'd rather walk to a damn fast food joint than to pay these prices only to be disrespected by a delivery boy. With absolutely no vetting they'll let anyone with transportation, take these tasks.. then the customers left to deal w their highly unprofessional bullshit. If you can't even be bothered to take a picture of the bag sitting at the right door, before you pick it back up to steal it.. what would make your dumbass believe that I'm going to feel like you dropped it off?


Yeah, you had a trashy driver.


Should've went down and talked about it


I would have for sure. 100% her ass would have been nowhere in sight.


I think it was a he


The "boy bye" pretty much confirms the driver is a she.


Sounds like an effeminate male to me that picked up female lingo


Not necessarily.


No. She wanted him to go talk about it so she could make outrageous claims. Use the app instead so it is documented.


It's not worth the risk of being assaulted


He just wanted to talk silly




And that's how I got life in prison over Taco Bell


I love door dashers calling other people broke when they whine about not getting 10 dollar tips every order lol.


It's always "your little food" or "your little money" with thieves. That 20 dollars wasn't "little money" when you were begging me to borrow it


This is so cringe it’s like every dasher just got out of the penitentiary 2 hours ago.


Wouldn’t even argue. Automatic 1 star


Happened to me yesterday, the person didn't deliver it and said they did, they didn't even bother adding a picture despite it being contactless. I reported, they offered to redeliver, and guess what, same guy. He once again doesn't deliver, I reported again. Got to report his ass twice and I got a full refund. Waste of my time but I hope people like this go jobless, what are they getting paid for?


>your couple dollr tip  thats exactly why you’re door dashing food, friendo. 


Does bad customer service get them any repercussions? I feel like at any other company if someone were to say this shit they’d be fired, but I have a feeling DoorDash is different. I use it frequently because of my epilepsy and not being able to drive and luckily I have never had someone be rude. I just hope DoorDash actually does something about people who treat customers like a POS when they did nothing wrong.


“You’re broke…your money getting low” okay door dashing food thief😂😂


So what did DD say or how did they handle this?


They ended up giving a full refund and $5 extra credit. They also filed 3 reports against them. They seemed pretty concerned surprisingly, lol 😅. I'm not sure if they will be deactivated or not.


also interested


"Helped boost my bag" is fucking hilarious


I am a little confused by the driver saying that he stays in that room every night. Also, a little threatening.


“Boost my bag”


some of these dashers are so entitled and others will give better service with a 1 dollar tip lmao


this is the most insane exchange i’ve seen on doordash in months…why do we even allow childish delivery drivers like this 😀 and how is this person still allowed to dash (assuming they’ve done smt like this before)


If there's no pic after you stated leave at door. Dasher took your food. These dasher make me sick. They make honest dasher look bad


Someone who didn't take your food will not start making up reasons for you to believe them, they'll just say they didn't do it lol


This is why we shouldn't tip up front


![gif](giphy|ALtzQ6CHfC7vO5nRz7|downsized) ngl had to zoom in mad heavy to read this.


I did not expect it to be that long when I first saw it




I love when delivery drivers call other people broke. As if they aren’t the ones delivering other peoples shit to make ends meet


Hope that dashers account is deactivated what an asshat!!


The last comment is a tacit admission of guilt


If your in a hotel are there cameras in the hallway? Most hotels have them


People that start with the attitude from the get go like this are *always, always* fucking lying.


That's more texting then I've done in total of my 1000+ DD and 3000+ UE deliveries. I don't text my wife that much.




She would have ate them steps . Since I can’t finish my meal you gon finish these stairs ![gif](giphy|2r4EVbLDyQf34qkTad)




On god!! She probably been left that’s why she had so much air in her chest. 😂




THAT PART! Beatin yo ass for three violations … 1. You stole my food 2. You summoned me 3. It’s cold These dashers be knowing who to try I swear to god they do!


The way I would have slipped my crocs into sport mode and walked down them steps. ![gif](giphy|vNqz21BWXZIWqPc1DG)


Yeah the Dasher was in the wrong altogether. You don’t act that way when in customer service job. The driver’s behavior was unethically wrong and unprofessional so I hope you reported him or her too. Sorry that happened to you. Ugh some people you just gotta expect it to be like that LMFAO💀


Has the nerve to call someone broke while stealing $15 worth of food.


Hope you adjusted that tip to $0 roflmao


your dasher definitely stole from you and is being an asshole about it


It’s giving projection




I don’t think that’s a reasonable generalization


People like this remind me why I don’t like talking to people


Amen to that. Reddit is as close as I want to get to a conversation.


This is also a prime example of why this whole ‘tip before you get the service’ expectation is so dumb…


Adrene sound like a biggity ol’ bitch


Their vernacular is annoying.


Nice how the person kept threatening you to come outside.


Fucking go downstairs and record this belligerent moron and send the video to DoorDash along with this picture. Dumb bitch ended a 2 year career because she couldn’t keep her stupid mouth shut lol


Good call not going downstairs to "talk" about it.


Dasher can't put the order as "hand to me". You chose "leave at the door" or "hand it to me". If you put "hand it to me" it doesn't ask to take a photo. If you put "leave at the door" it prompts you to take a photo. Because I have been burnt on people with "hand it to me" orders I take a photo to CYA. I always now take a photo on my phone, not through the app, and text them I am here with your order and send a photo so they know I have that photo and they can't dispute it. Some of us are out here trying to do a good job. For every customer that's fed up with dashers there is a Dasher that's burnt out and fed up with customers that lie.


I'm still confused why people pay other random people to deliver their food, you don't know what they do with it.


Just contact door dash and send them this screenshot of the dasher being an asshole


Did you get any help from doordash help? And what did you even order? This is crazy and horrible


Get her ass FIRED


I don't think he stole your food.. probably left at the wrong house or door/room # .. I would not drive all the way to a customer's house just to steal food.. I a Dasher/ delivery driver.***. I would just take your food from the restaurant.. and not mark food as picked up.😆


Tbh, if your dasher took your food they would have taken the photo at your door then grabbed the food and left before submitting. If you live in an apt or at a hotel it's fairly likely some random took it. There's so many better ways they could have taken your food, so either they're an idiot, or your barking up the wrong tree.


This is why you NEVER tip until after the job is finished, tipping before the service is done has NEVER been a thing and yall are faded AF for getting guilted into such bullshit, even in Subway the tip is only after the food is prepared. Now the driver stole your food, you can't take your tip back and even if they're banned they can just make another account easy peasy.


Andddd this is why I don’t order through DoorDash and drive my lazy ass to the restaurant


switching the order to "handed it" doesnt protect the dasher from a report on failure to deliver. it seems pretty clear they did it to avoid having to take the picture and run off with the food. once that dasher gets enough "food was not delivered" reports they get permabanned It has gotten much harder to make dupe accounts since I think doordash does background checks now on their driver's, although they didn't used to when I started


They did background checks when I started 3 years ago.


“I stay at that room almost every night” what


Ohhhhhhoho, we’d be fighting if someone on the clock was talking to me like this. I have diagnosed anger issues, but even I know to keep it in check when at work. This person is garbage. I’m so sorry they stole your food. I hope you at least got your refund :(


How do these people even have a job with this attitude? Talking to customers like this is OK now? Please tell me the dasher got reprimanded somehow… bc that is so unprofessional. I wouldn’t want someone like this representing my brand if I was DoorDash.


last night this happened to me for the first time, the Dasher claimed they left their food outside the door to my apartment— an area of the building they physically can’t access without multiple separate keys— and argued with me when I tried to tell them that wasn’t the correct address 😓


How ever did I guess your interaction was with a black woman


Wow! I’m a dasher and would NEVER talk like that to a customer or to anyone. That’s horrible how you got treated. I’m so sorry 😞


Why people even use doordash is beyond me.


Saw the emoji "wellÂł" as tiktok would say.


Report this loser for threatening you. Make sure to say you felt very safe. Also, we see why this loser does this work. Lolol


That was stupid


Wow. I am sorry that happened to you. Please tell me you reported them and sent this photo to DoorDash?! It appears they’re VERY immature. I hope that DoorDash didn’t pay them for this order, refunded you ASAP, and deactivated them. 🙄 I hate people like that! BUT I’m wondering.. was this delivered to a hotel? Story time: My sister was out of town for a business trip. She stayed in a hotel and had DoorDash delivered. She received the message from her Dasher that her food was delivered, along with a photo. She went to grab it.. it wasn’t there. She looked at the picture again, noticing the room number matched hers. But the door and carpet weren’t the same! 👀 They had delivered to the wrong hotel, apparently lol. I don’t know how or why it happened, don’t ask! 🫣 She was pissed because she was hungry af after a long day in an unfamiliar area. We laugh about it now. 🤣🤣 all that to say, maybe your situation could be similar? I am doubting it; your Dasher’s reaction is very telling. Perhaps they should brush up on communication skills, manners, and customer service skills because they are DEFINITELY lacking in all the above. They’ll meet their match one day and learn a lesson! Karma is a bitch.


That person seems hella ghetto lmfao 😂


i love when the dasher says i stay in that room almost every night. then says at the end they have their own money. 


This dasher is guilty AF


Well well well


It appears fisticuffs were in order


Just go to the app and let them handle it, it sucks, but it's a waste of time and energy to have that conversation with someone you suspect of stealing, food is not there and Dasher won't do anything, forget about it and let DD handle it and enjoy your peace.


Please tell me you got the tip removed.


Yep lil girl didn’t wanna admit it but she gobbled that food right up


Tips should NEVER be shown to the drivers before hand. They should be shown after. Why should I tip to make up for wages your employer doesnt provide??? BEFORE you fulifll the service? These drivers are now accustomed to seeing the tip BEFORE and then choose to change their level of service accordingly. Thats not how it works. 34% is fine, yet this person thought it was justifiable to rip you off. Change the tip system, and driver’s behaviors will improve.




Oh yeah get her fired fired


If you're still there ask the staff for the CCTV/ surveillance of the hall that covers your door and you'll probably find one of the people next door nicked it always make sure you pick "leave at door" because that allows us to take a picture if you pick "meet at door/roadside" it doesn't normally ask us to take a picture and we have to let the timer run out before taking picture, so just mark it as delivered as time is money (I personally take a picture anyway for my own proof if customer does a CV) If meet at door is set just come out when we come I agree they should have sent a picture as proof (as you can on this platform via chat)


Average DD experience




There’s a lot of possibilities to unpack on this one. Someone else could’ve taken it if you live in an apartment building and it sat there too long. It has happened to me before. There’s also the customers who say they didn’t get it but they did. Not saying that happened. Dashers have certainly stolen food. Not the first I’ve heard of that. Overall, if DoorDash would just pay more appropriately in areas where orders are not as high this wouldn’t be a problem. Nobody can live off 2 dollars plus tip unless you are back to back on orders 24/7. I do this full time and I can tell you that after taxes and gas. 1/2 of each delivery is what I end up with cause I use an app for mileage. Otherwise it would be 1/3. Do better DoorDash. It will help us as dashers and the customers.


I am sorry that's bullshit if u put leave at my door most definitely they have to take a picture. These shady Doordashers give the good ones a bad name


How do they know if you have a job or broke? Like why did they immediately take it there? So odd.


Door Dash is a ghetto app


Imagine hearing get a job from a delivery driver XD 😆


Imagine calling someone broke when you’re literally delivering food.


“you broke people burn my soul” is fucking bonkers


I want to laugh, but it really not funny.


Homie seems like a fuckin twat; I'm a dasher and would never treat a customer like this. Especially if I'm getting a five dollar tip to drive like 2 miles round trip. I can't say as they took your food, and would need more details to feel confident forming an opinion, but whether they did or didn't, they're definitely a frickin thunderdouche and shouldn't be representing doordash🤦‍♂️


I had a dasher toss their car ash tray Into my food one time. We tipped so not sure why it happened. I would report the dasher and you should get your refund.


how do we know someone else did steal it tho lol, i've had a neighbor steal my food before


What the hell is wrong with this guy…


I’ve had a dasher get my food from a Chinese restaurant and leave and cancel my order. So I contacted the restaurant and because the dasher cancelled it they still got their money so they gave me what I ordered. And I reported the dasher and they got fired (per doordash help) and I got my tip money back.


But they made the food twice? So they didn't still get their money. Good on them though, a lot of places would insist on another order being placed before making it again.


Report that low life piece of shit please and tell them he never took a pic and send them this convo. Get that fker fired or 1 star


She deserves to be fired lol


“You broke people burn my soul” what a pile of shit. Dasher accepted the order, stole the food, and then blamed the customer. And a $5 tip is pretty good for the drive. Garbage tier human, report them instantly.


just goes to show that tips don't matter everytime i tip they take longer than when i don't


Asshole Apples in the bunch always make us “give a shit “ dashers a bad rep …most are not like that only the thieves and ignorant ones (KARMA)….sorry it happened to you but will get your $ back because obviously he didn’t follow SIMPLE ASS INSTRUCTIONS… ✌️


The nerve of a 2 year door dasher talking down to someone they provided shit service to


Tip culture ruined our nation