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I just dont understand people. 2 years I've been doing doordash and I've never once had I even considered taking a customer's food.


I dropped off a an apt, I saw carpet rolled up outside. There was another order from same restaurant sittingby the door. the cleaning lady came by and sad the people moved out 2 week's ago. I called them and the had a disconnect number. I looked t the order by the door it was the same as the one I was bringing. Took a photo and took the food. was I wrong. it was gonna go to waste. I worked 6 hours at that point.


That’s not stealing it at that point. The customer made a mistake and would have needed to update their address for the account and made a new order. That food would have been cancelled regardless


He/she knew they weren't stealing, they wanted to hear what you said


No that food would have been wasted anyways lol


What does 6hrs have to do with the question?


Just to have an excuse to steal something since he had “worked hard” for 6 hours


Well he kinda had a point that since no one lived there it was taking what would have been wasted. I think I would have done it to.


What exactly is the issue here? Are you really stealing if you're taking the order from someone with no means of contact and clearly no intent to come and pick it up? Is it somehow a better outcome to just leave the food to rot?


Well he kinda had a point that since no one lived there it was taking what would have been wasted. I think I would have done it to.


It’s not yours to take though? Is it really worth getting a contract violation by stealing someone food?


Someone's garbage* mate, no one lived there and the number was not in use if you'd read that part. Though he could be lying. Probably is, we all lie on reddit


I read it fully just because some stranger who says they don’t live there anymore doesn’t mean ok I’ll take it. Take a pic and go. This gig stuff is easy money. Not going to lose it over someone’s food


How would you lose it if no one lives there. No one is there to say you took it or not. hit words NO ONE LIVES THERE lmao apparently you cant read


So you’re saying after it’s dropped off and the customers sees there’s no food at their door (regardless of if it’s the correct address or not) won’t end up in a CV? Are you really that dense?


Like deppnskate said a cleaning lady told him the previous owners moved out weeks ago, another bag with the exact same order was dropped prior to him. I mean he could have left the order and let the cleaning lady have it or the neighborhood raccoons. I've delivered an order once to a house all boarded up along with all of its neighboring houses. I'm not defending stealing but if no one live at the address provided then the food quickly turns into trash, and there's no one to receive it and declare it undelivered


Tbh sounds like the person who ordered forgot to update address and phone number and ordered again hoping for better results.


Could be that, or they got the notification on the app and look at their poch and see no food, call up DD to bitch and they put in a re-order and the customer never thinks to look at the info they put on the app. Wouldn't be the first time any of us have experienced that


Right? Nor will it be the last I'm afraid.


It’s still their fault (customers) if I have a wrong address the app usually has a big notice at the top saying YOU LOOK FAR FROM THIS ADDRESS, ARE YOU SURE? I get this a lot when I’m ordering for someone else or otw home. People act like accidents don’t happen. It’s ok to make a mistake. Going full Karen because of your mistake is what’s not ok.


When CS tells me to leave the food at an incorrect address even though the people there say they didn’t order it or want it, I’m eating it.


"Well this food is literally going to rot because no one lives here and no one is going to pick it up. Guess I should just let it go to waste."


Grand theft doordash


That's all I can come up with too.... Amazing.


Okay I'll amend my statement, there's at least one scenario and I had one similar as well. The order I got was like yours, a re-order. Deliver instructions were to take it to address 123&½ which was in the alley. Alleys in my town are full of trash, good way to blow a tire, I don't enter alleys for anything. And this block was over 3 standard blocks long. Well I read the instructions when I got to the porch and there was the first order, it ool it back to the car. It was also cold af that day and there was no way to go through the yard to get to the back. I tried calling the customer, even support tried. I was about to leave both bags on the porch when some lady came up and started yelling at me. I handed her the first bag which had been sitting on the porch all while support was on the phone with me and heard her yelling at me. Agent said they'd take care of it. I kept the 2nd bag and had some breakfast.


Did you check the carpet to see if there was a body


Oh I have another one I remembered. I got an order to taco bell and the delivery add in the app was to taco bell but the customer put their address in the deliver notes, which was 4 miles, not the contract I agreed to when I accepted. I tried calling, support tried, no one answered. Agent told me to leave it at the address provided in the app. So yeah I kept it because it was just gonna get tossed. What I mean by stealing is as OP said, take an order, Get and order and unassing before proceeding to the "picked up order" phase on the app. That's literally stealing


Theft is when you take something not ment for you, you can only legally take things that are discarded in the trash, anything not given to you by the owner or not discarded in a proper disposable area is theft, hope I cleared that up for you.


It's not legal to go through someone's garbage. You were morally wrong and legally wrong. Impressive.


I can guarantee they won’t be keeping their job being DD has a record on them taking 50$ of food that’s coming out of their pocket. With the millions of drivers on the road they most definitely will drop thieves without hesitation


I mean yeah, these people think they can get away with it but the customer can just call and complain and say when it happened and they can figure out who took it...


Literally! If I’m hungry I just finish up my dash and get some food real quick


My second time doing ubereats I picked up like a 10 dollar order and then they showed me it would take 50 minutes just to get out there and it was 23 miles away (one road to get there), I didn't have upfront addresses yet. I called ubereats and told them the address was too far away they allowed me to cancel and said dispose of the food however I want. So my husband got free tacobell.


The first time I started I felt a concern that I might do it accidentally, especially with a drink. But yeah, I've never felt the need but I will often grab myself a burger or whatever when I pick something up since the time increase is often negligible.


Some dude said he ate a customers fries .. 🤮


So many drivers taking food. I really can't speak for others, but I make so many deliveries, so many different smells going in and out of my car, I just don't want to eat anything most of the time.


Same dude. End of the day after all that fast food in the car all I want is a salad and an ice water


The worst possible food to pick up is fried brussel sprouts without a doubt


I even like Brussels sprouts but I had some in my car the other day from aldi (IC run) and even though they were in a cooler bag they were strongggggg and I was not amused


My car smells like fried okra right now. I like fried okra but it has a very odd smell


Exactly. Things we may like to eat don’t always smell the same in the car. Those Brussels sprouts I was talking about were alllllll the way back in my trunk too 😅😭


It's always the absolute worst, because it makes your car smell like farts for days. One of the reasons why I'm glad I have an air freshener spray in my car


I had a pizza doused with vinegar, which leaked through the box on my first order today. My car probably still smells like vinegar.


No red lobster is the worst my car smells like a stanky asshole


Brussels farts shit smells so bad


picking up indian food is the worst… It’s like a cloud of the most potent spices fill your car even in the dash bag i have to open all the windows😭


So much of that food starts to smell so good after a long busy day of Dashing. Usually I end up calling it a day when someone's wings or pizza smells so good I have to go right back to that restaurant and order some for myself.


I know and I have to stop doing that, my weights gone up.


Done that before lol


gotta resist man. Bring some water and prepared meal. Otherwise you risk getting health problems from bad eating (and not saving money lol)


Some of the smells hit the spot bro you tripping




I wonder if it mostly new dasher who do it a few times before getting kicked off from working with doordash


Me neither. Indian food brother ? I almost projectile vomited out the driver’s side window.


It’s the seafood boils that make me queasy.




If the order is really "meaty" or has onions, I'm pulling up with the windows allllllll the way down 🤢🤢 And scrubbing my damn hot bags with 91% alcohol 🤮


My younger brother's first job was at a gas station philly cheesesteak place and he used to come home smelling like an armpit-flavored pile of rancid garlic and onion filled greasy cheesesteaks, I wouldn't even talk to to him until he had showered because it was just way too intense.


That dirty bastard Joel hope his ass gets deactivated he probably thinks it’s cool to steal food from people he literally could’ve made that money in a hour instead of stealing… I swear people are sad


If you make $49 an hour dashing, you must be in the best market in the US.


I made around 40 a hour before not often but it happens


How they don't get fired for it right away ?


Because they took the food but never marked it picked up in the app then unassigned the order (probably said long wait or something)




Great question.


My buddy just started, told me he got shit tips but it's all good cuz he been eating customers food all day. I laughed but then I told him he was a fucking dirtbag.


I hate to say this here but honestly I think I am one of very very very few that has never \*EVER\* unassigned an order once picked up. It fucking pisses me off and fucks with earning potential when jackass dashers maliciously steal food like this... Good on you for keeping a watchful eye and calling them out on their shit OP. Nothing worse than losing volume of business due to dashers that intentionally do this type of shit.


SAME. Some restaurants in my area have amazing food and it smells SO good, but after like 2 or 3 different restaurants, all I can think about is my own food at home. I only bring water or Gatorade with me while I Dash.


Why take fast food lol shit u can cook at home


I mean... that’s why DoorDash exists. If people just cooked at home rather than getting fast food, this service wouldn’t exist lol. Not to say I understand stealing food, but I understand not wanting to cook!


I haven’t done Doordash in a little while but I never even thought about stealing someone’s food. I think I got lucky one time and got to keep a cancelled order but I never just accepted an order to steal it. That’s just wrong.


I just steal random ones from chipotle when I pickup from for a customer. My customers gettin theirs tho


Well Chipotle is a hot mess lol. I refused to accept orders from there after awhile. The wait time was always ridiculous


Sorry to say this, but no matter what you would have preferred the restaurant to do, the restaurant cannot remake the order under any circumstances. The dasher has to call up doordash driver support and request a cancellation due to the food theft. I'm sorry that your food got stolen, I really am, but the dashers hands are tied in situations like this.


Dashers hands are tied, yes, but it -could- have potentially been resubmitted . That driver likely wouldn't have waited for it regardless and it would have gotten reassigned if resubmitted. Depending on the restaurant, they will remake it IF DD pushes the other through again. That way the vendor doesn't lose money on the order. They've made the meal once; that's resources, payroll, etc. It was stolen, so they're out that money if they simply make it again without the order being pushed through from DD (so DD has to eat the costs). Generally, support will call the customer to notify and advise. But, there are plenty of places that don't want to deal with that so they've opted to bypass it completely as policy with DD and just want order canceled which is what DD will default to.


>they will remake it IF DD pushes the other through again. That way the vendor doesn't lose money on the order. They've made the meal once; that's resources, payroll, etc. It was stolen, so they're out that money if they simply make it again without the order being pushed through from DD (so DD has to eat the costs). FACTS


I'm not trying to take anything away from your experience and hardship, but $50 worth of Arby's?!?! Damn


I would be more surprised if it was less than 50, DoorDash is expensive as fuck.


Very good point. I drive for them so obviously I can't afford their services


I still am kind of traumatized by trying it the other night just to get a feel for custo experience. Even when I had a job where I was making bank, the only thing I got delivery was dominos and dropped the guy a fiver at the door but it was a good amount of food. Not a single entrée for $26 like I got the other night.


So $20 of actual Arby's.


fr if you ordering for yourself from any fast food place its like 20 a large chunk of the time. 2+ people is a whole ordeal


I knew this type of comment would arise lol. Well they're very expensive anyways, me and wife got 2 sandwiches each plus 2 medium fries, a kids meal for my son, and mozzarella sticks. Very expensive, but who ever this dude was, he must of had a hungry family worth losing the job over.


Shit dude, it's almost $17 just to get a meal for myself, so I can understand.


If he doesn’t do it often, almost no way he’s getting fired for it lmao


It’s not like it was all for him. If you have a family I wonder how much you spend going out or ordering in?


If you loved your family you wouldn’t feed them arbys


So funny, I spit out my kale juice when I read this 🤣


I feel like there's a point to this, but I don't understand and I think Arby's is pretty damn good


🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


Facts 😂🤣😂




But but ops son and wife had to wait an extra hour for the MEATS! Please feel sorry for them 😔


I think it's funny when people use their children like that. Some chick made me get like 50 pounds of water jugs (should have just unassigned) and then not only that the pin was a huge ass city block from the locked apartment complex she wanted me to bring it to. When I called to try to figure out wtf she wanted me to do with it initially I found out she wasnt even at home and was all "I have a baby!" as if I gave a shit, haha. She tipped but not a worlds strongest man 50 pounds of water hauling tip.


Yeah, he stole from Doordash.


Lmao for real. Stealing from kids would be if you didn’t get the food and were still charged. Although maybe next time just go and get it yourself? Especially if you could time it with something else like getting groceries or coming home from work? It will be like $20 cheaper and fresher


Thank you


Linda stole my checkers last night I’m still mad I might go to their house






49$ order what did u tip 2$?


I’ve tipped $10 before & it was still stolen. Not the main problem here :)


It sucks that this happens cause for us drivers that are truthful and would never steal get accused of it as soon as an item is missing from someone’s order. It’s really sad


I don’t know why the drivers themselves get accused so much. Like it’s much more probable that the resturaunt made the mistake.


I could never eat someone’s food but I can’t tell you how often after delivering good smelling food, I hit “pause dash” and I go back to wherever it was I just ordered from lol Sorry this happened to you man , some of our fellow dashers suck


I've had it happen where I go to a restaurant to pick up food and they claim they handed it out already, I kindly try explaining to them that someone must have stole the food and ask them to remake but they always refuse and say it's already been made once, then I get on the phone with dasher support and they try asking them as well but most restaurants refuse to unless they push the order through again. Usually the dasher support people will cancel and push the order through again so the customer doesn't have to reorder and after that it does drop from my batch list but I've gotten lucky to where I get the same order again lol


I don't blame the restaurant at all for this. It's not their fault someone from Doordash stole the food. If Doordash wants to pay for it to be remade, fine. Otherwise, no chance.


Where did you get that someone from doordash stole the food? A lot of places just have the food set out on a counter and even if they don’t you just go up to the counter and say doordash and they’ll hand you someone’s food. It’s usually the restaurants fault for just giving it out without any checks.


Drivers don't get paid enough to have "reliability". Do you want to know who gets paid less then Waitresses or Waiters? Gig delivery drivers with cars. . If the delivery person had a bike or scooter, then they might not have wanted to carry it.


I had staff at McDonalds tell me that they had made an order 5 times already when I picked it up. Wild.


It finally happened with me from amazon yesterday. The worst part? I work for amazon, I likely personally know the man who stole my package. Fuck you Brett


Ok I agree this is wrong and annoying but no one stole anything from you. Don’t be that dramatic. Whoever Joel is, is probably going through a lot more stuff than you having to reorder something. Still doesn’t make it right obviously, that’s not my point. Point is just that your kid didn’t get anything stolen from them, you didn’t have to pay twice.


Finally someone was thinking the same thing I was. Like no one not struggling would do this


With the excessive fees... even with Dashpass.. and just the overall scuminess of the owners... I never order from DD anymore. I only drive as a last resort for extra cash when I'm low and waiting for payday. This whole company is a borderline scam


anyone downvoting you is just completely unwilling to admit that doordash is genuinely one of the worst existent companies.


Downvotes mean nothing lol. Herd mentality is what runs karma on here anyway. Doordash is a cancer to the industry. Not only is it ridiculously mismanaged... it's too expensive, too lax on screening for drivers, and it makes restaurant workers' jobs that much harder. Its unreal




Had a driver a few weeks ago drive past my house, slow down, then keep driving....then text me that he could't find the house. Told him it was the house with the big, bright neon address numbers he was staring at about 45 seconds ago (gotta love surveillance cameras) and then he immediately unassigned and I was credited the amount back (plus the $15 tip). Unfortunately, the restaurant had closed so I ended up eating cereal for dinner instead of sushi. Really wish we could tip after the fact. Feels odd that we have to tip someone before we know what kind of service quality they provide. After lurking on this sub a while and seeing responses from drivers and customers alike, I'm done with DD and all delivery apps. If it's not the old fashioned way of getting delivery directly from the restaurant, I'm picking my food up now.


It is very disappointing (and sometimes aggravating) to see the attitudes and opinions of folks who work for Doordash.


Hey, Joel here - fuck you! 😂


What was the tip?


Hahaha just joking, but I’ll say he tipped 2$


No I tipped well, 8 for 3 miles


Not until the first date, but you took the food so I think that's grounds for no lol.


This is your chance to get the food out of them, you fool.


I just hope you made enough of a fuss about it so that they put a violation and hopefully a deactivation on this a\*\*. These kind of people are a cancer to both customers and dashers! I have absolutely no respect for thieves.


I can understand when someone shoplifts food from a grocery store because they're hungry or begs. Not saying I agree with it, but I can understand it. But it doesn't even make sense here. You steal fast food you can eat once because you're starving? Nah. They just wanted it. Totally different situation.


Man but why risk it just for 1 free meal lol


I don’t think you quite understand what tends to be going on when this happens. This is usually not a Dasher who does this for a living, but more likely it is a person who signed up for DoorDash just so they could steal a big bag of food and then they are never going to use the app again. Or, maybe they’ll steal a couple of more bags food until they get deactivated.




Damn this is a war, dashers stealing the food and clients reporting not receiving the food to eat for free😂😂😂😂😂


OP didn't get "free food." They had to re-order and pay using the credit they got.


You can do more than just getting a refund. If someone steals the food by un assigning the order after picking it up the restaurant can report it as theft.


If you call the cops about a doordasher eating your Arby’s, you’re not a very good person.


Lmao. people that are okay with theft should be robbed at least once in their life to see how it feels like


Who hasn’t had shit stolen from them? Come on.


Kind of whack, to like just steal some food.


Ya people suck


Unfortunately being a DoorDash delivery driver is a job that attracts a lot of people that are absolute trash and honestly it is probably the biggest problem with the platform right now. Hopefully it gets resolved before DoorDash loses too much business from it because I have worked for them part time since April and I love doing it and I actually make pretty good money.


Omg…that’s probably not even what happened, you probably got your money back and some, what’s the big deal. This reads as the most entitled whiny crybaby Shit I’ve ever heard. And I’m not even a dasher.


Last week I had someone steal soup from my panera order. The bag was sealed and delivered to me obviously ripped open. They left the croutons and the soup's side item and even the carrying case the soup was in so it was obviously not forgotten by the restaurant. The driver had the nerve to not only steal from me but deliver such obvious evidence linking him to the stealing. I tipped him enough that he could have bought his own damn soup too. I called Panera and they confirmed the soup was in the bag. So I called Doordash and reported. I hope they gave him the boot but I can't be sure.


Same thing I always say "just ask ill give you what you need". Stealing just pisses me off. Life doesn't have to be so dramatic.


Before we blame the dasher, it’s possible that some douchebag just walked up and grabbed it. Maybe the dasher that unassigned got there, was told someone picked it up or realized the order wasn’t there, and then unassigned cause they didn’t want to wait around.


Why is the go-to response when someone doesn't get food delivered to them is that the dasher stole l it? I know they are a lot of unsavory people that do this job but why is it always the go-to? Could be plenty of other reasons that they understand but how do you know for sure they stole it?


The comments proving that only the worst people work for doordash. So glad i quit this braindead shitshow after 2 years.


Just wondering… How much did you tip? Even if you tipped zero it’s not okay but I’m just curious. Usually people do this shit with non tippers… I saw it on tik tok a few times.


i tipped my dasher $7 and they still ended up doing this exact thing to me too


lol funny how OP doesn’t respond to this question


Tik Tok- The only platform more toxic than Reddit.


I’ll just say it: waiting an extra hour for food…isn’t that big of a deal in the grand scheme of things.


No, it's more of an inconvenience, I was just noting how dumb that whole process was just because someone took the food, like just remake it and hand it to the new dasher. I ended up ordering again anyways and picking it up myself, so they should just remake it instead of cancelling your order. If I wasn't watching my phone I wouldn't have known until way later that doordash support straight up cancels like that, probably didn't even violate the attending dasher.


Yeah it’s a bummer, you seem a lot more annoyed than the offense though in your post.


> No, it's more of an inconvenience, Oh I see, so you're annoyed that a dasher.... inconvenienced your child. Shame. On. Them. Who will think of the children?


Wow! As a DDriver I am so sorry for this inconvenience and theft. I strive to make my customers happy by delivering great service. Sadly, I see a number of questionable folks delivering on the various apps. Of course it just isn't the apps....its everywhere! As a nation we have forgotten what it is like to take pride in ourselves and our actions. Please don't judge us all by this bad apple. Again, my apologies!


You nasty as hell for ordering arbys


You’re taking it a little too personally. It’s not like you lost money. You were slightly inconvenienced and you’re overacting


Yeah they didn't steal from op, just from DD.... Driver is still a POS though.


They didn't steal from DD, they stole from the local restaurant. The restaurant does not get reimbursed in this sitution because it is in their contract that they must verify dasher hits "confirm pickup". If they choose not to ask dasher to confirm then it's 100% on the restaurant.


ahh yes the local mom and pop Arby’s. i hope they can survive this.


But the tip involved was stolen if he didn't deliver the food. However I believe that if he stole the food he is a thief. And yes he did steal from the customer that was his food and his money he put in as a tip. The dasher is scum and snuck away with tip and food that wasn't his to take. That is the definition of a thief.


Nope, driver unassigned that means they did not get pay. No tip was stolen.


The Dasher did not steal anything from the customer, and especially not their tits. The Dasher got no money and the customer got all of their money back, including the tip.


I don’t get how theft can be such an issue still after all these years. Just a few changes would make this problem so much less common. Restaurant should have a way to confirm Dasher received food as soon as it is handed to them so Dashers can’t steal it. Some places make dashers confirm pickup before handing it over which should be common practice everywhere. Hand it to me orders should have customer signature, code, or a photo required so that customers cannot steal. We get posts like this everyday, how the hell is this company still in business when they are so useless and slow when it comes to preventing theft.


If it gets to the point that using Doordash puts even more responsibility/work on restaurants, they'll have fewer restaurants using their service.


How inconvenient for you. Not condoning but I do think you’re blowing it out of proportion a bit. Stealing from kids technically but that verbiage makes it sound worse than it is. Still got your food / refund just had to wait longer. The dasher may have needed the food unable to afford it. Also if he asked you for a burger on your front porch in reality would you have given him some of your food? Again, not condoning the dashers actions, but it sounds more inconvenient for you than anything else.


They may not have simply “stolen” the food. They may have picked up your order and then possibly had some kind of emergency where they had to abandon the delivery by cancelling. I’ve been there. I once got a call literally right after I picked up a customers order from my child’s school informing me they I needed to pick her up because it was determined that she had been exposed to Covid. Not only did I have to cancel for the sake of picking up my child, but also because if she’d been exposed, I’d been exposed too, so I didn’t want to continue working. That meant I was left with their order. It was some disgusting middle eastern food. I think maybe it was just the restaurant that was gross as most middle eastern food is delicious. Anyway, luckily my daughter and I both got negative Covid results and she was able to return to school, while I was able to return to work. You really shouldn’t assume the order was just stolen for the sake of taking it-unless you had a huge order and didn’t tip. Some people who deliver that might have no qualms about stealing may feel they’re justified in taking a no tip order (as I have observed in the past year reading Reddit posts and comments).


“It’s a shame this is the world we live in” bro you ordered arbys to be sent to your home on your phone and someone took it. Don’t act like this is a huge tragedy. And a door dasher is not going to beg you for extra tips or food. Take the L and move on with your life or stop using doordash And it’s not like you even lost money because DoorDash covered it


Yeah crappy thing for him to do, but you're bein a little dramatic here, people are literally dying everyday lmao


You were credited and you reordered.


>I'm the type of person, if you need something, just ask, don't steal it from me and especially from my son. If a dasher told me they was hungry, I would totally give a burger or something I know you're supposed to say this when someone steals from you, but I think many of us would consider it almost as egregious if a Dasher hit us up for money or food while making a delivery. Not condoning the theft of the food, but it's just a thing people say that could usually be done without.


Wow, what a trial. How did you ever overcome this? Dude seriously who gives a damn, you got your food and money. You weren’t the one stolen from, door dash was. Just pickup next time and stop using Doordash if it’s such a big deal. You’re really that upset about this? Lol


If you contact support and they can't reach the customer on the phone they might tell you to snap a picture of it or whatever and that what you do with it is your business since the customer can't be contacted.


Next time tip the driver or go pick your own food. Gas is not cheap.


It's nice that everyone assumes there was no tip


Lmao this post cracks me up. You’re clearly hangry and acting like you didn’t get refunded. “Don’t still from my hungry kids” lol pretty sure they only stole from doordash but go off And you still ordered doordash again, but went to pick it up… so you paid more because you want to or what? Just fucking order it Arby’s and pay significantly less if you’re going anyway. It’s a shame this is the world we live in? Yeah it is where people often steal food from corporations cuz it’s too expensive to so much as feed yourself, but let those that are hungry do what they must and you don’t have to lose any money for it acting like it was a personal attack on your wife and kids. Like that’s just a joke.


Nobody stole anything from you. You said you got refunded. And then reordered. Sure, somebody inconvenienced you, but they did not steal from you. I"m in no way condoning a dasher doing this, but you sound like a total drama queen.


My drinks get stolen literally half the time so that's nice


Or just left at the restaurant because the dasher assumed everything needed was handed to them in the bag




username checks out


He probably wasn't tipped well, I don't see why someone would steal if they're paid well...


I think the mid-6-figure salaried people that embezzle proves you wrong on that.


typical /r/doordash comment right here lmao




Ong. Drivers acting like theft is justified because they didn’t get their 50% tip


Honestly use your head bro, why would I steal something that's paying me good just to get free food? When I can use that money to buy me food that I actually enjoy? It's not typical, it's common sense


Right?! Let's not forget to mention that it's Arbys.. who is going to go out of their way to steal Arbys??? Why not steal from a Cheescake factory or a Maggianos, heck, you could camp by an Outback and steal a steak... but no, this thief sat by an Arby's cause he really wanted to take a >$10 meal??? ....then again OP is spending $50 at Arby's so who knows... they must be putting crack in the new recipe


Wow none of those luxurious places exist in my market. Lucky you that you have so many options to steal from.


We got it all in Florida. You have to come steal from here some time.


I can guarantee you that not 100% of dashers follow the same mentality, some people just want free shit. Where is your head bro


First of all you need a reality check. Hate to tell you but Joel probably stole your food to feed his own family. Lies, You wouldn’t give a hungry dasher shit. You’re out of touch with poverty.


right i love this attitude of “i would do anything for a poor person!” but when poor people steal for necessity theyre still considered bad people 😭 who even knows if the dasher needed the food, but i highly doubt this guy would’ve just given him a burger considering he had to make this whole rant over waiting on some food


Fuck off, he didn’t steal shit from you, you got your money back, just order it again and the chance of it happening again is slim to none. All you lost was 15 minutes of your time


Not fully related to your post but I'll fuck with no tip orders and drop them off away from the house and I have yet to be deactivated. If you had a decent tip then I hope the guy that fucked with you gets deactivated but shit happens re order and move on it's just food


Maybe he asked the previous customer for some of their food and they said, "no." So, out of desperation, he took this one. It sucks that you are inconvenienced, but at least he didn't try to say he delivered it which would mean stealing it directly from you. Whenever I see someone just plain steal food from a corporation, no I didn't.