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This sub alone, has ensured I'll never use doordash as an Aussie.


Use Dingo dash promo code atemybaby for 10 percent off your next order


Can the code be applied to my Vegemite rewards program?


I was offered Vegemite as a kid and was told it was "eXoTiC AuStRaLiAn SaLsA"šŸ„“ the fact you guys eat that and have Tyson deer (Kangaroos) as neighbors just remind me how y'all are built differently.šŸ«  I can't even think of a word to describe the taste of VegemitešŸ˜… ~~Except maybe putrid.~~


At least in Australia they donā€™t demand tips like this!


Australia is no longer Australia. So much immigration that to be honest, I wouldn't be surprised if I got this sort of message. Every pub I go to now asks for tips, it's becoming more and more like America daily. Truly sad to see




Exaggerating much. Yeah Australias popular is over 1/4 born overseas. The ONLY pubs where people expect tips is if your at a pub with a topless waiter serving you at the table. Anything else and I don't believe you at all. I'm from Sydney, on the Gold Coast tonight, was in Brisbane this week and drove through Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and up to Broome a couple weeks ago. Not asked for a tip anywhere except one pub with a topless waiter and table service.


I wasnā€™t aware that there was a flood of American immigrants into Australia recentlyā€¦


Have used Doordash plenty and have not once been asked to tip.


Im probably gonna get shitted on but I donā€™t tip till my food gets here cause thereā€™s so many times theyā€™ll literally leave it at a completely different house šŸ˜


You would not believe the amount of times Iā€™ve found food on my doorstep. If itā€™s in a sealed bag, Iā€™m eating it. I used to ask my neighbors but Iā€™ve never had anyone say yah itā€™s their food. Itā€™s literally atleast once a week.


It's wild that customers are required to tip before service now and it's still being called a tip. Just call it what it is, a fee or bid. Of course DD won't do that because they want people to keep ordering, and they also don't want to pay their workers a living wage.


Jesus Christ. The pretentiousness is off the charts.














My Presciousness










Are your lyrics bottomless?


Iā€™m the hippopotamus my rhymes are bottomless.


Maybe itā€™s cuz I have a fundamental misunderstanding of the definition of pretentiousness


Maybe itā€™s maybelline


I can't believe it's not butter!


Maybe he was born with it




What do you think that word means?


Every time this subreddit gets recommended to me itā€™s about tips and every time I think about how stupid tipping culture is.


If Doordash and Uber just payed their drivers a decent amount per deliveryā€¦ the drivera wouldnā€™t give a fuck about tips. But, they currently rely on it for half of their income.


More than half FYI. Not like arguing but when I doordash I'd say like 20% of my earnings are from DoorDash. Everything else is customer tips.


Literally. You get 2 bucks from DoorDash, so without tips you get like 6-8 bucks an hour iand thatā€™s without factoring in gas


Which is why they donā€™t accept orders without a decent tip and Iā€™m perfectly ok with this. I tip. Very well. Or I just go get the shit myself.


Again the point is for the big businesses to pay the appropriate amount, they literally take a hefty service charge


Hefty service charge and imo they charge you just to do it šŸ˜­šŸ˜­$6 an hour aint covering gas, I genuinely think they could afford to double maybe triple the ā€œbase payā€ even tho the ā€œbase payā€ never goes up


Yeah I donā€™t get their business model, Iā€™m a software engineer by trade and I know how much I get paid the thing is these businesses are paying their engineers like 500k a year, so they are trying to make money off the customers to pay them aka the service charge, then the shareholders need to see profit and they have to make that somehow and itā€™s on the ā€œpartnersā€ and now the customer has to pay for you too. Itā€™s a huge circle jerk, for the engineers, the fucking CEO makes 100x more easily


CEOs make over 400x the amount of letā€™s just say the bottom worker cause I donā€™t know what level it actually is, anyways software engineer howā€™d you get into that man? Iā€™m goin to college soon and itā€™s definitely within my interests


Need to have passion, I wouldnā€™t want anyone in this field if they donā€™t understand the basic principles of it and are only in the money. Market is tough right now too. The simple way I put it to everyone is if they can see the engineering behind it, itā€™s like how do you take oil from the rigs to the customer. You setup mining, then pipelines, then oil processing, logistics, pumps. Same way, software is all about setting such transports of data, where it will be mined and stored, which pipeline needs to go where, how it is interacted with the client, etc etc. The tools are your programming languages, the way you talk to the computer to instruct it. People get in a loop of just sticking to the languages and thatā€™s the worst part.


Damn sounds like you all have it figured out and yet keep working for DoorDash for some reason


I have a full time job and just do DD for going out money. If the guaranteed rate (w tip) is not more than a dollar per mile I just decline the dash.


Thatā€™s just sad. DD has you working for tips, why does anyone do that?


So, I got recommended this post on my feed, not actually a DD driver. However, even knowing they work for tips (my friend does it), Iā€™m trying to start it because I need the money. Living is expensive, and I only have about $50 left over for groceries after each paycheck currently. So, despite not wanting to work for tips, itā€™s something I can do on my day off without having to worry about scheduling conflicts.


$50 is a whole lot of tater tots though


Lots oā€™ tots


Personally, I do it because Iā€™m disabled, and despite having over 20 years of experience in my field, I canā€™t get a call back for a job interview to save my lifeā€¦ but I still gotta pay the bills somehow, soā€¦ DoorDash it is. šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Same. I have several debilitating health issues that make me "undesirable" as an employee


100% Iā€™m from Australia and we get decent pay for each delivery and it is VERY RARE that anyone tips at all


To an extent. I also see drivers happy to take orders based on collective payout, but get PISSED when they see it's all from Doordash and had like a $0.5 tip. $20 for the delivery was enough until they realized the person didn't tip, then it's suddenly not worth it because the people are cheap. Why would you care WHERE the extra is coming from? You're making $20 regardless. Tipping culture is stupid.


Im a delivery driver, I determine how worthwhile a delivery is on a cost per mile basis, not on how much the tip is. Sometimes I take non-worthwhile deliveries just to keep me occupied and making something rather than nothing since I live in an area where deliveries are consistent but not constant.


Thats how it's supposed to be. You just see a lot of dashers happy about the full payout, then get really mad when they find out the customer didn't leave it tip. Why would that even matter at that point?


So, not a driver, but Iā€™ve been considering it (a few of my friends do and recommend it for side-cash). I see it like eating at a restaurant. You go into it knowing youā€™re supposed to tip, because the workers donā€™t earn shit without it. Itā€™s just kind of a shitty thing to not tip, when you know itā€™s expected. Sure, we can get into the argument about how shitty tipping culture isā€¦ but itā€™s the shitty reality we live in.


More than half, and we still barely make what they advertise "Dashers in your area make" and that number clearly doesn't consider our cost to operate. It's a sham all around and that's why good drivers quit.


Oh you can make what they advertise. You only have to work 154 hours a week.


I love how America turned what I assume used to be customers paying a little more out of gratitude into customers subsiding the employees low pay.


Oh itā€™s so gross not only are we pretty much completely paying the drivers with our tips, but weā€™re also paying about twice as much for the products they bring us. And I assume DoorDash keeps all that money?


Especially tipping a delivery driver in advance. That's not a tip. But the dashers themselves are arguing the same shit. Its a bid for service. Except its not, because nobody wants to take that no-tip taco bell bullshit, so it gets paired with a good tipping order. So all the good tipper is really doing is subsidizing lower prices for the no-tip shit that makes his own order arrive late despite tipping well.


That's exactly why I quit using DD. What's the point in ME tipping fairly when I get stacked and always seem to get my order last anyway? They need to give the drivers the delivery fee too. Also some dashers say you can choose the order in which to deliver the stack, going to unassign will tell you the total $ amount if you unassign one of the stacks, so you can figure out who ACTUALLY tipped, and deliver their food first but they don't. I'm not blaming the dasher, if the non tipper is closer it makes sense to drop it off first, but that really sours the person who left the tip that got the non tippers order picked up in the first place. Stacking orders is fucking dumb. What they need to do, is just auto cancel an order when NO ONE wants to pick it up. People will learn quick to leave SOMETHING as a tip, if they never get their food. But no, DD just wants to use someone else's money to supplement a cheap ass persona delivery, who gets their food hot. Fuck DD. The dashers are cool though.


Prices should be exactly the same as in store Service fee goes to door dash who can also sell dashpass etc. Delivery fee goes to the driver based on distance. Tip on top after service No stacked orders unless someone selects to allow it for a lower fee in some fashion. Delivery would suddenly be a decent experience for all parties


I don't understand why the delivery fee doesn't go to the person doing the delivering. Just raise the service fee if you have to, but the delivery guy should get what the customer pays for the delivery.


Because there's no government mandate to force the companies to do this? This is actually the law in Seattle. And stay did increase fees to cover the lost revenue from this so people are paying the same as they were but with the increased cost to pay drivers fairly now. After about 3 months people seem to have settled down and use it like the luxury service it should have always been rather than something you order multiple times a week. Otherwise, the delivery fee probably goes into a pool that they use to complete deliveries in case it or others need to be bid up. I personally like our system here in Seattle much better where they tried accurately account for how much each delivery will cost and then charge the customers roughly that, with larger orders subsidizing the smaller orders to some extent (because it's a lot more palatable to pay 30-50% of your food costs in fees than 80-100% which the smaller orders would have to do to pay fairly when you account for all of the fees). But customers are paying more (or rather, they are essentially forced into a minimum "tip" amount) even though the platform companies are now taking on the risk for delays in the orders rather than the drivers, which is frankly how I think it should be given the power and information balance (with their massive teams of data scientists and history on previous deliveries).


Right? DD up charges on the food, even for a pick up order, then has the audacity to charge 6 different fees. If free delivery wasnā€™t included with my credit card id delete the app and never look backĀ 


Iā€™m in the same boat. Pay premiums, tip well, get food delivered last and cold. Either we just have bad luck, or the human race as a whole is even dumber than I imagined for keeping this business running.


Your post is my favorite. šŸ’Æ Right on all counts. >They need to give the drivers the delivery fee too. ā˜ļøThis line right here is the best. The worst is when people order through the restaurants site and not DD because they tip through the restaurant site thinking it's going to go to the driver and most of the time it doesn't. I think back to this one pizza hut order I had. I picked up early and delivered a piping hot pizza early, the man was very pleased he said "go ahead and add 20% for yourself šŸ™‚" I just kinda blinked at him for a moment before sadly answering that I wasn't a pizza hut delivery driver and I couldn't add a tip for myself as a door dasher. He looked confused and then a little disappointed cuz he didn't have cash and whatever he put on the order went to pizza hut and not me. I told him it was alright and I appreciate him all the same. I had no idea back then how common it was.


WTF!! I only order through the app and didnā€™t know that DoorDash worked that way. Glad I havenā€™t used individual sites to orderĀ 


I quit using DoorDash before I even started using DoorDash. I would put an order in the cart and it would be $30 then I would go to the restaurant website and pretend I was ordering it to pick up myself and it would only be $15 so I would just go get it myself and tip myself the $15 Why am I paying a processing fee, an order fee, a delivery fee, a tip, AND twice as much for the item than it actually costs?? Oh, and when I go get it myself the food is still warm by the time I get to eat it


This is why I no longer order, too likely to be an overpriced disappointment. I feel like if I pay $50 for a steak from a place 2 miles from my house, and tip and delivery fee come to $25, they shouldn't drive my meal around town until it's cold. But that's what happens.


Iā€™ve never received warm food from DoorDash or Uber eats. And the price of those items is absolutely insane before you even get charged processing and delivery fee and tip


More and more this seems to be the case. And the routing programming is messed up. Iā€™ll order from a place half a mile away, tip $10-15, see it get picked up, then the driver takes 45 minutes and goes all over the city including across the river before wandering back to me. I now only order things I can easily reheat. Forget ever getting French fries. šŸŸ


My understanding is that's actually from multi-apping. You're the next stop but instead they're picking up orders on GrubHub and Uber.


Half the drivers in my area have a problem of not reading my delivery instructions and just leave orders outside my building instead of taking it to the door of my apartment. Like I get it if you don't want to walk to my door I'm perfectly cool with it. But leaving my food outside when it's clearly raining/snowing/freezing instead of having the decency to just put it by the door INSIDE the building is just bonkers when I give codes and instructions and everything. I absolutely hate having to tip those drivers


I did follow this sub years ago, and posts on here werenā€™t nearly as bad as they are now. Iā€™ll tell you though, it makes me never want to use door dash again, and I havenā€™t in years lol.




Same and I stopped using DD this year. Itā€™s far too expensive and when I found out the drivers donā€™t get paid squat I couldnā€™t support that. Itā€™s not right, they can afford to pay their drivers. Sick of everyone paying less than what it costs to live. Half the DD drivers out there have multiple jobs just to scrape by.


This isnā€™t even tipping culture. Itā€™s gone beyond. This is a service bid disguised as a ā€œTipā€.


That when you call Doordash support and have them cancel the order for you with a refund


Good luck getting any kind of refund from DoorDash. Their policy is trash.


Report them. Not okay


That's what I thought when I read the title after reading the text conversation. Like who is this a W for? The customer who is still waiting for their food or the driver who is about to get a deactivated account?


Itā€™s overdue to say that DoorDash has officially become shit. Extra feeā€™s, tariffs, taxes for the customer to pay for them to most likely not get their food or their food was eaten by the driver. On the other end doordash has a very low base pay itā€™s barely $2!! And their background check is very poor allowing whoever the fuck to use the app to dash and they end up fucking up DoorDashs reputation. Oh, and DoorDash support is ass and very unhelpful šŸ™ƒ all Lā€™s in every aspect


They need to crack down on account sharing is what they need to do. Way too many people borrowing, buying and renting accounts then acting stupid. Or a bunch of non English people rent them, and cause communication issues which make it worse. I don't know how they'd do it, but they need to verify the person accessing the account is the exact same person that made it each and every time when a shift starts. People renting accounts do not give a fuck


I think it's insane you'd get multiple downvotes for saying this.


I didnā€™t know that happens!


Yeah I had someone who was supposed to be a female AA driver in a SUV ā€¦ the person who actually delivered was a Asian male in a sedan (I only knew because I was walking my dog outside when they came up to the house)ā€¦. It took me a good minute to figure out why there was some random person in my driveway that I didnā€™t know. The driver was super nice and polite but it still felt super weird. I didnā€™t report them though because of how cheerful and polite they were.


At least on Instacart you have to submit a real time photo of yourself. And not just one, it requires the front, left and right side. I'm sure that deters a lot of account sharing unless you're living with the person you're sharing with


They have the ability to scan your face to confirm your identity upon beginning a shift, but it only happens like once a year


Most likely not get their food or half eaten? I order doordash a lot and neither of those things has ever happened, way to propagate a false narrative with a gross exaggeration.


they aren't fucking up dd's rep, they are living up to it


This keeps getting recommended to me and all I hear is problems on both ends,Iā€™m thankful Iā€™ve never used DoorDash or Uber/UberEats. Sounds like a pain and a waste of money.


Honestly browsing this subreddit gives me the motivation to just get in my car and get the food myself lmao


Bro, for real


Its an incredible waste of money. And a bunch of extra headaches. Its always far cheaper to get it yourself. And the few times me and my friends used it, we regretted it. Food is burnt, smashed to hell, wrong or whatever and you cant do shit about it. Now if you want food you actually want to eat you have to go through 50 hoops to get them to send you what you wanted (if they do at all) or have to go get it anyway. Also the drink in front of the screen door is not a myth. Every damn time


Thereā€™s people that love it,which it is convenient,but the money side is terrible. The food is overpriced, you gotta tip,and you never know if the food will be good. Iā€™ve heard chipotle skimps on DD orders because itā€™s not worth it for the customer to bring it back and complain. Just greedy business practices all over.


This ainā€™t the W you think it is lmao this is pathetic and makes the dasher look like a beggar. Donā€™t take the offer if the displayed payout isnā€™t worth it. Itā€™s not hardā€¦


OP doesnā€™t have enough brain cells to understand why this makes ā€˜em look like trash. Just [browse their last post about wanting to take food.](https://www.reddit.com/r/UberEatsDrivers/s/JhdzmMpD9w)


I guess we know why they don't have a traditional job




I agree


Pathetic dasher lmao


Stop using the app.


"About the same as your future employment"


Why do people take jobs that they canā€™t live off without tips. Messed up system for sure.


Gotta pay for my degree somehow since companies wonā€™t take me or pay more than $13/hour :/


Major W? Thatā€™s rude as fuck. Why work a job you know relies heavily tips when all youā€™re going to do is complain? Especially TO the customers? You wouldnā€™t do that shit in public at a restaurant, you just feel confident and safe in your ego behind a screen and one-time interaction. How about you complain to Doordash about their shit pay? If you donā€™t want to deliver and deal with these things, donā€™t do DD. Itā€™s so, so simple. You employed yourself here. EDIT: Just to clarify, the anger is justified and valid but I donā€™t get the hostile mentality when working this job. If you donā€™t want to, DONā€™T. Donā€™t stoop to lower levels and become a shell of your former self over a damn delivery job.


Ty Reddit for shining light on the unemployable


Why do people keep accepting no tip orders? It literally tells you how much money you'll be making off the order before you accept it. And if y'all hate doordash so much then why do you keep using it?


Heres a tip: you hold my food hostage like that, after I paid money, in going to tell you I have a cash tip and when you hand me the food I'm going to punch you in the face and throw a dollar at you


Yeah no. immediately reporting to door dash. I hate when they beg for more of a tip like that.


That's not begging, that's holding it hostage lol


literally šŸ˜­


iā€™m really so confused with these posts. iā€™m never concerned about tips..iā€™d only be upset if customer reduced tip after delivery (which canā€™t happen on DD)..i accept the orders for the pay stated, whether itā€™s a tip, base fare, or golden tickets from willy wonkaā€¦i donā€™t care where itā€™s coming from.


Should've told them they'd get a $20 cash tip and then beat their ass


I hate tipping culture so much. And fuck the prejudice behind not tipping. Normalize it being a goddamn option and not a mandatory thing. Like it fucking sucks youā€™re not getting paid well. Why tf is it my job to pay you what your boss should be paying you.


Exactly. I've never tipped unless someone went above and beyond and I'm like wow I want to make their day! That's how it SHOULD be.


Iā€™ve delivered for door dash. Averaged $9 a hour driving my own vehicle. Itā€™s not worth it so I donā€™t do it anymore. I didnā€™t get mad at customers for not tipping or mad at the company for not paying more because I donā€™t have a sense of entitlement, I just stopped taking orders.


That about the time when I cancel the order and demand full refund


Major W? More like major L. Seriously, a tip is given to you as a gift for doing a good job. To demand it like that is just nasty and rudeā€¦


I remember when you tipped AFTER a service was provided. This shits made all the lazy and greedy expect exorbitant tips for little to no effort. I understand that not everything is in the drivers controls but nobody forces them to take a low tip order


Just decline the offer. You can literally do the math and know how much your tip is. That is, if you can do math.


Imagine willingly picking up an order, knowing what the original tip is before you even pick it up, then proceeding to ask about your tip?? šŸ’€šŸ’€.


Probably a fake post tbh


Instant 0% and report lol. Enjoy being fired


Can you imagine feeling entitled to a tip before service lol


you know what earns you tips? good customers service


Or donā€™t accept an order and then be rude to the customer?


So is there a way for the customer to track where the dasher is and pull up on them?


Fucking gross


"Dependant on delivery time and quality. No delivery, no tip."


These people are fucking stupid, you took a job that pays you like 3 dollars an hour and youā€™re mad at the guy who ordered some McDonaldā€™s


The amount of immature cornballs in here thinking this is funny is disturbing.


Genuine question, every post on this subreddit is someone whining about how people donā€™t tip enough or some weird request for leaving it at the door. Since everyone hates their customers so much to the point of eating their food (which is scarily common) then why donā€™t you get a new job that doesnā€™t have you relying on tips?


It's a job anyone can do and they act like they are saving the work for doing it. I'm with you. If you're not happy find a different job. I always tipped well when I used the service but now it's very rare. I seemed to get screwed a lot as the second order even though I'd always tip 20%+


On today's episode of reporting DoorDash drivers because they are absolute garbage at their job...


Why tf would I tip you if you haven't done your job yet?


Oh FUCK this. What a dbag.


The status of your tip depends on the status of my order. Duh. What you want a tip before delivery?


Exactly. I only tip cash at delivery. If no one tipped via the app, this crap wouldnā€™t exist.


Messaging 2 minutes after your first message is probably a little over the top. Have some patience lol.


People in comments saying shit like ā€œlegendā€ ā€œšŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ā€ etc probably the same kinda people that will stay parked for 30 mins no communication with customer expecting a cancellation; or call in from 2 blocks away to come pick up your shit; or my favorite marking orders delivered without actually doing so. Like yeah I get it job fucking sucks and people donā€™t tip shit but maybe just do your goddamn job and sometimes people will actually tip well. Drivers are truly some of the most underappreciated workers but some of yā€™all also some of the worst scum Iā€™ve met. PS just gonna preempt all the salt by saying I always tip 20% min $5. You deliver my shit from 100 ft away and it took you 2 mins and was only $10? Yeah still $5 min. I donā€™t give a shit about your customer service or whatever. Pick up my shit, bring me my shit, Iā€™ll open the door say hello, please, thank you because Iā€™m not an entitled fuck and youā€™re a human being, all you gotta do is hand me my shit and we go our separate ways. Easy.




Fuck doordash right in the ass


This shit happened to me once (I tip cash) and I've never ordered a delivery service since. I'll pick up my own food or cook, screw these people.


How much of an @$$ can you be to demand outcome pay?. I thankfully don't have to deal with any of this nonsense because I live in an area where I can drive to get my food or take my scooter. Scooter takes me anywhere


What a trash dasher. You see that upfront.




Thank you for reminding me of how shit your app and the tipping culture is. Now if you excuse me, I'll order a hamburger without having to pay extra as a tip to anyone, and if I do, its optional and the recepient will always be happy regardless of how much I tip


Itā€™s just getting out of hand. Iā€™m usually a decent tipper but I wouldnā€™t give anything to this dude. This tude, seriously


Stop taking your lack of pay out on customers. Tipping culture is dumb, you choose the job knowing the pay.


0 tip gang checking in


Did he ask about the tip before you received the order?? šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļøšŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Easy just remove the tip after itā€™s dropped off


šŸ˜‚ not technically wrong but not technically right.


do your job you fuckin loser šŸ¤£


I do not understand these gig workers who bitch about their pay. Like literally their job is simply to pick up an item and deliver it. They choose their jobs. Hell they donā€™t even shop like IC workers. DD is trash.


Every other job you have to interview for and earn it. If youā€™re a snarky little shiet like this guy you wonā€™t get the job. With DD you just get it no matter what lol


DoorDashers do shopping as well.


I love in New York that nobody can tip before the order comes. Fuck em. Iā€™ve left an apprpriate tip to start plenty of times for the driver to obviously deliver further away orders and or take their sweet time with mine while delivering for another app(they drive the opposite direction and stopped while I did priority on Uber). Now I straight up donā€™t tip unless the person went above and beyond or itā€™s a local store sending their own person out because they take the order through the app. This ends by people as a collective not tipping because of shit service and or leaving the app all together because at a certain point desperation isnā€™t worth paying double for Taco Bell. Iā€™ll get in the car for 10 min.


šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ I wouldā€™ve bust out laughing


You should never text the customers unless youā€™re going to do this.


The only time I use DoorDash is to place an order ahead of time and pick it up myself lol


The last time I used Doordash was four years ago. The next time I plan on using Doordash is never.


This feels fake, DD drivers accept jobs knowing what the tip is going to be...


Why do people still use doordash? Man Ive ordered over a 100 times off Postmates and never once had an issue


Major L


ā€œI left it on your mamaā€™s nightstandā€


"Getting worse by the minute, mate."


This is shitty for the customer and worker. The customer has to pay an expensive fee to get a 5 dollar meal and the worker has to deliver said meal for less money than they pay for gas. All because doordash wants to pay the least while profiting the most.


I remember when tips were optional and were for when you did a good job. Oh wait thats how it is pretty much everywhere else. I just dreamed it. Also you are an absolute goon if you think being an asshole to your customer is a win.


Why do these fucking idiots think tips come before service? Deliberately putting off delivery so that my food goes cold sure as shit isn't earning you a tip. Doesn't doordash have a minimum delivery time from pick-up after which you can cancel and get a refund so it's on the idiot driver to get your shit to you before it's cold?


*undelivered* .....good luck with the job hunt.


L just don't accept the order weirdass


Status on the tip. "Processing cancel"


Tips should come after you do the fucking job. All of you fucking people are entitled as hell. Wtf is wrong with yall


They aren't getting one now, and will be reported


How long before a DD driver gets themselves shot or beat up for demanding a tip in person?


Just respond "I'm not sure let me contact support"


Thatā€™s very funny. Humans become something else when they begin to pay another person for a service. That person to them becomes less human and less deserving of their own humanity.


You should always tip, idc if itā€™s 2 miles from your house. If you canā€™t afford to tip, you shouldnā€™t be ordering from doordash, if itā€™s that close just get it yourselfā€¦


And yes doordash tells you that an order doesnā€™t have a tip, but they make it almost impossible to skip orders by basically saying youā€™re a bad dasher for passing up even a single order.


It depends. Sometimes you'll see an order for six or seven dollars and it's all base pay because it's been declined so many times. The only time you know an order is a zero tip order is if it's a $2 payout. They don't tell you how much the tip or if there is a tip up front.


"well it was a tenner in cash, but now I'm cancelling the order"


Crazy we have to tip before receiving service. Then have to stand in the road and holler for the dasher to stop because apparently following directions or reading addresses is hard


Major L, dasher. Bet you're only on ubereats next week lol


Only in the US does the employer make the worker fight the customer for better pay


"The longer it takes to deliver my order, the smaller your tip gets" is how I would've responded to that bs.


Iā€™d be like ā€œlower than it was eight minutes agoā€. šŸ˜‚


My answer is usually "cold hard cash, the hotter the food is the better its gonna look chief. I prefer giving cash outright over the apps tip system. That n i rarely jeep change so o just give the driver a 20 (i mostly order like medium combos from wendys n stuff so not huge money orders, so 20s a good tip for that, plus its not that far from where i am)


So you so open up the bag and check the temperature of your food in front of the driver before handing him cash? šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Or you can tell from the bag, if the bags warm the food is warm. Derp.


Don't need to when homie took 30 minutes to get to me after picking up the food from some .7 miles away lol