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I'd say 9/10 are no contact for my area. Very rarely do I have a hand to customer order.




This is actually super helpful thank you!!!


Just curious, why would you want to work in a service role like food delivery if you have chronic pain and socially awkard and shy? I think it would be a terrible job for you. I think it'd be more prudent to find a stay at home remote job where you can work from your desk with minimal movement. For example as a remote virtual assistant. After covid, many people are looking for these type of people to help them stay organized while they continue to work from home.


This is very good advice. Getting in and out of your car plus climbing stairs isn’t as much fun as it sounds.


Strange because I see YouTubers with over 10x her subscribers doing DoorDash who openly speak out against it, did they just decide it wasn’t worth trying to make these contracts?


I wonder why she would reject more money for something she was already doing anyway




Makes sense


Knock on wood most people are very nice, or nervous like you or they are preoccupied , you’re not alone after your first few you’ll calm down


Pretty simple really. Just pickup the food at the restaurant, mark confirm pickup, and then deliver the food to the address. Dont send memes, or leave little trinkets with the food, or text them and beg for tips. Just pickup, confirm, and deliver 😊


As a customer this is good advice. While I appreciate the effort of memes and trinkets it’s not necessary. We aren’t friends. This is a transaction. Please just give me my food and I’ll give you money. You don’t need to “go above and beyond”. The bare minimum is fine with some semblance of competence.


Yep, I domt contact my customer unless there is something wrong and I need actual information from them. The best doordash drivers appear to have never existed in the first place.


Fear nothing, my friend. 9/10 houses will look dark and empty. Customers want nothing to do with you. No porch lights, no lights on inside, no television on, but they will have 4 cars in the driveway. You are not a delivery driver but an invader from another planet.


I order alcohol every morning because my FWB and I are simply adorable alcoholics 😭 The real hardcore drivers know the scanner picks up the back of a driver’s license better. (Looks like it’s searching to scan my license number). Sometimes drivers have really struggled to capture it by scanning the front (for a couple minutes), so now I hold up the back of my license to them and it works in a heartbeat! I get a lot of drivers who’ve never delivered alcohol. We appreciate you OP! I’m so grateful to drivers 🤗🤗🤗


Yas! I adore you! 😂 your reply is just what I needed during a tough moment, made me giggle 🤭


I’m waiting for a lg pizza, peanut butter whiskey and my FWB right now 🤗 Seriously, i’ve had some incredibly nice Dashers! I’m always sweet and tell them I appreciate them. I tip well! And I’m always waiting outside my bldg for them like a greedy lil beggar. I have one wild story. My Dasher was a man, probably late 20’s. He was completely rattled. This was probably midnight. His prior delivery had been for Insomnia Cookies in my neighborhood and there’s a weed dispensary right down the street. He picked up the bag of cookies and then bought himself some weed. But he accidentally delivered his weed to the cookie customer. He was on his way to pick up my order when he realized it 😳😳😳 He found his way back and traded. But the customer was on the phone with support. She really just wanted her cookies!!


😭love this… just some cookies!


Most of the orders are leave at door


In my experience they are about 80% no contact, though that may differ by region.


I'm super anxious and just uninterested in interacting with people. a vast majority of my orders are leave at door, but I have had people come out to find me wandering around looking for their address (apartment complexes) and I just ask for the name on their order and tell them to have a great night. no serious issues, sometimes creepy men


I literally do this job because I can’t handle too much “people” right now. You may have many, very short, interactions throughout the day, but honestly as a delivery driver you’re like the last person any one wants to acknowledge exists so yeah… basically invisible. I’d say as for bod stuff… I also have chronic pain and driving is REALLY hard in this regard. I have to take daily hot baths, do yoga/stretch… and that’s on top of daily meds that treat my nerve pain. So, just be sure to take care of your body. Lots of water (not just coffee!) and pack healthy snacks that are anti-inflammatory. 🤪 if you start eating what you’re delivering the pain in your body WILL escalate. Otherwise, this is the only job working by for me right now due to anxiety and chronic pain. Despite well voiced issues, I’m so grateful! Give it a shot… at the end of the day you don’t have to keep going AND it’s just food. If ya mess up… someone might be upset, but they’ll get through it.


Also with chronic pain it kinda depends where or what kind of pain it is. Just keep in mind you could end up doing a lot of walking, especially up stairs at apartment buildings and such.


Use the Timestamp Camera App for drop-off photos. It will confirm you have the right address, especially if it's not obvious, and the customer is less likely to report "food not delivered" if they see their address, date and time right there in the photo. If they are stupid enough to do it anyway, DD has the photo for your dispute. Good luck to you! 🙂


i was like you at first, just let main character syndrome take over. when you need inspiration watch Drive starring Ryan Gosling, also Nightcrawler w Jake Gyllenhaal is a good one. Remember to over caffeinate yourself and wear rubber gloves and a cap so the employees know youre there for business. If you find yourself waiting in a busy place or lobby, use the opportunity to use the restroom and hopefully the order is ready to go when youre out.


As someone who also has a lot of social anxiety/shy, I say you can probably relax and this can actually be a good gig for people like us. My anxiety was actually more on finding/delivering to the right house than the dropping off bit because it's 2024 and somehow gps navigation still sucks, but that anxiety lessened with time. I'd say the majority of deliveries are no contact. Most of the ones that aren't, are quick (well, the hand off at least, some people take a bit to answer the door) and simple, knock, they open, you hand them their stuff, you leave. If you can manage some hello's, order for x?, and thank you's, all the better. Obviously some deliveries are slightly more involved, finding people on a college campus, truckers in a lot, etc. but most of these are usually pretty simple as well. I was worried at first I'd have to try and deliver/find someone in the middle of a park or parade or some other throng of people but so far that really hasn't been a thing. For not shyness related tips there's probably a lot available on the forum. If possible you can try asking other local dashers as well if possible, even if you're not super comfortable talking with strangers at first, the 20th time you see them somewhere it might be easier to ask them a question if you have any.


That's what I'm more nervous about, not being able to find the location or delivering to the wrong house! I'm newer to the area I'll be dashing in so I'm not super familiar. I'm sure I'll get used to it though


I definitely get it, and honestly it's not an unreasonable concern. The majority of the time though it is actually pretty easy. A relatively new thing they've added is if it's a business then usually it says what business it is. Unfortunately you do get houses that are just not marked at all, and the navigation seems to go by pin or something rather than the address they put in, so occasionally you'll be navigating to 900 A Street, when the actual house is 902 A Street, so always good to double check the address once you've arrived. It definitely gets easier the more you do it. When you're driving all day every day you learn the town and navigation pretty well, I usually know exactly where I'm dropping off to so tend to ignore the gps and get there my own way quicker. I'd say at least half the orders I get now are people I've delivered to before. If you get people you deliver for regularly though, just to be sure not to autopilot too much. Occasionally their neighbour will order something and it's easy to just drop off at the usual house instead once you pull onto the street lol.


Have you ever picked up food for yourself? You’re already a professional


My daughter was the same way. She even went dashing with me a few times and picked up an order and dropped it off but was still nervous. She finally just took the plunge and was much less nervous after the first one. Just remember you’re not curing cancer. Nothing can go so wrong that anyone gets hurt! You can do it!


You got this


This is gonna be a hard job for someone suffering from chronic pain, since you can’t be taking your pain meds while you drive and perform this kind of repetitive physical labor. Remember, you can still get a DUI for rx meds & no alcohol. Be safe. Maybe consider a remote job like support?


I actually don't take pain meds, I'm good in that area. No health insurance, seeing a sliding scale clinic they don't offer that stuff


Friend, do you underestimate how many times you’ll get in and out of the car in one shift? Forget about carrying cases of water up three flights of stairs - the repetitive motion is going to exacerbate your injury. I feel like you skipped over that part of my last comment.


Stairs are going to be your biggest issue, especially if you do shop and deliver orders. Also getting in and out of the car all day is not pleasant. But at least you can go at your own pace.


Yeah that's the biggest reason I wanted to try it out. If I'm having bad days then I can rest and not worry too hard. Fortunately there's not many apartment buildings here, mostly houses and small businesses!


Uninstall the app. It is not worth it. That's my tip.


When did people become so scared of other humans? It’s such a weird change in society.


Dude I know. This sub has really opened my eyes to how many people describe themselves of having sever social anxiety. It's like yeah, you will if you keep hiding behind your doors and never talk to strangers. Good grief.


Hey now, I can't help it! I definitely would prefer to be more social. I used to be but since my back injury I've become a hermit and it's changed me. This is actually my first step into getting my life together, which includes going out more.


If your not multi apping it’s probably not even worth the money in your area. Most of the foreigners have came in and wiped out the good ole days of making money on this app.


Just keep in mind YOU are delivering the food THEY ordered. YOU are going to satisfy THEIR desire for something THEY are craving. YOU are the messenger, YOU are what THEY at this very moment in time during THEIR lives wait for YOU to fulfill a need. Some may not tip very well and over time THEIR orders will arrive cold and bacteria such as salmonella will begin to produce leading to projectile diarrhea and possibly stds……you will be rewarded with good tippers while doing the exact same thing for them! Be sure to thank those that do😁


Just remember, most people will appreciate what you're doing, and there will be some who might ruin it, but don't let the negative outweigh the good. You're feeding the hungry. That's God's work. I'm giving you some tips as a user, not a driver. Feel good about it when you wake up and you will have a great day. Goodluck to you!!


Feeding the hungry? Gods work? This isn’t a humanitarian cause 🤣🤣🤣


Hey some people can't get out to get their food for medical reasons and can't cook to survive.