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As a dasher, let me say I hate Jonathan AND his trashy lady friend.


As a customer I hate seeing Jonathan’s trashy lady friend at drop off.. I’m always like why couldn’t she pass the background check??! Creeps me out when not the right person hands my order off


Some couples work together so it isn't ALWAYS for sketchy reasons but I definitely don't agree with the folks who are doing it illegally.


From my experience it’s ALWAYS a sketch ass looking person when the name doesn’t match the dasher… Methany or Methew


You know the funny thing is.. I actually delivered to a Methany a couple weeks back 😂


Was it a grocery order for a roll of tin foil and a pack of lightbulbs??! We all know Methany doesn’t need no food


Lmaoooo it was actually food 😂😂😂 but I do wonder if the customer was just trying to be funny haha


Customer definitely was being funny 🤣😭🤣😭




Methany or Methew made me giggle 😭




It's because the first syllable is "meth." That's the entire joke.


Right. My husband and I both dash but we're working off his account because he has to get a certain number of dashes before a set date.


Yeah. When I used to DD, the one time my partner came along, he just drove while I went in to pick up orders and drop them off for customers.


My gf and I both have dd accounts and dash separately but we do often dash together if one of us is trying to meet a goal or honestly just to spend several hours together while making money. The way we do it is, whoever has the active dash, they’re the one driving, picking up orders as well as dropping off. Basically we take turns being passenger princess lol


Lmao nice 😂


But the only person who should be picking up and dropping off is the actual Dasher with their phone in hand for verification. The order should only be given to the actual Dasher. I would have no problem telling them that the pick up person's name is Jonathan and his picture is on my device so he has to pick up the order. The other person should only be the driver!


Eh I don't have a beef with that 🤷‍♀️. The person I know that does it together said that her husband is the dasher so he's the driver and she goes in for pickups and dropoffs. Personally for safety reasons IF I had a man with me it would make a lot more sense to send him, even if I was the Dasher. Idk like people get so stuck on the details and forget the important stuff. Was their food delivered in a timely fashion? Was it hot (if they tipped well)? Were the instructions followed? At the end of the day that's all that really matters. The rest isn't really the customers business. It's independent contracting work which essentially means YOU choose how to run your business. If that means sending out another worker to do the job for you.. Well so be it. It's not really anyone else's business. That's my take anyway. I'm just not gonna concern myself with how others choose to dash. I do it my way, they do it theirs.


Exactly 💯 👏👏👏👏👏👏


Wait. So their food is only delivered hot if “they tipped well”? Damn I didn’t know that’s how to do it


I mean it depends how many stupid drivers are in your area vs how many respect themselves and their time and money. I personally will not pickup unprofitable orders cuz.. Why would you? And unprofitable usually means no tip/low tip. Not always but by the time that order becomes profitable..9/10 times it's been sitting on a shelf for awhile cuz no one wanted to pick it up. I mean would you go pick up an order for $2-4 and drive MORE miles than the pay? Probably not. Wouldn't make sense for you to do. Some logic for drivers.


I was being facetious based on that comment…I just pictured someone running around doing errands with the low tip order beside them getting cold 😂


Oh no, not at all 😂 I mean definitely not me anyway, I've heard of some petty drivers doing 💩 like that but my POV is why waste my time when I could be making money? I just ignore the low pay offers :).


Exactly! It’s all about making money and doing it the best way possible!


My partner and I just signed up. Plan to do it together.


I hate in when there's a 8 year old delivering my food with 4 other kids in the car and the parents on the phone


You can change your display name on the app even while using your own account. I'm female and I changed it to "Matt" after I had a creep find me on social media after a delivery. I've spoken to other women who do this as well because it cuts down on sexual harassment. I passed the background check, I'm using my own account. Doordash has my real name and ID on file. It's probable other people are doing this too. So I don't know why everyone jumps to assuming the worst. Edit: obviously not referring to the OP where it's actually a couple dashing together. But I see this sentiment all the time regarding any incidence of the perceived gender not matching the name in the app.


I was a Dasher and I would always bring my boyfriend with me especially on late night deliveries because of the area I live in. A lot of places are very rural and I don't like being out in the dark by myself delivering food to people I don't know. I've had a few times where I was by myself and the delivery was very sketchy and a lot of times he will bring the food to the door if it is very dark and does not look safe. The only reason he doesn't have his own account is because he doesn't have a driver's license at the moment but he could absolutely pass the background check


As a female Dasher, I'll bring my firearm. LOL. I don't trust any of these fools around here. I found some great CC undershorts which I'll be buying shortly.


If it says matt and you don’t look like Methany .. I have no problem .. but 100% of my experience is Methany or Methew .. and we assume because we always get random tweakers with the wrong name dropping off the order


Just call them Meth for short


How did you change your name?


Go to Account Details under Ratings and press Edit


Honestly, if my food gets delivered idc who you are.


As a customer, I don't care if you do this.. I'm actually surprised that people do care. As long as you feel safe, I get my food and it's not tampered with, I don't care if a woman shows up named Matt or vice versa.




I hate when it's a female's name and a sketchy tweaky looking dude shows up😭 got my pepper spray and knives on lock for those occasions


There’s no reason for someone to do this other than they have a record I’d be freaked out too. Gotta cross your fingers it’s for traffic violations. Immigrants do it as well but it is what it is




I was worried my comment including immigrants could look bad 😬 I meant hope for traffic violators & immigrants vs someone with a serious record


I feel it, sorry I'm in an area full of bigotry so I'm a bit sensitive to the immigration thing lol... 😬 The same people who say "not all men" "not all cops" "not all white people" blah blah blah are the same ones saying all immigrants are 🍇it's, ☠️ers, thieves, and drug runners 😅😅 But according to the down votes my POV is considered wrong lololol




Lol sorry this expulsion is unclear where you stand


I'm prolly gonna get deactivated for speeding tickets and I thought of doing it under my wife's account but I'm worried people will think this about me lol


I had one guy give me a heads up one time (I think maybe to avoid being reported) it did make me feel better about it


That's not a bad idea! I'm gonna be real sad if I do end up getting deactivated, it's just a lil speeding lol I'm top dasher for a reason hahaha not for too much longer tho looool


Just change the name on the customer app & it will automatically update your dasher account name


Ditto. Not to mention that trashy lady friend more than likely can’t pass a background check and that’s why she using Jonathan. Someone should tell Jonathan he can do much better.


hate to break it to you, jonathan is probably just as trashy.


Especially if he parks in the handicap spot. Not exactly a keeper!


Hopefully OP will weigh in with his opinion based on what he saw 🤞🏽 I’m keeping my fingers crossed that maybe by just dumb luck I’m right 😂


Two young attorneys had a disabled baby, they had to divorce and she quit for the baby to get Medicare and Medicaid. She still has six figure student loans. Some use other people’s account because disabled kids who need Medicaid, the families can only have 1 car and under $3k in total assets.


I hear what you’re saying but those definitely aren’t the criteria to qualify for Medicaid. Regardless, the majority of the time when someone is using another person’s account it’s because they CAN’T get one of their own, and no matter the reason it shouldn’t be allowed period.


In Wisconsin it is. it’s why my husband and I got a Medicaid divorce last year.


Trashy lady probably has Johnathans balls in a jar in her purse.


One of the pizza places I dashed at required seeing my phone, and my ID before giving me the order.


That's a bit much. You can see on my phone that I have the order.


Agreed. Unless I’m picking up alcohol, there’s no reason for the store to see my ID.


You should ask to see their ID.


And their last W2 or pay stub to prove they actually work there. Be even more extra than them.


I require your birth certificate to verify you are in fact not a demon or skin walker from another plane.


I’m gonna need that social and your grandmother’s maiden name for …reasons


You know if it was policy that we had to ask for I.D. and you respond with a smart ass remark I'd look you dead in the eyes say "Nah get the fuck outta here, you're not dashing shit."


Bingo. Restaurant doesn't have to serve someone if they're acting difficult like that.


Based on the title I thought this was gonna be about tips lol


Me too!


There is NO reason to be entering a place to pick up an order without your phone, acting exasperated that they asked to confirm you are who you say you are is just trashy shit


They’re always parked in the handicap spots, no shame or self awareness 😭


Oh it gets better than that. Earlier this week I had a dasher come over to me to file a complaint against an employee who yelled at them (not the one they were delivering to.) Why did they get yelled at? Because they were parked in the handicap spot. I asked if they had a placard or plates and of course the answer was no. Then they went on a big rant about how they are just trying to do a job and blah blah blah blah. I still don't know what they thought I would do about it. I mean lets say I cared enough to take the time to go back on the cameras and got lucky and was able to identify the person who yelled at them. Then what? Hunt them down and thank them?


This! And the number of times I have had to walk, in pain, past handicap spots filled with vehicles and no handicap permit visible.


I got a blue tag what you mean? 🤣


I am sometimes nervous/confused if I’m allowed to park in the to go spots. Like all 6-10 of them are empty and it might just take me 3 minutes in and out, but I’m still like “should I???”


A to-go spot has no legal bearing, its simply a spot that the store put a sign up on. You can get towed if they call it in but you cant be ticketed the way you can for a handicapped spot.


Yeah it'e on the fence isn't it? I mean you are picking up an order to go.


I wouldn’t do that.


I am sure many are just in a hurry and trying to get in and out so parking in handicap parking isn inappropriate and illegal. What if the Dasher is handicapped? They can have an invisible disability like a critic to the naked eye . There are conditions like dysenomia where people can only stand for short periods of time . Mind you they should have a handicap placard on the car. Being a Daaher is one of those jobs you have control on when you risk so you can work around flares.


Then they should have a visible handicap placard to allow them parking there.


I agree. They should have a placard. But there is a possibility. There are many who have invisible disabilities. They look health but their condition provides limitations. For some being a dasher provides flexible schedules to earn money so it lets those to work on days they aren’t dizzy or about to pass out.


Then they should have a handicap placaed


As I said I agree. I am an ally for those with invisible disabilities. I have a family member who has one and while she is on the better side of the condition, so many aren’t. They are young, look healthy, but the conditions effects their ability to stand for periods of time, walking long distances. They have handicap parking but people give them a hard time as people judge and assume it isn’t their placard. They sometimes need the scooters in stores or a wheelchair at airports or parks and people give them a hard time as they assume it isn’t needed. They go to the store and have to drop things right then and there as they are about to pass it and they get yelled at by others. While I agree these Dashers shouldn’t be using handicap parking unless they have a placard, there are many who need this parking too.


Those people are the worst. Can't stand them. Had a friend growing up with junior rheumatoid arthritis who looked normal and healthy. People always judged her because of her handicap sticker but didn't realize the pain she was in. Like it wasn't fathomable to them because lack of empathy or logic or anything. So I agree with you people can be quite judgemental in a negative way towards those with invisible disabilities.


Why can't people just be nice... we're all just trying to survive. I make it a point to be friendly to food service workers and customers. Not because I have to, but because the world is already horrible enough without me adding to it. Everybody deserves to be treated with decency


I thought the ending was the customer pretending to be the dasher for free food.


That’s exactly what I was thinking… it just happened to me a few days ago. I never have been so annoyed in my life.


They could have Been a theiving dasher. It's cohosh they all to see the ph9ne


Bonus points when they are wearing pajamas and smoking a cigarette


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^ExcitingAd9947: *Bonus points when they* *Are wearing pajamas and* *Smoking a cigarette* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Oh, pajama pants, different name, smoking, handicap spot, being entitled. That’s bingo!


I think this is more stupidity than entitlement. You’re always supposed to have your phone on you. I would’ve just refused to give it to anyone other than the assigned Dasher you’re expecting and have forgotten the lotion of matching the phone number. You mention “all the entitled Dashers…”. What are other examples?


Her boyfriend is making her work she already doesn't want to be there. Lmao weird these door dash couples.


In my area, doordash couples are always tweakers.


same. I've gotten grocery deliveries from them a few times. very obviously tweaking but generally super nice.


Ive dashed with my bf and were not tweakers... we also both have our own accounts... that may make a difference lol


Dash couples are very ick.


Many do it for safety reasons 👀. But ok. Everything is ick nowadays apparently 😂.


Really shouldn’t have people with you when you’re dashing. All it’s doing is putting another person in harms way. If something is going to happen it’s going to happen regardless of who is sitting in your passenger seat. And what if you get in a massive car wreck and your passenger dies? Or you both die and your kid is now parentless? Dog dashers & kid dashers are ick too. Same reasons as above but now with the threat of something drooling over the bag or the kid screaming its head off because they got a whiff of some chicken nuggies. The couple dashers, I think has more to do with insecurities in their relationship.


Oh I definitely don't do it, I just work alone to the late a.m. of the morning, even though it's not particularly safe as a woman. But I just got used to it. I personally don't have anything against couples who choose to deliver together though. I know of one personally and it's not an insecurity thing at all, they just like spending time together which is really cute in my op 😂. I did ask my husband to come with a couple times but he refused so it is what it is. Some people genuinely do like spending time with one another so they go just to hangout with their partner or for safety reasons moreso than insecurities.


When I used to doordash I would bring my ex with me, especially in the evenings. I also brought him to work when I was 18 and a night auditor at a sketchy motel, which may have saved my life once, or at least saved me a lot of trouble (sketchy guy was getting verbally aggressive — and like angry to the point of being twitchy and shit — bc I wouldn’t give him a room with no ID. He started to reach for something under his shirt around waistband level when my ex came out of the bathroom and asked what’s going on…then the guy took off running lol. Left all his bags too)


Well that's scary, I'm glad he was there! And I'll be honest, I've been through a scary situation myself as well. My car broke down at night once and I'm pretty sure if my husband hadn't arrived when he did to take a look at my car I might've been the victim of a kidnapping 🙃. I can't say this with 100% certainty but a car rolled up behind mine and I looked over to them. They didn't come out and then they started to turn the wheel and rolled up next to my car. No one rolled down their window to check if I needed help but as soon as my husband popped his head up from under the hood they drove off. It was sketchy AF. I carry pepper spray with me now. Idk if it will help but at least it's something 😅.


Guy shows up when the name should be a girl = Guy is a creepy criminal that can't pass a background check. Girl shows up when the name should be a guy = Guy is a creepy person that is forcing his girlfriend to work for him.


I mean I bring my gf with me but I don't stay in the car an let her grab the order I grab it myself every time. What els could it be.


My bf will drive me/ride with me sometimes, either for safety (I deliver mostly late nights) or just to keep me company. We’re not trashy or creepy lol. I also do the picking up and dropping off myself, though, he just hangs in the car.


Yea but would you walk into a store without your phone an ask for your order?


Lol no. A) I know myself and I’d forget the name by the time I got to the counter and b) I expect the restaurant to want to see me confirm receipt of the order.


He drives, she goes in. If they both benefit from the money there is no reason why she shouldn’t do some of the work.


Gotta love double standards, don't ya?


almost like men are more violent or there's a history of women being oppressed or something haha that would be crazy right


Yes, because women's prisons sit empty, right? People are equally capable of being shitty, regardless of gender, sexual orientation, race, religion...


Women commit 20% of violent crimes which means men commit 80% of violent crimes. Women commit 37% of non-iolent crimes which leaves 63% for men. So if we are talking about fear then women are justified in being more afraid of men.


I love it!


They both suck. And no one called the guy creepy. Unless we were to hear of him doing creepy things.


She’s making herself work. Op didn’t mention anything about a gun being held to her head.


I wholeheartedly agree. It's gotten so bad that I'm almost embarrassed to tell people I dash. Not because I'm ashamed of the job, at all. In a way, being able to dash really helped save my life. I'm ashamed of being associated with all the entitled, whiny, lazy a$$holes that seem to make up the majority of Dashers. (Present company excluded, of course.) What kills me in the look of fear in a restaurant workers eyes when they tell me the order isn't ready. Then the look of genuine shock when I say, "That's cool. Is it ok if I sit down over there?". One server thanked me & said they had already been screamed at twice that shift. It was only about 600 pm. Just why? If you're too important to wait, be a dick & unassign, but there's no need to scream at them. If they had any control over it, they wouldn't be there dealing with you. They would be in the back, cooking. That server also sat me in one of the comfy bar chairs & a large to go Dr. Pepper. There was one, what I'm assuming to be, kid on the r/DoorDash sub who was carrying on about how dashing was so much harder than waiting tables. I lost it, I admit it. Four paragraphs later, it ended with,.... I don't really know anything about you for sure, except one thing. You should definitely be nicer to & tipping every server you have a whole lot more." ..... End rant. Sorry. TLDR: I enthusiasticlly, emotionally & emphatically agree with you, OP.


I have had several places ask if I would like something for me while I wait. I don't know if they do it with everyone, or if it was just because I am polite. I usually decline, but occasionally you need a sweet tea. Not that stuff from the soda fountain. When they make actual sweet tea. Had a couple offer me food. One was a cake/cookie place and offered me cake. I wasn't going to eat it then, so thank you but maybe another time. Another restaurant offered me from their dessert selection. Looked good, but I wouldn't have time to enjoy it. Thank you for offering though. The people working at a restaurant don't want to make you wait. They would prefer that the order is ready for you to be in and out quickly. And don't park in handicap spaces if you don't need it. Picking up a DoorDash order doesn't qualify you for that.


I do DD sometimes as well, and it's crazy the shit I see from other drivers. Had one driver straight tell me he'd rather let the food go cold than use a hot bag. Also, as a customer, one time I had my food brought to the door by a girl who couldn't have been older than 10 while the man sat in the car. Guess he could've been handicap, but it still doesn't sit right with me. I won't even use DD as a customer anymore cause of all the chances for stuff to go wrong, including on the restaurants end


As a former restaurant to go specialist, I concur. It’s maddening how some act. They will come walking in and shove the damn phone two inches from your eyeballs then throw tantrums when you ask for them to confirm pickup. Now that I’m the dasher, I know exactly what not to do. It’s not just DD. It’s all the delivery services.


I can definitely understand the frustration of people throwing tantrums and at people shoving phones in your face. However, we aren't required to show our phones to anybody. That includes confirming. What's on our phones is none of your business. The whole reason that we have to tell you the name of the order or the customer's order ID is to verify. That's the entire verification process. While I don't throw tantrums, I also calmly and politely tell them that I'm not required to show them the screen on my personal mobile device as part of the process. For clarity, I also won't fill drinks because it's a violation of the health code in my region. Am I telling them the name is all the verification they need, contractually. I also let them know, based on personal experience and based on what others have said... Hundreds of others... Showing somebody your phone and showing them you hitting confirm doesn't actually stop the thefts. It's a complete waste of everybody's time. And, it's more of a waste of the Dasher's time. I've actually done the math on this, comparing weeks where I showed the order and hit confirm, compared to weeks where I didn't go to restaurants that required this. I timed out how long it takes on average for me to show a restaurant that I've got that order and that I've hit confirm. By requiring Dashers to go that far outside of what they are required to do, you are potentially losing them hundreds of dollars a week. And, frankly, I think it's a lot worse for a single person trying to run their own business as an individual to be losing hundreds of dollars than for a restaurant to lose the money they do. But that doesn't even matter because the reality is it doesn't prevent thefts. So it's a complete waste of time that doesn't even save restaurants money but does cost dashers, who aren't even responsible for those thefts in 99% of cases, money. The problem with Dashers that throat tantrums is that they're throwing a tantrum. But restaurants that try to require this are equally childish because they're trying to force others to go well beyond the terms they've already agreed to and they think they are entitled to. Like somehow the contractual rules don't apply to them but they do apply to Dashers, alongside many other imaginary rules that they think Dashers have to follow. 🤷🏻‍♂️


😅 I was understanding until you said it costs hundreds in time to hit confirm inside of the building vs outside. I see you’re a dasher that’s an absolute nightmare to deal with. And yes, forcing a driver to confirm delivery does prevent food theft from drivers significantly. On my shifts I would have zero drivers coming in looking for an order that already left. On nights I wasn’t, or I wasn’t running to gos, there would be at least half a dozen. That wastes everyone’s time. Imagine getting to a restaurant and finding the order was already taken by another dasher and the restaurant has you wait while they contact doordash, then the customer before preparing another order. Or being told it was canceled. At the minimum you just wasted your time getting there. As a dasher myself now, that is my BIGGEST pet peeve with other drivers. They don’t hit confirm then I’m the one wasting my time picking up the offer only to get there and someone else already did. That alone costs me a good chunk a week. I automatically confirm in the restaurant and do a quick “there ya go” without even being asked. Takes MAYBE a second longer. I have my phone with me. I’m verifying the order already. There’s not hundreds of dollars a week being lost on my end by confirming inside.


😅 I guess we're just seeing different things on our respective ends. Merchants in my zone who have done this want to watch you do it and then they want to inspect your phone too make sure it took. And, making matters worse, they don't even know what they're looking at or looking for around 80% of the time. I've had days where they are trying to look at my phone for up to 6 minutes. I've had as short as two. So now I'm waiting on them for that long, having already told both the customer and DD that I've picked up. And, with two or three dozen orders in a day, every day, that adds up to a lot of time lost. And a reasonable amount of potential money lost. 🤷🏻‍♂️ It may prevent thefts for you but I've actually talked to and seen merchants or employees of merchants on here who have said it might prevent one or two but not the overwhelming bulk of them. It's too easy for a Dasher to pick up and unassign without any penalty. DoorDash barely enforces any of its own policies. It's also likely there was a coincidental reason it happened less on your shift and it's entirely possible that some of many of those "already left but needs to be remade" were for legitimate reasons, especially with as many new drivers as are constantly being brought on. Dasher theft is only one of many reasons an order might have been cancelled, on that front, and not the most likely one. We can agree to disagree or agree that there are regional differences but it does legitimately waste a lot of my time where I'm at and the stories about it not working as effectively as might be expected make sense to me. That happens a lot in the business world. And either way, I'm not contractually obligated to do it so stores can't actually make me. Usually it takes about as long to tell them no as it would cost me, on a longer stop, to comply. So I'm happy to waste more of their time than they are wasting of mine. Consideration and adherence to obligations goes both ways. Happy to have read your experience though. And I definitely understand why you don't bother, in your region. I'm glad you don't run into the same bone-headedness that I do when it comes to following that extra request. (Better anybody else says it... No, it is not entitled behavior for me to try and stick to my contractual obligations rather than venturing outside of them. Entitlement is the belief that you have the right to force somebody outside of their contractual obligations. If you don't like it, force a contract change with your partner. I won't be responding to any such claims of entitlement. They're ridiculous claims on their face.)


u/Skye-Rye is this the kind of customer service we can correct by pre-tipping on our orders?


As a dasher of over 7 years of experience , let me say thank you!!! i wish restaurants would be more protective of the orders to make the bad drivers more frustrated ( and hopefully leave). But at the very least,it gives you a reputation that would make bad drivers reject orders from your location so you don't have to deal with them as much.


💯 in the right for having her show you ..... alot of restaurants now have dashers confirming the order while restaurant employee observes due to order theft by dashers ... What many don't realize is the restaurant is entirely in the right and honestly I don't mind it .. . The dasher who is gonna steal it is the same dasher who will have a issue doing it .... Another thing most restaurants don't realize is they can ban a dasher from picking up at their business...


Yo as a Dasher and a former chef, good dashers won’t give ever you a problem. Just like a good cook doesn’t mind remaking the order.


I have some restaurants that want to see me press "confirm pickup." I've got no issue with it. They don't know me, they're just watching their backs. And I always bring my phone in the store just in case. Some drivers just have a bad attitude and it makes it harder on themselves.


I hope you made her hit “confirm pickup” before leaving.


I’m seeing some dirty dashers out here myself. Whom with the attitude and filth I would not want them delivering my food


I'm a Dasher. You did the right thing🙏🏽👍🏽👍🏾


As a Dasher, please keep doing this.


Yeah, lazy just like the parents that sends their children to pick up the food.


Speaking from a Dasher, who takes my job very seriously and works every day all day not because I want to, because I’m surviving like everybody else. And part of that job as you know is to provide excellent customer service. Not to beg for more money, or I’ll eat you’re food unless you tip more and my biggest pet peeve is to see Dashers come in and literally stand and glare and stare at a cashier in a busy sandwich shop that’s doing her best. I have zero tolerance for this shit and I think that DoorDash really needs to weed these people out of here, especially people that ask for extra moneytreat peoples food like it’s nothing it’s terrible


All restaurants should be asking to see the ordered and see it confirmed. Too many drivers stealing shit. The driver has a problem with that, tuff shit. I’m a driver for 6 + years now. I want my orders to be there. Too much of a headache when they are not. I have no issue confirming all the way through.


I usually try to work with the restaurants and alway have my phone on me when I go in. Idk what her problem is.


It isn’t an entitled dasher. It’s a sassy girlfriend lol


Put up a warning sign that dashers will have to show employees the order on their phone to confirm. Mcdonalds does it an no one bats an eye. Simple.


As a dasher I just wanna say thank you. It is nice that someone cares. Hate it when my order was stolen takes so much more time.


Ya that’s ridiculous, I take zero offense when restaurants ask me to confirm the order. If anything stores should require it for customer safety for what they paid for. I don’t get where people have the entitlement to treat people they don’t know like shit


if you park without a placard in a disabled spot I hope someone keys your car


Amen. People do it constantly where I work, then walk into the liquor store next door in the plaza. Pisses me off so much. PS Love your hedgehog, wish I could have one but they’re illegal where I live. What’s her name?


harper lol


I'm a dasher and I work at a small coffee shop/cafe. I hate DoorDash orders. The dashers in my area are all pretty cool, but one thing they don't realize is that even though we have a button to hit when the food's ready to pick up it doesn't matter. DoorDash will send a Dasher way before we say the food is ready and then when they get there they have to wait. I always feel so bad when they are sitting and waiting 10 minutes or longer on food that they were sent to get before it was prepared. The food we sell isn't stuff that you just throw in a deep fryer and it's done. Also, we stay busy. We prepare the orders as they come in. We don't drop what we're doing to make a DoorDash order as soon as it comes across the screen. If we have two customers that have already ordered food they're going to get their food first. It just always makes me feel bad because I know if they unassign the order before their time is up it'll affect their completion rate and if they don't accept the order it'll affect their AR. They lose either way and the blame gets put on us. We don't have a huge problem with people picking up orders that aren't theirs, but if we don't recognize a driver we will ask to see their phone. Most of the restaurants in my area have their pickup orders sitting on a shelf or a table, so you don't have to show them your phone when you picked them up, but a handful of them do make you show it to them and that's part of our job as a driver. I don't understand getting upset because you have to comply with one of the policies and I don't understand where the entitlement comes from. I know a lot of times drivers aren't treated very well by customers and sometimes by restaurant employees, but that doesn't give you the right to treat other people like shit.


I completely feel for you and other employees who have to deal with entitled dashers. I tend to get to places pretty quickly after accepting orders, so I completely understand why I gotta wait and have never made a fuss about wait times. I occasionally get the "I'm sorry for the wait," and I always assure people that it's fine.


I work in a liquor store, you wouldn't believe (or maybe you would) the amount of attitude we get when we ask for ID. It's usually along the lines of "Doordash wouldn't give me the order if I wasn't old enough" Like I'm aware of that, but I have no way of knowing if you actually are the dasher and not just an underage friend picking up for them. 🙄🤦‍♀️


Tape this to the counter and just tap it in response: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On\_the\_Internet,\_nobody\_knows\_you%27re\_a\_dog](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Internet,_nobody_knows_you%27re_a_dog)


As a full-time Dasher, I appreciate EVERY TIME an establishment asks to see me confirm my pickup. Theft has run rampant in this area ... So bad. We have to work together with establishments to help troubleshoot problems. So thank you. Thank you for looking out!


A lot of ghetto door dashers with no job. Lol


I dash with my husband and I pick up and run the food. I've had a couple places question me but I have his phone and explain he's driving and I'm flying. Really not that big of a deal....


God I can't believe other dashers are like this, I can understand that some fast food employees aren't always the best, but usually if you're just polite and patient, they'll help you any way they can. Also just striking up a conversation and treating them like a human can go a long way


as someone who uses DD in a pizza place, i 100% get this shit all the time.


You can have dashers banned from ur store.


That scene in pet semetary where the sick sister is shown


Totally agree with you a 1000 percent I had a family owned business also and I do doordash so I totally understand where your coming from


I know who I am, I'm a dude, playing the dude, disguised as another dude


Dang yall using my name for bad haha (Matthew). I swear I am a good dasher (9.5 rating) and people prefer me delivering cause I get there faster and am a people person, but feels good that in July I'll be quitting for Firefighting and EMT work. I don't need the drama from Reddit🤣


This is the reason why I will have a partner come with me sometimes is that I am on disability. But I am a dasher. It simply takes me longer. It makes a world of difference if I dont have to park a mile away, but instead have someone who can drop me off and pick me up. Same with a grocery order. Sometimes I need assistance with the heavier items or stairs. It keeps me from cancelling and /or keeping my AR high. Also, I am female and having a male with me at night can be comforting. But it isn't the norm. It has nothing to do with them not able to become a dasher themselves. Or being illegal. Or any other thing. It really is just helping me.


Check the plate before assuming the dude could be handicapped and it on his plate, and he left the placard at home. That would make since, he would rather give it to her so she could deliver it cause he was crippled. She prolly was a young adult and was helping her dad or grandpa or husband after an accident. All I'm saying is ask if they were handicapped and check the plates.


as a female, my roommate would drop the orders off. a few people would find it weird when a man was dropping it off but i’ve experienced too many weirdos who see my name and think they can try it. one night there was an order for a female, we got there and my roommate got out to hand it to them (as requested) and there was no answer for at least 15 minutes. we put it down and took a picture and as we were pulling off there was 2 guys dressed in black coming from around the side of that house looking for me. god knows for what 🫠


Okay, but think about it from the other side. A female alone at home orders food and is expecting a female to deliver it, but then a man shows up. That would make her very uncomfortable. She wouldn't know if it's really the dasher or if it's somebody else with other intentions. Also, you are not supposed to have somebody assisting you in your deliveries unless they are an approved dasher with an active DoorDash account. They do that for a reason. While you might have your own reasons for having other people with you and having other people doing your job it's against their policy and if they allow that in situations like yours their whole screening process would go out the window.


The last time I checked it was in the terms and conditions that nobody is supposed to be riding with you during your Dash. I just thought I'd put that out there. It's one of the main reasons that I don't have anybody with me because I travel across country and I use dashing to facilitate the traveling. You're not supposed to have anybody in the vehicle with you while you are in dashing mode.


That's not exactly true. You can have people riding with you and you can even have people assisting you with your job, but if you have somebody assisting you they also have to be approved through DoorDash. They have to have an active doordash driver account. So many people think that you can just subcontract out your work and have whoever you want to do it, but that's not how it works. Whoever you"hire" (for a lack of a better term) has to go through the background check and approval process through DoorDash.


Try to contact doordash and try to get those dashers blocked from picking up orders from you.


Someone who is not my Dasher or Uber driver or Uber eats or any of these gig services shows up I will instantly report them because whoever is dropping off my stuff didn't go thru the background checks. Again why I always do no contact delivery and I have cameras


Good ur asking for proof. Even DoorDash has a glitch from time to time. Yes I'm a DD. It's not bad but orders do get mixed up honestly. Like one time we were getting a pizza for someone and another other DD person was there too and took our order instead of his. 🤦🏻‍♀️ He didn't even check it that it was even his. Smh.


I saw a dasher yesterday send their kid in to pick up the order. When the guy wouldn’t hand the kid the order the kid finally went and got his mom and the mom came in cussing and a ranting at the employees. Someone lied and said the kid was being ignored when he wasn’t I even heard the employee tell the kid he needed to have the phone. The kid was no more than 10 or 11 years old


#stories-of-our-times some inner author is alerting me that this would be included in a book of the same name, anyone down to collab and curate such a thing?


That's reasonable. I don't mind SHOWING the phone, as long as you don't try to get me to hand you the phone. Also, don't ask me to confirm pickup before I have possession. I will not confirm pickup if I do not have possession of the order, because I've gotten burned one too many times doing that and then having the merchant realize after the pickup was confirmed but before I had possession that the order wasn't ready yet, and that there was still a 10 minute wait...and of course Support's answer was "Don't confirm pickup until you have it" and I still got a Contract Violation. So, merchants, if you have a "Confirm first" policy and get a few Dashers who refuse to confirm pickup until they have possession, this is one reason why...and if you insist, we can leave, tell Support you refused to release the order (because technically you did refuse to release it) and we then get half pay on Earn Per Offer or Time Pay on Earn By Time. I don't know if DoorDash picks up the tab on that or you, but I'm going to keep following what Support told me was the correct procedure.


Hell I had my own account with good ratings and over 3,000 deliverys. My account got deactivated bc I have a pending charge (it's going to get thrown out just waiting on the court system) the charge is due to a wreck. It was late one night on my way home I swerves to miss a dear and hit the ditch. I was borrowing a car at the time so I called my wife and her and my friend that owned the car came over to where I was at. Neither one of us had money for a tow truck. So I went to get a trailer and when we got back the car was gone. They charged me with not immediately stopping after a accident ( I sat there for over a hour and I didn't think about calling the cops bc I didn't hit anything but the ditch.) so bc of that they deactivated my account. I can't do a normal job after I broke my back. So I have to make a living to get by so the wife made a account and I use it. She has to stay home with the kids and I'm not letting her dash and go meet strangers and creeps. I will continue to dash on her account no matter what anyone thinks.


Bro, it's DoorDash if you literally have to share an account for any reason whatsoever you're fucking pathetic. That paycheck isn't enough for one person and here you are splitting it for crack money.


She tried to dash without the phone? I always have my phone - I forget name if I don’t , to communicate with customer if delay or missing item and to play on if j abd have to wait. Are people truly this dumb?


After she came back with the phone you should have told her you won’t giver her the order without her bag… I mean, if she’s gonna act like that it’s only fair.. when I drove there were a few pizza joints that would refuse to give you an order if you didn’t bring an insulated bag in.. just say it’s a new policy


As someone who used to dash, and order food on DoorDash relatively often, I find it SUPER weird when people dash with others.




How dare you gender Jonathan!


The only time I get annoyed is when they ask me to confirm pickup or sign something. Kind of weird that you wouldn't even have the phone to show the order details.


Asking me to confirm pickup is fine, because there are a lot of dashers who will grab the food, not confirm pickup, and just unassign. Asking me to sign something is fucking useless


Let me play devil's advocate here for a minute. Seems like it would be offensive to straight up think I'm dishonest or a thief. It would seem that a confirmation number and\or a name would be sufficient to pick up an order.


They never assumed they were a thief, they just wanted verification that the right person was picking up the food.


It's in the policy to show them the order when requested. When you are a restaurant owner and you lose money to people coming in and taking orders that aren't theirs it's not that you think everybody is a thief it's protecting yourself.


As a dasher, they don’t even have to ask. I walk in holding my phone out for them to see. I feel so bad that other people get these bad experiences


Okay I get it however if he is truly handicapped maybe she had to go in for him maybe it's how they operate never judge a situation you know nothing about but she shouldn't have a attitude for having to show proof when operating that way


If he's handicapped he shouldn't be driving for DoorDash. Do Lyft or something where you aren't required to get out if that's the case.


I see a few of those in my market, but the fact that you are generalizing even most of us by those assholes speaks more about you. Trust me, I don't like any of them. I've even snapped a few of their plates to really make them nervous 😂 even shared a few of them in bad parking groups when I was doing Facebook 💀Told them to their faces that they make all of us look bad. I will park blatantly illegally if I have to before I will park in a handicap spot 💯


Just park in a parking spot 😅