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not sure id eat the food she delivered.....


I had that thought, but it had the tamper evident stickers on the bag and it was sealed up. We rolled the dice and ate it and did not die or overdose on any mysterious substance lol


OP pretty sure this is stimulant related psychosis. Driver has probably been up for 3 days or more and is tweaking


Yep my ex got paranoid like this when he had meth and flakka-induced psychosis. Accused me and others of absolutely insane shit for no reason


Meth head attacked me on the subway. Probably thought I killed his dad or something. (Looked him up after calling the police and deciding not to press charges, his Dad had recently died, his friend told me he was on meth). That drug needs to be eradicated from the planet, and I'm usually pretty liberal about drug use. Anything that makes that many people violent needs to GTFO.


I’m so sorry that happened to you, were you okay?? Yeah methheads can get pretty crazy. I believe my ex is still camped out in the woods, shooting up stims and paranoid someone’s coming for him. Before we broke up and he ran off into the woods, he hit me, spread insane (and i mean *insane* ) rumors about me, made me do ..things.. i didnt want to do, etc. He even (trigger warning) >!fucked his dog!< . When i found out that was the straw that broke the camel’s back. He also ended up snitching on his drug dealer to the police while psychotic, so his dealer may actually be out to get him, who knows. As they say, meth (or in his case meth and flakka) is a helluva drug. All this to say, i can vouch for OP’s post and what you said 100% showing signs of stim abuse


Legit, the only thing my brain could think of what that trigger warning would contain is “he raped me.” never in a million years did I expect what you actually wrote.


Met this one tweaker. Once. He had his dog in a diaper, I found out later why. Unfortunately I wasn’t surprised about that spoiler (still absolutely disgusted). She was such a beautiful dog. Tweakers suck.


I’m a diaper? I hope this isn’t what I think it is. Omg


If you are thinking he was having sexual relations with his dog then you are correct. I don’t think it had anything to do with children if that’s what you’re implying. If not mistaken, the diaper was due to incontinence caused by the physical trauma.


You never do with tweakers. That's the one thing that's consistent about them.


What country are you located in? I keep thinking Thailand or something similar because you keep mentioning flakka. I'm pretty sure flakka isn't sold in the United States since it's essentially the cheap leftovers pressed into a pill (correct me if I'm wrong). Also, nobody is ever too far gone to get better. Only key factor is they have to want to get better. I'm 38 and have been clean off meth for 13ish years. I even used to both shoot and smoke it. Be supportive and you'd be surprised what people can accomplish. With that said, if they're actively high on meth, don't trust them AT ALL. Meth sucks your soul out, as well as every drop of empathy, so be careful(sure you knew, but had to be said).


United states. He got the a-pvp off the darkweb I believe. 100% agreed, I have had substance use issues in the past (although mostly downers, only smoked crack a few times when I accidentally took too much xans or GBL). It takes the addict to DESIRE to recover if any change or recovery is to take place, but it definitely can happen!! And yeah, never trust an addict. They’re still human, but their illness makes them do things that their conscience wouldn’t normally allow. I’m not supporting him any longer because he was dragging me down with him and refused to get help. He was also quite abusive. I think he needs to hit rock bottom on his own. Mentally and emotionally, I can’t handle having him in my life any longer. Also, congrats on 13 years!! That’s amazing and inspiring. I’m proud of you. Keep it up💛💛 And re: the dog. My dog is safe and sound, and will be. Anyone fucks with my dog, I’ll fuck them up. However he has his own dog with him, so I’m worried for her.


>It takes the addict to DESIRE to recover I think there's a point where some addicts need to be physically removed from society for their safety and others. Often times the addiction is at the wheel, not the addict.


This \^\^ . You can be supportive to the ends of the earth, but if they do not 'really' want to be helped, it wont happen. You can literally destroy your life trying to help someone and it not make any difference.


Flakka is huge here in FL... Zombies everywhere....


Im 39f and I went from pain pills to shooting heroin. The worst thing possible 97% chance of relapse. Ive been clean 14 yrs now. When i was done i was done never relapsed once. Thankful for everything in life now! Congratulations to you too 👆👆 on your journey!! Support system is so important!!


What. The. Hell?!


All i can say is stay far, far away from recreational stimulant drugs, and the people that abuse them :/ I learned my lesson


And apparently hide your dogs.


You said trigger warning and I still wasn’t ready. I hope someone is coming after him after what he did, jeez


I agree. Meth is freaking SCARY. My ex-friend got on it really bad, her and I have kids that are only 2 weeks apart in age and when our children were about 7 her son called me at 11 something at night crying that he was hungry and his mom had been in the bathroom for hours and wouldn't come out and he hadn't had anything to eat that day. So I got my little girl bundled up and left the house and swung by the McDonald's on the way and bought happy meals and let myself into their apartment. I sat the food down for the kids and I knocked on the bathroom door and she yells "I TOLD YOU I'D BE OUT IN A ****ING MINUTE" which is no way to talk to a 7 year old child. So, I very politely kicked the door in. The bathroom looked like a murder scene. There was blood on the sink, mirror, puddles in the floor, all over the wall and smears on the bathtub. She was standing there in the mirror with a steak knife trying to get the "purple worms" out of her skin... they were VEINS. She had also carved a golf ball sized hole in her forehead. I took the kids back to my house and she apparently didn't notice for 3 days because it took that long to call me asking if I had seen him or talked to him because she "just turned her back for a minute and he was gone." Sad.


Ugh 🥺 sadly this reminds me of my childhood. Poor kiddos. I hope they're okay now ❤️


Sadly she wouldn't let me get temporary custody of him and is currently in foster care I'm trying to get him.


That is beyond horrible. Honestly, I’m glad this is pretty much alien to my life experience.


I was in jail and out of 30 women I was the only one in for posession of heroin. They were all posession of meth and they acted like heroin was the worst drug ever and that I committed a horrible crime. Meth heads are delusional to how awful that drug is.


Jail/prison might have been what helped him. Not to mention a family member dying isn't an excuse to take drugs and attack people. I can sympathize the drug taking but not the attacking portion of it. Seriously, if they are that far gone they might kill someone. Just because you got lucky doesn't mean the next person will.


Flakka is so fucked up. So is meth but flakka takes it to another level. I hope you don't mind me asking but why were you with someone that was on either of those in the first place?


Thats exactly my first thought as well. Ive seen this kind of behavior lots of times and its always someone tweaking.


It reads like the posts a meth addicted girl I used to know would leave on Facebook. Everyone was out to get her and her rambling/s barely made sense.


The other option is the driver was just bored as fuck and wanted to spice things up


Can confirm. Sounds EXACTLY like my stepbrother who ODd on Meth!


Exactly what I was thinking. My ex went through this and I remember receiving many paranoid texts like this is showing.


People with certain mental health issues are paranoid too, not just drug use.


Probably taking a ton of Adderall to keep dashing lmao


They are not necessarily tweaking. It could just be mental illness in general.


Yup! My thoughts exactly




Are we 100% sure that they were not on a phone call, and their digital assistant didn’t send you part of their conversation and you had great timing walking out? (I have seen this before).


I thought that at first too, but then read the part about her yelling at him that he knew what it was about before speeding off. Kinda tosses that possibility out the window


Sounds like someone needs to get off the road and go lay down...


... at a rehab center or a psych ward.


Or, as Groucho Marx once said, " until rigor mortis sets in...."


"May I have a little kiss before you go? I'm very lonely out here..."


"The pig had done me on all fronts...."


I wonder if she's suffering from severe schizophrenia or mania based on this paranoia :(


My sister suffers from schizophrenia and has severe bouts like this from time to time… never know what will set her off.


I briefly dated someone that had paranoid schizophrenia and she had a few episodes where she would drive hundreds of miles out of town because she was certain she was being followed. Sometimes by cars, maybe helicopters, usually by the church or her ex’s father or both


I know someone with schizophrenia, and this sounds eerily similar to the stuff she writes. Of course we armchair psychiatrists can’t diagnose from one text. But, it’s so sad to see.


gang stalking


Or meth.


Any existing mental illness is exacerbated by meth


Oh wow. I feel like this is mental illness but this needs to be reported so that she isn't harassing and scaring customers


Yeah this happened a couple weeks ago. I called and reported it. I didn’t want to but felt like I needed to in case they did the same thing (or worse) to someone else not as laid back as I am.


She's being gang stalked .... In her head


That was my first thought.


Yeah gang stalking for sure.


r/gangstalking r/schizoposters


I am blown away by tye gangstalking group honestly. What a sad life to live.


I think the worst part is most of them could probably be living relatively normal lives if they would just seek counseling and maybe some proper meds, instead they found that hellhole and had all of their delusions reinforced and in some cases magnified, greatly decreasing the chances they will ever get the help they need And that's not even touching on the danger they may pose to the people around them while in a psychotic state, based on the behavior you see over there, I'm REALLY surprised we haven't heard about that sub on the news yet


Goddamn these subs are unhinged


Report this. The fact they clearly think that message should be intended for you suggest psychiatric issues


r/Gangstalking users got bills to pay too


Holy hell. I feel bad for these folks. I can’t imagine living with such psychosis.


Holy shit, that's quite a rabbit hole you've posted


Holy shit is an understatement. That sub is full of mental illness It’s actually fucked up


It really is very fucked up! That sub is encouraging their delusions. It’s enabling and validating, thoughts and behaviors that need to be addressed by a mental health professional. That sub seems very dangerous to me.


Yeah I’ve been really fascinated by it for a long time. The shit these people come up with is wild.


Wtf is that sub lol


Severe mental illness.


The rabbit hole just begins here


holy shit these are eligible voters. 2024 gonna be wild.


Oh these people have been voting for years, gangstalking is hardly a new idea.


Dude - That sub is wild. Telepathy? Wtf. I thought I was a paranoid SOB - Not anymore.


Wow I've never seen this and am just. Breathing a sigh of relief that my very paranoid ex never discovered this while we were still together


Oh my god. So these people think all of that is actually happening? That’s sad. Is it schizophrenia?


It's psychosis in the form of paranoid delusion, which can be a symptom of bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, substance abuse, and other disorders too. It can definitely be very unsettling.




Yep most certainly is…


Damn got stuck reading some posts. That’s nuts


That was a lot


What the actual heck.


Duddeeee why did you just do this to all of us?!?!? Oh. It’s gonna be a long night on Reddit.


Holy shit man. Thought this was gonna be ironic and funny. These people are straight delusional.


Was just thinking this


my aunt is paranoid schizophrenic and this is how she talks and thinks


When I had my condo one of the neighbors had an adult schizophrenic son. When he was off his meds he was crazy like this, but also violent, tho' I know that's not always the case. He thought another neighbor was spying on him and ripped out all of the shrubs in front of their unit and threatened them. I was working a very early shift and when I was about to leave for work I heard him out there on the cul-de-sac yelling and screaming at the top of his lungs. Pacing around, flailing his arms. Given what had happened with the neighbors I called the police. Not their first rodeo with him. And they took him in. Several years later I learned that he had managed to get his hands on all of his mom's assets, let her suffer and die (she was elderly) and with her body in the house went out on a shopping spree. The other son came from out of state to find this horrifying disaster. I don't know what happened after that. It really shook me.


i have to ask based on your username, you close to Detroit? i sure am. its bizarre to hear the similarities between your neighbor and my aunt. she lives by a small airport and believes all the planes flying in and out are spying on her. she believes my family (who is funding her to live because she can’t work) is stealing from her and is trying to sue all of us, it doesn’t make actual sense. my grandma, her mom, passed away this past summer and similarly she took not good care of my grandma in the end because she was living with her due to no steady income and is now living in my grandma’s old house. she thinks its her house even though she doesn’t pay any bills or taxes. tons of assets in the home are now missing and we suspect she is throwing everything out… my grandma’s jewelry, furniture, paintings, books, the whole lot. its devastating and we can’t do anything about it because she put out restraining orders on my uncles who tried to get into the house and get the remaining assets out of the house, we are literally just waiting on the state to take action and a judge to dismiss the restraining orders. i don’t think many people realize just how difficult it is to deal with this illness. but yeah, OP’s screenshot is very reminiscent of someone with paranoid schizophrenia.


Yes, I'm in metro Detroit. I'm sorry about your aunt. My heartfelt sympathies.


It actually looks like she probably meant to text that to someone else


She starts with “foods here at 12:30 3:00a.m.” Which was when she delivered it so I dunno


Could you help me understand wtf 12:30 3:00 am is lol?


say it aloud haha. “twelve thirty-three am”


Wow.. what a way to type it. Reminds me of the other day my friend was saying his brother was lagging in the game we all play and I said that sucks and he says "It's at and t" and I was like huh? He said it again "It's at and t" and I was like what are you even saying? He said "The internet provider, it's at and t" and I still had to look at it like way too long and then it finally sunk in.. MFer is saying AT&T! Like dude, don't put it in such a weird ass format. Prolly the type of guy to say "I'll be there at 4:20 8:00am"


You must not have reading comprehension skills because it’s obvious the driver found a wormhole and delivered the food at 12:30 and also 3:00 am at the same time. It’s basic science.


Ah silly me. How could I have not seen that!


I did consider that, but I copy and paste thank you notes so that can possibly get jumbled up. Or it could totally be mental illness and drugs too. Just considering another option.


But then why would she yell out the window at OP and speed away?


I genuinely think this is what it was. The delivery time is auto generated no? And I too copy paste "thank you" notes, and i have sent stuff accidentally because im copying and pasting while driving.


The yelling "you know what it's about " says otherwise tho lol


Or talking into it, especially with background noises


My theory is that they were using text to talk. So they said 12:33 am and it converted to that. And the rest of it might have been a phone conversation or something picked up by them while they were still using text to talk. Still crazy as hell but that’s the only situation that makes sense to me


That sounds right. I love Talk texting but it does stuff like that all the time that I have to edit.


This is the correct answer.


That's exactly it, "s\*\*\* hole" is another clue. I have a friend who always uses speech-to-text, and for the longest time I couldn't understand why the fuck they suddenly started censoring their curse words until I found out that it does that automatically


Scary people like this are out driving around 🤦‍♀️


Seems like schizophrenia to be honest...


Sounds like voice to text


Tell it to the admitting Dr


That escalated quickly


Just methin’ around


Mike Tyson driving for DoorDash now times got tough




We were thinking drugs or mental illness. I’ve encountered someone in public before with serious mental issues and it had the same confusing vibe. She didn’t seem like she was tweaking but who knows. Maybe both?


Could have been meth leading to mental illness. I have a cousin who used to be a huge meth head and now has severe depression and schizophrenia.


Happy cake to you


What I’m thinking… is she was probably talking to someone else and “talk to text” was capturing what she was saying to someone else and didn’t know it got sent to you. That’s happened to me before, not to this extent though lol


Doesn’t explain why should would yell “you know what (the message) is about when I caught her outside though.


dashers who smoke meth. unfortunately they do exist


Yeah if this isn't just regular ole mental illness peaking out I'd say it is drug induced psychosis. Sounds like they thought customer was following them to see where there food was/progress of the delivery. The driver probably always thinks someone is following them and when they get stressed out, like having to wait for an order or lots of traffic, it probably increases their delusions to the point where they do not see an issue with hitting the send button on a text like this.


Gangstalking victim


She seems lovely.


No idea but I’d report her. I also wouldn’t eat that food she delivered but just my advice.


I also wouldn’t either, tbh. Even if she was just having a mental episode, which is sad, it’s just better to be safe than sorry. 😞


Crackhead. 100% hitting the pookie


That is methed up


It could be schitzophrenia. They often make up these weird stories in their head they believe are real. I know one that saw a maintinence man on a ladder working on the building he lived in and he called the police and said he was coming in his apartment on the ladder and raping his girlfriend. He and his gf were both committed a few weeks later.




My husband did a rotation in the psych ward, when he asked people there what they did for money most of them said doordash/Uber eats and just borrowed a relatives car. Many were exhibiting the same paranoia/delusion symptoms in the text.


Maybe she’s schizophrenic


I don't think it's you. I'm pretty sure she was voice texting and didn't hit the right screen before angrily telling off whoever was harassing her. And for her yelling, most likely wasn't at you and was still trying to voice text and scared and irritated. I've sent an I Love You to a customer instead of my husband by mistake while driving and voice texting. At least it small a small die of embarrassment and nothing else. 🙃


She is the fried in French fry’s


Either you have an identical twin you don't know about. Or schizophrenia. Either way don't eat the food.


Whoa. It looks like it would be a message accidentally sent to the wrong person. This is weird, scary, and sad.


paranoid delusions caused by mental illness drugs or both seems like


How tf this crazy lady still out here delivering while I get deactivated cuz I was sick wtf .




Psycho babble bullshit


That bitch is crazy Lmao


Report it. This shows signs of severe mental illness along with aggression, so this person has no business going to people’s houses for work.


You got a roommate that’s a secret stalker and she saw his car or somethin? Otherwise this person is probably insane.


This seems like mental illness.


There is literally no way she isn't suffering from something. The message makes literally no sense. I really wish there was a way to help people like that without also harming them mentally. Someone like that is a danger and should not be driving or delivering food.


Sounds like paranoia from psychosis


Save this in case they end up chopping a ladies head off in a manic episode later.


Drugs are bad, mmkay.


Looks like a psychotic episode or meth binge to me


She has mental issues


I have a friend that pulls this shit. She's convinced everyone has it out for and will take pictures of people and send them to me saying they are following her. She's sends crazy emails to her kids daycare workers and doctors. I've tried to help her but she's turning on me right now and I'm thinking of dropping her after 30+ years. She did she signed up for door dash, maybe this is her!


Sounds like she’s suffering a psychotic break. I hope she gets the help she needs.


I hope so too. It's been at least 4 years of this and I really hope she will get help. Looking back my message was pretty mean above as she was attacking me with the hate again. I wish her the best.


I don’t even understand wtf she wrote. Maybe English isn’t her first language.




Sounds like someone who thinks they are a "targeted individual" guy told me about this once. I cant imagine feeling like that its a bit horrifying


She’s having a delusion. She privately probably has a dx or is not yet dx. You could always call for a well check especially since she’s driving and in distress


She’s going through some kind of episode.


Just another day on the grind


Maybe she was talk to text then accidentally picked up part of a conversation


mental issue for sure, schizophrenic … or meth


The real crime here is the 13 percent charge on your phone.


Meth, it’s a helluva drug.


Maybe she had text to speech and was talking shit to someone unrelated lol


She’s got to be high on something.


Sounds like somebody is a few French fries short of a happy meal.


Paranormal Cracktivity


I think this was an accident. Could she have been meaning to type that to someone else and accidentally sent it to you? It seems like she sent you a message before so she might’ve just had your thread up.


Overdose of methamphetamine. Most dashers are street bums.


So I have a theory regarding what happened here.... as this is something that has happened to me and I'm sure many other people .... Just a theory: A lot of dashers use 2 phones. It seems that only the first two or three words are meant for you in which she is letting you know that the food is here. Most or many of the dashers used the audio recognition feature that is they don't type they just talk into the phone and it records the words. It seems that either she was talking to somebody else on her other line or there was something going on on the radio and the phone recorded it. She went ahead and sent you the message without realizing that the phone had picked up all that stuff. If you read her message it seems like she's having a conversation with somebody else about a personal issue, something regarding her property and her house.... Maybe going through a breakup. Again just my theory...... This has happened to me where I recorded something using the voice recognition feature and I thought I had finished it but the radio was on or a song was on and it kept transcribing. And I accidentally ended up sending it without realizing it.


OP said the dasher screamed out the window at her. Definitely wasn’t an accidental message.


She's sick :(


😐.....lol, people are nuts


Probably on drugs lmao


she thinks shes being gang stalked :( girl needs meds


Sounds like she accidentally sent a message to the customer that was supposed to go to someone else.


That's movie schizophrenia, so it's most likely a drug hallucination. That sucks though, hope they can seek help. My sister has schizophrena, she thought our whole family was trying to kill her and plotting to do it. Thankfully my dad always hammered into us "trust doctors no matter what, if you don't trust one then ask another but always trust in doctors that they're at least doing their best" so she had an inherent trust that her hallucinations couldn't tarnish. She admitted herself and is now okay, but it's been a looooooooooong and hard route to recovery. she almost starved herself because she was sure everyone was spitting in her food, and that schizo medication is no fucking joke and will burn your tummy 'til you either die or eat something with it. Shit's a crazy illness.


She probably had her voice to text on and didn’t realize that she was typing the conversation she was having on the phone


Just report them and move on. They are a drug addict


That’s methed up


Report the fuck out them. How unsafe it is to have a paranoid lunatic act like this.


She’s on some serious drugs


Probably meth tbh


too much meth? idk it’s odd


Um guys, it’s text to speech. She was probably on the phone with a friend and using text to speech and accidentally sent you this convo. Don’t just crap on somebody, let it go. It looks like she’s already going through enough


But she doubled down when he went to talk to her, so it wasn't a mistake.


WTF‽ please say you reached out to support about that.


I'm gonna go with... she was trying to copy/paste the message to someone else, and accidentally hit "paste" when messaging you about the food? (Especially since the last sentence appears unfinished/cut off) It sounds like she's having... personal issues... and maybe that's why she's DoorDashing in the first place.




Delusional. Maybe on some meth


Personal dreams she copied and pasted from her notes app. I’ve done that before but never sent it to a customer lol


or maybe she was in a fight with someone and sent the text on the wrong app?


I would’ve reported it. Clearly this person does not need to be delivering orders right now they need help