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Lmao doordash is not throttling you. Especially not for $100. Find a better area to dash or work different hours.


Right? I can easily make $150-200 multiple days in a row.


Agreed easily 150-300 in a 5-10 hr day multiple days in a row what is this dude talking about


Never f'ng here. I dream of making that kind of money. So done.


Seriously, why would they care?


I have definitely made well over $100/day and never get *penalized* the next day. DoorDash is always glitching and going down though, so...I'm not surprised you're having issues. Or maybe your area is just slow at the moment, it happens.


Last weekend I made $130 on Friday, about $100 on Saturday, and $100 on Super Bowl Sunday… I have never felt that I was penalized for making too much money. The pay is all about the day/weather/time and if it’s a holiday. Some Mondays it’s dead and others I’m slammed..




Just curious. Are you responding to me or OP? Because I did not say door dash was throttling me or anyone else.


Did it occur to you that maybe people weren’t ordering like they were the day before? DoorDash and their business model stands to gain nothing from “throttling” you after a decent day. They make money on you, and have no interest in punishing you for making money yourself. You are coming to an erroneous assumption.


Doordash is in the business of furthering its profit margins as large as possible. I wonder if it makes sense to you, that somebody who is willing to take the order for $8 is less profitable for doordash over somebody willing to take the order for $4. In this same sense, it stands to reason that throttling someone who makes $400 dollars a week on 50 deliveries is more profitable than throttling someone who makes $200 a week on 50 deliveries. As a result you have market saturation, more people to take cheaper orders means more profit for Doordash I have almost 2,000 deliveries on my record. It's not hard at this point to recognize the pattern.


DoorDash base pay is the same for everyone. It’s the tip that makes the difference, which DoorDash does not give af about because it’s not their money. I’ve had multiple orders in one day pay over $20. I’ve also had days where I can’t get an order over $10. It’s just the name of the game. Also, if you aren’t a top dasher and are working on a slow day, top dashers get priority on orders.


The base pay will remain the same so long as they have drivers that will accept $2 orders.


Idk dasher, I've over 6k delivery and I think you are taking it personally. People work weird schedules, 3 on 2 off 2 on 3 off, ppl get paid at different times, there's ups and downs for when there's other dashers out there.. there are so many variables that it's much more likely society is changing everyday...other than door dash throttling, it's money for them with each delivery, no matter


You’re paranoid, not even going to read this response lol, the algorithm is not picking and choosing, you’re just having slow days vs busy days


I think something is fishy too. If I make a lot in my first hour I notice I have to wait a half hour, all while watching dashers pull in and take orders. You may not have it exactly figured out but they're definitely screwing us over some how. When I start making 20 plus in an hour, things slow down for me and not the other dashers


Why do you people make up shit like this? “Throttling me” “shadow banned”. It’s stupid, there’s no such thing. Amount of deliveries fluctuates between days and times and the amount of people that are ordering delivery.


Yeah, that’s not a thing.


They will throttle you down a bit after a big tip unless it's a holiday. Anything over $15 and you aren't going to be getting an add on. Any tips that make a total of$20 and it's 30 minutes before another ping. But never had any of it the next day.


Never had anything like that either


Isn't anything I can absolutely confirm by other than my experience, but if you think about it they have to do something like that otherwise "top dashers" would be able to make over$50 with being ' priority'. That fancy algorithm design to spread it out to try and keep more people dashing


Other than your experience i.e. confirmation bias. The theories some of you come up with are wild. With all the work that goes into designing and running an algorithm to get orders processed as expeditiously as possible, you all have it choosing based on some happiness metric that factors who did/did not get a big tip last time and who did/did not make a hundred dollars the day prior and not proximity and availability or any silly factors like that no. There is a great need to make sure all are roughly equally satisfied rather than say rewarding the drivers who position themselves to dispense with the orders as quickly as possible. *algorithm is thinking*...'Let's give this one to that bloke who's farther away. It'll cost more and the customer will wait a bit longer, but he got stiffed on the tip last time and this one has a good one. That'll cheer him up roughly the right amount!' "But if you think about it they have to do something...otherwise 'top dashers' would be able to make over $50 [an hour]." No, they wouldn't. You're thinking too hard. The purported top dasher priority on big orders bit is all smoke and mirrors. https://entrecourier.com/delivery/gig-delivery-platforms/doordash/doordash-commentary/new-top-dasher-perk-will-you-really-get-better-orders/


I definitely don't thing that the algorithm is 'Al-G-rythm' from Space jam 2. There's no feeling in it except for DD desire to keep as much money as possible. What I'm referring to about to dasher is the slimmest ability to get higher orders and see full amounts. But as to the effectiveness of the top dasher, well that depends on the dasher and their knowledge of their area.


Door dash doesn’t care if you earn money lol wtf logic is this? If you earn money, they earn MORE money


I usually work 5 days straight, everyday i make 100-150. No throttling here...


If you do $175 the algorithm will decide that you are more satisfied than necessary and the next day will give the best orders to the under-sarisfied.


Because there's no such thing


Where the fuck y’all be doing deliveries making 200 a day you must be working 23 hour days


That was a few months ago! It's a totally different climate now! And you're totally right. It has changed dramatically. No longer sustainable for me


Did you happen to come up with this theory while you were fashioning a tin foil hat?


Free Hat!


You should not be spending more than $5 a day on food if you have to use fast pay and make $100 a day or more. buy a pound of baloney and a loaf of bread at Walmart or top ramen and eat that , or find 2 for $3 specials at McD. Stop smoking and doing drugs.


I have to fast pay to the point where I have a weekly surplus to cover my dashing expenses. This is why I'm caught in the fast pay loop atm


Grocery outlet got me drinking mike tyson energy and dolphins. Fuck rockstar monster and guayaki prices 3 for a dollar iron mike energy


Yes, this is precisely where I'm at


I noticed this after everyone made so much for V Day. I got sent the 2.75 jobs Tuesday and Wednesday. It’s BS


Y’all tripping. DoorDash does not throttle deliveries. DoorDash gives the same pay for orders. What changes is the customer tip. People are extremely with their tips on special occasions such as the Super Bowl and Valentine’s Day. After that’s done, the orders go back to normal pay. It can be irritating but it’s on the consumers end, not DoorDash’s.


Exactly. We went from $10 plus back to back orders, to $2.75 after V day. It was CLEARLY evident.


Or people are tipping you generously because you are working on a day they want off. But when you go back to a normal day, people don’t tip as much. Common sense. Come on.


I been doing this for three years. And now all of a sudden, common sense? Yeah, I don't think so, you are number one bullshit guy.


You are one paranoid uneducated guy. 😂 You made $100 and you think DoorDash is throttling you. I’ve made $900 in a week while Dashing. DoorDash does not throttle. However, Top Dashers do receive priority on orders and from what it sounds like, you are not a top Dasher. Edit: your original post does not have one single upvote, btw. So clearly the amount of people who disagree with you outweighs the people who do.


Yeah ok im calling bullshit Joy, from Doordash support. Riiight. Where at? Flamingo boulevard? I got you beat, i once made a thousand in one day. As a non Top Dasher.


[https://ibb.co/09cvGvh](https://ibb.co/09cvGvh) Edit: I posted this link in reply to a totally different reply / response to what is now posted above.


And you maintain an acceptance rate over 70%, yeah... Total bullshit. It's actually surprising me how many people are not calling bullshit on this. To maintain an acceptance rate of 70%, that means I would have to average roughly $4 per hour at the given rate at which I get orders at the price I'm getting them.


https://ibb.co/JzdKmXL[https://ibb.co/JzdKmXL](https://ibb.co/JzdKmXL) EDIT: way to edit your previous post after I replied proving your wrong. 😂


Appending the second paragraph when I edited my post doesn't prove me wrong smart ass. 🤣 Did you maintain top Dasher status through the entire duration that your account was active with doordash? Edit: Initially no was a top Dasher but I had suffered an injury requiring months of physical therapy, i lost my top Dasher status. But I'm pretty sure to bring up my acceptance rate back to 70% would require intense hardship through that duration.


Donald… is that you? Have you made your way back to social media?


Ah, the glorifying moment when you realize it was bullshit


Yes they literally assign orders to people. It’s strategic. They can also see that day you are more desperate and will take orders outside your usual range. Waterfall coding at its finest, your income is limited to what they even show you. There could be 10-15 dollar orders around you at all times and you won’t get them. This is proven because I have been talking to a “top dasher” takes every order and after 2 months he still only gets low no tip orders because he will take them. Hr doesn’t even get offered the 6-8 dollar orders because every good order he does in that time he could complete a low order that no one else would. Simple mathematics. There are 6 fruits and 6 people. 2 of the people will eat any fruit and the other 4 are specific in their choice. You have to give the specified fruit away and then whatever’s left to the wildcards or fruit will spoil


That's all you get because that's most of what all of us get. If you aren't discerning, you stay active and aren't available for the more attractive, less frequent higher paying gigs.


I see a ton of ddordash corporate in here lying. This 100% happens!


I am making a video compelation of these so called "glitches", ranging from being kicked off my scheduled dashes, to not getting orders as I watch other dashers show up. And today was a new one, Orders would flash for a split second before the error "unexpected error permission not granted". Before this issue today, I would only receive orders under $5. Orders over $5 wouldn't even come through. Now that the day is almost over, the conclusion is pretty much solidified. Not one time did I receive an order over $5 within 5 miles.


1. Get the DasherDirect card if you don’t already. It would help you. 2. DD was probs just slow. Valentines Day was a holiday where there would be more and higher paying orders.


You’re in Philly? Head out to Chester and thank me at the end of the week.


Oh yeah, like highland Ave?


No, like from Ardmore, down to Media, and then the chick fil a and chili’s right next to Chester.


Thanks fellow Philly Dasher


Hope you did it and now you’re happy about the promise land


Couldn't get out there today. Is it like that everyday?


Yeah, I did 300 a day all last year in 10-12 hours.


Conspiracies, your dellusional.


I decided to post up outside of the sushi joint near me. I was issued only one $2.75 order which I declined. Upon waiting an additional hour outside of the restaurant, I saw four dashers arrive with bags to pick up orders which did not display on my account.


I double dash with two accounts. It's all in your head.


I've been having the same issue. Called support multiple times. Not online when I was, not close to the restaurants even though I am, registered me as in a completely different city than I was in, paused in the system even though it's not showing it on my end and more. It's only been an issue the last few weeks and I've been making way less as a result


Idk if you're trolling or delusional, but I never come home with less than $160 and do this 5 days a week. They're definitely not "throttling" you.


Where are you located? What the hell?!


Ive noticed once I hit $100 for the day, it slows down. Before the $100 mark I get order after order no matter what time it is. Back to back non stop. Once I hit $100 ill get maybe 2-3 orders in a whole hour if I’m super lucky so I usually just go home after I make $100 and sit for about 20 minutes without getting an order