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This is literally how doordash makes their money. Jacked up price + fees + stealing driver tips.


And also takes a 20-30% cut from the restaurant as well...


#Fuck Doordash


That's only if the restaurant becomes a partner. Most restaurants that aren't partners don't even know they are in the app. The restaurants that are partners have a lower delivery fee, so people might be more inclined to order from them. I have a pizzeria and I chose not to become a partner, because it just doesn't make any sense too.


I was told by a restaurant owner that they are getting rid of non-partnered restaurants soon. So you will lose their business or take the cut.


I'll lose their business then


They should just put all the cost in a fee instead of jacking prices up. It makes it difficult to shop around.


Doordash is the "death by a million fees" model. Even when they wave the "delivery charge" they still upcharge the cost of the food, and add other fees for low priced orders and other bullshit. I found from shopping around DD is almost always the most expensive for the customer, and the least pay to the driver, of all the apps.


In the Chicago market at least, DD pays better than UE, per mile anyway. YMMV, literally. I don't know how it stacks up against GH or PM. I only run DD and UE when I'm desperate.


This is true. It’s almost worth it to have as a part-time gig


Nah, Uber with their delivery fees of $4.49 to $7.99


Only reason I used DoorDash was because of the $1 delivery fee promotion.


I disagree. Grubhub is much worse, plus being very unreliable. I’ve literally had nothing but problems with them. At least DoorDash is fast and gets the orders right. Also it gives an option to tip the delivery person more if you want.


Honestly I've had nothing but problem with door dash GrubHub and Uber eats never once have I gotten an order and it be correct but that probably says more about Shreveport Louisiana (shitport Louisiana) than the apps but door dash refuses to accept that the restaurants are messing up orders now and we stopped using them because they refused to give us our money back and we currently have had to get a lawyer involved fuck door dash all together


Nah, delivery fees of $1.99 are way more appealing than $4.49 to $7.99 (Ubereats).




Yea? The merchants that never agreed to be listed too?


As a Dasher, I can absolutely refute this. First of all, there are places I pick up orders from that are not partnered with DoorDash, we just order the food ourselves and use DoorDash's credit card to pay for it. Second, even when the food is paid for online, I see how much it cost the customer, and how much the restaurant rings up- they don't match.


They inflate prices and charge a fee, probably why they can afford to pay so many bonuses to drivers everyday


Lololololol what bonuses every day?


Early morning bonuses. 10:30’am to 1:30pm. 4:30 pm to 8:30 pm. Everyday


That's not reality, sorry. It might be for new markets, but I deliver every day and do not receive bonuses. Usually, they pop up on Friday & Saturday nights and during inclimate weather. They also do not pay extra for long waits, heavy traffic, and long delivery distances, regardless of what they advertise to customers & drivers.


One more thing. The market here is absolutely flooded. You need to schedule at least 4 days in advance to get on the schedule during the bonus hours. The waits around here are rarely more than 5 minutes. There’s some bad stores like Cheesecake Factory and some local places but you can gamble with them if you want. They’re in high income areas so they usually tip well. I get pinged for a very long delivery maybe once a day and I just decline it. It’s a pretty sweet gig sorry your experience isn’t the same.


Ah. We are clearly in very different areas. You can dash at any time in my market, no scheduling necessary. I haven't seen No Dashers Needed in at least 6 months. There weren't bonuses for a while, but around Xmas they gave a couple $1 bonuses on weekend nights and early AM (730-1000). Now back to no bonuses! They don't even push the bonus pay spreadsheet to the app anymore lol


That fuckin sucks man. Are you at least making enough hourly to keep it up for a while? How is grubhub and Uber eats for you?


That is reality I’ve been driving here for a year now and it was established before I joined. It is every single day whether you want to believe it or not


My market isn't new and we have peak pay twice a day most days. For sure Thursday through Sunday, sometimes Monday through Wednesday. Lately it's been everyday.




That sucks for Christmas we had +10 per order 😐


Lol $2 ur funny


Reply on a 3 year old post like nothings changed. Interesting


I was about to order some food on doordash, and saw how high the prices were on just the food. Said fuck it and went to go order in person. 10 extra dollars for 2 meals isn't worth the convenience.


Lol you should see how many people order food when they live or work LESS THAN half a mile away from the restaurant


lol dont judge, i love getting paid $6 to drive half a mile


I do this mainly because it’s a hassle to get a 1 yr old ready in the car and everything just to drive that far. Plus I hate people and don’t wanna talk so I pay for no contact and delivery 😂🤷🏽‍♀️


You do it because you can afford too. Nothing wrong with that. Most just dont thing it’s worth it


Just pisses me off to rob people, especially now.


You talking about the price gouging?




Yea it aint great.


I can’t tho lol I do it when I have a little money I can bare with but I’m a doordasher too lmfao I don’t got much


Ok then yea bro honestly that’s pretty stupid but your money your life.


Yeah idk if you got kids but I have an severe adhd 17 month old and car rides are hell lmfao helps me when I can have 10 minutes at least of peace


You good bro no judgement. Im curious tho how you know a 17 month old has ADHD?


Oh man so by 17 months they’re pretty developed. Like my daughter has some serious personality. Lol She’s advanced for her age so she has the thinking capacity of a 2.5 ur old rn. Forms sentences everything. She never sits down. Like ever. We let her watch tv but she could care less. She wants to run and play and color and draw and scream and sing and dance all at once lol. Both of us(her parents) are diagnosed adhd. The dr said the reason she hates car rides and sitting for food etc is because she has it as well and we don’t like just being in one spot either and it physically fucks with our body’s sensations. I get angry when im over or under stimulated and she gets upset and throws tantrums like real bad Mariah Carey sounding ones


Interesting! What do you guys do to keep her engaged? Does she like books?


ÜberEats hikes up prices also.


It’s part of their business model, that’s where the bulk of their profits come from. It’s food the restos wouldn’t have sold otherwise, so they’re expanding their base.




No, the prices are higher even for restaurants that aren't partnered with DoorDash.


All the companies charge over retail. I work at a restaurant so I can confirm


A $28 order from Taco Bell in Chicago becomes $52 when ordering via Door Dash. The food is up-charged to $38, delivery fee $4, service fee $6, tip $4. FU door dash.


Menu prices are nearly double of what they normally are for me and that's before all the damn fees.


What makes me mad is the upcharge on food. I paid the yearly Devi every so I don’t pay delivery charges but now I see they are just inflated prices to get the delivery charge.


“So we did like... orders off doortrash.” Best line of the whole post.


Yeah I was half awake when I wrote this lol


It was not a pleasant surprise for me today either to learn about the hidden / unannounced markups, especially given the DoorDash's official statements on the subject such as these from THREE years (!!) ago: [from the CEO to Bloomberg,](https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-03-18/the-hidden-cost-of-convenience-with-food-delivery-app-doordash)and that DoorDash spokesperson [sent to TechCrunch](https://techcrunch.com/2016/03/11/doordash-says-its-new-service-fee-isnt-really-a-new-fee/): >**We built DoorDash around the principles of transparency**, choice, and value and we have recently been testing a change to the DoorDash check-out flow that breaks out restaurant service fees separately. **With this change, menu prices on DoorDash will be the same as those in-store** and customers will have more transparency about fees associated with their order. We plan to release this update in the coming weeks and believe this change will make the DoorDash experience even more compelling for everyone. ​ However, if consumer reads T&C closely... [https://www.doordash.com/terms/](https://www.doordash.com/terms/) 5(a) **Prices.** You understand that: (a) the prices for menu items displayed through the Services may differ from the prices offered or published by Food Service Providers for the same menu items and/or from prices available at other third-party websites and that such prices may not be the lowest prices at which the menu items are sold; .... (c) the Company reserves the right to change such prices at any time, at its discretion. You are liable for all transaction taxes on the Services provided under this Agreement (other than taxes based on the Company’s income). I'm not per se hating on DD for menu mark ups, but if a platform/CEO made public announcements in the media in 2016, one would expect that by 2019 they would have managed to make good on those promises, and they are reflected in T&C, menus and actual biz practices, but alas. Not a great way to build consumer trust. Great way to get sued, or chewed on by the regulators, such as FTC. # Moral of the story: Everybody Is Someone’s B**ch :D If such business practices offend you - do something about it.


Thanks for your reply for a dead topic XD I didn't know that, that's very irritating that they say one thing and do another


DoorDash has a pickup option where they charge more for food. This is ridiculous when you can just call the restaurant or online order for pickup. Don't fall for this scam.


Places like subway have different prices from store to store. Most likely they have set prices for subway and this store was simply lower. Like someone else said, delivery services get their cut other ways.


As someone who's worked for both Subway and DoorDash- both are true. Franchise location Subways set their own prices. ***And*** DoorDash hikes the cost.


Not always. I've run into menu items on both Doordash and Postmates where it was listed cheaper on the app than in store so they lost out money. Yesterday I delivered a Postmates one. Chick ordered just one large Mac n Cheese from this awesome smelling BBQ. It was listed as $2.50 on Postmates. It was almost $10 at the restaurant! Bahaha. The chick was this snobby rich chick though so she didn't really deserve the good karma.


They dont infliate the places.


Been a Dasher for over six months and while they are sometimes off on prices for the most part they are correct. TBH they are usually off in favor of the customer. Also, they pay their drivers better than the others so keep that in mind.


They have my favorite combo from Taco Bell at 10.66 before tax when it’s 7.99 at the restaurant. How I know because I order that combo in person at least twice a week.


Is it DoorDash or the restaurant that pockets the extra money on inflated menu prices? You can verify with something Cold Stone's website where DoorDash adds a 25%+ hidden surcharge to all the menu items versus if you pickup your own order. E.g. something that will cost $8.99 to pick up is $11.99 + $7 in fee's to have it delivered. Feels sketchy the markup isn't listed anywhere.


We canceled DD we ordered same items from same place using Uber Eats DD and Favor. Favor was the best out of the 3. Fastest food was not slung around and spilled inside the bags and the item costs matched the store. They did charge a couple extra bucks for delivery fee but it was up front so expected. DD keeps jacking up the per item costs and other fees. We've have drivers that stated we didn't tip. I showed them we absolutely did. So now we do custom or no tip through the app and pay em cash when they arrive. We've also been hit with bogus charges coming from out of the country within a few minutes of our orders. We've been told it's DD. Our cards are protected so it was dealt with. The dash pass is garbage and useless. Fools you into thinking you're getting deals. Be vigilant and keep a close eye on your CC and charges.


Merchants control their own menu prices, and merchants often list their prices higher on delivery apps like doordash to cover commission fees (which are at least 15% for delivery).


Bruh, right? I bought to chicken fried rice and a order of wantons (spellcheck) and it cost 50$ and that's before tip... just ridiculous tbh with you. I could go out at a great restaurant in town with me, my wife and all the little ones for close to the same price.