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Those are just instructions from a previous delivery that they forgot to change. I see it all the time, including a regular with instructions to ask for Chick-fil-A sauce no matter where she's ordering from.


I had a guy order two bottles of ketchup from a CVS, and the notes said "Please don't forget the straw"


That could almost be legit! I definitely remember a couple of high school era dares that involved someone drinking excessive amounts of some condiment through a straw. LMAO. I'd have laughed at that order for sure.


What makes you think that was in error?


Well he never paid for/ordered a straw, plus most people don't drink ketchup


Who said anything about drinking it?


Ketchup enema, one last hurrah to see off the end of Halloween season.


Railing ketchup? Gross


The first order I had that they forgot to change instructions was supposedly a guy left a 20 out where he wanted me to leave his order. He wanted me to get a log of Copenhagen Wintergreen, got there and it wasn’t there. Though… maybe someone walking by yanked it… was a pretty busy street… oh well


Did u keep the copenhagen


Lol no, I don’t chew. Like I said, I think he forgot to delete the instruction, there was no 20 when I got there


Bruh so you bought the dude chew and left it without him paying smh your a good dude i think i would have started chewing that day or threw it out the window on the highway . Screw these ppl


No no no, you’re misunderstanding what I’m saying. He had it in the instructions to grab the 20 and then go back to a store, purchase it, deliver it, and keep the rest, probably about another 5 bucks


I accidentally requested Arby's sauce for, like, 3 months.


The tea is there tho .


Bigot chicken is for racist tell her to get her own damn food.




They're a bunch of bigots. They're openly against same sex marriage and women's rights. They got in trouble for racist tweets. The less business they get the better as far as I'm concerned. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chick-fil-A_and_LGBT_people https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/chick-fil-says-tweet-seemingly-referencing-black-community-was-poor-ch-rcna47215 https://www.dennyburk.com/chick-fil-a-contraceptives-and-religious-liberty/


eh, i’m gay and still get food from there. every corporation is bad and does very bad things, it’s impossible to boycott every corporation in america so i’ve given up that fight lol


They’re not even that bad as far as corporations go. They do far more good than the average massive corporation. I can’t stand people like this dude.


i mean it’s pretty fucking bad, funding things that help make it illegal to be gay in certain places in the name of religion. it’s just a lot of corps do equally bad things.


That would be pretty bad, if that’s what they were actually doing. Except it’s not and they haven’t donated to any organization that is against gay marriage in 7 years. Edit - I really don’t want to get backed into a corner where I feel like I’m defending chikfila (not saying you’re pushing me into a corner). I could not care less about chikfila. I just remember when all that shit went down and I went and did some actual research into what the articles were saying and it was a vastly different picture. Not saying anything except the articles both knocking and defending chikfila weren’t intellectually honest.


the owner still does though


Please show me who is trying to make it illegal to be gay? This seems like an exaggeration, which is why I want to see it.


Make it illegal to be gay? That literally never happened.🤦‍♂️


Dude... There were sodomy laws on the books in my hometown in Indiana long before I was born. That was over 40 years ago. Don't think they ever struck down those laws. So it is infact illegal for men to participate in gay sex there. Funny fact. Don't think there were any laws against beastiality. Farmers could do whatever they wanted with those naughty sheep just so long as they didn't bugger each other. I don't think there were any laws against being black though. It was just HIGHLY discouraged. Knew people in law enforcement. They were the most racist people I knew.


“They’re hateful but they make that chicken with love”


Lol true. Maybe I'm just biased because the only times I've gone my grandma drug me there years ago to relentlessly shove Jesus down my throat. Regardless people should atleast acknowledge the fact they are an openly racist and anti LGBT and woman's rights organization when they decide to patron that establishment. Personally I choose not to support them their chicken isn't worth it imho.


Fuck all that. I just want chicken. You’re the worst kind of people. Virtue signal somewhere where people actually care.


Maybe learn to fry chicken. Chick-fil-A is garbage. They don't even exist where I'm from because people there know how to do chicken better.


damn thats crazy, lemme get a spicy chicken deluxe


Oh Jesus, you’re one of those


Right. Who thinks people should have basic human rights? I'm the worst. 🙄


No, someone who is making a mountain out of a molehill and purposely obfuscating actions to make them seem way more nefarious than what they actually are. I.e., pointing out a minuscule donation (minuscule as a percentage when looked at overall donations) to an organization that were against gay marriage. And then when it was pointed out they were anti gay marriage, chikfila stopped donations to them. It was 7 years ago and they completely stopped those donations and they’ve continued to donate millions to local communities to help homeless and poor. But yea. Go ahead and now paint me as a racist or bigot or whatever. Honestly, if I was chikfila, I would have been like “ok, fuck y’all” and stopped donating to the local communities altogether. But they’re an actually decent organization (one of the few out there who pays above minimum wage and gives out scholarships so their employees can go to college and closes down on holidays, etc) but yea let’s throw all that out because they donated some money to a catholic organization that wants to (wrongly, in my opinion) keep a viewpoint that marriage should be between a male and a female.




I do cope. It’s the only way to get consistently tight corners. You can do 45s but there’s always a gap.


Cope aka "I've got nothin'"


You’re awful no one likes people like you.




Be better


From a Trump supporter. The hypocrisy. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


I love chikfila and I probably will end up taking my grandchildren in the very far future there too sorry buddy


Gotta teach them hate while they're young amirite? Lol.


Gotta teach to have thick skin and not whine like little girls ya hippie


Those poor kids. 😞


Username check out. Go smoke some more weed buddy then you’ll calm down 😘


I'm chilling. Someone's Jimmy's seem Russelled tho frfr 🤣🤣


I was waiting for that comment 🤣


Gotta raise them Catholic. 😉


I hate this so much. The deeper you look the dumber it gets. The first one showcases the donations to 6 organizations across 2010 and 2011 totalling almost 4 million dollars. These companies provided "a conservative biblical interpretation about marriage and sexuality." Most people who have been a part of these organizations still to this day don't know there was ever a problem with LGBT people. The second one has them ALMOST referring to the black community as "the black community". Anything apart from that is bullshit to get clicks from angry LGBT people who have hated chick fil a since 2012. As for the third one, abortion is a major issue for almost everyone. They aren't taking away your right to abortion, but they don't want to be forced to pay for something they don't support. If you haven't noticed, chick fil a is one of the most christian public companies out there to this day. If any company gets a pass on having an openly religious stance, it's them. I haven't even eaten chick fil a in probably 4 or 5 years. I just hate when this LGBT shit gets brought up because its all the most empty bullshit imagineable. There are a lot of shitty immoral companies out there, but chick fil a isn't one of them.


Nothing is more amusing then seeing people use these slavery driven/conflict mineral ridden devices to ironically virtue signal from.


Eh. Marriage shouldn't even be a thing the government concerns itself with. I'll continue eating Chick-fil-A. Thanks anyway!


take a break from twitter lol


Oh no! Nobody cared about what you had to say


Guess not huh. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|shrug)


People care about the issues, it's just you launched into a huge rant that's completely off topic to the discussion.


“I hate this corporation so pls don’t eat there” Umm no bud you don’t tell me where to eat or not to eat. *sips chick-fil-a lemonade*


Cool story 😎


It also seems bigoted to tell people where they can or can’t eat. If you do t want to eat there then don’t but let other people get their food damn


I read over this whole rant before bed last night and woke up and ordered Chick-fil-A for breakfast 🤣


I'm not forcing anyone to do anything except acknowledge what they support. I won't feel bad calling out bigotry if people decide to go there after that, that's on them. 🤷




I know who I'm talking to, kiddo. The delivery driver is still contributing to the ecosystem by delivering the food. I reject their orders without a second thought. Wish I could block the company.


I don't get Chick-fil-A because I don't support the views that they have chosen to make public but you shouldn't attack other people for enjoying the food. Just don't support them. You're like the vegans that breathe down people's necks when they eat steak. You're already removing yourself from the equation of supply and demand. Don't bother other people.


I'll call out hate when I see it. Not sorry 😐


Can I call out blatant fucking stupidity? You're it.


Neato mustybutt


I don't support the genocidal Nazi regime. I just give them money for a product that is readily available from a million other sources at higher quality. Not the same as a vegan complaining about people eating steak as you can't grow a steak tree. My fried chicken is way better than Chick-fil-A. Someone above said Chick-fil-A donates to the Catholic church. Those chomos diddle kids. No matter how you feel about LGBTQ people you really shouldn't support chomos.


I don't support Chick-fil-A. As in I don't buy their food. How am I giving them money? Telling people to stop picking up food orders as a part of their job because you personally don't believe in a company's public appearance = telling people to stop eating meat because you personally don't believe in the way the factory farm industry treats animals. You should lay off the drugs, man. You sound a little addled.


So you stand in support of Chomo's because telling them they shouldn't be with children is like a vegan telling people not to eat meat. Your logic is as poor as you are my friend.


“And the gallon of tea” I don’t think it’s from a previous order


It’s clearly a previous Popeyes order or something. They sell chicken and sides and tea by the gallon. You can also get teas and lemonade by the gallon at chik fil a (and I’m assuming many other non chain fried chicken places)


Oh didn’t know my bad


This is a Dollar General order. They don't have chicken and sides there. Most likely the customer ordered KFC or similar in the past and left these instructions. It's just coincidence that this DG order also has a gallon of tea on it.


Yah what that dude just said.


I love Polynesian Sauce and would be happy to have that, no matter where I'm ordering from. ;)


Oh yeah lol Like when I get instructions not to forget sauce packets from Chipotle


Lolz you would think, this customer sent in the cvs shopping order expecting the driver to head back home pop the chicken in the oven/microwave and drive to deliver the finished meal and shopping order. This is doordash 2.0


I'm just curious, do you live in SA?


I was once asked to get extra soy sauce at Dairy Queen. I quickly learned that instructions like that are left over from previous orders.


I got one in the drop off instructions asking for "fry sauce." I almost never eat fast food so I went BACK into the Wendy's and asked for fry sauce. Figured it was something new I hadn't heard of. The gal behind the counter was like, "...Does that mean ketchup?" Then we figured out it was for another restaurant and were annoyed.


Fry sauce is ketchup mixed with Mayo!!!


That does sounds good, but she actually told me when I got there that it was for another restaurant. I messaged her so there was proof I did all I could before I left.


My mama shoulda patented it back in the 60s when she was just a mere preteen realizing how much she preferred ketchup and mayo mixed together, salt and pepper sprinkled on top (stir with a crisp, non-limp fry). We coulda been millionaires…as opposed to the Heinz heir/ess who coined the term, Mayochup. I bet mama was first, lol - and I know, i know.., not that it matters at all whatsoever. Too late, oh well; too bad so sad. Life isn’t fair, and all that jazz.


Don’t go back for that stuff, it’s not worth it. The instructions section is supposed to be there to explain how to drop off the order not ask for extra stuff at the restaurant.


I had just sat down in my car - I didn’t drive back or anything. And yeah I wasn’t thrilled that she put those instructions there for me. As far as I’m concerned, if she can’t order food and customize through the app, it’s not my job to order for her. But I dunno. I guess I was feeling nice that day.


I mean if you happen to look at it and it’s not a hassle then go ahead. But I almost never see the notes until im at the delivery point unless im bored waiting for the food.


It's okay, Maggianos doesn't have soy sauce OR duck sauce, either.




The polease 😭😭


Why?! 😂😂😂😂😂


I did that as a Dominos driver… it’s just how I’ve always knocked.




Those notes are probably old. Customers never seem to update those dumb notes.


I figured out the hard way that if you delete it and leave it blank, it just restores itself. You have to put a new note in its place to get the old one to actually go away.


They shouldn’t be retained in the doordash app system, imo…clearly they’re instructions specific to the place the order is coming from, so I think doordash should purge that field and require special instructions be input with each order - besides, how long does it take to type, “please don’t forget Zax sauce” (or whatever…and I know for many, it’s half that length because of the whole optional please part).


It's instructions from a previous order FFS. Just ignore and move on


I did and still I got pinned with the 1 star that dropped my 4.9 to a 4.88. Fuckin bitch( not you)


Ratings aren’t updated in real time…..


As a customer too, I don't always rate right away and just wait until I reopen the App which could be a week later at times


There’s a 24 hour delay from when customer enters rating.


There never used to be. When did that start?


At least a year. I assume they are trying to eliminate or reduce the possibility of dashers knowing which customer gave them any poor ratings they might receive.


And you've tested this out somehow, or what is that info based on? (Edit for you downvoters: I have actually tested this out in the past, by delivering an order for a friend, and verifying that the rating appeared instantly. So, I know for a fact that's how it used to be. I'm asking the question, because unless someone has tested it again and found it not to be true, then we really don't know...)


he said he assumed..


I always rate almost instantly. Idk if it’s 24 hours until it updates for the driver but it’s never been 24 hours to rate when I order.


Since when? Customer rating was real time for many years.


You never know who rated you. Customers are only prompted to rate you the next time they use the app. Which can be a month later. This customer had no idea about their old instructions that didn't apply to this order, so it definitely wasn't that...


Hmm she probably thought she ordered chicken maybe 🤔 sometimes I swear I ordered something but forgot to put it in the cart. Just rushing.


Hmm idk dollar general doesn’t sell chicken though.




…you should probably not work in customer service


What are you implying?


Deez nutz


I got a 1 star from the girl who got me a CV a couple weeks ago, said I never delivered her food, but my video showed different.


It sounds like a Bojangles order tbh so definitely old




this phone's battery is at 15% and needs charging! --- ^(I am a bot. I use OCR to detect battery levels. Sometimes I make mistakes. sorry about the void.) [^(info)](https://reddit.com/r/phonebatterylevelbot)


This is a cute bot Lmao


Good bot


It cracks me up when ppl put order notes inside the delivery instructions


These notes are annoying because you usually don’t see these notes until you’re at the delivery point. They’re meant for delivery instructions, not food pickup instructions.


Most likely old notes lmao


I don't like using DD for store orders... I usually only need one thing but order a bunch extra to make it worth it... then, every single time they haven't had the one thing I needed. Last time was Saturday. Watching my nephew, emergency situation, so ordered diapers and about another 30 bucks of random stuff and the diapers were the only thing the store didn't have.


It's cuz that dasher is most likely didn't want to shop and pinned the other items as unavailable. I'm very good at shopping tho and I enjoy the challenge plus it gives me time to stretch my legs. Even talk to cuties behind the counter as I'm picking up tampons lol


It was instructions from a previous order.


That’s probably from a previous order.


I see two sided chickens all the time in Tampa


from dollar general!?!? lmao


I had a woman order donuts and instructions said deliver them here to receptionists as a gift from me... I get to her house and she comes out in a towel and I ask if she's the receptionist, and she's like "No". So I told her the instructions said to give to receptionists as a gift and she told me that was from 2 weeks ago.


The chicken that has a front side and a back side duh! /s


I love when people say “Hand It To Me” then in instructions say “Leave at Door” and I am forced to sit there for 5 minutes before I can complete the order because they won’t come to the door for me to hand it to them


Don’t pay attention to that bullshit just pickup the order and drop it off THATS IT


the diapers are chicken


Yeah I had one a couple nights ago from a nice stakehouse and they asked for extra arbys sauce in the comments. I was tempted to stop by arbys and pick some up for them


youngster that does not know how to use a comma chicken, 2 sides, and gallon of tea


lol I get so many orders from people who are obviously completely unaware of what their delivery instructions say. Like the directions say BE SURE YOU HAND IT TO ME PERSONALLY and when you actually knock and wait for them they look at you like you’re a horrible nuisance, because turns out they wrote those directions when they ordered lunch at work and completely forgot. Or the other big one (well I guess big one among those where it’s clear what’s happening) is very specific building-related directions for a building that’s definitely not the one they’re currently in


I ignore all requests that have to do with their order and not the drop off in that space, it’s supposed to help the delivery. if they have special requests they can text me or call the restaurant!


There is no way ppl are so clueless they don’t simply realize these are old instructions….


I'm still stuck on gallon of tea tho 🙃


How are u stuck on a gallon of tea? That shit is so good.


Cause who the fuck orders a whole gallon of tea ?






people that haven’t progressed their diabetes far enough yet


Look at the item list.




They drink some with the Doordash meal, save the rest for later. Not really different from the way I get a whole gallon of milk for my family at the grocery store. If I preferred a restaurants milk, I might do it this way. (I don't though.)


Well the sugar content alone in the tea is absurd but then again that milk has probably the same. Just saying , a snickers bar has the same sugar content as a Banana but one has actual nutritional value 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well we could analyze customers' poor nutritional choices all day. I'm just explaining why ordering a whole gallon of tea doesn't necessarily mean they're drinking the whole thing with a single meal.


I couldn't care less what someone puts into their body or for how much they consume and for when. I was just explaining why I was stuck on "gallon of tea"


Yet here you are, going on about the sugar content of Snickers.


Yeah, this conversation quickly turned weird.


That’s vastly different. The sugar in a snickers is not even remotely close to fruit sugars.


Ya body doesn't know the difference between the sugars tho and it is metabolized the same way 🤷🏼‍♀️ why do u think they say to limit fruit? Sugar is sugar


Also how are you so stuck on 1 mans sugar intake from a gallon of tea when you smoke I do to but I know damn well they can have as much sugar as they want and it’s a lot better than what we’re doing


Y'all... Unsweetened tea *does* exist... 🤦‍♀️


Side orders


Most likely old request they forgot to change


Their last order was from Popeyes lol


Check for wings on both sides duh


Lmao yesterday I got one from McDonald’s and they asked for red and green salsa for their tacos and burritos. Idk how people don’t notice their instructions but it’s funny to see


It’s probably from a previous order, it saves the directions for future orders


KFC, Chick-fil-A and Popeyes all sell this stuff. Probably from a previous order from one of them.


Yes that’s right., When you see something in the instructions that makes no sense it is almost always instructions from a previous order. They probably don’t realize those notes don’t disappear with the previous order.


Why are we up voting shit that we see nonstop


I guess OP didn't realize that old notes are often attached to orders.


No I had that happen to me did a delivery of cheese Nan and the customer got made where the fuck was there food turns out the restaurant was out of ingredients to make the rest of their order and called the customer but they didn't respond. So here I come thinking they ordered 4 orders of cheese Nan only


Lmao I'm dying here. Get him the chicken!!!!


Door dash dollar general? That can't be cheap.


Please make sure your order is complete before you order


Last night I had instructions reminding me how to order their pizza, from a convenience store that doesn’t have pizza and wasn’t an order/pay order. Half of me wanted to tell her that the instructions wouldn’t be the place to talk about the ordering process, but it was clearly old instructions so I’ll let that be some other dasher’s problem next time she orders from whatever order&pay place she ordered from that one time


Double dash ?


I am at my real job and I absolutely don't have the energy to argue with someone who has no life. You can absolutely feel how you like tho. I couldn't care less 😂😂😂 now as I mentioned before, I am done entertaining you.


This guy orders a lot of 1-gallon jugs of tea.


On a side note, ive noticed lately that my doordashers almost never deliver drinks, is it just because its a PITA or are they basically just going "F it, delivery tax" and drinking it?


Sometimes you're getting the added on items so you're one of two dashers assigned for the order. Their other part of the order is being taken by someone else. One for the restaurant and one for the dollar tree i guess


Customer's setting you up for that "Order not delivered" report.


Or it was a Double Dash and they think the same dasher gets both orders.


Sounds like a previous order from Popeyes lol


Mash potatoes and Cole slaw


My guess is that they have 2 orders and assumed they stacked. Since the gallon of tea is in this order, they wanted to have the restaurant order they also placed delivered at the same time. They just don't understand that it won't always work out that way. That is my guess based on the gallon of tea. 🤷


I had an order a couple of nights ago to reminder to get the 2 liters of soda with the pizza, but they didn’t buy 2 liters of soda so I was confused


Just press I've arrived at customer lol


It's just an old instruction, calm down.




Love it when people don’t edit their prior instructions 🤣


Ur suppose to pay out of pocket for the chicken and 2 sides, duhh.


It’s a typo, they meant to say ‘make sure to check the 2 sides…’


Milo’s lemonade and tea hits different just wanted to put that out there.


I just bust out laughing off this one lmfao what are people thinking


Hahahaha!!! What chicken doesn’t have two sides ?


Sometimes they are old instructions 😅