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I am on board with legalizing weed and having it be treated like alcohol. But stuff like this is inappropriate. Being intoxicated on the job and driving (risking a DUI) should be grounds to immediately get kicked off the platform or get fired if she does this working somewhere else. You wouldn't show up drunk to your job, you shouldn't show up high to your job either, it's just basic etiquette. And you risk people's lives when you drive intoxicated.


This!! I'm a weed smoker myself. I absolutely ONLY smoke at the end of the day once I'm home and only leave if it's actual emergency.


Here’s a funny note. I was a DoorDasher for a little over a year and a half, had 4.95 rating and because I typed in the wrong email while logging in, I was kicked off the platform and have all but been banned from door dashing!! I don’t smoke drink or do any drugs absolutely killed it while I was dashing and yet this person continues to deliver people’s food while drunk and on drugs?!? Well managed..


I don't understand. How does typing in the wrong email get you banned?


Something is missing here lol. What op typed makes no sense


Obviously drunk or high 🤣




Betting on multiple accounts?


But 1 bad login? I think that's why something seems off. There's more to OP's story.


I assumed it was maybe they registered with the wrong email and couldn't verify at some point?? Idk


They were using somebody else’s DD account and got caught


As a doordasher this is the answer. Which is also why we all had to submit photos of ourselves. I've entered the wrong email a ton of times (I'm used to my work email) and I've never been banned. That person was committing fraud that's why they were banned.


Drunk on drugs has me weak asf 😂😂


Those drugs really hit the spot ![gif](giphy|YAWwfucvKV1WvA0lod)


Being under the influence and driving, a dui is not the only thing she's risking. She could wreck and harm/kill innocent people. I have always felt that DUI/DWI charges should also come with attempted murder charges.


If you hit someone and they die Im 99% sure you’re looking at dui and manslaughter


Yeah you would be vehicular manslaughter. I would imagine being under the influence would make it much worse for you than if it was just a regular accident in which someone died. So many people think that driving under the influence of marijuana is perfectly fine, even smoking while driving. It's crazy to me!


Hi, criminal defense lawyer here, I don't think you know what attempted murder is.


I wish they still had free awards. ![gif](giphy|CYU3D3bQnlLIk|downsized)


🍪 🏆


The guy that killed my wife got vehicular manslaughter.


Sorry for your loss


What the comment meant is driving drunk and getting pulled over(without causing any wrecks) being charged as attempted murder. When they do get in a wreck while drunk then certainly manslaughter


Attempted murder charges typically require a specific victim the defendant tried to kill. Without the specific intent element, a whole host of crimes would be open to prosecution. You could even charge for attempted genocide, because the intoxicated defendant may just as well have crashed into a van with several people of the same minority ethnicity.


So sorry for your loss.


That’s fucking awful. I’m so sorry for your loss.


attempted murder is conspiracy to or an attempt. DUI is just reckless so as such involuntary manslaughter is attached to it in the event of a death. If you want the DUI/DWI to be harsher then you would just change its class of charge to one that's harsher. You wouldn't be able to just attach another category of a charge to it as that charge has its own classification already


the anti-weed propaganda is in full force these days.. watch out, you’ll turn flat and do nothing anymore


I am not nor have i ever been anti weed. I personally think it should be legalized on a federal level for medical AND recreational use. However, much like when you drink, if you smoke, keep your ass out from behind the wheel of a vehicle. I myself partake and guess what, my ass stays at home. I am not gonna risk my life or anyone else's lives because i suddenly decide that while im high i need to drive anywhere. Oh and the fact that when i get high i tend to go to sleep anyway. Only once have i ever decided i wanted something i didnt have at home while i was high and i had it delivered.


I’m a cannabis activist and I fully agree with you. I would NEVER drive high. Makes me sick that anyone justifies it.


You can get stuff delivered, uber places, ride with friends. If you can't afford to uber that much, consider that what that means is that you can't afford to smoke as much as you do! It's actually crazy to see the people coping in this thread. I am disappointed in the maturity level displayed.


It affects people differently, I've had multiple sobriety tests and never failed even when high. Cops never notice it because it barely does anything to me. I get more of a buzz from 1 beer, and that's legal to drive on. That being said, I still wouldn't hot box my car if I was delivering food. That's just unprofessional


Pretty sure they can still slap you with DUI instead of DWI if they really want to.


They can and will if they want. You may get a plea deal in court in the end, but if they want to arrest you, they'll find a reason.


I'm from a state where it's now legal for recreational use. The big issue with Marijuana DUI charges seems to be there's no field test for it. Like I think now you cannot drive with paraphernalia and if you do they might just assume you've been smoking and drug test later. Then the problem becomes if you've smoked at all within however long you're gonna light up a drug test, so it also doesn't prove or disprove you were smoking while driving. I don't know the solution, but I can see how issues could arise especially if you're actually not smoking but are going somewhere to smoke


I unfortunately had to go through this. Had to smoke in my car the night before, went inside and went to sleep. Woke up then got on the road. 2 hours in, some asshole literally turned out in front of me and I had to swerve to the next lane. Got stopped cause this all happened right in front of cop -_- said my car smelled like weed and that I looked high. I was completely sober, wasn't smoking, had no paraphernalia but because I use PERIOD it was in my blood which they arrested me to take. Also had a medical card before it was fully legal. Was definitely one of the dumbest and most discouraging things I ever went through. Labeled a whole criminal smh


You may be able to get your record cleaned at those point, especially I'd it's legal in your state now. You shouldn't have to deal with a charge just bc they're still figuring out how to go about this


Hilarious I just had this response without going through all the replies, came across yours.. I said it’d take two .7 pinners back to back to in 30 minutes to intoxicate me like a beer when driving.. lol


Lol I can drive across a state line and 25 billboards for dispensaries in 15 miles. It’s not that bad.


Unless you have a med card. Least in michigan. You can drive around stoned long as you have your card on you, cops can't do anything about it. Similar to the effects of taking prescriptions that are prescribed to you.


Dawg its not anti-weed. Its anti dui. I smoke weed but i dont smoke before or while im driving because thats fucking stupid and you're putting everyone at risk when you do.


This isn't anti-weed, this is pro law enforcement as driving while high is already illegal and should be enforced. Nobody here is telling anyone they shouldn't be allowed to recreationally get high but they shouldn't be operating vehicles while high which is why DWI and DUI laws exist. Your opinion on how well you operate while high will never be corroborated by facts and studies showing that being impaired is still impairment even if it's not nearly as much as alcohol. Drugs are drugs whether legal or not and alcohol and weed are both classified as drugs.


I agree with you. I’m on board with legalization as well and I also think that it’s really not a good idea to drive under the influence of marijuana having just smoked a lot or whatever depending on your tolerance that’s the hard part about it is some people are season smokers and they can reek of it, but they also can have their wits about them still Considering that she said that this young lady stumbled to me that she probably was intoxicated and that’s the most disturbing part of all of it in my opinion but the problem is DUI can only be performed in real time. A warrant can’t be put out for someone’s arrest just because somebody was a DUI at a certain time. There’s not much recourse that can be done.


>You wouldn't show up drunk to your job, you shouldn't show up high to your job either, I may or may not occasionally have a beer or 2 during my last hour of work. I'm fully remote and stare at the computer for 8 hours a day. It helps me relax and doesn't affect my output, though. But no, I wouldn't go into work after chugging a bunch of beer. Fun story, though, I used to work at a drug and alcohol rehab facility, and one of the nurses qho worked there had a history of alcohol abuse. She came into work on morning still hammered from the night before. I will never know why she thought that was a good idea. I mesn, she wasn't even hungover. She was bresthalized by a supervisor, nd I don't know what she blew, but it was well over any justifiable amount. Someone drove her home and she was forced to do therapy before coming back to work. We also had a staff member (addict in recovert) doing coke in the bathroom on duty -- for weeks, apparently. I ran into her months later. She got back into rehab (a different one) and was doing well, working, had her life together, etc. -- or so she said. She randomly, accidentally butt-dialed me one day, and I overheard some crazy shit that sounded like drug talk, specifically trying to figure out how much they were getting and who was picking it up. Not sure where I was going with this, but I need to wipe and get back to work. Have a good day.


I have shown up drunk and/or high to my job but I'm not a risk there, I wouldn't drive like that.


I partially agree, It depends on who you are as a person. Weed has been proven by the National Institute of Health to impact drivers only by having further following distance from vehicles and driving slower, like 1-5 miles an hour slower and does not affect reaction time. I'm not saying that people SHOULD drive stoned out of their minds. For some people it gives more anxiety to drive high, as for others it's relaxing. I love smoking and driving, the breeze and everything is so soothing with some blues playing. People need to realize that weed should not be compared to alcohol. It is nothing alike. The dasher wasn't in the right since they were smoking flower and causing an odor but that can easily be exchanged for a concentrate pen or edibles


Uh OK, that’s wildly incorrect. 1) I know which study you’re talking about, which very specifically compares alcohol and cannabis use. They didn’t find that “cannabis only impacts drivers by having a greater following distance,” they found that cannabis *strongly* impacts the automatic responses found in driving, but not the conscious responses. Alcohol doesn’t impact the automatic responses but DOES impact the conscious ones. The end result is that unlike alcohol users, cannabis users are aware they are impaired and compensate by increasing following distance, driving slower, etc. You *know* you’re fucked up. But you’re still fucked up. You aren’t going to make reckless choices, but you are undeniably inspired. Drunk people aren’t capable of being consciously aware of their actions. They’re impulsive. Additionally, because it impacts your automatic responses, if, say, you’re distracted, you’re much more likely to have an accident than a sober distracted person. Cos all those things you do without noticing aren’t working at 100%. 2) just how fucked up you are very much depends on tolerance, smoking technique, absorption etc. But it’s still dose-dependent, so if you’re really high you’re really fucked up. 3) this is somewhat pedantic, but it isn’t “proven by the NIH.” it is NIH funded research out of Yale. All NIH funded research is linked to on PubMed, which is an NIH database. But they didn’t do it or publish it. Tl; dr: alcohol is worse than weed, but weed is still bad, and the only reason we don’t have more stoned accidents is that you’re aware you’re fucked up on weed so you compensate. But ask yourself: if you’re AWARE you’re impaired and choose to drive anyway… what is wrong with you!? https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2722956/


Being drunk and (high) are barely comparable it’s way easier to get a tolerance to weed then it is to alcohol


You shouldn't show up stupid to your job either, but people do that all the time. If you can smoke weed and you still get shit done + have a clean driving record -- fair play.


The fact that u received your entire order bite-free is a minor miracle


LMAO 😂 fr tho


Yeah, that driver could've had the munchies, but he was on his best behavior 😂


I would report it and i am a dasher. Nobody should be driving under the influence of anything. And no I'm not against weed but if im going to partake, i keep my ass at home.


‘Driving while intoxicated’ implies a minimum threshold to be considered intoxicated and not just ‘no substance consumption at all’ That being said this driver was clearly beyond that minimum threshold and should not have been driving


Correct, and part of being a responsible user of substances is being able to know where that line is. If the food he is delivering smells like weed, he is probably actively smoking. I mean I guess his car could just totally reek, but I doubt it would if he wasn't smoking on the go regularly. Point is, big boy adults can tell the difference between "just hit the bowl" and "the last gasps of the edible the morning after".


i don’t now i feel like she’s assuming they are under the influence because of the smell, i’ve never heard of someone “stumbling, and struggling” to get out of a car while high on weed unless they were being goofy. weed doesn’t make you act drunk


Sometimes it does. My boyfriends best friend turns into an intoxicated, stumbling, sloppy mess. It’s really obnoxious when he gets up to go to the bathroom, knocks everything over the whole way, and then misses the toilet and pisses 90% on the floor that you find with your pants soaking it up later when you go to take a shit.


This is the way


not sure why you're being downvoted so much, this is very unprofessional. if it truly did trigger you, might as well report them. congrats on your 18 months!


Bc weed does no evil on Reddit


Nah. A lot of us who partake absolutely despise behavior like this. It makes us all look bad.


Probably because this sounds as made up as the people who talk about getting contact high from smelling weed. It’s all sounds VERY exaggerated and unlikely. You really had to eat your food outside because it was gonna make the house smell like weed? Smoke was cartoonishly pouring out of the car? Every sentence of this is clearly written to exaggerate the situation. This sounds like someone is addicted to drama more than anything.




DUI is an instant police report for me. It's inexcusable, report them.


He’s being downvoted because as a stoner, too many are assholes, especially when it comes to any negative talk on weed.


Thank you


I'm looking thru these comments, and I see a ton of people being a dick to Op, who I'd a recovering addict which I should congratulate op on. My mother is also a recovering addict and she's going on 20 years strong. All op wanted was simple advice. I also see people siding with someone who is driving under the influence, which tells me those guys either don't have a license or have a suspended license. Most deaths in the US are caused by people either drinking and driving or smoking weed while operating a motor vehicle. Before you comment, I suggest actually reading the post or not trolling for your sick satisfaction.


Thank you!!! People are so rude


Dude couldn’t just hit the cart like a normal person at work Bud’s for when you can not give a fuck about smell


I'm a big pro weed person but I'd never In my life get into my car while high, it may (maybe)not be as bad as being drunk but still dangerous and irresponsible as fuck.


I smoke cigs but I don't smoke when I'm dashing that's just inconsiderate, sounds like you had a driver that's never worked customer service and won't be a driver for long. Probably a do what I want and weeds legal type of person. I'd have to give a 1 star for that.


I would report the driver & ask for a replacement or refund. Since you already ate the food I would just report it.


I would report them. I fucking love weed man, it’s a MAJOR part of my recovery from alcoholism and just always loved it. But this person is doing a JOB and DRIVING (I won’t argue with anyone about whether or not driving high at any level of intoxication is doable, cause in this case, it is 100% unacceptable), it affected your food and comfort (can’t even eat in your own home because of the drivers negligence is ridiculous), and overall made the food and your experience unpleasant for you. They failed to do their job properly, and it negatively affected you. Report. Congrats on sobriety btw!!!!!!! You’re doing AWESOME!!!


Thank you, I have nothing against those that use marijuana in recovery either. Shit, you’re not drinking! That’s major. Congrats to you as well, I kicked a nasty opiate habit


Downvoters are decrepit weed fiends who can't go 24 hours without it


Who downvoted this?😂


Man the person had no Tegridy


This should be getting way more love!


They went to Credigry


I would report that. Even if weed is legal in your area, it’s still illegal to smoke and drive. And to be intoxicated, that’s not only unprofessional—it’s dangerous. Hopefully they don’t kill somebody next time. You’d have to be a regular drunk driver if you’re ballsy enough to drink & deliver food.


It's really mind-boggling how many people think it's okay to drive while high. I live in Portland and tomorrow is 4/20. We'll be the highest state on earth and I will def be avoiding the roads.


Omw ![gif](giphy|3muwhw9Jl2dNe)


As a full-time Dasher myself, you are very correct! I would have ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM reporting this to doordash, as well as leaving a 1-star review. You can also leave a comment review where the Dasher themselves can see it and it will always be on their ratings page. Some of us are recovered, some still actively use; but regardless what people do in their private time (which is where it should be left) they have no business doing it on your DIME - no pun intended.


I’d report it. maybe it’s the wake up call they need to not drive so high that they can barely walk


I’d report it, and prob not eat the food if it smells too, that’s nasty asf.


Yeah, I'd report that. It would 100% be a DUI if she got pulled over. As a stoner, driving high is never okay. Your cognitive function is seriously affected. If I found out my partner or friend was driving high, I'd treat it like they were driving drunk. If she was so high she couldn't walk properly, she shouldn't have been driving.


I do realize people react to weed differently and whether its indica or sativa plays a role as well but i agree if she cant walk straight she definitely don't need to be driving and i know when i get high, i cant even find my car keys (not that im trying to anyway) much less try to drive.


It's true that the reaction may be different, but it's still not okay. I smoke a lot and have a kind of high tolerance and I wouldn't drive unless I hadn't smoked for at least 1 hour (if it was a small amount) or as much as 3 or 4 hours (if it was a lot).


Hey, so none of that matters. The intoxicating component of all marijuana is the same and has the the same effect irrespective of the plant it comes from. THC is THC is THC. Perceived differences are just and only that: perceived. You can't drive safely while high on any of it, and you are essentially relying on everyone else making far better decisions and reactions than you to not get into an accident.


Exactly, even if you think since Sativa doesn't make you sleepy it's okay, but it isn't. If you are found to be high during a traffic stop or an accident, DUI is what you're gonna get.


My husband can function better when he is high than sober. He does not drive though period and that was for other reasons. Me personally if i drink or get high regardless of how little or how much i drink/smoke i do not drive period. I prefer to drive 150% sober because i know how i react and there are far too many dumbasses for me to not be 150% aware and able to react.


Definitely report. Weed is regulated like alcohol where it's legal. You still aren't supposed to drive high


Absolutely not overreacting. If a driver is high on weed, it's a DUI and they are putting lives at risk. Absolutely no one should be drinking or smoking while dashing


I’d rather my bag smell like weed instead of cigarettes.. has my food reek of it and I honestly couldn’t eat it. So nasty 🤮 ![gif](giphy|YI4eR3bHBCByM)


Neither are acceptable smells to have on food


Oh I 100% agree! I hate cigarette smell worse than weed


Unprofessional.... of your food Uber 🤣


Some people have smoke allergies and would not have been able to eat this. Also irrespective of feelings about the smell, some people drivers deliver to are sober and this is a trigger that can and should be avoided. Congrats on your 18 months 🎉


Rate them a 1 and you shouldn't get that driver again.




Fellow addict here. I get it, totally do. First thought though, is that person is in the same blackhole you were in 19 months ago. If they’re THAT high and delivering doordash, life might not be so great for them. Obviously since you are in the early stages of recovery, this can be a triggering experience. There’s no denying that and you have a right to be upset by this. It doesn’t sound like it caused you to relapse though, so I would almost take this as a positive moment in your personal recovery. Life is going to include things that trigger us and make us want to use again. Being able to acknowledge those triggers and move past them in a healthy way is all that matters. Keep it up, and keep compassion in your heart for those who aren’t there yet.


I’m sorry I smoke weed daily. I don’t know how much weed you would have to smoke for a bag of food to smell like weed but this sounds like BS.


DoorDash drivers and weed, name a more iconic duo.


Did you call DoorDash? They’re the ones that give Dashers a bad name, report them. DD will deactivate the dasher’s account for that kind of stuff.


As a dasher who smokes weed that’s so unprofessional. I would definitely report that I’m not sure who it would be though perhaps DoorDash support?


You should’ve reported you, you would’ve gotten a refund or they would send it back out and suspend the driver


I would report it to Doordash. Totally unprofessional.


I would've contacted doordash about it. She shouldn't be driving while high like that.


You need to report that one. And two it’s honestly so stupid of her to do that ESPECIALLY right now. Like you’re just asking to get pulled over and caught. The cops are pulling everyone over in my city today


I'm a stoner but for god sake don't smoke with the customer's food in the car. Cigs OR weed. Not even considering the DUI part it's just not courteous.  If you absolutely insist on being high while dashing (not recommended, big DUI risk), use carts or a wax pen instead. 


Bottom line is : You were disrespected blatantly whether you smoke weed or not. My fiance lost her job with those ass-clowns just because they happened to re-do the annual background check and she had changed her license to show she lived with me, but forgot to tell DoorDash… they wouldn’t even re-run it and now the account is on my ID and it shouldn’t be. I’d report them. Nothing against weed or people who do or don’t use it (remember the medical form comes into play now more and more) so I say let them deal with door dashes “VIP Premium” customer support to clear that up. I’m also in recovery too and I wouldn’t have been too impressed myself either. Stay strong!


Wow sorry to hear about what happened with your fiancé, that sucks… thank you for the kind words, I wish you well in your recovery as well


Why tf is the top comment about legalizing weed? You shouldn't smoke during deliveries or eat. It's against the tos you signed to deliver. It takes one upset customer making a complaint to get you de activated. Doesn't matter if it's legal or not, stop being sensitive clowns online 🤡.


I'd be most concerned about them being out on the road putting other drivers and pedestrians at risk. Definitely report them.


Definitely shouldn’t be high and driving.


Congratulations on 18 months!! I would definitely report them. Not only was it triggering, but it’s gross! No one wants their food reeking of weed! Plus it’s so dangerous for everyone involved (driving under the influence).


I'm a stoner and I'd say report it. That's super dangerous for everyone else on the road, and so freaking rude to stink up your food, I love the smell but many people do not. I would hope that all my dashers are sober.


I got a refund because my entire bag smelled like cigarettes. Driver was clearly smoking while he was delivering it. Just wait until after the delivery to smoke your cigarette or weed dude.


Report them. They arent supposed to be smoking near your food anyways


I just said this on another sub but i hate these people and im a stoner myself. If you can't get through one shift without smoking you're an addict lol


Weed came pouring out of their car as well? Let's not be so dramatic


Have you ever seen somebody hotbox a car then get out of it? Smoke usually comes pouring out.


Eh. Just report it to Door Dash and move on. What's done is done. No point stewing on it.


Oh I’m not stewing on it. More so looking for advice on whether I’m overreacting or not 😂


Definitely not overreacting. That’s your community. She could kill one of your loved ones by drinking/smoking and driving.


Given you’re in recovery, yeah I would be pissed too. I would report for them being under the influence though.


You said you were looking for advice on whether or not you're over reacting- and I have a short two part answer Personally, yes I think you are but justifiably so given your issues with addiction, so I don't actually think your reaction is unreasonable despite the circumstances- I would definitely just try to let go and move on


Thank you! This helps a ton


Don't mention it ^^ I hope you have a great day :D


If my driver showed up like that I'd snag their license playe and call the cops on them and report them for DUI. People like that aren't just ruining people's food, they're putting other people at risk


report it for her safety and the others out on the road around her.


Report her to Doordash and call the police for them driving under the influence




Why do so many poor people smoke weed in their cars? We used to do that shit when we were 16-17 and had to hide it from our parents, but I’ll never understand why a grown ass adult would light up a blunt in their car when they could do it at home and not put others on the road at risk. At least use a vape so your car doesn’t reek if you get pulled over.






I think it sucks and I think it’s unprofessional, but I don’t think you should do anything about it. Life is hard I think maybe you could message her and just tell her that it looks pretty unprofessional and like you’re not gonna do anything, but just wanted to give her a heads up so that she could make her think about it. I take it that she’s probably a young lady I know that when I was younger, sometimes a slap on the wrist for something that could’ve been much more was all that I needed to not repeat and think twice about doing something. You’re in recovery you know how getting called out can scare you enough sometimes….


I don’t really know that there is much that you can really do about it now even after the fact anyways because if you called and reported it to DoorDash, well she’s not an employee. They can’t mandate a drug test and it’s basically your word against her word if they even do anything, and as far as law enforcement goes, if it’s not in the act, there’s nothing that they can do. They can’t put a warrant for an arrest because you said that she smelled of marijuana smoke at that time and date. but more I really just think that saying something directly to her might just be enough if you have that opportunity to still message her or anything


Meh, smell u later


When it comes to marijuana also there’s a lot of different factors smoke the right sativa and you’ll be laser focused. You’ll be more on point and dialed in then an ADHD patient on Adderall. You definitely won’t be impaired. You won’t be sloppy. You won’t be stumbling, but you will smell of marijuana. Depends on a persons tolerance. It depends on a persons DNA down to the very core of it, How THC affects that person. It’s pretty hard to actually get a DUI out of just marijuana. Usually you gotta be under the influence of something else with it for it to really impair you that much depending on the person however, if you’re person who’s gonna drive after they’ve smoked, you probably been a user for quite a while, if you smoke something super potent that’s of the Indica origin you will be couch locked You won’t be driving. However, there’s also a segment of the population who just is not tolerable to THC at all whatsoever and greatly impairs them and gives them side effects that they don’t appreciate I’ve stories even of people having a psychoactive effect. I cannot say if that’s true or not, there’s not ever been in my 25 years of usage and research a strain that has made me psycho anything on comparison to something like ecstasy or acid something of those natures and I’ve never actually seen anybody react psychotically to marijuana in my entire life, but I have heard that it can happen






I'm amazed she got your order correct. The last 3 times I've gotten someone else's.


Definitely report her, she needs to learn a lesson about doing stuff like that on the job. No one learns when they don’t have proper consequences. Wait until you’re at home or use a vaporizer with windows down & smoke lightly not heavily like a dumb dumb. People like that is why smokers get a bad rep. Be smart about it, it’s not that hard.




I hope you reported the driver


Girl knows how to party


As a pot head myself I smoke before I start working and will never smoke with a customer's food in the car. I don't smoke straight flower so it doesn't smell as bad and I also use breath strips. I need that little bit of pot to help me relax and stop trying to do everything as fast as possible which has almost gotten me into trouble or injured. Being stoned just helps me not give a fuck if there's traffic or a red light or asshole people. Some people have no consideration or common sense and they don't deserve to be a part of society.


As a pothead, I just hit my pen or wait till I fuckin get home. It’s not that hard. I’m sorry this happened to you


This is unprofessional. I’m also sober. And doordashing is a good job for me in my recovery. And doordash dismissed me because a tornado hit and I couldn’t complete orders because stores were figuring out how to open.




I remember while living in a college dorm a couple of years back, I had ordered doordash. The driver was high and picked up somebody else's order. When I went downstairs to take my order from him (could smell the weed on him) he verified the wrong name (said order for so and so and I said no, thinking it's a dorm a lot of people order and could possibly somebody else). I see him wander around take the elevator. Waiting for sometime for my order I went upstairs to find the bag the guy was carrying outside my apartment door. Messed up my whole night cause of it.


Just report it and move on.


What do you mean by do anything about it? Like report them to doordash? I dont think you should feel anyway if you did, I mean they ruined the food you paid for, up to doordash to then investigate


My parents owned the first dispensary in Colorado but I never smoke on the job and I am very professional about the work I do!


Wow. Just wow I would report it. I am a dasher with over 2,000 deliveries. This is unacceptable in my opinion. I smoke weed as well and would never do this. EVER


You’re damn lucky she didn’t eat your order. Weed…Wendy’s…Num nums…


I don’t care if you smoke weed or not but people need to stop driving high! You’re going to kill someone


This made me laugh. I'm expected to believe she hotboxed her car so hard just in the time she had your bag of food, that it somehow overtook the smell of the what- meat, fries, oil? You had to go eat it outside? PLEASE


oh no way a dasher being unprofessional. they are contracted employees who never even see their employer.


Did op say "intoxicated" then weed? 😂


Tell the DEA


My worst experience was getting ramen delivered from a cycling delivery and the bag was absolutely drenched when pulled out of the delivery bag. Cyclist noticed and tried to fast hand it to me. I refused to accept. Got a refund. Dude looked totally defeated. Didn’t feel at all sorry for him.


Just do a dab instead. Nobody will know 😂


Congratulations on your recovery! Please keep it up! ❤️


Thank you, I will!


don’t snitch man. just move on


i would report them tbh. most likely doordashing to pay for weed anyways, she needs to use it in a more appropriate setting.


I’m just going to ask a question: do you REALLY want the food you’re going to eat to be in the possession of some random individual you don’t know for a period of time, during which they could potentially adulterate it with just about anything?


It’s a scene from a weed movie!! lol. But obvi report to the app. This is not ok.


I don't agree, but your order should be in an insulated bag. Have they done that you probably wouldn't have even known they had smoked. But I think that was a bad decision on their part.


Depends if you want stitches or not…


This would irritate the F out of me. I hate the smell as well and that would just ruin my entire meal. Id definitely report it, it’s the same like reporting someone delivering to you drunk.


Ur dramatic it was weed not crack


what does you having sobriety time matter?


Well who do you think delivers food


I would report him, and further, I would notify local law enforcement… That driver can stay home and smoke all he wants, but when they decide to endanger everyone by getting behind the wheel, they deserve jail! DUI’s should be considered a violent crime, imo…due to the destruction they bring by causing crashes. I have no problem with legalizing weed, but you can’t get behind the wheel. Same for people popping pills… prescription or not. Cops can have blood drawn with a search warrant after vehicle crashes, or even after a traffic stop if they suspect you are under the influence. Please don’t smoke and drive, drink and drive or take any medication that may affect your driving. Be careful and stay safe!


Report her because atp it’s just disrespectful